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VOL. 1


T-BOOK q&a Who is Thibault Beudin, the new creative talent in communication


A meeting with Thibault's universe, his experiences, his creations and his skills

Future in sight Ambitious, curious, eager to learn, find out why you should choose him and not someone else



The will of (L') Invitation is to allow artists to produce and publish projects of all kinds. The objective of this French website is not only to offer a visibility and a publishing platform other than social networks to these artists, but also to provide them with an audience likely to encourage them to follow through with their intentions.

MÉLI MÉLO À LA BOUCHE Discover the recipes of Méli, a young girl passionate about cooking who will share with you her gourmet creations ROBBY BOBY Between soul, jazz and hip-hop, Robby invites you into his world. A musical diary where you can find all the moments of a life

MINALOUGAT Comme ses peintures, Minalougat est un personnage haut couleur. Ses oeuvres remplis de détails originaux stimuleront sans aucun doutes votre imagination et vos rêves

Thibault Beudin


Thibault Beudin The communication Adventurer Rencontre avec ce jeune talent créatif de la communication afin d'en connaître un peu plus sur son parcours, sa vie et ses ambition

Can you introduce yourself to our readers in a few words? I am Thibault Beudin, a 26-year-old Frenchman. I have just finished my Canadian university adventure which started almost 8 years ago. Throughout my young life, I have tried to diversify my experiences as much as possible, whether they are academic, professional or human, all with the aim of opening as many doors as possible. Today, I am looking for a job to take on stimulating challenges. Ideally, I would like to evolve in a sector related to communication or marketing, but I am not closed to any opportunity. I am curious by nature and I want to keep learning! What is your academic background? I started in Bordeaux with a first year of a bachelor’s degree in history in 2015, from which I had the credits transferred over to Canada to continue my studies at Concordia University where I studied Political Science. I then returned to Bordeaux to do my master’s degree in a

new field of study, that of communication, with a particular attraction for political communication, a theme on which I wrote my thesis, received with honors. Finally, after a sabbatical year, I returned to university in 2021 to pursue a PhD in communication at the University of Montreal. Doctorate that I have put on hold since this winter. Why did you stop your PhD? I didn't stop my doctorate for life, I put my research on hold for an indefinite period. I decided to take this break because I wanted to see what opportunities were available to me in communication. Other reasons, notably the temporality of my research, I want to conduct field study in election time, this also encouraged me to try my luck.

Q&A Do you have any experience in the world of communication? For many years, I have been aware that I was following a very narrow academic path through my studies. In this regard, I have tried to find jobs that would allow me to obtain different skills than those acquired during my university years. In 2017 I confronted the world of events by coorganizing a fundraising sports contest for the Charlotte Association. In 2018 I had my first experience in journalism by writing a few articles for The Concordian, one of Concordia University’s newspapers. I followed that up in 2020 with a year-long internship at France Info under the tutelage of Gérard Feldzer. During this year, I produced with Gérard the weekly Billet Science and monthly Transportez-Moi report. In 2021 I decided to learn selftaught website creation and management and I created (L’) Invitation, which is a partner of the issue it seems (laughs), in order to promote upcoming artists. Finally, more recently, I was the producer of the PhiLab podcast, a research laboratory on philanthropy affiliated to the University of Quebec in Montreal. I had to give up this job last December because of my change of status on the Canadian territory.

Writing, event management, website creation, audiovisual production, graphic design, I’ve done a bit of everything in my young career and I intend to continue to progress!

What are the highlights of your career, the moments that represent real milestones? I will remember three moments. The first was in 2015 when I chose to go to Canada to study in an English-speaking university. This decision allowed me to discover a new country, a new educational system in which I blossomed, but above all it allowed me to learn English, a skill that is essential today in the world of communication. The second is a choice, that of Gérard Feldzer, who gave me my chance in 2020 to join him in the world of journalism and radio at France Info. A choice that I believe he did not regret since initially planned for 6 months, he proposed me to extend my internship for a total duration of one year. The last turning point is this beginning of 2023 and the decision to put my PhD on pause. I'm launching myself into the unknown again in search of an attractive and stimulating professional adventure.



By Thibault Beudin

The Concordian is Concordia University's Independent Student Newspaper Since 1973. Here are some of the works I did for them during my bachelors in political science. I wrote articles during the winter term of 2018 in the sports and opinions sections.

Tide Pods: From Laundry To Brainwashing Social media challenges highlight a deeper issue within today’s meme culture

Professional skills acquired: Journalistic writing, Investigation, Deadline management, English writing Human competences learned: Discovery of the world of journalism, Working independently, First experience in communication, Self-esteem and pride. Summary: A voluntary work for a first immersion in the world of communication. This experience publicly put my name at the top of a page for the first time. I was very proud of it and I had the certainty to have found an activity that I love!

Competing To Save Lives A sport made for versatile athletes ready for new challenges


#2 By Thibault Beudin

France Info is a French public information radio. I worked there throughout the whole year 2020 under the supervision of Gérard Feldzer. We produced two chronicles, a daily 3 minutes on environment and science news, the Billet Sciences, which we were in charge of the weekend broadcasts. A monthly program on mobility called Transportez-moi.

Le billet sciences. Le spatial au service de la santé post-coronavirus

Transportez-moi. Transports et propagation de virus

Du lancement de la fusée d'Elon Musk à la conquête de Mars, l'ESA, l'agence spatiale européenne, a mis en place les satellites sentinelles avec le programme "Copernicus". Un programme qui permet de surveiller et d'observer notre planète et son environnement.

En pleine épidémie du Covid-19, il est primordial de faire un point sur les risques de propagation dans les transports en commun. Comment agir ? Quelles mesures devons-nous prendre ?

Professional skills acquired: Journalistic writing, Sound production, Audio editing, Data analysis, Interviewing, Project management, Press relations, Event and news coverage Human competences learned: Teamwork, Human relations, Stress management, Autonomy, Sense of responsibility. Summary : My role was that of a producer. I found the topics, interviewed the actors, carried out all the tasks related to the production of the sound (processing, editing, post-production). I was also in charge of writing and publishing the articles summarizing the programs we produced with Gérard. My only regret about this experience is that as I was doing an internship under Gérard Feldzer's supervision and was not employed by France Info, the administration always refused to allow my name to appear on the programs I was involved in producing, and I was therefore never able to sign my work.

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