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TPAA wedding mag

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Diplomado Especialista. Wedding Planner
Diplomado Especialista en Wedding Planner La Escuela Internacional de Protocolo de Granada, EIPGranada, se ha consolidado como el primer centro mun

Wedding planner Olasdecaramelo
Wedding planner Olasdecaramelo Con amor e ilusión Calendario 2015 L M X J V S D ENERO L M X J V S D FEBRERO 2 3 4 8 9 10 11

Story Transcript

Order of Ceremony Processional Words of Welcome Introductions Readings Unity Exchange - Sand Exchange of Vows Ring Exchange The Kiss The Recessional & Closing Remarks

The Wedding Party

Bridesmaids Maids of Honor Abena Agyire Sr Aben Agyire Jr

Marissa Latrice Andrea Emmet Laverne Ofori Panin Frances Harley Ajoa Twenenboah Aba Harley Raquel Burke

Groomsmen Bestmen

Clyde Adu Chris Constantine

Ebenezer Abusei John Hood Ronny Ackah Tony Oppong Tobias Ramage Richard Mercarno Peter Langodoer

The Story of TP & KoKo They had first met at a bible conference in Chicago called Legacy in July of 2018. During the poetry night at the conference according to Terence Akosua had been watching him but according to Akosua it was Terence who was watching her(They were watching each other lol). After the event Terence had walked up to Akosua confidently under the impression that she was watching him and that is where Akosua had let Terence know that she was from Atlanta. Terence followed up with telling Akosua that he had a show in Atlanta(even though he did not at the time lol) and that they will link up in ATL. The next day Terence left the conference and made his way back to Toronto. Akos had then asked Terence's friends where he had went and they told her that he went back to Toronto. Akosua's countenance had fallen because she was not able to tell this mystery man goodbye. Akosua received Terence's Instagram account and they continued to talk over the phone and quickly became friends. By the grace of God Terence ended up having a show in Atlanta in the month of October 2018 where Akosua had attended. Akosua later gave Terence a tour of her city. Terence then realized at that moment that he had started to fall for Akosua but decided to continue to play it cool. Months passed and Terence and Akosua had started to talk much more on the phone through facetime. The two started to really grow fond of each other, At this point it had become obvious to Terence's friends in Canada and Akos's friends that they had a crush on each other. Terence later came to Atlanta in the month of March and took Akosua to dinner and asked her if she would be his girlfriend. Akosua accepted this invitation and the two continued to see each other in Toronto or Atlanta as they navigated through a long distance relationship and a pandemic. On August 15th 2021 Terence had decided to propose to Akosua in the sight of her friends and family in which she had accepted the invitation to become Ms. Ofori-Panin. #WorthEveryPenny

To our family and friends, Thank You. It means the world to have you here today. Thank you for being our support system, our encouragement, our partners in crime and for loving us. We appreciate your prayers and support as we embark on this new and exciting journey. We will forever be grateful. So please enjoy today and let it be a small gift for all of you have done. We love you.

#TheOforiPanninLoveStory Thank You For Joining Us

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