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Leggere attentamente il manuale d’istruzione. Quando vedete questo simbolo, prestate attenzione e seguite alla lettera le istruzioni e le controindicazioni. La vostra vita e quella degli altri dipende da voi. Read the Operator’s manual entirely. When you see this symbol, the subsequent instructions and warnings are serious - follow without exception. Your life and the lives of others depend on it! Leed con atención el manual de instrucción. Cuando ved este símbolo prestad atención y seguid al pie de la letra las instrucciones y las contraindicaciones. Vuestra vida y la de los otros depende de Vosotros. Lesen Sie bitte die Gebrauchsanweisung mit Aufmerksamkeit. Wenn Sie dies Symbol sehen, achten Sie und folgen Sie die Anweisungen und die Gegenanzeige. Ihres Lebens und Anderes hängt von Ihnen ab.



Adesivi di sicurezza


Albero cardano - Serraggio bulloni MIXER 80 - Ricambi



pag. 2-8





Safety decals

pag. 30 pag. 32

pag. 34-35

pag. 9-15


pag. 30

Pto shaft - Torque values chart for common sizes ___________________ pag. 32 MIXER 80 - Spare parts for Mixer 80 ___________________________ pag. 34-35




pag. 16-22

Pegatinas de seguridad _______________________________________________ pag. 31 Àrbol Cardàn - Ajuste de los pernos _________________________________ pag. 33 MIXER 80 - Ricambios __________________________________________ pag. 34-36


Tedesco ___________________________________________________________ pag. 23-29 Sichherheitsanklebende ______________________________________________ pag. 31 Kardanwelle - Bolzenspannung MIXER 80 - Ersatzteil




pag. 33

pag. 34-36

Pag. 1



COSMO vi dà il benvenuto e vi ringrazia per l’acquisto di uno dei suoi prodotti. La macchina è stata disegnata con cura da tecnici esperti e costruita da operai specializzati usando materiale di prima qualità. Un attento assemblaggio, manutenzione e uso corretto della macchina vi aiuterà a soddisfare le vostre esigenze. La betoniera COSMO MIXER 80 è la nuova idea per un attrezzo che può essere utilizzato per diversi impieghi: preparazione calcestruzzo, miscelazione dei mangimi, lavaggio di ortaggi e frutte secche.

USO DEL MANUALE Questo manuale ha il compito di aiutarvi a familiarizzare con la sicurezza, l’assemblaggio, il funzionamento, riparazioni tecniche e manutenzione della macchina. Leggete attentamente il manuale e seguite le raccomandazioni che sono d’aiuto per la sua sicurezza ed efficenza. Il settore del manuale che riguarda i componenti serve ad ordinare solo i ricambi. Il manuale non mostra le procedure di montaggio e lo smontaggio della betoniera. La garanzia deve essere riempita dal distributore e l’acquirente al momento della vendita. Dopo aver completato il modulo, spedirne una copia alla COSMO e l’altra tenerla con il manuale d’istruzione. Per ordinare le parti di ricambio, contattare il distributore autorizzato, includendo il modello e il numero di serie. Le informazioni contenute nel manuale sono correnti al momento della stampa. Alcune parti possono cambiare leggermente per poter dare migliori prestazioni.

TERMINOLOGIA - Destra e Sinistra usate nel manuale indicano, con la macchina di fronte, la direzione di lavoro; - S/N indica il numero di serie; - Tutti i bulloni sono da ritenersi di classe S se non indicato diversamente. Pag. 2




ASSISTENZA DEL RIVENDITORE Per il servizio clienti o riparazione componenti si deve contattare il distributore locale della COSMO. Esso ha il personale qualificato per la riparazione e sostituzione delle parti dell’attrezzo. I ricambi devono esclusivamente essere originali.

Numero di serie: Per un rapido servizio utilizzate sempre il numero di serie e il numero del modello quando ordinate il pezzo di ricambio. Il distributore vuole che siate soddisfatti della nuova macchina. Qualora non siate soddisfatti del servizio ricevuto, vi suggeriamo le seguenti azioni da intraprendere: 1) Discutere dell’accaduto con la persona che si occupa del servizio clienti dandogli dettagliatamente le informazioni su ciò che vi è accaduto per dargli l’opportunità di risolvere i problemi. 2) Qualora non foste ancora soddisfatti, ricorrete eventualmente al titolare del punto vendita. 3) Per altre informazioni scrivete a: COSMO s.r.l. Località Roata Raffo, 64 - Z.I. - 12022 BUSCA (Cn) - Italy Phone +39.0171.946654 - 55 Fax +39.0171.946723 Web site: - E-mail: [email protected]


INFORMAZIONI SULLA SICUREZZA Vi consigliamo di leggere attentamente, prima dell’utilizzo, quanto di seguito riportato al fine di fare capire meglio l’equipaggiamento della Betoniera. Il manuale serve solo per ordinare le parti di ricambio e non mostra gli schemi di montaggio.

NOTE SULLA SICUREZZA: Il segnale di pericolo indica che c’è un potenziale rischio della persona e che quindi devono essere prese le dovute precauzioni. Quando vedete questo simbolo siate attenti e leggete il messaggio. Ricordate che la base della vostra sicurezza è la prudenza e la preparazione sia vostra che del personale addetto alle operazioni di trasporto, utilizzo e stoccaggio delle macchine. COSMO

Pag. 3



OSSERVATE QUANTO SEGUE: Note di sicurezza presenti nel Manuale d’istruzione: Pericolo! Indica una situazione di imminente pericolo; se possibile evitate, rischiate lesioni personali con pericolo di morte. Questo segnale significa che avete raggiunto il limite della sicurezza. Attenzione! Indica che vi trovate in situazione di pericolo; se possibile evitate, rischiate lesioni personali con pericolo di morte. Prudenza! Indica una possibile situazione di pericolo; se possibile evitate, potreste incorrere in lesioni personali. Si consiglia di usare prudenza durante l’intervento. Definizioni: NOTA: L’intenzione dell’autore è che voi leggiate attentamente le informazioni prima di continuare. IMPORTANTE: Vogliate prestare attenzione alle indicazioni riportate.

NORME DI SICUREZZA Molti incidenti sono dovuti alla negligenza e alla mancanza di attenzione da parte dell’operatore nell’osservare i dispositivi di sicurezza. Precauzione significa evitare incidenti. Il vostro attrezzo è stato costruito seguendo le normative di legge sulla sicurezza. Assicuratevi che l’utilizzatore di questa macchina abbia letto attentamente e capito il libretto di istruzioni. A tal riguardo l’operatore prima dell’uso deve controllare l’efficienza delle protezioni: corona, organi di trasmissione e organi di manovra. Il libretto d’istruzione è considerato parte integrante della macchina e assicuratevi che ci sia sempre.

PRIMA DELLE OPERAZIONI Leggere le istruzioni prima dell’utilizzo. Seguire attentamente le indicazioni del costruttore. Pag. 4




DURANTE LE OPERAZIONI Prima di fare qualsiasi intervento fermare il trattore, spegnere il motore e disinserire l’attrezzo dalla presa di forza. Mantenere le distanze di sicurezza dalla macchina durante il funzionamento. Fare attenzione a mantenere le distanze di sicurezza delle mani, piedi, capelli e vestiti. Non lasciare la macchina in movimento. Le operazioni di caricamento devono essere effettuate a macchina ferma per evitare il contatto con le pale di miscelazione interne al bicchiere. Il caricamento del materiale con la pala deve avvenire senza entrare in contatto con la bocca del bicchiere della betoniera.

TERMINE OPERAZIONI Assicuratevi che gli attacchi abbiano i perni di chiusura, prima di intraprendere la strada.

DURANTE LA MANUTENZIONE Disinserire la presa forza del trattore, spegnere il motore prima di fare qualsiasi intervento di riparazione. Le operazioni di lubrificazione, pulizia, manutenzione o riparazione devono avvenire a macchina ferma. Usate gli appoggi che rispecchino le normative di sicurezza prima di fare un intervento sotto la macchina. Queste normative e istruzioni devono essere riviste almeno una volta all’anno dall’operatore!

NORME DI SICUREZZA GENERALI 1 - Non lasciare intervenire nessuno sulla macchina se non personale specializzato 2 - Non lasciare che i bambini facciano funzionare l’attrezzo 3 - Utilizzare abbigliamento idoneo e protezione agli occhi per provenire danni da oggetti che accidentalmente potrebbero fuoriuscire dalla macchina 4 - Non fare interventi con la macchina in movimento 5 - Non lasciare la macchina incustodita quando il trattore è in moto 6 - Non sostare tra il trattore e la macchina durante le operazioni di aggancio 7 - Non trasportare persone 8 - Viaggiare piano e fare attenzione ai fossi nei campi 9 - Non lubrificare la macchina durante il funzionamento COSMO

Pag. 5



10 - Non usare abbigliamento che possa impigliarsi negli organi di movimento 11 - Dopo la riparazione o manutenzione, assicurarsi di avere rimosso dall’attrezzo le chiavi e altre parti prima dell’uso 12 - Ritirare l’attrezzo in un luogo dove non giochino i bambini. Assicurarsi che l’attrezzo abbia una posizione stabile, tale da non ribaltarsi.

TRASPORTO 1 - Prestate attenzione quando attraversate o lavorate in prossimità di strade, tenendo sempre sotto controllo la macchina. Conoscere le leggi locali o dello Stato sulle regole di trasporto stradale. 2 - Limite di velocità di km/h 30. Trasportare l’attrezzo solamente con il trattore con adeguata potenza e consultare il libretto del trattore prima di utilizzare l’attrezzo. 3 - Utilizzare sempre il lampeggiatore in una posizione visibile durante il trasporto stradale. 4 - Utilizzare un’ illuminazione adeguata che renda visibile l’attrezzo durante gli spostamenti notturni e nei giorni di scarsa visibilità.

ADESIVI DI SICUREZZA 1 - La Betoniera viene fornita con adesivi per la sicurezza. Questi adesivi servono per la sicurezza dell’utilizzatore durante l’impiego della macchina. 2 - Tenete sempre gli adesivi puliti e leggibili. 3 - Sostituite gli adesivi danneggiati o mancanti. Per avere gli adesivi in sostituzione, rivolgetevi al distributore della COSMO dandogli i numeri dei codici che trovate scritti sugli adesivi. 4 - Prestate attenzione alle seguenti indicazioni: - Pulire bene l’area dove attaccare l’ adesivo; - Togliere la carta dall’adesivo e fare pressione al momento dell’applicazione onde evitare il formarsi di bolle d’aria.

INTRODUZIONE Questa pubblicazione contiene le istruzioni per l’uso e la manutenzione della betoniera e mescolatore per l’agricoltura ed usi generali MIXER 80. Pag. 6




COME LAVORA IL CILINDRO DEL MIXER Il nostro cilindro è ad un effetto solo. Quando il mixer è in posizione di lavoro o di carico (il mixer è vuoto) si può vedere che lo stelo del cilindro è tutto rientrato nel cilindro. Per svuotare il mixer bisogna togliere pressione dell’olio, il peso del mixer carico fa tornare indietro l’olio nel distributore ed il cilindro si rilascia. Quando il mixer e giù lo stelo del cilindro è tutto fuori. Se si apre il rubinetto del distributore aumentando la pressione, la pressione dell’olio causerà il rientro dello stelo nel cilindro e riporterà il mixer in posizione di lavoro. Quindi aprendo e togliendo la pressione dell’olio possiamo fermare il mixer nella posizione che vogliamo.

INSTALLAZIONE DEL MESCOLATORE Il telaio del mescolatore è stato realizzato in modo tale da consentire il montaggio su trattori con attacco a 3 punti (1a e 2a Categoria) 1) Effettuato il montaggio occorre sfilare i sostegni di stazionamento svitando i pomelli di bloccaggio ed inserirli nella posizione indicata nella figura attaccata alla macchina. 2) Posizionare la betoniera come illustrato nel disegno di questo libretto nella “posizione B”. Procedere quindi al bloccaggio delle barre sollevatrici in modo da garan tire, nel modo più perfetto possibile, che l’albero cardano rimanga nella posizione orizzontale rispetto ai due alberi di collegamento, ossia la presa di potenza del trattore e l’albero di entrata della betoniera. In seguito effettuare il collegamento idraulico al trattore e verificare, senza far ruotare la tramoggia del mescolatore, che il giunto cardanico non sforzi assialmente, specialmente quando l’attrezzo si viene a trovare nella “posizione C”. N.B. Mantenere sempre e in qualsiasi caso un gioco assiale min. di 60 mm, e particolarmente nella “posizione C” (il punto di maggior accorciamento dell’albero cardano). 3) Innestare la presa di potenza del trattore al minimo regime di giri e far ruotare per un breve tempo l’attrezzo a vuoto. Durante questa prova verificare ulteriormante che il giunto cardanico non sforzi nelle crociere nè nella “posizione A” nè nella “posizione C”. N.B. Evitare il più possibile che il giunto cardanico lavori ad angolazioni superiori ai 35° come illustrato nel disegno e nelle decalcomanie applicate sull’attrezzo stesso.

MANUTENZIONE Prima di iniziare il lavoro procedere ad un’accurata lubrificazione della macchina, nei punti 1 e 2 indicati sull’apposita decalcomania, dei giunti sferici e sui tubi di scorrimento del cardano, nonchè l’intero gruppo di trasmissione a catena. Controllare la tensione della catena e, se necessario, procedere alla regolazione mediante l’apposito tenditore. COSMO

Pag. 7










Per la posizione della betoniera nelle fasi di caricamento e di scarico attenersi scrupolosamente alle disposizioni indicate sugli appositi adesivi. Evitare assolutamente di lavorare ad un’angolazione superiore al valore massimo per l’albero cardano di 35° indicato sull’adesivo.

CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Attacco per l’albero di trasmissione: O 30 con spina O 10x50 Attacco per flessibile idraulico: 3/8” GAS oppure O 18x1,5 mm. Pressione idraulica di esercizio: Max 140/Min 50 BARS (atm) Velocità di rotazione albero di trasmissione: Min 250 Max 300 giri/min Rapporto di trasmissione: 10/1 Capacità: litri 320 Quantità di cemento: 1/2 sacco Misure di ingombro: Larghezza: 860 mm Lunghezza: 930 mm Altezza: 950 mm Peso a vuoto: Kg. 87 Pag. 8




INTRODUCTION COSMO welcomes you to the growing family of new product owners. This implement has been designed with care and built by skilled workers using quality materials. Proper assembly, maintenance, and safe operating practices will help you get years of satisfactory use from the machine. The COSMO MIXER is designed for spreading either powdered or granulated fertilizer or soil correction material such as lime, chalk, etc.

USING THIS MANUAL This Operetor’s Section is designed to help familiarize you with safety, assembly, operation, adjustments, trouble-shooting, and maintenance. Read this manual and follow the recommendations to help ensure safe and efficient operation. The Part Section provided with this manual is for ordering replacement parts only. It does not show proper and safe disassembly procedures. The warranty from must be filled out by the owner and dealer at the time of purchase. After completion give the dealer the white copy and send the pink copy to COSMO. Keep your copy in the manual for use when corresponding with the dealer. To order a new Operator’s or Parts Manual contact your authorized dealer or write to the address listed below in the “Owner Assistance” paragraph. Include the model and serial numbers of your unit. The information contained within this manual was current at the time of printing. Some parts may change slightly to assure you of the best performance.

TERMINOLOGY - “Right” or “Left” as used in this manual is determined by facing the direction the machine will travel while in use unless otherwise stated. - S/N is used to indicate “serial number”. - All bolts are grade s unless otherwise noted.


Pag. 9



If costumer service or repair parts are required contact your local COSMO Dealer. He has trained personnel, repair parts, and the equipment needed to service your implement. These parts have been specially designed and should only be replaced with genuine COSMO parts.

Serial Number: For prompt service always use the serial number and model number when ordering parts from your COSMO Dealer. Be sure to include your serial and model numbers in correspondence also. Your dealer wants you to be satisfied with your new machine. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the service received, the following actions are suggested: 1) Discuss the matter with your dealership Service Manager make sure he is aware of any problems you may have and that he has had the opportunity to assist you. 2) If you are still not satisfied, seek out the Owner or General Manager of the dealership, explain the problem and request assistance.

3) For further assistance write to:

COSMO s.r.l. Località Roata Raffo, 64 - Z.I. - 12022 BUSCA (Cn) - Italy Phone +39.0171.946654 - 55 Fax +39.0171.946723 Web site: - E-mail: [email protected]


IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION For your safety and to developing a better understanding of the equipment, throughly read the Operator’s Sections of this manual before operation. The Parts Section provided with this manual is for ordering replacement parts only, it does not show proper and safe disassembly and reassembly procedures.

SAFETY NOTATIONS: The SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL indicates that there is a potential hazard to personal safety involved and extra safety precautions must be taken. When you see this symbol, be alert and carefully read the message that follows it. In addition to design and configuration of equipment; hazard control and accident prevention are dependent upon the awareness, concern, prudence and proper training of personnel involved in the operation, transport, maintenance and storage of equipment. Pag. 10




WATCH FOR THE FOLLOWING Safety Notations throughout Operators Manual Danger! Indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. This signal word is limited to the most extreme situations. Warning! Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. Caution! Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. Definitions: NOTE : A special point of information related to it’s preceding topic. The author’s intention is that you read and note this information before continuing. IMPORTANT: Information, related to it’s proceeding topic, that the author feels would be of use.

SAFETY RULES Most accidents are the result of negligence and carelessness, usually caused by failure of the operator to follow safety precautions. The folowing precautions are mandatory to prevent such accidents. Your implement has been designed with built-in safety features. Make sure everyone that uses this machine has read the Operator’s Manual and und erstands how to operate it safely. Before the use the operator must check the efficiency of the protections: the ring gear, transmission and the organs of action: This Operator’s Manual is considered a part of the implement and should remain so when loaned or sold.

PRIOR TO OPERATION Read Operator’s Manual before starting. Read manufacturers’ chemical WARNINGS, instructions and procedures BEFORE starting and follow them exactly. Install and secure guards before starting. COSMO

Pag. 11





OWNER DURINGASSISTENCE OPERATION IfStop costumer repair partsand areremove requiredignition contactkey your local servicing, COSMO Dealer. He powerservice unit, setorpark brake before repairing, has trained or personnel, repair parts, and from the equipment needed toKeep service your implement. adjusting, unplugging. Stay away rotating spinners. others away. These parts have specially designed and should be replaced with riders. genuine Keep hands, feet,been hair and clothing away from movingonly parts. Do not allow COSMO parts. The loading operations have to be carried out when the machine doesn’t work in

Serial order toNumber: avoid the contact with the internal powers shovels in the spout. Theprompt loadingservice of the material withthe theserial shovelnumber have toand be made with the For always use modelwithout numbercontact when ordering Mixer’s spout. parts from your COSMO Dealer. Be sure to include your serial and model numbers in correspondence also.

AFTERwith OPERATION Your dealer wants you to be satisfied your new machine. If for any reason you are not satisfied with the service received, the following actions are suggested: Securely attach to towing unit. Use retainers through mounting pins. 1) Discuss the matter with your dealership Service Manager make sure he is aware of any problems you may have and that he has had the opportunity to assist you.


2) If you are still not satisfied, seek out the Owner or General Manager of the dealership, explain the problem and request assistance. Stop power unit, set park brake and remove ignition key before servicing, repairing,

3) For further adjusting, or assistance uplugging. write to:

COSMO s.r.l.

Località Raffo, 64 - Z.I.under - 12022machine. BUSCA (Cn) - Italy Place safety stands or blocks under frameRoata before working Phone +39.0171.946654 - 55 Fax +39.0171.946723

Web site: - E-mail: [email protected]


SECTION 1: SAFETY 1 - Do not allow anyone to operate this machine who has not been properly trained IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION in its safe operation. 2 -your Do not let children operate the implement. For safety and to developing a better understanding of the equipment, throughly 3 Wear proper eye protection to prevent injury fromoperation. flying objects. read the Operator’s Sections of this manual before The Parts Section 4 - Never dismount from aismoving tractor. provided with this manual for ordering replacement parts only, it does not show not safe leavedisassembly the tractor or thereassembly implement procedures. unattended with the engine running. 5 - Doand proper and 6 - Do not stand between the tractor and the implement during hitching. 7 - Never allow passengers.SAFETY NOTATIONS: 8 - Travel slowly over rough terrain and be alert to holes and gullies. 9 - SAFETY Do not grease orSYMBOL oil implement whilethat it isthere in use. The ALERT indicates is a potential hazard to personal 10 - Loose fittingand clothing be worn as it may moving parts. safety involved extrashould safety not precautions must be catch taken.inWhen you see this 11 After repairing or adjusting, make sure all tools and parts are removed from the symbol, be alert and carefully read the message that follows it. In addition to design implement before attempting to operate it. accident prevention are dependent and configuration of equipment; hazard control and 12 - Detach and store concern, implements in an area do not play. upon the awareness, prudence and where properchildren training normally of personnel involved implements using suitable block wheels. in theStabilize operation, transport,by maintenance andsupports storage and of equipment. 10 Pag. 12




TRANSPORTING 1 - Be alert to traffic when crossing or operating near road-ways. Always maintain complete control of the machine. Know your state and local laws concerning highway safety and regulations. Comply with these laws when trasporting machinery. 2 - Limit transport speed to 20 mph. Transport only with a farm tractor of sufficient size and horse power. See “Tractor Requirements”. 3 - Always make sure flashing safety lights, “Slow Moving Vehicle” emblem, and reflectors are in place and visible prior to transporting the machine on pubblic roads. 4 - Use warning flags or approved warning lights at night and during other periods of poor visibility. Do your best to prevent highway accidents.

SAFETY DECALS 1 - Your MIXER comes equipped with all safety decals in place. They were designed to help you safely operate your implement. Read and follow their directions. 2 - Keep all safety decals clean and legible. 3 - Replace all damaged or missing decals. To order new decals go to your COSMO dealer and refer to the parts section “Decals Placement” for the proper decal part numbers. 4 - Refer to this section for proper decal placement. To install new decals: a. Clean the area the decal is to be placed. b. Peel backing from decal. Press firmly on surface being careful not to cause air bubbles under decal.

INTRODUCTION This publication contains the instructions for use and maintenance of MIXER 80 cement mixer and general mixer for agricultural and other use.


Pag. 13



Our cylinder is a simple effect cylinder. When the mixer is in working position or in loading position (it is empty) you can see that the stem of the cylinder is all inside the cylinder. To empty the mixer you have to lower the oil pressure, the weight of the load will cause the return of the fluid to the reservoir and the release of the cylinder. If you open the distributor increasing the pressure, the pressure of the oil will cause the stem to go back inside the cylinder and this will bring up the mixer in working position. So opening and closing the pressure of the fluid you can stop the mixer in the position you want.

HOW TO ATTACH UP THE MIXER The frame is designed to allow attachment of the mixer to tractors equipped with 3 point hydraulic lift system (1st and “nd Category). 1) Once attached to the tractor it is necessary to remove the blocking knobs from the support legs and place these legs in the position indicated in the design shown on the adhesive decals. 2) Place the mixer as shown in ”Position B” indicated in the diagram in this booklet and block the lift bars of the hydraulic lift so that the PTO Shaft remains as nearly as possible horizontal with respect to the power take-off of the tractor and the input shaft of the cemental mixer. There upon carry out the link-up to the hydraulic system of the tractor and verify - without rotating the mixer tub - that the PTO Shaft is in no way subjected to forcing especially when in the “ position C” of the diagram. N.B. Ensure that in all positions, and especially in “position C” (the shortest), there is at least 60 mm (2 ins) axial play in the PTO Shaft itself. 3) Start the power take-off of the tractor at the lowest r.p.m. and rotate the mixer tub for a short period empty. During this test ensure once again that the PTO Shaft does not force at the cross-pieces either in “position A” or “position C” of the diagram. N.B. Ensure that the shaft never operates at an angulation of more than 35° as illustrated in the diagram and also in the decals attached to the machine.

MAINTENANCE Before starting work the machine should be lubricated with care at points 1 and 2 indicated on the decals, at the ball joints and sliding tubes of the PTO Shaft, and also on the chain drive sistem. Check the tension control mechanism. Check the tension of the chain drive and if necessary regulate with the tension control machanism. As to the position of the mixer during the loading and unloading phases follow carefully the instructions indicated on the special decals attached to the machine. Pag. 14









Avoid absolutely operation at an angle of the PTO Shaft greater than the maximum of 35° indicated on the decals.

TECHNICAL DATA Attachment to trasmission shaft: O 30mm with split pin. Attachment flexible hydraulic tube: M 18 x 1,5 Hydraulic pressure for operation: Max 140/Min 50 BARS (Note: the BAR is almost equal to 1 atmosphere=14 lbs/sq. ins) Tramsmission shaft rotation velocity: Min 250 Max 300 r.p.m. Tramsmission ratio: 10/1 Capacity of mix - tub: 320 litres (84,5 US gallons) Quantity of cement: 1/2 sack Diameter of loading mouth: 440 mm (1,45 feet) Overall dimension: Width: 860 mm (2,82 ft.) Length: 930 mm (3,05 ft.) Height: 950 mm (3,12 ft.) Weight (empty): 87 Kg. COSMO

Pag. 15

Spagnolo Inglese





Our cylinder is a simple effect cylinder. When the mixer is in working position or in ción de sus productos. COSMO les dé la y les agradece la adquisición de sus productos. loading position (itbienvenida is empty) you can see thatpara the stem of the cylinder is all inside the os expertos y construida La máquina ha sido proyectada con cuidado por los técnicos expertos y construida cylinder. To empty the mixer you have to lower the oil pressure, the weight of the por obreros especializados de reservoir primera calidad. load will cause the return ofcon the material fluid to the and the release of the cylinder. quina ayudará aopen satisfacer atento acoplamiento, manutención usopressure, correcto de máquina ayudará satisfacer IfUn you the distributor increasingythe thelapressure of the oilawill cause vuestras the stem exigencias. to go back inside the cylinder and this will bring up the mixer in working position. opening andMIXER closing80 the of thepara fluiduna you can stop the mixer in a herramienta queSo puede La hormigonera COSMO espressure la nueva idea herramienta que puede the want. gón, mezcladura deyou los ser position utilizada para diferentes empleos: preparación hormigón, mezcladura de los piensos, lavado de hortalizas y frutas secas.


The frame is designed to allow attachment of the mixer to tractors equipped with 3 USO DEL MANUAL point hydraulic lift system (1st and “nd Category). 1)elOnce attached tofunción the tractor it is necessary to remove blockingel knobs from the eguridad, acoplamiento, Este manual tiene la de ayudar a familiarizar con lathe seguridad, acoplamiento, support legs and place these legs in the position indicated in the design shown on de la máquina. Leed con reparaciones técnicas y manutención de la máquina. Leed con el funcionamiento, the adhesive decals. sirven atención de ayudaeste paramanual su y seguid las recomendaciones que sirven de ayuda para su 2) Place the mixer as shown in ”Position B” indicated in the diagram in this booklet seguridad y eficiencia. and block the lift bars of the hydraulic lift so that the PTO Shaft remains as nearly solamente los recambios. El sector del manual que concierne las piezas sirve para pedir solamente los recambios. as possible horizontal with respect to the power take-off of the tractor and the input ontaje de lashaft hormigonera. El manual losmixer. procedimientos montaje y desmontaje la hormigonera. ofno themuestra cemental There uponde carry out the link-up to thede hydraulic system of the tractor and verify - without rotating the mixer tub - that the PTO Shaft is in no r y el comprador en el toque La way garantía tiene serespecially rellenada por inelthe distribuidor elthe comprador subjected forcing when “ position C”y of diagram. en el eso, esmomento necesario enviar de lathat venta. Después deand haber rellenado el impreso, es necesario N.B. Ensure in all positions, especially in “position C” (the shortest),enviar there nual deuna instrucción. a COSMO s.r.l. y conservar la otra manual de instrucción. iscopia at least 60 mm (2 ins), axial play in the PTO con Shaftelitself. 3) Start the power take-off of the tractor at the lowest r.p.m. and rotate the mixer tub forincluyendo a short period empty. Duringcontactar this test aensure once again that theincluyendo PTO Shaftel autorizado, el de Para pedir las piezas recambio, el distribuidor autorizado, does not force at the cross-pieces either in “position A” or “position C” of the diagram. modelo y el nœmero de serie. N.B. Ensure that the shaft en never an angulation of el more than 35° so en elLas momento de las informaciones contenidas esteoperates manual at están en curso en momento de as las illustrated in the diagram and also in the decals attached to the machine. seguir mejores resultados. imprenta. Unas partes pueden cambiar un poco para poder conseguir mejores resultados.

MAINTENANCE TERMINOLOGÍA Before starting work the machine should be lubricated with care at points 1 and 2

indicated on the decals, at the ball joints and sliding tubes of the PTO Shaft, and also enfrente, la dirección de - Derecha y izquierda en el manual indican, con la máquina enfrente, la dirección de on the chain drive sistem. Check the tension control mechanism. trabajo; Check the tension of the chain drive and if necessary regulate with the tension control - S/N indica el número de serie; machanism. As to the position of the mixer during the loading and unloading phases manera- diferente. Todoscarefully los pernos son de clase S se no indicado de manera diferente. follow the instructions indicated onestá the special decals attached to the machine. Pag. 14 Pag.COSMO 16




ASISTENCIA DEL REVENDEDOR Para el servicio clientes o la reparación componentes es necesario contactar el distribuidor local de la COSMO. Usted tiene el personal cualificado para la reparación y sustitución de las piezas de la máquina. Los recambios tienen que ser necesariamente originales. Número de serie: Para un servicio rápido utilizar siempre el número de serie y el número del modelo cuando se pide la pieza de recambio. El distribuidor quiere que la nueva máquina les agrade. En el caso que el servicio recibido no sea satisfactorio, sugerimos las acciones siguientes: 1. Discutir del acontecimiento con la persona que se ocupa del servicio clientes explicando de manera detallada el acontecimiento para poder obtener la resolución del problema. 2. En el caso que aún no esté satisfecho, recorrer, en la eventualidad, al titular del punto de venta. 3. Para otras informaciones escribir a: COSMO s.r.l. Località Roata Raffo, 64 - Z.I. - 12022 BUSCA (Cn) - Italy Phone +39.0171.946654 - 55 / Fax +39.0171.946723 Web site: - E-mail: [email protected]


INFORNACIONES SOBRE LA SEGURIDAD Aconsejamos de leer con atención, antes del utilizo, lo que se presenta a continuación para comprender mejor el equipo de la hormigonera. El manual sirve solamente para pedir las piezas de recambio y no muestra los esquemas de montaje.

NOTAS SOBRE LA SEGURIDAD: El señal de peligro indica que hay un posible riesgo para la persona y por esto es necesario tomar las precauciones necesarias. Cuando ved este símbolo tened cuidado y leed el mensaje. Recordad que la base de vuestra seguridad es la prudencia y la preparación vuestra y del personal encargado de las operaciones de transporte, utilizo y almacenamiento de las máquinas. COSMO

Pag. 17

Spagnolo Inglese




OBSERVAD LOTHE QUECYLINDER SIGUE: HOW OF THE MIXER WORKS Notas de seguridad contenidas en el Manual de istrucciones: Our cylinder is a simple effect cylinder. When the mixer is in working position or in ción de sus productos. loading position (it is empty) you can see that the stem of the cylinder is all inside the Peligro! os expertos y construida cylinder. To empty the mixer you have to lower the oil pressure, the weight of the Indica una situación de peligro inminente; si es posible evitad, arriesgais el load will cause the return of the fluid to the reservoir and the release of the cylinder. peligro de lesiones personales con peligro de muerte. quina ayudará satisfacer If youaopen the distributor increasing the pressure, the pressure of the oil will cause the stem to go back inside the cylinder and this will bring up the mixer in working Cuidado! position. opening and closing the pressure of the fluid you can stop the mixer in a herramienta queSo puede Indica que hay una situación de peligro; si es posible evitad, arriesgais the position gón, mezcladura deyou los want. el peligro de lesiones personales con peligro de muerte.


The frame is designed to allow attachment of the mixer to tractors equipped with 3 Prudencia! point Indica hydraulic system (1st andsituación “nd Category). quelifthay una posible de peligro; si es posible evitad, podríais 1) Once attached to the tractor it is necessary to remove the blocking knobs from the incurrir en lesiones personales. eguridad, el acoplamiento, support legs and place legsdurante in the position indicated in the design shown on EsLeed aconsejable tenerthese cuidado la intervención. de la máquina. con the adhesive decals. sirven de ayuda para su 2) Place the mixer as shown in ”Position B” indicated in the diagram in this booklet Definiciones! and block the lift bars of the hydraulic lift so that the PTO Shaft remains as nearly solamente losRecordar: intención del autor es que se lean con mucha atención las as possible horizontal with respect to the power take-off of the tractor and the input ontaje de lashaft hormigonera. informaciones antes de continuar. of the cemental mixer. There upon carry out the link-up to the hydraulic system Importante: prestar las indicaciones referidas. of the tractor and verifyatención - without arotating the mixer tub - that the PTO Shaft is in no r y el comprador en el way subjected to forcing especially when in the “ position C” of the diagram. eso, es necesario enviar N.B. Ensure that in all positions, and especially in “position C” (the shortest), there REGLAS DE SEGURIDAD nual de instrucción. is at least 60 mm (2 ins) axial play in the PTO Shaft itself. Muchos accidentes se realizan por causa negligencia y falta dethe atención de 3) Start the power take-off of the tractor at thedelowest r.p.m. and rotate mixer tub parte del operador en el acatamiento de los dispositivo de seguridad. Precaución a short period empty. During this test ensure once again that the PTO Shaft autorizado,forincluyendo el significa evitar accidentes. Vuestra máquina es construida siguiendo normativas does not force at the cross-pieces either in “position A” or “position C” las of the diagram. deN.B. ley sobre la seguridad. Asegurarse que el utilizator de esta máquina haya leído, Ensure that the shaft never operates at an angulation of more than 35° as so en el momento de las atentamente y haya comprendido la libreta de instrucciones. A este proposito el illustrated in the diagram and also in the decals attached to the machine. seguir mejores resultados. operador antes del uso tiene que controlar la eficiencia de las protecciones: corona, órganos de transmisión, órganos de maniobras. MAINTENANCE El manual de instrucciones es parte integrante de la máquina: asegurarse que no Before starting work the machine should be lubricated with care at points 1 and 2 falte nunca. indicated on the decals, at the ball joints and sliding tubes of the PTO Shaft, and also enfrente, la dirección de on the chain drive sistem. ANTES Check the control mechanism. DEtension LA OPERACIONES Check the tension of the chain drive and if necessary regulate with the tension control Leer las instrucciones antes del utilizo. machanism. As to the position of the mixer during the loading and unloading phases manera diferente. Seguir con cuidado las indicaciones del follow carefully the instructions indicated onconstructor. the special decals attached to the machine. Pag.COSMO 14 18




ASISTENCIA DEL REVENDEDOR DURANTE LAS OPERACIONES Para o laintervención, reparación componentes es necesario Antes eldeservicio hacer clientes cualquiera parar el tractor, apagar contactar el motor el y distribuidor local de la COSMO. desembragar la herramienta de la toma de potencia. Tener las distancias de seguridad de la máquina funcionamiento. atención en mantener Usted tiene el durante personalelcualificado para laPoner reparación y sustitución de las lasdistancias piezas de de seguridad de las manos, pies, pelo y ropas. No dejar la máquina en marcha. la máquina. Los recambios tienen que ser necesariamente originales. Es necesario cumplir las operaciones de carga cuando la máquina no está en marcha para evitar contacto con las palas de mezcladura interior del vaso. N úmero deelserie: Es necesario que la palautilizar carguesiempre el material sin ponerse en contacto con del la boca del Para un servicio rápido el número de serie y el número modelo vaso de la hormigonera. cuando se pide la pieza de recambio. El distribuidor quiere que la nueva máquina les agrade. En el caso que el servicio TÉRRMINO DE LAS OPERACIONES recibido no sea satisfactorio, sugerimos las acciones siguientes: 1. Discutir del con lalos persona quecierre, se ocupa servicioa clientes Asegurarse queacontecimiento los enganches tengan pernos de antes del de echarse la calle. explicando de manera detallada el acontecimiento para poder obtener la resolución del problema. DURANTE LA MANUTENCIÓN 2. En el caso que aún no esté satisfecho, recorrer, en la eventualidad, al titular del Desembragar la toma de potencia del tractor, apagar el motor antes de hacer cualquiera punto de venta. intervención de reparación. escribir Las operaciones des.r.l. lubricación, de limpieza, manutención a: COSMO 3. Para otras informaciones o reparación deben ser efectuadas con la máquina parada. que revisar Località Roata Raffo, 64El- operador Z.I. - 12022tiene BUSCA (Cn) - Italy estas normativas y instrucciones por loPhone menos una vez por año! +39.0171.946654 - 55 / Fax +39.0171.946723 Web site: - E-mail: [email protected]



1. No dejar intervenir nadie sobre la máquina es personal especializado. INFORNACIONES SOBRE si LAnoSEGURIDAD 2. No dejar que los con niños ponganantes en marcha la herramienta. Aconsejamos de leer atención, del utilizo, lo que se presenta a continuación para comprender mejor el equipo de la hormigonera. 3. Utilizar vestuario adecuado y protección para los ojos para evitar daños de El manual solamente las piezas de recambio y no muestra los objetos sirve que podrían salirpara de lapedir máquina de manera accidental. esquemas de montaje. 4. No hacer intervenciones con la máquina en marcha.

SOBRE LA SEGURIDAD: 5. No dejar la máquinaNOTAS sin custodia cuando el tractor está en marcha. 6. No detenerse entre el tractor y launmáquina las operacione enganche. El señal de peligro indica que hay posible durante riesgo para la persona de y por esto es necesario tomar las precauciones necesarias. 7. No transportar personas. Cuando ved este símbolo tened cuidado y leed el mensaje. 8. Viajar aque baja velocidad y poner cuidadoes enlalos canales yde campos. vuestra Recordad la base de vuestra seguridad prudencia la los preparación y delNo personal encargado de las operaciones de transporte, utilizo y almacenamiento 9. engrasar la máquina durante el funcionamiento. de las máquinas. Pag. 19 COSMO

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Spagnolo Inglese




HOW THEque CYLINDER OF THE MIXER WORKS 10. No utilizar vestuario pueda engancharse en los órganos de movimiento.

reparación o manutención, asegurarse haber quitado la 11. Después Our cylinder isdea la simple effect cylinder. When the mixer is indeworking position de or in máquina las llaves y otras partes antes del utilizo. ción de sus productos. loading position (it is empty) you can see that the stem of the cylinder is all inside the os expertos y construida 12. Conservar la herramienta en un lugar dondethe no oil jueguen los niños. Asegurarse cylinder. To empty the mixer you have to lower pressure, the weight of the que la herramienta tenga una posición estable para que no se vuelque. load will cause the return of the fluid to the reservoir and the release of the cylinder.

quina ayudará satisfacer If youaopen the distributor increasing the pressure, the pressure of the oil will cause

TRANSPORTE the stem to go back inside the cylinder and this will bring up the mixer in working position. opening and closing the pressure of the fluid you can stop the mixer in a herramienta queSo puede 1. Poner cuidado cuando se cruza o se trabaja cerca de una calle, tenendo siempre the position gón, mezcladura deyou los want. bajo control la máquina. Es muy importante conocer las leys locales o del País sobra las reglas deHOW de trasporte vial. UP THE MIXER TO ATTACH

2. El límite velocidad es de 30km/. Transportar con3elThe frame is de designed to allow attachment of the mixerlatomáquina tractors solamente equipped with tractor con una potencia adecuada y consultar el manual del tractor antes de point hydraulic lift system (1st and “nd Category). utilizar la herramienta. attached to the tractor it is necessary to remove the blocking knobs from the eguridad,1) elOnce acoplamiento, 3. Utilizar siempre el intermitente en una posición visible durante el transporte de support legs and place these legs in the position indicated in the design shown on de la máquina. Leed con carretera. the adhesive decals. sirven de ayuda para suiluminación adecuada que haga la herramienta visible durante los 4. Place Utilizar 2) theuna mixer as shown in ”Position B” indicated in the diagram in this booklet desplazamientos nocturnos y durante los días de escasa visibilidad. and block the lift bars of the hydraulic lift so that the PTO Shaft remains as nearly solamente los recambios. as possible horizontal with respect to the power take-off of the tractor and the input PEGATINAS SEGURIDAD ontaje de lashaft hormigonera. of the cemental mixer. There uponDE carry out the link-up to the hydraulic system of the tractor and verify - without rotating the mixer tub - that the PTO Shaft is in no 1. La hormigonera está dotada de pegatinas para la seguridad. Estos adhesivos r y el comprador en el to forcing way subjected especially when in the “ position C” of the diagram. sirven para la seguridad del utilizador durante el uso de la máquina. eso, es necesario enviar N.B. Ensure that in all positions, and especially in “position C” (the shortest), there 2. Tener siempre las pegatinas limpias y leíbles. nual de instrucción. is at least 60 mm (2 ins) axial play in the PTO Shaft itself. 3. Sustituir las pegatinas están dañadas. Para las 3) Start the power take-off ofque the faltan tractoroatlas theque lowest r.p.m. and rotate theobtener mixer tub pegatinas en sustitución, dirigirse al distribuidor de la COSMO indicando los a short period empty. During this test ensure once again that the PTO Shaft autorizado,forincluyendo el numeros de los código que está sobre los adhesivos. does not force at the cross-pieces either in “position A” or “position C” of the diagram. 4. Poner cuidado a las siguientes indicaciones: N.B. Ensure that the shaft never operates at an angulation of more than 35° as so en el momento de las illustrated in the in the decals attached to the machine. Limpiar muy bien el and áreaalso donde pegar el adhesivo; seguir mejores resultados. diagram

- Despegar el papal del adhesivo y hacer presión en el momento de la MAINTENANCE aplicación, para evitar la formación de borbollas. Before starting work the machine should be lubricated with care at points 1 and 2 indicated on the decals, at the ball joints and sliding tubes of the PTO Shaft, and also enfrente, la dirección de INTRODUCCIÓN on the chain drive sistem. Check the tension control mechanism. Check the tension of the chain drive and if necessary regulate with the tension control Esta publicación contiene las instrucciones para el uso y la manutención de la machanism. As to the position of the mixer during the loading and unloading phases hormigonera y mezclador para la agricultura y usos generales MIXER 80. manera diferente. follow carefully the instructions indicated on the special decals attached to the machine. Pag. 14 Pag.COSMO 20




CÓMO TRABAJA EL CILINDRO Nuestro cilindro es de efecto simple. Cuando el mixer está en posición de trabajo o de carga (el mixer está vacío) se puede observar que el vástago del cilindro está completamente adentro del mismo. Para vaciar el mixer es necesario quitar presión del aceite, el peso del mixer cargado hace regresar atrás el aceite en el distribuidor y el cilindro se suelta. Cuando el mixer está abajo, el vástago del cilindro está todo afuera. Si se abre el grifo del distribuidor aumentando la presión, la presión del aceite causará el regreso del vástago en el cilindro y repondrá el mixer en posición de trabajo. Entonces, abriendo y quitando la presión del aceite, podemos detener el mixer en la posición que deseamos.

INSTALACIÓN DEL MEZCLADOR El chasis del mezclador es realizado de manera para permirir el montaje sobre tractor con enganche a tres puntos ( primera y segunda categoría). 1. Terminado el montaje es necesario desensartar los soportes de estacionamiento, desatornillando los pomos de bloqueo, y colocarlos en la posición indicada en la figura pegada a la máquina. 2. posicionar la hormigonera como está ilustrado en la figura de este manual en la “posición B”. Luego proceder al bloqueo de las barras levantadoras para garantir, en la manera más perfecta posible, que el árbol de cardán, deje en la posición horizontal con respecto de los árboles de transmisión, es decir, la toma de potencia del tractor y el árbol de entrada de la hormigonera. Después efectuar una conexión hidráulica al tractor y verificar, sin hacer girar la tolva del mezclador, que el árbol de cardán no cause un esfuerzo axil, en particular cuando la herramienta está en la “posición C”. N.B. Mantener siempre, en cualquiera ocasión, un juego axil min. de 60mm, y en particular en la “posición C” ( punto de mayor acortamiento del árbol cardán). 3. Conectar la toma de potencia del tractor al mínimo régimen de revoluciones y dejar girar en vacío la herramienta, durante un breve período de tiempo. Durante esta prueba, verificar además que el arbol de cardán no fuerze en las cruces ni en la “posición A” ni en la “ posición C”. N. B. Evitar lo más posible que el arbol de cardán trabaje con ángulos superiores a los 35o como está ilustrado en la figura y en las calcomanías aplicadas sobre la máquina.

MANUTENCIÓN Antes de empezar el trabajo proceder a una atenta lubricación de la máquina, en los puntos 1 y 2 indicados en la apropiada pegatina, en los empalmes esféricos y sobre los tubos de desplazamiento del cardán, y además el grupo de transmisión por cadena entero. Controlar la tensión de la cadena y , si es necesario, proceder al reglaje por medio de del tensor apropiado. COSMO

Pag. 21

Spagnolo Inglese





Our cylinder is a simple effect cylinder. When the mixer is in working position or in A productos. ción de sus loading position (it is empty) you can seeDEL thatCARDÁN the stem of the cylinder is all inside the POSICIÓN os expertos y construida cylinder. To empty the mixer you have to lower the oil pressure, the weight of the


load will cause the return of the fluid to the reservoir and the release of the cylinder. quina ayudará satisfacer If youaopen the distributor increasing the pressure, the pressure of the oil will cause the stem to go back inside the cylinder and this will bring up the mixer in working A POSICIÓN DE CARGA position. opening and closing the pressure of the fluid you can stop the mixer in a herramienta queSo puede the position gón, mezcladura deyou los want.


The frame is designed to allow attachment of the mixer to tractors equipped with 3 point hydraulic lift system (1st and “nd Category). attached to the tractor it is necessary to removeCthe blocking knobs from the eguridad,1)elOnce acoplamiento, DE DESCARGA support legs and place these legs in the position indicatedPOSICIÓN in the design shown on de la máquina. Leed con the adhesive decals. sirven de ayuda para su 2) Place the mixer as shown in ”Position B” indicated in the diagram in this booklet block the lift bars of the hydraulic lift so that en thelas PTO Shaft nearly Porand lo recambios. que concierne la posición de la hormigonera fases deremains carga y as descarga solamente los as possible horizontal with respect to the power take-off of the tractor and the input atenerse, con escrúpulo, a las disposiciones indicadas por las pegatinas apropiadas. ontaje de lashaft hormigonera. of the cemental mixer. There upon carry out the link-up to the hydraulic system Evitar de manera absoluta de trabajar con un ángulo superior al valor máximo par el of the tractor - without the mixer tub - that the PTO Shaft is in no arbol cardán deand 35overify indicado bobrerotating la pegatina. r y el comprador en el way subjected to forcing especially when in the “ position C” of the diagram. eso, es necesario enviar N.B. Ensure that in all positions, and especially TÉCNICAL in “position C” (the shortest), there CARACTERISTÍSTICAS nual de instrucción. is at least 60 mm (2 ins) axial play in the PTO Shaft itself. Enganche el take-off eje de transmisión: enchufe 10 xrotate 50 the mixer tub 3) Start the para power of the tractorØat30 thecon lowest r.p.m.Øand forincluyendo a short period empty. During 3/8" this test Enganche para hidráulico: GASensure o Ø 18once x 1,5again mm. that the PTO Shaft autorizado, elflexible does not force at the cross-pieces either in “position A” or “position C” of the diagram. Presión hidráulica de ejercicio: Max 140/Min 50 BARS (atm) N.B. Ensure that the shaft never operates at an angulation of more than 35° as so en elVelocidad momento derotación las de del eje de transmisión: Min 250 Max 300 revoluciones por minuto illustrated in the seguir mejores resultados. diagram and also in the decals attached to the machine. Relación de transmisión: 10/1 Capacidad : litros 320


Cantitad de hormigón: saco should be lubricated with care at points 1 and 2 Before starting work the1/2 machine indicated on the decals, at the Medidas de tamaño: Anchura:ball 860joints mm and sliding tubes of the PTO Shaft, and also enfrente, la dirección de on the chain drive sistem. Check themm tension control mechanism. Longitud: 930 Check the tension of the chain drive and if necessary regulate with the tension control Altura: 950 mm machanism. As to the position of the mixer during the loading and unloading phases manera diferente. Peso vacio 87 the Kg.instructions indicated on the special decals attached to the machine. follow carefully Pag.COSMO 22 Pag. 14




EINFÜHRUNG COSMO bietet Ihnen ein herzliches Willkommen und dankt Ihnen für den Einkauf ihrer Produkte. Die Maschine wurde mit aller Pflege von erfahrenen Technikern entworfen und von Facharbeitern durch ersten Wahl Stoff gebaut. Aufmerksamer Zusammenbau, Instandhaltung und korrekter Gebrauch der Maschine werden Ihren Ansprüchen genügen. Die COSMO MIXER 80 Betonmischer ist der neue Einfall für ein Gerät, dass zu vielen unterschiedlichen Gebräuchen genutzt werden kann: Kalkbeton Vorbereitung, Tierfutter Mischung, Spülung von Gemüse oder trocken Obst.

ANWENDUNG DES KATALOGS Dieses Handbuch hat den Zweck Ihnen zu helfen mit einer sicheren Anwendung, dem Zusammenbau, dem Betrieb, den technischen Reparaturen und der Instandhaltung der Maschine vertraut zu werden. Lesen Sie gewissenhaft das Handbuch und folgen Sie die Empfehlungen die zur Sicherheit und Leistungsfähigkeit der Maschine zu Hilfe kommen. Der Abschnitt des Handbuches der die Bestandteile betrifft, dient nur um die Ersatzteile zu bestellen. Das Handbuch zeigt nicht den Vorgang des Zusammen- und Auseinanderbaus der Betonmaschine. Der Garantieschein muss von Verteiler und Käufer zusammen im Verkauf Moment ausgefüllt werden. Nach der Verfassung des Garantiescheins soll man eine Kopie zur COSMO schicken und eine zusammen mit dem Einleitungshandbuch bewahren. Um die Ersatzteile zu bestellen, nehmen Sie Kontakt mit dem anerkannten Verteiler auf, beim Anschliessen des Model-Codes und der Seriennummer. Informationen im Handbuch eingehalten sind beiläufig im Drück Moment Einige Teile können Leicht geändert werden um bessere Leistungen zu erweisen.

TERMINOLOGIE - Rechts und links geben der gegenüber stehende Maschine die Arbeitsrichtung an. - Einmal ist die Maschine gegenüber gestellt, geben die Hinweise rechts und links im Handbuch geschrieben - die Arbeitsrichtung an. - S/N zeigt die Seriennummer an. Alle Bolzen sind au�er andere Angabe Für Klasse S zu halten. COSMO

Pag. 23

Inglese Tedesco





Our cylinder is a simple effect cylinder. When the mixer is in working position or in uss manUm mit Kundendienst dem örtlichen oder Bestandteilereparatur zu erhalten, muss man mit dem örtlichen loading position (it is empty) you can see that the stem of the cylinder is all inside the COSMO’s Verteiler Kontakt aufnehmen. cylinder. To empty the über mixerdas you geeignete have to lower the oil pressure, theReparatur weight of und the l für dieDer Reparatur und Verteiler verfügt Fachpersonal für die load will cause the return of the fluid to the reservoir and the release of the cylinder. Ersetzung der Bestandteile. If you opensollen the distributor increasing the sein. pressure, the pressure of the oil will cause Ersatzteile ausschlie�lich original the stem to go back inside the cylinder and this will bring up the mixer in working Seriennummer: position. So opening and closing the pressure of the fluid you can stop the mixer in immer die ZuSeriennummer einem raschen Dienst bei der Bestellung gebrauchen Sie immer die Seriennummer the position you want. und die Modelnummer des Ersatzteils. HOWIhre TOBefriedigung ATTACH UPmit THE n Maschine. Der Verteiler wünscht sich derMIXER neuen Maschine. in sollten, empfehlen wir Im Fall Sie nicht zufrieden mit dem geleisteten Dienst sollten, empfehlen The frame is designed to allow attachment of the mixer tosein tractors equipped with 3wir zu unternehmen. Ihnen, die folgende Ma�nahme point hydraulic lift system (1st and “nd Category).

attached theKundendienstleiter tractor it is necessary remove theund blocking knobs from und ihm1) insOnce Detail dasmit to Den Vorfall dem zu to besprechen ihm ins Detail dasthe Problem zu erklären, damit er es lösen kann. support legs and place these legs in the position indicated in the design shown on aufsleiter. 2) Falls das nichtdecals. reichen sollte wenden Sie sich dem Verkaufsleiter. the adhesive an die Firma: 3) weitere Informationen bekommen schreibeninSie die Firma: 2) Um Place the mixer as shown inzu”Position B” indicated the an diagram in this booklet and block the lift bars of the hydraulic lift so s.r.l. that the PTO Shaft remains as nearly COSMO Z.I. - 12022 BUSCA (Cn) - Italy Roata take-off Raffo, 64 -ofZ.I. - 12022 BUSCA (Cn)input - Italy as possible horizontal with respect toLocalità the power the tractor and the 55 / Fax +39.0171.946723 Phone +39.0171.946654 - 55to / Fax shaft of the cemental mixer. There upon carry out the link-up the+39.0171.946723 hydraulic system - E-mail: [email protected] Web site: - E-mail: [email protected] of the tractor and verify - without rotating the mixer tub - that the PTO Shaft is in no way1subjected to forcing especially when in the “ position C” of the diagram. TEIL: N.B. Ensure that in all positions, and especially in “position C” (the shortest), there RHEIT is at least 60 mm INFORMATIONEN DIE SICHERHEIT (2 ins) axial play in ÜBER the PTO Shaft itself. 3) the power take-off of the tractor at the lowest r.p.m. rotate theSie mixer tub u lesen, damit Sie besser WirStart empfehlen Ihnen vor der Verwendung, aufmerksam zuand lesen, damit besser for a short period empty. During this test ensure once again that the PTO Shaft die Ausrüstung der Betonmaschine verstehen können. does not force at the cross-pieces either in “position A” or “position C” of the diagram. N.B. Ensure that the shaft never operates at an angulation of more than 35° as RHEIT: ANMERKUNGEN ÜBER DIE SICHERHEIT: illustrated in the diagram and also in the decals attached to the machine.

r bestehtDas undGefahrsignal deswegen bezeichnet, dass eine potentielle Gefahr besteht und deswegen MAINTENANCE man die gebührenden Vorsichtma�regeln treffen muss. starting work the sehen, machine should lubricated care points 1 and 2 esen SieBefore die Nachricht. Wenn Sie dieses Signal seien Siebe vorsichtig undwith lesen Sieatdie Nachricht. indicated on the decals, at the ball joints and sliding tubes of the PTO Shaft, and heit die Erinnern Vorsicht ist Sieund sich daran, dass die Grundlage ihrer Sicherheit die Vorsicht ist also und on the chain drive sistem. Check the tension control mechanism.Verwendung und ung, Verwendung sowohl Ihreund Vorbereitung als auch die vom Beförderung, Check the tension of the drive and if necessary regulate with the tension control Maschinenlagerung deschain zugeteilten Fachpersonal. machanism. As to the position of the mixer during the loading and unloading phases follow carefully the instructions indicated on the special decals attached to the machine. Pag.14 24COSMO Pag.




ACHTEN SIE AUF DAS FOLGENDE: Sicherheitsanmerkungen im Handbuch GEFAHR! Das bezeichnet ein Lage von drohenden Gefahr. Wenn möglich, zu vermeiden. Das Risiko besteht in persönlichen Verletzungen und Todesgefahr. ACHTUNG! Es bezeichnet, dass Sie sich in einer gefährlichen Lage finden. Zu vermeiden, wenn möglich. Das setzt persönliche Verletzungen und Todes Gefahr auf Spiel. VORSICHT! Das bezeichnet eine mögliche Gefahrlage, wenn möglich, zu vermeiden, unter Einsatz persönliche Verletzungen. Man empfehlt vorsichtig zu sein in das Eingreifen. BEGRIFFBESTIMMUNGEN: ANMERKUNG: Die Absicht des Täters ist, dass Sie aufmerksam die Einleitungen lesen bevor Sie weitermachen. WICHTIG: Passen Sie auf die berichtete Informationen auf.

SICHERHEITSMA�NAHMEN Viele Unfälle kommen auf die Nachlässigkeit und Mangel an Vorsicht in der Beachtung der Sicherheitsma�nahmen des Bedienungsmannes an. Vorsicht hei�t Unfälle zu vermeiden. Ihr Gerät ist gemä� der geltenden gesetzliche Sicherheitsbestimmungen gebaut worden. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass der Anwender dieser Maschine auf eine aufmerksame Weise die Verwendungseinleitungen gelesen und verstanden hat. Auf diesen Hinblick muss der Bedienungsmann vor der Anwendung, die Wirksamkeit der Beschützungen testen (Krone, Antriebselemente und Schaltungselemente). Das Handbuch ist als wesentlicher Bestandteil der Maschine betrachtet. Vergewissern Sie sich, dass es immer dabei ist.

VOR DEM EINGRIFF Lesen Sie die Betriebsbestimmungen bevor der Einwendung. Folgen Sie aufmerksam die Hinweise des Bauers. COSMO

Pag. 25

Inglese Tedesco





Our cylinder is a simple effect cylinder. When the mixer is in working position or in uss man Bevor mit dem örtlichen Eingriffyou zu machen, halten Sie den Traktor, machen Sie den loadingirgendwelche position (it is empty) can see that the stem of the cylinder is all inside the Motor aus und lösen Sie die Vorrichtung von der Steckdose. cylinder. To empty the mixer you have to lower the oil pressure, the weight of the l für dieBehalten Reparatur Sieund den Sicherheitsabstand von der Maschine indem es in Betrieb ist. load will Sie cause of the fluid to the the release of the cylinder. Passen auf the denreturn Sicherheitsabstand vonreservoir Händen,and Füssen, Haare und Klamotten Ifvon youder open the distributor increasing the pressure, Maschine während des Eingreifen auf.. the pressure of the oil will cause the stemSie to nie go back inside the and this will bring up the mixer in working Lassen die Maschine in cylinder Betrieb allein. Die Beladung Phaseand muss mit stehen bleibenden geführt werden position. So opening closing the pressure of the Maschine fluid you can stop the mixerum in immer die Seriennummer den Kontakt mit den Mischung Schaufeln innerhalb des Bechers zu vermeiden. the position you want.

HOW TOENDE ATTACH THE MIXER n Maschine. AM DESUP EINGRIFFS in sollten, empfehlen wir The frame is designed to allow attachment of the mixer to tractors equipped with 3 Machen Sie sicher, dass die Verbindungsstücke die Sperrungszapfen haben, bevor point hydraulic lift system (1st and “nd Category). sie den Weg unternehmen. attached und ihm1) insOnce Detail das to the tractor it is necessary to remove the blocking knobs from the support legs and place these legs in the position indicated in the design shown on WÄHREND DER INSTANDHALTUNG aufsleiter. the adhesive decals. an die Firma: 2) PlaceSie theden mixer as Griff shown in Traktors ”Position ab, B” indicated in the diagram thisbevor booklet Lösen Kraft des schalten Sie den Motor in aus, Sie irgendwelche machen. Schmierung, and block theReparatureingriff lift bars of the hydraulic lift soDie that Handlungen the PTO Shaftvon remains as nearly und Reparatur mit stehen Z.I. - 12022Reinigung, BUSCA (Cn) Instandhaltung - Italy as possible horizontal with respect to themüssen power take-off of thebleibenden tractor andMaschine the input gemacht werden. 55 / Fax +39.0171.946723 shaft of the cemental mixer. There upon carry out the link-up to the hydraulic system Diese Richtlinie und Beastimmungen müssen mindestens einmal im Jahr vom - E-mail: [email protected] of the tractor and verify - without rotating the mixer tub - that the PTO Shaft is in no Bedienungsmann durchgelesen werden. way subjected to forcing especially when in the “ position C” of the diagram. N.B. Ensure that in all positions, and especially in “position C” (the shortest), there ALLGEMEINE SICHERHEITSMA�NAHMEN RHEIT is at least 60 mm (2 ins) axial play in the PTO Shaft itself. 3) the power take-off of the at the lowest and rotate the mixer tub 1. Start Erlauben Sie niemanden auftractor der Maschine au�err.p.m. Fachpersonal. u lesen, damit Sie besser for a short period empty. During this test ensure once again 2. Lassen Sie die Kinder nicht das Gerat im Betrieb zu setzen.that the PTO Shaft does not force at the cross-pieces either in “position A” or “position C” of the diagram. 3. Tragen Sie geeignete Kleidungen und Augenschutz um Schaden aus N.B. Ensure that the shaft never operates at an angulation of more than 35° as Gegenstände vorzubeugen, die aus der Maschine zufällig austreten könnten. RHEIT: illustrated in the diagram and also in the decals attached to the machine. 4. Vermeiden Sie Bewegungen mit der maschine im Betrieb. r besteht und deswegen 5. Lassen Sie nie die MaschineMAINTENANCE unbewacht.

starting work the machinedem should be lubricated care at points 1 and 2 6. aufhalten zwischen Traktor und derwith Maschine während der esen SieBefore dieNicht Nachricht. Kupplungsmanöver. indicated on the decals, at the ball joints and sliding tubes of the PTO Shaft, and also heit die Vorsicht ist und on chain drive sistem. Check the tension control mechanism. ung, Verwendung und 7. the Leute nicht befördern. Check the tension of the chain drive and if necessary regulate with the tension control 8. Fahren Sie langsam und passen sie auf die Graben in den Felder auf. machanism. As to the position of the mixer during the loading and unloading phases 9. Die Maschine während des Betriebs schmieren. follow carefully the instructions indicated onnicht the special decals attached to the machine. Pag. Pag. 14 26 COSMO




10. Tragen Sie Keine Bekleidung die sich in das Getriebe verstricken könnte. 11. Nach Reparatur oder Instandhaltung vergewissern Sie sich, Schlüsseln oder anderes vom Gerät entfernt zu haben, bevor Sie ihn wieder verwenden. 12. Die Maschine abstellen, in ein Raum in dem Kinder nicht spielen.

BEFÖRDERUNG 1 - Achten Sie darauf wenn Sie in der Nähe von Strassen überqueren oder arbeiten, bewachen Sie die Maschine immer. Sie müssen die örtlichen Gesetze über die Stra�enbeförderung kennen. 2 - Geschwindigkeitsgrenze 30 km/h. Befördern Sie die Maschine nur mit dem Traktor mit der angemessenen Leistung und lesen Sie das Traktorhandbuch durch, bevor Sie die Maschine verwenden. 3 - Verwenden Sie während der Stra�enbeförderung das Blinklicht immer in einer sichtbare Position. 4 - Verwenden Sie immer eine angemessene Beleuchtung, damit das Gerät sichtbar über Nachtbeförderungen und Tagen mit geringen Sichtbarkeit bleibt.

SICHERHEITSANKLEBEN 1 - Die Betonmaschine wird mit Sicherheitsankleben ausgestattet. Diese Ankleben sind zur Anwendersicherheit gemeint, indem sie die Maschine anwenden. 2 - Bewahren Sie immer die Ankleben rein und lesbar. 3 - Wechseln Sie die beschädigten oder fehlenden Ankleben ab. 4 - Passen Sie auf die folgenden Hinweise auf: - Reinigen Sie gründlich die Fläche auf dem Sie das Ankleben legen. - Nehmen Sie den klebrigen Deckel des Anklebens weg und drücken Sie fest beim Anlegen, um Luftblasen zu vermeiden.

EINFÜHRUNG Diese Veröffentlichung enthält die Anweisungen zum Gebrauch und Instandhaltung der Betonmaschine und Mischmaschine zum Ackerbau und allgemeine Anwendungen. COSMO

Pag. 27

Inglese Tedesco





Our cylinder is geht a simple effect cylinder. the mixer is in working position or in Zylinder Einzigwirkung. WennWhen der Mixer ist in der ladenstellung (das heisst uss man Unser mit dem örtlichen loading (it iskann empty) you can seeder thatZylinderspindel the stem of the cylinder all inside the der leerposition ist), man sehen dass ganz inisden Zylinder zurückgetreten ist. Um den Zylinder zu leeren, es braucht den Öldruck abstellen, der cylinder. To empty the mixer you have to lower the oil pressure, the weight of the l für die Reparatur und geladene Mixergewicht, den Leitradand zurück der of Zylinder locker load will cause the returnmacht of the das fluidÖl to in the reservoir the und release the cylinder. sich lasst. Wenn der Mixer unten ist, der Zylinderspindel ganz aus ist. Wenn man den If you open the distributor increasing the pressure, the pressure of the oil will cause Leitradhahn öffnet, um den Druck zu erhöhen, der Öldruck macht den Zylinderspindel the stem to go back inside the and this bring up the mixer in working in den Zylinder zurücktreten undcylinder den Mixerin die will Arbeitstellung zurückbringen. Das position. So opening and closing the pressure of the fluid you can stop den the mixer heisst dass, beim Öffnen und beim Abnehmen den Öldruck, wir können Mixer in in immer die Seriennummer the you want.stellen. der position Lieblingsstellung

HOW TO ATTACH THE MIXER n Maschine. AUFSTELLUNG DES UP MISCHAPPARATS in sollten, empfehlen wir The frame is designed to allow attachment of the mixer to tractors equipped with 3 Der Rahmen des Mischapparats wurde erzeugt, so dass den Zusammenbau auf Traktoren point lift system (1st andist. “nd(erste Category). mit 3 hydraulic Punkten Kupplung ermöglicht und zweite Kategorie) Once attached to the tractor it is necessary remove the blocking knobs from the und ihm1) ins Detail das 1) Einmal der Zusammenbau vollzogen ist, mussto man die Abstellstütze beim Ausschreiben legs herausziehen and place these position indicated in the design shown dersupport Kugelgriffen und legs sie inin diethe Position einlegen, die bezeichnet in der Figur on auf aufsleiter. theAnkleben adhesive dem aufdecals. der Maschine bezeichnet ist. an die Firma: 2) as shown in ”Position B” indicated theauf diagram in this booklet 2) Place Stellenthe Siemixer die Betonmaschine auf Position „B“ so wieines der Figur im Handbuch bezeichnet wird. and block the lift bars of the hydraulic lift so that the PTO Shaft remains as nearly Sie dann mitwith demrespect Einspannen Stäbetake-off zum Abheben, um zuand haften die Z.I. - 12022Gehen BUSCA (Cn)weiter - Italy as possible horizontal to theder power of the tractor theauf input beste mögliche Weise dafür, dass die Gelenkwelle auf die waagerechte Position hingestellt 55 / Fax +39.0171.946723 shaft of the cemental mixer. There upon carry out the link-up to the hydraulic system bleibt, hinsichtlich der zwei Wellen zur Verbindung und zwar die Leistungseingriff des Traktors - E-mail: [email protected] of the tractor and verify - without rotating the mixer tub - that the PTO Shaft is in no und die Gelenkwelle der Betonmaschine. way subjected todie forcing especially when in the positiondurch C” ofund thevergewissern diagram. Sie Nachher führen Sie hydraulische Verbindung zum“ Traktor N.B. Ensure that in all positions, and especially in “position C” (the shortest), sich, ohne den Trichter des Mischers zu drehen, dass das Kardangelenk keinethere axial RHEIT Anstrengung is at least durchhalten 60 mm (2 ins) play wenn in thedas PTO Shaft soll,axial vor allem Gerät aufitself. “Position C“ hingestellt ist. WICHTIG: Immer auf jeden ein Axialspiel von 60mm undthe besonders auf 3) Start the powerund take-off of theFall tractor at the lowest r.p.m.einhalten and rotate mixer tub u lesen, damit Sie besser “Position C“ hingestellt (Punkt von grö��tem setzen des Kardangelenks) for a short period empty. During this test ensure once again that the PTO Shaft 3) does Schalten Sie den Leistungseingriff deningeringsten Drehzahl ein und Sie, das not force at the cross-piecesauf either “position A” or “position C” oflassen the diagram. Gerät für einen Augenblick allein drehen. N.B. Ensure that the shaft never operates at an angulation of more than 35° as dieses Versuchs prüfen Sie weiter, dass das Kardangelenk nicht auf die Gelenkkreuze RHEIT: Während illustrated in the diagram and also in the decals attached to the machine. aufbricht, sowohl wenn auf “Position A“ hingestellt, als auch auf “Position C“.

vermeiden Sie am meisten dass das Kardangelenk zu Einschlagen über 35° arbeitet, r bestehtWICHTIG: und deswegen so wie es in der Abbildung illustriert MAINTENANCE wird und in den Abziehbilder auf das Gerät geklebt. Before starting work the machine should be lubricated with care at points 1 and 2 esen Sie die Nachricht. INSTANDHALTUNG indicated on the decals, at the ball joints and sliding tubes of the PTO Shaft, and also heit die Vorsicht ist und on the chain und drive sistem. Check the tension control mechanism. ung, Verwendung Bevor Sie die Arbeit anfangen, führen Sie eine gründliche Schmierung auf die Punkte 1 und 2 Check the tension drive and if necessary thedie tension control der Maschine durch, of diethe auf chain dem dazu bestimmten Abziehbildregulate illustriert with sind, auf Kugelgelenke, machanism. As to the position of the mixer during the loading and unloading phases auf die Kardanabgleitung Rohren und auf die ganze Kettentriebsgruppe. Prüfen Sie die Spannung der Kette und wenn nötig, führen indicated Sie die Regelung mit demdecals geeigneten Spanner. follow carefully the instructions on the special attached to the machine. Pag. Pag. 14 28 COSMO










Zur Position der Betonmaschine während der Beladung und Entladungsphasen halten Sie sich mit Sorgfalt an die auf den Ankleben hingewiesenen Bestimmungen. Vermeiden Sie überhaupt zu einem Einschlagen über 35°, den maximal erlaubten Wert für die Gelenkwelle, zu arbeiten.

CARACTERISTÌSTICAS TÈCNICAL Verbindungsstück zur Gelenkwelle: Ø 30 mit Stift Ø 10 x 50 Verbindungsstück zur hydraulischen Federwelle: 3/8" GAS oder Ø 18 x 1,5 mm. Hydraulischen Betriebsdruck: Max 140/Min 50 BARS (atm) Drehungsgeschwindigkeit der Gelenkwelle: Min 250 - Max 300 giri/min Übersetzungsverhältnis: 10/1 Speichernutzung : 320 Liter Zement Quantität: 1/2 sack Raumbedarf: Breite: 860 mm Länge: 930 mm Hohe: 950 mm Eigengewicht: 87 Kg COSMO

Pag. 29



































1 - Ingrassare prima dell’uso. 2 - Controllare la chiusura di tutte le viti. 3 - Verificare la corretta lunghezza del cardano, assicurarsi che abbia un accoppiamento di tubi di almeno 12 cm e che l’angolo di lavoro non superi i 35. 4 - Verificare periodicamente la corretta tensione della catena. WARNING

1 - Grease before using. 2 - Verify the fastening of all the screws. 3 - Check the correct length of the PTO, ensuring that the insert length between the two halves of the shaft is not less than 4,73” and also that the PTO doesn’t operate with angulations over 35. 4 - Periodically verify the correct strain of the chain.

Pag. 30





































1 - E ngrasar antes del uso. 2 - Controlar el cierre de todos los tornillos. 3 - Verificar la longitud del cardàn, asegurarse que tenga un acoplamiento de los menos de 12 cm y que el àngulo de trabajo ne superes los 35 cm. 4 - Verificar periòdicamente la correcta tensiòn de la cadena. WICHTIG MERKMAL

1 - Schmieren Sie, bevor der Benutzung. 2 - Kontrollieren Sie das Schlie�en aller Schrauben. 3 - Kontrollieren die richtige Länge der Kardanwelle, sichern Sie sich dass die eine Röhrekupplung von12 cm und die Arbeitwinkel nicht mehr als 35° sind. 4 - Kontrollieren Sie periodisch die richtige Spannung der Kettel.



Pag. 31









71 74 72

76 75


75 78

73 79



70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80


623.006 304.020 623.011 623.013 623.014 623.016 623.017 623.018 623.015 623.019 301.006 623.012

1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1











SERRAGGIO BULLONI - Torque Values Chart for Common Sizes Bolt Head Identification

Identificazione testa bullone

Misura bullone

(metrica) int-tpi 1 M 5 X 0.8 M6X1 M 8 X 1.25 M8X1 M 10 X 1.5 M 10 X 0.75 M 12 X 1.75 M 12 X 1.5 M 12 X 1 M 14 X 2 M 14 X 1.5 M 16 X 2 M 16 X 1.5 M 18 X 2.5 M 18 X 1.5 M 20 X 2.5 M 20 X 1.5 M 24 X 3 M 24 X 2 M 30 X 3.5 M 30 X 2 M 36 X 3.5 M 36 X 2

Grade 2

N°-m2 ft-lb 3 4 7 17 18 33 39 58 60 90 92 99 145 155 195 220 280 310 480 525 960 1060 1730 1880

diametro nominale della filettatura pollici - filettatura per pollici N° m= newton-metri piedi - libbre 4 - mm per passo= 1) + in millimetri per passo di filettatura

3 5 12 13 24 28 42 44 66 68 73 105 115 145 165 205 230 355 390 705 785 1270 1380

Grade 5

N-m 6 11 26 28 52 61 91 95 105 145 155 225 240 310 350 440 650 760 830 1510 1680 2650 2960





Pag. 32


Grade 8




5 8 19 21 39 45 67 70 77 105 115 165 180 230 260 325 480 560 610 1120 1240 1950 2190

9 15 36 39 72 85 125 130 145 200 215 315 335 405 485 610 900 1050 1150 2100 2320 3660 4100

7 11 27 29 53 62 93 97 105 150 160 230 245 300 355 450 665 780 845 1550 1710 2700 3220

in-tpi= nominal thread diameter in inches-threads per inch N° m= newton-meters ft-lb= foot pounds mm x pitch= nominal thread diameter in millimeters x thread pitch

Bolt Size (Inches) mm x pitch 4 1/4” - 20 1/4” - 28 5/16” - 18 5/16” - 24 3/8” - 16 3/8” - 24 7/16” - 14 7/16” - 20 1/2” - 13 1/2” - 20 9/16” - 12 9/16” - 18 5/8” - 11 5/8” - 18 3/4” - 10 3/4” - 16 7/8” - 9 7/8” - 14 1” - 8 1” - 12 1-1/8” - 7 1 1/8” - 12 1 1/4” - 7 1 1/4” - 12 1 3/8” - 6 1 3/8” - 12 1 1/2” - 6 1 1/2” - 12



Class 5.8

Class 8.8

N-m 7.4 8.5 15 17 27 31 43 49 66 75 95 105 130 150 235 260 225 250 340 370 480 540 680 750 890 1010 1180 1330

ft-lb 5.6 6 11 13 20 22 32 36 49 55 70 79 97 110 170 190 165 185 250 275 355 395 500 555 655 745 870 980


Class 10.9




11 13 24 26 42 47 67 75 105 115 150 165 205 230 360 405 585 640 875 955 1080 1210 1520 1680 1990 2270 2640 2970

8 10 17 19 31 35 49 55 76 85 110 120 150 170 265 295 430 475 645 705 795 890 1120 1240 1470 1670 1950 2190

16 18 33 37 59 67 95 105 145 165 210 235 285 325 510 570 820 905 1230 1350 1750 1960 2460 2730 3230 3680 4290 4820

ft-lb 12 14 25 27 44 49 70 78 105 120 155 170 210 240 375 420 605 670 910 995 1290 1440 1820 2010 2380 2710 3160 3560




Tedesco Spagnolo






75 Para el servicio clientes o la reparación componentes es necesario contactar el 71 78 77 76 distribuidor local de la COSMO. 75 74 Usted tiene el personal cualificado para la reparación y sustitución de las piezas de 73 72 la máquina. Los recambios tienen que ser necesariamente originales. 79

Número de serie: Para un servicio rápido utilizar siempre el número de serie y el número del modelo cuando se pide la piezaCILINDRO de recambio. HIDRÀULICO - HYDRAULISCHZYLINDER POS. QTY. - MENGE CÒDIGO - KODEX DENOMINACIÒN BEZEICHNUNG El distribuidor quiere 623.006 que la nueva máquina les agrade. En el caso que el servicio CILINDRO HIDRÀULICO MIXER HYDRAULISCHZYLINDER TUBO HIDRÀULICO HYDRAULISCHROHR 304.020 70 1 recibido no sea satisfactorio, sugerimos las acciones siguientes: TUBO EXTERIOR AUSSERROHR 623.011 71 1 PARAPOLVO STAUBSCHUTZ 623.013 72 1 1. Discutir del acontecimiento con la persona que se ocupa del servicio clientes CABEZA FILETEADA BETRESSTKOPF 623.014 1 73 RASCADOR INTERIOR INNERABSCHABER 623.016 74 1 explicando de manera detallada el acontecimiento para poder obtener la resolución GUARNICIÒN O RING 35X40 DICHTUNGSRING 35X40 623.017 75 2 GUARNICIÒN O RING 12X18 DICHTUNGSRING 12X18 623.018 76 1 del problema. CULATA MOVIL BEWEGLICHKOPF 623.015 77 1 EXTERIOR AUSSERABSCHABER al titular del 623.019 1 aún 2. En 78 el caso que no estéRASCADOR satisfecho, recorrer, en la eventualidad, TUERCA M 12 AUTOBLOQUEANTE SELBSTBLOCKMUTTER 301.006 1 79 VÀSTAGO ZYLINDERSPINDEL 623.012 punto 80de venta. 1 ÀRBOL DE CARDÀN KARDANWELLE 3. Para otras informaciones escribir a: COSMO s.r.l. POS.





Località Roata Raffo, ARBOL DE CARDÀN RS1530-8881102

64 - Z.I. - 12022 BUSCA (Cn) - Italy KARDANWELLE RS1530-8881102 Phone +39.0171.946654 - 55 / Fax +39.0171.946723



Web site: - E-mail: [email protected] BOLZENICOPFIDENT IFIZIERUNG

Bolzenma� �

Medida bulones PARTE 1: SIGURIDAD (Métrico)

int-tpi 1 M 5 X 0.8 M6X1 M 8 X 1.25 M8X1 M 10 X 1.5 M 10 X 0.75 M 12 X 1.75 M 12 X 1.5 M 12 X 1 M 14 X 2 M 14 X 1.5 M 16 X 2 M 16 X 1.5 M 18 X 2.5 M 18 X 1.5 M 20 X 2.5 M 20 X 1.5 M 24 X 3 M 24 X 2 M 30 X 3.5 M 30 X 2 M 36 X 3.5 M 36 X 2

Grade 2

N-m2 4 7 17 18 33 39 58 60 90 92 99 145 155 195 220 280 310 480 525 960 1060 1730 1880

Grade 5

Class 5.8

Grade 8

Class 8.8

4 mm xLA pitch SEGURIDAD N-m ft-lb N-m ft-lb SOBRE N-m ft-lb N-m INFORNACIONES

ft-lb 3 3 5 12 13 24 28 42 44 66 68 73 105 115 145 165 205 230 355 390 705 785 1270 1380

6 11 26 28 52 61 91 95 105 145 155 225 240 310 350 440 650 760 830 1510 1680 2650 2960

5 8 19 21 39 45 67 70 77 105 115 165 180 230 260 325 480 560 610 1120 1240 1950 2190

9 15 36 39 72 85 125 130 145 200 215 315 335 405 485 610 900 1050 1150 2100 2320 3660 4100

M 5 X 0.8 M6X1 M 8 X 1.25 M8X1 M 10 X 1.5 M 10 X 0.75 M 12 X 1.75 M 12 X 1.5 M 12 X 1 M 14 X 2 M 14 X 1.5 M 16 X 2 M 16 X 1.5 M 18 X 2.5 M 18 X 1.5 M 20 X 2.5 M 20 X 1.5 M 24 X 3 M 24 X 2 M 30 X 3.5 M 30 X 2 M 36 X 3.5 M 36 X 2

7 11 27 29 53 62 93 97 105 150 160 230 245 300 355 450 665 780 845 1550 1710 2700 3220

4 7 17 18 33 39 58 60 90 92 99 145 155 195 220 280 310 480 525 960 1060 1730 1880

3 5 12 13 24 28 42 44 66 68 73 105 115 145 165 205 230 355 390 705 785 1270 1380

6 11 26 28 52 61 91 95 105 145 155 225 240 310 350 440 650 760 830 1510 1680 2650 2960

ft-lb 5 8 19 21 39 45 67 70 77 105 115 165 180 230 260 325 480 560 610 1120 1240 1950 2190

Class 10.9

N-m 9 15 36 39 72 85 125 130 145 200 215 315 335 405 485 610 900 1050 1150 2100 2320 3660 4100

ft-lb 7 11 27 29 53 62 93 97 105 150 160 230 245 300 355 450 665 780 845 1550 1710 2700 3220

Aconsejamos de leer con atención, antes del utilizo, lo que se presenta a continuación para comprender mejor el equipo de la hormigonera. El manual sirve solamente para pedir las piezas de recambio y no muestra los esquemas de montaje.


El señal de peligro indica que hay un posible riesgo para la persona y por esto es necesario tomar las precauciones necesarias. Cuando ved este símbolo tened cuidado y leed el mensaje. Recordad que la base de vuestra seguridad es la prudencia y la preparación vuestra diámetro nominal del roscado en pulgadas auf y del personal encargado las operacionesin-tpi= deNominaldiametergewinde transporte, utilizo y almacenamiento Zoll-Gewinde mal Zoll roscado de parapulgadas Newton metros N° m= Newton-Meter ft-lb ft-lb= Fu�-Pfund de las máquinas. mm x paso= diámetro nominal del roscado mm x pitch= Nominaldiametergewinde auf 1-





Pag. 33 COSMO

en mm per paso del roscado


Millimeter-Gewinde mal Millimeter

Pag. 17 Pag. 33 COSMO


Pag. 34








1 - Be alert to traffic when crossing or operating near road-ways. Always maintain

C complete control of the machine. Know your state and local laws concerning highway safety and regulations. Comply with these laws when trasporting machinery.



2 - Limit transport speed to 20 mph. Transport only with a farm tractor of sufficient size and horse power. See “Tractor Requirements”.

B Vehicle” emblem, and re3 - Always make sure flashing safety lights, “Slow Moving flectors are in place and visible prior to transporting the machine on pubblic roads. 4 - Use warning flags or approved warning lights at night and during other periods of poor visibility. Do your best to prevent highwayCaccidents. POSIZIONE DI SCARICO

SAFETY DECALS Per- la posizione betoniera di caricamento e di scarico attenersi scru1 Your MIXER della comes equippednelle withfasi all safety decals in place. They were designed polosamente alle disposizioni sugli appositi to help you safely operate indicate your implement. Read adesivi. and follow their directions. Evitare assolutamente di lavorare adlegible. un’angolazione superiore al valore massimo 2 - Keep all safety decals clean and per l’albero cardano di 35° indicato sull’adesivo. 3 - Replace all damaged or missing decals. To order new decals go to your COSMO dealer and refer to the parts section “Decals Placement” for the proper decal


part numbers.

4 - Refer to this section for proper decal placement. Attacco per l’albero di trasmissione: O 30 con spina O 10x50 To install new decals: Attacco per flessibile idraulico: 3/8” GAS oppure O 18x1,5 mm. a. Clean the area the decal is to be placed. Pressione idraulica di esercizio: Max 140/Min 50 BARS (atm) b. Peel backing from decal. Press firmly on surface being careful not to cause Velocità di rotazione albero di trasmissione: Min 250 Max 300 giri/min air bubbles under decal. Rapporto di trasmissione: 10/1 Capacità: litri 320 Quantità di cemento: 1/2 sacco


Misure di ingombro: Larghezza: 860 mm for use and maintenance of MIXER 80 This publication contains the instructions Lunghezza: 930agricultural mm cement mixer and general mixer for and other use. Altezza: 950 mm Peso a vuoto: Kg. 87 Pag. 8 COSMO

COSMO Pag. 13






BEZEICHUNG POS. QT. CODICE DENOMINACIÒN ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 609.001 CONO ANTERIOR VORDERKEGEL 1 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 609.002 VASO POSTERIOR HINTERBECHER 2 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 619.001 AGITADOR AGITATOR 3 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 633.016 PERNO CENTRAL ZENTRALSTIFT 4 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 301.010 DADO M10 ZG UNI 5588 MUTTER M10 ZG UNI 5588 5 6 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FLACHE SCHEIBE 10X20 ZG UNI 6592 12 303.015 RONDANA LLANA 10X20 ZG UNI 6592 6 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 300.008 TORNILLO TE 14 X 45 GR UNI 5739 SCHRAUBE TE 14X45 GR UNI 5739 7 6 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 303.010 RONDANA LLANA 14X28 ZG UNI 6592 FLACHE SCHEIBE 14X28 ZG UNI 6592 8 9 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 300.003 TORNILLO TE 10 X 25 GR UNI 5739 SCHRAUBE TE 10X25 ZG UNI 5739 10 6 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ MUTTER M8 ZG UNI 5588 11 18 301.012 DADO M8 ZG UNI 5588 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FLACHE SCHEIBE 8X17 ZG UNI 6592 12 36 303.007 RONDANA LLANA 8 X 17 ZG UNI 6592 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TORNILLO TE 8 X 16 GR UNI 5739 300.028 SCHRAUBE TE 8X16 ZG UNI 5739 18 13 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 333.002 CADENA 1/2 “ KETTE 1/2 “ 14 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 333.001 RUEDA 1/2 “ 114 DIENTES KRANZ 1/2 “ – 114 ZÄHNE 15 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 316.001 PIÑîN Z13 1/2 “ RITZEL Z13 – 1/2 “ 1 16 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 313.009 ANILLO ELÀSTICO 30 UNI 3653 ELASTISCH RING 30 UNI 3653 1 17 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 310.004 cojinete a bolas 6006 Àrbol inferior KUGELKISSEN 6006 UNTERWELLE 2 18 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.040 SOPORTE GLOBAL DE REGISTRO DADENA GESAMTAUFLAGE KETTEREGLER 19 56 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ESTRIBO SOPORTE TAPA DE PROTECTIîN FILETEADA 606.039 GEWINDEHAUBEAUFLAGEKLAUE CE M6 19 38 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SOPORTE BUJE ÀRBOL ENTRADA 606.030 BÜCHSEAUFLAGE EINTRITTWELLE 19 61 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ BUJE PERNO ÀRBOL ENTRADA 325.020 EINTRITTWELLESTIFTBÜCHSE 19 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 301.002 DADO M12 ZG UNI 5588 MUTTER M10 ZG UNI 5588 20 7 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 300.024 TORNILLO TE 12 X 35 GR UNI 5739 SCHRAUBE TE 12X35 ZG UNI 5739 21 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 306.002 ENGRASADOR ZG M8 SCHMIERPUMPE ZG M8 22 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 303.026 RONDANA LLANA INT 13X25 ZG UNI 6592 FLACHE INNERSCHEIBE 13X25 ZG UNI 6592 23 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 302.003 POMO BLOQUEO M8 SPERRENKNAUF M8 25 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 639.004 CÀRTER CHASSIS 26 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TORNILLO TE 6 X 16 GR UNI 5739 300.026 SCHRAUBE TE 6X16 ZG UNI 5739 27 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 310.005 COJINETE A BOLAS 45X85X19 6209 çRBOL SUPERIOR KUGELKISSEN 48X85X19 6209 OBERWELLE DECKEL 28 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 614.001 TAPA DECKEL 29 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 316.002 PIÑîN GLOBAL Z13 1/2 “ CONJUNTO DE çRBOL PEQUEÑO RITZEL Z 13 1/2 “ MIT WELLE 30 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PIÑîN Z13 1/2 “ 316.001 RITZEL Z 13 1/2 “ 30 16 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ÀRBOL ENTRADA 323.007 EINTRITTWELLE 30 44 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 300.041 TORNILLO TSEI 16X30 GR UNI 5933 SCHRAUBE 16X30 GR UNI 5933 31 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SOPORTE CUADRO 40X40X4 PARA TUBO SOSTÉN PIE 606.042 VIERDECKAUFLAGE 40X40X4 FÜR FUBAUFLAGERÖHRE 32 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 301.003 DADO M14 ZG UNI 5588 SCHRAUBE M14 ZG UNI 5588 33 9 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 307.001 CHAVETA FEDERSPLINT 4,5 MM 34 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 633.014 PERNO ENGANCE TERCERO PUNTO DRITTPUNKTVERBINDUNGSSTIFT 35 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 300.009 TORNILLO TE 12 X 70 GR UNI 5739 SCHRAUBE TE 12X70 GR UNI 5739 36 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 303.016 RONDANA LLANA 6X18 ZG UNI 6593 FLACHE SCHEIBE 6X18 ZG UNI 6593 37 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.030 SOPORTE BUJE ÀRBOL ENTRADA BÜCHSEAUFLAGEEINTRITTWELLE 38 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.041 PIE SE SOPORTE AUFLAGEFUB 39 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 633.005 PERNO CENTRAL CONJUNTO DE DISCO GESAMTZENTRALSTIFT MIT DISK 40 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SOPORTE VASO POSTERIOR 606.029 HINTERBECHERAUFLAGE 40 43 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERNO CENTRAL 633.016 ZENTRALSTIFT 40 4 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 333.003 ESLABîN CONEXIîN 1/2 “ KETTENGLIED 1/2 “ 41 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 313.008 ANILLO ELÀSTICO RADIAL d 25 ESPESOR 2 mm RADIAL FLACHE SCHEIBE DIAM. 25 MM DICK. 2 MM 42 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.029 SOPORTE VASO POSTERIOR HINTERBECHERAUFLAGE 43 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 323.007 ÀRBOL ENTRADA EINTRITTWELLE 44 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.034 PLACA TERCERO PUNTO IZQUIERDA DRITTPUNKTPLATTE LINKS 45 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLACA TERCERO PUNTO DERECHA 606.035 DRITTPUNKTPLATTE RECHTS 46 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.032 PLACA LEVANTAMIENTO IZQUIERDA HEBENSPLATTE LINKS 47 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.033 PLACA LEVANTAMIENTO DERECHA HEBENSPLATTE RECHTS 48 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.031 CONTRAPLACA SOPORTE ÀRBOL ENTRADA GEGENPLATTESEINTRITTWELLE 49 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 613.010 CHASIS GLOBAL GESAMTCHASSIS 50 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 639.004 CÀRTER CHASSIS 50 26 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 325.019 BUJE COJINETES ÀRBOL RUEDA BÜCHSE – KISSEN – WELLE – KRANZ 50 58 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.031 CONTRAPLACA SOPORTE ÀRBOL ENTRADA GEGENPLATTESEINTRITTWELLEAUFLAGE 50 49 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.033 PLACA LEVANTAMIENTO IZQUIERDA HEBENSPLATTE LINKS 50 48 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.032 PLACA LEVANTAMIENTO DERECHA HEBENSPLATTE RECHTS 50 47 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.042 SOPORTE CUADRO 40X40X4 PARA TUBO SOSTÉN PIE VIERDECKAUFLAGE 40X40X4 FÜR FU �AUFLAGERÖHRE 50 32 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.043 TRAVIESA POSTERIOR 40X40X4 HINTERKREUZSTANGE 50 51 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.034 PLACA TERCERO PUNTO IZQUIERDA DRITTPUNKTPLATTE LINKS 50 45 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.035 PLACA TERCERO PUNTO DERECHA DRITTPUNKTPLATTE RECHTS 50 46 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.036 TUBO ENLATADO DE CHAPA SOPORTE TERCERO PUNTO DRITTPUNKTAUFLAGESTAHLBLECH 50 52 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.043 TRAVIESA POSTERIOR 40X40X4 HINTERKREUZSTANGE 40X40X4 51 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.036 TUBO ENLATADO EN CHAPA SOPORTE TERCERO PUNTO DRITTPUNKTAUFLAGESTAHLBLECH 52 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 303.006 RONDANA GLOVER PERNO LEVANTAMIENTO GLOVER SCHEIBE HEBENSSTIFT 53 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 301.020 DADO PERNO LEVANTAMIENTO HEBENSSTIFTSMUTTER 54 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 633.015 PERNO LEVANTAMIENTO HEBENSSTIFT 55 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 606.039 ESTRIBO SOPORTE COFIA CE FILETEADA M6 GEWINDEHAUBEAUFLAGEKLAUE CE – M6 56 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 639.006 CÀRTER PROTECCIîN PEQUEÑO DE CHAPA KLEINSTAHLBLECHSCHUTZCHASSIS 57 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 325.019 BUJE COJINETE çRBOL RUEDA BÜCHSE – KISSEN – WELLE – KRANZ 58 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 304.006 TAPA DE PROTECCIîN HAUBE 59 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 633.008 PERNO GLOBAL LEVANTAMIENTO COMPLETO KOMPLET GESAMTHEBENSSTIFT 60 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 301.020 DADO PERNO LEVANTAMIENTO HEBENSSTIFTSMUTTER 60 54 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 633.015 PERNO LEVANTAMIENTO HEBENSSTIFT 60 55 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 303.006 RONDANA GLOVER PERNO LEVANTAMIENTO GLOVER HEBENSSTIFTSCHEIBE 60 53 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 325.020 BUJE PERNO ÀRBOL ENTRADA EINTRITTWELLESTIFTBÜCHSE 61 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

34 Pag. 36 COSMO

Pag. 36 COSMO

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