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Year 10 Booklet 2021

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ICT - Computer Science Dept. Wellington College Belfast

Year 10 ICT Booklet 2021-22

Full name: ICT Teacher: Form:

ICT Lessons:

Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Our ICT Teachers in year 10 are: Mr O’Hare Mrs Ross

So lucky you! Ensure you work hard as expected!

Your year 10 Google Classroom is:

Welcome to the ICT Department. This will be a fun learning year for you. You will be learning cryptology, code breaking and how to make your own web page by coding in HTML. We have two networks in school, the C2K network, similar to your one in your primary school and we are very lucky, we also have our own legacy network, which you will be using during ICT lessons. When your school has released your user number, we can set you up on this network, its usually takes a couple of weeks at the start of term, but we have plenty of work to get on with before that!

Your legacy LOGIN is : __________________________________________________

Your Password (keep it private!) Whilst your logon for Legacy and C2K will be different, we advise that you keep the same password! Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Video files THUNDERBIRDS SECRET CODES go with this Lesson

Did you know—Codes or Encryption are actually mathematical. It is also a great computational task for young minds!

Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Dear Year 8 pupils,

First Paragraph here

Second paragraph here

Third Paragraph here

Yours faithfully, Your name here

Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.




Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.

Reminder of work from year 8


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.

Reminder of work from year 8


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Denary 1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 You touched on this in year 8. You will learn to work in Hexadecimal, that is also known as base 16.


19 20

Its very useful to computers to do this, they use memory addressing like this and also colours for example for HTML programming, you will do this

21 22 1x16 =

7 x 16 =

13 x 16 =

2 x 16 =

8 x 16 =

14 x 16 =

3 x 16 =

9 x 16 =

15 x 16 =

4 x 16 =

10 x 16 =

16 x 16 =


5 x 16 =

11 x 16 =

17 x 16 =


6 x 16 =

12 x 16 =

18 x 16 =


23 24

28 Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.



Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


What is a Database? A database is a collection of data held in an organised way or a structured way. Most manual databases or paper-based databases contain files of indexed information like a phone book. Electronic databases are a bit more complex, but make finding data easier.

Record So a database is made up of many similar records. E.g. a dentists patient chart

Field A field is just one part of a record. E.g. a phone number, or a DOB

To organise databases it is very important to set up each field with the correct datatype. e.g. a name would be text, a DOB would be Date/Time, a monetary deposit could be currency. Number has several types of datatypes. Here are some important ones listed below: Data type


Text or String

abc, hello world

YES/NO or Boolean

Yes or No / True or False

Number (Integer (whole Number))

4, 27, 65535

Number (currency)

£102.99, £500

Number (Decimal)

4.2, 27.4, 5.63


11/12/2021, 11 Jan 2022, 10:55

AutoNumber 1, 2, 3, 4... Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Databases are brilliant at storing large amounts of similar data. The secret is keeping the data sensible. Anyone can make errors entering data, we are only human after all! Data that is not correct is garbage. A properly setup DBMS (Data Base Management System) requires the developer to help organise valid data to eliminate GIGO (garbage In Garbage Out). To ensure that data is valid we use a process called validation. Validation is used to assess whether data entered into a system is reasonable. It cannot tell if the data is correct, but it can check to see if it is within the acceptable parameters for valid data.

A developer/programmer can build various types of validation into a program: 

Range check - the input must fall within a specified range. This is usually applied to numbers and dates, but can apply to characters. For example, when making a payment to someone, the amount to be entered might be set to be greater than zero and not greater than the funds available.

Length check - the input must not be too long or too short. For example, a surname will require at least one letter but is Source: bitesize/guides/zdvrd2p/revision/1 unlikely to require more than 40.

Presence check - a data value must be entered. For example, entering a quantity when placing an order.

Format check - the data must be in the correct format, such as entering a date in the format DD/MM/YYYY.

Type check - the data must be of a specified data type, such as an integer when specifying a quantity.

Lookup table - this allows the user to pick one item from a specified pre-defined list.

Check digit - often used on identification numbers such as bank account details to ensure the numbers have been entered correctly. Fig. 3 Fig. 2

When you use a validation rule, you must add validation text! When you use a validation rule, you must add validation

Fig. 4

Fig. 1

Lookup tables are essentially drop down boxes you have often seen when filling in forms. A form is a method of data capture for a database

Default field size = 255 To be efficient, if we know the field size, we should change it, this is a basic rule. Above shows a lookup table this us a drop down menu, see fig 1. The title has two datatypes short text and lookup, see fig 2. Fig 3 shows the lookup rules/conditions and fig. 4 shows that the developer changed the field size and has added validation rules and text.

Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


There are 2 potential errors here: Can you identify them? 1 ________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 2 ________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________

Here are two examples of a Yes/No or Boolean datatype. Boolean is simply True/False (same as Yes/No) so it makes sense that it appears simply as a text box like in this example.

The developer has set the FS to 50. This is a good length rule for email. Look at the validation rule. It can’t validate an actual email address but it looks for the “@” and the “.” e.g.

[email protected] (or .com) When using numbers, we can be very specific. E.g. age would be an “Integer” or for maths we could have a “decimal”. This example looks for a deposit contribution paid, in this case its currency we can see an example too. The number datatype can be specific in sever ways, integer a whole number, currency, a monetary version or a double meaning using a decimal point. There are others too!

Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Using input masks is just one type of data validation for databases. The field size can be set, the format can also be set. Input masks are particularly useful when you want specific data, e.g. telephone numbers (we know these are 11 characters long) so the input mask would be 00000000000 This makes the enter all 11 characters AND it puts a rule that only numeric data, i.e. 0-9 can be used. However, this is one exception to the rule as the datatype must be text or string. The reason all phone numbers begin with ‘0’ and computers will not store null values! Try making input mask rules for the field below:

Telephone Number

A date of birth

A first name

A NI Postcode

What might these


_____________________ Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.


Created by ICT Dept., Wellington College, Belfast. U N A D I S C A M U S ‘ Learning together’.

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