Talking ANYTIME during the period will result in reduction of your midterm grade!

Midterm – Español 2 How to study for the Midterm Exam: 1. Organize the materials given to you during class (notes, worksheets, packets) by chapter. (T

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Midterm – Español 2 How to study for the Midterm Exam: 1. Organize the materials given to you during class (notes, worksheets, packets) by chapter. (This will be easy if you have been keeping up with your binder!!) 2. Locate all your flashcards and put them in order by chapter. 3. Start reviewing chapters PE – 4A by flipping through the pages to remind you of what we studied in that chapter. Don’t forget the review pages before each chapter!! Use your flashcards to start reviewing the vocabulary. Discard words that you know well and make a pile of the ones that still give you trouble. You may also want to use the on-line flashcards that add pictures. Review and write down words that need more practice. 4. Use the grammar pages in the textbook where key grammar is presented. Re-read those pages and look through your notes/hand-outs/workbook for more examples. Go to the on-line practice and do the supplemental activities (they will be corrected by the computer!). You can also rewatch the on-line grammar videos for extra help. Complete any and all workbook pages in both core practice and guided practice that are not filled out yet and complete all columns on vocab sheet if not filled out yet! ALSO:   

Do the practice midterm and check your answers Go on-line to practice a few listening activities Study in “chunks” of material, take breaks, and don’t forget to eat and sleep!!

Before the Exam…  Practice online  Study with a friend  Ask Sra. questions! Exam day…  Cheating = 0  No talking  No notes allowed  No music  Bring #2 pencil/homework/reading to do  No leaving early Talking ANYTIME during the period will result in reduction of your midterm grade! ¡Buena suerte!

Español 2- Repaso del Examen de medio año

Para Empezar Vocab: Adjectives of personality/Leisure Activities Adjective agreement, conjugating ser and regular –ar, -er, -ir verbs Chapter 1A Vocab: Classes/Class Activities/Rules/Objects Negative & Affirmative Words Present Tense Stem-Changers Chapter 1B Vocab: Extracurricular Activities/Sports conocer vs saber Making comparisions (tan/tantos) Hace que time expressions / ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que…?

Chapter 2A Vocab: Getting Ready/Daily Routines/Describing people and things Ser vs Estar Reflexive Verbs Possessive Adjectives (both before (mi, tu) and after (mío, tuyo) the noun) Chapter 2B Vocab: Shopping/Fashion Preterite Regular Verbs Preterite of –car, -gar, -zar verbs Demonstrative Adjectives (este, ese, aquel) Adjectives as Nouns (the red one-el rojo) Chapter 3A Vocab: Places in Community/Errands Preterite of ir and ser Preterite of hacer, tener, estar, poder, decir, traer) Direct Object Pronouns (me, te, lo, la, nos, os, los, las) Chapter 3B Vocab: Driving/Asking for and Giving Directions Present Progressive (regular and irregular forms) Irregular Affirmative tú Commands (regular and irregular) Direct Object Pronouns with commands Chapter 4A Vocab: Childhood Imperfect Regular & Irregular

The midyear exam covers all the material from Para empezar through Capítulo 4A. Here are the rubrics or standards that will be used to evaluate the writing portion of the exam. Read and study them so that you can prepare your writing according to these rubrics.

Total Points

9-10 points

Content: (10 points)

All objectives met.

All objectives met.

All objectives met.

The paragraph is well organized.

The paragraph is well organized.

The paragraph lacks elements of organization.

Vocabulary is varied and includes rich expressions.

Vocabulary is appropriate.

Few or no significant errors in Focus Correction Areas.

Some errors in Focus Correction Areas; mistakes do not prevent reader from understanding main ideas.

Many errors in Focus Correction Areas; mistakes do not prevent reader from understanding main ideas.

Many significant errors in Focus Correction Areas; mistakes may make it difficult for reader to understand main ideas.

Objectives are met with a high level of accuracy.

Objectives are met with a moderate level of accuracy.

Objectives are met with a low level of accuracy.

Objectives are met with a very low level of accuracy.

Writing is understandable but may have a few missed prepositions or mistakes with articles and/or minor spelling concerns.

Writing is understandable but may be missing a few prepositions, articles, or other grammatical features.

Writing is understandable but may be missing a few prepositions or articles.

Writing is somewhat to very difficult to understand. May be missing some/many prepositions and articles.

 Meeting Objectives  Organization  Vocabulary Choice

Accuracy: Key Grammar (10 points) Focus Correction Areas:

8 points

7 points

Vocabulary may have problems with word choice.

 Adjective agreement  Verb conjugation

6 points or less Most objectives met. The paragraph may lack elements of organization. Vocabulary may have problems with word choice.

1. Accuracy: Global (10 points)  Accuracy of spelling

 Accuracy in nonFCA grammar

Writing may contain minor spelling concerns. Mistakes are in non-key words.

May have substantial spelling and/or grammatical errors.

The many spelling and/or grammatical errors impede comprehension.

Práctica de PE-4A (II) A. Present Stem-Changers 1. yo/almorzar 2. Nosotros/empezar 3. Ellas/entender 4. Tú/repetir 5. Uds./empezar 6. Vosotros/almorzar B. Negative & Affirmative Words 1. En nuestra escuela _____ (never) podemos comer ____ (nothing) en clase. 2. No conozco ____ (not any) escuela con tantas reglas. 3. ____ (neither) podemos beber. 4. En clase, puedo trabajar con ___ (someone) para hacer la tarea. 5. En la clase de español, ___ (always) trabajamos en parejas. C. Saber vs Conocer 1. ¿____ tú al profesor de esta clase? 2. ¿____ ellos tocar algún instrumento? 3. Yo ____ mucho lugares bonitos aquí. 4. Nosotros ____ las reglas. 5. Yo ___ la respuesta. D. Tan & Tanto 1. En la orquesta no hay ___ músicos como en la banda. 2. Su voz es ____ bella como la voz de Shakira. 3. Hay ____ actrices como actores. 4. En la escuela, historia no es ___ popular como español. E. Contesta las preguntas. 1. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que estudias español? 2. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que conoces tu mejor amigo/a? 3. ¿Cuánto tiempo hace que montas en bici? F. Reflexives 1. ellas/acostarse 2. nosotros/cepillarse

3. tú/levantarse 4. yo/bañarse 5. Uds./ponerse 6. Antes de ___ (maquillarse), me lavo la cara. 7. Vamos a ___ (afeitarse). 8. Tú sonreís después de ____ (cortarse) el pelo. G. Ser vs Estar 1. Ella __ de Florida 2. Nosotros __ inteligentes. 3. Miguel y Ana __ en la playa. 4. Mi papá __ paciente. 5. La familia __ de México. 6. Yo __ en España. 7. Tú no __ contenta. 8. Yo sé que nosotros ____ los mejores. H. Possessive Adjectives 1. Son ___. (ours – watches) 2. Allá está unos aretes ___ (yoursinformal). 3. Esta corbata es ____. (mine) 4. Los perros son ______. (his) 5. La toalla es ____. (theirs) I. Contesta en el pretérito. 1. yo/aprender 2. nosotros/mirar 3. ellos/escribir 4. tú/jugar 5. ella/pagar 6. vosotros/aprender J. Demonstrative Adjectives 1. A mí me gusta ___ blusa roja allá. 2. ___ corbatas aquí son bonitas. 3. ¿Qué piensas de ___ pantallos lejos? 4. ___ bolígrafo allí es azul. 5. ___ (those) perros son antipáticos. K. Adjectives as Nouns 1. Me gusta ___. (the red one blouse) 2. Prefiero ___ . (the long one – skirt) 3. Quiero ___. (some yellow ones – pants)

4. Ella prefiere ___. (the one of Eva – coat) 5. Compré ___. (one of leather – jacket) L. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

El Pretérito Irregular yo/ir ellos/tener nosotros/estar tú/poder vosotros/ser ella/tener yo/estar Uds./poder

M. Present Progressive 1. Está ___ un libro. (reading) 2. Estoy ____ en el sofá. (sleeping) 3. Estamos ___ la comida. (serving) 4. Están ____ la verdad. (telling) 5. Estáis ___ la respuesta. (serving) 6. Estoy ___ la cuenta. (asking for) N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Irregular Tú Commands ___ la mesa. ___ la cama. ___ simpático. ___ derecho. ___ hola. ___ aquí.

O. Direct Object Pronouns 1. No ___ entiendo. (him) 2. Puedo ayudar___. (you-informal) 3. Ella ___ compró ayer. (them – gifts) 4. Mi mamá ___ despertó tarde. (me) 5. Quiero llevar___. (it – bracelet) P. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Imperfect yo/ser ellas/ir nosotros/jugar Uds./saltar tú/ver él/tener Ud./dormir yo/coleccionar ellos/molestar

Answers: Práctica de PE-4A (II) A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Present Stem-Changers almuerzo empezamos entienden repites empiezan almorzáis

B. Negative & Affirmatives 1. nunca/nada 2. ninguna 3. Tampoco 4. alguien 5. siempre C. Saber vs Conocer 1. conoces 2. saben 3. conozco 4. sabemos. 5. sé D. Tan & Tanto 1. tantos 2. tan 3. tantas 4. tan E. Hace Que 1. Hace # años que estudio español. 2. Hace # años que conozco a mi mejor amigo/a. 3. Hace # años que monto en bici. F. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Reflexives se acuestan nos cepillamos te levantas me baño se ponen maquillarme

7. afeitarnos 8. cortarte G. Ser vs Estar 1. es 2. somos 3. están 4. es 5. es 6. estoy 7. estás 8. somos H. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Possessive Adjectives nuestros tuyos mía suyos suya

I. Contesta en el pretérito. 1. aprendí 2. miramos 3. escribieron 4. jugaste 5. pagó 6. aprendistéis J. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Demonstrative Adjectives aquella Estas aquellos Ese Esos

K. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Adjectives as Nouns la roja la larga unos amarillos el de Eva una de cuero

L. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

El Pretérito Irregular fui tuvieron estuvimos pudiste fuisteis tuvo estuve pudieron

M. Present Progressive 1. leyendo 2. durmiendo 3. sirviendo 4. diciendo 5. sirviendo 6. pidiendo N. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Irregular Tú Commands pon haz sé ve di ven

O. Direct Object Pronouns 1. lo 2. te 3. los 4. me 5. la P. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Imperfect era iba jugábamos saltaban veías tenía dormía coleccionaba molestaba

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