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First ICTP-IVIC Latin-American Advanced Workshop on Numerical, Instrumentation and Measurement Methods in Fluid Dynamics
Activity SMR: 2629 First ICTP-IVIC Latin-American Advanced Workshop on Numerical, Instrumentation and Measurement Methods in Fluid Dynamics 11 Augu

Latin American Book Store
P.O. Box 7328 Redlands CA 92375 Tel: 800-645-4276 Fax: 909-335-9945 [email protected] Latin American Book Store www.latinamericanbooks.co

Latin American Book Store
P.O. Box 7328 Redlands CA 92375 Tel: 800-645-4276 Fax: 909-335-9945 [email protected] Latin American Book Store www.latinamericanbooks.co

Perspectives on Latin America and Iberian Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Perspectives on Latin America and Iberian Languages, Literatures and Cultures A multidisciplinary graduate student colloquium 2007 Colloquium Schedule

Story Transcript


Registration at Convention Palace - Registro en el Palacio de las Convenciones


10:00 – 10:30

Welcome – Bienvenida: Prof. Ileana Pereda, Chair – Presidente XI Latin American Workshop and Symposium on Anaerobic Digestion XI Taller y Simposio Latinoamericano de Digestión Anaerobia Opening Plenary – Conferencia de apertura:

Prof. Fernando Fernández-Polanco Fernández de Moreda (Spain – España) 10:30 – 11:30

Anaerobic Digestion: The link between environmental protection and energy Digestión Anaerobia: El nexo entre protección ambiental y energía SESSION Chair: Silvio Montalvo (Chile)

12:00 – 14:00

14:00 – 14:10

14:10 – 14:20

Almuerzo en el Restaurant Los Flamboyanes – Lunch at Los Flamboyanes Restaurant



Workshop 1: “Glycerol conversion and hydrogen production” Taller 1 “Conversión de glicerol y producción de hidrógeno”

Workshop 3: “Modeling and kinetics of anaerobic processes” Taller 3: “Modelación y cinética de procesos anaerobios”

Session Chair: Claudia Etchebehere (Uruguay)

Session Chair: Cesar Huiliñir (Chile)

2925366: Assessment of biohydrogen production in continuous multiple tubes reactor.

2935378: Application of a kinetic model in the biosorption of Zn and Mn with anaerobic biomass.

Simone Gomes, Lucas Fuess, Eduardo Penteado, Marcelo Zaiat (Brasil)

María Teresa Certucha Barragán, Onofre Monge Amaya, Francisco Javier Almendariz Tapia, Fausto Aganza Moya, Camila Sánchez Cubedo (México)

2916867: Producción de hidrógeno por fermentación oscura a partir de residuos de residuos de frutas y verduras. Ernesto Alfredo Aguilar, Juan Humberto Martínez Martínez, Elías Razo Flores, Felipe Alatriste Mondragón, Fabiola León Galván, Alberto Florentino Aguilera Alvarado (México)

2935833: Saponins and pre-treatments effect over lignocellulosic substrates anaerobic digestion: Fique's baggase as an example. Liliana Castro, Joan Mata Álvarez, Humberto Escalante, Sergi Astals (Colombia)

14:20 – 14:30

14:30 – 14:40

14:40 – 14:50

14:50 – 15:00

15:00 – 15:10

15:10 – 15:20

15:20 – 15:30

15:30 – 16:00 16:00 – 16:30

2935786: Anaerobic treatment of crude glycerol 2935840: Modelo de RBF para la estimación de la from biodiesel production. producción de biogás en codigestión anaerobia en Lourdinha Florencio, Mitsue Maia, Wamberto Silva, reactor UASB. Mario Kato, Savia Gavazza (Brasil) Orelvis López, Janet Jiménez, Carlos Hernández (Cuba) 2933704: Evaluation of different inoculum enrichment strategies in hydrogen producing packed-bed reactors.

2933025: A kinetic model based on utilization of purple phototrophic bacteria for nutrient recovery.

Julián Carillo, Miguel Ángel Cortés, Christian Bárcenas, Elías Razo (México)

Daniel Puyol, Tim Huelsen, Edward Barry, Jurg Keller, Damien J. Batstone (Australia)

2852037: Produção de biohidrogênio a partir de soro de leite em AnSBBR: otimização do processo.

2935264: Numerical assessment of the turbulent flow behavior in a pilot scale bioreactor.

Jose Domingues, Daniel Lima, Suzana Ratusznei, Marcelo Zaiat (Brasil)

Leonardo M. da Rosa, Daniela M Koerich, Lademir L Beal, Ana P Torres, Maira P Sousa (Brasil)

2925704: Hydrogen and methane production from OFMSW and sewage sludge by two phases anaerobic codigestión.

2929490: Cascade control structure used to regulate VFA and COD in a two – stage anaerobic digester.

Marco Gottardo, Federico Micolucci, Cristina Cavinato, Francesco Fatone, David Bolzonella (Italia)

Armando Campos; Juan García, Hugo Méndez (México)

2925478: Influence of C/P and C/N ratios in hydrogen production in an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor.

2935328:Variable kinetic approach to modeling industrial waste anaerobic digester.

Mariana Carosia, Cristiane Reis, María Veresche, Edson Silva (Brasil)

Iván López, Mauricio Passeggi, Liliana Borzacconi (Uruguay)

2935846: Hydrogen production using glycerol and glucose dark fermentation.

2918584: Modeling application for the temperaturephased anaerobic degradation of sewage sludge.

Eduardo Lovatel, LademirLuis, Jhonatttas Muniz de Sousa, Ana Torres, Maiara Souza (Brasil)

Andrés Donoso, Sara Pérez, Fernando FernándezPolanco (Chile)

2932681: Hydrogen production by fermentation of cheese whey: effect of organic load rate.

2935714: Operation, model validation and simulation of an integrated reactor for sewage treatment.

Samantha Christine Santos, Edson Luiz Silva, Paula Rúbia Ferreira Rosa(Brasil)

Rigoberto Plascencia, Francisco Almazán, Jorge Gómez, Ignacio González, Oscar Monroy (México)

DISCUSIÓN Taller 1 – DISCUSSION Workshop 1

DISCUSIÓN Taller 3 – DISCUSSION Workshop 3

Coffee break

16:30 – 16:40

16:40 – 16:50

16:50 – 17:00

Workshop 2: “Microbiology and molecular biology"

Workshop 4: “Biogas production from microalgae”

Taller 2: “Microbiología y biología molecular”

Taller 4: “Producción de Biogás a partir de microalgas”

Session Chair: José Luis Sanz (España)

Session Chair: Lourdinha Florencio (Brasil)

2935493: Prokaryote community dynamics in anaerobic codigestion of swine manure, rice straw and industrial clay residual. Janet Jiménez, Susanne Theuerl, Ingo Bergmann, Michael Klocke, Guilda Guerra, Osvaldo Romero (Cuba)

2925798: Anaerobic codigestion of algal material with two different co-substrates, biowaste and sewage sludge: process yields and behavior comparison. Paolo Pavan, Federico Micolucci, Marco Gottardo, David Bolzanella, Franco Cecchi (Italia)

2935854: Microbiological aspects of anaerobic biodegradation of crude glycerol.

2935341: Anaerobic digestion of the aqueous product from hydrothermal liquefaction of spirulina algae.

Silvana Silva, Mariana Alburquerque, Julia Freitas, Jose Zorel, Sergio Aquino (Brasil)

Giovana Tommaso, Wan Chen, Peng Li, Mingxia Zheng, Lance Schideman, Yuanhui Zhang (Brasil)

2935565: Methanogenic community structure analyzed by qPCR reveals a co-dominance of hydrogenotrophic and acetoclastic members in two full-scale UASB reactors treating dairy wastewater.

2921030: Anaerobic membrane bioreactor for biogas production and ammonium recovery from spent microalgae.

Cecilia Callejas, Gavin Collins, Claudia Etchebehere, Liliana Borzacconi (Uruguay)

17:00 – 17:10

2935849: Low-temperature anaerobic digestion using microbial communities from Antarctic soils. Lea Cabrol, Catherine Badel, Polette Aguilar, Miriam Urzúa, Rolando Chamy (Chile)

17:10 – 17:20

2920646: Bacterial community involved in the nitrogen cycle in a down-flow sponge-based reactor treating UASB. Érika F. A. Mac Conell, Paulo S Almeida, Karoline E. L. Martins, Juliana C. Araújo, Carlos A. L. Chernicharo (Brasil) 2934461: Microbial communities from 20 different hydrogen producing reactors studied by 454 pyrosequencing.

17:20 – 17:30

17:30 – 18:00 18:00

Daniel Puyol, Tim Huelsen, Edward Barry, Jurg Keller, Damien J. Batstone (Australia)

2920203: Photosynthetic biogas upgrading using microalgae. David Jeison, Leslie Meier, Ricardo Pérez, Laura Azocar, Mariella Rivas, Carlos Martínez (Chile) 2919625: Methane production from microalgaebacteria biomass generated in a wastewater treatment system.

Germán Buitrón, Glenda Cea, Juan Arcila (México)

2935778: Ultrasound pretreatment of macrophytes for enhanced biogas production.

Claudia Etchebehere, Jorge Wenzel, Mélida Anzola, Liliana Borzacconi, Germán Buitrón, Lea Cabrol, Danieli Kist, Raúl Cano, Ieva Sapkaite, Sara PérezMaría Caminato, Julián Carillo, Elena Castelló, Elvira, Fernando Fernández – Polanco, Luiz Monteggia Christian Cisneros, Iván Moreno, Elías Razo, Gonzalo (Brasil) Ruíz - Filippi, Estela Tapia, Javiera Toledo, Marcelo Zaiat (Uruguay) DISCUSIÓN Taller 2 – DISCUSSION Workshop 2

DISCUSIÓN Taller 4 – DISCUSSION Workshop 4

Welcome cocktail - Coctel de bienvenida

Martes 25 de Noviembre – Tuesday November 25th Taller Rural: “La digestión anaerobia en la sostenibilidad de áreas rurales” Rural Workshop: “Anaerobic digestion in the sustainability of rural areas” Workshop Chair: Dr. José A. Guardado (Cuba) 08:00

Salida de La Habana – Departure from Havana

10:00 – 11:30

Visita a una pequeña planta de biogás

12:30 – 13:30

Almuerzo en Soroa, provincia de Artemisa.

13:30 – 14:30

Visita al Orquideario de Soroa

15:30 – 16:30

16:30 – 18:30


Visit to a small biogas plant

Lunch in Soroa, Artemisa province.

Visit to Soroa Botanical Garden of Orchids Visita a la Comunidad Ecológica Las Terrazas. Muestra de resultados del Movimiento de Usuarios del Biogás en Cuba. Visit to Las Terrazas Ecological Community. Show room of results of Cuban movement biogas users

Visita a lugares singulares del complejo turístico Las Terrazas. Visit to unique places of the Las Terrazas resort. Regreso a La Habana - Return to Havana

Miércoles 26 de Noviembre – Wednesday November 26th SALA 3 – HALL 3


Workshop 5: “Nitrogen compounds conversion” Taller 5: “Conversión de compuestos de nitrógeno” Session Chair: Lorna Guerrero (Chile)

09:00 – 09:10

2919502: Influence of COD/N ratio and carbon source on nitrogen removal in a structured-bed reactor. Carla Santos, Marcia Damianovic, Rafael Moura, Eugenio Foresti (Brasil)

Workshop 8: “Sludge anaerobic digestion” Taller 8: “Digestión anaerobia de lodos” Session Chair: Rolando Chamy (Chile) 2888258: Estudio de biodegrabilidad aeróbica y anaeróbica de lodos residuales. César Huiliñir, Valentina Vidal (Chile)

09:10 – 09:20

2935535: Free nitrous acid inhibition rather 2912704: Producción de hidrógeno y etanol con than nitrite inhibition on methanogenic lodos mixtos pretratados con aireación y glicerol activity. como sustrato. Ángela Andrea Salinas Villafañe, Carlos Javiera Toledo-Alarcón, Estela Tapia-Venegas, Lea Manuel López Vázquez,; Jules van Lier Cabrol, Eric Trably, Gonzalo Ruiz-Filippi (Chile) (Holanda)

09:20 – 09:30

2913557: Nitrogen removal using sulfide as an electron donor in anaerobic-anoxic and aerobic reactor. Dagoberto Okada, Caroline García, Eugenio Foresti (Brasil)

2933499: Evaluation of EPS extraction protocols from anaerobic sludge for gel based proteomic studies. José Zorel, Silvana de Queiroz Silva, Ananda Lima Sanson, William Castro Borges, Sérgio Aquino (Brasil)

2933709: Pre-treatment of leachate for applying anoxic biological treatment to remove nitrogen compounds.

2935599: Evaluation of thermal steam-explosion key operation factors to optimize biogas production from biological sludge.

Tiago Martins,Túlio Siqueira,Theo Souza, Eugenio Foresti (Brasil)

Sara Isabel Pérez-Elvira, Ieva Sapkaite, Fernando Fernández-Polanco (España)

09:30 – 09:40

09:40 – 09:50

09:50 – 10:00 10:00 – 10:30

2935799: Nitrogen removal from wastewater by combined aerobic anaerobic biological system.

2911574: A Mathematical model of anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge focusing on H2S formation and transfer.

Fabio Carrera-Chapela, Andrés Donoso-Bravo, Camilla Santos Bicalho, Mariana Ferraz Corrêa Israel Díaz, José A. González, Gonzalo Ruiz-Filippi Tavares, Ariovaldo José da Silva (Brasil) (Chile) 2934113: Nitrogen and organic matter removal from leachate of organic solid waste anaerobically digested.

2922260: Anaerobic digestion of vegetable tannery and municipal sludge.

Savia Gavazza, Ester Santos, Natanna Tayná de Melo, Simone Machado (Brasil)

Frascesca Giaccherine, Alberto Manucci, Gulio Munz, Gualtiero Mori, Felipe Alatriste, Claudio Lubello (Italia)

Coffee break

10:30 – 10:40

10:40 – 10:50

10:50 – 11:00

2935525: Simultaneous denitrification and methanogenesis via nitrite: lab-scale UASB reactor and batch tests. Luís Ignacio Borges, Carlos Manuel López Vázquez, Hector A. García, Jules van Lier (Holanda)

2929298: Production of Pd(0) by anaerobic granular sludge: potential as metal recovery technique. Aurora M. Pat-Espadas, James A. Field, Lila Otero González, Elías Razo Flores, Francisco J. Cervantes, Reyes Sierra-Álvarez (México)

2935795:Aeration strategies to improve nitrogen removal using de-ammonification process in EGSB reactor.

2845750: Obtención de fertilizante de acción sostenida mediante la digestión anaerobia.

Angélica Chini, Airton Kunz, Deisi Tápparo, Lucas A. Scussiato (Brasil)

Enrique Sánchez, G. García, R. Borja (Cuba)

2935531: Low-cost anammox cultivation in closed sponge-bed trickling filters for UASB post-treatment. Carlos López, Javier Sánchez, Patricia Cuéllar, Luana Mattos de Oliveira, Damir Brdjanovic, Jules Van Lier (Holanda)

DISCUSIÓN Taller 8 – DISCUSSION Workshop 8

11:00 – 11:30

DISCUSIÓN Taller 5 – DISCUSSION Workshop 5

12:00 – 14:00

Almuerzo en el Restaurant Los Flamboyanes – Lunch at Los FlamboyanesRestaurant

14:00 – 14:10

Workshop 6: “Anaerobic Digestion of solid wastes” Taller 6: “Digestión anaerobia de residuos sólidos”

Workshop 9: “Sulfide removal in anaerobic reactors” Taller 9: “Eliminación de sulfuros en reactores anaerobios”

Session Chair: Patricia Torres (Colombia)

Session Chair: Mario Kato (Brasil)

2925775: Analysis of mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic digestion process applied to pressed biowaste during transient/stressed conditions and codigestion with waste activated sludge. Federico Micolucci, Marco Gottardo, Nicola Frison, Cinzia Da Ros, Franco Cecchi (Italia)

14:10 – 14:20

14:20 – 14:30

2925459: Sulfidogenesis interference on methane production from carbohydrate-rich wastewater. Leandro Godoi, Marcia Rissato, Eugenio Foresti (Brasil)

2932855: Revamping and operation of an OFMSW anaerobic digestiontreatment plant. Joan Mata-Álvarez, Sergi Astals, Miriam Peces, Maycoll Romero (España)

2931852: Removal of N, S and organic matter thru simultaneous autotrophic and heterotrophic Denitrification. Lorna Guerrero, Juan Aguirre, César Huiliñir, Silvio Montalvo (Chile)

2935680: Digestión anaerobia avanzada. Tratamiento combinado de materia orgánica de origen doméstico.

2912921: Nitrite and nitrate as electron acceptors for biological sulphide oxidation.

Fernando Fernández-Polanco, Sara Pérez, Raúl Cano, Theo Syrto, María Fernández – Polanco (España)

Giulio Munz, Alberto Mannucci, Jorge Arreola, Felipe Alatriste, Francesca Giaccherini, Gualtiero Mori (Italia)

14:30 – 14:40

14:40 – 14:50

2935596: Biogas potential of Bermuda grass and clerodendruminerme from the Emirate Of Abu Dhabi. Muhammad Tahir Ashraf, Sharifa Al-Boainain, Djawed Belasri, Juan Rodrigo BastidasOyanedel, Jens Ejbye Schmidt (Emiratos Árabes Unidos) 2849435: Estudio de la diversidad bacteriana de un digestor de residuos sólidos urbanos a escala real mediante técnicas de secuenciación masiva. José Luis Sanz, Juliana Cardinali, Patricia Rojas (España)

14:50 – 15:00

2935789: Chemical pretreatment of lignocellulosic residues and the effect caused on the leachable fraction. D. Vásquez, E. Contreras, C. Palma, A. Carvajal(Chile)

15:00 – 15:10

15:10 – 15:20

2934486: Effect of organic loading rate on the anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of the municipal solid waste (OFMSW) in two-Stage. Reyna Rodríguez Pimentel, Suyen Rodríguez Pérez, Oscar Monroy Hermosillo, Florina Ramírez Vives (México) 2935296: Methane production from acid hydrolysates of Agave tequilana bagasse in an ASBR: Effect of nutrient addition on reactor performance and microbial population. Hugo Oscar Méndez Acosta, Valeria Ojeda Castillo, Jorge Arreola Vargas, Felipe Alatriste Mondragón, Rosa Isela Corona González (México)

2919052: Microaerobic digestion of sewage sludge on an industrial-pilot scale. María Fernández - Polanco, Rebeca Pérez, María Reinoso, Roberto Torio (España)

2935822: Evaluation of micro-aeration effect on microbial community structure in anaerobic digesters, in relation with desulfurization performance. Fernando Silva, Léa Cabrol, Natalia Hauck, Mónica Vergara, Ana Pérez, Yves Lesty, Rolando Chamy (Chile) 2935810: Desenvolvimento de processo de dessulfuração bioquímica para biogás com altas concentrações de H2S. João Paulo Faria, Felipe Gomes, Luis Felipe Colturato, Thiago Colturato, Tathiana Seraval, Carlos Chernicharo, Cláudio Silva, Luiz Carlos Souza (Brasil)

2925424: Anaerobic digestion of biomass waste from the production of l-Cystine in suspendedgrowth reactors. Juan Chávez Fuentes, Miroslav Hutňan, Igor Bodík, Marianna Czölderová (Eslovakia)

2845940: Digestión anaerobia de aguas residuales con elevado contenido de sulfates utilizando microaireación y zeolitas naturales. Silvio Montalvo, Hélida Prades, Matías González, Pedro Pérez, Lorna Guerrero (Chile)

2933299: Boosting energy production from manure by anaerobic co-digestion. 15:20 – 15:30

15:30 – 16:00 16:00 – 16:30

Iván Rodríguez, Leticia Regueiro, Juan M. Lema, Marta Carballa (España)

DISCUSIÓN Taller 9 – DISCUSSION Workshop 9

DISCUSIÓN Taller 6 – DISCUSSION Workshop 6

Coffee break

Workshop 7: “Control, design and operation of anaerobic reactors at fullscale” Taller 7: “Control, diseño y operación de reactores anaerobios a escala industrial”

Workshop 10: “Anaerobic degradation and pretreatment of toxic and refractory compounds” Taller 10: “Degradación anaerobia y pre tratamiento de compuestos tóxicos y/o recalcitrantes”

Session Chair: Liliana Borzacconi (Uruguay)

Session Chair: Elías Razo (México)

2935230: Secondary sludge return for thickening and digestion in UASB reactors: Case study of ONÇA STP – BRAZIL. 16:30 – 16:40

16:40 – 16:50

Carlos Augusto Chernicharo, Lívia Cristina Lobato, Celso A. Paiva Júnior, Cristiane A. Barbosa, Eufrates Vaz, Jessé Rodrigues Souza, Leandro Rodrigues Silva, María Alice M. Judice, Olendino J. Moraes, Paulo Gustavo S. Almeida, Túlio Cesa F. Gonçalves (Brasil)

2935676: Strategies and optimization of biogas use through the application of a sludge management model: the case of Alegria WWTP in Rio de Janeiro. Maira Bielschowky, Isaac Volschan Jr. (Brasil)

16:50 – 17:00


2932836: Calibration model for a midinfrared-spectroscopy-based sensor to monitor VFAs in digesters. Xuedong Zhang, JannePaaso, Weilai Li, EeroHietala, KatariinaRankamaa, Jules van Lier, Henri Spanjers (Holanda)

2930922: Anaerobic biotransformation of nitroanilines enhanced by applying carbon materials. Luciana Pereira, Raquel Pereira, Fernando Pereira, Madalena Alves (Portugal)

2935722: Mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic treatment of pesticides-bearing wastewater. Ángel Fernández, Nuria García, Víctor Monsalvo, Daniel Puyol, Juan Rodríguez (España)

2920159: Application of residual yeast as a source of redox mediators for the anaerobic decolorization of a model Azo Dye. Davi Victral, Sérgio Aquino, Silvana Silva, Bruno Baêta (Brasil)

Cultural Ceremony - Gala Cultural

Jueves 27 Noviembre – Thursday November 27th SALA 3 – HALL 3 Magistral Lecture Our anaerobic route towards sustainability – Nuestra ruta anaerobia hacia la sostenibilidad by 09:00 – 10:00

Prof. Gatze Lettinga (Holanda) Book launch and sale - Presentación y venta de su libro Session Chair: Ileana Pereda Reyes (Cuba)

10:00 – 10:30

Coffee break

SALA 3 – HALL 3 Workshop 11: “New approaches and developments in anaerobic digestion” Taller 11: Nuevos enfoques y desarrollos en digestión anaerobia Session Chair: Germán Buitrón (México)

10:30 – 10:40

2925592: Synergic effect of volatile fatty acids (=C3) at different concentrations on methanogenesis.

I. Muñoz-Jiménez, L. Montañéz-Hernández, N. Balagurusamy (México)

2931461: Impact of substrate loading and process temperature on anaerobic conversion of sewage fine sieved fraction 10:50 – 11:00

Session Chair: Liliana Borzacconi (Uruguay)

2939678: Effects of the incorporation of water drinking sludge on the anaerobic digestion of 2935489: Producción de biogás para mitigar la contaminación ambiental en la producción de domestic wastewater sludge for methane alcoholes. production. Patricia Torres, José Sánchez, Brayan Parra (Colombia)

10:40 – 10:50

SALA 6 – HALL 6 Workshop 7 (continuation): “Control, design and operation of anaerobic reactors at fullscale” Taller 7 (continuación): “Control, diseño y operación de reactores anaerobios a escala industrial”

Dara S. M. Ghasimi, Sung Kyu Maeng, Merle de Kreuk, Marcel Zandvoort, Jules B. van Lier (Holanda)

Osvaldo Romero, José Elías Perna García, Edelvy Bravo Amarante, David Calzada Jiménez (Cuba) 2919862: Estudios y proyectos realizados sobre el aprovechamiento energético de los residuales utilizando la tecnología de la digestión anaerobia del centro de estudios de eficiencia energética. Angel Recio Recio, Antonio Palacios Barrera, José Luis Martínez Rotger, Maryleidis Sosa Trenzado, Yeni Guerra Moya, Denny Rodriguez Alarcón, José Ángel Rodríguez Bendicho, Eliceo Verdecia Pérez, Daniel Dinza Tejera, Ramón Rodríguez Betancourt (Cuba)

2920074: Sistema de gestión para la planificación plantas de biogás. Daniel Dinza Tejera, Angel Amado Recio Recio, José Andrés Ortiz Medel, Ekaterine M. Fergusson Ramírez, René Antonio Salomón Díaz (Cuba)

11:00 – 11:10

11:10 – 11:20

2932034: The application of traces of metal for the improvement of anaerobic sludge digestion. Lorna Guerrero, Constanza Quiroga, César Huiliñir, Silvio Montalvo (Chile) 2935486: Biomass acclimatization during start-up of AnMBR reactors treating saline phenolic wastewater. Julián Muñoz Sierra, Henri Spanjers, Jules van Lier (Holanda)

DISCUSIÓN Taller 9 – DISCUSSION Workshop 9

2934945: Lignocellulosic biomass used as a carrier support in a hybrid biofilm reactor treating effluent. 11:20 11:30

Frédéric Habouzit, Mohamed Ali Wahab, Nicolas Bernet, Jean-Philippe Steyer, Naceur Jedidi, Renaud Escudie (Francia)

11:30 – 11:40

Break Workshop 11, Session II: “New approaches and developments in anaerobic digestion” Taller 11, Sesión II: Nuevos enfoques y desarrollos en digestión anaerobia

11:40 11:50

11:50 – 12:00

Session Chair: Carlos A. Chernicharo (Brasil)

Session Chair: Elías Razo (México)

2919128: Optimization of the thermal hydrolysis pretreatment conditions to preselected municipal solid waste. María Fernández – Polanco, Raúl Cano Herranz, Ana Nielfa, Marc Vinot, Eduardo Fernández (España)

2919978: Microorganisms involved in the degradation of nonionic surfactant in anaerobic fluidized bed reactor.

2917650: Co-digestion of Sargassum sp. with glycerol and waste frying oil following a design of experiments. João V. Oliveira, José C. Costa, M. Madalena Alves (Portugal)

12:00 – 12:10

Workshop 10 (continuation) “Anaerobic degradation and pretreatment of toxic and refractory compounds” Taller 10 (continuación): “Degradación anaerobia y pre tratamiento de compuestos tóxicos y/o recalcitrantes”

2852042: Produção de biometano em AnSBBR a partir de agua residuária gerada na produção de biohidrogȇnio. José Alberto Domingues Rodrigues, Thiago Lullio, Suzana Ratusznei, Marcelo Zaiat (Brasil)

Fabricio Motteran, Juliana Braga, Isabel Sakamo, Edson Silva, Maria Veresche (Brasil)

2934438: Optimization of anaerobic degradation of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate. Mario Kato, Luiza Souza, Savia Gavazza, Lourdinha Florencio (Brasil)

2934242: Elemental copper nanoparticle toxicity to anaerobic and anoxic microbial cultures of wastewater treatment processes. Jorge González, Daniel Puyol, Sara Gallagher, Reyes Sierra, Jim Field (USA)

12:10 – 12:20

2919656: Influence of HRT, mesophilic and termophilic conditions in power generation in a membraneless MFC Eduardo Penteado, Marcelo Zaiat, Ernesto González (Brasil)

2935540: "MBT plant revamping: Does waste paper needs to be separated prior OFMSW anaerobic digestion?" Xavier Fonoll, Sergi Astals, Joan Dosta, Joan Mata Álvarez, Maycoll Romero (España)

2920158: Tratamiento combinado de vinaza mediante digestión anaerobia y ozonización 12:20 12:30

12:30 12:40

Ania Cabrera-Díaz, Jaime Dueñas-Moreno, Eliet Véliz-Lorenzo, Miguel Ángel Díaz-Marrero, Carlos Luis Menéndez-Gutiérrez, Deny OlivaMerencio, Ileana Pereda-Reyes, Marcelo Zaiat (Cuba) 2935492: Anaerobic Bioconversion of Vinasse and Molasses in UASB Reactors Inoculated With Granular Sludge.

DISCUSIÓN Taller 10 – DISCUSSION Workshop 10

Valciney Gomes de Barros, Rose María Duda, Roberto Alves de Oliveira (Brasil)

12:40 13:10

DISCUSSION Taller 11 – DISCUSSION Worshop 11

12:30 – 14:30

Almuerzo en el Restaurant Los Flamboyanes – Lunch at Los Flamboyanes Restaurant

SALA 3 – HALL 3 Closing Plenary – Conferencia de clausura:

Prof. Adalberto Noyola Robles (México) 14:30 – 15:30

The anaerobic pathway for waste management: A sustainable way for Latin America La vía anaerobia: Un camino sustentable para América Latina SESSION Chair:Silvio Montalvo (Chile)

15:30 – 16:00

Awards for the best posters. Premiación de los mejores posters Information about 14th Anaerobic Digestion World Congress (AD14)

16:00 – 16:15

Información sobre el 14 Congreso Mundial de Digestión Anaerobia (AD14)

16:15 – 16:45

Nomination of organizers for XII DAAL. Nominación de organizadores para el XII DAAL

16:45 – 17:15

Final remarks. Conclusiones


Salsa Farewell - Despedida con Salsa Bucan

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