Institut d Economia de Barcelona

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Report of the IEB’s activities 2008 [email protected]

Institut Institut d’Economia d’Economia de Barcelona de Barcelona

Board of Trustees of the IEB Foundation Applus Servicios Tecnológicos, S.L. Caixa d’Estalvis de Catalunya Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona Gas Natural, SDG, S.A.

Sponsors of the UB’s Chair in Fiscal Federalism Fundación ICO Instituto de Estudios Fiscales Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics

Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

List of contents 1. Presentation.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7 2. People .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.1. Management Committee .................................................................................................................................................... 13 2.2. Board of trustees and executive board of the IEB Foundation...................................................................... 13 2.3. Research programs .................................................................................................................................................................. 14 2.4. Members........................................................................................................................................................................................ 14 3. Publications.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 3.1. By IEB members ........................................................................................................................................................................ 19 3.2. IEB Working papers ................................................................................................................................................................ 27 4. Events .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 29 4.1. Seminars ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 4.2. Symposiums, summer schools and conferences...................................................................................................... 33 5. Research projects and economic projects.................................................................................................................................................. 35 5.1. Competitive research projects involving IEB members ...................................................................................... 37 5.2. Other competitive projects ........................................................................................................................................ 38 5.3. IEB research calls ...................................................................................................................................................................... 39 5.4. Economic projects.................................................................................................................................................................... 40 6. Attendance at congresses, seminars and conferences ........................................................................................................................ 43 6.1. Congresses.................................................................................................................................................................................... 45 6.2. Seminars and conferences ................................................................................................................................................ 48 7. Visits ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 51 7.1. By IEB members ........................................................................................................................................................................ 53 7.2. By professors visiting the IEB.............................................................................................................................................. 54 8. PhD theses .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 55




Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

1. Presentation The Institut d’Economia de Barcelona (IEB) is an applied economics research centre at the University of Barcelona. Its aim is promote, develop and disseminate economic research. The IEB was created in 2001 to continue the work carried out by the quality group on Fiscal Federalism and Regional Economy, accredited by the Generalitat, the Catalan Government, and the University of Barcelona.The IEB is a member of the Generalitat’s Network of Reference for R+D+I in Applied Economics. In 2008, several private enterprises (Caixa Catalunya, Abertis, “la Caixa”, Gas Natural and Applus) have joined the project and have helped to create the IEB Foundation.The aim of this new foundation is to support and expand three research programs, entitled Fiscal Federalism, Economic Regulation, and Cities and Innovation. The creation of the IEB Foundation represents an important boost for the IEB. The Institute’s staff will now be connected to an international network of leading researchers in their field. In 2008, too, the UB’s Chair in Fiscal Federalism was set up. Several institutions (the Fundación ICO, the Instituto de Estudios Fiscales and the Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics) work together with the IEB to organize activities in the field of fiscal federalism. The Institute has a range of funding sources: the IEB Foundation, the UB’s Chair in Fiscal Federalism, research contracts from the Catalan government and the UB, and its consultancy work.





Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

2.1. Management Committee The management committee has the following members: • Núria Bosch • Josep M. Durán (Secretary-Manager) • Alejandro Esteller • José García • Martí Parellada (Director) • Esteve Sanromà • Albert Solé • Elisabet Viladecans

2.2. Board of Trustees and Executive Committee of the IEB Foundation Board of Trustees President Sr. Joaquim Coello Managing Director of Applus Servicios Tecnológicos, S.L. Vice-president Sr. Martí Parellada Institut d'Economia de Barcelona and Universitat de Barcelona Trustees Sr. Salvador Alemany Managing Director of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. Sr. Narcís Serra President of Caixa d’Estalvis de Catalunya Sr. Isidre Fainé President of Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona Sr. Salvador Gabarró President of Gas Natural, SDG, S.A.


2. People

Executive Committee of the IEB Private Foundation Sr. Joaquim Coello (President) Managing Director of Applus Servicios Tecnológicos, S.L. Sr. Martí Parellada Institut d'Economia de Barcelona i Universitat de Barcelona Sr. Antoni Brunet Director of Studies and Corporative Communication of Abertis Infraestructuras, S.A. Sr. Xavier Segura Head of the Study Service of Caixa d’Estalvis de Catalunya Sr. Jordi Gual Deputy Director of Caixa d’Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona Sr. Antoni Gallart Director of Resources of Gas Natural, SDG, S.A.

2.3. Research programs The IEB organizes three research programs: Fiscal Federalism, directed by Dr. Núria Bosch and Dr. Albert Solé, Cities and Innovation, directed by Dr. José García Quevedo and Dr. Elisabet Viladecans, and Regulation (director pending appointment).

2.4. Members Researchers: • Álvarez Cardeñosa, Montserrat • Arcarons Bullich, Jordi • Baró i Tomás, Ezequiel • Bosch Roca, Núria • Costa Cuberta, Mercè • Cubel Sánchez, María • Duch Brown, Néstor • Durán Cabré, José María • Espasa Queralt, Marta • Esteller Moré, Alejandro • García Quevedo, José • Garrido Torres, Antoni • Gispert Brosa, Cristina de • Jofre Monseny, Jordi (from September 2008) • Montolio Estivill, Daniel • Mora Puigví, Antoni • Parellada Sabata, Martí 14

Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

• Pelegrín Solé, Àngels • Pruñonosa Bengochea, Cristina • Sanromà i Meléndez, Esteve • Solé Ollé, Albert • Solé Vilanova, Joaquim • Sorribas Navarro, Pilar • Viladecans Marsal, Elisabet • Vilalta Ferrer, Maite Researchers on temporary leave: • Castells Oliveres, Antoni • Costa Campí, Maite • García Brosa, Gemma • Pedrós Abelló, Alexandre • Soy Casals, Antoni Associate researchers: • Trillas i Jané, Francesc PhD Students: • Arqué Castells, Pere • Brué Pérez, Albert (from October 2008) • Costas Pérez, Elena • García Estévez, Javier • Hortas Rico, Miriam • Jofre Monseny, Jordi • Marín López, Raquel (from October 2008) • Polo Otero, José Luis • Salinas Peña, Paula • Sánchez Hugalde, Adriana (leave from May 2008) External collaborators: • Campa Planas, Fernando • Mas Fontcuberta, Daniel • Sicart Ortí, Ferran Research support technicians: • Curto Grau, Marta Administrative services: • Cobos Gil, Susana • Gómez Hidalgo, M. Àngels (Coordinator) 15




Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

3.1. Publications by IEB members In 2008, IEB members published the following research studies: JCR Articles (Journal Citation Reports) • Arauzo, J.M.; Viladecans, E. • “Industrial Location at the Intra-metropolitan Level: The Role of Agglomeration Economies" • Regional Studies, en premsa. • Buonanno, P.; Montolio, D. • “Juvenile Crime in Spain” • Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming. • Buonanno, P.; Montolio, D. • “Identifying the Socioeconomic Determinants of Crime across Spanish Provinces” • International Review of Law and Economics, forthcoming. • Escardíbul, O.; Espasa, M.; Mora, T. • “The effects of regional educational policies on school failure rates in Spain” • Revista de Economía Aplicada, forthcoming. • Evans, J.; Levine, P.; Trillas, F. • “Lobbies, delegation and the under-investment problem in regulation” • International Journal of Industrial Organization, 26 (1), 17-40, 2008. • García Quevedo, J.; Mas Verdú, F. • “Does only size matter in the use of knowledge intensive services?” • Small Business Economics, 31, 137-146, 2008. • Hortas-Rico, M.; Solé-Ollé, A. • “Does urban sprawl increase the costs of providing local public services? Evidence from Spanish municipalities” • Urban Studies, forthcoming. • Jofre, J. • “On the Scope of agglomeration economies: Evidence from Catalonia” Papers in Regional Science, forthcoming. • Jofre, J.; Solé, A. • “Tax differentials in intraregional firm location: Evidence from new manufacturing establishments in • Spanish municipalities” • Regional Studies, forthcoming. • Montolio, D.; Solé-Ollé, A. • “Road Investment and Regional Productivity Growth: the Effects of Vehicle-Intensity and Congestion” • Papers in Regional Science, forthcoming.


3. Publications

• Pelegrín, a.; Bolancé, C. • “Regional foreign direct investment in manufacturing. Do agglomeration economies matter?” • Regional Studies, 42, 505-522, 2008. • Simón, H.; Ramos, R; Sanromà, E. • “La evolución de las diferencias salariales por razón de sexo en España (1995-2002)” • Revista de Economía Aplicada, forthcoming. • Simón, H.; Sanromà, E.; Ramos, R. • “Labour Segregation and Immigrant and Native-born Wage Distributions in Spain: An Analysis Using Matched Employer-Employee Data” • Spanish Economic Review, 10 (2), 135-168, 2008. • Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. • "The effects of partisan alignment on the allocation of intergovernmental transfers. Differences-in-differences estimates for Spain" • Journal of Public Economics, 92 (10), 2302-2319, 2008. • Trillas, F.; Montoya, M.A. • “The Degree of Commitment to Regulator Independence: Measurement and Impact” • Hacienda Pública Española. Revista de Economía Pública, 185 (2), 89-114, 2008. Other articles • Babecky, J.; Ramos, R; Sanromà, E. • "Meta-analysis on Microeconomic Wage Flexibility (Wage Curve)" • Sozialer Fortschritt, 2008 (10-11), 273-279, 2008. • Bosch, N. “Una visión crítica del modelo de financiación autonómica”. Investigaciones Regionales,13, octubre 2008, 269-276, 2008. • Bosch, N.; Mas, D. • “Indicadores de gestión: aplicación a los servicios municipales” • Papeles de Economía Española, 115, 244-258, 2008. • Carrión, J.L.; Espasa, M.; Mora, T. • “Fiscal Decentralisation and Economic Growth in Spain” • Public Finance Review, 36 (2), 194-218, 2008. • Cubel, M.; Gispert, C. de • “Polítiques de protecció a les famílies en xifres. Catalunya, Espanya i Europa” • Barcelona Societat, forthcoming. • Cubel, M.; Gispert, C. de • “La reforma del FCI ante las nuevas perspectivas financieras de la UE” • Investigaciones Regionales, forthcoming.


Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

• Duch, N. • “La organización de la industria en Cataluña: el papel de los Distritos Industriales” Boletín Económico ICE, 2952, 73-82, 2008. • Duch, N.; García, J.; Parellada, M. • “El impacto económico del sistema universitario público español. Un análisis para el período 1998-2004” • Cuadernos de Información Económica, 203, 77-88, 2008. • Durán, J.M.; Gispert, C. de; Rodrigo, F.; Vallés, J. • “Las enseñanzas sobre fiscalidad ambiental. Un estado de la cuestión y algunas experiencias concretas” • e-pública Revista electrónica sobre la enseñanza de la economía pública, forthcoming. • Eguiguren Huerta, M; Llinàs Audet, X.; Parellada Sabata, M. • “International Briefing 20;training and development in Andorra” • International Journal of Training and Development, 12 (3), 206-224, 2008. • Espasa, M. • “Las nuevas perspectivas financieras de la Unión Europea: implicaciones y consecuencias para Galicia” • Revista Galega de Economía, forthcoming. • García Quevedo, J. • “Politica industrialle regionale: il caso della Catalogna” • L'industria. Rivista di economia e politica industrialle, 1 (num speziale), 99-110, 2008. • Parellada; M.; Duch, N.; Álvarez, M. • “Job and supply demand for universities graduates in Spain: a (relative) mismatch perspective” • Industry and higher education, forthcoming. • Parellada, M.; Viladecans, E. • “Cultura i ordenació del territori: entorn del 22@” • Cultura, 2, 118-133, 2008. • Segarra-Blasco, A.; García-Quevedo, J.; Teruel-Carrizosa, M. • “Barriers to innovation and public policy in Catalonia” • International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 4 (4), 431-451, 2008. • Solé-Ollé, A. • “Eficiencia y equidad en la distribución territorial de la inversión pública” • Papeles de Economía Española, forthcoming. • Solé-Ollé, A. • “Evaluación de la descentralización desde la perspectiva de la Teoría del Federalismo Fiscal “ • Ekonomiaz, forthcoming. Books • Álvarez, M.; Amarelo, C.; Duch, N.; Palau, C; Parellada, M.; Polo, J.; Roldán, J. • El mercado laboral español. Informe Fundación CYD-Infojobs. Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo e Infojobs, S.A. Barcelona, 2008. 21

3. Publications

• Benaul, J.M.; Garrido, A.; Sudrià, C. • Caixa Sabadell: finances i acció social 1859-2009. Fundació Caixa Sabadell. Sabadell, 2008. • Bosch, N.; Costas, E.; Espasa, M. • Les subvencions d'anivellament fiscal dels governs locals a Europa. Diputació de Barcelona, Col·lecció Estudis. Barcelona, forthcoming. • Bosch, N.; Durán, J.M. (Eds.) • Fiscal Federalism and Political Decentralization: Lessons from Spain, Germany and Canada. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Cheltenham (United Kingdom), 2008. • Bosch, N.; Espasa, M. • La hacienda de los gobiernos locales supramunicipales en la Unión Europea (UE-15). Series claves del gobierno local, n. 8. Fundación Democracia y Gobierno Local and Diputació de Barcelona. Barcelona, 2008. • Bosch, N.; Espasa, M. • La hisenda dels governs locals supramunicipals a la Unió Europea (UE-15). Col·lecció Estudis, Sèrie Govern Local n. 5. Diputació de Barcelona. Barcelona, 2008. • Bosch, N.; Espasa, M.; Solé-Ollé, A. (Eds.) • The political economy of inter-regional fiscal flows: measurement, determinants, and effects on country stability, Edward Elgar Publishing, en forthcoming. • Bosch, N.; Vilalta, M. • Informe sobre el finançament de les comunitats autònomes. Any 2006. Monografies, 1. Departament d'Economia i Finances, Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona, 2008. • Cuchí, X. (Coord.); Álvarez, M.; Amarelo, C.; Andrés, L.; Belmonte, A.; Fabregat, V.; Fernández, T.; Poveda, C.; Saez, X.; Souto, G. • Informe Anual sobre la Indústria a Catalunya, 2007. Departament d’Innovació, Universitats i Empresa (Generalitat de Catalunya). Barcelona, 2008. • Duch, N.; García Quevedo, J.; Polo, J. • Les Estratègies empresarials a Catalunya 2005. Observatori de Prospectiva Industrial, Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona, 2008. • Durán Cabré, J.M. • Ampliació de la capacitat normativa de les comunitats autònomes en els impostos especials. Monofrafies, 3. Departament d'Economia i Finances, Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona, 2008. • Durán Cabré, J.M. • La descentralització de l'IVA en fase minorista. Monografies, 4. Departament d'Economia i Finances, Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona, 2008. • Durán Cabré, J.M.; Esteller Moré, A. • L'Impost de Successions i Donacions a Espanya: passat, present i futur. Departament d'Economia i Finances, Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona, forthcoming.


Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

• Espasa, M. • La inversió de les entitats locals. Monografies, 6. Departament d’Economia i Finances, Generalitat de Catalunya. Barcelona, 2008. • Garrido, A.; Duch, N. (Dirs.); Álvarez, M.; Amat, O.; Espasa, M.; Fernández, T.; García, J.; Genescà, E.; Jorba, J.; Obis, T.; Turmo, J. • Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya, 2007. Cambra Oficial de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Barcelona. Barcelona, 2008. • Parellada, M. (Dir.); Álvarez, M.; Castells, C.; del Palacio, I.; Duch, N.; García Quevedo, J. • Informe CYD. 2007. La contribución de las universidades españolas al desarrollo. Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo. Barcelona, 2008. • Parellada, M.; Duch, N. • L'estructura de l'economia catalana a partir de la taula input-output de Catalunya 2001 a 122 sectors. Departament d’Economia i Finances, Generalitat de Catalunya, 5, 1-67. Barcelona, 2008. • Parellada, M.; Viladecans, E. (Eds.) • Globalisation and Urban Strategies. Pla Estratègic Metropolità de Barcelona and Torino Internazionale. Torino (Italy), 2008. • Parellada, M.; Viladecans, E. (Dirs.); Álvarez, M. • Informe Territorial de la província de Barcelona, 2008. Cambra Oficial de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Barcelona i Diputació de Barcelona. Barcelona, 2008. • Suárez-Panidello, J.; Bosch, N.; Pedraja, F.; Rubio, J.J.; Utrilla, A. • La financiación local en España: Radiografía del presente y propuestas de futuro. Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias. Madrid, 2008. • Viladecans, E.; Álvarez, M.; Jofre, J. • La localització geogràfica de les activitats econòmiques a l'àrea de Barcelona. Quaderns d’Estudi nº18. Aula Barcelona and Fundació CIDOB. Barcelona, 2008. Book chapters • Arauzo J.M.; Viladecans, E. • “Mature Industrial regions: The Spanish case” • in Technological Change and Mature Industrial Regions: Firms, Knowledge, and Policy, MCann P., Farshchi, M. and Janne, O.E.M (Eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. London (United Kingdom), forthcoming. • Bosch, N.; Durán, J.M. • “The financing system of Spanish regions: main features, weak points and possible reforms” • in Fiscal Federalism and Political Decentralization: Lessons from Spain, Germany and Canada, 3-26. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Cheltenham (United Kingdom), 2008. • Bosch, N.; Espasa, M. • “Los gobiernos locales supramunicipales en la Unión Europea (UE-15)” • in El futuro de los gobiernos locales, 47-63. Diputación de Barcelona. Barcelona, 2008. 23

3. Publications

• Bosch, N.; Espasa, M. • “La financiación del gasto social local en la Unión Europea (UE-15)” • in La situación social de España, Navarro, V. (Dir.), vol. III, Editorial Biblioteca Nueva. Madrid, forthcoming. • Bosch, N.; Suárez-Pandiello, J. • “Territorial financing in Spain” • in Finanzausgleich 2008. Öffentliches Management und Finanzwirtschaft. Vienna (Austria), 2008. • Bosch, N.; Suárez-Pandiello, J. • “Structural reform in Spain” • in Alternative Models of Local Government: Theory and International Evidence, B. Dollery and L. Robotti (Eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Cheltenham (United Kingdom), forthcoming. • Bricall, J.; Parellada, M. • “The Non-University sector in the Spanish System of Higher Education” • in Non-University Higher Education in Europe, Taylor, J.S.; Ferreira J.B.; Machado, M.L. and Santiago, R. (Eds.), 215-230. Springer. 2008. • Durán Cabré, J.M. • “El impuesto lineal y el impuesto dual: propuestas” • in Informe sobre la simplificación del Ordenamiento tributario. Marcial Pons. Madrid, forthcoming. • Durán Cabré, J.M.; Esteller Moré, A. • “¿Qué ha pasado con la concentración de la riqueza? Evidencia a partir de datos fiscales de patrimonio” • in Reformas Fiscales y Microsimulación. Instituto de Estudios Fiscales. Madrid, forthcoming. • Durán, J.M.; Gispert, C. de • “La tributación ambiental en España: situación actual” • in Tratado sobre tributación ambiental, 1367-1410. Thomson-Aranzadi. Navarra, 2008. • Espasa, M. • “Gasto y financiación de la atención primaria” • in La Atención Primaria de Salud en España y sus Comunidades Autónomas, Navarro,V. (Dir.). Semfyc Ediciones. Barcelona, forthcoming. • Espasa, M. • “La inversión del sector público central en infraestructuras de transporte” • in Anuario RACC de la Movilidad, Bel, G and Nadal, M. (Dirs.). Fundación RACC. Barcelona, forthcoming. • Esteller, A. • “Tax Administration in Spain: A Description and Analysis of the current institutional organization and some proposals of reform” • in Fiscal Federalism and Political Decentralization: Lessons from Spain, Germany and Canada, N. Bosch and J.M. Durán (Eds.), 209-247. Edward Elgar Publishing. Cheltenham (United Kingdom), 2008. • García Quevedo, J.; Sanchez Asin, J.; Valls-Pasola, J. • “Innovation and entrepreneurship policy measures in Spain” • in Entrepreneurship and innovation policies in European countries. Analysing measures in European countries, 85-90. Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research. Stockholm (Sweden), 2008. 24

Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

• Montolio, D. • “La gestió pressupostària dels municipis catalans: elaboració d'un índex” • in Informe de l'Observatori de Govern Local. Fundació Carles Pi i Sunyer. Barcelona, 2008. • Pelegrín Solé, A. • “La economía japonesa en 2007: en reconstrucción tras la Burbuja” • in 2007 Asia-Pacific Yearbook, 307-316. CIDOB. Barcelona, 2008. • Sanromà, E.; Ramos, R.; Simón, H. • “La transferibilidad del capital humano de los inmigrantes. Sobreeducación y asimilación” • in Investigaciones de Economía de la Educación, n. 3, 539-548. Editorial AEDE. Santiago de Compostela, 2008. • Solé, A. • “The determinants of the regional allocation of public investment in Spain” • in The political economy of inter-regional fiscal flows: measurement, determinants, and effects on country stability, Bosch, N.; Espasa, M. and Solé-Ollé, A. (Eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing, forthcoming. • Solé-Ollé, A. • “The effects of decentralization and service delivery: the Spanish case” • in Handbook of Fiscal Federalism. G. Brosio and E. Ahmad (Eds.), vol. II. Edward Elgar, forthcoming. • Solé-Ollé, A. • “¿Existen indicios de competencia fiscal en el sistema tributario autonómico?” • in La reforma de la asignación de impuestos a las CCAA: desafíos y oportunidades. S. Lago and J. MartínezVázquez (Eds.). Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2008. Working papers • Duch-Brown, N.; García-Quevedo, J.; Montolio, D. • “Assessing the assignation of public subsidies: do the experts choose the most efficient r&d projects?” • Document de treball de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa E08/207. • Duch-Brown, N.; García-Quevedo, J.; Montolio, D. • “Assessing the assignation of public subsidies: Do the experts choose the most efficient R&D projects?” • Document de treball de la Xarxa de Referència en Economia Aplicada. XREAP2008-12. • Jorba, J.; Montolio, D. • “Convergència i mobilitat regional a la UE (1995-2005): els efectes de la integració europea” • Paper de Treball del Departament d'Economia i Finances. Generalitat de Catalunya, Octubre. Any VIII, 10/2008. • Jofre, J.; Solé, A. • “Which communities should be afraid of mobility? The effects of agglomeration economies on the sensitivity of firm location to local taxes” • Working Papers, CESifo, n. 2311. • Montolio, D. • “El model català enfront de les darreres experiències d'èxit en creixement econòmic a Europa” • Paper de Treball del Departament d'Economia i Finances. Generalitat de Catalunya, Juny: Any VIII, 7/2008. 25

3. Publications

• Sanromà, E.; Ramos, R.; Simón, H. • “The Portability of Human Capital and Immigrant Assimilation: Evidence for Spain” • IZA Discussion Paper, n. 3649. • Sanromà, E.; Ramos, R.; Simón, H. • “Portabilidad del capital humano y asimilación de los inmigrantes. Evidencia para España” • Document de treball de la Xarxa de Referència en Economia Aplicada. XREAP2008-07. • Solé-Ollé, A.; Hortas-Rico, M. • “Does urban sprawl increase the costs of providing local public services? Evidence from Spanish municipalities” • Document de treball de la Xarxa de Referència en Economia Aplicada. XREAP2008-10. • Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. • “Does partisan alignment affect the electoral reward of intergovernmental transfers?” • Working Papers, CESifo, n. 2335. • Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. • “Does partisan alignment affect the electoral reward of intergovernmental transfers?” • Document de treball de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa E08/206.


Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

3.2. IEB Working papers The IEB publishes a series of electronic working papers presenting research carried out by internal and external researchers. These documents are available at the IEB website. In 2008, the following working papers were published: 2008/1: Political parties and the economy: Macro convergence, micro partisanship? Pau Castells; Francesc Trillas 2008/2: Does partisan alignment affect the electoral reward of intergovernmental transfers? Albert Solé-Ollé; Pilar Sorribas-Navarro 2008/3: Rethinking public auditing institutions: Empirical evidence from swiss municipalities Mark Schelker; Reiner Eichenberger 2008/4: Which communities should be afraid of mobility? The effects of agglomeration economies on the sensitivity of firm location to local taxes Jordi Jofre-Monseny; Albert Solé-Ollé 2008/5: Assessing the assignation of public subsidies: Do the experts choose the most efficient R&D projects? Néstor Duch-Brown; José García-Quevedo; Daniel Montolio 2008/6: Does urban sprawl increase the costs of providing local public services? Evidence from Spanish municipalities Albert Solé-Ollé; Miriam Hortas Rico 2008/7: Portabilidad del capital humano y asimilación de los inmigrantes. Evidencia para España Esteve Sanromà; Raúl Ramos; Hipólito Simón 2008/8: Regulatori Federalism in Network Industries Francesc Trillas 2008/9: The economic impact of the Spanish public university system. An analysis for the period 1998 - 2004 Néstor Duch; Javier García Estévez; Martí Parellada





Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

4. Events During 2008, the IEB has organized the following events:

4.1. Seminaris IEB or external researchers present ongoing research projects or selected research lines at a series of seminars. 29/01/20081 “Movimientos migratorios interiores en España y políticas públicas autonómicas” Speaker: María Martínez Torres (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) 04/02/2008 “Equitable and efficient federal structures with interregional redistribution, interregional spillovers and regional attachment of heterogeneous labor” Speaker: Emilson C.D. Silva (School of Economics, Georgia Institute of Technology) 18/02/2008 “Introducing new technologies intoworkplace:The impacts on employee well-being. Job Satisfaction in Britain and Japan” Speaker: Mamiko Isihara (Josai University) 03/03/2008 “Rethinking public auditing institutions: Empirical evidence from Swiss municipalities” Speaker: Mark Schelker (Center for Public Finance. University of Fribourg) 25/03/20081 “La reforma de la Hacienda Local en España” Speaker: Javier Suárez Pandiello (Universidad de Oviedo) 31/03/2008 “An evaluation of EU regional policiy. Do structural action crowd out public spending?” Speaker: Juan González Alegre (European University Institute) 15/04/20081 “Posibilidades de ampliar la capacidad normativa autonómica en el IRPF” Speaker: Santiago Díaz de Sarralde (Instituto de Estudios Fiscales) 28/04/2008 “Do small states get more federal monies? The myth of overrepresentation in the US Senate” Speaker: Leonzio Rizzo (Università degli Studi di Ferrara) 26/05/2008 “Challenges in measuring and valuing health service output” Speaker: Andrew Street (University of York)


4. Events

03/06/20082 “ROUND TABLE CONFENCE - La descentralització de l’IVA dins el marc normatiu comunitari” Speakers: Francesc Barnadas (BCM Serveis Tributaris, S.L.); Jordi de Juan (Cuatrecasas Abogados, S.R.L.) 09/06/2008 Analysis of the determinants of fiscal transparency: Evidence from Catalonian Municipalities Speaker: Jose Polo (IEB) 09/06/2008 The economic impact of Spanish public university system. An analysis to years 1998-2004 Speaker: Javier García (IEB) 29/09/20082 Monitoring, flypaper effects and local government technical (in)efficiency: Evidence from Flemish municipalities Speaker: Benny Geys (Social Science Research Center Berlin) 21/10/20081 La reforma de la financiación autonómica Speaker: Javier Loscos (Instituto de Estudios Fiscales) 27/10/2008 La asimilación de los inmigrantes en el mercado de trabajo español Speakers: Raul Ramos (UB & AQR); Esteve Sanromà (IEB & UB) 10/11/2008 How and when can subsidies be effectively used to induce entry into R&D? Micro-dynamic evidence from Spain Speaker: Pere Arqué (IEB & UB) 24/11/20082 Pro-poor Economic Growth, Inequality and Fiscal Policy: The Case of Spanish Regions Speaker: Luis Ayala (Universidad Rey Juan Carlos) 09/12/2008 Una norma de evolución temporal para el sistema de financiación autonómica Speaker: Antoni Zabalza (Universitat de València)




Organized under the agreement between the IEB and the Catalan Government’s (Departament d’Economia i Finances) Organized as a part of the Catalan Government’s Network of Reference for R+D+I in Applied Economics (XREAP)

Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

4.2. Symposiums, summer schools and conferences The IEB organized the following events in 2008: • 5th Symposium on Fiscal Federalism:“Regional Fiscal Flows,“Balance-sheet” Federalism and the Stability of Federations” (19-22/06/2008) Organized jointly with the IEA (the Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics) and the suppor t of the UB Chair of Fiscal Federalism. Leading national and international specialists with academic, administration, institution and professional backgrounds par ticipated in the Symposium, among them Jonathan Rodden (Stanford University), François Vaillancourt (University of Montreal), Giuseppe Ruggeri (University of New Brunswick) and Enrico Spolaore (Tufts University). A total of 15 papers were presented grouped by topic, in addition to the discussions held in the various sessions and the debate between par ticipants and the public. The event was held at the IEA’s headquar ters, the Palau Centelles in Barcelona, and was inaugurated by Antoni Castells, Catalan Minister of Economy and Finance, Carles Viver, Director of the IEA, and Joaquim Coello, President of the IEB Foundation.

• I Summer School in Public Economics: “Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Public Policies” (25/06/2008-03/07/2008) The First Summer School in Public Economics was organized with the support of the doctorate program in Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Barcelona. The purpose of the event was to train doctorate students in public economics on an intensive course taught by leading specialists and, at the same time, to give students the oppor tunity to discuss their ongoing research with exper ts and with their peers. The Summer School was divided into two courses, each lasting four days. Classes on the first course were taught by Michael Lechner (Universität St. Gallen) and Jeffrey Smith (University of Michigan), alongside three lecture sessions (a total of 11 lectures). Classes on the second course were taught by Tim Coelli (University of Queensland) and Andrew Street (University of York), alongside two lecture sessions (a total of 8 lectures).


4. Events

• Symposium on Business Innovation

• Symposium on Business Dynamics and Innovation: “The importance of space” (08/10/2008)

(01/07/2008) The half-day Symposium was organized on areas related to the Network of Reference for Applied Economics (XREAP). Its main aim was to explore some fundamental issues regarding the real effects of innovation from both an academic and an economic policy perspective. The event comprised three lectures given by Corinne Autant-Bernard, University Saint Etienne, CREUSET, Andrea Conte, DG2, ECFIN - European Commission, and Jacques Mairesse, University of Maastricht. These were followed by a debate and round table with a number of of experts. Martí Parellada, Director of the Network of Reference for Applied Economics, and Antoni Soy, Secretary General of the Catalan Ministry of Industry, a lecturer at the University of Barcelona and member of the IEB, participated in the opening and closing ceremonies.

The Symposium focused on areas related to the Network of Reference in Applied Economics (XREAP). Its aim was to discuss the effects of business dynamics – input, output, selection and learning processes, and so on – on company and national growth. The event comprised two lectures given by John Sutton of the London School of Economics, and David B. Audretsch of the, MaxPlanck Institute of Economics. There were also three other sessions with three presentations each. Martí Parellada, Director of the Network of Reference for Applied Economics, Juan Ramón Cuadrado, Director of the Journal of Regional Research, Agustí Segarra Blasco, from the Rovira i Virgili University, and Vicent Soler, President of the Spanish Association of Regional Science participated in the opening and closing ceremonies.

• One-day Congress on the Regulation of the Energy Sector (24/10/2008) The congress, held with the cooperation of the National Energy Committee, was held in the events hall at the La Pedrera building in Barcelona.The meeting comprised six different sessions in which leading specialists addressed fundamental issues in the operation of the energy sector. The congress was inaugurated by Pedro Marín, Secretary General of Energy (Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade) and Martí Parellada, Director of the IEB. Antoni Castells, Catalan Minister of Economics and Finance, María Teresa Costa, President of the CNE and Joaquim Coello, President of the IEB Foundation closed the event.



Research projects and economic projects


Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

5.1. Competitive research projects with the participation of IEB members In 2008, IEB members participated in the following competitive research projects: “Evaluación de los efectos de la descentralización sobre la eficiencia en la prestación de los servicios públicos y el funcionamiento democrático del gobierno” (SEJ2006-15212) Ministry of Education and Science Director: Albert Solé Period: 01/10/2006-30/09/2009 “Economías de aglomeración y ciudades: El conocimiento como factor de competitividad” (SEJ2007-65086) Ministry of Education and Science Director: Elisabet Viladecans Period: 01/10/2007-30/09/2010 “Impact of political incentives on local finances: Evidence from Italy and Spain” (HI2007-0094) Ministry of Education and Science Directors: Alejandro Esteller; Giancarlo Pola Period: 01/01/2008-31/12/2009 Grup de Recerca Consolidat en Federalisme Fiscal i Economia Regional (2005SGR000285) Department of Universities, Research and Information Society (Catalan Government) Director: Martí Parellada Period: 18/10/2005-17/10/2008 Recognition of the Network of Reference for R+D+I: Network of Reference for Applied Economics Department of Education and Universities (Catalan Government) Director: Martí Parellada Period: 01/01/2008-31/12/2009 “Impuesto sobre sucesiones y competencia fiscal entre CCAA: ¿Desde cuándo?” Instituto de Estudios Fiscales Directors: José María Durán; Alejandro Esteller Period: 19/07/2007-15/03/2008 “Análisis de innovaciones impositivas: ¿Qué factores conducen a la eliminación de la imposición patrimonial? Un análisis empírico internacional” Instituto de Estudios Fiscales Directors: José María Durán; Alejandro Esteller Period: 31/03/2008-15/10/2008 “Urbanismo y finanzas públicas: ¿Cómo entender los cambios recientes en el modelo de crecimiento urbanístico y el papel de las decisiones municipales?” Instituto de Estudios Fiscales Director: Albert Solé; Elisabet Viladecans Period: 31/03/2008-15/10/2008 “La transformació del Fons de Compensació Interterritorial en un fons universal en el marc financer de la UEA (2007-2013)” Institut d’Estudis Autonòmics Director: María Cubel Period: 02/07/2008-29/05/2009


5. Research projects and economic projects

5.2. Other competitive projects In 2008, in recognition of the group’s research activity, the IEB received the following grants and economic support from administrations for activities and infrastructure improvement: “Aid for equipment and infrastructures for research (PEIR 2007)” Department of Innovation, Universities and Enterprise (Catalan Government) Grant director: Martí Parellada “Complementary Actions” – ECO2008-01326-E/ECON Ministry of Education and Science For the event: 5th Symposium on Fiscal Federalism: “Regional Fiscal Flows “Balance-sheet” Federalism and the Stability of Federations” (19-20/06/2008) Grant director: Albert Solé “Complementary Actions” – ECO2008-01335-E/ECON Ministry of Education and Science For the event: I Summer School in Public Economics: “Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Efficiency of Public Policies” (25/06/2008 – 03/07/2008) Grant director: Núria Bosch “Subvencions a les universitats de Catalunya destinades a l’organització de seminaris o activitats de reflexió i debat sobre les polítiques públiques, la gestió i l’Administració pública” Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya For the event: 5th Symposium on Fiscal Federalism: “Regional Fiscal Flows “Balance-sheet” Federalism and the Stability of Federations” (19-20/06/2008) Grant director: Albert Solé


Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

5.3. Research calls for applications Within the framework of the programs in which IEB has organized its research since mid-2008, the institute has made the following calls for applications: Post-Doctoral Researchers Call for Applications Call for specialized post-doc researchers in the research lines Fiscal Federalism, Cities and Innovation and Regulation. In 2008, the following vacancies were advertised: • Research Program “Fiscal Federalism”: 2 Post-Doctoral researchers in Public Economics. • Research Program “Economic Regulation”: 1 Post-Doctoral researcher in Regulation. Visiting Researchers: Call for Applications Call for researchers from other universities, offering shor t stays to promote cooperation with IEB researchers, and for teaching shor t courses on the Official EHEA Master’s Degree Program in Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Barcelona and the Summer School in Public Economics organized annually by the IEB. In 2008, the following vacancies were advertised: • Research Program “Fiscal Federalism”: Visiting Researchers in Fiscal Federalism, Political Economy, and Economics of Taxation. • Research Program “Cities and Innovation”:Visiting Researchers in Economics of Innovation and Regional and Urban Economics. Research Grants Calls for researchers in the research lines Fiscal Federalism, Cities and Innovation, and Regulation. In 2008, the following grants were advertised: • Research Program "Fiscal Federalism: 6 research projects in Fiscal Federalism.


5. Research projects and economic projects

5.4. Economic studies In 2008, including the materials prepared by the IEB’s consultancy service for public and private institutions and the other research activities carried out by its members, the institute produced the following studies and repor ts: “Acuerdo Marco de colaboración en materia de investigación y desarrollo tecnológico” Comisión Nacional de Energía Director: Martí Parellada Period: 30/01/2006-30/01/2009 “Projectes de recerca en l’àrea d’hisenda municipal” Ajuntament de Barcelona Director: Núria Bosch Period: 01/01/2007-31/12/2009 “La política de preus públics com a eina per a l’equitat en l’accés als serveis educatius municipals” Diputació de Barcelona Director: María Cubel Period: 09/05/2007-31/03/2008 “Reforma fiscal a Andorra: Estudi i propostes” Grup Parlamentari Socialdemòcrata d’Andorra Director: Josep M. Durán Period: 10/05/2007-30/11/2008 “Addenda primera al conveni de col·laboració entre el Departament d'Economia i Finances de la Generalitat de Catalunya i la UB en relació amb les activitats a desenvolupar mitjantçant l'IEB” Departament d'Economia i Finances (Catalan Government) Directors: Núria Bosch; Martí Parellada Period: 01/12/2007-31/12/2008 “Informe Territorial a l'àmbit de la província de Barcelona” Cambra Oficial de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació de Barcelona / Diputació de Barcelona Directors: Martí Parellada; Elisabet Viladecans Period: 01/01/2008-31/12/2008 “Memòria Econòmica de Catalunya” Consell General de Cambres de Catalunya Directors: Antoni Garrido; Néstor Duch Period: 01/01/2008-31/07/2008 “La contribució de la Universitat al desenvolupament I” Fundación CYD Director: Martí Parellada Period: 01/01/2008-31/12/2008


Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

“La contribució de la Universitat al desenvolupament II” Fundación CYD Director: Néstor Duch Period: 01/01/2008-31/12/2008 “Convenio de colaboración entre Red Eléctrica de España y Universitat de Barcelona” Red Eléctrica de España, S.A. Director: Martí Parellada Period: 31/01/2008-31/01/2009 “Estudi sobre l'Anàlisi econòmica de la Justícia gratuïta: Una primera aproximació quantitativa” Centre d'Estudis Jurídics i Formació Especialitzada Director: Alejandro Esteller Period: 21/02/2008-30/06/2008 “Una anàlisi del sector integrat indústria manufacturera- serveis destinats a la producció: el sector central de l'economia catalana” Fundació Empresa i Ciència Director: Ezequiel Baró Period: 21/02/2008-21/07/2008 “La contribución de las Cajas de Ahorro a la innovación en España” FUNCAS Directors: José García Quevedo; Antoni Garrido Period: 31/03/2008-31/06/2009 "Elaboració d'un estudi amb les dades de l'Enquesta sobre Estratègies Empresarials amb l'objectiu d'obtenir un millor coneixement de la realitat econòmica de les empreses manufactureres de Catalunya" Empresa de Promoció i Localització Industrial de Catalunya, SA (AVANÇA) Director: José García Quevedo Period: 23/07/2008-30/09/2008



Attendance at congresses, seminars and conferences


Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

6.1. Congresses International Congresses • Arauzo, J.M.; Viladecans, E. • “Knowledge spillovers and firm location: an analysis of Barcelona’s 22@ district” • 11th European Network on Industrial Policy (EUNIP) • San Sebastián (Spain) • Arqué, P. • “Financial Constraints and Persistence in Innovation” • The DRUID-DIME Academy Winter 2008 PhD conference • Aalborg (Denmark) • Dahlberg, M.; Fredriksson, P.; Eklof, M.; Jofre-Monseny, J • “Estimating Preferences for Local Public Services using Migration Data” • PhD Workshop in Fiscal Federalism • Uppsala (Sweden) • Duch, N. • Are higher education institutions really in crisis, and, if yes, what is the crisis about?” • Second Transnational NESOR Conference • Lodz (Poland) • Duch, N.; Parellada, M.; García, J. • “The economic impact of Spanish public university system. An analysis to years 1998-2004” • 11th European Network on Industrial Policy (EUNIP) • San Sebastián (Spain) • García-Quevedo, J.; Montolio, D.; Duch, N. • “Assessing the assignation of public subsidies: Do the experts choose the most efficient projects?“ • R&D Management Conference • Ottawa (Canada) • Hortas, M.; Solé, A. • “Does urban sprawl increase the costs of providing local public services? Evidence from Spanish municipalities“ • 55th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International • New York (United States) • Jofre-Monseny, J.; Solé-Ollé, A. • “Which communities should be afraid of mobility? The effects of agglomeration economies on the sensitivity of firm location to local taxes” • 55th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International • New York (United States) • Salinas, P.; Solé, A. • “Evaluation of the effects of decentralization on educational outcomes in Spain” • 64th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance • Maastricht (Netherlands) 45

6. Attendance at congresses, seminars and conferences

• Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. • “Does partisan alignment affect the electoral reward of intergovernmental transfers?” • 55th Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International • New York (United States) National Congresses • Arqué, P. • “Financial Constraints and Persistence in Innovation” • XI Encuentro de Economía Aplicada • Salamanca (Spain) • Cubel, M.; Gispert, C. de •“La reforma del FCI ante las Nuevas Perspectivas Financieras de la UE” • XV Encuentro de Economía Pública • Salamanca (Spain) • Duch, N.; García, J.; Parellada, M. • “El impacto del sistema universitario público español. Un análisis para el período 1998-2004” XI Encuentro de Economía Aplicada Salamanca (Spain) • Duch, N.; García, J.; Parellada, M. • “El impacto del sistema universitario público español. Un análisis para el período 1998-2004” • XXXIV Reunión de Estudios Regionales • Jaén (Spain) • Duch, N.; García-Quevedo, J.; Montolio, D. • “La asignación de ayudas públicas a la I+D empresarial: escogen los evaluadores los mejores proyectos?” • XI Encuentro de Economía Aplicada • Salamanca (Spain) • Duch, N.; García Quevedo, J.; Montolio, D. • “Assessing the assignation of public subsidies: Do the experts choose the most efficient projects?” • XXIII Jornadas de Economia Industrial • Reus (Spain) • Durán, J.M.; Esteller, A. • “The recent evolution of wealth concentration in Spain: an analysis from tax data” • XV Encuentro de Economía Pública • Salamanca (Spain) • Durán, J.M.; Esteller, A. • “Tax competition or tax innovation?: an empirical analysis of interdependence in tax auditing policies” • XV Encuentro de Economía Pública • Salamanca (Spain) • Jofre-Monseny, J.; Solé-Ollé, A.


Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

• “Which communities should be afraid of mobility? The effects of agglomeration economies on the sensitivity of firm location to local taxes” • XV Encuentro de Economía Pública • Salamanca (Spain) • Sanromà, E.; Ramos, R.; Simón H. • “La portabilidad del capital humano de los inmigrantes según su origen geográfico. Sobreeducación y asimilación en el mercado de trabajo español” • XI Encuentro de Economía Aplicada • Salamanca (Spain) • Sanromà, E.; Ramos, R.; Simón, H. • “Transferibilidad del capital humano de los inmigrantes. Sobreeducación y asimilación” • XVII Jornadas de AEDE sobre Economía de la Educación • Santiago de Compostela (Spain) • Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. • “Does partisan alignment affect the electoral reward of intergovernmental grants?” • XV Encuentro de Economía Pública • Salamanca (Spain) • Solé, A.; Viladecans, E. • “Economic and political determinants of urban expansion. The local connection” • XV Encuentro de Economía Pública • Salamanca (Spain)


6. Attendance at congresses, seminars and conferences

6.2. Seminars and conferences • Afcha, S.; García Quevedo, J. • “Assessing the impact of public funds on private R+D. A comparative analysis between state and regional subsidies” • Simposi sobre Dinàmica empresarial i innovació: La incidència de l’espai • Barcelona (Spain) • Bosch, N. • “El Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles, modelos de imposición local y reforma de la financiación local” • VI Jornadas de Economía Pública • Zaragoza (Spain) • Bosch, N. • “Avance del estudio sobre la nueva financiación de las Haciendas Locales” • COSITAL Congress • Valencia (Spain) • Bosch, N. • “La financiación de las comunidades autónomas. Diferencias y similitudes con un modelo federal de financiación subcentral” • Seminar: Claves del federalismo fiscal en España. Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo – Centre Ernest Lluch • Barcelona (Spain) • Dahlberg, M.; Mörk, E.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. • “Differences Between Voters’ and Politicians’ Preferences and the Effects on Election Outcomes” • Seminar organized by Uppsala University • Uppsala (Sweden) • Durán, J.M. • “El impuesto sobre sucesiones en España: Presente, pasado y ¿futuro? • VI Jornadas de Economía Pública • Zaragoza (Spain) • Durán, J.M. • “La crisis de la imposición personal sobre la riqueza” • Seminar: Crítica y crisis del diseño y gestión del sistema tributario y del modelo de gasto público en España. Universidad Complutense de Madrid • El Escorial (Spain) • Durán, J.M. • “La distribución de la riqueza en España: Un estudio a partir de datos fiscales” • Seminar: Crítica y crisis del diseño y gestión del sistema tributario y del modelo de gasto público en España. Universidad Complutense de Madrid • El Escorial (Spain)


Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

• Espasa, M. • “Las balanzas fiscales de las Comunidades Autónomas con el Estado” • Seminar: Claves del federalismo fiscal en España. Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo – Centre Ernest Lluch • Barcelona (Spain) • Espasa, M. • “Balance-sheet Federalism: Spanish Case” • 5th Symposium on Fiscal Federalism. IEB. • Barcelona (Spain) • García-Quevedo, J.; Duch, N.; Montolio, D. • “Assessing the assignation of public subsidies: Do the experts choose the most efficient projects?“ • Seminar: UNU-MERIT • Maastricht (Netherlands) • Hortas, M.; Solé, A. • “Does urban sprawl increase the costs of providing local public services? Evidence from Spanish municipalities“ • Seminar organized by the Department of Applied Economics VI: Public Finance. Universidad Complutense de Madrid. • Madrid (Spain) • Salinas, P.; Solé, A. • “Evaluation of the effects of decentralization on educational outcomes in Spain” • I Summer School in Public Economics. IEB • Barcelona (Spain) • Solé, A. • “The determinants of the regional allocation of public investment in Spain” • 5th Symposium on Fiscal Federalism. IEB. • Barcelona (Spain) • Solé-Ollé, A. • “¿Existen indicios de competencia fiscal en el sistema tributario autonómico?” • Jornadas sobre La reforma de la asignación de impuestos a las CCAA: desafios y oportunidades. REDE • Santiago de Compostela (Spain) • Solé-Ollé, A.; Sorribas-Navarro, P. • “Does partisan alignment affect the electoral reward of intergovernmental grants?” • Seminar organized by Uppsala University • Uppsala (Sweden) • Viladecans, E. • “Localización industrial a nivel intrametropolitano: el papel de las economías de aglomeración” • Jornadas de Macroeconomía en Castilla-La Mancha. Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. • Almagro (Spain)


6. Attendance at congresses, seminars and conferences

• Vilalta, M. • “Una reflexión sobre el impuesto de sucesiones y donaciones en España” • Jornada de reflexión. Consejería de Economía de la Xunta • Santiago de Compostela (Spain) • Vilalta, M. • “El papel del sector público local en un marco de hacienda descentralizada: el caso español” • Seminar: Autonomía Local. Fundación Iniciativas XXI. • Santiago de Compostela (Spain) • Vilalta, M. • “El futuro competencial y financiero de las entidades locales: principales lineas de reforma” • VI Encuentro de Gestión Tributaria: “La financiación de obras y servicios públicos municipales: La problemática del ámbito financiero y comptencial de los Entes Locales” • Málaga (Spain) • Vilalta, M. • “La financiación del municipio de Barcelona” • Conference organized by the Fundació Pi i Sunyer and the Ajuntament de Barcelona • Barcelona (Spain) • Vilalta, M. • “La Hacienda Local en crisis. Alternativas y preguntas” • IV Jornadas Tributarias. Agencia Tributaria de Madrid i Ayuntamiento de Madrid • Madrid (Spain) • Vilalta, M. • “Los mecanismos de solidaridad interterritorial en España” • Seminar: Claves del federalismo fiscal en España. Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo – Centre Ernest Lluch • Barcelona (Spain) • Vilalta, M. • “Estatutos de Autonomía y Financiación Local” • Seminar: Gobierno Local y Desarrollo Estatutario. Consorci Universitat Internacional Menéndez Pelayo – Centre Ernest Lluch • Barcelona (Spain) • Vilalta, M. • “La Reforma de la Financiación Local” • Seminar organized by the Fundación Democracia y Gobierno Local • Madrid (Spain)





Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

7.1. By the IEB members During 2008, the IEB members have made some visiting abroad: • Esteller, Alejandro Ministry of Education and Science: “Acciones Integradas” Subprogram – National R+D Internationalization Program Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy) Dates of visit: July 21 – July 24, 2008 • Esteller, Alejandro Ministry of Education and Science: “Acciones Integradas” Subprogram – National R+D Internationalization Program Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy) Dates of visit: December 2 – December 5, 2008 • García Quevedo, José Visiting at the UNU-MERIT (United Nations University - Maastricht Economic and social Research and training centre on Innovation and Technology) (Netherlands) Dates of visit: September – December 2008 • Jofre, Jordi • Visiting at the Uppsala University (Sweden) European Union: Marie Curie Scholarship Program (VI European Union Research Framework Program) to provide funding for researchers Dates of visit: September 2007 – September 2008 • Pelegrín, Àngels Visiting at the Senshu University (Japan) Dates of visit: April – July 2008 • Solé, Albert Visiting at the Uppsala University (Sweden) Dates of visit: April 8 – April 14, 2008 • Sorribas, Pilar Visiting at the Uppsala University (Sweden) Ministry of Education and Science: 'José Castillejo' study periods abroad, for young doctors Dates of visit: January – September 2008 • Trillas, Francesc Visiting at the UC Berkeley (United States) Dates of visit: March – August 2008 • Viladecans, Elisabet Visiting at the Uppsala University (Sweden) Dates of visit: April 8 – April 14, 2008


7. Visits

7.2. Professors visiting the IEB In 2008, the following lecturers have visited IEB: • Leo Rizzo, Università degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy) Dates of visit: April 25 – April 30, 2008 • Michael Lechner, Universität St. Gallen (Germany) Dates of visit: June 25 – June 27, 2008 • Jeffrey Smith, University of Michigan (United States) Dates of visit: June 25 – Juny 27, 2008 • Tim Coelli, University of Queensland (Australia) Dates of visit: June 30 – July 3, 2008 • Andrew Street, University of York (United Kingdom) Dates of visit: September – December 2008



PhD theses


Report of the IEB’s activities in 2008

8. PhD theses In 2008, IEB members have supervised or read the following PhD thesis: • PhD Student: Sergio Afcha Director: José García Quevedo Title: Evaluación de las ayudas públicas a la I+D en España (to be read in 2010) University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Pere Arqué Directors: Alejandro Esteller; José García Quevedo Title: Optimal R&D subsidy granting when state dependence exists (to be read in 2009) University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Antoni Costa Director: Albert Solé Ollé Title: El efecto del turismo sobre los presupuestos municipales Reading date: 17/07/2008 University: Universitat de les Illes Balears • PhD Student: Elena Costas Director: Albert Solé Ollé Title: La corrupción en los municipios españoles: medición, factores determinantes y efectos sobre los resultados electorales (to be read in 2011) University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Javier García Estévez Director: Martí Parellada Title: Essays on the relationship between Universities and regional economic development (to be read in 2010) University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Miram Hortas Director: Albert Solé Ollé Title: The effects of urban sprawl on local budgets (to be read in 2009) University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Daniel Liviano Directors: Elisabet Viladecans; Josep Maria Arauzo Title: Spatial dimension of industry dynamics and efficiency changes (to be read in 2009) University: Universitat Rovira i Virgili • PhD Student: Jordi Jofre Monseny Director: Albert Solé Ollé Title: Competencia fiscal y economías de aglomeración (to be read in 2009) University: Universitat de Barcelona


8. PhD theses

• PhD Student: José Luis Polo Otero Director: Martí Parellada Title: Análisis económico de las universidades (to be read in 2010) University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Paula Salinas Peña Director: Albert Solé Ollé Title: Evaluación de los efectos de la descentralización sobre la eficiencia en la provisión de servicios públicos (to be read in 2009) University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: Adriana Sánchez Hugalde Director: Albert Solé Ollé Title: El impacto de la inmigración sobre las escuelas españolas: segregación y resultados escolares Reading date: 28/03/2008 University: Universitat de Barcelona • PhD Student: José Alberto Saucedo Sánchez Director: Núria Bosch Roca Title: Flujos fiscales regionales y redistribución territorial en México (to be read in 2010) University: Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


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Report of the IEB’s activities 2008 [email protected]

Institut Institut d’Economia d’Economia de Barcelona de Barcelona

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