Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien ANUGA (08. bis 12.10.2011) Argentinische Aussteller Hamburgo, 23.08.11 Kontakt: Handelsabteilung Mittelweg

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Story Transcript

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

ANUGA (08. bis 12.10.2011) Argentinische Aussteller

Hamburgo, 23.08.11

Kontakt: Handelsabteilung Mittelweg 141 20148 Hamburgo T: 0049 40 4418460 F: 0049 40 4105103 E: [email protected]

FUNDACION EXPORTAR (HALL 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 4.2) Contact: Daniela Olmos Address: Paraguay 864, (C1057AAL), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4114 7700 / (54 11) 4114 7720 E mail: [email protected] http//: Coordination ANUGA FINE FOOD HALL 3.1 1. ACEITERA GENERAL DEHEZA S.A Contact: Gerardo Zicovich Address: Av. Madero 1020, (C1106ACX), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 358) 4955346 / (54 358) 4955344 E mail: [email protected] http//: Peanut Butter Roasted, Gianulated Peanut Manteca de Mani, Mani Tostado, Grana Mani 2. AGENCIA PROCORDOBA Contact: Patricia Heredia Address: Bv. Chacabuco 1127, (5000), Córdoba, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 381) 434 3065 / 608 E mail: [email protected] / [email protected] http: Institutional 3. AGROINDUSTRIA MADERO S.A Contact: Mariana De Pina Address: Av. San Martin 5840, (1768), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4652 6412 / (54 11) 4652 6412 E mail: [email protected] http//: Sunflower oil, Soybean oil, Extra virgen olive oil, Organic extra virgen olive oil, Pure vegetable oil, High oleic oil, Sunflower and soybean lecithins. Aceite de girasol, Aceite de soja, Aceite de oliva extra virgen, Aceite de oliva extra virgen orgánico, Aceite puro vegetal, Aceite de girasol alto oleico, Lecitina de soja y girsaol. 4. AGROURANGA S.A Contact: Federico Arostegui Address: Estancia San Nicolas, (2105), Uranga, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 3402) 49 1348 / (54 3402) 49 1601 E mail: [email protected] http//: Popcorn, Greenpeas, Chickpeas, Beans, Canary seed. Maíz pisingallo, Arvejas, Garbanzo, Porotos, Alpiste.

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

5. ALBERTO MARCHIONNI SA Contact: Ivan Milanesio Address: Ruta 8, km 301,78, Hughes, Santa Fe, Argentina Phone / Fax: 54 2473 491 220 E mail: [email protected] http//: Popcorn, Chickpeas, Greenpeas, Beans, Confectionary Sunflower, Amaranth Maíz pisingallo, Garbanzo, Arvejas, Porotos, Girasol confitero, Amaranto 6. ALDEAR FOOD S.A Contact: Gustavo Capasso Address: Julio Roca 916, 1° A, (1638), Vicente Lopez, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: 54 11 4784 7981 E mail: [email protected] http//: Pulse, Popcorn, White Hylum Soya Bean Maíz pisingallo, Legumbres, Soja Hilo Blanco 7. ALEMAR S.R.L Contact: Cecilia Ferniot Address: San Martin 73 1° Piso Of 4, (5000), Córdoba, Argentina. Phone / Fax: 54351 4217358 / 54351 4223007 E mail: [email protected] http//: Popcorn, Confectionary sunflower, Coriander, Green peas, Birdseed. Maíz pisingallo, Girasol confitero, Coriandro, Arvejas verdes, Alpiste. 8. ALICAMPO Contact: Jose Maranessi Address: Ruta Panamericana km 43,5 Ed. Skyglass Dto. 1º G, (1669), Del Viso, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: 54 2320 404 800 / 54 2320 404 801 E mail: [email protected] http//: Popcorn, Green peas, Dry beans Popcorn, Arvejas, Porotos 9. ALL FOOD S.A Contact: Armando Ceraminati Address: Esmeralda 923 Piso 10 Of I, (C1007ABK), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: 5411 4315 8998 / 5411 4315 8998 E mail: [email protected] http//: Beans, peanuts, popcorn, chickpeas, lentils, peas 10. ANDREOLI S.A Contact: Tomas Rosner Address: Gral. Urquiza 371, (6625), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: 54 2346 591500 / 54 2346 591500 E mail: [email protected] http//: Popcorn, confectionary sunflower. Maiz pisingallo, girasol confitero.

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

11. ARGENSUN S.A Contact: Marko Zivkovic Address: Uruguay 4551, (B1644HKS), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: 5411 4714 4150 / 5411 4714 4150 E mail: [email protected] http//: Sunflower seeds, Tendernized prunes, Camomile. Semillas de girasol confitero, Ciruelas tiernizadas, Manzanilla. 12. CEURAR SL Contact: Carlos Nabor Marolla Address: Av. Cortes Valencianas 22, ESC. 1, P. 13, OF. 48, (46015), Valencia, España. Phone / Fax: 34 963 494283 / 34 963 494283 E mail: [email protected] http//: Sunflower Oil, Soya Oil, Wheat Flour, Corn Flour, Powder Milk, Honey, Dry Pasta (Spaghetti) Aceite de Girasol, Aceite de Soja, Harina de Trigo, Harina de Maíz, Leche en polvo, Miel, Spaghetti 13. CONAGRA FOODS S.R.L Contact: Diego Morales Address: Av. Belgrano 553 5° Q, (1092), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 5238 1419 / (54 11) 5238 0320 E mail: [email protected] Popcorn Maíz pisingallo 14. CREMER Y ASOCIADOS S.A Contact: Tomas Noble Address: Gral. Guemes 275, (1641), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4733 3303 / (54 11) 4733 3303 E mail: [email protected] http//: Popcorn, Alubia bean, Black bean, Red bean. Maíz pisingallo, Poroto alubia, Poroto negro, Poroto colorado. 15. CURCIJA S.A Contact: Esteban Martin Address: Leandro N. Alem 1050 8° B, (1001), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4313 8343 / (54 11) 4313 8343 E mail: [email protected] http//: Popcorn, confectionary sunflower in shell, black beans, alubia beans, red beans 16. DEL TURISTA SACI Contact: Alejandro Saiz Address: San Martin 252, (8400), Bariloche, Rio Negro, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 2944) 424725 / (54 2944) 422595 E mail: [email protected] / [email protected] http//: Twirled / Flake chocolate, Truffles, Tablets, Assorted chocolate, Figures and eggs, Nougat. Chocolate en rama,

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

17. FARM PRODUCTS S.R.L Contact: Horacio Fragola Address: Ruta Panamericana km 43,5 Ed. Skyglass Dto. 1º G, (1669), Del Viso, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 2320) 404 800 / (54 2320) 404 801 E mail: [email protected] http//: Popcorn, Confectionary Sunflowerseeds Inshell, Dried Prunes, Dry Edible Alubia Beans, Peanuts, Raisins, Green Peas, Chickpeas Maíz Popcorn, Girasol Confitero, Ciruelas Desecadas, Porotos Alubia, Maní, Pasas de uva, Arvejas, Garbanzos 18. FOOD CONCEPT CONSORTIUM Contact: Christian Baizan Address: Argerich 4153 "D" - (1419), Ciudad Autónoma de Bs.As - Argentina Phone: (54 11) 4572 9659 E mail: [email protected] http//: 19. GEOALLIANZ S.R.L Contact: Jorge Huck Address: Adolfo Alsina 495 5° Piso, (1087), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4331 6224 / (54 11) 4331 0946 E mail: [email protected] http//: Confection sunflower, Popcorn, Kernel. Girasol confitero, Maíz pisingallo, Girasol pelado. 20. GREEN TRADE SA Contact: Daniel Fay Address: Av. Andres Rolon 182, (1642), San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4723 5511 E mail: [email protected] http//: Groundnuts Raw, Blanched groundnuts Mani Crudo, Mani Blanched 21. LA LEONOR S.C .A. Contact: Vivian Iramain Address: Juncal 615 6º floor of. G, (C1062ABA), Buenos Aires Argentina Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4311 0815 / (54 11) 4311 9077 E mail: [email protected] http//: Maiz Pisingallo Girasol de confiteria Girasol descascarado 22. GREGORIO, NUMO Y NOEL WERTHEIN Contact: Adrian Sepag Address: Congreso 1685 Piso 1°, (C1428BUC), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4706 8300 / (54 11) 4706 8300 E mail: [email protected] http//: Dehydrated fruits, Grains. Frutas deshidratadas, Granos.

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

23. INSA COMERCIO EXTERIOR S.A Contact: Guillermo Valinotto Address: 12 de Octubre 871, (5809), General Cabrera, Cordoba, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 358) 493 0711 / (54 358) 493 2065 E mail: [email protected] http//: Runner Raw Peanuts, Runner Blanched Peanuts, High Oleic Peanuts Mani Runner Crudo, Mani Runner Blancheado, Mani Alto Oleico Crudo o Blancheado 24. JC IMPEX S.A Contact: Javier Castro Address: Av. Callao 852 7°A, (1023), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4816 7794 / (54 11) 4816 7794 E mail: [email protected] http//: Chickpeas, Popcorn, Peanuts Garbanzos, Maíz Pisingallo, Maní confitería. 25. JOSE MARIA LAZARA SA Contact: José María Lázara Address: Reconquista 656 10° B, (C1003ABN), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4312 8311 / (54 11) 4313 6198 E mail: [email protected] http//: Dry prunes, Peanuts, Popcorn, Sunflower seeds, Beans. Ciruelas secas, Maní, Maíz pisingallo, Semillas de girasol, Porotos. 26. JOSE NUCETE E HIJOS S.C.A Contact: Lucas Sastre Address: La Purisima 1345, (5521), Mendoza, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 261) 413 4900 / (54 261) 413 4900 E mail: [email protected] http//: Olive, Olive oil. Aceituna, Aceite 27. LIHUE TUE S.A Contact: Pablo Rojas Address: Ruta 8 km 225,500 Esq. Azcuénaga, (2700), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 2477) 42 9986 / (54 2477) 43 4346 E mail: [email protected] http//: White alubia, White kidney beans, Cranberry beans, Dark red kidney beans, Light red kidney beans, Black beans, Chickpeas. Alubias blancas, Poroto cranberry, Poroto colorado DRK/LRK, Poroto negro, Garbanzos. 28. MINISTERIO DE LA PRODUCCION DE LA PROVINCIA DE SANTA FE Contact: Rita Lassus Address: Mitre 930, Piso 3, (2000), Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina Phone / Fax: (54 341) 472 1323 / 1537 E mail: [email protected] http//:

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

29. MOLINO CAÑUELAS SACIFIA Contact: Hugo Migliore Address: Kennedy 160, (B1814BKD), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 226) 432 885 E mail: [email protected] http//: www.molinocañ Sunflower oil, soyabean oil, wheat flour, premixes home pulposes, crackers, biscuits. 30. MTS ARGENTINA Contact: Alejandro Waicman Address: Suipacha 961, 4° B, (C1007ABK), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 5292 8680 E mail: [email protected] / [email protected] http//: Fried fruits and dehydrateds, Line of soy lecithin in powder, Liquid and granulated presentation, Line of fine wines, More than 25 gourmet products Linea de frutas secas y frutas deshidratadas, Linea de lecitina de soja en polvo, fluida y granulada, Linea de vinos finos, Más de 25 productos gourmet. 31. NAIMAN S.A Contact: Sara Naiman Address: Jose Ubach y Roca 1153, (E3100), Entre Rios, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 343) 422 1188 / (54 343) 420 0813 E mail: [email protected] Confectionary sunflower seeds in shell, Coriander seeds, Flax seeds. Semillas de girasol confitería con cárcara, Semillas de coriandro, Semillas de lino. 32. NEXUS BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL Contact: Claudio Mollo Address: Av. Libertador 7820 5°B Torre Rio, (1429), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4703 5860 / (54 11) 4032 0083 E mail: [email protected] http//: Nexus Business International Ltd. Commodities (Corn flour, Rice, sugar, wheat flour), Dry Foods (Oil, pasta, Cookies, canned items), Refrigerated and frozen foods (Fresh fruits, fresh eggs, meat and cheese), Non Food (toiletries, personal hygiene) 33. NIDERA S.A Contact: Juan Pablo Betancurt Address: Av. Paseo Colon 505 4° Piso, (1063 ACF), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4346 8000 / (54 11) 4346 8000 E mail: [email protected] http//: Prefined bottled oils. Aceites refinados envasados. 34. OLEGA S.A Contact: Diego Yabes Address: Florida 681 Piso 11, (C1005AAM), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 5077 8200 / (54 11) 5077 8268 E mail: [email protected] http//: Peanuts, raw and blanched, Beans white and colour of all varieties. Maní crudo y maní blancheado, Porotos blancos y de color en sus distintas variedades.

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

35. OLIGRA S.A Contact: Hernan Melendez Address: 12 de Octubre 3783, (B1879ABK), Quilmes, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4115 6700 / (54 11) 4115 6700 E mail: [email protected] http//: Soybean Oil, Sunflower Oil, Blend oils, Extra Virgen Olive Oil, Dressing for salads. Aceites de Soja, Aceite de Girasol, Aceites mezcla, Aceite de Oliva, Aderezos para ensaladas. 36. PARAMERICA S.A Contact: Marcelo Ruiz Address: Jujuy 3500, (4000), San Miguel de Tucuman, Tucuman, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 381) 4000201 / 203 E mail: [email protected] http//: Export pulse: white beans, red beans, cranberry beans, black beans, chickpeas, lentils Legumbres de exportación: porotos blancos, porotos colorados, porotos cranberry, porotos negros, garbanzos, lentejas 37. POP ARGENTINA S.A Contact: Alfredo Rojas Address: Circunscripcion III - Chacra 36, (2705), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 2475) 46 5809 / (54 2475) 46 5811 E mail: [email protected] http//: Pop corn, special grains, dry green peas and food grade soybeans. 38. POP COMPANY S.A Contact: Micaela Gutierrez Address: Brown Nº 771 (2600), Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 3462) 49 0021 [email protected] Production and exportation of bulk popcorn, microwavable snacks (popcorn, pellets, nachos), fresh and frozen fruits (blueberries, citrics, and tropicals) 39. POPCORN AMERICA - EL GANADO S.R.L Contact: Ariel Nervi Address: Sinclair 3044 3° Piso C, (1425), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4777 3077 / (54 11) 4777 3077 E mail: [email protected] http//: Pop corn, Greenpeas Maíz pisingallo, Arveja 40. PRODEMAN S.A Contact: Daniel Fortini Address: Ruta Nacional N° 158, Km 230.5, General Cabrera (X5809AHP), Córdoba, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 358) 493 0670 / (54 358) 493 0672 E mail: [email protected] http//: Pop corn, Greenpeas Maíz pisingallo, Arveja

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

41. ROCIO DE MIEL S.A. Contact: Jose Luis Chacon Address: av. Libertador, piso 3 oficina 3, (5600), San Rafael, Mendoza, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 2625) 491240 [email protected] Dried prunes, dried pears halves, dried apricots halves, and raisins golden and darks in all sizes and varieties. 42. SNACK CROPS S.A Contact: Sergio Casas Address: Av. Santa María 6385, (1624), Tigre, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 5275 0777 / (54 11) 5272 5400 E mail: [email protected] http//: Popcorn, Confectionary Sunflower Seeds, Sunflower Kernels, Chickpeas. Maíz Pisingallo, Girasol Confitero, Girasol descascarado, Garbanzos. 43 .VERGARA Y CIA S.A Contact: Damian Fabiano Address: Sarmiento 930 5° A, (1041), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4328 7897 / (54 11) 4328 7897 E mail: [email protected] http//: Dried prunes, Raisins, Popcorn, Peanuts, Sunflowerseed. Ciruelas, Pasas, Popcorn, Maní, Girasol. ANUGA FINE FOOD HALL 2.1 44. ARCOR Contact: Sofia Esteves Address: Maipu 1210, 2° Piso, (1006), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4310 9507 / (54 11) 4310 9818 E mail: [email protected] http//: Tomatoes, Jams and mermeladas, peaches, vegetables cans. Tomates, mermeladas, duraznos, conservas de vegetales. 45. GOBIERNO DE LA PROVINCIA DE ENTRE RIOS Contact: Jesús Perez Mendoza Address: Cervantes 69, (3100), Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 343) 420 8160 / 7867 /8899 E mail: [email protected] Institutional 46. LA SIBILA S.A Contact: Jorge Estevez Address: San Lorenzo 1808, (2000), Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. Phone / Fax: 54341 4263822 / 54 341 4263822 E mail: [email protected] http//: Instant full cream milk powder, skim milk powder, fatfilled, infan formulas, food ingredients, whey demin40

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

47. INSTITUTO DE DESARROLLO PRODUCTIVO DE TUCUMAN Contact: Juan Luis Fernandez Address: Maipu 41, (4000), San Miguel de Tucuman, Tucuman, Argentina Phone / Fax: (54 381) 497 5050 / (54 381) 497 5155 E mail: [email protected] http//: Citrus juice, Legumes Jugos cítricos, legumbres 48. FUNDACION PROMENDOZA Contact: Leandro Roldan Address: Sarmiento 212 1° piso, (5500), Mendoza, Argentina Phone / Fax: (54 261) 405 4700 E mail: [email protected] http//: Dried fruits, preserved fruits, preserved olives, fruit pulps, bulk wines, grape must, raisins Frutas desecadas, pasas de uva, frutas en conservas, pulpas de fruta, aceitunas en conserva, vino a granel, mosto de uva. 49. MENEX S.A. Contact: Carlos Ponce Address: Pringles y Calle 21 - Bowen (M5634AHP), Mendoza - Argentina Phone / Fax: (54 2625) 480447 / 480174 E mail: [email protected] http//: Dried plums, dried apricots, dried peaches, dried pears, dried tomatoes 50. VIÑAS ARGENTINAS S.A. INDUSTRIAS FRUT COLAS DE SAN RAFAEL S.A. Contact: Luis Sentinelli Soledad Calle Address: Carril Rodríguez Peña 4447, (5513), Maipú, Mendoza Phone / Fax: (54 261) 481 9000 / (54 261) 493 3038 http//: E mail: [email protected] [email protected] Products: preserved fruits, bulk wine, grape must Productos: frutas en conserva, vino a granel, mosto de uva 51. AVA S.A. Contact: Matías Ibarra Address: Ruta Prov. 86, (5509), Ugarteche Luján de Cuyo, Mendoza Phone / Fax: (54 261) 15 5 608986 /(54 261) 4426 4621 http//: E mail: [email protected] Products: Fruit pulps and purees concentrates, canned fruits Productos: Pulpas y pure de frutas concentrado, frutas en conserva 52. SFH ALIMENTOS S.A. Contact: Fabricio Fragapane Address: Godoy Cruz, 4470, (5521), Guaymallén,, Mendoza Phone / Fax: (54 261) 4261527 / (54 261) 44264621 http//: E mail: [email protected] Products: Dried fruits, preserved olives Productos: Frutas desecadas, aceitunas en conserva

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

53. FRUTAGRO S.A. Contacto: Juan Pablo Salguero Address: Estanislao Salas, 5500 , (5600 ), El cerrito San Rafael, Mendoza Phone / Fax: (54 2627) 44 2196 / (54 2627) 44 2319 http//: E mail: [email protected] Products: Dried fruits Productos: Frutas desecadas 54. MINISTERIO DE LA PRODUCCI N PROVINCIA DE BUENOS AIRES - SUBSECRETARIA DE RELACIONES ECON MICAS INTERNACIONALES Contact: Carlos Mendez Address: Bartolomé Mitre 430 Piso 3° - Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina Phone/Fax: (54 11) 4342 9040 / 3058 Institutional ANUGA BREAD & BAKERY HALL 3.2 55. ALIMENTOS NATURALES NATURAL FOODS S.A Contact: Carolina Girodo Address: Lavalle 1168, (B7001EBT), Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 2293) 44 0676 / (54 2293) 44 0677 E mail: [email protected] Honey packed for retail 56. HAVANNA ARGENTINA Contact: Laura Valenti Address: Av. Libertador 14799, (1641), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4798 1630 / (54 11) 4798 1630 E mail: [email protected] http//: Alfajor, Dulce de leche 57. INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE LA YERBA MATE Contact: Rosana Biale Address: Rivadavia 1515 (3300), Posadas, Misiones, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 3752) 425 273 E mail: [email protected] http//: Loose leaf yerba mate, Mate tea bags Yerba mate molida, Saquitos de mate cocido 58. PRODUCTOS FERRARIS S.R.L Contact: Marcelo Ferraris Address: Independencia 399, (2643), Chañear Ladeado, Santa Fe, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 3468) 48 2260 / (54 3468) 48 2260 E mail: [email protected] http//: Crakers. Galletitas

Generalkonsulat der Republik Argentinien

59. LETIS Certificadora de Calidad Internacional Contact: Ma. Cecilia Ansalas Address: Urquiza 1564, (2000), Rosario, Santa Fe. Phone: 54 341 4264244 Fax: 54 341 4264244 E mail: [email protected] http//: LETIS is an International quality certifier. We offer organic certification, globalgap. GAP, GMP and other quality protocols. We also offer recommendation of inputs, pre assessment, and we design ad-hoc training sessions for companies. ANUGA FROZEN FOOD HALL 4.2 60. DUNTOWER CORPORATION Contact: Carlos Cavallo Address: Pueyrredon 2318 7°O, (C1119ACT), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 11) 4803 2121 / (54 11) 4801 9098 E mail: [email protected] http//: Frozen fish, frozen meat, frozen poultry, wines, diary products, juices 61. CONOSUD S.A Contact: Carlos Marchiano Address: Ruta 11, km 438,5, (2242), Desvio Arijon, Santa Fe, Argentina. Phone / Fax: (54 342) 490 0038 / 0033 E mail: [email protected] http//: Mashed potatoes, Dehydrated carrots, Dehydrated pumpinks, Frozen IQF peas, Frozen IQF sweet corn kernel, Frozen IQF mix of vegetables, Whole IQF strawberries, Frozen IQF diced potatoes, French fried potatoes. Puré de papas en copos, Zanahoria deshidratada, Zapallo deshidratado, Arvejas congeladas IQF, Maíz en granos congelados IQF, Mezcla de vegetales congelados IQF, Frutilla congelada IQF, Papas en cubos congeladas IQF, Papas prefritas congeladas IQF.

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