Drug Treatment Policies and Interagency Cooperation. Goteborg. Sweden. Table of Content

Groups 1 and 2. Improving Drug Policies and drug treatment services. www.eulacdrugs.org (see collaborative actions) Göteborg, Sweden May 27-30, 2009

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Groups 1 and 2. Improving Drug Policies and drug treatment services. www.eulacdrugs.org (see collaborative actions)

Göteborg, Sweden May 27-30, 2009

Drug Treatment Policies and Interagency Cooperation Goteborg. Sweden

Table of Content • • • • • •

Introduction---------------------------------------------------GOT 2 Objectives------------------------------------------------------GOT 2 Results ----------------------------------------------------------GOT 2 List of Participants--------------------------------------------GOT 4 Agenda of the event-----------------------------------------GOT 6 Invitation Letter-----------------------------------------------GOT 9

Introduction City and Deputy Mayors, members of the National Drug Councils and Treatment Specialists who participated in the Montevideo Technical City Forum on December 2008, and the at the Montego Bay, Jamaica, Technical City Forum on March, met in Göteborg, Sweden from May 27-30, to discuss the development of policies and best practices in the treatment and rehabilitation of drug dependency. The three-day forum was organized by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Secretariat for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (OAS), together with the City of Göteborg, under CICAD’s EU-LAC Drug Treatment City Partnership initiative, which is funded by the European Commission.

Objectives 1. To discuss ideas about how to lead drug treatment coalitions in the city, stressing the role of the city mayor and his/her team 2. To present the Göteborg model of inter-agency cooperation, and to examine how different institutions and organizations work together to address drug treatment challenges (including a visit to treatment centers for treatment specialists) 3. To bring Mayors and Deputy Mayors to a table of discussion to evaluate the effectiveness of evidence-based public policies 4. To present the results of the Montego Bay and Montevideo technical fora (where 30 EU-LAC cities have agreed on two assessment tools), and 5. To work on designing local drug strategies based on treatment needs in cooperation with regional and national agencies and institutions

Results 1. Presentation of the initial need assessment evaluation performed by 30 cities during and after the Montego Bay and Montevideo city fora. 2. Consensus regarding the use of the two assessment tools for city profile and treatment data entry, in both Spanish and English 3. Follow up on bilateral negotiations by the city of Kingston (Jamaica) with Göteborg for inter-agency cooperation; Kingston (Jamaica) and Coimbra (Portugal) on health care structures (to be further developed in Coimbra, December 2009); San Ramón (Costa Rica) and Colón (El Salvador) with Lugo (Spain) to develop a plan of action; Cuenca (Ecuador) and Mexicali GOT 2

(México) for future cooperation; and Barcelona (Spain), San Ramón (Costa Rica), Peñalolén and Conchalí (Chile) in the area of prevention and treatment policies (to be developed). 4. The Deputy Mayor of Göteborg, Sweden, suggests the presentation of a broader initiative to the European Commission to continue the work initiated by current EU-LAC Drug Treatment City Partnerships, to ensure the participation of a larger number of cities and actions, including prevention and rehabilitation. The proposal is supported by participant cities at the closing of this event.


List of Participants To see the cities representing each country please refer to the EU-LAC participating city list at www.eulacdrugs.org Argentina Argentina Argentina

Alfredo Miroli Gustavo Segnana Alfredo Córdoba

Bahamas Belgium Belgium Brazil

Terry Fountain Alphonse Franssen Filip De Sager Deyse Chicre

Brazil Bulgaria Bulgaria

Maria Alice Denitsa Eneva Svetlana Koeva

Bulgaria Chile Chile Chile Chile Chile

Hristo Bozov Juan Felipe Lopez Carlos Arriagada Daniel Poblete Figueroa Rubén Malvoa Hernández Rodrigo Portilla

Costa Rica Costa Rica Costa Rica Dominica Dominica Ecuador Ecuador

Raul Gómez Guerrero Giselle Amador Muñoz Eugenia Mata Cecil Joseph Griffin Benjamin Hugo Marcelo Cabrera Palacios Marco Jaramillo

El Salvador El Salvador Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain Spain

Guillermo Guevara Huezo Jaime Roberto Guatemala Ayala Teresa Brugal M. Eugenia Sanchez Carrate Isabel Rivas Carmen Basadre Lydia Platas Bartolomé Pérez Gálvez Andrés Torquemada Luengo Juan Cruz Aragoneses Bernardos



Secretario de Adicciones deTucumàn Coordinador de Financiamiento Internacional SEDRONAR Jefe, Departamento Toxicología, Prevención, Asistencia y Lucha contra la Droga Deputy Director National Anti-Drug Secretariat Co-ordinator Drug Treatment Ghent Region City Drug Coordinator Coordenadora de Educaçao em Saude Fund. Municipal de Educaçao de Niteroi Coordenadora Municipal de Saúde/Prefeitura Municipal de Niterói Senior Technical Specialist Director of Directorate Prevention and Deputy chairman of the District Drug Council Deputy Mayor of Varna City and Chairman of the District Drug Council Alcalde Subrogante CONACE PREVIENE Peñalolén Coordinador CONACE Previene Conchalí Alcalde de Conchalí Área Técnica en Tratamiento y Rehabilitación CONACE Ministerio del Interior Alcalde de San Ramon IAFA Jefe de oficina regional del IAFA en San Ramón Instituto Costarricense sobre Drogas Mayor of Dominica MINISTRY OF HEALTH. CONSULTANT PSYCHIATRIST Alcalde de Cuenca Director del CONSEP Alcalde de San Ramon Director Clínica Rehabilitación Operación Rescate Jefa del Servicio de Atención a las Drogodependèncias Assessora Delegación de Salut. Ayuntamiento de Barcelona Delegada de Salud del Ayuntamiento de Barcelona Concejala del Área de Mujer y Bienestar Social Ayuntamiento de Lugo Responsable del Servicio de Prevención de Drogodependencias Responsible de la unidad de Alcolismo de la Universidad de Alicante 4º Teniente de Alcalde. Concejal de Servicios Sociales, Sanidad y Consumo 1º Teniente de Alcalde del Ayuntamiento de Segovia. Concejal de Urbanismo, Economía y Hacienda. Advisor to the Mayor of Athens in Health and Social Solidarity Issues GOT 4


Vassiliki TRIFILLI

Greece Haiti Haiti Italy Jamaica Mexico Mexico Norway Nicaragua Paraguay Paraguay Peru Peru Peru Portugal Portugal Republica Dom. Romania Romania Slovenia St. Kitts & Nevis St. Kitts & Nevis Suriname

Eugenia Stathakopoulou Emica Jourdain EXCEUS Clac Erick LOUIS Efrem Milanese Winston de la Haye Luis Enrique Dorantes Armando Patrón Vargas Jane E. Mounteney Jobis José Felix Trejos Trejos Anibal Franco Rosa Benitez de Franco Nery Saldarriaga de Kroll Víctor Hugo Echeandía Arellano Eduardo Haro Estabridis Carlos Encarnação Carlos Ramalheira Mercedes Ivelise German Cristian Iftene Pamela Pacuraru. Kastelic Andrej Sharon Halliday Rupert Herbert Kris Rambali

Suriname Trinidad &Tobago

Joan lansdorf-Watkin Steve Richards

Member of the Municipal Council of the City of Athens, President of the Drug Prevention Centers of Athens Director of the National Prevention Programme CONALD Assistant Responsible of Demand Reduction Deputy Mayor of Petion-Ville Asesor de CARITAS Alemana en Tratamiento. Psicologo Consultant Psychiatrist, Detox Unit, Belleview Psychiatric Hospital Director General Instituto de Psiquiatría de Baja California Secretariado Técnico del Consejo Nacional Contra las Adicciones. Bergen Clinics Foundation/ University of Bergen Alcalde de Masaya Intendente Municipal Jefa del Area de Salud Presidenta (e) Gobierno Regional Lambayeque Dirección Regional de Salud Lambayeque DEVIDA – Gerente de Prevención y Rehabilitación del Consumo de Drogas Alcalde. Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Coimbra Regional Delegate Institute on Drugs and Drug Addiction Directora de Tratamiento y Rehabilitacion del Consejo Nacional de Drogas Child Difficulty Protection Department General Directorate of Social Assistance of Bucharest Municipality Head - Center for treatment of drug addiction Slovenia, Ljubljana Consultant Psychiatrist Minister. Ministry of Health Executive Bureau of the National Anti-Drug Council, Research specialist and Policy Advisor National Anti-Drugs Council, Member NGO Representative


Thomas Knight

Head of Integrated Commissioning for Addiction and Offender Health


Alicia Guerra

Intendencia Mesa Intersectorial


James F. Mack



Anna Chisman



Francisco Cumsille



Luis Alfonzo



Maria Juliana



Maria Paula



Antonio Lomba



Javier Sagredo




May 27-30, 2009 Wednesday May 27 Location: Elite Park Avenue Hotel 19.00

Welcome reception hosted by the City of Göteborg • Elisabet Rothenberg, Deputy Lord Mayor of Göteborg

Thursday May 28 Location: Elite Park Avenue Hotel 08.30 – 09.00

Coffee and registration

09.00 – 09:45

Opening of conference. Presenter: Ove Lundgren, Project Leader at the City of Göteborg • •

09:45 – 10.45

Developing local public policies. Moderator: Anna Chisman, Head of Demand Reduction, CICAD/OAS • • •

10.45 – 10.55 10.55 – 11.15 11.15 – 11.45

Dario Espiga, Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the Board, Administration for Allocation of Social Welfare, Göteborg James F. Mack, (Ambassador) Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Secretariat for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (OAS)

Carlos Encarnação, Mayor of Coimbra, Portugal Hugo Marcelo Cabrera Palacios, Mayor of Cuenca, Ecuador Nery Saldarriaga de Kroll, President of the Regional Government of Lambayeque, Peru

Information from the City of Göteborg including practical information. Coffee Break Guidelines for thematic areas • •

Anna Chisman, Head of Demand Reduction, CICAD/OAS Antonio Lomba, EU-LAC Project Manager at CICAD/OAS


11.45 – 13.30 Thematic Area 1. Introduction to Coordination and Inter-Agency cooperation: policy management. Presentation of “the Göteborg model” for Inter-agency cooperation Presentations followed by open forum discussion. Moderator: Javier Sagredo, Project Manager SAVIA, CICAD/OAS •

• •

Kristina Jung, Planning Officer, City office, Unit for welfare and education, City of Göteborg. Presenting: "Intersectorial cooperation for individuals with drug abuse in the social services - experiences, difficulties and success stories" Sven-Eric Alborn, Deputy Head of the Clinic for alcohol and drug dependence, Sahlgrenska University Hospital Malin Östling, Director of local Prison and Probation Authority

13.30 – 14.15


14.15 – 16.15

Study visits (four options) •

“Högsboanstalten” – Högsbo Prison – prison with treatment program for Drug Abusers “Krami” Offers Job training and practice as well as treatment for ex convicts. Co-operated between the Social Service, the Employment Office and the Prison and Probation Authority “The Opportunity” Low Threshold housing for homeless people and Outreach work among homeless. This housing also contains a Centre for Medical Health care “City Mission” – NGO (Swedish Church) working with treatment programs, detoxification, medical care, housing etc. In co-operation with the Health and Medical Care Authority

• • •

18.00 – 23.15

Viking Dinner at Carlsten fortress at the island of Marstrand

Friday May 29 Location: Elite Park Avenue Hotel 08.30 – 09.00

Introduction •

09.00 – 10.15

Thematic Area 2. Planning and programming in public policy. Presentations followed by open forum discussion. Moderator: Luis Alfonzo, Psychiatrist and Demand Reduction Specialist CICAD/OAS •

10.15 – 10.30

Lars Bäckström, Göteborg County Governor

Bartolomé Pérez Gálvez, Drug Plan Director for Alicante Province, Spain; former Director General of Drug Dependence for the Region of Valencia. Spain

Coffee Break GOT 7

10.30 – 11.15

Feedback from the Montevideo (Uruguay) and the Montego Bay (Jamaica) Technical Forums. Update on the results and first analysis of city profiles provided after the two forums. Moderator: Luis Alfonzo, Psychiatrist and Demand Reduction Specialist CICAD/OAS • •

11.15 – 12.45

Winston de la Haye, Psychiatrist, University of the West Indies, Jamaica Rodrigo Portilla, Treatment and Rehabilitation Specialist, Catholic University of Chile, Chile Thematic Area 3. Information and research. (From evidence to policy). Presentations followed by open forum discussion. Moderator: Francisco Cumsille, Head of the Inter-American Observatory on Drugs CICAD/OAS • • •

12.45 – 14.00 14.00 – 15.00

Lunch (separate Lunch for City Mayors) Thematic Area 4. Financing and costs of drug treatment programs Presentation followed by open forum discussion. Moderator: Francisco Cumsille, Head of the Inter-American Observatory on Drugs CICAD/OAS •

15.00 – 15.15 15.15 – 16.30

Siv Nyström, Researcher at the Institute for Evidence based social work practice at the National Board of Health and Welfare. Title: "Using the ASI to assess clients´ needs in the social work practice", Sweden Jane Mounteney, Bergen Clinics Foundation, Bergen, Norway Bert Gren, Specialist in clinical psychology, Växjö University and City of Göteborg. Presenting DOK – a Swedish model for integrating selfevaluation and national documentation in the field of drug dependence, Sweden

Alphonse Franssen, Coordinator of the drug treatment service providers of the province of East Flanders, Belgium

Coffee break Thematic Area 5. Citizenship and community participation Presentations followed by open forum discussion. Moderator: Javier Sagredo, Project Manager SAVIA, CICAD/OAS •

Efrem Milanese, Treatment Community Researcher, Treviso, Italy

16.30– 17.15

Guidelines and summary of sessions: what are the main ingredients of a city drug treatment plan? Moderator: Maria Paula Luna, Demand Reduction Specialist, CICAD/OAS

17.15 – 17.30

Closing of conference GOT 8

• • 20.00

James F. Mack, (Ambassador) Executive Secretary of the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD) of the Organization of American States (OAS) Jörgen Linder, Chairman of the City Council/Lord Mayor of Göteborg

Dinner at Liseberg Amusement Park

Saturday May 30 11.00 – 14.00

Boat trip including lunch in the Göteborg archipelago

April 24, 2009 GOT 9

Official invitation to the EU-LAC City of Ghent Technical Forum and exchange on ”Treatment alternatives to incarceration under judicial supervision for drug-dependent offenders. The Belgium experience. Ghent, Belgium. June 24-25-26, 2009. Dear Mayor + surname: On behalf of the city of Ghent, the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Secretariat for Multidimensional Security of the Organization of American States (OAS), the the Office of the Prosecutor, the Court System, and the University of Ghent, we are pleased to invite you and your professional team to participate in this event organized under the umbrella of CICAD´s “EU-LAC Drug Treatment City Partnerships”, an initiative funded by the European Commission.

ThiDear participants of Group 3 of CICAD’s EU-LAC Project (Treatment alternatives to incarceration for drug-dependent offenders), extended to Group 2 (Improving drug treatment services in EU and LAC cities). EU-LAC Drug Treatment City Partnerships is an initiative funded by the European Commission. The City of Ghent, will host this three-day event on June 24, 25, and 26, 2009. It is being organized by the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), of the Organization of American States (OAS), the City of Ghent, the Office of the Prosecutor, the Court System, and the University of Ghent. We would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation by sending us the completed participation form by email or fax before Monday, May 8, 2009. Thank you once again for your participation in this multilateral initiative. Yours sincerely,

James F. Mack Executive Secretary

Anneli Hulthén Chairman of the City Executive Board City of Göteborg

James F. Mack Executive Secretary Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD)

GOT 10

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