Human clonation

Genetic investigations. Risks and dangers. Prohibitions

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Story Transcript

RISKS OF HUMAN CLONATION The advance of the knowledge referred to the dynamics and the organization of the living phenomeno has motivated the sprouting of strong preoccupations and on attempts of limitations and prohibitions the restrictions legals. In some cases aim to avoid abuses, discriminations and dangers. In this just line it is possible to be located to the work of the UNESCO, which persecutes the establishment of a universal declaration on the principles that must regulate the work of investigation and use of the knowledge produced by Biology in the human beings. Also are reasonable the multiple initiatives destined to impose restrictions to him to the reproductive clonation, is worth to say to which it persecutes to clonar human beings, the multiple risks who it can bring, according to it have denounced most prestigious cientifics. Of made these fears have been demonstrated founded by the challenge of the Italian doctor Severino Antinori, who has obtained that in marginal geographies is made possible to develop to the first baby clone. Imprudence, omnipotencia, uncontrol, eagerness of profit an manipulation of the expectations of thousands of pairs with fertility problems are all present characteristics in an action that involves risks difficult to anticipate and that they found manifold repairs etics. In change, is different the case from the therapeutic clonation, destined to the development of cells able to treat today incurables diseases successfully. To prohibit the investigation in this land, if the development of knowing would be being been uniting is that they could cure suffering. Cause, then a just preoccupation the initiative of the president of the United States,George W. Bush, prohibiting all the forms of human clonation, as much the reproductive ones as the therapeutic ones. As it happens in many


areas, the decision of the central countries will repel in the rest, is for repeating decisions, is for becoming seats of practices prohibited in others societies. The doctors evaluate the risks of the human clonation like very elevated. To submit itself to the clonation on the part of the humans does not mean to assume a unknown risk, but to harm to the people consciously, has who is in agreement with the clonation for the obtaining of a baby. Some even, can be parents who lost a baby an whom they love to replace it, or they can be people who wish to have children but that they do not obtain it of the traditional way. For example, in case that a man cannot produce sperm, it can do that his own DNA it is introduced in the ovum of his pair, creating a clone of himself. With the clonation, the kind man against the life of his same types in name of the well−being and of justice. When the speech of human clonation one thinks fundamentally about two possibilities: to clonar human beings as a new form of reproduction, and to clonar human embryos to obtain from them cells that can be transplanted other people and be cured to them of certain diseases. The human clonation is ineffective and is probable that it continues it being in the future. Most of the clonations they cause alterations of the development that are shown in the gestation or when being born. In the best one of the cases, only a small percentage of the embryos created by transference of the nucleus gets to be born and, of these,very few surpass the perinatal period. The dysfunctions of the placenta seem to be the main cause of death during the gestation. The clones new born present/display, frequently, problems respiratory and problems of circulation, to which it attributes the numerous deaths that take place in the neonative period. The apparently healthy survivors even can undergo immune dysfunctions or cerebral malformations or of the kidney, that causes their death later. Thus,


in case the human clonation is undertaken, the problem will not be only the embryos that die, but those that will survive to become children or adults abnormals. Las abnormalitys who present/display the clonados fetuses and the few clones that get to be born are not attributable to the nucleus of the donor. The most probable explanation is the failures in the genetic reprogramming. The prenatal mortality of the nuclear clones can be due to an inadequate reprogramming, that would produce a deregulation in the expression of the genes. Some of the clones that survive the neonative period are probable that they undergo underlying epigenéticos defects that, nevertheless, did not reach the threshold from as the viability is it jeopardize. La first good reason that advise against it from many points of view talks about to the experimental character of the used techniques and the high risk of failures and defective human beings. In addition this low rate to success would need to use a high number of embryos, which would worsen the problem of the storage and use of the leftover embryos. The reproductive clonation would happen to become a consumption act more: something that is bought to acquire a material good; in this case an identical human being to another one. The human clonation creates delicate problems of identity and human relations, specially in the family: All we are able to imagine, which could happen if in our home was born a clone boy. Think for example about the difficulties that are to face if it does not respond to the expectations of its parents − what it is very probable, because the personality only depends partly on the genetic patrimony the potential disadvantages of the human clonation are in his opinion mainly the medical risks, for example the uncertainty on possible complications to long term. THE CLONATION OF HUMAN BEINGS



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