Europass Curriculum Vitae

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Europass Curriculum Vitae
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1 CURRICULUM VITAE CURRICULUM VITAE ANTECEDENTES PERSONALES Apellido y nombres: Milstein, Diana Judit Diana Fecha de nacimiento: 13 de Julio de 19

CURRICULUM VITAE Datos personales Apellido y nombres: Rasftopolo Alexis Pedro. D.N.I: 30.959.322. Fecha de Nacimiento: 23 de Abril de 1984. Lugar de n

CURRICULUM VITAE 1.- DATOS PERSONALES APELLIDO: De Vito NOMBRE: Irma Esther Lugar de nacimiento: Mendoza, Argentina Fecha de nacimiento: 21 de diciemb

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Europass Curriculum Vitae Personal information First name(s) / Surname(s) Address(es) Telephone(s)

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Francisco CEACERO HERRADOR, PhD. U Krize, 4.. 150 1 00, Praha 5 - Jinonice (Czech Republic) +420 420 224382343 (Czech Rep.-Office) Rep. +420 733450473 (Czech Rep.-Mobile) Rep. +34 633695587 (Spain-Mobile) +420 420 234381829 [email protected] [email protected]; [email protected] [email protected]; Institutional Web: Research Gate: e/Francisco_Ceacero/ Researcher ID: Google Scholar: s?user=Kv4XoEcAAAAJ Spanish 13.11.1978 Male

Work experience Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer

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From September 2014 Assistant Professor Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU) (Prague – CZECH REPUBLIC). Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences. Department of Animal Sciences and Food Processing. From October 2012 (part time job: 20%) Researcher esearcher Institute of Animal Science (VÚŽV) (Prague – CZECH REPUBLIC). Department of Ethology. From July 2012 201 to August 2014 Post-doctoral doctoral Researcher Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CZU) (Prague – CZECH REPUBLIC). Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences. AgriSciences Department of Animal Sciences and Food Processing. From July 2010 to June 2012 Post-doctoral doctoral Researcher R Institute of Animal Science (VÚŽV) (Prague – CZECH REPUBLIC). Department of Ethology. From August 2008 to June 2010 Research Assistant Castilla-La La Mancha University (UCLM) (Albacete – SPAIN). Department of Agro-forestry Agro Science and Technology, & Genetics From July 2005 to June 2007 Pre-doctoral doctoral i3p research fellowship by European Social Fund Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Albacete ( – SPAIN). Institute of Research in Game Resources (IREC). Department of Animal Sciences Techniques Applied to Wildlife Research. For more information on Europass go to © European Union, 2004-2010 2004 24082010

Dates Occupation or position held Name and address of employer

From September 2003 to August 2004 Associate Jaén University (UJA) (Jaén – SPAIN). Department of Animal and Vegetal Biology & Ecology.

Education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Name of organisation Level in international classification Dates Title of qualification awarded Name of organisation

March 2010 Ph.D. Title: ‘Mineral supplementation and mineral diet selection in Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus)’ University of Castilla-La Mancha (Albacete – SPAIN) ISCED level 8 May 2007 Master Degree on ‘Agrarian Sciences and Engineering’ University of Castilla-La Mancha (Albacete – SPAIN)

Level in international classification

ISCED level 7


January 2003

Title of qualification awarded Name of organisation Level in international classification

Bachelor in Biological Sciences University of Jaen (Jaen – SPAIN) ISCED level 6

Attendance to courses, seminars, symposium and congresses (I).

• Course 'Environmental Management Systems: ISO 14000 and EMAS II'. Jaen University. 55 h. 2002. • Course 'Identification, trapping and managing vertebrate fauna'. G.T.M. El Olivo. 40 h. 2003. • Course 'Infectious diseases'. Formación Alcalá. 375 h. 2003. • Course 'Techniques on soil and water contamination'. Formaselec. 50 h. 2004. • Course 'Techniques for scientific research'. UCLM. 20 h. 2005. • Course 'Use of Web of Knowledge databases'. UCLM. 5 h. 2005. • Course 'New Geographic Information Systems'. Centro de Capacitación y Experimentación Forestal de Cazorla. 30 h. 2005. • 'VII Congress of the Spanish Society for Mammal’s Conservation and Study'. Valencia (SPAIN). December 3rd to 6th, 2005. • Course 'Certificate for Pedagogic Capability'. Extremadura University. 300 h. 2005-2006. • Course 'Advanced techniques for the study of amphibians and reptiles'. Sociedad de Ciencias Aranzadi. 10 h. 2006. • Course 'Communication techniques'. CIPE-UCLM. 20 h. 2006. • Symposium 'Economic management and environmental protection in game areas: Eurocaza 2006'. CEDER Campiña Sur. 10 h. 2006. • Granted attendance to the 'XI Spanish and VIII Latin-American Congress of Ethology'. Puerto de la Cruz (SPAIN). September 19th to 22nd, 2006. • 'IX Spanish and Portuguese Congress of Herpetology'. San Sebastian (SPAIN). October 4th to 7th, 2006. • Course 'Advanced statistic methods using free software R'. UCLM. 40 h. 2007. • Seminar 'N-Proteins, fats and fibers'. Foss Tecator-Tecnoquim. 4 h. 2007. • Course '3D-drawing: Autocad'. UPCOA. 20 h. 2007. • Course 'Autocad 2006. Basic Level'. UPCOA. 20 h. 2007. • Symposium 'Sustainable exploitation of game and touristic resources in protected areas: Eurocaza 2007'. CEDER Campiña Sur. 10 h. 2007. • 'XI Catalonia Herpetological Congress'. Parets del Valles (SPAIN). October 25th to 27th, 2007. • 'VIII Congress of the Spanish Society for Mammal’s Conservation and Study'. Huelva (Spain)’. December 5th to 8th, 2007. • Course 'Advanced research techniques: PLS and SEM'. UCLM. 20h. 2008 • Course 'Theory and practice in advanced statistic: SPSS'. UCLM. 20h. 2008.

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Attendance to courses, seminars, symposium and congresses (II).

• Granted Attendance to the 'Summer School in Ecology and Biodiversity'. Bialowieza (POLAND). June, 9th to 14th, 2008. th • '4 European Conference on Behavioural Biology'. Dijon (FRANCE). July 18th to 20th, 2008. • 'XII National and IX Latin-American Congress of Ethology'. Valencia (SPAIN). September 16th to 19th, 2008. th • '13 Congress of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition'. Oristano (ITALY). October 15th to 17th, 2009. • 'XIII National and X Latin-American Congress of Ethology'. Ciudad Real (SPAIN). September 21st to 24th, 2010. • 'XI Spanish and Portuguese Congress of Herpetology'. Sevilla (SPAIN). October 6th to 9th, 2010. • 'New frontiers in antler research applied to medicine'. UCLM. 8 h. 2011. • 'Annual Meeting of the Czech Association of Deer Farmers'. Trpišov (CZECH REPUBLIC). September 14th, 2011. • '39th Czech and Slovak Ethological Conference'. Nove Mesto na Morave (CZECH REPUBLIC). October 7th to 10th, 2012. th • '6 Scientific Conference of the Institute of Tropics and Subtropics'. Prague (CZECH REPUBLIC), November 29th, 2012. • 'Behaviour 2013: Joint meeting of the 33rd International Ethological Conference (IEC) and the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB)'. Newcastle upon Tyne (UNITED KINGDOM), August 4th to 8th, 2013. • 'Joint East and West Central Europe ISAE Regional Meeting'. Skopje (MACEDONIA), October 9th to 10th, 2013. • 'Czeck and Slovak Zoological Days'. Ostrava (CZECH REPUBLIC). January 6th to 7th, 2014. • Meeting of the 'Commission for Cervids of the Czeck and Slovak Union of Zoological Gardens'. Plzen (CZECH REPUBLIC), February 26th, 2014. • 'VII European Conference on Behavioural Biology'. Prague (CZECH REPUBLIC), July 17th to 20th, 2014. st • '1 International and 2nd National Symposium on Antler Science and Technology'. Dalian (CHINA). July 24th to 25th, 2014. • '8th International Deer Biology Conference'. Harbin (CHINA). July 27th to 31st, 2014.

Skills and Competences Mother tongue(s)



Understanding Listening

European level (*)


Speaking Spoken interaction


Spoken production



Proficient User


Proficient User


Proficient User


Proficient User


Proficient User



Basic User


Basic User


Basic User


Basic User


Basic User

(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

Organisational skills and competences

Member of the organizing committee of the International Symposium ‘New frontiers in antler research applied to medicine’, hold in Albacete (SPAIN). May 5th, 2011. Member of the organizing committee of the ‘XIII National and X Iberoamerican Congress of Ethology’, hold in Ciudad Real (SPAIN). September 21st to 24th, 2010.

Teaching experience

Compound Feed Production and Feed Additives; at the Master Program 'Animal and Food Science in Tropics and Subtropics', Czech University of Life Sciences. Since 2014. Biology, conservation and management of Ungulates; at the Master program 'Agrarian Sciences and Engineering', University of Castilla-La Mancha. Since 2010.

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Educational skills

1 Ph.D. Thesis supervised: Olguín-Hernández CA (2011) Effects of game management and food supplementation in the antler and skeletal bones of red deer: Implications for diet selection. (Institute of Research in Game Resources, SPAIN, 2011). 4 Master thesis supervised: Olguín-Hernández CA (Institute of Research in Game Resources, SPAIN, 2011), Paricio E (University of Castilla-La Mancha, SPAIN, 2012), Valero Y (University of Castilla-La Mancha, SPAIN, 2012). Villanueva M (Technical University of Madrid, SPAIN, 2014)

Driving licence

B1 since 1999.

Additional information Requested as referee for the following Journals: Ethology (2007); Animal Behaviour (2010, 2011, 2011, 2012, 2012, 2013); European Journal of Wildlife Research (2010, 2013); Livestock Science (2010, 2012, 2014); PLoS One (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014); Journal of Wildlife Management (2011); African Journal of Agricultural Science (2011); Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española (2011, 2012, 2014); Journal of Agricultural Science (2012); Central European Journal of Biology (2012); Pakistan Journal of Zoology (2012); Agricultura Tropica et Subtropica (2012); Journal of Mammalogy (2013); Acta Theriologica (2013); Italian Journal of Zoology (2013); Behavioural Processes (2013); Animal Production Science (2013); South African Journal of Wildlife Research (2013); Veterinarski Archiv (2013); Scientia Agriculturae Bohemica (2013, 2014); Journal of Earth Sciences & Climatic Change (2014). Requested as referee for 5 PhD dissertations defended at Castilla-La Mancha University (SPAIN; 2), Jaén University (SPAIN), Game Resources Research Institute (SPAIN), and Valencia University (SPAIN). Requested as external projects evaluator by the Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS; Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport): programs Joint Applied Research Program (calls PN-II-RU-TE2011-3, and PN-II-PT-PCCA-2013-4), and Young Research Teams (call PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1) (ROMANIA). Since 2011 to date. Requested as plenary speaker in scientific meetings: • 1st International and 2nd National Symposium on Antler Science and Technology. Dalian (CHINA). July 24th to 25th, 2014. • 39th Czech and Slovak Ethological Conference. Nove Mesto na Morave (CZECH REPUBLIC). October 7th to 10th, 2012.

Annexes Annex 1: Publication List Annex 2: Communications and Conferences Annex 3: Projects

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Francisco Ceacero, PhD.

Annex 1

Czech University of Life Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic) Institute of Animal Science (Prague, Czech Republic)

Annex 1: Publication List Manuscripts in SCI Journals: Books: Book Chapters: Abstracts in Indexed Journals: Manuscripts in not indexed Journals: Divulgation manuscripts:

34 1 5 10 13 2

Indexing and Citation Metrics (ISI Journal Citation Reports®) Impact Factor - 70.890; Times Cited - 151; Without Autocites - 102; Average Citations per Article - 5.21; h-index - 7 (Google Scholar®) Times Cited - 285; h-index - 10 Manuscripts in SCI Journals 34. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, BARTOŠOVÁ J, GARCÍA AJ, BARTOŠ L, KOMÁRKOVÁ M, GALLEGO L (in press). Habituating to handling: Factors affecting pre-orbital gland opening in red deer calves. Journal of Animal Science 33. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, MIRANDA M, GARCÍA AJ, MARTÍNEZ A, GALLEGO L (2014). Why do Cervids feed on aquatic vegetation? Behavioural Processes 103:28-34 32. ŠÁROVÁ R, ŠPINKA M, STĚHULOVÁ I, CEACERO F, ŠIMEČKOVÁ M, KOTRBA R (2013). Pay respect to the elders – age, more than weight, determines dominance in female beef cattle. Animal Behaviour 86:1315-1323 31. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTEVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GARCIA AJ, GALLEGO L (2013). Effects of public vs. private management on deer antler composition, mechanical and structural variables. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59:519-529 30. OLGUIN A, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CEACERO F, GARCIA AJ, GALLEGO L (2013). Effects of feed supplementation on mineral composition, mechanical properties and structure in femora of Iberian red deer hinds (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). PLoS One 8(6): e65461 29. GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, CEACERO F, CARRETERO MA, PEDRAJAS-PULIDO L, PARRA G, GUERRERO F (2013). Optimizing protection efforts for amphibian conservation in Mediterranean landscapes. Acta Oecologica 49:45-52 28. BARTOŠOVÁ J, CEACERO F, BARTOŠ L (2012). Pre-orbital gland opening: Elementary part of sucking behavior in red deer (Cervus elaphus) calves. Journal of Animal Science 90:3207-3212 27. BARTOŠOVÁ J, BARTOŠ L, KOTRBA R, CEACERO F (2012). Pre-orbital gland opening in farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus) during stressful handling. Journal of Animal Science 90:3200-3206 26. GÓMEZ JA, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L (2012). Factors affecting antler investment in yearlings, subadults and adults of Iberian deer. Animal Production Science 52:867-873. 25. CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, BARTOŠOVÁ J, BARTOŠ L, GALLEGO L (2012). Benefits for dominant red deer hinds under a competitive feeding system: food access behavior, diet and nutrient selection. PLoS One 7(3): e32780. 24. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CURREY JD, CEACERO F, GARCIA AJ, GALLEGO L, GOMEZ S (2012). Does nutrition affect bone porosity and mineral tissue distribution in deer antlers? The relationship between histology, mechanical properties and mineral composition. Bone 50:245254. 23. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, MOLINA-QUILEZ I, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L (2012). Alternative hypothesis for the origin of osteoporosis: The role of Mn. Frontiers in Bioscience E4:1385-1390. 22. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L (2012). A review of physiological effort, nutrition, and ecological conditions on mineral composition, mechanical properties and internal structure of antlers. Frontiers in Bioscience E4:2328-2339. 21. GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, CEACERO F, PEDRAJAS L, KALIONTZOPOULOU A, CARRETERO MA (2011). Forced tail tip removal for tissue sampling has no short-term effects on microhabitat selection by Podarcis bocagei. Acta Herpetologica 6:223-227. 20. ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L (2011). ENSO affects sex-ratio progeny in captive Iberian red deer despite a steady feeding regime. Acta Theriologica 56:323-326. 19. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ (2011). Seasonal variations in red deer (Cervus elaphus) haematology related to antler growth and biometrics measurements. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology 315:242-249.

Francisco Ceacero, PhD.

Annex 1

Czech University of Life Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic) Institute of Animal Science (Prague, Czech Republic)

18. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L (2010). Effects of free-choice mineral consumption in Iberian red deer hinds and calves. Animal Production Science 50:37-44. 17. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, GALLEGO L (2010). Social rank, maternal weight and age affect milk provisioning and calf growth in Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). Journal of Dairy Research 77:77-84. 16. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ J, GALLEGO L (2010). Can Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) discriminate among essential minerals in their diet? British Journal of Nutrition 103:617-626. 15. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ (2010). Biometrics, testosterone, cortisol and antler growth cycle in Iberian red deer stags (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). Reproduction in Domestic Animals 45:243-249. 14. ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, CEACERO F, MARTÍNEZ A, CALATAYUD A, GALLEGO L (2010). Seasonal variations in plant mineral content and free-choice minerals consumed by deer. Animal Production Science 50:117-185. 13. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, GALLEGO L (2010). Physiological variables explain mineral intake in Iberian red deer. Physiology & Behavior 100:122-127. 12. CEACERO F, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, PEDRAJAS L, PERERA A, CARRETERO MA (2010). Tarentola and other gekkonid records from Djebel Ouarkziz (SW Morocco). Acta Herpetologica 5:13-17. 11. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ (2010). Plasmatic protein values in captive adult Iberian red deer stags (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). Central European Journal of Biology 5:724-728. 10. CEACERO F, DONAIRE-BARROSO D, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, BELTRAN JF, TEJEDO M (2010). On the occurrence of facultative paedomorphosis in the three newt species of Southern Iberian Peninsula (Amphibia, Salamandridae). Amphibia-Reptilia 31:571-575. 9. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CURREY JD, ESTÉVEZ JA, FIERRO Y, CALATAYUD A, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L (2010). Do drastic weather effects on diet influence changes in chemical composition, mechanical properties and structure in deer antlers? Bone 47:815-825. 8. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, CARRIÓN D, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L (2009). Age related-body weight constraints on prenatal and milk provisioning in Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) affect allocation of maternal resources. Theriogenology 71:400-407. 7. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, MARTÍNEZ A, CALATAYUD A, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L (2009). Free-choice mineral consumption in Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) response to diet deficiencies. Livestock Science 122:345-348 6. ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, MARTÍNEZ A, GARCÍA AJ, CEACERO F, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CALATAYUD A, GALLEGO L (2009). Antler mineral composition of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) is related to mineral profile of diet. Acta Theriologica 54:235-242. 5. GALLEGO L, GÓMEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, PIÑEIRO V, CASABIELL X, DE LA CRUZ LF (2009). Effect of milk minerals on calf gains and sex differences in mineral composition of milk from Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). Reproduction 138:859-865. 4. CURREY JD, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, OLGUÍN CA, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L (2009). The mechanical properties of red deer antler bone when used in fighting. Journal of Experimental Biology 212:3985-3993. 3. ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L (2008). Population management and bone structural effects in composition and radio-opacity of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) antlers. European Journal of Wildlife Research 54:215223. 2. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, MARTÍNEZ A, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L (2007). Does chemical composition of antler bone reflect the physiological effort made to grow it? Bone 40:1095-1102. 1. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, GALLEGO L (2007). Kinship discrimination and effects on social rank and aggressiveness levels in Iberian red deer hinds. Ethology 113:1133-1140. Books 1. CARRETERO MA, CEACERO F, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, SILLERO N, OLMEDO MI, HERNÁNDEZ-SASTRE PL, RUBIO JL (2010). Seguimiento de Algyroides marchi. Informe final. Monografías SARE. Asociación Herpetológica Española – Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino. Madrid, Spain. 51 pp. In spanish.

Book Chapters 5. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GÓMEZ S, GALLEGO L, GARCIA A, CEACERO F (2012). From diagnosing and monitoring deer populations to explaining human osteoporosis: research in composition, mechanics and histology of antlers. In: SHIRYAEV VV (Ed). Recent problems of nature use,

Francisco Ceacero, PhD.

Annex 1

Czech University of Life Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic) Institute of Animal Science (Prague, Czech Republic)


game biology and fur farming: Proceedings of lnternational Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 90 anniversary of Russian Research lnstitute of Game Management and Fur Farming. pp. 33-34. Kirov, Russia. 4. AYLLÓN E, HERNÁNDEZ PL, SÁNCHEZ J, FERRÁNDEZ M, CEACERO F (2012). Situación general por provincias: Albacete. In: BOSCH J, GONZÁLEZMIRAS E (Eds). Seguimiento de Alytes dickhilleni: Informe final. Monografías SARE. Asociación Herpetológica Española - Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. Madrid, Spain. pp. 25-26. In spanish. 3. GARCÍA AJ, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, ESTÉVEZ JA, GÓMEZ JA, CEACERO F, OLGUÍN A, CARRIÓN D, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L (2010). El trofeo en los cérvidos: caracterización funcional del crecimiento de la cuerna usando como modelo el ciervo. In: SANTIAGO-MORENO J, LÓPEZ-SEBASTIÁN A (Eds). Ungulados silvestres de España: biología y tecnologías reproductivas para su conservación y aprovechamiento cinegético. Monografías INIA: Serie Medioambiental. pp. 267-295. Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria – Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Madrid, Spain. In spanish. 2. CARRIÓN D, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, OLGUÍN CA, CEACERO F, ALBIÑANA B, GÓMEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ (2009). Fertilidad y capacidad en ciervas ibéricas (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). In: JOY M, CALVO JH, CALVETE C, LATORRE MA, CASASÚS I, PANEA B, SANZ A, BALCELLS J (Eds). XII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal AIDA-ITEA. Tomo II. pp. 666-668. Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario (AIDA). Zaragoza, Spain. In spanish. 1. ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, MARTÍNEZ A, OLGUÍN CA, LÓPEZ JE, CEACERO F, LANDETE T, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L (2009). Nuevas perspectivas en la determinación de la calidad de cuernas de ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). In: JOY M, CALVO JH, CALVETE C, LATORRE MA, CASASÚS I, PANEA B, SANZ A, BALCELLS J (Eds). XII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal AIDA-ITEA. Tomo II. pp. 418-420. Asociación Interprofesional para el Desarrollo Agrario (AIDA). Zaragoza, Spain. In spanish.

Abstracts in Indexed Journals 10. PETERKA T, CEACERO F, BARTOŠ L, KOTRBA R (2013). Testing the estimation of red deer activity using the Lotek GPS telemetry collars. Mammalian Biology 78S:19. 9. ESTEVEZ JA, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, MARTÍNEZ A, CALATAYUD A, GALLEGO L (2008). Growth effort rules bone mineral composition. Calcified Tissues International 82(Supp.1):S68. 8. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CURREY JD, ESTÉVEZ JA, GONZÁLEZ B, INSAUSTI R, GARCÍA A, MARTÍNEZ A, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L (2008) Association between macro and micro mineral composition, and mechanical properties, DXA, and cortical thickness, in human femurs and deer antler bone. Calcified Tissues International 82(Supp.1):S67. 7. ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, MARTÍNEZ A, CALATAYUD A, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L (2007). Mineral distribution in winter diet choices by free-ranging Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) under Mediterranean climate conditions. Hystrix, Italian Journal of Mammalogy 18(Supp):249. 6. CEACERO F, ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L (2007) Differences in mineral requirements in captive Iberian red deer hinds and calves during lactation. Hystrix, Italian Journal of Mammalogy 18(Supp):242. 5. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ J, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T (2007) Time course of the relationship between antler and body measures in captive Iberian red deer from 1 to 6 years of age. Hystrix Italian Journal of Mammalogy 18(Supp):252. 4. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CARRIÓN D, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L (2007) Growth in calves of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). Italian Journal of Animal Science 6(suppl.1):852. 3. ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, CARRIÓN D, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L (2007) Seasonal changes in mineral intake and first antler growth in Iberian red deer. Italian Journal of Animal Science 6(suppl.1):851. 2. CARRIÓN D, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CEACERO F, ESTÉVEZ JA, GALLEGO L (2007) Hind body condition and weight in primiparous of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) with one, two or three years old at mating. Italian Journal of Animal Science 6(suppl.1):841. 1. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CURREY J, ESTÉVEZ JA, GARCÍA AJ, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CEACERO F, CARRIÓN D, GALLEGO L (2007) Do feeding and health management influence antler chemical composition and mechanical properties in Iberian deer? Italian Journal of Animal Science 6(suppl.1):856.

Manuscripts in not indexed Journals 13. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCIA AJ, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L (2013). La composición y propiedades mecánicas de cuernas y huesos de ciervo como fuente de información para gestionar ecosistemas. Ecosistemas 22(2):68-75. In spanish.

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12. BARATA M, PERERA A, HARRIS DJ, VAN DER MEIJDEN A, CARRANZA S, CEACERO F, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, GONÇALVES D, HENRIQUES S, JORGE F, MARSHALL JC, PEDRAJAS L, SOUSA P (2011). New observations of amphibians and reptiles in Morocco, with a special emphasis on the Eastern Region. Herpetological Bulletin 116:4-13. 11. PEDRAJAS L, CEACERO F, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E (2011). Rinechis scalaris (Ladder Snake). Maximum size. Herpetological Review 42(2):303. 10. GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, PEDRAJAS L, BASTIDA J, CEACERO F (2010). Bufo boulengeri (African Green Toad). Cannibalism. Herpetological Review 41:470-471. 9. CEACERO F, PEDRAJAS L (2009). Albinismo e hipomelanismo en culebra viperina. Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d´Herpetologia 17:5355. In spanish. 8. VILLODRE A, VILLODRE J, CEACERO F (2009). Iberian Ribbed Newt (Pleurodeles waltl). Albinism. Herpetological Review 40:197-198. 7. GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, CEACERO F, PEDRAJAS L (2009). Notes on the reproductive biology and conservation of Pseudoepidalea brongersmai. Herpetology Notes 2:231-233. 6. CEACERO F, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, PEDRAJAS L, HIDALGO A, GUERRERO F (2007). Actualización herpetológica de la provincia de Jaén. Munibe. Ciencias Naturales 25:130-139. In spanish. 5. GUZMÁN JL, CEACERO F, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E (2007). Nuevas citas de anfibios y reptiles en Marruecos. Munibe. Ciencias Naturales 25:8287. In spanish. 4. CEACERO F (2006). Chalcides bedriagai pistaciae en el noroeste de Málaga. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 17(1):2122. In spanish. 3. CEACERO F, PEDRAJAS L, RODRÍGUEZ M, VILLODRE A (2006). Predación de larva de Salamandra salamandra por ejemplar juvenil de Natrix maura. Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 17(1):36-37. In spanish. 2. PEDRAJAS L, CEACERO F, RODRÍGUEZ M, VILLODRE A (2006). Coloración atípica en un macho de Lissotriton boscai (Lataste, 1879). Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 17(1):34-35. In spanish. 1. PEDRAJAS L, CEACERO F, VILLODRE A, RODRÍGUEZ M (2006). Trampeo pasivo originado por una alberca abandonada sobre las poblaciones de anfibios y reptiles en Sierra Morena oriental (Santa Elena, Jaén, España). Boletín de la Asociación Herpetológica Española 17(2):113-115. In spanish.

Divulgation manuscripts 2. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ, CEACERO F (2013). Kas vērtīgāks – gaļa vai trofeja? MMD (Latvia) Jūnijs 2013:37-37. In latvian. 1. PEDRAJAS L, CEACERO F, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E (2012). Expediciones en Marruecos. Jangala Magazine (Spain) XIII:26-35. In spanish.

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Annex 2: Communications in Scientific Conferences 108. Landete-Castillejos T, Garcia A, Cappelli J, Ceacero F, Gallego L. Manganese supplementation improves antlers of adult deer even under a balanced diet. International Scientific Conference on Deer Genetics and Management. th th Proceedings, 9-10. Sigulda (Latvia). August 6 to 7 , 2014. Oral communication. 107. Kotrba R, Bartoš L, Ceacero F, Pokoradi J. Deer nutrition: from evolution of digestive track to deer farming practice. International Scientific Conference on Deer Genetics and Management. Proceedings, 14. Sigulda (Latvia). th th August 6 to 7 , 2014. Oral communication. 106. Luna S, Gomez S, Ceacero F, García A, Gallego L, Landete-Castillejos T. Cortical and trabecular bone histomorphometry in entire cross-sections of antler of red deer (Cervus elaphus). 8th International Deer Biology th st Conference. Proceedings, 77-78. Harbin (China). July 27 to 31 , 2014. Poster communication. 105. Ceacero F, Landete-Castillejos T, García A, Komárková M, Gallego L. Age and body condition affect sex-biased differences in maternal effects in red deer (Cervus elaphus). 8th International Deer Biology Conference. th st Proceedings, 85-86. Harbin (China). July 27 to 31 , 2014. Oral communication. 104. Ceacero F, Landete-Castillejos T, Garcia A, Cappelli J, Gallego L. The role of manganese in antler composition st nd and mechanical properties. 1 International and 2 National Symposium on Antler Science and Technology. th th Proceedings, 14-16. Dalian (China). July 24 to 25 , 2014. Plenary speaker. 103. Peterka T, Bartoš L, Kotrba R, Bartošová J, Ceacero F, Kšáda V. Red deer bachelor group membership - friends or rivals? VII European Conference on Behavioural Biology. Book of Abstracts, 208-209. Prague (Czech Republic), th th July 17 to 20 , 2014. Poster communication. 102. Ceacero F, García AJ, Landete-Castillejos T, Komárková M, Gallego L. Sex-biased differences in maternal effects in red deer (Cervus elaphus). VII European Conference on Behavioural Biology. Book of Abstracts, 116. Prague th th (Czech Republic), July 17 to 20 , 2014. Poster communication. 101. Ceacero F. Studying antlers; what information we can take from them? Sborník z 8. jednání Komise pro jeleny th při UCSZOO, 11-12. Plzen (Czech Republic), February 26 , 2014. Invited speaker 100. Peterka T, Ceacero F, Bartoš L, Kotrba R. Testing the estimation of red deer activity using the Lotek GPS th th telemetry collars. Zoologické Dny. Sborník abstraktů z konference, 155. Ostrava (Czech Republic), January 6 to 7 , 2014. Poster communication 99. Ceacero F, Pluhacek J, Landete-Castillejos T, García AJ, Gallego L. Antler characteristics reflect the survival and reproductive success of a herd: an inter-specific trial. Zoologické Dny. Sborník abstraktů z konference, 42-43. th th Ostrava (Czech Republic), January 6 to 7 , 2014. Oral communication 98. Peterka T, Ceacero F, Bartoš L, Kotrba R. Testing the estimation of red deer activity using the Lotek GPS th telemetry collars. 40 etologická konferencia ČSEtS. Program a Abstrakty, 70. Košice (Slovakia), November 13 to th 16 , 2013. Poster communication 97. Špinka M, Šárová R, Ceacero F, Kotrba R. Pay respect to the elders - age, more than weight, determines dominance in female beef cattle. Joint East and West Central Europe ISAE Regional Meeting. Proceedings, 38. Skopje (Macedonia), October 9th to 10th, 2013. Oral communication 96. Ceacero F, Landete-Castillejos T, Bartošová J, García AJ, Bartoš L, Gallego L. Pre-orbital gland opening as a measure of handling habituation in red deer calves. Joint East and West Central Europe ISAE Regional Meeting. Proceedings, 47-48. Skopje (Macedonia), October 9th to 10th, 2013. Oral communication 95. Peterka T, Ceacero F, Bartoš L, Kotrba R. Testing the estimation of red deer activity using the Lotek GPS telemetry collars. 87th Annual Meeting of the German Society of Mammalogy. Mammalian Biology, 78S:19. th th Prague (Czech Republic), September 8 to 12 , 2013. Poster communication 94. CEACERO F, PARICIO E, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L. Moving fast and deeper in the night: Anti-predatory behaviour of red deer hinds. Behaviour 2013: Joint meeting of the 33rd International Ethological Conference (IEC) and the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB). Abstract Book, 159-160. Newcastle upon Tyne th th (United Kingdom), August 4 to 8 , 2013. Poster communication

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93. ŠÁROVÁ R, ŠPINKA M, STĚHULOVÁ I, CEACERO F, ŠIMEČKOVÁ M, KOTRBA R. Age superiority, more than body weight, determines dominance at the dyadic level in a beef cattle herd. Behaviour 2013: Joint meeting of the 33rd International Ethological Conference (IEC) and the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB). Abstract th th Book, 233-234. Newcastle upon Tyne (United Kingdom), August 4 to 8 , 2013. Poster communication 92. VÁNA M, BORSTEN J, KOTRBA R, CEACERO F, PAVLÍK A, POKORÁDI J. How to produce better antlers? Preliminary results on relationships between regime of concentrates feeding and size of hard antlers in farmed red deer (Cervus elaphus). 6th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Tropics and Subtropics. Book of Abstracts, 19. Prague (Czech Republic), th November 29 , 2012. Oral communication 91. CEACERO F. Sůl nad zlato: The role of minerals in ruminant feeding behaviour. 39 etologická konferencia ČSEtS. th th Program a Abstrakta, 7. Nove Mesto na Morave (Czech Republic), October 7 to 10 , 2012. Plenary Speaker 90. RUBIO JL, MARTÍN V, LUZÓN M, CEACERO F, SILLERO N, CARRETERO MA. Distribución, selección del hábitat y conservación de poblaciones marginales orientales de la lagartija de Valverde, Algyroides marchi. Libro de Resúmenes, 170. XII rd th Congreso Luso-Español y XVI Español de Herpetología. Murcia (Spain), October 3 to 5 , 2012. Poster communication 89. GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, CEACERO F, CARRETERO MA, PARRA G, GUERRERO F. How to protect amphibians in medium-sized administrative areas: which ones, where and why. XVI Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology. Book of nd th Abstracts, 96. Guimarães (Portugal), July 2 to 6 , 2012. Poster communication 88. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GÓMEZ S, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ, CEACERO F. From diagnosing and monitoring deer populations to explaining human osteoporosis: Research in composition, mechanics and histology of antlers. 90th International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Russian Research Institute of Game Management and Fur Farming. Kirov nd th (Russia), May 22 to 26 , 2012. Proceedings, 33-34. Plenary speaker 87. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ, CEACERO F. Ungulate game management in Spain in large private game estates. 90th International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Russian Research Institute of Game nd th Management and Fur Farming. Proceedings, 32-33. Kirov (Russia), May 22 to 26 , 2012. Oral communication 86. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. From mineral nutrition to antler development. th Institute of Animal Science. Prague-Uhřiněves (Czech Republic), November 14 , 2011. Invited speaker 85. CEACERO F. When antlers, then beautiful: From mineral nutrition to antler development. Ostrava Zoo th Conferences Program. Ostrava (Czech Republic), October 5 , 2011. Invited speaker 84. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. From mineral nutrition to antler development. th Annual Meeting of the Czech Association of Deer Farmers. Trpišov (Czech Republic), September 14 , 2011. Invited speaker 83. BARTOŠOVÁ J, BARTOŠ L, CEACERO F, KOTRBA R. Behavioural function of pre-orbital gland opening in red deer (Cervus elaphus) and its relevance in deer farming. Joint meeting of the East Central and West Central Europe Regions of st th the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE). Proceedings, 8. Prague (Czech Republic), June 1 to 4 , 2011. Poster communication 82. PÉREZ I DE LANUZA G, CEACERO F, OLMEDO I, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, SAMPEDRO C. Ultraviolet colouration in newts: the case of Lissotriton boscai (Lataste, 1879). II Mediterranean Congress of Herpetology. Abstracts Book, 89. Marrakech rd th (Morocco), May 23 to 27 , 2011. Poster communication 81. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GÓMEZ S, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. From mineral deficiencies in deer to a new theory on human osteoporosis: Research in mineral composition and mechanical properties in antlers. th Symposium ‘New Frontiers in Antler Research Applied to Medicine’. Albacete (Spain), May 5 , 2011. Invited speaker 80. GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, OLGUÍN CA, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L. Cuerna y condiciones de vida en el ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). III Congresso da Fauna Selvagem. Livro de Comunicaçoes, 23. th th Vila Real (Portugal), February 18 to 19 , 2011. Oral communication

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79. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GÓMEZ S, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. From mineral deficiencies in deer to a new theory on human osteoporosis: Research in mineral composition and mechanical properties in antlers. IX st th Theriological Congress of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow (Russia), February 1 to 4 , 2011. Plenary speaker 78. GARCÍA AJ, GÓMEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, ALBIÑANA B, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L. Tratamiento profiláctico con tulatromicina en machos de ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). Efecto sobre el peso, la condición corporal y la cuerna. II Congreso Nacional de Zootecnia. Libro de Actas, 189-192. Lugo (Spain), October th 29 , 2010. Oral communication 77. ESTÉVEZ JA, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CEACERO F, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, OLGUÍN JE, GALLEGO L. Efecto de la disponibilidad de suplementos minerales sobre la calidad del trofeo de ciervo ibérico. II Congreso Nacional de th Zootecnia. Libro de Actas, 146-148. Lugo (Spain), October 29 , 2010. Oral communication 76. CEACERO F, CARRETERO MA, SILLERO N, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, HERNÁNDEZ-SASTRE PL, OLMEDO MI, RATO C, RUBIO JL. Distribución y abundancia de Algyroides marchi. Implicaciones para su conservación. XI Congreso Luso – Español de th th Herpetología / XV Congreso Español de Herpetología. Libro de Resúmenes, 86. Sevilla (Spain), October 6 to 9 , 2010. Oral communication 75. CARRETERO MA, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, SILLERO N, CEACERO F, RUBIO JL. Filogeografia de Algyroides marchi, contexto paleogeográfico e implicaciones para su conservación. XI Congreso Luso – Español de Herpetología / XV Congreso th th Español de Herpetología. Libro de Resúmenes, 48-49. Sevilla (Spain), October 6 to 9 , 2010. Oral communication 74. SILLERO N, CARRETERO MA, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, CEACERO F, RUBIO JL. Historical biogeography of Algyroides marchi: an ecological modelling and GIS approach. XI Congreso Luso – Español de Herpetología / XV Congreso Español de th th Herpetología. Libro de Resúmenes, 139-140. Sevilla (Spain), October 6 to 9 , 2010. Poster communication 73. ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, MARTÍNEZ A, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, OLGUÍN-HERNÁNDEZ CA, CALATAYUD A, GALLEGO L. Variación estacional del consumo mineral en ciervo. XIII Congreso Nacional y X st th Iberoamericano de Etología. Ponencias y Comunicaciones, 43. Ciudad Real (Spain), September 21 to 24 , 2010. Oral communication 72. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, OLGUÍN CA, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, GALLEGO L. La selección de minerales del ciervo ibérico en cautividad responde a su contenido en dieta y a los requerimientos fisiológicos individuales. XIII Congreso Nacional y X Iberoamericano de Etología. Ponencias y Comunicaciones, 42. st th Ciudad Real (Spain), September 21 to 24 , 2010. Oral communication 71. CARRETERO MA, SILLERO N, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, CEACERO F, PERERA A, HARRIS DJ, RUBIO JL. Biogeography of Algyroides th marchi: small range but complex patterns in space and time. 7 Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean th th Basin. Abstracts Book, 36. Palma de Mallorca (Spain), September 6 to 9 , 2010. Oral communication 70. GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, CARRETERO MA, CEACERO F. Preferred body temperatures and water loss in both sympatric th saxicolous lacertids: Algyroides marchi and Podarcis hispanica ss. 7 Symposium on the Lacertids of the th th Mediterranean Basin. Abstracts Book, 40. Palma de Mallorca (Spain), September 6 to 9 , 2010. Poster communication 69. SILLERO N, CARRETERO MA, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, CEACERO F, RUBIO JL. Current, past and future distribution models of th Algyroides marchi. 7 Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin. Abstracts Book, 38. Palma de th th Mallorca (Spain), September 6 to 9 , 2010. Poster communication 68. BARTOŠOVÁ J, CEACERO F, BARTOŠ L, KOTRBA R, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, GARCÍA AJ. Pre-orbital gland opening in red deer (Cervus elaphus): Visual indicator of stress? 7th International Deer Biology Congress. Advances and st th Challenges in Deer Biology, 135-136. Huilo Huilo (Chile), August 1 to 6 , 2010. Oral communication 67. CEACERO F. Mineral diet selection in Iberian red deer. Department of Ethology. Institute of Animal Science. th Prague - Uhřiněves (Czech Republic), June 7 , 2010. Invited speaker 66. OLGUÍN CA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. Habitat quality affecting th body weight and fat stores also affects bone, mechanical properties and mineral composition in Iberian deer. 13 Congress of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition. Congress Proceedings Book, 138. th th Oristano (Italy), October 15 to 17 , 2009. Poster communication

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65. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, OLGUÍN CA, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, GALLEGO L. Influence of hierarchical social rank on feeding behaviour and diet selection of captive Iberian red deer hinds fed ad libitum amounts but with restricted access. 13th Congress of the European Society of Veterinary and Comparative th th Nutrition. Congress Proceedings Book, 137. Oristano (Italy), October 15 to 17 , 2009. Poster communication 64. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, OLGUÍN CA, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, GALLEGO L. Influencia del entorno social en la frecuencia y éxito de aloamamantamientos en ciervo ibérico. 34 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. Libro de Resúmenes, 593-595. Barbastro (Spain), th th September 16 to 19 , 2009. Poster communication 63. ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, MARTÍNEZ A, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, OLGUÍN-HERNÁNDEZ CA, CALATAYUD A, GALLEGO L. Variación estacional en la composición mineral de plantas y su aplicación a la gestión del ciervo ibérico. 34 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. Libro de Resúmenes, th th 596-601. Barbastro (Spain), September 16 to 19 , 2009. Poster communication 62. LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, OLGUÍN CA, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. Comparación de parámetros estructuráles, mecánicos y químicos de cuernas de ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) de fincas cinegéticas con diferente gestión. 34 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de th th Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. Libro de Resúmenes, 602-606. Barbastro (Spain), September 16 to 19 , 2009. Poster communication 61. OLGUÍN CA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CEACERO F, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. Efecto de la suplementación sobre la composición mineral, propiedades mecánicas y estructurales en huesos de ciervas ibéricas (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). 34 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y th th Caprinotecnia. Libro de Resúmenes, 607-612. Barbastro (Spain), September 16 to 19 , 2009. Poster communication 60. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CEACERO F, OLGUÍN CA, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, GÓMEZ JA, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ. Crecimiento de la cuerna y variables biométricas en venado ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). 34 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. Libro de Resúmenes, 613-618. Barbastro (Spain), th th September 16 to 19 , 2009. Poster communication 59. ESTÉVEZ JA, GARCÍA AJ, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, OLGUÍN CA, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L. Valoración integral de la cuerna del ciervo ibérico y su aplicación a la gestión cinegética. X Jornadas de Divulgación th Técnico-Científicas 2009. Libro de Resúmenes, 84-85. Casilda (Argentina), September 16 , 2009. Poster communication 58. GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, NISTAL A, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CEACERO F, OLGUÍN CA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L. Prolactina en la cierva ibérica (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). X Jornadas de Divulgación Técnico-Científicas 2009. Libro de Resúmenes, th 104-105. Casilda (Argentina), September 16 , 2009. Poster communication 57. GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, OLGUÍN CA, CEACERO F, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, ESTÉVEZ JA. How th useful is the cast antler for determination of deer population status? Inferences from farm herds. 60 Annual th Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production. Book of Abstracts, 329. Barcelona (Spain), August 24 th to 27 , 2009. Poster communication 56. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GARCÍA A, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, LÓPEZ JE, GALLEGO L. The use of mineral composition, mechanical properties and structure to assess deer population management, nutrition deficiencies and climatic effects. XXIX International Union of Game Biologists Congress. Book of Abstracts, 238-239. Moscow th nd (Russia), August 17 to 22 , 2009. Oral communication 55. GARCÍA AJ, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, OLGUÍN CA, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, GALLEGO L. Mineral consumption behaviour in Cervus elaphus hispanicus is affected by calf growth and lactation variables. 10th th th International Mammalogical Congress. Abstracts Book, 250. Mendoza (Argentina), August 9 to 14 , 2009. Poster communication 54. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CEACERO F, OLGUÍN CA, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, GÓMEZ JA, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ. Plasmatic protein values in Iberian red deer stags (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). VI International Symposium on Wild st th Fauna. Abstracts book, 65-66. Paris (France), May 21 to 24 , 2009. Poster communication

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53. ESTÉVEZ JA, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CEACERO F, MARTÍNEZ A, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, OLGUÍN-HERNÁNDEZ CA, CALATAYUD A, GALLEGO L. Seasonal mineral contents on consumed plants by Iberian Red Deer. VI International st th Symposium on Wild Fauna. Abstracts book, 67-68. Paris (France), May 21 to 24 , 2009. Poster communication 52. ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, MARTÍNEZ A, OLGUÍN CA, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO th L. Determinación de la calidad de la cuerna de ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). 14 International Symposium for the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. Abstracts book, 142. Madrid th th (Spain), May 18 to 20 , 2009. Poster communication 51. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, FERNÁNDEZ R, ESTÉVEZ JA, OLGUÍN CA, CEACERO F, LÓPEZ-PARRA JE, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. Hematología del ciervo ibérico macho adulto (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). 14th International Symposium th for the World Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. Abstracts book, 181. Madrid (Spain), May 18 th to 20 , 2009. Poster communication 50. ESTEVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, MARTÍNEZ A, OLGUÍN CA, LÓPEZ JE, CEACERO F, LANDETE T, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. Nuevas perspectivas en la determinación de calidad de cuernas de ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). XIII Jornadas th sobre Producción Animal. XIII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal, Tomo II, 418-420. Zaragoza (Spain), May 12 to th 13 , 2009. Oral communication 49. CARRIÓN D, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, OLGUÍN CA, CEACERO F, ALBIÑANA B, GÓMEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ. Fertilidad y capacidad de cría en ciervas ibéricas (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). XIII Jornadas sobre th th Producción Animal. XIII Jornadas sobre Producción Animal, Tomo II, 669-671. Zaragoza (Spain), May 12 to 13 , 2009. Oral communication 48. PÉREZ G, ESCRIBANO V, ILLERA P, LAFITA C, MADRIGAL J, GÓMEZ R, CEACERO F, LACOMBA I, SANCHO V, NAVARRO P, FONT E, LLUCH J. Fenología de poblaciones de anfibios en hábitats restaurados de la Sierra de Enguera (Valencia, España). X th th Congresso Luso-Espanhol de Herpetologia. Libro de Resúmenes, 69. Coimbra (Portugal), October 15 to 18 , 2008. Poster communication 47. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, GARCÍA AJ, OLGUÍN-HERNÁNDEZ CA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L. Aloamamantamientos en ciervo ibérico: ¿robos de leche o cría cooperativa? XII Congreso Nacional y IX th th Iberoamericano de Etología. Libro de Ponencias y Comunicaciones, 74. Valencia (Spain), September 16 to 19 , 2008. Poster communication 46. ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, OLGUÍN-HERNÁNDEZ CA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L. ¿Discriminan entre distintos minerales los ciervos silvestres? XII Congreso Nacional y IX Iberoamericano de Etología. Libro de th th Ponencias y Comunicaciones, 77. Valencia (Spain), September 16 to 19 , 2008. Poster communication 45. OLGUÍN-HERNÁNDEZ CA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ. Distribución circadiana de partos en el ciervo ibérico Cervus elaphus hispanicus en continuidad. XII Congreso Nacional y IX th th Iberoamericano de Etología. Libro de Ponencias y Comunicaciones, 90. Valencia (Spain), September 16 to 19 , 2008. Poster communication 44. ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, OLGUÍN-HERNÁNDEZ CA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L. Do freeranging deer discriminate between different minerals? 4th European Conference on Behavioural Biology. Abstracts th Book, 258. Dijon (France), July 18 to 20th, 2008. Poster communication 43. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, GARCÍA AJ, OLGUÍN-HERNÁNDEZ CA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L. Consumption th behaviour and discrimination of mineral supplements in Cervus elaphus hispanicus (Hilzheimer, 1909). 4 European th Conference on Behavioural Biology. Abstracts Book, 261. Dijon (France), July 18 to 20th, 2008. Poster communication 42. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, OLGUÍN-HERNÁNDEZ CA, ESTÉVEZ JA, GALLEGO L. Inmune th response and rank in female Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). 4 European Conference on Behavioural th Biology. Abstracts Book, 265. Dijon (France), July 18 to 20th, 2008. Poster communication 41. OLGUÍN-HERNÁNDEZ CA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, GARCÍA AJ, CEACERO F, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L. Interspecific competition between two game species: White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus Zimmermann 1780) and red deer th (Cervus elaphus Linnaeus 1758) in northeast of Mexico. 4 European Conference on Behavioural Biology. Abstracts th Book, 321. Dijon (France), July 18 to 20th, 2008. Poster communication

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40. ESTEVEZ JA, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, MARTÍNEZ A, CALATAYUD A, GALLEGO L. Growth effort rules bone mineral composition. 35th European Symposium on Calcified Tissues. Calcified Tissues International, 82(Supp.1): th th S68. Barcelona (Spain), May 24 to 28 , 2008. Poster communication 39. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CURREY JD, ESTÉVEZ JA, GONZÁLEZ B, INSAUSTI R, GARCÍA A, MARTÍNEZ A, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. Association between macro and micro mineral composition, and mechanical properties, DXA, and cortical th thickness, in human femurs and deer antler bone. 35 European Symposium on Calcified Tissues. Calcified Tissues th th International, 82(Supp.1): S67. Barcelona (Spain), May 24 to 28 , 2008. Poster communication 38. CEACERO F. Nutritional Wisdom: Discriminación mineral en el ciervo ibérico. La ciencia in vivo; Seminarios de nd iniciación a la investigación agraria. II Edición. Albacete (Spain), May 22 , 2008. Invited speaker 37. PÉREZ DE LANUZA G, ESCRIBANO MV, ILLERA P, CEACERO F, LAFITA C, MADRIGAL J, GÓMEZ R. Analysis of amphibians populations in Enguera: Valencia, Spain. 3rd European Pond Conservation Network Workshop. Libro de th th Resúmenes, 64. Valencia (Spain), May 14 to 16 2008. Poster communication 36. CARRIÓN D, GARCÍA AJ, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L. Relación entre los anejos fetales y el peso materno en función de la edad en ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). Libro de Resúmenes, 32. Huelva th th (Spain), December 5 to 8 , 2007. Poster communication 35. CEACERO F, ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CARRIÓN D, GALLEGO L. Diferencias por edad y sexo en el consumo de suplementos minerales en ciervo ibérico: principales efectos sobre el crecimiento y desarrollo. VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). Libro th th de Resúmenes, 39. Huelva (Spain), December 5 to 8 , 2007. Oral communication 34. ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, CEACERO F, MARTÍNEZ A, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CARRIÓN D, CALATAYUD A, GALLEGO L. Efectos de la edad en la composición de la cuerna de ciervo ibérico. VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la th th Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). Libro de Resúmenes, 63. Huelva (Spain), December 5 to 8 , 2007. Poster communication 33. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CARRIÓN D, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L. Relación entre el peso vivo y la condición corporal con la leptina en venados ibéricos (Cervus elaphus hispanicus, Hilzheimer 1909). VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). Libro de Resúmenes, th th 86. Huelva (Spain), December 5 to 8 , 2007. Poster communication 32. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CURREY JD ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, MARTÍNEZ A, CALATAYUD A, GALLEGO L. La composición química de la cuerna de ciervo ibérico muestra el esfuerzo fisiológico y afecta a sus propiedades mecánicas. VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). Libro th th de Resúmenes, 101. Huelva (Spain), December 5 to 8 , 2007. Oral communication 31. CEACERO F, OLMEDO MI. Distribución de gecos en la provincia de Albacete (Castilla-La Mancha, España): Evidencias de cambios recientes. XI Jornades Herpetològiques Catalanes. Societat Catalalana d´Herpetologia (SCH). Libro de th th Resúmenes, 25-26. Parets del Vallés (Spain), October 25 to 27 , 2007. Poster communication 30. ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, CEACERO F, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CARRIÓN D, GALLEGO L. Age effects on 6ntrín mineral composition. Vth International Symposium on Wild Fauna. Proceedings, 102. Chalkidiki (Greece), nd th September 22 to 27 , 2007. Poster communication 29. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, CARRIÓN D, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L. Haematological values of Iberian red deer stags (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) during antler growth. Vth International Symposium on Wild nd th Fauna. Proceedings, 104. Chalkidiki (Greece), September 22 to 27 , 2007. Poster communication 28. LEGIDOS ME, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, ESTÉVEZ JA, CARRIÓN D, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. Anaesthesia effects on haematological values in hinds of Iberian red deer. Vth International Symposium on Wild Fauna. nd th Proceedings, 103. Chalkidiki (Greece), September 22 to 27 , 2007. Poster communication 27. GARCÍA AJ, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, CARRIÓN D, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L. Haematological values of Iberian red deer 6ntrínsi (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). 5th European Congress of Mammalogy. Hystrix, Italian st th Journal of Mammalogy, 18, Supp: 251 Siena (Italy), September 21 to 26 , 2007. Poster communication

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26. ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, MARTÍNEZ A, CALATAYUD A, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. Mineral distribution in winter diet choices by free-ranging Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) under Mediterranean climate conditions. 5th European Congress of Mammalogy. Hystrix, Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 18, Supp: 249. st th Siena (Italy), September 21 to 26 , 2007. Oral communication 25. CEACERO F, ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. Differences in mineral th requirements in captive Iberian red deer hinds and calves during lactation. 5 European Congress of Mammalogy. st th Hystrix, Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 18, Supp: 242. Siena (Italy), September 21 to 26 , 2007. Poster communication 24. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CURREY JD, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, GALLEGO L. Antler chemical composition shows physiological effort and is associated to mechanical properties in Iberian red deer. 5th European st th Congress of Mammalogy. Siena (Italy), September 21 to 26 , 2007. Oral communication 23. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ J, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T. Time course of the relationship th between antler and body measures in captive Iberian red deer from 1 to 6 years of age. 5 European Congress of st th Mammalogy. Hystrix Italian Journal of Mammalogy, 18, Supp: 252. Siena (Italy), September 21 to 26 , 2007. Poster communication 22. GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, CEACERO F, HIDALGO-FONTIVEROS A, PARRA G, GUERRERO F, PEDRAJAS L. Repercussion of the land use on amphibians and reptiles distribution. 14th European Congress of Herpetology. Abstracts book, 219. Oporto th rd (Portugal): September 19 to 23 , 2007. Poster communication 21. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CARRIÓN D, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L. Descripción del crecimiento de la primera cuerna en ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). XXXII Jornadas Científicas y XI Jornadas Internacionales de Ovinotecnia y Caprinotecnia. Libro de Resúmenes, 107-109. Palma de Mallorca (Spain), th st September 19 to 21 , 2007. Poster communication 20. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CARRIÓN D, ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L. Growth in calves of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). XVII Nacional Conference of Scientific Association of Animal th st Production (ASPA). Italian Journal of Animal Science, 6(suppl.1): 852. Alghero (Italy), May 29 to June 1 , 2007. Poster communication 19. ESTÉVEZ JA, CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, CARRIÓN D, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GALLEGO L. Seasonal changes in mineral intake and first antler growth in Iberian red deer. XVII Nacional Conference of Scientific Association of th st Animal Production (ASPA). Italian Journal of Animal Science, 6(suppl.1): 851. Alghero (Italy), May 29 to June 1 , 2007. Poster communication 18. CARRIÓN D, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CEACERO F, ESTÉVEZ JA, GALLEGO L. Hind body condition and weight in primiparous of Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) with one, two or three years old at mating. XVII Nacional Conference of Scientific Association of Animal Production (ASPA). Italian Journal of Animal Science, th st 6(suppl.1): 841. Alghero (Italy), May 29 to June 1 , 2007. Poster communication 17. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CURREY J, ESTÉVEZ JA, GARCÍA AJ, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CEACERO F, CARRIÓN D, GALLEGO L. Do feeding and health management influence antler chemical composition and mechanical properties in Iberian deer? XVII Nacional Conference of Scientific Association of Animal Production (ASPA). Italian Journal of Animal Science, th st 6(suppl.1): 856. Alghero (Italy), May 29 to June 1 , 2007. Poster communication 16. GUZMÁN JL, CEACERO F, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E. Nuevas citas de anfibios y reptiles en Marruecos. IX Congreso Lusoth Español y XIII Congreso Español de Herpetología. Libro de Resúmenes, 175. San Sebastian (Spain), October 4 to th 7 , 2006. Poster communication 15. CEACERO F, CLAVIJO JM, OLMEDO MI, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, PEDRAJAS L. Herpetofauna del Paraje Natural Cascada de la Cimbarra (Sierra Morena, Jaén). Cartografía y conservación. IX Congreso Luso-Español y XIII Congreso Español de th th Herpetología. Libro de Resúmenes, 138-139. San Sebastian (Spain), October 4 to 7 , 2006. Poster communication 14. CEACERO F, PEDRAJAS L, GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, HIDALGO A, GUERRERO F. Actualización herpetológica de la provincia de Jaén: Reptiles. IX Congreso Luso-Español y XIII Congreso Español de Herpetología. Libro de Resúmenes, 139-140. San th th Sebastian (Spain), October 4 to 7 , 2006. Poster communication

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Annex 2

Czech University of Life Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic) Institute of Animal Science (Prague, Czech Republic)

13. GARCÍA-MUÑOZ E, CEACERO F, PEDRAJAS L, HIDALGO A, GUERRERO F. Actualización herpetológica de la provincia de Jaén: Anfibios. IX Congreso Luso-Español y XIII Congreso Español de Herpetología. Libro de Resúmenes, 163-164. San th th Sebastian (Spain), October 4 to 7 , 2006. Poster communication 12. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, ESTEVEZ JA, GALLEGO L. Agresividad y heredabilidad del ranking en hembras de ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus). XI Congreso Nacional y VIII Iberoamericano de Etología. th nd Libro de Resúmenes, 33. Puerto de la Cruz (Spain), September 19 to 22 , 2006. Oral communication 11. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CEACERO F, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CARRIÓN D, GALLEGO L. Efectos de dominancia y tamaño corporal materno en la lactación del ciervo ibérico. XI Congreso Nacional y VIII Iberoamericano de th nd Etología. Libro de Resúmenes, 50. Puerto de la Cruz (Spain), September 19 to 22 , 2006. Oral communication 10. ESTÉVEZ JA, CARRIÓN D, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L. Cambios en el sex ratio en cierva ibérica debido a la variabilidad climática. XI Congreso Nacional y VIII Iberoamericano de Etología. Libro de th nd Resúmenes, 51. Puerto de la Cruz (Spain), September 19 to 22 , 2006. Oral communication 9. ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, MARTÍNEZ A, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L. Osteofagia de cuernas en ciervo ibérico: ¿Una respuesta a necesidades minerales? XI Congreso Nacional y VIII Iberoamericano de Etología. Libro de th nd Resúmenes, 70. Puerto de la Cruz (Spain), September 19 to 22 , 2006. Poster communication 8. GARCÍA AJ, CEACERO F, ESTÉVEZ JA, CARRIÓN D, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GALLEGO L. Observaciones en torno al parto de la cierva ibérica (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) en cautividad. XI Congreso Nacional y VIII Iberoamericano th nd de Etología. Libro de Resúmenes, 72. Puerto de la Cruz (Spain), September 19 to 22 , 2006. Poster communication 7. LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ESTÉVEZ JA, GARCÍA JA, CEACERO F, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CARRIÓN D, GALLEGO L. What we can learn from th antler composition and structure: from nutrition to management. 6 International Deer Biology Congress. th th Advances in Deer Biology, 167. Prague (Czech Republic), August 7 to 11 , 2006. Oral communication 6. CEACERO F, ESTÉVEZ JA, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E. Evaluación de deficiencias minerales en cuerna y suplementación de distintos minerales en ciervo ibérico. VIII Jornadas europeas sobre caza, conservación y desarrollo: gestión y desarrollo st nd rural. Azuaga (Spain), April 21 to 22 , 2006. Invited speaker 5. CARRIÓN D, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, ATZORI A, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CEACERO F, ESTÉVEZ JA, GALLEGO L. Evolución de ciertas características reproductivas de la hembra de ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) con la edad. VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos. Libro de Resúmenes, 34. rd th Valencia (Spain), December 3 to 6 2005. Oral communication 4. CEACERO F, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GARCÍA AJ, ESTÉVEZ JA, GALLEGO L. Las ciervas de ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) no agreden a hembras con relación de parentesco, pero sí al resto. VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española rd th para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos. Libro de Resúmenes, 43. Valencia (Spain), December 3 to 6 2005. Poster communication 3. GARCÍA AJ, ESPEJO J, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, CARRIÓN D, CEACERO F, ESTÉVEZ JA, GALLEGO L. Anestesia de venados ibéricos (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) con xilacina y ketamina, aplicación intramuscular y endovenosa. VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos (SECEM). Libro de Resúmenes, rd th 86. Valencia (Spain), December 3 to 6 2005. Oral communication 2. ESTÉVEZ JA, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CEACERO F, GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, CARRIÓN D, GALLEGO L. Diferencias microestructurales y en composición proteica entre distintas partes de la cuerna del ciervo ibérico y entre ciervos de distinto estado corporal. VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos. rd th Libro de Resúmenes, 69. Valencia (Spain), December 3 to 6 2005. Poster communication 1. GASPAR-LÓPEZ E, GARCÍA AJ, LANDETE-CASTILLEJOS T, CARRIÓN D, GÓMEZ JA, ATZORI A, CEACERO F, GALLEGO L. Estudio del crecimiento del ciervo ibérico (Cervus elaphus hispanicus) hasta el año de vida. VII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de los Mamíferos. Libro de Resúmenes, 95. Valencia (Spain), December rd th 3 to 6 , 2005. Oral communication

Francisco Ceacero, PhD.

Annex 3

Czech University of Life Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic) Institute of Animal Science (Prague, Czech Republic)

Annex 3: Projects Current Projects 2014: Social structure in animal communities - how, when and what for? Czech University of Life Sciences - IGA - CZECH REPUBLIC. Dr. Radim Kotrba - 144.850 Kc = 5.300 € 2014-2016: Honest signagling across sexes: links between hierarchical position, sperm quality and horn development in elands. Czech University of Life Sciences - CIGA - CZECH REPUBLIC. Dr. Jose Luis Ros Santaella - 821.000 Kc = 30.500 € 2013-2015: Factors affecting antler breaking in Spain and Europe: from mineral composition to management. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - SPAIN. Dr. Tomás Landete Castillejos - 100.000 € 2012-2015: Assessing the influence of diet, age and function in internal bones: mineral composition and mechanical properties of horns bone core in eland (Taurotragus oryx) and mouflon (Ovis aries orientalis). Czech University of Life Sciences - CZECH REPUBLIC. Dr. Francisco Ceacero Herrador - 1.110.000 Kc = 44.500 €

Past Projects 2012: Factors affecting antler breaking: from habitat quality to histology and social behaviour. Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - SPAIN. Dr. Tomás Landete-Castillejos - 12.000 € 2010-2012: Influence of the social environment in growth, composition and mechanical properties of red der (Cervus elaphus). Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government- SPAIN. Dr. Francisco Ceacero Herrador - 73.350 € 2010-2012: Effectiveness of using mineral composition of organs and tissues as indicators of mineral content, mechanical properties and structure of Iberian red deer antler. Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government - SPAIN. Prof. Laureano Gallego Martínez - 50.000 € 2010: Study of the herpetological diversity of the Natural Reserve Sierra de las Cabras. Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government - SPAIN. Dr. Francisco Ceacero Herrador - 3.250 € 2009-2011: Systems for visualizing, capturing and analysing microscopic images for scientific purposes. Ministry of Science and Innovation - SPAIN. Dr. Tomás Landete Castillejos - 82.758 € 2009-2011: Mineral composition pattern, mechanical properties and internal structure of Iberian red deer antlers (Cervus elaphus) under optimum management conditions and overcrowded conditions. Ministry of Science and Innovation - SPAIN. Dr. Tomás Landete-Castillejos - 98.000 € 2009: Study of the distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Albacete. Institute for Albacete Studies - SPAIN. Mr. Francisco Ceacero Herrador - 1.500 € 2008-2010: Chemical composition and physical structure of the first five antlers of Iberian red deer. Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government - SPAIN. Prof. Laureano Gallego Martínez - 100.000 €

Francisco Ceacero, PhD.

Annex 3

Czech University of Life Sciences (Prague, Czech Republic) Institute of Animal Science (Prague, Czech Republic)

2006-2008: Chemical composition and physical properties of the Iberian deer antler in its different parts: relationship with physiological variables of male body and comparison of antlers from wild and farmed animals. Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government - SPAIN. Dr. Tomás Landete-Castillejos - 81.515 € 2005-2007: Antler growth between 5 and 7 years of age in the Iberian red deer (Cervus elaphus hispanicus): Determinant factors. Castilla-La Mancha Regional Government - SPAIN. Prof. Laureano Gallego Martínez - 133.400 €

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