The Messenger ~ El Mensajero

MESSENGER MENSAJERO S T . L U K E ’ S E P I S C O P A L CTHE HURC H ~ S A N LU C AEL S IG L E S I A E P I SC O P A L The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Vol

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Story Transcript


The Messenger ~ El Mensajero Volume 46 Issue 5

MAY 2015 ~ MAYO 2015

Rector’s Corner THE HOLY SPIRIT I have just returned from clergy conference, where I heard a wonderful speaker, the Rev. Dr. Gordon T. Smith, President of Ambrose University in Calgary, Alberta. His multi-part address and teaching to the combined Lutheran, Anglican and Episcopal clergy blew me away. I was renewed with a more affectionate understanding of the tradition from which I had come in tiny churches in the Philippines and the forms of worship I saw there. I am truly grateful for the sense of recovering the past, and balancing the spiritual life I now adhere to with a renewed sense of the Spirit. You see, when I was a boy in the Methodist Episcopal Church (before they joined with the Evangelical United Brethren and became the United Methodist Church) there were some characteristics of spirit-filled (Pentecostal) worship. We liked the emotional discharge that came from losing control. But I had rejected it for reasons that Dr. Smith clearly articulated: Worship in the Pentecostal vein could descend quickly into sentimentality that addresses individual emotional needs without transformation. The devotional, reverent Liturgy of the Anglican tradition, which can quickly descend into minutiae of detail, can fail to lead worshippers to transformation also. Dr. Smith is from the Evangelical tradition. He described the shortcomings of his tradition like this: We quote verses in competition. The one who quotes the most verses wins the argument. In case of a tie, the one who quotes the most New Testament verses wins. This was another form of scrupulosity with minutiae, now tied to the Bible rather than to Liturgy, that can also fail to transform the people it is meant to serve. Dr. Smith argues that both his Evangelical tradition and our Liturgical tradition could benefit from some

engagement with the Pentecostal tradition. In the Pentecostal tradition, the value of emotional knowledge is upheld, the way we might uphold knowledge of the Liturgy or the knowledge of the Bible for Evangelicals. The truth we can recognize with the Pentecostals is that the Holy Spirit cannot be bound, even while it works through our tradition of Liturgy or of the Bible to transform our lives. The Holy Spirit is often neglected by Anglicans and Episcopalians, out of fear that we might break the 11th Commandment: Thou shalt not be inappropriate. Yet what attracted me to this tradition was a priest who prayed throughout the liturgy, and maintained that unarticulated attentiveness to the Spirit all through the Eucharist. The source of authenticity in all the traditions is rooted in Prayer: Pray always in the Spirit, be a prayer. May our prayer be set forth in God’s sight as incense, the lifting up of our hands as the evening sacrifice. Fr. Jaime Case (English articles continue on page 6.)

Rincón del Rector EL ESPÍRITU SANTO Acabo de regresar de una conferencia de cleros, donde escuche una linda presentación por parte de un Reverendo Doctor Gordon T. Smith, Presidente de Ambrose University en Calagary, Alberta, Canadá. Sus presentaciones educativas en múltiples partes frente de clero de las Iglesias Luteranas, Anglicanas y Episcopales me llevo fuertemente. Fui renovado por un entendimiento y aprecio de la tradición de cual yo había convertido en las pequeñas inglesitas en las Filipinas y formas de alabanzas que yo vi ahí. Estoy agradecido por un sentido de haber recuperado el pasado, un balance de la vida espiritual que me apego con re-



novado sentido del Espíritu.


Cuando yo era niño en la Iglesia Metodista Episcopal (antes de su reunión con la Hermandad Unida Evangélica y se convirtieron en La Iglesia Metodista Unidad) había características de alabanzas “en el espíritu” (Pentecostal). En particular, la parte “llamada al altar”, un descargo emocional que vino de perder control. Pero yo había rechazado aquella forma por razones que el Dr. Smith claramente expresó: Alabar en el sentido Pentecostal puede descender súbitamente a la sentimentalidad que expresa emociones individuales sin transformación. El sentido devocional, de reverencia Litúrgica en la tradición católica, que puede descender hacia una escrupulosidad de detalle que tampoco lleva a la transformación.

Mientras se hace más soleado el clima, y comienzan a crecer muchas cosas, pienso de proyectos de mantenimiento y limpieza primaveral, y por esto quiero enfocar sobre el Grupo de Trabajo de Jueves. Cualquier jueves es probable encontrar entre 10 -14 feligreses dedicados trabajando entre 3-5 horas para mantener y mejorar la propiedad de San Lucas – St. Luke’s. Conocido como el “Thursday Crew” hace construcción, reparación, mantenimiento que sin ellos costaría miles de dólares. En 2014 el grupo alcanzó 2150 horas de trabajo. El grupo comenzó hace 20 años cuando un grupo de feligreses decidió juntarse para hacer la bodega y garaje para la parroquia. Ahora hacen mucho más.

Dr. Smith es Evangélico. Nos confesó las fallas de su tradición así: Competimos con versículos de la Biblia. El que tiene más apoyo para su posición gana. En caso de empatar, el que tiene más del Nuevo Testamento gana. Es otra forma de escrupulosidad pero con la Biblia en vez de la Liturgia como la base. Puede también fallar en la transformación del pueblo.

En la tradición Pentecostal, el valor de sabiduría emocional se mantiene, semejante a nuestra manera de mantener la tradición Litúrgica o la manera de los Evangélicos de mantener el valor de la Biblia. Podemos reconocer con los Pentecostales que el Espíritu Santo no puede ser sujetado.

Algunos proyectos son semanales. Carl McHargue inspecciona y repara las bancas y reclinadores. Carl averigua que estén sujetados bien y funcionando. Jim Kimura con su equipo levanta la basura de cigarros, ramos, hojas y abre el drenaje del estacionamiento para evitar la acumulación de agua. Jane Melhuish lava todas las toallas, las albas de los acólitos, cubiertos de mesas y otras cosas usadas en la iglesia y en la hora de café.

Dr. Smith me cayó refrescante y retado a la vez, tanto por su crítica de las tradiciones que su levantamiento de la Tercera Persona de la Santa Trinidad. Los Episcopales ignoran, a veces, el Espíritu Santo por miedo de romper el 11º Mandamiento: No te portas de manera vil. Pero lo que me atrajo a mi tradición fue un sacerdote de manifestaba la actitud de oración atenta en el Espíritu por toda la Misa.

Algunos proyectos son menos frecuentes. Otros duran mucho tiempo. Por ejemplo, John McCullum pasó varias semanas cortados el arborvitae que sobrecreció el estacionamiento al oeste. Ahora están en orden. John llevaba la basura a H&H Reciclar, que ahorró $715 en cargos del dompe. Pete Melhuish recompuso el lavamanos del baño de las mujeres, y ahora está haciendo un mueble con ruedas para tener en buen orden los cojines que prestamos en las misas. Jim Chamberlain está instalando el sistema de regadero para los pastos y jardín de enfrente del templo.

La raíz de toda tradición autentica es Oración: Ora siempre en el Espíritu, sé una oración. Que nuestras oraciones sean como incienso a la vista de Dios, el alzar de nuestras manos como el sacrificio vespertino.

Los gastos el Grupo de Trabajo mismo lo recogen. Cada miembro da $1 por semana para herramientas o materiales, y también compran donuts para su café. Si, toman café. Los miembros del equipo le dirán que ganan satisfacción y se divierten trabajar juntos.

Padre Jaime Case

El Thursday Crew está buscando nuevos miembros, voluntarios. La mitad de ellos son mayor que 80 años. Algunas cosas ya no pueden hacer. Pero se re-



quiere hacer el trabajo. Simplemente venga un jueves para participar. El jefe es Bob Hiltz. Stefanie Aschmann

High School 6-Day Camp July 5-11, 2015 Pleasant Valley Cam p, Mineral, WA


High School Youth to The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Annual Convention Nov. 13-14, 2015 Lynnwood Convention Center Lynnwood, WA

ESCUELA DOMINICAL La Escuela Dominical está creciendo. Algunas tardes llegan mas que 30 niños. Ayuda adicional será bien recibido. Díganos si mañana o tarde los domingos puede ayudar. Agradecemos a Herlinda, Ariana y Jessica que ayudan en la tarde. Hay entrenamiento en Godly Play el 8 y 9 de mayo. Por favor, vayan a aprender ser maestro o maestra.

ESCUELA DE VERANO El tema de la Escuela de Verano es Everest. Será en el mismo formato que el verano pasado, con música, juegos, diversiones, cuentos, historias serias, comida buena, ciencia y arte, todo con el mensaje del amor de Dios. Los voluntarios hacen la escuela el éxito que realizamos el año pasado, y son muy valioso para brindar esta experiencia a nuestros niños. Aunque no pueda estar, hay cosas que decorar, instalar, y poner en orden para ayudar. Necesitamos también sábanas blancas y otras telas blancas para hacer un escenario de hielo y nieve. Necesitamos tiendas pequeñas y equipos de campamento. Es un tiempo en que se reúnen niños de la misa en español con la misa de inglés, y nos ayuda a conocernos mejor. Ebie Mountford 360-433-2239 [email protected]

EVENTOS PARA LOS JOVENES Reuniones 16 y 30 de mayo, 6-8 de la tarde sábado. Donna Greene y Don Lawry

DIOCESAN EVENTOS PARA LOS JOVENES High School Youth to General Convention June 24-30, 2015 Salt Lak e City, Utah

Fall High School Youth Conference (HYC) September 25-27, 2015 Good Shepherd , Vancouver

Fall Junior High School Youth Conference (JYC) Nov. 20-22, 2015 Trinity Episcopal Church, Everett

CONFIRMACIÓN La Confirmación es un Sacramento en que uno bautizado mientras niño hace sus votos bautismales frente a un Obispo y “confirma” la fe que los padrinos y padres hicieron por su cuenta. Las Clases comienzan el 2 de agosto, y terminarán cuando el Obispo viene. El Obispo Sandy Hampton viene el 18 de octubre, el día de la Fiesta de San Lucas.

FLORES DEL ALTAR EN SAN LUCAS ~ ST. LUKE’S Ahora se puede hacer una donación de $35 para regalar las flores del altar en memoria de un querido difunto o para agradecer por las bendiciones de Dios. Los formularios se encuentran en el Atrio. Se incluirá fecha del domingo que quiere dedicar, nombre en quien lo dedica, como quiere expresar la dedicación, y el nombre del donador. Preguntas, llame la oficina 696-0181.

INVITAMOS A COCINERAS Queremos invitar a las cocineras maravillosas de San Lucas juntarse con el grupo de cacerolas. Como muchos saben, SL2 hace arreglos para proveer comida a familias que pertenecen a la Iglesia en casos de emergencias. Es esfuerzo puede durar algunos días o algunas semanas. Nuestro plan es reunirnos cada trimestre para cocinar en la iglesia y llenar nuestros congeladores. La iglesia proveerá contenedores que se pueden usar con microondas para 2-3 personas. Se llenan durante la reunión para cocinar de cada trimestre. Si alguien quiere cocinar en casa y traer una comida, la vamos a



re-empacar en los contenedores, y tu contenedor vuelve contigo a la casa. Queremos proveer bolillos y postres, y serán aceptados dádivas de estos también.

sia depende de las contribuciones de sus miembros fieles – los presentes, los pasados, y los futuros – para sobrevivir. Pero ¿es esta la única razón que damos?

Nuestra primera reunión para cocinar será el 4 de mayo, de 1-5 de la tarde. Avíseme por favor si van a llegar y que van a cocinar. Creo que será una buena diversión a la vez que servimos a nuestros feligreses.

Aprendí dar por observar mis padres. No recuerdo que me dieron dinero para la iglesia, pero tengo la memoria viva de su ejemplo que me impactó más que palabras. Fue un domingo, poco después del fin de la construcción del nuevo edificio de la iglesia. La iglesia nueva fue completa, pero por alguna razón los fondos terminaros antes de la compra de sillas para el salón parroquial. En el coche yendo a casa, estando yo en la silla atrás entre mis dos hermanos, mi Papa volteó a mi Mama y dijo, “Ayudemos a la iglesia adquirir las nuevas sillas.” Nunca me contaros si contribuían par una o el salón entero, pero recuerdo cuán grande fue su gozo en el acto sencillo de escribir un cheque que fue contagioso. ¡Se alegraron! No éramos ricos, y sin duda el dinero puede haber sido puesto a servir el bien de la familia o sus deseos, pero ni modo, con buena voluntad y con gozo dieron para la obra de Dios. ¡Qué mensaje!

Melanie Kenoyer 360-695-6095 [email protected]

EQUIPO EUCARÍSTICO PARA PENTECOSTÉS Este año el Domingo de Pentecostés vamos a emplear comunión con un equipo único desde la historia antigua de la Parroquia. La Cofradía del Altar lo entregó al Archivo para guardarlo. Cuando se abrió, debido al color y forma, exclamaron “¡Pentecostés!” En 1987 este equipo fino de barro fue dado a la Iglesia por algunos miembros en honor de Elsie M. Rawson, la madre de Bill Rawson. Bill fue muy activo en la iglesia como Coordinador de Escuela Dominica y más. El equipo viene de Oklahoma, y lleva la marca de “Frankoma.” Es de alta calidad con el color de rojo claro, muy difícil de realizar en barro. Honoramos a Cristo este Pentecostés con esos vasos de barro, así como El hizo hace 2,000 años. Pat Lawless

¿POR QUÉ DAMOS? ¿Has pensado una vez por qué damos nuestro dinero a la iglesia? Por superficie aparece obvio: damos porque las actividades día tras día de esta estimada organización depende de nuestras dádivas de dinero. Si no damos, no tendríamos luz, calefacción, agua o electricidad porque nadie paga los viles. No habría vino para comunión, o albas para los ministros del altar, ni folleto de misa, ni Cura ni personal. La igle-

Yo doy porque, sobre todas las otras razones, me hace sentir bien. Me alegra. Si no has experimentado el verdadero gozo de dar, te lo recomiendo ensayarlo. Si un compromiso anual al presupuesto es demasiado grande, trata de dar algo cada semana. Cualquiera cantidad sirve – simplemente comienza a tu propio nivel. Aún ahora tenemos la red electrónica para dar. Comienza hoy, y empieza a sentirte el caluroso afecto en tu corazón. Sharon Mayhew

TECHO DEL SALÓN PARROQUIAL Se solicita un permiso para construcción en la semana que viene, y después una propuesta de Team Construcción, y posiblemente otros contratistas. Las fechas se disponen después de seleccionar un contratista. El proyecto, además de soportar el techo que está cayendo, incluye nuevas tejas acústicas, mejores luceros y nuevos ventiladores. Además, se van a quitar los postes en medio del salón. Les aviso lo más pronto. Bob Hiltz


CONTRIBUIR POR TUS COMPRAS Pueden hacer sus compras en Fred Meyers y tambien ayudar a su Iglesia. Diles nuestro número 88487 Para que llegue un porcentaje de sus compras a la Iglesia. Hemos recibido $188.06 para el primer trimestre de 2015. Use tu Rewards Card y colabora.

VISPERA DE JAZZ Sábado 2 de mayo se brinda una oración vespertina con música al estilo de jazz. Vengan a disfrutar de la trompeta de Thomas Barber. Traigan amigos, familiars, y vecinos. Todos bienvenidos.

VENTA DE GARAJE UN ÉXITO Feligreses de SL2 donaron muchas cosas de alta calidad. Por primera vez se recibía tarjetas de crédito por el esfuerzo de Doug Goodlett nuestro Tesorero. Ahora podemos aceptarlas por todas ventas. Resultados fue: Ingresos de $2,656. Gastos de $108.05. Neto: $2,547. Incluye ventas con tarjeta. Se van a utilizar los fondos para gastos de los jóvenes y niños. Gracias debidas a los voluntarios que pasaron 4 días lanzando, vendiendo y limpiando. Guarde sus cosas ahora para el año 2016 Venta de Garaje!

ARTES MANUALES Este año la venta de Manualidades y Regalos de Navidad será el 21 & 22 de noviembre, la semana antes del Día de Acción de Gracias. No es demasiado temprano para planificar su manualidad. Aun de vacaciones o descansando, puede amarrar algo para vender. Si tienen ideas o sugerencias hazle saber a Joseph Ziemba, [email protected].

CLASES DE INGLÉS Cuando sale esta revista habremos cumplido 17 clases. La palabra está saliendo. Hemos tenido 8 diferentes estudiantes. Una es de Moldova, otra asiste a Clark college, y 6 son feligreses. Aceptamos a todos. Depende del nivel de estudiantes y cantidad de maestros, dividimos las personas en más que una clase, o tenemos una clase grande. Esperamos que están aprendiendo los estudiantes, mientras nosotros no mejoramos como maestros. Hicimos una ensalada de fruta en clase cuando una estudiante


vino con frutas, y aprendimos al hacerla. Otra clase fue como abogar por su niño en la escuela, para servicios, con los términos usados. Después de una clase 4 estudiantes fueron al centro de la ciudad a la biblioteca, para hacer su primera visita, y pasar tiempo con las computadoras, y el área de niños. Adicionalmente tenemos una gran guardería, y entonces todos están alegres. El plan es tomar un descanso sobre el verano y volver con un programa más desarrollada en el otoño. Jeanne Stephens

REPORTE DE OUTREACH Dos veces la semana, Mary Ann y Larry D'Angelo van en la noche a un restaurant en Hazel Dell. Están recogiendo los sobrantes del día para el programa de San Lucas de dar de comer a hambrientos. Usamos báguels para hacer tortas frescas. Tenemos buenos panes dulces para dar a nuestros prójimos. El resto va a FISH para ayuda de desamparados. Desde 17 de febrero a 2 de abril, hemos entregados 980 libaras de panes y postres a FISH, y esto no cuenta lo que se distribuye aquí. En las últimas dos semanas los DÁngelos hicieron con contrato para recibir otras donaciones de una tienda una vez la semana. Típicamente son ropa, como ropa interior larga para hombres, ropa interior de niños, ropa de ejercicio, parcas y calcetines. Es una maravillosa adición para nuestro ropero. Gracias miles, Mary Anne y Larry! El chower para Necesidades de Bebés será domingo 10 de mayo. Apoyamos este esfuerzo para proveer por niños recién nacidos que es proyecto de Santa Ana (St. Anne´s) aquí en Vancouver. Traigas ropa, cubijas y otros regalos para estos bebés. Para aquel domingo. E acepta regalos de dinero, también. Finalmente tenemos urgente necesidad para bluyines, pantalones de trabajo, medias y zapatos para hombres. Gracias por su tremendo apoyo durante todo el



año. Me es gran premio ser voluntaria los Martes en la mañana. Un hombre me dijo “Gracias por hacer esto. Es una iglesia buena. Lo que hacen es maravilloso.” Estos comentarios son bono para el corazón. Dena Cassidy

CAMPAMENTO HUSTON Campamento de Verano 2015 Inscripciones Abiertos Ahora

SENIOR WARDEN’S REPORT As the weather warms and things begin to grow I start to think about spring maintenance projects and yard work, which is why I’ve chosen to highlight the Thursday Crew this month. On any given Thursday morning you’re likely to find 10-14 dedicated parishioners working 3-5 hours to maintain and improve the property at St. Luke’s – San Lucas. The Thursday Crew, as it’s affectionately called, performs a wide variety of construction, repair and maintenance tasks that would otherwise cost the church thousands of dollars. In 2014, the Thursday Crew logged 2,150 hours of work. The crew began more than 20 years ago when a group of parishioners decided to get together to build a shed and garage for the Parish. Today they do much more. Some maintenance projects are performed weekly. For example, Carl McHargue inspects and repairs the pews and kneelers every week. Jim Kimura leads a crew to make sure the parking lot is clear of cigarette butts, tree branches, fir needles and other debris, and that all the drains are clean so we never have an unsightly or flooded parking lot. Jane Melhuish takes care of washing all the dirty towels and table clothes used for coffee hour and other parish hall functions. Some projects are needed less frequently. Other projects may take some time to complete. For example, John McCullum has spent several weeks trimming and topping the overgrown arborvitae on the west side of the church parking lot. John McCullum has also been taking loads of yard debris to H&H wood

Alex Flannagan de Camp Huston nos visitará el 24 de mayo a las misas de 10 y 1. Algunos de los camperos ya lo conocen a Alex desde los años pasados. Vengan a conocerle en la hora de café. Para registrar a sus niños, vaya a Todas fechas de campamentos se encuentran ahí. Preguntas, pueden hablar directamente con Alex en 360-793 -0441 o [email protected].

recyclers, saving the church at least $715 in dumpster fees in 2014. Pete Melhuish refurbished the wood vanity in the upstairs women’s restroom and is currently working on a project to build a rolling rack that will hold seat cushions for the pews. Jim Chamberlain is installing an irrigation system for the front lawn and flower beds. The Thursday Crew is self-funded. Each member contributes $1.00 per week toward equipment and supplies and a donut fund to be enjoyed at the break (yes, they do take a break). Members will tell you it is fun and satisfying work. The crew is looking for new volunteers. Nearly half the regular crew is over 80, and some jobs are no longer feasible, but the work is still needed. Anyone who is interested in helping the Thursday Crew is welcome to come any Thursday morning (not necessarily every Thursday morning) to try it out. No special skill is required. Contact: Bob Hiltz (360) 597-3094 [email protected]. Stefanie Aschmann

WHY DO WE GIVE? Have you ever thought about why we give our money to the church? On the surface, it may seem obvious. We give because the day to day operations of this wonderful organization depends on our gifts of cash. If we didn’t give, we would have no light, or heat or water because the bills would go unpaid. We’d have no wine for communion or choir robes or

THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO hymnals. Or a rector or staff. The church depends upon the ongoing, faithful contributions of its members—past, present and future—to survive. But is that the only reason we give? I learned about giving by watching my parents. I don’t recall that they ever told me to give money to the church, but I have a vivid memory of their example that spoke to me more clearly than words. It was a Sunday morning, shortly after the completion of construction of our new church building. The new church was complete, but somehow the funds had run out before we had chairs for the new fellowship hall. Riding home in the car, with me stuck in the backseat between my two brothers, as usual, Dad turned to Mom and said “Let’s help the church get those new chairs!” They never would tell me if they contributed to the purchase of one chair or a whole roomful, but what I do recall is how excited they were. Their joy and delight from this simple act of writing out a check was contagious. They were happy about it! We were not wealthy and no doubt that money could have been put to good use toward our family’s needs and wants, but instead they joyfully and willingly gave it to the work of God. Wow, what a message. I give because, above and beyond all other reasons, it feels good. It makes my heart happy. If you have not yet experienced the true joy of giving, I encourage you to try it. If an annual commitment to the church budget is too overwhelming, then try a simple monthly pledge. Any amount will do—just start where you are. St Luke’s ~ San Lucas has come into the age of technology and we now have e-giving. Check this out on our website. You can pledge a monthly amount to be charged to your credit card or deducted from your bank account. Start today, and begin to enjoy the warm, happy feeling in your heart. Sharon Mayhew. Vestry Person


Spiritual Development CHILDREN'S MINISTRIES Sunday School is growing. Some afternoons they have over thirty children! Extra help is always welcome. Let us know if you are interested, morning or afternoon. There is a Godly Play training at Trinity in Portland on May 8th and 9th. Anyone can go!

VBS JULY 14 - 17 The theme is Everest. It will be the same format as last summer, fun music and games, funny skits and serious stories, good food, science and art, all with a message of God's love. Last year we had the most amazing group of volunteers to make this valuable experience available to our children. Anyone interested in helping please let me know. Even if you can't be there you could help by giving or lending things to decorate for the theme. We need white sheets, fabric, table cloths to make a snowy scene. We also need little tents and camping stuff for our "base camp". This is a good time for the Anglo and Hispanic children to be together and for adults to get to know each other and the children. Ebie Mountford 360 4332239 [email protected]

YOUTH EVENTS May Youth Meetings, Saturdays, May 16 and 30, 6-8 PM at church Donna Greene and Don Lawry 

DIOCESAN YOUTH EVENTS High School Youth to General Convention June 24-30 Salt Lake City, Utah High School 6-Day Camp July 5-11 Pleasant Valley Cam p, Mineral, WA



Fall High School Youth Conference (HYC) September 25-27 Good Shepherd , Vancouver High School Youth to The Episcopal Diocese of Olympia Annual Convention Nov. 13-14 Lynnwood Convention Center Lynnwood, WA Fall Junior High School Youth Conference (JYC) Nov. 20-22 Trinity Episcopal Church, Evere tt

CAMP HUSTON SUMMER CAMP 2015. REGISTRATION OPEN NOW! Alex Flannagan from Camp Huston will be visiting with us at the 10 AM and 1 PM services on May 24th. Some of our campers already know Alex from previous years at camp. Please come by and meet him at coffee hour! To registration for camp go to . All the dates are up on the summer camp page. If you have any questions, please call, Alex 360-793-0441 or email [email protected]

Keep in mind that Fr. Jaime will be the Camp Chaplain during the July 26-Aug. 1 session.


rials to make it happen.” Mr. Olson interjects, “You’re getting so carried away that the Parish will soon be floating down the Toutle River trying to finance it.” Well, the parishes got together anyway and did an extraordinary job of many types of fundraising, with Mr. Olson coming up with the successful idea to have a “bankruptcy sale”. The “Camp of the Holy Spirit” had a main lodge (where the girls stayed), smaller cabins (for the boys and staff), along with cooking and eating facilities, and boat docks and swimming areas in the lake. The three-sided chapel which was used for daily worship, contained a very large bible donated by St. Anne’s (and now residing in the St. Luke’s Archives Vault). One camper remembers seeing the beautiful Mount St. Helens reflecting in Spirit Lake, and joining an elite group called the Frozen Ten Club by swimming ten laps in the cold lake in the morning. In 1958, the Diocese took over the camp and ran it for a number of years before selling it prior to 1980. On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens “blew its top”. Spirit Lake received the full impact of the lateral blast from it, burying everything in debris.

It’s July 29, 1955, St. Luke’s Vestry is called together by Fr. Avery. Clarence Olson, the Treasurer, gives a familiar picture of parish finances: “We have just enough revenue to cover just enough expenses. If we don’t get carried away, I think we can make it through the year just fine.”

The Camp of the Holy Spirit served its purpose while it lasted. St. Luke’s and St. Stephens met the challenge and created a meaningful experience for thousands of young people.

Fr. Orme Kellett speaks, “What are we doing for our youth in this Parish? What can we do to give them experiences that will shape their future in the best manner?”


General Owen Summers replies with a suggestion: “Well, when I was growing up, going to camp during the summer was where I found myself." Reno Raymond adds: ““I happen to know that the YMCA camp up at Spirit Lake has fallen into disrepair. The YMCA might be convinced to sell the camp to us. I think St. Stephens in Longview would join us. I estimate it will take $15,000 plus building mate-

Pat Lawless, Parish Archivist

My name is, Rev. Chuck Barnes. I’m a retired Lutheran Pastor worshiping with St. Luke’s at the 10AM service. I would like to start a coffee fellowship group among those who are retired on Wednesday mornings. The Apostle Paul writes, 'Work out your salvation in fear and trembling so you shine like a star', and I am still trying to figure that out now that I have been retired and find my first plan didn't lead me anywhere, what to do next? Yes, I am a member of Rotary, and I enjoy some things in Pacific Northwest but much is new to this mid-

THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO westerner. Come join me, let us explore the question together starting on Wednesday, May 6th from 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM. I will bring the coffee and some scripture, you bring your cup and let the Saints figure it out together. We will met in the Parish Hall.

WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY GROUP Saturday, May 9 from 10 AM-Noon. We start with refreshments and friendly conversation then our study and discussion based on the book, The Story of Ruth: Twelve Moments in Every Woman’s Life by Joan D. Chittister. This month we will be focusing on Chapters 8 and 9, “Insight” and “Empowerment”. All women are welcome. If you have any questions contact any of the conveners. Mary Boettcher, Janet Butler , or Kris Lawless


CONFIRMATION - OCTOBER 18 Confirmation Classes will start in August in preparation for Bishop Sandy Hampton. The Bishop will be visiting us on October 18th, St. Luke’s Festival Day. Please let the office know you want to be confirmed, or to be received or do a reaffirmation of faith.

VISUAL ARTISTS GROUP Many thanks to the artists who brought in their artwork for the Earth Day Exhibit! It really was a beautiful addition to the day’s celebration. Our next meeting will be Monday, June 1st in the evening. Watch for more details in the Announcement sheets. Don Lonsbrough

Worship INTRODUCTION TO GODLY PLAY TRAINING Those interested in helping in Sunday School or parents please consider this opportunity on Friday, May 8, 5-9PM (dinner provided) and Saturday, May 9, 9-4PM (lunch provided) at Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Portland. If you are interested please contact our church office or Fr. Jaime.

LIFE GOES ON Life Goes On meets monthly to support those as they go through the grieving process. Fr. Dennis Cole facilitates this group. All are welcome. The group meets off-site at the Glenwood Place Senior Living (5500 NE 82nd Ave). Next meeting is on Thursday, May 28 at 2PM.

BAPTISM OPPORTUNITY The next baptism opportunity is Sunday, May 24, The Day of Pentecost. Please contact Father Jaime no later than May 10 if you or a family member would like to be baptized.

NOTES FROM THE MUSIC ROOM The month of May will allow the musicians at St. Luke’s – San Lucas a chance to relax a bit and recharge their batteries. The performances of Bach’s St. John Passion were rewarding for everyone, from Holy Week worshipers to singers to instrumentalists alike. The first few bars of that amazing work still make the hair-on-the-back-of-my-neck to stand up. The music captures the drama and foreboding of the Passion story perfectly. After an hour of rousing choruses, beautiful arias and heartfelt chorales, the final congregational hymn, “Lord, Let at Last Thine Angels Come,” is the perfect vehicle to personalize our final spiritual journey: “and then from death awaken me, that these mine eyes with joy may see, O Son of God, thy glorious face my Savior and my Fount of Grace.” Many thanks to all who made this experience possible. The playlist in heaven will be well-stocked with the music of Bach! The Ensemble, one of Portland’s finest professional vocal groups, returned to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas on April 11th for a concert of music by Mozart. This was another lovely program and was well-attended and



supported by our parish. We look forward to April 16, 2016 when The Ensem ble is scheduled to return to do yet another Bach masterpiece, the B minor Mass. It’s not too early to mark your calendars!

Thank you. Any questions, please call Carol Hiltz (360-597-3094) or Sandra Kimura (360-693-8518).

Trumpeter Tom Barber will be our special guest at the Jazz Vespers service on Saturday, May 2nd at 5:50 PM. Joining him will be drummer, Nick Saumé. You can ask him about sitting in with The Beetles in New York and playing for Jimi James, the future Jimmy Hendrix! (I kid you not!) Beth Lawson will make her debut as cantor, since our regular torch-singer, Karyn Slanina, will be off in the wilds of Alaska. Also, making their debut at Jazz Vespers will be the St. Luke’s Handbell ringers playing a tune by Duke Ellington, Ring Dem Bells.

This Pentecost Sunday we will be served Communion with a unique set from our Parish history. The Altar Guild had relocated it to the Archive Vault recently for safekeeping. As we unpacked it, several persons immediately said “Pentecost”! In 1987, this fine pottery set was given to the Church by several members, in honor of Elsie M. Rawson, mother of Bill Rawson. Bill was very active in the church, as the Church School Coordinator, and many other endeavors.

Looking ahead, the next Jazz Vespers is scheduled for Saturday, June 6th at 5:50 PM when our special guest will be another jazz all-star, trombonist John Moak. Bring friends, family, and neighbors to this ecumenical service of prayer, meditation, and music.


The set comes from a studio in Oklahoma, and bears the “maker’s mark” of “Frankoma”. It is of a high quality, with a brilliant red glaze, a glaze that is very difficult to create in pottery. We honor Christ on this Pentecost using pottery vessels, just as He would have had 2,000 years ago. Pat Lawless, Parish Archivist

Tim Nickel, Director of Music

SUNDAY ALTAR FLOWERS In order to respond to the ever changing needs of inclusion and hospitality at St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, the procedure for giving Altar flowers has changed. To streamline the process we will no longer have the flower chart posted. Instead there will be a form placed in the Narthex, for you to access. Fill out the form and place it in the offering plate. You must indicate the date of Sunday you want to sponsor and what you want to have stated, as well as who you are. The dedication will cost $35, and will go to insure we have flowers on the Altar. If you have already signed up on the flower chart for providing flowers you will have to pick up and fill out the new form.

Out Into The World OUTREACH REPORT Twice a week, Mary Ann and Larry D'Angelo make a late night run to a local restaurant in Hazel Dell. They pick up the leftovers of the day for our outreach program at St Luke’s ~ San Lucas. We use the bagels with lunch meat and cheese for sandwiches in our fresh lunches. Some bagels are distributed with cream cheese only. We have a vast array of

THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO pastries for our guests to choose from too. The rest is taken to FISH. From February 17th, 2015 to April 2nd, 2015 we have given 980 pounds of breads, bagels and pastries to FISH. Within the last two weeks, the D'Angelo's have made an arrangement with a Clark County retailer to pick up merchandise every week. So far, we have received men’s long underwear, adult and children's underwear, athletic attire, parkas and sundries. This is a wonderful addition to collecting clothes for those in need. Thank you so much Larry and Mary Ann! The HOPE fundraiser at Burgerville was well attended. We don't know the exact amount yet, but the tip totaled $386! Thank you to those who attended and helped with serving. This is an important project and will help homeless school kids in Vancouver. We have Den Mark Wichar to thank for coordinating this with Burgerville. The Babies In Need baby shower will be Sunday, May 10th, Mother’s Day. Please bring your baby gifts to church that Sunday. We will display them all in the parish hall at coffee hour. Monetary donations are also accepted. Lastly, we always need men’s jeans, cargo style pants, shoes and socks. Thank you for your generous support throughout the year. It’s very rewarding to me when I'm volunteering on Tuesday morning. Recently, a man and a woman, who came in seeking help, told me, “Thank you for doing this. This is a nice church and what you are doing is awesome.” Those comments go right to the heart.

Dena Cassidy

BABIES IN NEED TENTH ANNUAL SHOWER AT ST LUKE’S – SAN LUCAS! Some of our neighbors and newly-delivered moms face daunting challenges: single-parenthood, very little income, physical or mental disabilities, alcohol or drug histories, premature infants, homelessness, or the breadwinner’s job loss. They have nothing or


very little for their new baby. Babies In Need is always ready with a layette gift bag of essentials and a car seat to help meet immediate needs. Birth Center Social Workers at PeaceHealth SW and Legacy Salmon Creek hospitals identify moms who need help. When moms receive our car seat and bag of lovely baby things they know someone cares and that they are not alone in the world. Our layette gift bags contain gowns, pajamas, fleece sacques, onesies, sweaters, caps, blankets & quilts, diapers & wipes, a soft, cuddly toy and useful accessories. Many items are new or beautifully handmade. We gladly pass along gently-used items. All diapers are donated by PeaceHealth Southwest! Car seats are our big expense. Even with bargainhunting, they cost us $10,000+ last year. We put cash donations to good use for car seats. Checks may be made to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas, memo: Babies In Need. As we serve others in our community in Christ’s name, our own lives are transformed. God is faithful. Thank you for being a strong link in God’s chain of abundant blessings. Blessings, Kitty Ash “We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” - Mother Teresa

E S L UPDATE By the time this newsletter reaches you, we will have held 17 ESL classes. Slowly the word is getting out. We have had eight different students attend. One is a student from Moldova, another also attends ESL at Clark College and six students are parishioners. We welcome everyone. Depending on how many teachers and students we have each day and the students' speaking level, we teach in small groups or one larger class. We hope the students are learning as we practice being good ESL teachers. During one class teachers brought in fruit and the class created a fruit salad and discussed it as they created it. During another class the topic involved



was advocating for one's child at school, schools' special education services and terms used. After another class four students met a teacher at the downtown library for their first time visit there and spent time at the computers and on the children’s' floor. In addition, the children think we have a great nursery to play in so everyone's happy. The plan is to take an ESL class break over the summer off and return with a more developed program in the fall.

provides the main course only and guests bring a dish to share. Guests are responsible for providing their own beverage. Look for the sign-up sheet and maps in the parish hall. We always welcome new hosts! Please address any questions to Ginger or Brad Harris. (971-373-8894) or [email protected]

Jeanne Stephens


Community Life COFFEE HOUR A new Coffee Hour schedule for June 2015-May 2016 will soon be available. We will keep the same schedule as this past year. If there would be an alternate date to what you had last year please let me know so I can reserve that Sunday for you. Thank you. Thanks in advance, to our May Hosts who will be providing treats during Coffee Hour. Judy Morrison, Coffee Hour Coordinator

Coffee Hour Hosts for May May 3 May 10 May 17 May 24 May 31

Gallahers Outreach Committee Goodlett and Briggs Butlers Werts and Geer

THE LUNCH BUNCH Our next luncheon and program will be on Tuesday, May 12 at 12 noon. We will be having a “woofing” good time as the Columbia River Pet Partners are coming to tell us about their program that provides pet therapy visits around Clark County. Please sign-up if your are coming and/or if you can help with a dish for the luncheon. Sign-up sheets are in the Narthex. As always your friends and neighbors are welcome!

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE In May, John and Jamie Mathieu will host Friday Night Live on May 22, starting at 6:30pm. The host

We would like to recognize all our grads’ accomplishments on Grads & Dads Sunday, June 21 during Coffee Hour. If you or a family member will be graduating from high school, college or trade school please let us know by adding your name to the signup sheet in the Narthex starting May 10, contacting Donna Greene or the church office.

NEW - CASSEROLE GROUP We would like to invite the great cooks of St. Luke's ~ San Lucas to join the casserole group! As many of you know, St. Luke's ~ San Lucas arranges for parishioners in emergency situations. The purpose of the casserole group is to provide meals to be stored in the freezer at the church to take care of the first day or two. They would be handed out from the office or by one of our Priests. We will meet quarterly and have a cook-in at the church to fill our shelves. The church will provide microwaveable containers for meals to feed 2-3 people. They can be filled at the cook-in from meals prepared there. If anyone wants to cook at home and bring a pan of food in, then it can be re-packaged into the containers and the pan can go home with the owner. We would also like to supply rolls and dessert to go with the meals, so bags of rolls and desserts would be welcomed. Our first cook-in will occur on May 4th 1 to 5 PM. Please let me know if you are coming and what you are bringing to cook. I think we will have a lot of fun cooking together and we will provide a great service to our parishioners. Melanie Kenoyer 360-695-6095 [email protected]



Administrative & Financial



St. Luke” ~ San Lucas just received the quarterly, March 31 report. We now have 38 households participating in this program that directs their community donation to us.. For last quarter we will receive $188.06. This is based on a percentage of the purchases of these 38 households at no cost to these households. So thank you!

St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas parishioners made generous donations of great, high quality rummage to the 2015 Rummage Sale. During the sale a credit card purchase system was set up and tested by our treasurer Doug Goodlett that now can be used for any sales or fundraisers at the church. The results: Total income: $2,656 Total expense so far: $108.05 Net: $2,547.85. These totals include pre-sale items and credit card purchases (credit card purchases of $297). The proceeds will be used for Camp Huston scholarships and other youth activities. Thank you to the volunteers. Several spent four days at the church, helping sort, selling rummage and then cleaning up. Save your rummage now for the 2016 sale that promises to be just as successful. Russ Roseberry


Full Body Cast No models available Collapsible Sun Hat

Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas at communityrewards. You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number 88487.Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas earn a donation!

IT'S TIME TO GET CRAFTY!! This year's Holiday Craft & Gift Sale will again be held the weekend before Thanksgiving Day, November 21 and 22. It's not too early to plan your craft. You could work on your project this summer at the beach or wherever you are enjoying the sun. If you have any ideas or suggestion of items that could be made please let Joseph Ziemba know at [email protected]

DIRECTORY UPDATES Are you a new member and would like a parish directory or somehow didn’t receive one? Changes to your directory information? Please contact Kris in the church office at 360-696-0181 or by email, [email protected].

ADDS BARNES, Rev. Charles (Chuck) & Nancy 15707 NE 22nd Ave Vancouver WA 98686 218-742-6525 BROWN, Stephen R. Bldg 1, B Wind 117 1601 Fourth Plain Blvd Vancouver, WA 98661 541-232-2847



ESTRADA, Mireya RIVERA, Diana, Aleks 2003 Todd Rd #8 Vancouver, WA 98661 360-719-0296 [email protected]

numbers early in the year are mixed in, the actual revenue is exactly where we need to be. Expenses: Expenses are over yearly budget projections at this point by $4,921, based on year-to-date estimates. This is mostly due to winter utility costs, higher office supply costs, and greater than expected building maintenance costs.

GRIFFITH, Harmony 1900 Ft. Vancouver Way #336 Vancouver, WA 98663 360-241-2241 [email protected]

Additional Comments: Thank you for continuing to fulfill your pledge contributions; and, remember that many of you have on-going Hospitality Campaign commitments this year and next. You might want to consider paying your balance monthly so as to avoid having to pay this all at once.

MUNOZ, Daniel and Judit Alexander, Bautista, Tania, Brian 505 SE 121 Ave #77 Vancouver, WA 98683 360-624-4522

eGiving contributions are beginning to show up online and church events will be accepting credit cards!


Thanks for your continued financial support of St. Luke’s ~ San Lucas.

GUTIERREZ, Jose 1012 W Street Vancouver, WA 98661 360-980-6536

Doug Goodlett, Treasurer

SANCHEZ, Aaron & Karla 3508 NE 109th Ave Apt H5 Vancouver, WA 98682


VESTRY SUMMARY - April 2015 (Please see posted Vestry Summary in the Parish Hall on the Bulletin Board.

RIEMCKE, Kathryn Mo ve d Aw ay 101 N 48th Ave Apt 312 Yakama, WA 98908 VALDEZ, Felipe & GONZALEZ, Jenny (Moved away)


TREASURER’S REPORT BUDGET SUMMARY “Dollars and Sense” At the end of March we expect percentages to be at 25% of budgeted revenue and expense.

Summary as of March 31, 2015 Total Budget for the Year Amounts Revenues $432,982 Expenses $432,982 Net Income 0

Year to Date Actual Budget $130,877 $113,167 $17,710


Percent of Total 30% 26%

Revenues: Actual revenues are ahead of schedule at 30% of budget forecast, which is more than the expected 25% YTD revenue through March. When pre-pledge contributions that inflate the revenue

We'll be applying for the permit next week and soliciting a bid from Team Construction and possibly others. Scheduling will follow once we get a contractor selected. The project, in addition to supporting the sagging ceiling, will include replacing the acoustic ceiling tiles and the inefficient lighting. It will provide more effective ceiling fans and other improvements, and of course remove the temporary posts in the center of the room. We'll stay in touch as things progress. Bob Hiltz

THANKS Many thanks to Fr. Jaime, Bob Hiltz, John Mathieu, and the many others that have built out a section of the basement next to the Archives Vault. A used

THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO computer has also been installed, allowing for use of the new archive software we are evaluating. This will allow a more comprehensive archiving of our historical papers and artifacts. The Archives Ghost thanks you!

Around the Diocese & Our Town EPISCOPAL COMMUNITY ACTION 2015 EASTER CAMPAIGN Show your support for Episcopalians’ hands-on ministries to help people in physical and spiritual need within our Diocese of Olympia. Gifts are distributed to the many ministries and are tax deductible. Would you like to have your contributions to ministries multiplied like the loaves and fishes? Tuesday, May 5, you have a chance to have that happen! On May 5 watch your gift grow because the donations you make to our Episcopal Community Action (ECA) ministries through our webpage on The Seattle Foundation's website on May 5 will be stretched further thanks to The Seattle Foundation and GiveBIG sponsors, who will match a share of every contribution! The Seattle Foundation's GiveBIG is a one-


day online charitable giving event to benefit nonprofits in our communities.

SAFEGUARDING GOD'S CHILDREN Dates: Sunday, May 31, 2015 - 1:00pm - 4:00pm Location: Good Shepherd, Vancouver (805 SE Ellsworth Rd/Vancouver) This training is designed to raise awareness concerning issues of sexual and emotional abuse, and to provide tools for prevention that we can all use to protect our children from harm, promote safety and bring healing. Registrations either by email, to Kara Uhrich, [email protected], or phone at 360.892.7770.


Work Weekend is May 1-3. We come together to help prepare for the transition from conference center to summer camp. There are tasks suited to all ages and abilities. If you have suddenly realized you're free this weekend and would like to come, we still have spots available - its $10! Call us 360-7930441 to let us know.  Open House is May 17 noon-3pm. Enjoy a tour of the camp, see inside the cabins, meet some of the staff, and ask questions about our programs. AND: complimentary BBQ refreshments, lemonade and cookies!

MAY ~ MAYO PRAYER REQUESTS For those celebrating their birthday. 1 - Junelle Lawry 3 - Gordon Edwards 5 - Peggy Burton 5 - Allison Pauletto 5 - Estrella Perez 6 - Adreana Sanchez 7 - Bob Stevens 7 - Cora Wildfang-Hoch 8 - Sue Henry 8 - Tara Springer 8 - Oliver Sigurdson 9 - Mary Boettcher

10 - Lee Wilson 10 - Jorge Zambrano 11 - Tatiana McIrvin 12 - Jesus Gonzalez 12 - Maureen Edwards 13 - Jim Scarborough 14 - Chess Getsinger 14 - Hanni Bureker 14 - Karyn Slanina 14 - Dan Slanina 14 - Jenny Gonzalez 15 - Diana Rivera

16 - Tudor Davis 16 - George Barton 16 - Luz Chacon 17 - Benedicto Villasenor 17 - Karen Benitez 17 - Tiare Silva 18 - Jack Nozel 18 - Jim Boyd 18 - Carol Hiltz 18 - Esmeralda Reyes 19—Yadira Castro 22 - Jonathan Campos

23 - Lucia Silva 23 - Emmanuel Gonzalez 25 - Bonnie Kaphammer 25 - Sandy Geer 25 - Leonard Bauhs 25 - Gregorio Reyes 25 - Lindsey Torres 25 - Pedro Casarez 26 - Kathleen Brown 28 - Alma Martinez 29 - Mary Ann d’Angelo 29 - Delia Roa

MAY ~ MAYO 2015 16 Sunday


Tuesday WednesdayEL MENSAJERO Thursday THE MESSENGER


1 Food/Clothes Outreach

JYC, St. Paul’s Bellingham, WA


3 5th Sunday of Easter

Regular Sunday Schedule 8:00 Holy Eucharist 9:00 Adult Discussion 9:45 Nursery Care 9:45 Sunday School 10:00 Choral Eucharist 11:15 Coffee Hour 12:45 Guardería de niños 1:00 Santa Misa 1:30 Clases para niños

Office Closed 1:00 Casserole Group Cook-In



6th Sunday of Easter

Office Closed





Food/Clothes Outreach

Food/Clothes Outreach

9:30 Retirement Group 10:00 E S L Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

Food/Clothes Outreach


9 Food/Clothes Outreach

10 E S L Class

9:00 GODLY PLAY Training @ Trinity Cathedral

5:00 GODLY PLAY Training @ Trinity Cathedral



Food/Clothes Outreach

ASCENSION DAY Food/Clothes Outreach

Food/Clothes Outreach

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

10 E S L Class

9:30 Retirement Grp 10:00 E S L Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist

JYC, St. Paul’s Bellingham, WA

10:00 Women’s Spirituality Group

4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Adult Choir






4:00 Staff Meeting


7th Sunday of Easter The Sunday After Ascension Day

Food/Clothes Outreach

12:00 The Lunch Bunch





6:30 Vestry

18 Office Closed

19 Food/Clothes Outreach


6:00 Handbells



Food/Clothes Outreach

Food/Clothes Outreach

9:30 Retirement Grp 10:00 E S L Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

4:00 Staff Meeting

2:00 Life Goes On (off-site)

6:00 Handbells 7:00 Adult Choir


6:00 Youth Group

6:30 Outreach Committee 7:00 Adult Choir



Food/Clothes Outreach

10 E S L Class 6:30 Friday Night Live @ the Mathieu’s Home

12-3 Camp Huston Open House


25 Buildings Closed

26 Food/Clothes Outreach



June 1 Office Closed



Food/Clothes Outreach

Food/Clothes Outreach

9:30 Retirement Grp 10:00 E S L Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

6:30 Pastoral Care

4:00 Staff Meeting

June 2

June 3

June 4

Food/Clothes Outreach

Food/Clothes Outreach

9:30 Retirement Grp 10:00 E S L Class 12:15 Holy Eucharist

8:00 Thursday Crew 10:00 Helping Hands

Food/Clothes Outreach

29 10 E S L Class

6:00 Youth Group

6:00 Handbells 7:00 Adult Choir

4:00 Staff Meeting 6:00 Handbells 7:00 Adult Choir


Food/Clothes Outreach

June 5

June 6

Food/Clothes Outreach

10: E S L Class 5:50 JAZZ VESPERS

The Messenger ~ El Mensajero THE MESSENGER EL MENSAJERO

Prepared by: St. Luke’s Episcopal Church ~ San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal 426 East Fourth Plain Boulevard Vancouver, WA 98663

Non-Profit 17 U.S. Postage Paid Vancouver, WA Permit No. 804

Request delivery by dates: May 1 - May 2

Return Service Requested

Current Resident or

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church San Lucas Iglesia Episcopal The Rev. Jaime Case, Rector The Rev. Dennis Cole, Associate Clergy The Rev. Jerry Lonergan, Associate Clergy Doug Goodlett, Treasurer Janet Butler, Assistant Treasurer Tim Nickel, Music Director Kris Lawless, Parish Administrator (360) 696-0181 FAX (360) 696-0182 Email: [email protected] Facebook:

Senior Warden: Stefanie Aschmann Junior Warden: Lew Hampton VESTRY MEMBERS: Hipolito Casarez, Kathryn Gallaher, Brandon Hudson, Sharon Mayhew, Michael Morrison, Ricardo Romagosa, Kreta Saathoff, Joseph Ziemba Clerk of the Vestry: Tom Amies Chancellor: F. James Mayhew

St. Luke’s – San Lucas is a bilingual Episcopal Church serving Vancouver and Southwest Washington since 1853. Our vision is to answer God’s call to be an Anglo-Hispanic faith community that works together to share the love of Christ. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our mission is to extend hospitality to all, to respond to human need through service, and to grow in faith together.

Get in touch


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