l eiiitof Obama dice a TV hispana que confia en lograr la reforma migratoria

Casualties of War in Iraq 4,802 Afghan 3258 as of March 28,2013 T e x a s ’ O ld e s t H is p a n ic O w n e d € l eiiitof Week of March 28 thru Apr

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Casualties of War in Iraq 4,802 Afghan 3258 as of March 28,2013

T e x a s ’ O ld e s t H is p a n ic O w n e d

€ l eiiitof Week of March 28 thru April 10, 2013

V O L . X X X V I No. 24


Celebrating 37 Years of Publishing ‘El Respeto al Derecho Ajeno es la Paz” Lie Benito Juarez L u b b o c k /M id la n d -O d e s s a R egion

Obama dice a TV hispana que confia en lograr la reforma migratoria El presidente Barack Obam a se mostn5 este midrcoles "muy confiado” de que un grupo bipamdi.sta de ocho senadores presentard un proyecto de ley de reform a migratoria cuando el Congreso culmine su receso primaveral de dos sem anas, aun pese a discrepanciaa entre la patronal y sindicatos sobre los salarios de trabajadores poco capacitados. "Soy muy optim ista de que, cuando ellos regresen (del receso) a com ienzos de abril, veremos un proyecto de ley listo para el proceso legislativo”, dijo durante una entrevista concedida a Telemundo. "Hay aun algunas areas com o el flujo fuhiro de trabajadores extranjeros, y los sindicatos y la patronal puede que no siempre coincidan exactamente en edmo hacerlo. Pero este es un tema que se puede resolver", indied el mandatario refiridndose a las discrepancias de ultima bora que surgieron el viem es cuando los ocho senadores estaban cerca de lograr un acuerdo para dedicarse a redactar el proyecto de ley durante el receso primav­ eral de dos semanas. La Cam ara de Com ercio y la central sindical A FL -CIO han alcanzado acuerdos importantes en un programa nuevo

de visas que traena a Estados U nidos 200j000 trabajadores extranjeros cada afio. Pero el avance se detuvo el viem es por diferencias sobre los salarios de los trabajadores. El sindicato aspira a salarios mayores a los que cam ara ha aceptado hasta el m om enta. "Soy optim ista. Siempre he dicho que si veo un retraso en el proceso, tengo m i propio proyecto de ley. Estoy Usta para intervenir. Pero no cteo que vaya a ser necesario. Creo que hay com prom iso en este gm po de senadores dem deratas y republicanos para lograr esta", afirmd O bam a. El mandatario reiterd su expectativa de que el proceso concluya durante el primer semestre de 2013 durante otra entrevista que concedid este miercoles a U nivision y que serd transmitida el dom ingo por la cadena, dos di'as despuds de que exhortara al Congreso a "terminar el trabajo” durante una cerem onia de naturalizacidn que presidid el lunes en la Casa Blanca. La m edida de los o cho sena­ dores incluin'a nuevos criterios de medicidn para la seguridad ffonteriza, permitin'a el ingreso de mds trabajadores a E stados U nidos y exigin'a a las em-

New Dalhart Affordable Housing Development Breaks Ground (Dalhart)—A groundbreak­ ing ceremony was held today in Dalhart to commence the construction of the Rita Blanca Apartments, a 28 unit afford­ able rental housing development targeted to low-income agricul­ tural workers. The Rita Blanca Apartments project is being developed by the Guadalupe Economic Services Corpora­ tion (GESC), a Texas nonprofit corporation. Joining GESC at the groundbreaking ceremony today were representatives firam the U.S. Department of Agriculnire (USDA) and the Texas State Affordable Housing Corporation (TSAHC), the entities financing the proposed development. “Our groundbreaking repre­ sents a culmination of expe­ riences to expand housing opportunities available to the community by constructing safe and affordable housing for fami­ lies who otherwise would not be able to find or afford a suit­ able place to five,” said Diana Lopez, Executive Director of Guadalupe Economic Services Corporation. The Rita Blanca Apartments will be constructed on 5 .73 acres located on East 9th Street and Maynard Street and wiU consist of seven four-plex buildings and one community building where educational programs will be available to residents. The units will range from 888 square feet for two bedroom units, 1,074 square feet for three bedroom

units and 1,451 square feet for four bedroom units. Each unit will have central heating/cooling, washer/dryer hook-ups, ce­ ramic file in kitchens and baths, and carpeting in living areas. In addition, all ground floor units will have accessible no-step en­ trances and will be constructed to meet federal energy efficiency standards. “We are proud to be partner­ ing with GESC and USDA to create affordable housing for low-income agricultural workers in a part of the state that sees very little new development but greatly needs it,” said David Long, President of the Texas State Affordable Housing Cor­ poration. The Rita Blanca Apartments will be reserved for families earning 60% or less of the area median income, which is $32220 for a family of four in Dalhart. All units will receive project based rental assistance from USDA, which allows low-income residents to pay only 30% of their gross income on rent. USDA has commit­ ted $2,686,430 as a deferred forgivable grant and $100,000 as a permanent loan. TSAHC is providing a 20-year loan for $356,125. The total construc­ tion budget is $32 milhon. Rita Blanca Apartments is expected to be ready for leasing by the Spring of 2014. Leasing infor­ mation is available by contacting Matt Archuleta at 505-258-1592.

presas mayore.s verificaciones de que sus em pleados pueden trabajar legalm ente, en lo que seria la mayor reform a migrato­ ria desde 1986. La propuesta del Senado conlemplan'a una espera de 13 anos para los inmigrantes sin papeles, que les brindan'a un estatus provisional durante 10 anos hasta o btener la residencia perm anente y tres anos mds tarde podn'an optar por la natu­ ral izacidn. O bam a form ulo sus comentarios el mism o di'a en que una coalicidn de 34 organizaciones hispanas anunciara la celebraci6n de 60 asambleas vecinales en diferentes ciudades com o form a de presidn para que el Congreso apruebe antes del receso veraniego una reform a migratoria integral que defina la situacibn de 11 m illones de inmigrantes sin papeles. H ector S anchez, presidente de la coalici6n N ational Hispanic Leadership A genda (N H LA ), dijo que la cam paha incluird adem as un com ponente en Ifnea, llam adas telefonicas y reuniones con congresistas con la m eta de alcanzar un total co m b in ad o d e 100,0(X) reunio­ nes, cartas, c o n eos electronicos, llam adas, faxes y tuits dirigidos al Congreso.

La cam paha titulada "Latinos U nidos por una Refom ra Migratoria" contard tambihn con el sitio de internet httpV/latinosunited. org/. Los activistas consideran que el proyecto de ley necesita presentarse cuanto antes, m ientras algunos congresistas republicanos han senalado que el proceso ha transcurrido dem asiado idpido. Janet M urguia, presidenta del Consejo N acional de la Raza (N C LR por sus siglas en inglds) dijo que confia que el proyecto de ley seid presentado tras el receso primaveral, pero que igual participara en la cam paha porque "no podemos confiar en esperanzas". "El proceso ha tardado porque estdn buscando consenso para que (el proyecto de ley) pueda avanzar rdpidam ente a nivel de comith. E speramos que el tiem po invertido ahora rinda frutos en el proceso legislativo", agrego. "E ntendemos que estan a punta de presentar el proyecto de ley, que serd considerado por el com ite (judicial) en abril y m ayo y som etido a votacidn en el pleno del Senado en junio". N H LA form ulo su anuncio el m ism o di'a EN que cuatro

Two Texas State faculty members named top Hispanic professors SA N M A R C O S - Texas State U niversity profes­ sors Jesus Francisco de la Teja and Y asmine BealeR osano-R ivaya have been nam ed tw o o f the T op 14 H ispanic Professors in Texas by O nline Schools Texas. D e la Teja is a R egents’ and University D istin­ guished P rofessor o f history, and h is research focuses on the northeastern frontier o f Spanish colonial M exico and Texas through the R epublic era. H e was also appointed by Gov. R ick Perry to serve the first-ever tw o-year term as the State H istorian o f Texas in 2009. “It is alw ays a gratify­ ing surprise to receive an unexpected honor,” said de la Teja. “ 1 have been blessed o ver the years to receive the confidence o f colleagues, students and the various professional and com m unity groups that 1 deal w ith, and this latest recognition serves as an acknow ledgm ent o f those efforts and a stim ulus to continue m y efforts.” Beale-R osano-R ivaya is an assistant professor o f m odem languages and has



received the T exas State U niversity E xcellence in Teaching Award. She earned h er doctorate in H ispanic Languages and Literatures from the U ni­ versity o f California, Los A ngeles in 2006. “I w as very surprised and hum bled b y this recognition,” said BealeRosano-R ivaya. ‘T ex as State is a H ispanic Serving Institution, and I design m y courses to address the issues and needs o f the H is­ panic com m unity.” T he m ission o f Online Schools Texas is to chal­ lenge the idea o f one-size fits all w hen it com es to education. The organiza­ tion provides inform a­ tion and an open-m inded philosophy about other alternatives. T he goal of the top professors lists is to highlight post-secondary educators w ho have been aw arded recently for excel­ lence in the c lassroom , on cam pus and/or in the c om ­ munity. F or a com plete list o f the top H ispanic educators in Texas, please visit http:// onlineschoolstexas .com/ top-college-professors-intexas/hispanic/.

de los ocho senadores visitaban poblaciones fionterizas en A rizona. Los republicanos le han dado m dxim a prioridad a la seguridad fronteriza, ya que sostienen que algunos sectores de la frontera con M exico no cuenlan con la seguridad debida.

Un grupo bipaitidista de la eSmara baja tambidn planea presentar su propuesta de re­ form a m igratoria en abril. O tros grupos hispanos organizan desde hace m eses una gran m archa a favor de la reform a migratoria el 10 de abril en la capital estadounidense.

Local Hispanic Republicans host David Zapata On Tuesday the Lubbock County Republican Party, in coordination with the Lubbock Chapter of the Federation of Hispanic Republicans, hosted Mr. David Zapata from the Repub­ lican Party of Texas. Mr. Zapata is the RPT Outreach Coordinator and meet with Hispanic Republicans from the area. The event was attended by a small group of approximately 10-12 people, within only 3 Hispanics attended. The event was held al Schlotsky's Cinnabon Restaurant at 3715 19th St, in the afternoon.

Battleground Texas Launch Tour

A lex S teele, w h o is the B a ttle g ro u n d T ex as F ield D ire c to r fo r the B a ttle g ro u n d T ex as L a u n c h T o u r c a m e to a b ig a tte n d a n c e o f m o re th a n 100 p e o p le w h o s h o w e d g re a t in terest an d read y to g et d o w n an d ta k e ca re o f b u sin e ss in o rd e r to tu rn T ex as B lu e at a strateg y g a th e rin g th a t w as h e ld a t T ex as T ech o n T u e sd a y e v e ­ nin g . S ev eral D em o c ra ts g ro u p a lo n g w ith o rg a ­ n izatio n fro m all areas a tte n d e d B attle g ro u n d T ex as w h ic h w a s strate­ gies in terest a n d e d u c a ­ tional. W o n d erfu l to see so m u c h p a ssio n in th e W est T ex as a re a , said lo cal

m e m b e r D a n ie l S a n ­ c h e z o f th e L u b b o c k T ejan o D e m o c ra t o rg a ­ n iz a tio n . G re a t jo b to T ex as T ech D e m o c ra ts fo r h o stin g th is e v e n t, he added. K enney K em er, D e m o c ra t L u b b o c k C o u n ty Chaffsa id , I esp e c ia lly w an t to th a n k e v e ry o n e that to o k the tim e to d riv e in fro m su rro u n d in g c o m m u n itie s in clu d in g O d e ssa , A m a rillo , R a lls, L ittlefield , an d C a n y o n . E v e n fo lk s fro m W e a lso h a d 10 W ich ita F alls fo lk s p a rtic ip a te v ia S k y p e! T h e w o rk that B a ttle g ro u n d T e x a s w ill d o is ab so lu te ly essen tial a n d w ill c o m p le m e n t the w o rk o f y o u r L u b b o c k C o u n ty D e m o c ra tic P arty a n d lo cal D e m o ­ cratic c lu b s, w h ic h in­ c lu d e T ex as D e m o c ra tic W o m en o f th e S o u th P la in s, T ex as T ech S tu ­ d e n t D e m o c ra ts, L u b ­ bock A re a Y ou n g D e m o c ra ts, L u b b o c k T ejan o D e m o ­ cra ts, P an h a n d le T ejan o D e m o c ra ts, W est T ex as C o alitio n o f D e m o c ra ts, a n d the M o n d a y lu n ch b u n ch .


El Editor, March 28-April 10, 2013

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C o m e n ta r io s - O p in io n e s


s e n t ir A n el . m a y o r im p a c t o d e l s e c u e s t r o


IsBy Basilisa Alonso Hispanic Link News Service WASHINGTON, D.C. - As federal agencies begin cutting their budgets for social programs, educational services and other essentials that meet the needs of the constituencies they have committed to serve, Hispanics, African Americans and other of the nation’s poorest families are bracing themselves for the impact. That is the growing consensus among affected federal departments and involved public and private social service groups. This month President Obama signed a series o f automatic across-the-board spending cuts know as sequester. The action came just hours after he met with congressional leaders represent­ ing both parties when they failed to teach a budget agreement. The cuts impact such social programs as Med­ icaid, Medicare and early childhood education.

The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda, a coalition of more than 30 Hispanic organizations, states that 25,000 Latino preschoolers are ex­ pected to be dropped from Head Start programs, which provide school readi­ ness tools, laying the foundation for educational attainment. A nother 1.2 million children will no longer receive extra help in m ath and reading, and some 270,000 adults and teens dropped ft'om job training programs. NHLA executive director Hec­ tor Sanchez says sequestration will seriously affect vital federal funding of such programs as early child-care. “Obviously, cuts in those programs will affect the most vulnerable families and children.. .disproportionately hurting students of color, particularly Latinos. It’s going to affect the programs of English-language learners and students attending high poverty schools.” Education Secretary Arne Duncan

blogged, “The amount of money being cut from education programs and Head Start is the equivalent of about 40,000 teachers’jobs.” The sequester, set forth in the Budget Control Act of 2011, specifies mandatory across-the-board cuts in areas ranging from the D epartment of Defense to school funding if a deficit plan was not agreed on by March 1. The deadline expired and the president was required to slash $85 billion in spending for the rest of the 2013 fiscal year through September. With no agreement between Congress and the W hite House, the reductions will continue each year until the end of 2021, totaling $1.2 tril­ lion. Nearly $3 billion would be cut in education alone. In O ctober 2011, more than 12.4 million Hispanics were enrolled in the nation’s public schools pte-K through 12th grade. Overall, Hispanic students

make up nearly one-quarter (23.9%) of the nation’s public school enrollment, up from one-fifth (19.9%) in 2005 and 16.7% in 2000. National Association o f Latino Elected 8t Appointed Officials execu­ tive director A rturo Vargas empha­ sizes, “Anything that affects children affects Latinos m ore than non-Latinos simply because we are a larger share of America’s children.” The best advice, NHLA’s Sanchez says, is for the community to “push back on sequestration.” NHLA has launched a campaign to rally against sequestration’s effects. “It’s really important to be together, united in protecting all these programs that are critical for the future of the nation.” (Basihsa Alonso reports for Hispanic Link News Service in Washington, D.C. Reach her at basilisaalonso^yahoo. com; twitter: gbasilisaalonso) For more news and commentaries go to www.hispaniclink.org. ©2013

LATINO CHILDREN TO FEEL GREATEST IMPACT OF SEQUESTRATION ECONOMICO LOS By Basilisa Alonso Hispanic Link News Service WASHINGTON, D .C.-A s federal agencies begin cutting their budgets for social programs, educational services and other essentials that meet the needs of the

NHLA exautive director Hdctor Sanchez says sequestration will seriously affect vital federal funding of such programs as early child-care. “Obviously, cuts in those programs will affect the most vulnerable families and children.. .disproportion­ ately hutting students of color, particularly serve, Hispanics, Afiican Americans and Latinos. It’s going to affect the programs other of the nation’s poorest families are of English-language learners and students bracing themselves for the impact. That attending high poverty schools.” is the growing consensus among affected Education Secretary Ame Duncan federal departments and involved public . blogged, “The amount of money being cut and private social service groups. ftom education programs and Head Start This month President Obama signed a se­ is the equivalent of about 40,000 teachers' ries of automatic across-the-board spending jobs.” cuts know as sequester. The action came The sequester, set forth in the Budget just hours after he met with congressional Control Act of 2011, specifies mandatory leaders representing both parties when across-the-board cuts in areas ranging they failed to reach a budget agreement. ftom the Department of Defense to school The cuts impact such social programs as funding if a deficit plan was not agreed on Medicaid, Medicare and early childhood by March 1. The deadline expired and the president was required to slash $85 billion The National Hispanic Leadership Agen­ in spendmg for the rest of the 2013 fiscal year through September. da, a coalition of more than 30 Hispanic organizations, states that 25,000 Latino With no agreement between Congress preschoolers are expected to be dropped and the White House, the reductions will ftom Head Start programs, which provide continue each year until the end of 2021, to­ school readiness tools, laying the founda­ taling $1.2 trillion. Nearly $3 billion would tion for educational attainment. Another be cut in education alone. 1.2 million children will no longer receive bi October 2011, more than 12.4 million extra help in math and reading, and some Hispanics were enrolled in the nation’s 270,000 adults and teens dropped ftom job public schools pre-K through 12th grade. training programs. Overall, Hispanic students make up

neatly one-quarter (23.9%) of the nation’s public school enrollment, up ftom one-fifth (19.9%) in 2005 and 16.7% in 2000. National Association of Latino Elected & Appointed Officials executive director Arturo Vargas emphasizes, “Anything that affects children affects Latinos more than non-Latinos simply because we are a larger

tration.” NHLA has launched a campaign to rally against sequestration’s effects. “It’s really important to be together, united in protecting all these programs that are criti­ cal for the future of the nation." (Basilisa Alonso reports for Hispanic Link News Service in Washington, D.C. Reach her at [email protected]; twitter: @hasilisaalonso) The best advice, NHLA's Sanchez says, is For more news and commentaries go to for the community to “push back on seques­ www.hisparticlink.org. ©2013


is a weekly bilingual newspaper published by Amigo Publications in Lubbock and Midland/Odessa Texas. El Editor has been published on a weekly basis since 1977. Our physical address for overnight delivery is 1502 Ave. M in Lubbock, TX 79401. El Editor is available on the internet at http:www.eleditor.com and is distributed throughout West Texas in retail outlets. Opinions expressed in El Editor are those of the individual writer and not necessarily those of the publisher or the advertisen. Advertising information available by emailing us at [email protected] or by calling us at 806-763-3841 Opinions and commentaries are welcome and can be sent to the same email address. All opinions and letters to the editor must contain the writer’s name, address and phone number but name can be withheld at the writer’s request. Address and telephone number will not be published. Founder the late Bidal Aguero Olga Aguero - Publisher/Editor Marisol Aguero - Distribution Amalia Aguero -Composition FOR ADVERTISING CALL OR EMAIL AT

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21, 1806.1 usually visit the sUtue around Ihis time as homage to the full-blooded Zapotec Indian who was bom to illiterate patents in a Oaxacan village. Taught to read and write by a Catholic priest, he became a lawyer and a judge who helped draft the Mexican constitution. The statue was a gift in 1969 ftom the Mexican government in exchange for a portrait statue of Abraham Lincoln that was presented to Mexico in 1966 by President Lyndon Johnson. Often called the “Geo^e Washington of Mexico,” Juarez is positioned so he is pointing to the bust of Washington that sits on the campus of nearby George Only pigeons might love outdoor monu­ Washington University. ments more than I do. And none impress When I stare up at the lull-length bronze me more than the statue of Mexico’s most figure, 1half expect it to step off its granite base and talk to me. Artist Enrique Alciati hallo. He stands near a nest of highways in created the realistic rendition in 1891. It was D.C.’s Foggy Bottom neighborhood Off the recast in 1968. While the statue's right atm beaten path, in ftont of the Watergate Hotel is raised and pointing, the left hand holds a and the Kennedy Center for the Perform­ book titled Refotma. Within the base is an ing Arts. Not a bad location, but probably um containing soil firan Oaxaca. Plaques overlooked by most tourists and pigeons. contain both Spanish and English inscrip­ I wonder how many Watergate residents tions of a femous Juarez quote: “Respect for and Kennedy Center theater-goers who the rights of others is peace." drive past the statue will acknowledge Juirez’s right arm is pointing so assuredly Juarez's birthday. He was bom on March 1expect a taxi to stop any moment and take

us touring. I wonder if he was into magical realism, as were so many great Latin Ameri­ can novelists. He wasn’t one for staying put, statuesque. In 1853, he fled to New Orleans to escape the corrupt military dictatorship of General Antonio Ldpez de Santa Anna. The next year he helped draft the Plan of Ayutla, a document calling for Santa Anna’s deposi­ tion and a convention to implement a new In 1861, Judrez was elected as Mexico’s 27th president. He befiiendcd Abra­ ham Lincoln, who gave him advice on establishing a democracy. Throughout his tenure, Juarez tried to create a modem civil society and capitalist economy based on the U.S. model. He is revered as a reformer dedicated to democracy and equal rights for the nation’s indigenous Indian population, lessening the power of the Roman Catholic Church, and defense of national sovereignty.

Juarez was re-elected president in 1867 and 1871. In addition to D.C., the United States has statues of Juarez along Sixth Avenue in New Yotk City’s Bryant Park, at the Plaza de las Americas on North Michigan Avenue Orleans, where he worked at a cigar factory while in exile. Hediedofaheartatlackinl872in Mexico City. The date March 21 has become a national holiday in Mexico and a day for some of us to reflect on a hero who does not need a horse to accent his outdoor (John Rosales, a native of San Antonio, Texas, fives in Washington, D.C. Contact [email protected]) For more commentaries and news, go to www.HispanicLirtkorg ©2013




Late Wedne.sday, we learned that three city of Lubbock employees had filed a comabout why and on what basis the complaints were filed were not made public, we can surmise that the complaints may stem from a statement attributed to Councilman Hernandez, in which he publicly questioned the city’s audit processes. In his statement, Mr. Hernandez is essentially saying that he has discovered discrep­ ancies in the city’s audit process and cites a “lack of internal controls” Part of his statement concerns information that he says city staff did not give to BKD, the city’s

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The statement reads in part: "After speaking to and exchanging m ultf le emails with BKD representatives, I dis­ covered that the Q ty of Lubhock did not notify BKD (in the client planning question­ naire) of the fret th i hotel/motel taxes were not heing paid or were delinquent to the Q ty of Lubbock, from a number of hotefiers/motefiers. Fu^erm ore, I discovered that the City of Lubbock was lacking with regard to inter­ nal controls." A few hours later, we received another statement regarding the matter Imm City M anner Lee Ann Dumbauld and Pam Moon, Executive Director of Finance in which they dispute the conclusion cited by Mr. Hernandez. Their statement reads in part “Throughout the audit, City of Lubbock management and staff have worked closely with BK3 auditors. This included notifying them of issues of delinquencies on hotel occupancy tax and franchise fees in either the planning phase or during the suhstanfive fieldwork So there you have it: dueling press releases. After the complaints were filed, the Mayor called for a special city council meeting for April 4. It was too late for us to get a comment from the Mayor, but based on what we saw in-local media, it seemed that the Mayor’s position is that the matter will go forward and the council will have to decide; not whether they will investigate but what process they will follow. This to us seems to be a rush to judgement We understand why Mr. Hernandez sent out his statement He is an elected official and he is accountable to the voters in his district first and we agree that he should be able to use the media to communicate bis concerns to the voters who elected him. But what about Ms. Dumbauld’s use of the press to make her position public She answers to the city council and the council only. We find it rather contradictory on herpatt that the dtymanagerwho rarely, very rareh/ answers press inquiries, is all of a sudden using the press to counter Mr. Hernandez Or is it a case of a good defense starts with a g ^ offense? Mayor Robertson is quoted in the local media as saying that they will be forced to in­ vestigate, Sony Mayor, but no one can force the city council, the final authority when it comes to dty management to do anything unless it is requited by the city chatter, by law or by dty ordinance. If Mr. Hem andk did something illegal or unethical, then we would agree that further action would become necessary. Did the councilman step on the wrong toes and were the complaints filed in retalia­ tion for him bringing these issues to fi^t? Perhaps the most important question that needs to be answered is why is it than when ' s to bring more transparency to city government, there always seems to be some kindI 0of backlash?


j White House

Prestigious'S'"'” 2lll.3-Cal'illo! ‘• ^ " ■ " ''T l l o n d O t d e r o f .h e O 2*,ead,ng.ndcpendenilyo-‘» “ ' A a eptfflcerequ iresth at

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subjected toa highlyselc ctiv e process that m ch community. W e are pleased that C alv illo fnne i has canted many recom m endations from the L i “W e takegreal p n de in the caring serv K Richard Calvillo. ow ner o f C alv illo F u n e ra l I with more resources to better serve our fam ilies OCR w as founded in 1928 and is headqi maintains its standards o f excellence, funeral he

f El Editor’s “editorial yoice" and do not represent the views of any of our advertisers. If you would like to ager a guest commentary in response to our editorials, or on any other topic, we welcome your submission. It will be consid­ eredfor publication in aaordan Email eleditor^sbcglobal.nel

application process and d em onstrate and m ainu care and compassion. A s a m e m b e to fO G R .C i the association's long-standing credo: "SetM ce For more informalion. contact C alv illo 1


Pick Up Your


A M ID W A SH IN G T O N ’S D EA D W H ITE G E N E R A L S STA N D S B E N IT O JU A R E Z By John Rosales Hispanic Link News Service In my 20 yeais as a resident of Washing­ ton, D.C., I have visited a lot of dead white generals sitting on hoises. Outdoor monu­ ments dedicated to our war heroes dot the nation’s capital city. You can’t miss them. They are usuaUy in prime locations near Pennsylvania Avenue around the White House and U.S. Capitol building, or in the heart of the city along the famous pedestrian mall that boasts some of the world's great­ est art and history museums as part of the Smithsonian Institution. Prime teal estate. A

Hernandez Questions Bring Backlash


al OCR al 800.637.8030.

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El Editor Newspaper, Week of March 28 - April 10, 2013

President Obama Wants Action on Immigration


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President Obama called on Congress on Monday to get mov­ ing on an overhaul of the nation’s immigration laws. Obama noted that lawmakers in the Senate and House of Representatives have made some progress toward finding common ground on immigration. A bipartisan group of senators, known as the Gang of Eight, has been huddling on legislation, and a group of eight House lawmakers is working on a framework for overhauling im­ migration laws as well. But Obama wants lawmakers to deliver him a bill to sign soon af­ ter they return from Easter break. "We are making progress, but we've got to finish the job," Obama said at a naturalization ceremony at the White House

in which 28 immigrants took the Oath of Allegiance and officially became U.S. citizens. T h is issue is not new. Everyone knows what's broken, and everyone knows how to fix it." Obama's goal of getting a bill done quickly might be hard to meet. Last week. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman o f the Senate Ju­ diciary committee, said he doubted the committee could complete work on a bill by the end of April. The head of the union representing more than 7j000 Immigration and Customs EnfOTcement agents wrote to the Gang of Eight on Monday that ICE agents' input should be considered before completing their proposal, according to a draft of the letter obtained by USA TODAY. Obama, who threatened in

January to introduce his own plan if lawmakers didn’t quickly produce a bill, repeated his stance Monday that legislation should include a plan for improving border security and a pathway for about 11 million undocumented citizens in the country to earn citizenship. The president's advo­ cacy for a pathway to citizenship for those who are in the USA illegally doesn’t sit well with some GOP lawmakers who say the president’s insistence on the issues suggests he's not serious about the legislation. President Obama greets new U.S. citizens after a naturalization ceremony for active-duty servicemembers and civilians in the East Room of the White House on Monday.

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R a n g e r s d e p e n d in g o n Y u , o th e r r e tu r n in g p it c h e r s

“ nay tanprano para ' l“ nganaia,yaniire

apuntdquesesabuscando aa^liWysendraiena,.

mparteexitos ISen concierto ina", "Airasando" tabalapresenciadePraice a'asM ograndoque Royceparadeleitarconel le pusieran de pie. duetoenbachataquetienen ihow" Ueno de sopre- en "Te perdiste nu amor’. peronoocurridasfiporlo : las sorpresas del quelaaitistalocantden aculo figure la pressolitario. ie Cristian Castro, Thaba.quientambienha figurado en las lelenovelas, to canto, solo sufiid sepresentdantecercade ta iaT h alla.q u e n o b a la v isitay aq u ien milasistentes.alosque cautivdconsumiisicaysus 'laeleganciam usicuatrocambiosdevestuaiio. esencialmente pantalones hizorem em oranra entalladosyal final aparecid ocuriido hace unos conunaminifaldayvelos cuando Paulina Rubio adheridosalas munecas. fid con seguidores Otrosdelostem asqueinndosueventoprom otetpretdfiieron ’Habitame",

puessehizo presente doO rtiz,elcantante jional mexicano, con interpretduntem a. ;1 "show" se espe-

"I understand the history of the game." James said after the streak reached 25. "I appreciate the his­ tory of the game. But this team has a bigger goal than winning a number of consecutive games in a row." Still, the streak will go down as the story of the regular season. When it started, Miami was 5 1/2 games behind San Antonio for the overall NBA lead, only a half­ game ahead of New York in the Eastern Conference race, held just a four-game edge over Atlanta in the Southeast Division and were the league’s ninth-best road team in terms o f winning percentage. Funny what two months or so without losing can do. The Heat now sit atop the overall NBA standings, gained 12 games over New York in the East entering Wednesday, put away the Hawks for good several weeks ago and are now, by far, the league’s best road team. And with the streak over, all that's left now is getting ready for the postseason.

"Equivocada’ yunamezcla delostemasdetelenovelas como "Rosalinda". Marla la

del barrio". "Marimar".

For the Texas Rangers, the focus is on who stayed in town, rather than who left. At least, that's the approach they're trying to take. There have been some big changes in the Texas lineup since not winning a game last October, particularly the departure of five-time All-Star and former AL MVP Josh Hamilton, now with the AL West rival Los Angeles An­ gels. Also gone are Michael Young, the franchise's career hits leader who had been the longest-tenured Ranger, and slugging catcher Mike Napoli.

And questions still linger about Hall of Fame pitcher and CEO Nolan Ryan's future with the team. The Rangers do seem set with their rotation, for this season and beyond, even after their failed offseason pursuit of top free agent Zack Greinke. That is a far cry from the team whose ritual each spring not too long ago was trying to cobble together starters. Japanese ace Yu Darvish, 18-game wiimer Matt Har­ rison and Derek Holland are all 26 or 27 years old and are

ing the transition to America under intense scratiny. "My comfort level is really high," Darvish said through an interpreter. "When I'm throwing, I feel a lot better than where I was last year." Darvish will start the second game this season for the Rangers, after they held him until the fourth last April. Harrison will be the starter for the very first game of the major league season, when Texas plays March 31 at new AL West team Houston. Three seasons ago, Harrison was left off the Rangers' post­ season roster and didn't pitch in their first World Series. He was 18-11 with a 3 2 9 ERA and four complete games in 32 starts last year. Asked what last season taught him, the left-hander responded, "That I should be able to do it again." The Rangers sure expect that he can. They gave him a new $55 million, five-year contract that could extend into 2018asweU. Holland, the lefty who pitched for Team US A in the World Baseball Classic, is 28-12 the last two seasons and had four shutouts in 2011.

signed for at least four more seasons. Alexi Ogando, back in the rotation after last season in the bullpen, is under club control at least that long. After a dominating seven seasons in Japan, Darvish won 16 games and was an AllStar as a major league rookie last year. The right-hander finished strong, going 5-1 with a 2.35 ERA, 67 strikeouts and 15 walks his last eight starts of the regular season. And he has looked strong this spring. "He's commanding the ball a lot better," manager Ron Washington said. There's no anticipation o f a sophomore slump for Dar­ vish, who appears at ease after a year to acclimate to a new league and new country. He said he feels better physically and mentally after a more routine offseason, as opposed to last year when he was mak­

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Numero del Juego

dras will still top the batting order, with switch-hitting Berkman expected to take over the No. 3 spot while coming off an injury-plagued season and only 32 games for St. Louis. Adrian Beltre, the Gold Glove-winning third baseman going into the third season of his five-year deal with Texas, hit .321 with 36 homers and 102 RBls last season. As for filling the void Ham­ ilton left in the outfield, left fielder David Murphy ( .304 last season) finally gets his chance as an everyday starter. Hamilton played left and center, where Cuban defec­ tor Leonys Martin could now be the primary player nearly two years after getting a $ 15,5 million, five-year contract. It might be harder replac­ ing the impact Young had in the clubhouse during the 12 seasons with the Rangers. "We know what kind of guy Michael was in this club­ house, and we're all going to miss that," Beltre said. "What we have to do is just do the best we can to keep the good group together, playing ball the right way and win ballgames."


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Ogando was an All-Star and 13-game winner starting in his first full major league season two years ago. Veteran right-hander Colby Lewis will miss the start of the season while coming back from elbow surgery. But he could be back in the rotation sooner than expected, maybe early May. Joe Nathan had 37 saves in his first season as the Rangers' closer. Left-hander Robbie Ross, the surprise out of camp last spring and potentially a starter, was 6-0 with a 2.22 ERA in 58 relief appearances as a rookie and will stay in the bullpen for now. Even with Hamilton, Young and Napoli gone, the Rang­ ers still have plenty of hitters, including newcomers Lance Berkman and catcher A J. Pierzynski. They just might have to produce rans a little differ­ ently. Hamilton and Napoli accounted for 67 of their 200 home rans last season, which ended with a second-place finish in the AL West and a loss to Baltimore in the AL's first one-and-done wild-card

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The Guadalupe Unveils the Official Poster of the 32nd Annual Tejano Conjunto Festival (San A ntonio. Texas) The Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center has unveiled the official poster for the 32nd Annual Tejano C onjunto Festival en San A n­ tonio 2013 created by graphic designer Bart Thom as. A s the w inner o f the poster contest for this year's festival.T hom as will receive a $1.000.00 cash award. His design w ill be featured on the official Tejano Conjunto Festival {X)stcr and t-shirt which will be for sale at the festival. T hom as has been a profes­ sional graphic designer for over 18 years and has worked in Vir­ ginia and San D iego in illustra­ tion. w eb design, social media, video production and photog­ raphy. He graduated from the A n Institute o f Pittsburgh with a degree in Visual Com m uni­ cations in 1994. He first fell in love with San A ntonio, its people and culture on a road trip with his parents in 1987 w hen they stopped on their w ay to visit his G randm other’s home in Brownsville and he's

felt connected to this special city ever since. "I am very honored that my poster design w as chosen to represent this w onderful event." says Thom as. "As the Senior G raphic Designer for H ohner. Inc., it has been my privilege to work with and meet some o f the great legends o f the Tejano and conjunto music world. It is because o f my love for this musical tradition and its culture that I felt compelled to share som ething with this com m unity that has already given me so m uch.” The 32nd A nnual Tejano Conjunto Festival en San A ntonio will take place May 15-16 ,2 0 1 3 at the historic Guadalupe Theater (1301 Guadalupe St. @ S. Brazos) and May 17-19. 2013 at the nearby Rosedale Park (303 Dartmouth). Highlights o f the festival include star-studded perform ances by Conjunto Music Hall o f Famers M ingo Saldivar. Eva Y barra. Flaco

and Los Dos G ilbertos, as well as a special “New Directions in C on­ ju n to M usic" concert on Thursday night. O ther highUghts o f the festival include a free Seniors C on­ ju n to Dance,


showcase and accor­ dion and bajo sexto work-shops. T he festival features over 30 o f the very best bands in conjunto music and includes conjunto ja m ses­ sions, an accordion raffle, plus food and beverage booths. Ticket prices for the threeday musical show case at Rosedale Park are $15 per day.

Three-day Festival passes are $35 for G C A C m em bers, $40 for non-G C A C members. For m ore information on the Tejano Conjunto Festival, call (210) 271-3151, or visit www. guadalupeculturalarts.org for the full schedule of perform ers

Page 6

Horse-Transport Violations Uncovered In Texas, Officials Fail To Act M orton, Texas — PE T A is calling on the Texas Anim al Health Com m ission (TAHC) to investigate im m ediately w hy state officials have failed to act on evidence of serious violations involving apparent fraudulent veterinary health form s in the transport of horses across state lines ftxrm Iowa into K ansas, M issouri, O kla­ hom a, and Texas. Last year, a PETA investigator rode along with a "kill buyer," someone w ho purchases horses and transports them to slaughter­ houses o r feedlots. T he kill buyer w as caught on tape admitting that the test form s he carried "certifying" that the horses in his trailer w ere free o f equine infectious anemia (E IA )—a potentially fatal viral disease with no know n cure or preventive vaccine—were ac­ tually those o f different horses. So potentially infected horses were imloaded onto crow ded feedlots in M orton, risking the health o f hundreds o f other horses. A lthough the TAHC had been made aware that the kill buyer, by his ow n adm is­

sion, was planning to bring horses into the state without vahd EIA paperwork, the agen­ cy has taken no action. "Agency inaction means that potentially infected horses traveling from Iowa to Texas may have spread this deadly disease from the Texas feedlot to the entire state," says PETA President Ingrid E. N ew kirk. "W hile agencies look the other way, kill buyers like this one ate still transporting horses to Texas today." T he group has also submitted a com plaint to the Oklahom a Department o f A griculture, Food, and Forestry regard­ ing its failure to prevent the same kill buyer from bringing horses with fraudulent EIA test form s to O klahom a. En route to O klahom a, he admitted that he uses form s for horses other than those on board his truck and that his veterinarian had taught him how to falsify EIA form s. PETTA has also posted an action alert on its popular website urging its supporters to call on the TAHC to protect horses.

Alerta si sufre depresion

Muchas casos de fracaso escolar, laborai y de pareja, por citar algunos. pueden tener un factor comun en su origen: la depresidn. Lo que puede variar entre ellos

es la intensidad de est^ que se clasifica en leve, moderada y profiinda. En el primer caso se puede identificar cuando la persona

experimenta un estado base de tristeza que no la incapacita ni afecta su productividad.cuidado personal o vida acad^mica. pero SI llega a necesitar de periodos intermitentes de aislamiento. A dem ^, es muy frecuente escucharlos usar exprcsiones pesimistas.negativas.con falta de esperanza y dificultad para resolver sus problemas. Esto es muy evidente en quienes perciben una realidad social que desde su punto de vista es insostenible, sienten que el funiro es incieno y que son especialmente desafoitunados, p>or lo que es caracterfstico que (engan un car^cter irritable. En estos casos se recomienda la psicoterapia como iratamiento. ya que ayudar4 al paciente a maniener un buen nivel en lo que respecta a su desenvolvimiento en el campo Cuando ei problema avanza

En la deprcsidn moderada. el arreglo personal empieza a verse afectado y a ello se suma la posibilidad de que haya incapacidad temporal en el trabajo y la escuela. Ademas, hay una invasidn de las esferas mentales que impactan en los niveles de atencidn, memoria, pensamiento Idgico y que suelen ir acompanados de una sensacidn cada vez mds intensa de inseguridad, asi como tambi^n aumenta su necesidad en aislaise. Otra caracteristica es que con frecuencia se presentan trastomos alimentarios como aumento o privacidn del consume de alimentos. se incrementan los periodos de sueno y la sensaddn de fatiga, la tristeza. el negativismo, el desdnimo y la desesperanza. El paciente es incapaz de gozar y disfrutar lo que antes era gratificante. cuando el especialista diagnostica este nivel de depre-

si6n puede recomendar, ademds de la psicoterapia la conveniencia de recunir a algiin medicamento, el cual deberd estar vigilado estrictamente por dl. Finalmente, cuando se habla de depresidn profiinda estd presente la incapacidad en prdcticamente todas las esferas de funcionamiento, el aislamiento es crdnico, la anhedonia, que es la falta de goce, se ha instalado; a quien la padece le resulta imposible tener una visidn futura con la esperanza de superacidn, el negativismo se manifiesta en el campo afectivo y hay una falta completa de expresi6n emocional facial y corporal. Una persona que vive con esta condicidn tiene como principal signo la necesidad de desaparecer y desarroUa incluso ideas suicidas y la posibilidad de que Uegue a ejecutarlas aumenta considerablemente. de no recibir ayuda. EI tratamiento que se reco­

mienda en la depresidn severe no sdlo incluye psicoterapia y el uso de medicamentos. en ocasiones tambi^n es indispensable el internamiento, ya que la larca es proteger al m ^ im o la integridad del paciente. y el papel de familiares, amigos, pareja y d e m ^ personas enlazadas afectivamente. resulta importante para su superacidn. Este mal. algunas veccs silencioso y otras desatendido por considerar que no vale la pena ocuparse de los problemas o peor adn. por percibirse solo y creer que no se necesita de nadie para conducirse en la vida. Esta expresidn es la pueita de entreda comun a la tierra del ser mitoldgico Ades. es decir. al rcino de la oscuridad. el autotormento y la desesperanza que hoy conocemos como depresidn... pero aun caminando en este infiemo, siemprc habrd la posibilidad de renacera la luz.

Supremo cerro audiencias sobre matrimonios gay Muchos casos de Iracaso escolar. laborai y de pareja, por citar algunos. pueden tener un factor comiin en su origen: la depresidn. Lo que puede variar entre ellos es la intensidad de estA que se clasifica en leve. mcxlerada y profunda. En el primer caso sc puede identificar cuando la persona experimenta un estado base de tristeza que no la iiKapaciui ni afecta su pmductividad. cuidado personal o vida acaddmica. pero sf llega a necesitar de penudos intermitentes de ai.slamiento. Adem is. es muy frecuente escuchnrlm usar exprcsiones pesimistas. negativas, con falta de esperanza y dificultad pare resolver sus problemas Esto es muy e\idente en quienes perciben una realidad social que desde su punto de vista Mciiiuic:, sicmcii ijucr ci es insostenible, sienten que el rs incicilo incicrlo y que son espefijtuiD es

cialmenle desafoitunados, por lo que es caracteristico que tengan un c a r rie r irritable. En estos casos se recomienda la psicoierapia como tratamiento. ya que ayudani al paciente a mantener un buen nivel en lo que revspecta a su desenvolvimiento en el campo social. Cuando el problema avanza En la depresidn moderada, el arreglo personal empieza a verse afectado y a ello se suma la fx>sibitidad de que haya inca­ pacidad temporal en el trabajo y la escuela. AdemAs. hay una invasidn de las esferas mentales que impactan en los niveles de atencidn. memona. pensamiento Idgico y que suelen ir acompariados de una sensacidn cada vez mAs intensa de inseguridad. asf como tambi^n aumenta su necesidad «.ii I aislarse Otra Otracaracteristica caracteristicaesesque quecon con

frecuencia se presentan trastomos alimentarios como aumento o privacidn del consume de ali-

mentos. se incrementan los penodos de suciK^ y la sensacidn de fatiga. la tristeza. el negativismo.

el desdnimo y la desesperanza. El paciente es incapaz de gozar y disfrutar lo que antes era gratifi-

cante, cuando el especialista diagnostica este nivel de depresidn puede recomendar. ademds de la

mienda en la depresidn severs no psicoterapia la conveniencia de sdlo incluye psicoterapia y el uso recunir a algiin medicamento. el de medicamentos. en ocasiones cual deberd estar vigilado esoictambif n es indispensable el intertamente pordl. namiento, ya que la tarea es pro­ Finalmente, cuando se habla de tegee al mdximo la integridad del depresidn profiinda estd presente paciente, y el papel de familiares. la incapacidad en pidcticamente amigos, pareja y demds peisonas todas las esferas de fimeionamiento, el aislamiento es crdnico, enlazadas afectivamente. resulta importante para su superacidn. la anhedonia. que es la falta de Este mal, aJgunas veccs silengoce. se ha instalado; a quien la cioso y otras desatendido por padece le resulta imposible tener considerar que no vale la pena una visidn futura con la esper­ ocuparse de los problemas o peor anza de superacidn. el negativ­ aun. por percibirse solo y creer ismo se manifiesta en el campo que no se necesita de nadie para afectivo y hay una falta completa conducirse en la vida. de expresidn emocional facial y Esta expresidn es la puerta corporal. de entrada comiin a la tietra del Una persona que vive con esta ser mitoldgico Ades, es decir. al condicidn tiene como principal signo la necesidad de desaparecer reino de la oscuridad, el autolormento y la desesperanza que hoy y desanolla incluso ideas suiciconocemos como depresidn... das y la posibilidad de que Uegue pero aiin caminando en este in­ a ejecutarlas aumenta considerfiemo, siempreiu>M habr^ ablemente.deiivicvil no recibir ayuda. auicuKmc.uc ' u aju^ta. >a tala posibili­ dadde dercnaccr renaceraalaI luz. EItratamiento tratamientoque quesc serecoreco­ El dad

Lo que esta para ti, nadie te lo quita dlas tenemos nohcias del TodosIlos dias papa Francisco, histona en el Vaacano por ser latino, jcsuita. humilde y por aticvetse a decH- no a los zapatos lojos y Uevar calzado negro Fero. nuts alU de todas las palabras esperanzadoras que ha dicho y ks acios de bondad que ha demosmido

estecponiffke, punufkc .supciwenincUes una de las lecciones mils inspiradoras que he esc-uchado en kis lUtimos dias ^Sablas que durante el conclave del 2005,el c-aidcnal Joige Mario Beigoglw tconvenido hoy en el papa Francisco) fue uno de los caidenales !mas voios lecibid para converc en el mAumo jefe de la iglesia

catdlica, livaluando rivalizando Lxm con Benediclo Benedicto catdlica. XVI? Cuenian que el hoy papa Francisco pidid por aquel entonces que no votaran pcT dl para que Benedicuo pudiera ser elegido como el suc-esor del papa Juan Pabk) Segundo Ocho aiics despuds, el nomhramiento de este nuevo pontihee

demuesna que pueden pasar muchos s de que Uegue a tu vida lo que esta dcstinado para ti. Nadie puede aiterar d orden divino de las aisas. Es como dice el WUy Chirino en su canckin Lo que esii pah nadie le lo quila'. El coropara la vida con una ndeta y dice hay oosas que no se dan por mds que uno

juegue y juegue. Sin embaigo, hay otras que solitas began Lo que hay es que estar tranquilo y aoordaise siempre de que "Lo pah. nadie le lo quita". Hir eso. si le piegunias cuindo Uegarii a tu vida un golpe de sueiie que le ayude loquemds deseas: ya se

un mejorempleo.o la sanidad de un unmejorempleo.olasaiudad ser quendo. te exhoito a que lo pidas con todo tu corazdn y una vez eleves ni oracHin. deja que esta se dispeisa por el Univeiso. ,Ddjalo ir y confia! Y cuando te sientas desesperado y sin esperanzas, respiia hondo, ciena ks ojos y di: "Lo que estd para mi va

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