La usamos con todos los tiempos verbales y con auxiliares modales Ejemplos:

Inglés III MÓDULO V En este módulo nos detendremos a repasar la voz pasiva .Usamos la voz pasiva cuando no estamos interesados en quién realiza la acc
Author:  Héctor Lara Ramos

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Inglés III MÓDULO V En este módulo nos detendremos a repasar la voz pasiva .Usamos la voz pasiva cuando no estamos interesados en quién realiza la acción o no es necesario saberlo. Ejemplo: The product has been withdrawn. El product ha sido retirado. . La usamos para describir procesos y procedimientos porque estamos más interesados en el proceso mismo que en quién lo lleva a cabo: Ejemplo: In the final stage of manufacture, the pills are packed and wrapped. En la última etapa de la elaboración, las píldoras se envasan y envuelven .La usamos para escribir en un estilo más formal porque es menos personal que la voz activa. Frecuentemente se utiliza para escribir informes, notas y correspondencia comercial Ejemplo: It was agreed that the budget would be reviewed at the next board meeting Se acordó que se revisaría el presupuesto en la próxima reunión de directorio. . La usamos con todos los tiempos verbales y con auxiliares modales Ejemplos: A new fitness centre is being built presente continuo Se está construyendo un nuevo centro de entrenamiento The job was going to be done on Friday pasado continuo El trabajo se iba a realizar el viernes He had been asked to do it twice before. Pasado perfecto Anteriormente, se le había pedido que lo hiciera dos veces She may be required to work on Sunday( may auxiliar modal) Tal vez deba trabajar el sábado The best employee should be given a performance bonus (should auxiliar modal) Debería otorgarse un beneficio por desempeño

. Si conocemos quien realizó la acción (el agente) utilizamos “by” Ejemplo: The file was stolen by a secret agent. El archivo fue robado por un agente secreto . En una oración pasiva, el sujeto gramatical es importante Ejemplo: a) Giovanni Agnelli founded Fiat in 1899 Giovanni Agnelli fundó Fiat en 1899 b) Fiat was founded by Giovanni Agnelli in 1899 Fiat fue fundada por Giovanni Agnelli en 1899 En a) nuestra atención está puesta en el agente- Giovanni Agnelli En b) es Fiat y no Agnielli el tópico ( tema ) de esta afirmación . El sujeto de la oración pasiva puede ser un pronombre Ejemplo: We were informed that the firm was going to be sold Se nos informó que la firma iba a ser vendida . Usar “it” como sujeto permite evitar mencionar a la persona responsable de decir o hacer algo Ejemplo: It was felt that the system needed to be changed. Se sentía que el sistema necesitaba ser cambiado. It was decided that expenditures would be limited to $250,000 Se decidió que los gastos se limitarían a $250,000

Ahora es tu turno. Aplica la teoría a la práctica. En el siguiente ejercicio busca el tiempo correspondiente a las siguientes oraciones 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Present simple Past simple Presnt. perfect Past perfect Pres. Cont. Future simple Modal verbs with passive 8. Passive infinitive

a) The report says supervisors should be trained to manage telecommuters and should define the hours and tasks expected of them b) those least happy with their work/life balance were the ones who felt they had been forced to choose between work and home c) Campaigners for paternity leave say it is particularly needed in the UK where men work longest hours in the EU d)Half-term is being seen as an increasingly attractive break by working parents in their late 30s and early 40s e) A survey of workers in 13 industrialized countries found the desire for a decent work/life balance was rated more highly than a good salary. f) It is used to be argued that women had not achieved pay equality because discrimination kept them in more junior jobs g) Efforts to encourage more women to return to work after having children will be hampered if employers force staff to stick to rigid hour and limit their time off h) Some smaller businesses have been founded on the principle that work/life balance makes for commercial success

Actividad de Lectura Lee el siguiente artículo extraído del Financial Times y luego realiza las actividades propuestas.

Is there a place for time in corporate Utopia? Employees of SAS Institute live in a workers’ Utopia. On the company’s wooded campus in North Carolina is everything a person could need: doctors, dentists, onsite childcare, masseurs… SAS has just been chosen by Fortune magazine as one of the best companies to work for in the US. Like the other 99 companies singled out, SAS is not content to reward employees with a mere pay cheque. Instead, the company is dead set on making their lives easier. Indeed, there is little these good employers will not do to take the load off their worker’s shoulders. Some provide subsidized housekeepers. Some deliver ready-cooked gourmet meals to employees’ doors in the evening. Others offer haircuts, free Viagra, cut-price sushi, free ergonomic chairs. One company even provides $10,000 (6,070pounds) towards the cost of adopting a child. Not content with the above, some employers are helping their staff fill their leisure hours too. Many offer swimming pools and fitness centres, some arrange guitar lessons or provide garden allotments. Some even lay on company holidays, whisking workers and their partners off to luxury island locations. And that is not all: some companies also set the standard for employees to follow in their private lives. At First Tennessee, employees get a $130 cash bonus if they are seen to be practicing 10 specified healthy behavior patterns. For these forward-looking employers the vexed problem of work/life balance- assumed to be one of the greatest workplace issues facing us- is magically eliminated. These companies are mounting a take-over bid for their employees’ lives with the result that the issue of balance no longer arises. And at these companies hardly anyone ever leaves. Which might mean everyone is gloriously happy. Or it might mean the prospect of severing one’s entire life from an employer is so daunting that it seems easier to stay put.

Amid all this bounty there is just one thing that none of these companies offer. And that is time. If employers really want to show that they are helping employees balance their lives, the answer is not to do their shopping, fix their teeth and issue them with laptops so that they can work “flexibly” right through the night. It is to ensure that people do not work too hard. To write it into the company’s culture that no one will be expected to work more than, say 40 hours a week on average. And for the Chief Executive to show the way. Certainly this would not be easy, and probably not cheap either. But an employer that tackled the long-hours culture would be reaching the parts that all the free hairdos, Viagra and guitar lessons in the world will never reach. From the Financial Times included in Market Leaders ( Cotton, Falvey, Kent)

Responde las siguientes preguntas sobre el artículo: 1. ¿Cómo pueden los empleados de First Tennessee ganar $130? 2. ¿Cuál es el problema de equilibrar trabajo/vida? ¿Cómo están tratando las empresas mencionadas en este artículo de resolver el problema? ¿han tenido éxito? 3. ¿Cuáles son las dos razones que da el autor de este artículo por las cuales los empleados permanecen con una de estas compañías? 4. “ Para SAS no es suficiente recompensar a sus empleados simplemente con un cheque”¿ Significa esto que SAS piensa que sus empleados deberían: a) ¿tener algo más que un salario? b) ¿contentarse con un salario? 5 Según el artículo ¿qué beneficios paga en parte LA EMPRESA? ¿Qué expresiones se usan para describirlos? 6 Busca 3 verbos que se encuentran en voz pasiva 7 Da tu versión en español del párrafo iluminado en amarillo.


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