STUDY GUIDE 5th Grade November-December 2012 Room Teachers: Miss Mayra Limas A. & Miss. Andrea G. Martinez M

1 STUDY GUIDE 5th Grade November-December 2012 Room Teachers: Miss Mayra Limas A. & Miss. Andrea G. Martinez M. Date: Friday, December 7th, 2012. La

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STUDY GUIDE 5th Grade November-December 2012 Room Teachers: Miss Mayra Limas A. & Miss. Andrea G. Martinez M.

Date: Friday, December 7th, 2012. Language Arts: Skills to develop: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking TOPIC Reading (Written exam)

Writing (Written project)

Purposes Giving opinions. Give main ideas and details. Interpret the text. Construct meaning before the reading (with the charts, drawing, etc.) Construct meaning during the reading. Construct meaning after the reading (Main ideas, opinions). Ask questions. Compare and contrast. Cause and Effect. Understand, define and apply these words: 1. Maneuvered 2. Perseverance 3. Scholars 4. Envisioned 5. Inflammable 6. Dignified 7. Rowdy 8. Shatter 9. Recoil 10. Pesky

11. Internal 12. Bellowing 13. Reputation 14. Betrayed 15. Yearning 16. Withered 17. Elongates 18. Underlying 19. Vanish 20. Replenishing

Identify preposition and prepositional phrases. Understand the difference between Common and Proper 11. Debris 12. nouns. Understand the difference and apply the singular and the plural noun. Understand the Possessive nouns. Identify Pronouns and Antecedents. Listening (written exam)

Learn the spelling words for dictation Infer information from the reading Give information about the reading

Resources The students will read an article in the exam

Storytown BooK: Vocabularies. Reading notebook Language Arts notebook

Grammar Book: pg. 28-54

Spelling Book: Pg. 59-62 The students will listen to a story, take notes, and then they will

answer some questions. Speaking (ORAL exam)

The students can choose one of these topics, analyze it and make a comparison of two: 1. Two Holidays. 2. Two Favorite places to visit. 3. Two animals as a pet.

Comprehensibility and Fluency Vocabulary / Grammar Interpersonal Communicative strategies Task completion Voice Use complete sentences

Each student must speak at least 2 minutes.

Date: Monday, December 10th, 2012. Math TOPIC



*Multiply by 10, 100, 1,000 or 10,000 by moving the decimal point to the right.

Notebook, Math Journal 110 (ex. 4), 117 ( ex. 4)

*Divide by 10, 100, 1,000 or 10,000 by moving the decimal point to the left.


*Describe relationships between quantities by using ratios (1:2 or ½) and proportions.


*Select the most appropriate standard unit to measure the length of different items in the school yard, in the classroom and home.

Math Journal 61,(ex.5) 67,(ex.5) 71,(ex.5) 186 (ex.. 4 and 5) and 199(ex.4 and 5).

*Estimate and then measure the perimeter of an irregular polygon using grid paper.

Math Journal 155 (ex. 3 to 5)

*Estimate and then measure the area of an irregular polygon using a geoboard.


*Conversion between different units of length from the metric system (Example: Kilometers to meters, centimeters to meters).

Notebook, Math SEP 64 and 65

*Solve problems involving the relationship between a 12-hour clock and a 24-hour clock.


*Describe the use of a.m. and p.m. to tell the time.


*Use grid paper to determine the formula for the area of a rectangle: Area= length x width.


Date: Lunes,10 de Diciembre, 2012. Español TOPIC Lectura Escritura Escucha

NOTA: En un examen escrito se aplicarán las tres habilidades aquí mencionadas

Expresión Oral

Purpose in the topics Explicar la función y utilidad de los textos expositivos. Entender la diferencia y los usos entre títulos, subtítulos, índice y contenidos de un texto. Describir personajes y circunstancias; haciendo uso de frases adjetivas, reiteración y comparación. Identificar elementos de realidad y fantasía en relatos orales y escritos (leyendas). Resumir información a partir de una lectura, usando sus propias palabras. Clasificar noticias de acuerdo con las secciones habituales en los periódicos. Explicar un tema que se les asignará en clase (oratoria).

Resources Libreta Libreta


Libreta y p. 54-56 y libreta

Libreta Libreta Exponer el tema asignado en clase (oratoria), en 3 minutos.

Date: Tuesday, December 11th, 2012. Computer

Technology and Applications 5th Grade Theme



2.2 How Electronic Mail Works on Networks


Study the Computer’s Lab (Guide)

2.3 Components of Electronic Mail


2.4 Electronic Mail Addresses


2.4.1 How E-mail Addresses Work 2.5 E-mail Options and Attachments 2.5.1 Options for Messages Received

2.5.2 E-mail Attachments

2-7 2-8 CD

2.6.4 Informal Elements in E-Mail Messages 2-11, 2-12


3.2 Creating and Sending a Mail Message

‘The Fourth R’

3-2, 3-3

Bimester 2

Date: Tuesday, December 11th, 2012. Sociales TOPIC Cívica



Proposes in the topics Explica y ejemplifica lo que significa: “ser libres”, “ser autónomos” y “ser justos. Explica lo que significa actuar con justicia Explica la función de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de una Nación. Explica lo que es un derecho de autor. Explicar las causas y consecuencias de los conflictos entre los liberales y conservadores. Explicar las causas que originaron el Plan de Ayutla. Describe algunas disposiciones que se establecieron en la Constitución de 1857. Explicar los acontecimientos que sucedieron durante la Guerra de Reforma. Reconocer que en México hubo dos gobiernos de manera simultánea. Describir los movimientos de las placas tectónicas y sus consecuencias (volcanes y sismos). Distinguir la distribución e importancia del agua en la Tierra. Identificar los tipos de clima y la distribución de las regiones naturales en la Tierra.

Resources p. 34-39 y libreta. p.50 y libreta p. 42 y libreta p.45 y libreta Libreta p. 55-56 y libreta p.57-58 y libreta p. 59-60 y libreta p. 62-64 y libreta p. 43-45 y libreta p. 50 y 52 y libreta p. 58, 64, 65 y 66 y libreta.

Date: Wednesday, December 12th Deustch TOPIC vocabulary

THEME PURPOSES Be able to name clothes vocabulary, colors, family members and hobbys.

RESOURCES Deutsch.com1 Kursbuch Pg. 18-29


Be able to use the adverb gern in a sentence.

Deutsch.com1 Arbeitsbuch Pg.14-29


Lesen, hören, sammeln, spielen, machen, gehen understand their meaning and be able to use them in a sentence in first second a third person singular.


Date: Wednesday, December 12th Health Objective: Make a mural newspaper to identify one of the following situations, identify one of the possible dangerous, consequences, and how to prevent the situation. Project step by step: 1. To read, analyze and reflect on the possible dangerous situations. 2. To give an oral explanation of the existing risks for example in driving cars and other vehicles; handling machinery, tools, weapons and chemicals. 3. To shape the information in a mural newspaper (America cardboard “cartón America”) 4. The mural newspaper must include at least 2 cutouts or images for each of the risky situations (cars, machinery, tools, arms and chemicals). It must also include: • Risks (ways of using, possible injuries, examples of accidents) for each dangerous situation. • At least 2 caution measures for each one. 6. It must be handmade, good handwriting, with cutouts, drawings, and colorful. 7. They have to include their Internet sources (in the inferior right corner of the cardboard) 8. With the acquired data, you will make an oral presentation in class. IMPORTANT NOTES: 1. The project is individual. 2. LATE PROJECTS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 3. The information can be compiled from the Internet, newspapers, magazines, and books. 4. Due date: December 12th, 2012 (project and presentation) Topics to select from: Responsibilities in boy and girl relationship. How to manage stress. (How to solve conflict with no violent strategies). Dangerous situations in cars, machinery, tools or weapons. Dangerous of using tobacco, alcohol, and street drugs.

Child abuse, recognize children’s rights. Criteria to evaluate: Body of the work (includes all the subjects; risks, types of accidents and caution measures of each)

60 points

At least 2 images of each subject

10 points

Visual Presentation (good handwriting, good size, colorful, clear, good spelling, good grammar, clean and orderly)

10 points

Oral presentation (showing their mural newspaper, being helped by the images), clarity of ideas, using their own words, at least 1 minute, nice, clear and loud voice; good posture, fluency.

20 points

Date: Thursday, December 13th Social Studies TOPIC


Purposes in the topics


To understand and explain the difficult position of México during the whole 19th Century. To describe the Mexican-American War: its effects. To understand that Porfirio Díaz’ regime and abuses caused, to a great extent, the Mexican Revolution; describe the Porfiriato in socio-political and economic terms.

Notebook for all the topics: notes, pasted summaries.


To understand and describe the major events and stages of the Mexican Revolution.


To understand and describe the role and contributions of the major leaders of the Revolution: Francisco I. Madero; Emiliano Zapata, Francisco Villa, and Venustiano Carranza. To identify the different documents of the Mexican Revolution, such as the Plan de San Luis, the Plan de Ayala, the Plan de Guadalupe, and the Mexican Constitution of 1917. To be able to locate in the map of México, the states where the famous Revolutionary Leaders were from? .

Mexicos Map

Date: Friday, December 14, 2012 Science Resources Purpose in the topics The student will identify the force required on a structure. The student will identify the types of internal and external Notebook for all the force on a structure. topics Students will investigate how structures are built to with stand forces. Students will identify the forces used for structures in a natural phenomenon and the consequences in the Structures structural features. and Students will identify the types of protective equipment mechanisim. and how they work to protect the body from the impact of forces. Students will identify safety procedures when doing physical activities and working with tools and materials. Students will discuss advantages and disadvantages of industrial technology and human health. Students will evaluate the effect of various technologies on energy consumption.

TOPIC Forces Internal and External

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