YuvaJaya -Activity Report-2022 (2) Flipbook PDF

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YuvaJaya Foundation

ACTIVITY REPORT Thank you for your most generous and vital support .YuvaJaya Foundation is a registered section 8 not-for-profit company. We are passionate about making first generation and EWS youth employable.

Our Belief Skill development is an important driver to develop profitable employment opportunities for the rural youth. It will address poverty reduction by improving employability, productivity and helps to sustainable development and inclusive growth.



YUVAJAYA FOUNDATION We enable first generation, underprivileged graduates to take-up a meaningful career


Yuvajaya Foundation is a not-for-profit that provides employability skills to rural general degree graduates especially those from marginalized communities to start meaningful careers and break the cycle of poverty for them and their families. We are working on helping them bridge their ‘job-readiness gap’ and streamline their job discovery process through online platforms and the use of digital tools.

Our Vision :

Enable every underprivileged graduate to take-up a meaningful career. To Skill first generation women graduates to transition and break into the workforce

Crisis with Demographic Dividend

As per India Skills report more than 54% of the graduates remain unemployed / underemployed due to lack of skills and awareness to take up meaningful jobs. Women graduates are especially affected as only 1 in 5 women are working in knowledge sector



Increase in family Income


Trainees Successfully placed with an average package of INR 2.20 LPA

75 %

75% of the trainees are girl students

Theory of Change:

Provide required skills to unemployed youth from economically challenged families so that they start a meaningful career in the service sector. This leads to three distinct changes. The entire family comes out of poverty for good. The young girls, who form majority of our beneficiaries, are able to be financially independent and make decisions about their own lives. This has a cascading impact on their own families as they project their confidence into the next generation as well. These employed youngsters become role models and inspire others in their community to dream big and aim for big jobs. Success story of Mamata Naik

Mamata Naik, from rural village near Sagara always dreamt having a job and being financially independent . She completed her BCOM with the hope that it will enable her to get placed and be self- sufficient. She was shortlisted for many interviews, but lack of hands-on training and employability skills came in her way of impressing the employers with her skills, knowledge, and ability. She enrolled herself for the placement linked training program at the Yuvajaya's Career Connect Course. Post completing her training, Mamata, got placed with Accenture as a Platform Experience New Associate. For her fellow village girls, Mamata is a role model to look up to and get inspired. Mamata is highly grateful to Yuvajaya Foundation for the overall guidance and support she received to realize her dreams



First Gen graduates from EWS families

All sessions are live; 100 Hours of Core Training, 100 hours of mentor sessions and 50 hours of Job Readiness

75% girl students

We are able to reach students from across Karnataka, rural Tamil Nadu and Andaman & Nicobar Island

Volunteers visit applicant’s dwelling to verify their need

Blended model for 12 Weeks of ONLINE training and one month of placement activity.

PLACEMENT Accommodation till placement for 15 to 30 days at Bengaluru

Minimum salary of 16K per month and average salary of 19K highest salary of 30K PM

6 months of follow-up after placement to provide support during their initial settling period

YuvaJaya activities report for the year 2022-23 YuvaJaya’s Career Connect Program empowers first generation, underprivileged general degree students with the required soft skills and Job readiness skills to become job-ready to enter the workforce and bridge existing gaps in the academic curriculum. In 2022, YuvaJaya was able to reach students from across Karnataka, rural Tamil Nadu and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. We have provided all our training online using online meeting platforms. In the coming year we want to reach out to more students across other southern states and eventually reach other parts of India too. In addition to the online mode of training, we have been offering two weeks of offline support in Bengaluru. We hope to try and have a permanent base from which we can offer this support for every batch. During the year 185 rural first generation graduates trained and out of that 160 have been successfully placed with an average package of INR 2.2 LPA

185 No of students trained

160 No of students got Offers

Career Connect session

Volunteer support

Our Resource Partners




AVG Salary

No of Girl studnets

Family income increased

Placement Time

Sample Placement Update -22-23

Awards & Recognitions Winner of eNGO Challenge Award 2022-23

Incubated at UnLtd India

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