The Magic Kingdom Flipbook PDF

A short story by Sienna H.

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Story Transcript

The MAGIC KINGDOM Written & illustrated By Sienna Hough

For Alyssa 2

Hi! I’m Jasmine! In a faraway land, there was a Magic Kingdom and in the Magic Kingdom there was a little witch called Jasmine. She was a beautiful girl with long, wavy brown hair and shiny brown eyes. 3

How can fix this? One day, a bad magic dragon called Fire came to Magic Kingdom! He started breaking everything that he saw. He also started to eat people! 4

Jasmine hated life like that, so she wanted to kill the dragon… But the dragon was too hard to kill and she didn’t want to be mean to animals. So, she decided that she would make the right medicine to stop the dragon’s bad habit. 5

She tried a lot of ways again and again, but it still didn’t work. 6

She was about to give up, but decided to try one last time. And guess what? It worked! The Magic Kingdom became like it was before and the dragon became good. The next morning, she woke to find that her mum had turned into a rat and so Jasmine used her wand to turn her mum back, but something strange happened. Her mum turned back, but her dad turned into an ant! 7

“So weird!’’ thought Jasmine and she turned her dad back, but then her younger sister turned into a duckling… 8

She found this very strange. So she went to ask the most powerful wizard in the Magic Kingdom. The wizard said, “It’s because the magic cube is broken and the magic cube is the source of all our magic here.” “Can you fix it?” asked Jasmine. “I want to go and fix it, but my leg is hurt, so I can’t get there. Can you go and fix it, Jasmine?’’ replied the wizard. 9

“Ok!’’ said Jasmine. So she went to fix the magic cube and after the cube was fixed nothing bad happened again in the Magic Kingdom. Ok! Can you fix it? 10

The END Bye bye!

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