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Journey in Understanding the Self.

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Story Transcript

Journey in Understanding the Self.

Unfolding the Biological Self

Biological self open one's view of their physical changes through time, and also one's sexual position and interaction with others that one deemed' as part of his sexual being in the society..

Unfolding the Biological Self: Physical Self.

Physical Self is all about our physical features that changes through time as we age, and biologically connected factors like genetics from our parents making us have the physical features that we have. And lastly is our well being that keep our physical features beautiful.

This Activity MEvolution is the example of how physical features changes as we age, these help me able to understand recall how my mind and body changes through time as I do what I desire in this current lifetime of mine.

Unfolding the Biological Self: Sexual Self.

Sexual Self tackled the things connected to one's sexuality. We are born and identified into two sexualities, male or female, depending on what genitals we were born with. As we grow from young to teens, there are strange feelings or urges that we may experience as we hit puberty.

This activity let me reflect and logically think about the factors that influence our sexual self. I was able to come into a realizations about the correlation of society's ideals or beliefs and our sexual role or identity. In the society where a child is influence by people on what he/she should be his/her behavior correspond to their sexuality which is embedded mostly by their parents and peers.

Social Self Our interactions, how we influence and are influence by others.

Social Self: Cultural Self

Culture is all about people's ways of life. These are beliefs, values, traditions, and practices that are embedded or passed down from generation to generation. This is one of the biggest factors of our own beliefs and of what see or view of others, it is where our morality mostly came from.

Social Self: Socio-Digital Self

Socio-digital self is all about our identity in social media or platforms online. Our self in physical world may be different to our identity or what people see in us in social media. Lot of teenagers considered social media as a way of temporary of escape frome their responsibilities and sufferings in physical world.

Social Self: Material or Economic self

In this current generation where technology advance, a lot oof things are made. CLothes, devices, and other things that we buy depending on what we desire. In buying things, there are factors that we first need to check before buying them like the durability of it, 'does it suit my style"' , 'is it comfortable' , the brand. That is what I think about economic self, our identity when it comes to buying things.

These activities let me realize the difference of my identities or self depending on the context or settings. It let me reflect of how culture, the digital world and the way I spend money for things, became part of my social self as I use communication interaction in social media, culture and in stores to easily get what I desire and of what I should be as a person in society. BOOK ACTIVITY

Mental Self

Cognition, Memory & Intelligence This is the capability of our minds to process information that we have encountered. Cognition that helps us process and analyza information and use it in physical world and may exemplified by our thorough decisions in life. Memory is the information or insights storage in our mind which we passively use in our daily lives. And Intelligence, it is how we are able to gai insights from things that we see or encountered or it our capability of learning from information that we possessed and use it emphirically.

Human Learning.. Learning in my own understanding is the processes of how we manage all the informations that we have encountered and use it practically. It may cause changes in our own viwes of particular things and change in our behavior. I also considered it as a cause for our abilities and skills to emerge or form, and master them until we reach our limits. Human learning is not just about academics but it is also about how we manage the past errors as a remembrance in the present for past error to not emerge in the present.

Book Activity This activity let me understand my strengths and weaknesses as I devolve in the multiple intelligence that I currently posses. And able to realize the things that I lack and needs to improve.

Emotional Self

Human Emotions & Emotional Intelligence Emotions, it is one of the complex topics when thinking how emotions really produce. Emotional Intelligence is all about emotions control or of how we use emotions passively in our life or how we drive challenges with the help of emotions. For me it is one of the topics that is quite complex and difficult to understand as it deals more in the psychological that deals with feelings or emotions that are formed or produce depending on the situations and our capability of managing them or using them in a right moment.

Emotional Regulation Emotions, it can be a tool for interaction and communication if use thoroughly. Emotion Regulation is all about controlling facial expressions that represent certain emotions and influence emotions. This is one my biggest strengths, my usual face looks like an emotionless person as such I practice on how to change my facial expressions to interact with other better and not making them uncomfortable regardless of my personal circumstances.

Act i v it i e s : MRR2 T h e M R R 2 h e l p e d m e u n d e r s t a n d m o r e a b o u t E m o t i o n a l I n t e l l i g e n c e a n d i t s c o n s i s t i n g f a c t o r s . A n d m a d e m e t h i n k a b o u t t h e e m o t i o n a l a s p e c t o f p s y c h o l o g i c a l s e l f .

Book Activity These book activitis enabled me to realize various consequences of my reactions in different circumstances. And also factors that may influence my emotions like the behavior of a person near me.

Spiritual Self

Inner Soul. Inner soul is the presence of spirituality in our mind. it is all about religion or beliefs in the existence of GOd. Inner soul keeps our life more meaningful and 'alive' as seeking the existence of GOd can make us realize our purpose in our life.

Connections with Nature Our connections with nature are strengthen as we realize the importance of it to us and I consider nature as gift from Father God. That is why UI believe that we should keep safe and protect nature it is our home and our everything.

Discovering Life's meaning. Life's meaning is very important in everyone's life as it keeps us in keeping our existence in this bright. In my perspective, as someone who suffers a lot, I have also question my purpose and attempted to end my life. However, it was stop by someone, and was invited to attend a Christian gathering, in here I have found my purpose in life and that is to serve Father God through keeping my life bright and shine and do good things.

GED101-Digital Scrapbook by: Velasco, Bryant Joseph T. END...

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