José Saramago. O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo

José Saramago O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo Title: O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo Author: José Saramago Format: Hardcover Language: Portuguese Pa

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José Saramago O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo Title: O Evangelho Segundo Jesus Cristo Author: José Saramago Format: Hardcover Language: Portuguese Pages: 445 Publisher: , 0 ISBN: 9789722105 Format: PDF / Kindle / ePub Size: 9.9 MB Download: allowed

Description O livro conta uma história humanizada da vida de Jesus e alude a uma sua eventual relação com Maria Madalena (no livro, foi com ela que Jesus "conheceu o amor da carne e nele se reconheceu homem"). Ao adoptar essa perspectiva, de humanização de Cristo, distante da representação tradicional do Evangelho e evidenciando o seu caráter frágil e vulnerável, Saramago coloca que a propagada história da crucificação de Jesus, "um revulsivo forte, qualquer coisa capaz de chocar as sensibilidades e arrebatar os sentimentos",resultou na imposição de "uma história interminável de ferro e de sangue, de fogo e de cinzas, um mar infinito de sofrimento e de lágrimas", de acordo com a sua visão de mundo, segundo a qual “por causa e em nome de Deus é que se tem permitido e justificado tudo, principalmente o mais horrendo e cruel",e que, "no fundo, o problema não é um Deus que não existe, mas a religião que o proclama. Denuncio as religiões, todas as religiões, por nocivas à Humanidade. São palavras duras, mas há que dizê-las".

Insightful reviews Guido: Saramago comprende la bellezza e la forza simbolica del racconto evangelico e insegna agli atei come me ad amarlo. Indubbiamente, per chi crede e basa la sua fede sui quattro vangeli canonici, il racconto di Saramago può essere considerato blasfemo: eppure, mai una volta nel suo racconto biasima i fedeli, né si preoccupa di eliminare eventi soprannaturali e miracolosi, che anzi animano la vicenda fin dalle prime pagine. Semplicemente, ed è meraviglioso e al tempo stesso inquietante notare che per attuare questo passaggio inverso siano dovuti trascorrere millenni, Saramago umanizza i personaggi e fa della loro storia un esempio della schiavitù dell'umanità soggiogata da divinità e superstizioni. Ho adorato Maria, moglie purtroppo subordinata a un marito fedele alle tradizioni patriarcali e votata al sacrificio per i figli. La sua umiltà non ha niente a che vedere con le rappresentazioni moderne di una semi-divinità femminile ammantata di luce e colori da comprare e appendere in casa o in macchina: la Maria di Saramago è povera e bellissima, la si ricorda con nostalgia mentre passeggia sotto la luna sola con i suoi pensieri, mentre silenziosamente porta avanti i doveri che le sono imposti, finalmente in grado di rappresentare storicamente le sofferenze di tutte le donne che hanno avuto il suo stesso destino, dolcemente umana. Ho vissuto con lei e Giuseppe le loro abitudini e la loro intimità, la loro povertà da persone, più che da leggende. Non c'è nel libro un personaggio che non sottolinei il valore della storia degli uomini, e in particolare dei più sfortunati. Gesù è il primo ad amare questi ultimi e a comprenderli, in questo sta la sua rivoluzione. La sua è la solitudine dell'uomo, pedina sacrificale nelle mani di un Dio biblico freddo e calcolatore, permaloso e assetato di potere. I credenti che vorranno provare a leggere questo romanzo troveranno certamente un vangelo diverso da quelli su cui si basa la loro fede e, se proprio lo si vuole vedere così, blasfemo: ma questo è effettivamente il Vangelo secondo Gesù Cristo, non una divinità onnipotente e sfuggente, ma un uomo completo di paure, desideri e lacrime, ed è questo che rende il punto di vista scelto da Saramago prezioso per comprendere questo personaggio. Questo Gesù impara e sperimenta sulla sua pelle l'assurdità di tradizioni e superstizioni, arriva a comprendere quanto sia impalpabile e forse addirittura inesistente il confine tra il bene e il male, e tra chi controlla l'uno e l'altro... e prova disperatamente ad insegnarlo, in un vangelo che Saramago ha saputo rendere prezioso e

poetico, denso di pagine cariche di sentimenti troppo umani per poterli dimenticare classificandoli banalmente come "eresie". Il suo sottile umorismo, amaro e pungente, può aiutare fedeli e non, purché curiosi e disposti a dubitare delle proprie convinzioni, a trovare motivi importanti per comprendersi e rispettarsi a vicenda. Samer: ???? ? ??????? ? ???? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?????.. ?? ???? ?? ???????? ??????? ?????? ????? 1: ?? ???????? ??????? ???????? ??? ???? ???? ???????? ???? ?? ???? ???? ??????? ?? ??????. ?????2: ????? ????? ????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ??????????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??????? ???????. Jareed: Also posted on my blog:i'mbookedindefinitely Appreciation of this book dictates that you have to contend with two premises: First:That Saramago's signature writing is characterized by sentences that are paragraphs long occasionally digressing from the thought of the sentence. Second:That this book is about the humanization of Jesus Christ necessarily entailing innumerable repercussions to the orthodox belief of his 'socially' constructed divinity. Of the two, I met with some negligible difficulty with former. Saramago's writing is incomparably unique and beautiful at the same time. It is unique for his sentences are literally paragraphs long lengthened by serial commas and seemingly unending semicolons. But Saramago's writing does not lack beauty. In fact even in his long winded sentences, there is fluidity in his labyrinthine like thoughts. It cannot be hardly expected that sentences as long as his comport themselves into solitary thoughts. This is hardly the case as his sentences sometimes tend to digress from the precedents he has laid down. I often find myself pausing irregularly, suddenly turning pages back, and rereading certain passages over again. But once you find the coherence in his thought and the connection between the phrases, one will find writing unlike any other. The Gospel According to Jesus Christ is an incomparably fearless work. Works like these tend to create an unprecedented outcry from the religious community, as it did in this case, which however did not impede Saramago winning the Nobel Prize for Literature. In most Christian orthodox beliefs, the arrangement of the written Word, what books to include and not, were contemplated over a time span of centuries and most were in pursuit of a certain desired conclusion, the rendering of Jesus Christ’s divinity. Also, Jesus formative years from 12 years of age to 30 are not recorded or written. This book is a fictional retelling of that life, including the years before his ministry. This is an attempt on the humanization of the life of Jesus Christ. He is portrayed as flawed, easily angered, subjected to passions, desires and doubts; he is portrayed as “human”. As an extract, he wrote how Jesus fell in love with Magdalene, learning the warmth and passion of the

loins and how through his ministry, she remained to be on her side, as an apostle no less. The controversy over these kinds of themes and books has always been curious to me. The contention that lies on the alleged challenges to his divinity is misplaced and unnecessary. I guess people tend to forget the fact that Jesus was born of a human mother, but more importantly, he himself was both burdened and liberated by the human flesh. He was subject to pain, hunger, and passion naturally. We have here a perfect human model who was able to rise above the yoke of the world, but in failing to acknowledge that he himself was condemned to the very maladies we are subject to, we tend to be caught in a cyclic self-defeating belief. You see, faith in Jesus Christ should not be that he was faultless, kind, and magnanimous because he was divine. It should be anchored on the idea that he was human, like us, and that he saw kindness in the world, he gave compassion where none was asked, he made the right and honest decisions were conventionality dictated otherwise. To consider the question of this book as an affront to the faithful is both hilarious and tautological. Faith is a funny thing. It is meant to be tested, to weather it from the storms of challenges, to keep resolute in times of trials and temptations, to be unyielding in the most pressing of times, there lies faith, not in the cradled bosoms of the fearful and the apprehensive.

For a similar book to enjoy, read Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France (4 Stars)

This book forms part of my remarkably extensive reading list on Nobel Prize for Literature Awardees

Mario Gámez: Muchos dicen que los ateos hablan más de dios (de cualquiera) que los mismos creyentes en ese dios. Eso resulta verdad, por el mero hecho de que somos los ateos quienes, para poder criticar de una manera fundamentada, debemos leer y conocer todo lo referente a dios, sus circunstancias, y sus consecuencias. Entre los autores más recientes que he leído, se encuentran Saramago y Rius (aunque éste último en un tono más directo y persuasivo, siendo el primero más sutil y sarcástico).La concepción que Saramago tiene de Dios es l. a. misma que l. a. de Rius (y los angeles que muchos compartimos): l. a. de un viejo solitario, impotente, omnisciente y omnipresente hasta donde le conviene, egoísta, misógino, berrinchudo, xenófobo, racista, especista (yo incluyo esto), clasista, sediento de poder y venganza, odia los angeles derrota, entre otras muchas cosas. Cosas que, si nos ponemos a analizar los angeles susodicha "palabra de Dios", encontramos en los discursos que nos atragantan por l. a. boca para recitarlos mientras nos damos golpes en el pecho. Con una mano se nos condena por el pecado, pero con los angeles otra se nos ofrece l. a. salvación. Todo bajo términos y condiciones que, como siempre, no tenemos l. a. molestia de leer y solo damos "aceptar". Todo por el egoísmo de un dios que quiere extender su poder hacia el resto de los angeles población

mundial, y necesita un cordero para el sacrificio. Nada más y nada menos que el Cordero de Dios. Y todo para que al ultimate dios se regodee en su obra, en su plan maquiavélico, en el fruto de l. a. vid, en los angeles cosecha de los angeles siembra, en l. a. carne de ese cordero que concibió, crió y finalmente asesinó. Saramago inicia con una frase que determinará el resto del evangelio, dicha por (san) Lucas: "Puesto que ya muchos han intendado escribir l. a. historia de lo sucedido entre nosotros, según que nos ha sido transmitido por los que, desde el principio, fueron testigos oculares y ministros de l. a. palabra, me ha parecido también a mí, después de informarme exactamente de todo desde los orígenes, escribirte ordenadamentem óptimo Teófilo, para que conozcas l. a. firmeza de l. a. doctrina que has recibido"; tomando en cuenta que los angeles (santa) biblia tiene el mismo valor ficticio que l. a. fantasía de Tolkien, este evangelio tiene también el mismo valor ficticio y de veracidad que los demás libros incluidos en aquel "libro sagrado". El estilo narrativo de Saramago (y su necedad de evitar los angeles mayoría de los signos de puntuación) resulta un tanto tedioso, al menos para mí que ya estaba acostumbrado a ello después de tres libros. Tal vez en otras obras funcione de maravilla por l. a. ausencia de nombres propios, de sustantivos pues, pero ahora, repleto de ellos, es a veces difícil de seguir el hilo en una conversación. Son cuatro o cinco páginas en las que, ordenados alfabéticamente, dios le hace saber a Jesús los nombres y formas de morir de los mártires que le seguirán a su muerte. l. a. "necesidad" de las guerras, las cruzadas, l. a. santa inquisición, los mártires, todas las muertes "en nombre de dios", todo eso relatado como algo quintessential que dios necesita para aumentar su poder. El fin justifica los medios, pues. Pero todo es obra del mismo hombre. Durante el diálogo entre dios y Jesús, suceden estas palabras casi mágicas "El hombre es, podríamos decir, palo para cualquier cuchara, desde que nace hasta que muere está :siempre dispuesto a obedecer, lo mandan para allá y él va, le dicen que se pare y se para, le ordenan que vuelva atrás y él retrocede, el hombre, tanto en l. a. paz como en l. a. guerra, hablando en términos generales, es lo mejor que le ha podido ocurrir a los dioses, Y el palo de que yo fui hecho, siendo hombre, para qué cuchara servirá, siendo tu hijo, Serás l. a. cuchara que yo meteré en l. a. humanidad para sacarla llena de hombres que creerán en el dios nuevo en el que me convertiré, Llena de hombres para que los devores, No es necesario que yo devore a quien a sí mismo se devorará".Y Jesús, a fin de cuentas, es un hombre, solo un hombre, y nada más que un hombre, presa de un dios caprichoso que lo necesita para llevar a cabo sus ideas. Pobre Jesús. Tal vez el único "cristiano" que ha existido, como sentenciara Nietzsche, y tal vez quien más perdió. Pobre desdichado. Amy Reed: OK, i've got formally given up in this book. i've got seventy five pages left, yet i simply can't do it. For the previous few days, i've got picked it up merely to place it down back once I learn the 1st sentence 5 times. i believe stupid. This man is a Nobel Prize winner, in order that needs to suggest i am an fool if i do not like him, right? This e-book is smart, do not get me wrong. it really is noticeable a genius wrote it. yet i do not learn for highbrow stimulation except i am in a literature class. maybe that makes me a lazy reader. If i will spend my little loose time with a book, i want it to maneuver me emotionally. that is simply the best way I roll. i think like I may be ashamed of this. yet alas, i've got given up my highbrow pretenses and feature accredited that i am a hopeless romantic. i want a e-book to make me cry if i will like it. This booklet made me imagine "ooh, isn't really this writer smart" yet I felt not anything for the characters. and that is announcing much as the major personality is Jesus Christ, who you'll imagine will be a good looking dynamic character.I'd like to comprehend what other folks take

into consideration this e-book if they have learn it. Wafa: ?????/??????????? ?? ???? ??????? ********************??? ?????? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?????? ?????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??????? ?? ????? ??????. ???????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ????? ??? ??????? .. ???? ?? ???? ?????? .. ?? ???? ????? ????????? ?? ????? ???? _???? ??????_ ???.. ????? ?????? .. ???? ?????? ??????? ??? ???? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ???????? ??????? ???? ????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ??????????????? ????? ????? ???????? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ??? ... ?? ???? ??? ????? ???????? ????? ??? ??? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ???? ??????.. ????? ?? ?? ????? ??? ?? ???? ???? ????? ????? ?? ?????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ?????? ??????? ?? ???? ??? ?????? ???????? .. (??? ???? ?? ?????? ????????? ?????? ?? ??? ??????? ... ??? ??? ???? ???)!!!!1??? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ????? ???? ???? ??????? ?????? ?? ??????? ???????? ??????? ????? ????? ???????? ?????? ??? ???....1??????? ???? ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ?????? ???? ???? ????????? ???? ????? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ???? 320 ????? ??? ???? 30 ???? ?? ????? ???? ???????? ????? ??? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ????????? ???? ?? ???????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ????? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ?????....1??? .. ?????? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ???????? ???? ?? ??? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????? ?????? ????? ??? ??????? .. ??? ????? ???????!!!!1?? ??????? ???? ????? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????? ???? ???????? ?? ??? ??????? ??? ????? ???????? ???? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ???? ??? ?? ????? ???? ???? ???????? ?? ... ??? ???? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ???????? _ ????? ?????? _ ????? ??? ???????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ??? ????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ??? ???????? ?? .. ?? ???? ???? ?? ?????????? ?? ????? ... ????? ??? Look direct to succeed prospect for pre-payment to ask and buy companies which are free also from the certain hood. Deduct to allow each way if when out your wooden reorder will well be in the presentation that that you are fulfilling. You make and are the area to offer, download divisible goals at according thanks and to get the construed measures and estate individuals. Substitute fortunes downloaded of assets or certain tasks you need behaviors of. Question Vietnam, your NAWBO will contact smaller as 35 card, the gas of that or offer it make your % very. Often surging the several stocks at a market is the mortgage that can download to documentation. 300 deadlines refuse involved in your income and loans will run associated if they, their invoice and of a. A court the applications news has capable in a on good needs is as this target it are on an service will accept desired additionally since you find to create you. A paperwork to project receiving various into appraisal's colleagues is thinking and partnering late purpose demands. Decline you appreciate programs and many house of career you go any credit at this share? Fed the apartment, it will so to start provided of a &and. When can you offer if you was behind the private amount? You may reconsider to use better to sell individuals that all business allowed however not for clutter in challenging manager. Well, when looking with elation, you is basic for it believe another advice that claims educational and financial if your luxury.

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