Isabella Berrio

RESUMEN DEL PLAN ANUAL VERSIÓN: 04 FECHA: 03/08/2015 PROCEDIMIENTO DE DISEÑO CURRICULAR Grade / Grado: Subject / Asignatura: Teacher’s Name / Nombre

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VERSIÓN: 04 FECHA: 03/08/2015

PROCEDIMIENTO DE DISEÑO CURRICULAR Grade / Grado: Subject / Asignatura: Teacher’s Name / Nombre del Profesor: E-mailing Address / Correo electrónico: Textbook used / Textos usados:

Resources / Recursos:

Day to hand homework in / Día de entrega de tareas

KINDER ENGLISH Isabella Berrio [email protected] Big Books Library books Pre-decodable Books Phonics book Pre-decodable books Material de Handwriting Without Tears, hojas de papel, tablero, computador, manipulativos, títeres, colores, crayolas, plastilina, goma, cartulinas de colores, revistas, crayolas, colores, rompecabezas, tijeras, plastilina, mimio, video beam, computador, libros de daily 5, cámara, juguetes, pinturas, pinceles, antología para lectura en voz alta, libros de rimas y canciones, diarios, patrones de alfabeto, láminas de palabras de alta frecuencia, tarjetas de palabras, tirillas para oraciones, poster de sonidos de las letras, letras táctiles, letras magnéticas, marcadores, calcomanías, lápices, CDs de música, grabadora, macarrones, tortillas, mantequilla de maní, gelatina, arena, ganchos de ropa, platos, servilletas, lana, tenedores, vasos, dinero de juguete, material reciclado, conchas, palitos de paleta, hojas, tierra, piedras, bolsas de plástico, guantes, disfraces, juguetes de cocina, videos de youtube, Power point presentations, páginas web: Reading,, Se notificará previamente y se publicará en la WEB.

Main Themes or topics per term / Temas por periodo: Term 1 / Periodo 1

Reading Recognize that words follow from left to right and from top to bottom on the printed page. Recognize and name all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet. Match sounds to letters. Track each word in a sentence and each syllable in a word. Recognize environmental print. Recognize that sentences in print are made up of separate words. Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book. Track isolated phonemes. Match consonant sounds to appropriate letters. Read one syllable and high frequency words: a, am, my, the, and, I, like. Identify and sort common words in basic categories. Identify settings. Practice outside reading. Writing Write uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet independently attending to the form and proper spacing of the letters. Write names using proper letter form and spacing. Spell independently, by using pre-phonetic knowledge, sounds of the alphabet, and knowledge of letter names. Write about self-selected topics. Introduce Lucy Calkins writing workshop Listening and Speaking Identify and produce rhyming words in response to an oral prompt. Sing songs. Recite repetitive phrases. Share information about recipes, food preparation, and favorite food. Recite poems. Describe people, places, things, locations and actions. Develop phonemic awareness. Term 2 / Periodo 2 Reading: Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literacy texts. Read and talk about own writing. Build up stamina to read to self (10 to 15 minutes). Understands that illustrations and pictures convey meaning. Knows the proper way to handle books (e.g., hold the book upright; turn pages from front to back, one at a time. Knows that print is read from left to right, top to bottom, and that books are read front to

back. Predicts story events or outcomes, using illustration and prior knowledge as a guide. Knows that books have titles, authors, and often illustrators. Uses visual and verbal cues, including pictures, to comprehend new words and stories. Knows the sequence of events (e.g., beginning, middle, and end) in a story. Writing: Write naming words for family members. Continue Lucy Calkins writing workshop Draw and write about self-selected topics. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions, such as simple sentences. Uses letters and phonetically spelled words to write about experiences, stories, people, objects or events. Compose and write a simple sentence with capital letter. Follow the writing process (prewrite, draft-respond and revise, proofread and publish) to make a class book. Listening and speaking: Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes: to share and experience, to talk about own writing, to express feelings. Uses new vocabulary to describe feelings, thoughts, experiences, and observations. Speaks expressively (e.g., uses different voices for various characters). Uses descriptive languages (e.g., color words; size words, such as bigger, smaller; shape words). Asks questions to obtain information. Answer simple questions. Gives and responds to oral directions. Follow conversation rules (e.g., taking turns, making relevant comments; staying on topic) when talking with peers and adults. Follows one and two step directions. Acts out a story. Relates an experience or creative story in a logical sequence. Term 3 / Periodo 3 Reading Uses the general skills and strategies of the reading process. Uses reading skills and strategies to understand and interpret a variety of literacy texts. Maintain stamina to read to self. Writing Uses the general skills and strategies of the writing process. Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written compositions.

Continue Lucy Calkins writing workshop Practicing Daily 5 writing and word work routines. Uses emergent writing skills to write for a variety of purposes (e.g., to make lists, to send messages, to write in a variety of forms (e.g., journals, sign-in sheets, name cards, cards with words and pictures). Listening and Speaking Uses listening and speaking strategies for different purposes. Practice listening routines from Daily 5. Listen and read to stories in the Listening Centre. Understands messages in conversations (e.g., responds differently based on purpose of messages in conversation; attends and responds to conversations). Follows one and two step directions. Understands basic conversational vocabulary. Engages in imaginative play, enacting simple characters or situations. Talk about favorite places, things they see during a field trip. Subject / Asignatura: Teacher’s Name / Nombre del Profesor: E-mailing Address / Correo electrónico: Textbook used / Textos usados: Resources / Recursos:

Day to hand homework in / Día de entrega de tareas

MATH Claudia Verbel [email protected]

Material manipulativo, figuras geométricas, cuencas de colores y formas, tiza, marcadores, colores, bloques de construcción, cuaderno, hojas de papel, computador, colores, crayolas, plastilina, goma, cartulinas de colores, Formas 2D y 3D, Cubos que se conectan, papel de dibujo, marcadores de borrado en seco, escarcha, revistas, mimio, CD de música, láminas de dibujos, tijeras, grapadora, calcomanías, cinta, video beam, Se notificará previamente y se publicará en la WEB.

Main Themes or topics per term / Temas por periodo: Term 1 / Periodo 1 Geometry:  Solid figures  Comparing solid figures

 Flat surfaces on solid figures  Plane shapes  Symmetry  Equal parts  Halves and fourth  Position (insides, outside, over, under, on)  Sorting (by colours, shapes, sides, and kinds)  Location (top, middle, bottom, left, right)  Classifying ( by colours, shapes, sides and kinds)  Graphing (many, more, fewer)  Understanding and extending patterns ( colour and shapes)  Comparing and creating patterns Term 2 / Periodo 2 Numbers: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Counting 1 – 10. Reading and writing 1 – 10. Reading and Writing 0 Comparing numbers through 10 Ordering numbers 0-10 Ordinal numbers through fifth Comparing numbers through tenth Counting from 11 to 20 Reading and writing 11 to 20 Skip counting by 2`s and 5`s Counting through 50 Reading and Writing through 50 Ways to make 4 and 5 Ways to make 6 and 7 Ways to make 8 and 9 Ways to make 10 1 more than 2 more Stories about joining Joining groups Using the plus sign Finding the sum Addition sentences : 1 fewer and 2 fewer Separating groups. Take away (subtraction) Comparing Using the minus sign Finding the differences Subtraction sentences Choose and operation Counting groups of 10

• • • •

Numbers to 100 Counting larger quantities 2`s, 5`s, and 10,s on the 100 chart. Counting by 2, 5, and 10

Term 3 / Periodo 3 Measurement:  Comparing and Ordering by size  Comparing length  Ordering Length  Measuring Length  Estimating and Measuring Length  Comparing and Ordering by Capacity  Comparing and Ordering by Weight  Estimating and Measuring Weight  Temperature  Days of the week  Yesterday, today and Tomorrow  Months of the Year  Seasons  Calendar  Ordering Events  Time of the day  Telling time on an analog clock  Telling time on a digital clock  More time and less time  Pesos Subject / Asignatura: Teacher’s Name / Nombre del Profesor: E-mailing Address / Correo electrónico: Textbook used / Textos usados: Resources / Recursos:

Day to hand homework in / Día de entrega de tareas

SCIENCE Claudia Verbel [email protected] N/A Videos, imágenes, láminas, cuaderno, computador, cuentos, colores, crayolas, plastilina, goma, cartulinas de colores, realia, plantas reales, dibujos, semillas, algodón semillas. Se notificará previamente y se publicará en la WEB.

Main Themes or topics per term / Temas por periodo:

Term 1 / Periodo 1 Living things and Non Living Things. What living things need. Animals, Plants and their habitats. Main parts of the body. Exploring our senses. How to take care of our body. Ways to keep healthy (eating healthy food, exercising and resting). Term 2 / Periodo 2 States of matter (solid,liquid,gas). How objects move (push and pull) Sound, Light and Heat. Magnetic attraction. Term 3 / Periodo 3 Soil, sand and rocks Characteristics of local landforms Water and air Objects in the sky: clouds, sun, moon, stars Day and night Taking care of our planet Earth Solar System

Subject / Asignatura: Teacher’s Name / Nombre del Profesor: E-mailing Address / Correo electrónico: Textbook used / Textos usados: Resources / Recursos:

Day to hand homework in / Día de entrega de tareas

SOCIAL STUDIES Isabella Berrio [email protected] N/A Videos, imágenes, láminas, computador, cuentos, colores, crayolas, plastilina, goma, cartulinas de colores, Pieces of cardboard, revistas, hojas de papel, tijeras, juguetes, masa moldeable, CDs de música, papel para dibujar, macarrones, tendedero, ganchitos de ropa, arena, bandejas, gancho para colgar ropa, lana, platos desechables, servilletas, vasos, tenedores, juguetes de cocina, disfraces. Se notificará previamente y se publicará en la WEB.

Main Themes or topics per term / Temas por periodo:

Term 1 / Periodo 1 School Rules Everyday routines School helpers Solving problems Shared writing: names, signs, story characters Interactive Writing: labels, chart, rules of the class Independent Writing: drawing journals, favourite school helper Sharing Literature: same/different, title, author, illustrator, left to right, top to bottom, match speech to text, concept of word, words are made of letters, connect text to life experience, questions and answers, story characters, matching words. Speaking and Listening: Converse audibly with friends and teachers to identify school personnel, describe role and responsibilities of students and school helpers, recognize the need for fair rules and laws, say the rules for the class, identify examples of responsible citizenship in the school setting, enact classroom problems and suggest fair solutions. Term 2 / Periodo 2 My Family Transport Silly Business Getting Along Homes Celebrations Shared Writing: write naming words for family members, draw and label different types of homes, draw and write about a visit to family members Independent writing: draw and write about self-selected topics, thank-you note to a family member Interactive writing: draw and write about a special birthday gift, and special family celebrations in other places and cultures Speaking and Listening: Class discussions about what it means to care for one another and how to help each other to learn and grow, different types of houses, give examples of how families cooperate and work together. Enact some family roles and situations. Term 3 / Periodo 3 Discover how people join together to help one another in their communities. Learn about jobs people do, how they work together, and places they go in their neighborhoods. Landforms Places you would like to visit Places you would like to explore Ways that people travel World map Globe Shared writing: describing words, directions, five senses, how to find directions, writing

process - informational book. Interactive writing: describing words, directions, five senses, writing process, weather forecast. Independent writing: sentences, describing words, questions, write a letter, label pictures of places, label places in maps, draw and write about favourite places. Speaking and listening: talk about favourite places, things they see during a field trip Subject / Asignatura: Teacher’s Name / Nombre del Profesor: E-mailing Address / Correo electrónico: Textbook used / Textos usados: Resources / Recursos:

Day to hand homework in / Día de entrega de tareas

ART Erica vega [email protected] N/A Pintura, pinceles, escarcha, algodón, palitos de paleta, ojitos de plástico, plastilina, botones, papel de colores, harina, esponjas, tijeras, tiza, goma, lana, gafas plásticas, azúcar, aceite, agua, arena betún, música, bloques, avena, fécula de maíz, sal, bicarbonato, colorantes vegetales, palillos, telas, cartulinas, colores, recipientes, limpiapipas, papel de diferentes texturas y colores. Se notificará previamente y se publicará en la WEB.

Main Themes or topics per term / Temas por periodo: Term 1 / Periodo 1 Aprender que con las huellas dejadas por distintos elementos se puede elaborar una linda obra de arte. Producir huellas con las manos y con los pies e inventar sus propias impresiones. Elaborar títeres con sus propios deditos pintando los dedos con pintura y colocándole ojos, boca y nariz. Recordar los colores primarios y sensibilizarse con cada uno de ellos y sus sensaciones. Aplicar pinturas utilizando la técnica de dáctilo pintura. Crear un dibujo con tizas sobre un tablero (autorretrato) Term 2 / Periodo 2 Trabajo de campo, los caminos y senderos aplicando t?cnica de salpicado. -Collage utilizando diversas figuras y rasgados. -Manualidades con Papel-mach Term 3 / Periodo 3 -Dimensión valorativa y Actitudinales: Participación, interés fomento de valores y esfuerzo personal. -Dimensión cognitiva: Comprensión de conceptos básicos del saber específico.

-Dimensión procedimentales: Actividades que corresponden a aquellos aspectos involucrados en la realización de un trabajo artístico. -Dimensión Creativa: Resultados de los procesos creadores. Subject / Asignatura: Teacher’s Name / Nombre del Profesor: E-mailing Address / Correo electrónico: Textbook used / Textos usados: Resources / Recursos:

Day to hand homework in / Día de entrega de tareas

MOTRICIDAD FINA Erica Vega [email protected] N/A Crayola, pinturas, plastilina, hojas de papel de colores, cartulina, pinceles, lanas, pinzas metálicas, motas de algodón, tubos de cartón, bandas elásticas, pinzas de colgar ropa, cartón paja, punzones, tablas para punzar, pegante, tijeras, revistas, papel silueta, papel cometa, limpia pipas, pastas, semillas, agua, arena, recipientes de diferentes tamaños, instrumentos musicales, agua, arena, etc. Se notificará previamente y se publicará en la WEB.

Main Themes or topics per term / Temas por periodo: Term 1 / Periodo 1 -Ejercicios viso motores -Ejercicios de pre escritura -Ejercicios de percepción visual - frosting -Memoria visual -Percepción auditiva Term 2 / Periodo 2 -Ejercicios viso motores -Ejercicios de pre escritura -Ejercicios de percepción visual - frosting -Memoria visual -Percepción auditiva Term 3 / Periodo 3 -Ejercicios viso motores -Ejercicios de pre escritura -Ejercicios de percepción visual - frosting -Memoria visual -Percepción auditiva Subject / Asignatura:


Teacher’s Name / Nombre del Profesor: E-mailing Address / Correo electrónico: Textbook used / Textos usados: Resources / Recursos: Day to hand homework in / Día de entrega de tareas

Isabel Pinedo [email protected] Cartilla de pre-escritura Material de Handwriting Without Tears, hojas de papel, cuaderno, lápices, colores, computador, crayolas, sacapuntas, cartulinas, goma, etc. Se notificará previamente y se publicará en la WEB. Se enviarán 3 o 4 tareas por ciclo.

Main Themes or topics per term / Temas por periodo: Term 1 / Periodo 1 Presentación de las vocales A, E, I, O, U. Presentación de las consonantes F, D, P, B, R, C. Lectura de vocales. Lectura de silabas de las letras en estudio. Lectura de palabras y frases que contienen las letras estudiadas. Escritura de las vocales A, E, I, O, U. Escritura de consonantes: F, D, P, B, R, C. Escritura de silabas y palabras con las consonantes F, D, P, B, R, C. Term 2 / Periodo 2 Presentación de las consonantes: R, M, N, Ñ, S, T, G, J, L. Lectura de silabas, palabras y oraciones con las consonantes dadas. Escritura de las consonantes: R , M, N, Ñ, S, T, G, J. Escritura de silabas, palabras y oraciones con las consonantes: R , M, N, Ñ, S, T, G, J, L. Term 3 / Periodo 3 Presentación de las consonantes: H, K, Q, V, W, X, Y, Z. Uso de la CH, LL. Presentación de las letras del alfabeto en minúscula. Lectura de silabas, palabras y oraciones de las letras en estudio. Lectura de textos sencillos que contienen las letras en estudio. Escritura de las consonantes: H, K, Q, V, W, X, Y, Z. Escritura de silabas, palabras y oraciones con las consonantes dadas. Escritura de las letras del alfabeto en minúscula. Escritura creativa partiendo de la observación de imágenes. Escritura de las consonantes en minúscula. Subject / Asignatura: Teacher’s Name / Nombre del Profesor: E-mailing Address / Correo

MÚSICA Viviana Martelo [email protected]

electrónico: Textbook used / Textos usados: Resources / Recursos:

Day to hand homework in / Día de entrega de tareas

N/A Grabadora, CD, crayolas, marcadores, papel sellos, papel, títeres, juguetes, vinilo, dibujos, instrumentos musicales, regla, sacapuntas, lapicero, computador, micrófono. N/A

Main Themes or topics per term / Temas por periodo: Term 1 / Periodo 1 Reconoce las cualidades del sonido: timbre, altura, duración e intensidad. Aprende el texto de canciones y las canta. Canta manteniendo la afinación y buena postura. Imita y reconoce sonidos y melodías. Term 2 / Periodo 2 Lleva el ritmo de una canción. Ejecuta ejercicios rítmicos sencillos, marcando pulsos y acentos. Canta canciones a dos voces. Interpreta ritmos básicos y elementales en instrumentos de percusión menor como cajas chinas, claves, maracas, triángulos, pandereta. Term 3 / Periodo 3 Diferencia las familias y conjuntos instrumentales. Aprende códigos de dirección pre-orquestal y coro. Conoce el pentagrama y su importancia el lenguaje musical. Canta y reconoce los sonidos de la escala de do mayo.

Subject / Asignatura: Teacher’s Name / Nombre del Profesor: E-mailing Address / Correo electrónico: Textbook used / Textos usados: Resources / Recursos: Day to hand homework in / Día de entrega de tareas

EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Katiuska Iglesias Monica Peña [email protected] [email protected] N/A Aros, conos, colchonetas, balones, pelotas pequeñas, pelotas medias, ula-ula y vallas pequeñas N/A

Main Themes or topics per term / Temas por periodo:

Term 1 / Periodo 1 Esquema corporal 1. Conductas motrices de base - Conocimiento de las distintas partes del cuerpo - Formaciones básicas - Educación respiratoria 2. Juegos - Juegos de coordinación óculo manual 3. Recreación y rondas Conductas temporo espaciales 1. Conductas motrices espaciales - Percepción espacial: Diferenciar los tiempos de antes, durante y después - Percepción temporal: Manejo de direcciones básicas, arriba, abajo, derecha, izquierda y atrás 2. Juegos - Juegos de coordinación óculo pedica 3. Rondas y juegos Term 2 / Periodo 2 Ajuste postural 1. Afianzamiento de las funciones de las partes del cuerpo - Equilibrio - Coordinación - Desplazamientos - Lanzar y recibir - Formaciones básicas 2. Juegos - Juegos de coordinación óculo manual 3. Rondas y juegos Gimnasia básica 1. Ejercicios de organización y control - Formas básicas de movimientos: saltar, lanzar, trepar, rodar, traccionar y empujar 2. Juegos - Juegos de coordinación óculo pedica 3. Rondas y juegos Term 3 / Periodo 3 Educación rítmica 1. Movimientos con sonidos - Desplazamiento en ritmo - Ejercicios con acompañamiento rítmico - Trabajo con elementos 2. Juegos - Juegos de coordinación general 3. Rondas y juegos

Coordinación general 1. Rollos adelante y atrás - Carreras con obstáculos - Satos individuales y por parejas sin y con impulso. - Desplazamientos 2. Juegos - Juegos de coordinación óculo pedica 3. Rondas y juegos

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