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English Grammar
English Language. Grammar. Simple and continuous forms. Reported speech. Modal verbs. Conditionals. Future forms. Perfect forms. Comparative and superlative adjectives

English grammar
Verbs. Futur. Will. Going to

English Grammar
Present Simple. Present Continuous. Past Simple. Present Perfect. Auxiliary Verbs. Irregular Verbs

Advanced Spanish Grammar
PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Advanced Spanish Grammar Rogelio Alonso Vallecillos New York Chicago San Francisco Lisbon London Madrid Mexico City Milan Ne

Grammar Bank Introduction
Grammar Bank Introduction be: present simple Afirmativa I he/she/it you/we/they am is are have got: present simple Formas contractas Afirmativa F

Story Transcript

Today is Friday March 19, so that means that today is Javier's birthday; a little boy who is about to turn 11 today and he couldn't be more excited. For his birthday party, his mother has decided to invite some of her closest friends. The party will start at 3 in the afternoon. Javier is so excited that he can't wait for the clock to strike 3. When the time came all his friends began to arrive on time congratulating Javier on his birthday. The first thing they did was sing to him for his birthday, so they made a circle around the cake and sang for Javier. Then his mother handed out a good piece of cake for each of the children.

After eating cake, his friends left and Javier decided it was a good time to open his presents, he was very excited!

Javier opened many gifts, but there was one in particular that caught his attention ... it was a camera! it was what he had always wanted!

However, not everything is as happy as it seems, since after the party, the house was a mess! and her mother was sad because she knew that cleaning that would take a long time ...

Since Javier was so excited about his camera, he didn't want to separate from her, but he also wanted to help his mother clean up, since after all, the disaster was due to her birthday party. So Javier came up with a fabulous idea, he would help his mother, while recording how they cleaned, so he could test how his new gift worked.

Finally Javier and his mother finished fixing the whole mess, his mother was very happy and grateful for Javier's help, and he was very happy for his new gift ... and that is how Javier's birthday ended, to date the best birthday of your life.

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