Europass Curriculum Vitae
Personal information Surname(s) / First name(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) Fax(es) E-mail
Carrasquer Álvarez, Beatriz C/ Mariano Esquillor Gómez, 15 50.018 Zaragoza (España)
+34- 976-762573
+ 34- 669140353
+34 976732078
[email protected]
Date of birth
Work experience Dates
- November 2007- July 2008 - February – June, 2006.
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
- Agrochemical Proyects Responsible (Investigation and Development Group) - Student in practise period -
Laboratory Chemical and physical analysis Profundization of Integrated Management Systems.
Name and address of “Agrimartín Fertilizantes S.A- TERUEL . Spain. employer Type of business or sector
AgroChemical sector. Main Activity: Inorganic Fertilizers production
Education and training
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September, 2008 September, 2008 10-07-2007 June, 2000
Title of qualification awarded Grant FPI (by the Ministry of Education and Training, Spain) Risk Prevention Technician (field, Industrial Safety) Chemical Engineer Title – specialized in environment field University of Zaragoza access test Principal subjects/occupational skills CURRENT MAIN OCCUPATION: Last year of PhD studies. KEY COVERED TASKS: European Water Framework Directive reliability, by using Physical Hydronomics (PH), a tool to measure the covered state of water resources and their restoration cost to its initial natural condition, in exergy terms. And the disaggregation among different users. Ebro River Basin (Aragón, Spain) Modelling with an specific hydraulic simulation software which includes both quantitative and qualitative aspects and guarantees a comprehensive study of physico-chemical behaviour of the river Testing the Programme of Measures proposed by authorities by applying the PH methodology. Higher technician test, passed (field, Industrial Safety) FINAL GRADE: 5,92 (PASSED) FINAL PROJECT Title: “Campus Universitario de Teruel” Ambiental Diagnosis: Ambiental Initial Evaluation University of Zaragoza access test, Grades: - 7,744 -Passed - Sciences of Health option- 7,208 -Passed -Scientific -Technical optionName and type of organisation providing Centre of research for Energy Resources and Consumption (CIRCE). University of Zaragoza. Spain. education and training Issued by: Colegio de Politólogos y Sociólogos de Madrid. Spain. Issued in: Centro Politécnico Superior. University of ZARAGOZA.. SPAIN. IES Francés de Aranda. Teruel. Spain. Level in national or international classification
PhD student (third year) Master Engineering High School educational level. University of Zaragoza Access Test.
Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s)
Specify mother tongue SPANISH
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Other language(s)
Self-assessment European level (*)
Understanding Listening
Reading B2
Spoken interaction B2
Spoken production B2
(*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ** CURRENT LEVEL, obtained in April, 2010: 5.5 (GRADE, expedited by the IELTS –International English Language Testing System-)- (official equivalence to the FIRST CERTIFICATE IN ENGLISH: B2 level)
Social skills and RECEIVED COURSES competences “XVII curso de nutrición y ciencia de los alimentos”. Universidad de Verano de Teruel. 2002. (40 hours) “ IX Jornadas de Ingeniería y medio Ambiente “. Dir Europa. Centro Politécnico Superior. Zaragoza. 2005. (10 hours)
Organisational skills and RECEIVED COURSES (I+D training) competences “ Hablar en público” Centro Cultural IberCaja. Teruel. 2004. ( 9 hours) “ Innovación. Generación de Ideas y gestión de proyectos“. Empresa. Programa de Mejora competitiva. Gobierno de Aragón. Zaragoza. January 2008. (20 hours) “Habilidades directivas y gestión de equipos.” Fundación Tripartita para la formación de empleo. Unión Europea. Fondo Social Europeo. Teruel. Enero de 2008. (24 hours)
Technical skills and RECEIVED COURSES competences “ El riesgo de accidentes mayores en la industria química”. Universidad de Verano de Teruel. 2001. (40 hours) “ Internet y nuevas tecnologías en los sistemas de producción industrial”. Universidad de Verano de Teruel. 2003. (40 hours) “ Teledetección aplicada al medio ambiente”. Universidad de Verano de Teruel. 2004. ( 35 hours) “Diploma universitario de Especialización en Educación Ambiental. Universidad de Zaragoza. 2006. (360 hours) ” English conversation course”. Ministerio de Administraciones públicas. (70 hours; 2007-2008) EDAR 2009 Course. “Management and maintenance of Wastewater treatment plants”. Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies Department. Cátedra CEMEX. University of Zaragoza. (14 hours, 2009) EDAR 2010 Course. “Management and maintenance of Wastewater treatment plants”. Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies Department. Cátedra CEMEX. University of Zaragoza. (14 hours, 2010) “Introduction to desalination by renewable energies”. E-learning Course. Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias_ European Comission (10 hours, May 2010) “English conversation course”. Centro Universitario de Lenguas Modernas. Universidad de Zaragoza. July, 2010 (60 hours). Page 3/6 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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Computer skills and PROGRAMMES: competences - AQUATOOL-DMA; Cuantity and quality hydrologic simulation software - EES, Engineering Equation Solver. University of Wisconsin. Numerical resolution of equations. - Used to e-mail use ( Windows Live). Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, Adobe Photoshop, ArcView 3.2.
Artistic skills and competences
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Other skills and Participation in I+D European Projects competences - Títle"Evaluación de recursos exergéticos del Planeta: metodología y aplicación al caso Español" Financial support:: Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2004-2007. Participants: Fundación CIRCE, IGME. From 01/10/2007 to 30/09/2010. Main researcher: Antonio Valero Capilla. - Títle: Water accounts for Europe (exergy approach *). Financial support: European Environment Agency Participants: Vituki , UPM (ES), OiEau (FR), Vito, In Numeric (FR), Poyri Environment (FR) From 31/06/2008 to 31/06/2012. Main researcher: Javier Uche Marcuello. Contributions to National and International workshops and conferences, published in the corresponding books of proceedings - Martínez, A.; Uche, J.; Rubio, C.; Carrasquer, B and Valero, A., 2009, Exergy cost assesment for water-related technologies. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, August 31-September 3, 2009. Single presentation. Fox do Iguaçu, Brazil. - Martínez, A.; Uche, J.; Rubio, C. and Carrasquer, B., 2009, Exergy cost of water supply and water treatmentt technologies. Proceedings of the Conference and Exhibition on Desalination for the Environment organized by the European Desalination Society, 17-20 May, 2009. Single presentation. Baden-Baden, Germany. (Accepted by the Journal “Desalination and Water Treatment”) - Martínez, A.; Uche, J.; Rubio, C. and Carrasquer, B., 2010, Testing the Compliance of the European Framework Directive in the Huerva river from the exergy aproach. Proceedings of the 23nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 14-17 June, 2010, Single presentation. Lausanne, Switzerland. - Carrasquer, B ; Uche, J. ; Martínez, A.., 2010, An analysis of Technical alternatives in a wastewater treatment plant by using sludge as energy resource. Proceedings of the 23nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 19-21 October, 2010. Single presentation. Barcelona, Spain. - Carrasquer, B ; Uche, J. ; Martínez, A.., 2010, Calculating the efficiency of current hydropower technology in the Segre-Noguera Pallaresa basin from the exergy approach . Proceedings of the 23nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 19-21 October, 2010. Poster presentation. Barcelona, Spain. - Uche, J. ; Martínez, A.., Carrasquer, B ; 2010 Análisis de la eficiencia energética de los procesos de tratamiento dentro del ciclo integral del agua . Proceedings of the X CONAMA (Congreso Nacional de Medioambiente. 22-26 November, 2010. Single presentation. Madrid, Spain. - Uche, J. ; Carrasquer, B ; Martínez, A.., 2011, Análisis del cumplimiento de la Directiva Marco del Agua en la cuenca del río Segre-Noguera Pallaresa mediante la exergía . Proceedings of the 23nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 16-19 February, 2011. Single presentation. Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, Spain. - Uche, J. ; Carrasquer, B ; Martínez, A.., 2011, Evaluación del coste ambiental del usuario hidroeléctrico mediante la Exergía. Proceedings of the 23nd International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, 16-19 February, 2011. Poster presentation. Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, Spain. - Uche, J. ; Carrasquer, B ; Martínez, A., Análisis del cumplimiento de la Directiva Marco del Agua en la cuenca del río Segre-Noguera Pallaresa mediante la exergía, VII Congreso Ibérico sobre gestión y planificación del agua. Proceedings of the Conference. Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, España. 16-19, February 2011 - Uche, J. ; Carrasquer, B ; Martínez, A., Evaluación del coste ambiental del usuario hidroeléctrico mediante la Exergía. VII Congreso Ibérico sobre gestión y planificación del agua. Proceedings of the Conference. Talavera de la Reina, Toledo, España. 16-19, February 2011 - Carrasquer, B ; Uche, J. ; Martínez, A., Taking the exergy to allocate the environmental cost of the Water Framework Directive among users: the case of the Ebro River Basin, oral. Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems, Proceedings of the Conference.c Dubrovnik, Croatia. 2529 September, 2011 Page 5/6 - Curriculum vitae of Surname(s) First name(s)
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Driving licence
Yes. Car driving licence
Additional Study Abroad stays information Foreign exchange student travel ( Lampeter –Wales-, March, 1997). Socrates-Erasmus Programme ( Tampere – Finland-, academic period 2006-2007). 08/2006 a 02/2007. Duration: 20 weeks. Received Courses: - Polymeric Materials - Elastomers - Processing of plastics - Introduction to robotics and automation - Introduction to telemedicine PhD abroad stay. (Copenhagen – Denmark-, academic period 30/06/2011. Duration: 12 weeks.
2010-2011). 01/04/2011-
Main work line: application and validation of the main PhD research line, at the European context. Use and a familiarization with the ECRINS database. It is the main hydrogeographical tool of the European Environment Agency. TEACHING ACTIVITIES “Where the environmental sensibilization pathway is?”. University of Zaragoza. (1,5 hours, October, 2007) “Construction and Management of an urban waste dumping site”. Environmental Impact Evaluation Seminar. UNIVERSA. (1 hour, 2008) “Construction and Management of an urban waste dumping site”. Environmental Impact Evaluation Seminar. UNIVERSA. (1 hour, 2009) Tecnologías del agua y su integración en el ciclo integral. Potabilización y depuración. “CICLO INTEGRAL DEL AGUA: POSIBILIDADES DE LA ENERGÍA SOLAR PARA LAS TECNOLOGÍAS DEL AGUA”. Planes Formativo Universa. September, 2010. Producción combinada de agua y energía. Sistemas de poligeneración. Planes formativos de Universa. November, 2010. Colaboración con la docencia. Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica. Universidad de Zaragoza (42 hours)
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