The Case For Naming the New IB Magnet School after Nelson Mandela. Tony Gerlicz, Principal Learner February 18, 2014

The Case For Naming the New IB Magnet School after Nelson Mandela Tony Gerlicz, Principal Learner February 18, 2014 Some IB History…… 1968 1st Schoo

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The Case For Naming the New IB Magnet School after Nelson Mandela Tony Gerlicz, Principal Learner February 18, 2014

Some IB History…… 1968 1st School – Int’l Schl of Geneva, 1970 – 11 IB World Schools 1975 IB North America established in NYC. 1980 58 IB World Schools – 27 countries, mostly international schools. 1990 283 IB World Schools – 53 countries 2000 946 IB World Schools – 100 countries 2010 2,872 IB World Schools – 138 countries 2014 Over 3,000 – 150 countries

Some IB History…… The Mission: "The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right."

IB Schools in the US…

2013 – 1,746 schools offer some combination of IB. (src: IB Website)

Program PYP (Primary Years Prog) MYP (Middle Years Prog) DP (Diploma Program) IBCC (Career Certificate)

Public 367 – 90% 463 – 92% 702 – 88% 35 – 97%

Private 42 – 10% 40 – 8% 96 – 12% 1 – 3%


1567 – 90%

179 – 10%

United World Colleges - UWC Mission statement UWC makes education a force to unite people, nations and cultures for peace and a sustainable future. Values UWC believes that to achieve peace and a sustainable future, the values it promotes are crucial: international and intercultural understanding; celebration of difference; personal responsibility and integrity; mutual responsibility and respect; compassion and service; respect for the environment; a sense of idealism; personal challenge and action and personal example. src: UWC website

Some UWC History…… 1948 “Is There a way of Teaching For Peace?” French educator for UN wrote the initial charter. 1962 1st UWC founded by Kurt Hahn – founder of Outward Bound 1968 Adopted the IB as their curriculum 1982 UWC of American West – founded by Armand Hammer in Montezuma, New Mexico 1981 UWC of Swaziland – Mandela sends his three daughters there, calling it: “a beacon of freedom.” 2014 14 UWC’s around the world

The Mandela Connection Compare the Mission Statements of the IB and of the United World Colleges with

The many beliefs & statements articulated by Mandela There is almost a complete match

The Mandela Connection •

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

“If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.”

“A good head and good heart are always a formidable combination. But when you add to that a literate tongue or pen, then you have something very special.”

“As I have said, the first thing is to be honest with yourself. You can never have an impact on society if you have not changed yourself... Great peacemakers are all people of integrity, of honesty, but humility.”

The Mandela Connection • While in prison, Mandela sent his three daughters to the IB UWC school in Swaziland. • Mandela became Honorary President of the United World College Movement in 1995.

Our Vision We envision students of the Mandela International School (MIS) graduating with the initiative, vision, and desire to be agents of positive change in our global community. MIS will equip students with the academic and emotional intelligent skills needed to be active and responsible world citizens as well as disciplined learners, and compassionate, principled and innovative decision makers. Our Mission The Mandela International School (MIS) is a public school of choice for students in grades 7 – 12 where intellectual curiosity, inquiry, and learning are at the core of all we do. By utilizing the International Baccalaureate curriculum and its Learner Profile, students will succeed academically and actively use their talents to work towards creating a better and more peaceful world.

Our Application Form

MANDELA INTERNATIONAL MAGNET SCHOOL A Santa Fe Public School of Choice Una Escuela Publica de Santa Fe de su selecion

Our Application Form

Lottery Application For School Year 2014 – 2015 Aplicación de la Lotería Para el Año Escolar 2014 – 2015

===================================== UTILIZANDO EL CURRÍCULO DEL BACHILLERATO INTERNACIONAL muy respetado MIMS es una escuela pública de Santa Fe de la elección; • A 7 - 12 de la escuela imán que utiliza el plan de estudios del Bachillerato Internacional • Un plan de estudios equilibrado, incluyendo dos idiomas • A partir de los grados 7 y 8 para el año escolar 2014-2015 • La admisión a la escuela será determinado por sorteo, y estará abierta a todos los alumnos de sexto y séptimo curso. La expectativa es que los estudiantes eligen la escuela para los próximos 5-6 años hasta su graduación. Si un estudiante no es elegido en el sorteo inicial, que serán colocados en una lista de espera para la próxima apertura disponible. Las solicitudes pueden presentarse en cualquier momento hasta la fecha límite, 28 de marzo de 2014, a las 5:00 pm MT. No se considerará ninguna solicitud presentada después de ese tiempo. Para obtener más información, por favor visite / mims.

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