XXIII Seminario de Asesores de Proyectos I+D+i de la Unión Europea

XXIII Seminario de Asesores de Proyectos I+D+i de la Unión Europea Reto Social 6 Europa en un Mundo Cambiante: “Sociedades Inclusivas, Innovadoras y R

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XXIII Seminario de Asesores de Proyectos I+D+i de la Unión Europea Reto Social 6 Europa en un Mundo Cambiante: “Sociedades Inclusivas, Innovadoras y Reflexivas” Mar Mesas – NCP Reto 6 & SwafS Oficina Europea Parador de La Granja (Segovia) 20 de abril de 2016

Índice 1. Introducción

2. Reto 6 – “Europa en un mundo cambiante: sociedades inclusivas, innovadoras y reflexivas” 3. Integración de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades en H2020 4. Programa de Trabajo 2016-2017

5. Proyecto Net4Society 6. Más información (Convocatorias 2017)

1. Introducción

Oficina Europea Objetivo • Promover la participación española en H2020 Áreas

• Pilar Ciencia Excelente : ERC, MSCA,FET • SwafS • Reto Social 6 Grupos objetivo • OPIs, Universidades, centros público de I+D


Estructuras de apoyo


Ciencia Excelente

Liderazgo Industrial


Reto 6 Ciencia con y para la Sociedad

Retos Sociales (salvo R6)


Presupuesto Reto 6 & SwafS Reto Social 6 “ Sociedades Inclusivas, Innovadoras y Reflexivas” 1258 M€ 2014-2020

Science with and for society SwafS 445 M€ 2014-2020

Ciencia con y para la Sociedad (SwafS) Investigación e Innovación Responsable (RRI) • Enfoque inclusivo a la investigación y la innovación, todos los actores de la sociedad trabajan juntos durante todo el proceso de investigación e innovación. • Su objetivo es alinear mejor el proceso y resultados de la investigación y la innovación, con los valores, necesidades y expectativas de la sociedad europea. Convocatoria Apertura Cierre SwafS - 2016 13 Abril 2016 30 Agosto 2016 http://eshorizonte2020.es/mas-europa/ciencia-con-ypara-la-sociedad/documentos-de-interes

Mantenerse al día de las novedades H2020 Portal español para Horizonte 2020: eshorizonte2020.es

Apúntate a las listas de distribución!! http://www.eshorizonte2020.e s/user/register/2 Síguenos en twitter @EsHorizonte2020

Portal : www.eshorizonte2020.es

2. El Reto 6

Reto 6: Objetivos El objetivo del programa pretende: …fomentar una mejor comprensión de Europa …ofrecer soluciones y apoyar unas sociedades europeas inclusivas, innovadoras y reflexivas …en un contexto de transformación sin precedentes … y de creciente interdependencia mundial


A. inclusivas – Sociedades Sociedades inclusivas • •

• •

Crecimiento inteligente, sostenible e inclusivo Construir sociedades “resilientes”, inclusivas, participativas y abiertas Papel de Europa como actor global Espacios sostenibles e inclusivos a través de planificación espacial y urbana innovadora

– Sociedades Sociedades innovadoras B. innovadoras • • • •

Fortalecer la base científica para el apoyo a la Unión por la Innovación y ERA Nuevas formas de innovación, incluyendo innovación social y creatividad Hacer uso del potencial de todas las generaciones Cooperación con terceros países

reflexivas: patrimonio cultural e identidad europeaeuropea –C. Sociedades Sociedades reflexivas: patrimonio cultural e identidad • • •

Patrimonio cultural (memoria, identidad) Historia de países y regiones europeos Papel de Europa en el mundo, relaciones interculturales

Reto 6: Objetivos ¿Qué NO es el Reto 6? – No es un programa para una disciplina/grupo de disciplinas, sino un reto común que debe ser abordado desde todas las disciplinas. – No es la simple continuación del programa SSH: aunque lo absorbe prácticamente en su mayoría, se incluyen importante novedades: • • • •

Cambio de enfoque hacia el reto, libertad para proponer la solución Más Humanidades, hacia patrimonio y cultura europea Componente de TICs y de desarrollo de políticas Dimensión internacional

La Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales se integrarán también en el resto del H2020: como elemento esencial de las actividades necesarias para abordar los retos sociales, en el ERC, en las Acciones Marie Curie, y en Infraestructuras de Investigación 13

Delegación española en Reto 6

Delegación en el Comité de Programa

Puntos Nacionales de Contacto

para representar y defender los intereses españoles en el seno de las actividades que se desarrollan en H2020

para asesorar y promover la participación en este programa

Rocío Castrillo (Oficina Europea) representante nacional Expertos: • Elisa Álvarez (CDTI) • Jordi Molas (INGENIO-CSIC) • Edurne Barañano (País Vasco) – representante autonómico

Rocío Castrillo (Oficina Europea) Carolina Rodríguez (Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento) Mar Mesas (Oficina Europea)

En red europea a través del proyecto

Buzón único de consulta

Reto 6: Sociedades inclusivas, innovadoras y reflexivas

[email protected] Ciencia con y para la Sociedad (SwafS)

[email protected]

3. Integración de las Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades en H2020

SSH en H2020: WP2016-2017

38% de los topics marcados como SSH, un total de 172 topics de 446


Buscador de topics SSH en el Portal del Participante

http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/ftags/ssh.html#c,topics=flag s/s/SSH/1/1&+callStatus/asc


4. Programa de Trabajo 2016-2017

Programa de Trabajo 2016-2017 Apoyo científico a 7 de las 10 prioridades políticas de Juncker:  A new boost for jobs, growth and investment  A connected Digital Single Market  A deeper and fairer internal market with a strengthened industrial base  An area of justice and fundamental rights based on mutual trust  Towards a new policy on migration  A stronger Global Actor  An Union of democratic change 20

Programa de Trabajo 2016-2017 4 convocatorias :  CO-CREATION: Co-creation for growth and inclusion  REV-INEQUAL: Reversing inequalities and promoting fairness  ENG-GLOBALLY: Engaging together globally  CULT-COOP: Understanding Europe

39 topics para 2016 y 2017  24 topics en 2017 (Anexo convocatorias) 21

RETO 6: Fechas apertura y cierre calls Programa de Trabajo bienal 2016-2017

Fechas apertura y cierre de convocatorias para la presentación de propuestas: 2016: 4 Oct 15 – Feb 16 8 Dec 15 – Apr 16 2017: 4 Oct 16- 16 Feb 17

Enlace al Programa de Trabajo: http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/wp/2016_2017/mai n/h2020-wp1617-societies_en.pdf


Presupuesto de las Convocatorias


Ejemplos PT 2016-2017 SOCIEDADES INCLUSIVAS • REV-INEQUAL-09-2017: Boosting inclusiveness of ICT –enabled research and innovation • ENG-GLOBALLY-01-2017: Strengthening Europe´s position in the global context: science diplomacy and intercultural relations • ENG-GLOBALLY-03-2017: The European Union and the global challenge of migration

Ejemplos PT 2016-2017 SOCIEDADES INNOVADORAS • CO-CREATION-04-2017: Applied co-creation to deliver public services • CO-CREATION-06-2017: Policy- development in the age of big data: data driven policymaking, policy-modelling and policyimplementation • CO-CREATION-07-2017: Towards a new growth strategy in Europe – Improved economic and social measurement, data and official statistics

Ejemplos PT 2016-2017 SOCIEDADES REFLEXIVAS • CULT-COOP-04-2017: Contemporary histories of Europe in artistic and creative practices • CULT-COOP-09-2017: European cultural heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past • CULT-COOP-10-2017: Culture, integration and European public space






Propuestas Topic elegibles REV-INEQUAL 1-2-4-5-6-7-8 102 REV-INEQUAL 10 6 REV-INEQUAL 3 1 CULT-COOP 8 RIA 90 CULT-COOP 8 CSA 11 CULT-COOP 11 RIA 7 CULT-COOP 11 CSA 4 CO-CREATION 8 7 CO-CREATION 9 4



Estimación de proyectos financiados 12 1 1 4 1 3 1 2 1


Tasa de éxito estimada 12% 17% 100% 4% 9% 43% 25% 29% 25%


Si no hay oportunidad específica en el Programa de Trabajo 2016-2017… presentarse como experto Enlace al registro de participantes: http://ec.europa.eu/research/partici pants/portal/desktop/en/experts/in dex.html

Resumen de topics 2016 – Identificación de palabras clave http://eshorizonte2020.es/retossociales/europa-en-un-mundocambiante-sociedades-inclusivasinnovadoras-y-reflexivas/documentosde-interes/no-has-presentado-unapropuesta-al-reto-6-postulate-comoevaluador-en-h2020 28

5. Proyecto Net4Society

Red internacional de Puntos Nacionales de Contacto para el Reto 6 “ Europa en un mundo cambiante: Sociedades inclusivas, innovadoras y reflexivas” del Programa de Investigación e Innovación Europeo H2020

Net4Society Para estar informado

• Web www.net4society.eu • Información (newsletter, magazine, folleto, etc..) • Redes sociales

Conferencias Europeas organizadas Reto 6




Futuros eventos de referencia Reto 6 Conferencia Europea 27-28/09/16 (Lisboa) Infoday nacional convocatorias 2017 07/06/16 URJC (Madrid)

CALENDARIO: www.eshorizonte2020.es


Net4Society 

Oportunidades de financiación para SSH Topics identificados para SSH en las Convocatorias de Horizonte 2020 http://www.net4society.eu/_img/article/Opportunities%20D ocument%20for%20SSH_01.12.2015.pdf



 Herramienta de búsqueda de socios SSH on-line



• Directorio de investigadores BBDD de actores clave 102 perfiles españoles

…para buscar y también ser localizados www.net4society.eu/research-directory



• Factsheets con políticas, programas y proyectos Resumen de cada convocatoria para contextualizar cada topic con la información de referencia http://www.net4society.eu/public/640.php

6. Más información

Información de referencia


Información de referencia 

Listado de proyectos SSH financiados 2007-2013 http://ec.europa.eu/research/socialsciences/index.cfm

Información de referencia

Información de referencia • • • • •

“EUROPE 2020 Strategy” for growth and employment: http://ec.europa.eu/europe2020/europe-2020-in-anutshell/index_en.htm Innovation Union Website: http://ec.europa.eu/research/innovation-union/index_en.cfm European Commission's DG Research - SSH: http://ec.europa.eu/research/social-sciences/index.cfm?pg=home Financial crisis: causes, policy responses, future challenges. Outcomes of EU-funded research Report ‟Science education for Responsible citizenship“, Report of the Expert Group on Science Education: http://ec.europa.eu/research/swafs/pdf/pub_science_education/KI-NA-26-893-EN-N.pdf

ICT Dimenssion: • Digital Agenda for Europe: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en • “Study on eGovernment and the Reduction of Administrative Burden” Informe Final: https://ec.europa.eu/digitalsingle-market/en/news/final-report-study-egovernment-and-reduction-administrative-burden-smart-20120061 • Open government: http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/vision-public-services • Creativity website: http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/creativity/creativity_en.html International Dimenssion: • A global actor in search of a strategy; European Union foreign policy between multilateralism and bilateralism Policy Report: http://www.net4society.eu/_media/AglobalActorinSearchofaStrategy.pdf • “European Neighbourhood Policy - Working towards a Stronger Partnership” Communication: http://eeas.europa.eu/enp/pdf/docs/2013_enp_pack/2013_comm_conjoint_en.pdf

Muchas gracias. Mar Mesas Punto Nacional de Contacto Reto 6 “Europa en un mundo cambiante: sociedades inclusivas, innovadoras y reflexivas”

[email protected] @esHorizonte2020

Anexo convocatorias 2017




1. Co-creation for growth and inclusion CO-CREATION topics


Education and skills: empowering Europe’s young innovators


User-driven innovation: value creation through design-enabled innovation


Piloting demand-driven collaborative innovation models in Europe


Applied co-creation to deliver public services


Co-creation between public administrations: once-only principle


Policy-development in the age of big data: data-driven policy-making, policy-modelling and policy-implementation


Towards a new growth strategy in Europe - Improved economic and social measurement, data and official statistics


Better integration of evidence on the impact of research and innovation in policy making


A European map of knowledge production and co-creation in support of research and innovation for societal challenges


CO-CREATION-01-2017 Education and skills: empowering Europe's young innovators • Innovating learning practices so that innovation skills are part of a person's education, formal and informal, at schools and interacting communities as well as on-line • Boosting innovation and entrepreneurship capacity, bringing together many stakeholders including from education, traditional business, the social economy and volunteering schemes • Empowering young innovators across Europe and give them tools to engage in society and channel their values into concrete opportunities IA – 2017: € 5 M


CO-CREATION-04-2017 Applied co-creation to deliver public services • Innovating learning practices so that innovation skills are part of a person's education, formal and informal, at schools and interacting communities as well as on-line • Boosting innovation and entrepreneurship capacity, bringing together many stakeholders including from education, traditional business, the social economy and volunteering schemes • Empowering young innovators across Europe and give them tools to engage in society and channel their values into concrete opportunities IA – 2017: € 5 M


CO-CREATION-06-2017 Policy-development in the age of big data: data-driven policy-making, policymodelling and policy implementation • Enable governments - at various levels - to benefit from the availability of all information and data • Data analytics tools helping public authorities to introduce effective policies • New types of evidence-based policy design • Efficiency gains, transaction cost reduction, productivity growth, new businesses, reduction of administrative burden, user satisfaction, increased level of civic engagement RIA - 2017: € 11 M, CSA – 2017: € 0.5 M


CO-CREATION-08-2017 Better integration of evidence on the impact of research and innovation in policy making • Improvement of data on tangible and intangible investments, capital stock and composition of labour inputs at industry level • Incorporation and alignment of new unofficial and unstructured sources with established official statistics • New insights for the European growth strategy RIA-2017: € 2 M; CSA 2017 : € 1 M


2. Reversing inequalities and promoting fairness REV-INEQUAL topics


An empirically informed European theory of justice and fairness


Contemporary radicalisation trends and their implications for Europe


Dynamics of inequalities across the life-course


Intra-EU mobility and its impacts for social and economic systems


Inequalities in the EU and their consequences for democracy, social cohesion and inclusion


Tackling inequalities at their roots: new policies for fairness in education from early age


Spatial justice, social cohesion and territorial inequalities


Fighting inequalities through policies against tax fraud and tax evasion


Boosting inclusiveness of ICT-enabled research and innovation


Multi-stakeholder platform for enhancing youth digital opportunities


REV-INEQUAL-09-2017 Boosting inclusiveness of ICTenabled research and innovation • Support community building and cross-disciplinary collaborations • Improve the interaction between SSH researchers and ICT developers • Improved take-up of societal concerns in ICT-related R&I • Increased worldwide visibility of EU with a shared vision for inclusive ICT R&I CSA – 2017: € 3 M


3. Engaging together globally ENG-GLOBALLY topics ENG-GLOBALLY-01-2017

Strengthening Europe's position in the global context: science diplomacy and intercultural relations


Shifting global geopolitics and Europe's preparedness for managing risks, mitigation actions and fostering peace


The European Union and the global challenge of migration


Science diplomacy for EU neighbourhood policies


The strategic potential of EU external trade policy


The Asia-Pacific as a strategic region for Europe


The European Union and Central Asia


EU-China cooperation on sustainable urbanisation


Centres/Networks of European research and innovation


ENG-GLOBALLY-01-2017 Strengthening Europe's position in the global context: science diplomacy and intercultural relations • Linking scientific expertise and cooperation with diplomacy • Insights into the multiple ties and mutual influences between Europe and its neighbours, former colonies and other countries • Facilitate Europe's future engagement in effective intercultural dialogues • Using science in the context of European diplomacy • European culture, values and reflections of Europe's colonial past in contemporary European societies • Global trends of secularisation and religious radicalisation and the role of Europe RIA – 2017: € 7.5 M (2,5 M€ cada dimensión)


ENG-GLOBALLY-02-2017 Shifting global geopolitics and Europe´s preparedness for managing risks, mitigation actions and fostering peace Long-term transformations challenging the traditional predominance of the West and Union's capacity for guaranteeing its citizens' security a) Recent global geopolitical developments and their implications for the European Union b)European Union's preparedness for managing risks and opportunities, fostering peace in a crisis-ridden context RIA – 2017: € 5 M (1 proyecto)


ENG-GLOBALLY-03-2017 The EU and the global challenge of migration • Understanding the roots of migration, their interplay with other determinants and the impact on development processes • Stronger conceptual tools for EU and national policymakers to better interpret the role of the EU and its MS as global actors in the field of migration • Greater policy coherence and effectiveness in the field of migration management and relations with third countries •

a)An integrated approach to migration and development

b) EU policy coherence and migration

RIA – 2017: € 5 M (1 proyecto, se pueden combinar ambas dimensiones)


ENG-GLOBALLY-04-2017 The Science Diplomacy for EU neighborhood policies • Consolidated the corpus of knowledge on science diplomacy in service of the European Neighborhood Policy • Feed into future EU strategies vis-à-vis its neighbors • Wide dissemination of these results to the relevant stakeholders

• EU Projects: CASCADE, ISSICEU, Caucasus and ARABTRANS, SAHWA, POWER2YOUTH, INT- SC6, PRIMA • Policy recommendations should be provided CSA – 2017: € 1.5 M 56

ENG-GLOBALLY-05-2017 The strategic potential of EU external trade policy • Insights into the evolving EU and MS bi- and multilateral trade strategies • Inter-linkages with other external policies (e.g. environmental, social), their coherence, effectiveness and consistency in EU foreign policy • Formulate recommendations on the institutional, organisational and behavioural adaptations needed to reinforce the EU's clout in global affairs via enhanced coherence of its foreign policy RIA – 2017: € 2.5 M


ENG-GLOBALLY-06-2017 The Asia-Pacific as strategic region for Europe • Comprehensive overview of the strategic challenges that Europe faces in the various zones of the AsiaPacific region, including its neglected facets • Inform foreign policy actors, processes and initiatives by providing insights on the legal, cultural and socioeconomic aspects surrounding their implementation

a)Regional integration in South-East Asia and its consequences for Europe b)Governance in and of the Pacific as a challenge for Europe RIA – 2017: € 5 M


ENG-GLOBALLY-07-2017 The European Union and Central Asia • Improving the ties of the EU with the region and countries of Central Asia in all socio-economic, political, security as well as cultural and scientific areas • Formulation of short- and long-term priorities for EU policies towards the region including for education and media purposes • Network of European researchers in the field of Central Asian Studies and new forms of cooperation with counterparts in Central Asia CSA – 2017: € 1.5 M


ENG-GLOBALLY-08-2017 EU-China cooperation on sustainable urbanisation Improved reciprocal knowledge on urbanisation processes and define and implement a joint EU-China strategic development plan for solutions for sustainable urbanisation benefiting from research, data and expertise from both EU and China RIA – 2017: € 2.5 M


4. Understanding Europe promoting the European public and cultural space CULT-COOP topics CULT-COOP-01-2017

Democratic discourses and the rule of law


Improving mutual understanding among Europeans by working through troubled pasts


Cultural literacy of young generations in Europe


Contemporary histories of Europe in artistic and creative practices


Religious diversity in Europe - past, present and future


Participatory approaches and social innovation in culture


Cultural heritage of European coastal and maritime regions


Virtual museums and social platform on European digital heritage, memory, identity and cultural interaction


European cultural heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past


Culture, integration and European public space


Understanding the transformation of European public administrations


CULT-COOP-01-2017 Democratic discourses and the rule of law • Understand contemporary legitimacy discourses and develop innovative approaches to legitimation also beyond democratic participation, encompassing justice and fairness, in Europe • Feed into future debates on the constitutional arrangements of the EU taking account electoral developments which appear to pose challenges to those arrangements a) Sovereignty and democracy b) Legitimacy through the rule of law, delivery of justice and fundamental rights RIA – 2017: € 5


CULT-COOP-02-2017 Improving mutual understanding among Europeans by working through troubled pasts • Reappraise uncomfortable histories with a view to enhancing mutual understanding among Europeans • Innovative educational material on how to constructively reflect and act upon troubled historical heritage • Support European policy makers and citizens to re-connect if and where necessary with the raison d'être of European integration a) Formal education, curricula and teaching practice b) Civil society, informal education and political discourses RIA – 2017: € 5 M


CULT-COOP-03-2017 Cultural literacy of young generations in Europe •

Enhance cultural literacy for the young generations

Innovative use of culture/cultural heritage through a comparative analysis of cultural literacy of young Europeans of diverse origins

Development and uptake of teaching material and tools for formal and informal education

Testing innovative practices for enhancing cultural and inter-cultural competencies in their real-life context

a) Promoting cultural literacy through formal education b) The role of non-formal and informal education in the development of cultural literacy RIA – 2017: € 5 M (2,5 M€ por dimensión)


CULT-COOP-4-2017 Contemporary histories of the representations of Europe in literature and the arts •

Investigate the evolving representations of Europe in contemporary artistic expressions

Better knowledge of cultural Europeanization in the making

Renewal of a non-elitist cultural narrative of Europe that speaks to Europeans of different languages, cultures, religions and origins beyond national borders

Enhanced cultural inter-comprehension among Europeans, especially young Europeans

New teaching materials for formal and informal education

RIA – 2017: € 2.5 M


CULT-COOP-5-2017 Contemporary Religious diversity in Europe – past, present and future • Analyse the co-existence of religious communities in Europe and repercussions for the European public and cultural space • Historical and comparative perspective enabling European citizens to better grasp conditions needed for religious coexistence in Europe • Innovative dissemination tools for education purposes (history, political science, civic education) • Policy recommendations and dissemination to the media for future strategies of cooperation with religious communities and in coping with anti-religious animosity RIA – 2017: € 2.5 M 66

CULT-COOP-6-2017 Participatory approaches & Social innovation in culture •

Develop the role of European cultural institutions as cultural service providers and hubs of social innovation

New cultural institutional strategies to reach out new audiences and communities

Innovative ways of cultural transmission and creative re-use

Support to culture ministries, cultural institutions and policy makers on how to promote European culture

Further democratise access to culture in a way that enables mutual and intercultural understanding for all

Support the EC in the definition of an innovative research agenda

RIA – 2017: € 2.5 M CSA – 2017: € 1.5


CULT-COOP-7-2017 Cultural heritage of European coastal & maritime regions Deepen knowledge and sustainable preservation of the cultural heritage of EU coastal and maritime regions and landscape Policy advice and networks, concepts and tools on how to maintain this rich and diverse element of the European CH based on stakeholder involvement and participatory governance Case studies and tailor-made pilot projects of the research to put in practice the proposed new tools and concepts Explore the possibilities of new, sustainable, cultural heritage-related career opportunities in the studied regions

RIA – 2017: € 2.5 M


CULT-COOP-9-2017 European cultural heritage, access and analysis for a richer interpretation of the past Create affordable and efficient digital access, analysis and preservation services of cultural resources to better understand and inform the present by richer interpretations of the past New ways of searching European digital content which used to be inaccessible, buried among huge amounts of data and not sufficiently tagged with adequate metadata Improve the understanding of the richness of European cultural heritage and create added value for the society by providing humanities researchers, journalists, policy makers and the interested public with new ways of finding answers to their questions about European cultural heritage and history

RIA – 2017: € 9 M


CULT-COOP-10-2017 Culture, integration and European public space •Linking

European identity to forms of integration that produce mutual benefit through tolerance, respect and creative interaction •Culture

and arts as vehicles of European integration and their role in defining "public spaces" (built environment, landscapes , media, language, ethnicity, shared values, etc.) •Exploring

how public spaces shape and are shaped by cultural activity: historical models, impact of migration on culture, role of creativity in defining European identity •North-South

and East-West representations of European public space

ERA-NET Cofund – 2017 : € 5 M


CULT-COOP-11-2017 Understanding the transformation of European public administrations • Exploring what the role of governments in an open and collaborative government setting may be and how this could be embedded in an EU setting • Developing methods and approaches to understanding community assets, needs and requirements in order to provide meaningful public services

RIA – 2017: € 7 M


H2020-SMEInst-62-2016-2017-SC6-CULT-COOP Nuevos modelos de negocio para una sociedad inclusiva, innovadora y reflexiva

SME instrument – 2016: € 10.8 M and 2017: € 11.4


Ayuda con el SME instrument!!


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