Tiempos verbales

Gramática # Present. Past. Passive voice. Quetions. Modal verbs. First conditional. Will. Going to. Vocabulary

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W.W. QUESTIONS PRESENT SIMPLE + Sub + v p·p1 + complement. − Sub + don't / doesn't + v p·p1 + complement. ? Do / does + sub + v p·p1 + complement + ? PAST SIMPLE + Sub + v p·p2 + complement. − Sub + didn't + v p·p1 + complement. ? Did + sub + v p·p1 + complement + ? PRESENT CONTINOUS + Sub + am / is / are + vb ing + complement. − Sub + am not / isn't / aren't + vb ing + complement. ? To be am / is / are + sub + vb ing + complement + ? PAST CONTINOUS + Sub + was / were + vb ing + complement. − Sub + wasn't / weren't + vb ing + complement. ? Was / were + sub + vb ing + complement + ? PRESENT PERFECT + Sub + have / has + v p·p3 + complement. − Sub + haven't / hasn't + v p·p3 + complement. ? Have / has + sub + v p·p3 + complement + ? THE PASSIVE VOICE • Dos homes varen robar un banc • Un banc va ésser robat (per dos homes). 1− Transitive VS intransitive ♦ I arrived late to the cinema 1

♦ Mary wrote a letter. 2− Verb to be (same tense main verb) + past participel p·p3 ( main verb) Present simple Break (am/ are) + broken am am not Breaks (is) + broken is + PP isn't + PP Are aren't Send (am/ are/ is) + sent don't read aren't read Isn't read Past simple Broke (was/ were) + broken was + PP + wasn't + PR Sent ( was/ were) + sent were + weren't + 3− Active object −−> Passive subject Active: Mary writes a letter Passive: A letter is written 4− Agent: introduced BY Active: Mary writes a letter Passive: A letter is written by Mary Active: I write letters Pasive: Letters are written by me Active: The postman delivered the letter Passive: The letter was delivered ( by the postman) es evident no es posa THE PASSIVE QUESTIONS WH − WORD + AUX + SUB + VB P·P3 + C + ? Active: When did Lisa paint the picture? Passive: When was the picture painted by Lisa? ___________________________________________________


1− interrogativa activa: When do they show the film? 2− afirmativa activa: They show the film when. 3− afirmativa passiva: The film is shown when. 4− interrogativa passiva: When is the film shown? Verbs with two objects Active: Peter sent Mary a letter. Passive: Mary was sent a letter by Peter. Active: He told me the secret Passive: I was told the secret • Who wrote this book? • Who wrote this book. • This book was written by who. • W ho was this book written by? 1− Who bought that interesting book? 2− Who bought that interesting book. 3− That interesting book was bought by who. 4− Who was that interesting book bought by? • Who told him the secret? • Who told him the secret. • He was told the secret by who. • Who was he told the secret by? MODAL VERBS + must, − can't ( musn't) Possibilitat May = might/ may not = might not • Utilitzam may; might; must i can't per parlar sobre possiblitat o probabilitat que alguna cosa sigui certa. • Your picture must be a copy. • It can't be the original picture. • Utilitzam may; might per parlar sobre alguna cosa que pot ésser possible però no amb seguretat.


• I may be late tomorrow. • Jim might not understand the question. • El significat de may i might es similar. • I may be late = I might be late • Podem utilitzar must i can't per parlar sobre coses que pensam que són certes. • Your picture must be a copy. • It can't be the original picture. • Quan parlam sobre probabilitat utilitzam must per frases afirmatives i can't per frases negatives. • The lights are on. They must be at home. • The lights are off. They can't be at home. • May; might; must i can't són verbs modals. Els verbs modals tots van seguits amb infinitu sense to. • She must like you. Can − can't present Habilitat Could − couldn't passat Will be able to / won't be able to • Utilitzem can i could per parlar sobre habilitats en el present i el passat. • Could és el passat simple de can. • Nosaltres utilitzem can i could + verb, sense to. • I couldn't go out. Have to / has to, don't h t / doesn't h t − absence of obligation Obligació Had to / didn't have to INF • Nosaltres utilitzem fromes del have to i had to quan volem parlar sobre obligació en el present i en el passat. • I had to go. ( M'obliguen a anar−hi). • Nosaltres utilitzem la forma − negativa quan no hi ha una obligació per fer alguna cosa. − I didn't have to go. (No és necessari).


FIRST CONDITONAL • Nosaltres utilitzem el 1er condicional per parlar sobre accions i les seves probables conseqüències. − If Dave comes, he will have a good time. • A una de les clàusules nosaltres utilitzem if+ present simple. Aquesta clàusula descriu una acció. − If I see Linda.... • A l'altra clàusula, nosaltres utilitzem will o won't + infinitiu. Aquesta clàusula descriu probables conseqüències de la acció. − .... I will say Hello • Nosaltres podem canviar l'ordre de les clàusules. Cuan la cláusula if és la primera, hi ha una (,) coma entre les dues clausules. • If I see Linda, I will say Hello. • I will say Hello if I see Linda. If − clause Present Simple WILL AND GOING TO

MAIN − clause Future will / won't + infinitive

♦ Nosaltres utilitzem will i going to per parlar sobre el futur. ♦ Nosaltres utilitzem will per les prediccions. − I think that she will be happy. ♦ Nosaltres utilitzem going to per plans i intencions. − She is going to start a new job soon. Will / Won't + Sub + will + v p·p 1 + c − Sub + won't + v p·p 1 + c ? Will / won't + sub + v p·p 1 + c Going to + Sub + to be + going to + v p·p 1 + c − Sub + to be not + going to + v p·p 1 + c ? To be Aux + sub + going to + v p·p 1 + c 5

VOCABULARY Verb entertain compete invent compose explore

Noun ( person) entertainer competitor inventor composer explorer

ADDICTION also: també in addiction: a més a més both: ambdues

Noun ( thing) entertainment comptetion invention composition exploration CONSTRAST but: però however: no obstant on the other hand: per altra banda

Adjectives describing art colorful: coloretjat realistic: real fun: divertit simple: simple modern:modern depressing: depressiu beautifu: guapo expressive: expressiu shocking: xocant sophisticated: sofisticat Art: nouns Mural: mural exhibition: exhibició Abstract: abstracte sculpture: escultura Gallery: galeria still life: Nude: nuu landscape: paissatge Portrait: retrat World issues

Animal rights: drets dels animals The environment: el medi ambient War: la guerra The developing world: el món subdesenvolupat Immigration: la immigració


Genetic engineering: Enginyeria genètica Terrorims: terrorisme Disease: enfermetats


Collection box: recol·lecta Charity: ONG Poster: pòster Placard: pancarta Sticker: ferratina Boycott: boicotejar

Petition: petició Leaflet: follet Demonstration: manifestació Banner: pancarta

Goverment: Govern What: que When: quando Where: donde Why: porque Who: quien Whose: de qui Which: cual


How long: quant temps How much: quantitat incon How many: quantitat con How tall: altura persones How far: distància How old: quants anys How high: altura montany How often: frequència I You He She MAI ES POSA! It We You They Someone Somebody people Si es té problemes per passar la frase activa a passiva directament, podem recurrir a fer−la d'aquesta manera: Indirect object −−> passive subject Quan dins la mateixa frase activa trobem CD i CI, el CI passa a ésser el subjecte de la frase passiva. Si no sabem passar la frase interrogativa activa a interrogativa passiva directament, podem fer... Primer la posem amb afirmativa activa per després passar−la a passiva afirmativa, i ja posteriorment passar−la a passiva interrogativa. Sempre que WHO faci la funció del subjecte de la oració, la passiva interrogativa acabarà amb by. LOGICAL DEDUCTION


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