Latin American Book Exchange (LATAMEX) Servicio de Canje y Donaciones de Libros Iberoamericanos Indiana University Libraries

Latin American Book Exchange (LATAMEX) Servicio de Canje y Donaciones de Libros Iberoamericanos Indiana University Libraries

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Latin American Book Exchange (LATAMEX) Servicio de Canje y Donaciones de Libros Iberoamericanos Indiana University Libraries
Latin American Book Exchange (LATAMEX) Servicio de Canje y Donaciones de Libros Iberoamericanos Indiana University Libraries

Latin American Book Store
P.O. Box 7328 Redlands CA 92375 Tel: 800-645-4276 Fax: 909-335-9945 [email protected] Latin American Book Store

Latin American Book Store
P.O. Box 7328 Redlands CA 92375 Tel: 800-645-4276 Fax: 909-335-9945 [email protected] Latin American Book Store

Latin American Book Store
P.O. Box 7328 Redlands CA 92375 Tel: 800-645-4276 Fax: 909-335-9945 [email protected] Latin American Book Store

LATIN AMERICAN THEATRE REVIEW 86 Book Reviews Men and Angels. Three South American Comedies, trans, by Willis Knapp Jones. Carbondale: Southern Illi

Florida State University Libraries
Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2007 Cuentos y Cuentistas en Don Quijote de l


Story Transcript

Latin American Book Exchange (LATAMEX) Servicio de Canje y Donaciones de Libros Iberoamericanos Indiana University Libraries Email: [email protected]

Titles offered – December/Diciembre 2009 NOTE: Strikethrough titles have been claimed and are not available. Other titles remain available and may be requested at any time. 1. Adams, Julia, Elisabeth S. Clemens, and Ann Shola Orloff, eds. Remaking modernity: politics, history, and sociology. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005. 2. Amarillis Cottó, Ruth, coord. La mujer puertorriqueña en su contexto liteario y social. Madrid: Verbum Editorial, 2002. 3. Anderson, Charles W. The political economy of modern Spain: policy-making in an authoritarian system. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1970. 4. Arnove, Robert F. and Harvey J. Graff, eds. National literacy campaigns: historical and comparative perspectives. Reprinted, with a new introduction by the editors. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2008. 5. L’Associació Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes. Montserrat: Abadia de Montserrat, 1983. 6. L’Associació Internacional de Llengua i Literatura Catalanes, 1968-1986. Montserrat: Abadia de Montserrat, 1986. 7. Borofsky, Robert. Yanomami: the fierce controversy and what we can learn from it. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005. 8. Bragdon, Kathleen J. The Columbia guide to American Indians of the Northeast. New York: Columbia University Press, 2001. 9. Briggs, Charles L. Poeticas de vida en espacios de moerte: genero, poder y estado en la cotidianeidad warao. Quito: Abya-Yalao, 2008.

10. Britness, R. H. Britain and Ireland 1050-1530: economy and society. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. 11. Buisseret, David, ed. Rural images: estate maps in the Old and New Worlds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996. 12. Cantera Ortiz de Urbina, Jesús. Refranes, otras paremias y fraseologismos en Don Quijote de la Mancha. Edited by Wolfgang Mieder. Burlington: Proverbium in cooperation with the Department of German and Russian, University of Vermont, 2005. 13. Capdevila, Llorenç. Els diaris de Pascal: la novel·la. Barcelona: Proa, 2008. 14. Cerdeira da Silva, Teresa Cristina. O avesso do bordado: ensaios de literatura. Lisboa: Caminho, 2000. 15. Childress, Dawn. Globalisierung: eine ausgewählte bibliographie auf Deutsch. Bloomington, Ind.: Center for the Study of Global Change, Indiana University, 2006. [1 copy remaining.] 16. Christian, William A., Jr. Local religion in sixteenth-century Spain. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1981. 17. Clymer, Kenton J. The United States and Cambodia, 1969-2000: a troubled relationship. London; New York: Routledge, 2004. 18. Cockcroft, James D. Mexico’s hope: an encounter with politics and history. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1998. 19. Coelho, Paulo. Zâhir. Turkish-language ed. Istanbul: Can Yayinlari: 2005. 20. Compán, Salvador. Historias republicanas. Jaén (Spain): Líberman, 2006. 21. Coronas Tejada, Luis. El Hospital Real de Nuestra Señora de la Misericordia de Loja. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1990. 22. Crispin, John; Enrique Pupo-Walker and Luis Lorenzo-Rivero, eds. Los hallazgos de la lectura: estudio dedicado a Miguel Enguídanos. Madrid: J. Porrúa Turanzas, 1989. 23. Durschmied, Erik. The blood of revolution: from the Reign of Terror to the rise of Khomeini. New York: Arcade Publishing, 2002. 24. L’Eclesiastès: estudis sobre el llibre, text i notes. Versió de Pau Sais i Vila. Barcelona: Institució Bíblica Evangèlica de Catalunya, 1995.

25. Fajardo del Castillo, Teresa. La política exterior de la Unión Europea en materia de medio ambiente. Madrid: Tecnos, 2005. 26. Felipó i Oriol, Ramon. El català al món: premsa i ràdio en català a Europa, Amèrica i Oceania. Barcelona: El Llamp, 1984. 27. Ferretis, Jorge. Hombres en tempestad, cuentos. México, D.F.: Editorial ‘CIMA’, 1941. 28. Galichet, Georges. Physiologie de la langue française. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1949. 29. Galmés de Fuentes, Alvaro. Las sibilantes en la Romania. Madrid: Gredos, 1962. 30. Ganz, Cheryl R. and Margaret Strobel, eds. Pots of promise: Mexicans and pottery at HullHouse, 1920-40. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2004. 31. Goehlert, Robert and Angela Courtenay. Australia: a topical resource guide. Bloomington, Ind.: Center for the Study of Global Change, Indiana University, 2007. [1 copy remaining] 32. González, Luis A., and Kira Homo. Globalización/mundialización: una bibliografía seleccionada de fuentes en español. Bloomington, Ind.: Center for the Study of Global Change, Indiana University, 2005. 33. Griffin, David A. Los mozarabismos del “Vocabulista” atribuído a Ramón Martí. Madrid, Editorial Maestre: 1961. [Note: condition is ‘fair’ to ‘poor’] 34. Gros, Christian and Marie-Claude Strigler, dirs. Ětre indien dans les Amériques: spoliations et résistance: mobilisations ethniques et politiques du multiculturalisme. Paris: Institut des Amériques: Institut des hautes études de l’Amérique latine, 2006. 35. Gunther, Richard; Giacomo Sani; and Goldie Shabad. Spain after Franco: the making of a competitive party system. Revised ed. with new epilogue. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988. 36. Gutiérrez, Mariela. Rosario Ferré en su edad de oro: heroínas subversivas de Papeles de Pandora y Maldito amor. Madrid: Editorial Verbum, 2004. 37. Harrill, J. Albert. Slaves in the New Testament: literary, social, and moral dimensions. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2006. 38. Helg, Aline. Liberty & equality in Caribbean Colombia, 1770-1835. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2004.

39. Hellion, Martha, ed. Libros de artista = Artist’s books. Vol 1: Libros de artista. Vol 2: Ulises Carrión: ¿Mundos personales o estrategias culturales? Turner, 2003. 40. Homo, Kira, Christina Jones & John Russell. Terrorism: a guide to selected resources. Bloomington, Ind.: Center for the Study of Global Change, Indiana University, 2004. 41. Lobato, Mirta Zaida, ed. Política, médicos y enfermedades: lecturas de la historia de la salud en la Argentina. Buenos Aires: Editorial Biblos, 1996. 42. López y Fuentes, Gregorio. Mi general! Novela mexicana. México: Ediciones Botas, 1934. 43. Macedo, Joaquim Manuel de. Um passeio pela cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Volume 1. São Paulo: Edições Biblioteca Nacional: Editora Planeta do Brasil: 2004-. 44. Marín, Manuela. Mujeres en Al-Ándalus. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 2000. 45. May, Robert E. The southern dream of a Caribbean empire, 1854-1861. 2nd pbk. ed, New perspectives on the history of the South. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 2002. 46. Ministério da Cultura Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosi. Relatório das atividades de FCRB. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação, 2004. 47. Monteiro, Miguel Maria Santos Corrêa. Saint Francis Xavier: a man for all others. Lisbon: CTT Correios de Portugal, 2006. 48. Paul, Annie, ed. Caribbean culture: soundings on Kamau Brathwaite. Conference on Caribbean Culture (2nd: 2002: Mona, Jamaica). Kingston: University of the West Indies Press, 2007. 49. Pagliaro, Heloísa, et al. Demografia dos povos indígenas no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Editora Fiocruz; Campinas, SP: Associação Brasileira de Estudos Populacionais, 2005. 50. Peña, Abe M. Memories of Cibola: stories from New Mexico villages. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1997. 51. Pilon, Juliana Green. Why America is such a hard sell: beyond pride and prejudice. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007. 52. Postma, Johannes. Slave revolts. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2008. 53. Rafael, Vicente L. The promise of the foreign: nationalism and the technics of translation in the Spanish Philippines. Durham: Duke University Press, 2005.

54. Rebollo Sánchez, Félix. Periodismo y movimientos literarios contemporáneos. Madrid: Laberinto, 2001. 55. Reese, Roger R. Red commanders: a social history of the Soviet Army officer corps, 19181991. Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 2005. 56. Riba, Carles. Llengua i literatura. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1965. 57. Rio, João do. A alma encatadora das ruas. Belo Horizonte: Crisálida, 2007. 58. Romero, Ruben, et al. Obregón: aspectos de su vida. México, Editorial “Cvltvra”, 1935. 59. Rossinyol, Jaume. Le problème national catalan. Paris: Mouton, 1974. 60. Santiago, Esmerelda. Almost a woman. New York: Vintage Books, 1999. 61. Scheina, Robert L. Latin America's wars. 1st ed. Washington, D.C.: Brassey's Inc., 2003. Note: Volume 1 only. [1 copy remaining]. 62. Serrão, Joel. Fernando Pessoa, cidadão do imaginário. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1981. 63. Smith, Jon and Deborah Cohn, eds. Look away!: the U.S. South in New World studies. Durham: Duke University Press, 2004. 64. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: selected writings. Translated and introduced by Pamela Kirk Rappaport. New York: Paulist Press, 2005. 65. Subrahmanyam, Sanjay. From the Tagus to the Ganges. Delhi; New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. 66. Subrahmanyam, Sanjay. Mughals and Franks. Delhi; New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. 67. Valle-Inclán: dibujado: caricaturas y retratos del escritor, 1888-1936. Lugo: Concello de Lugo; Santiago de Compostela: Cátedra Valle-Inclán: 2008. 68. Vallverdú, Francesc. El fet lingüístic com a fet social; assaig de lingüística institucional. Barcelona: Edicions 62, 1973. 69. Villalobos, Marco Antônio. A guerrilha do riso: Carlos Nobre x ditadura militar brasileira. Porto Alegre, RS: Mercado Aberto, 2000. 70. Villalonga, Llorenç, Jaume Vidal Alcover, and Joan Tarrida. Muerte de dama: edición bilingüe. Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona: Edicions de Mall, 1986.

71. Walker, Charles F. Shaky colonialism: the 1746 earthquake-tsunami in Lima, Peru, and its long aftermath. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008.

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