Learn How An Increase In EMF Radiation Is Disrupting The Environment & Wildlife Flipbook PDF

Should you be worried about the increase in 5G towers being built? Do you want to know the real-life impact EMF radiatio

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Story Transcript

Learn How An Increase In EMF Radiation Is Disrupting The Environment & Wildlife

If you heard about the possible health concerns that the continued rise of 5G technology is causing, you may want to know what evidence there is to support those claims?

That's why Omnia has released a report that examines the impact of EMF radiation and 5G on wildlife.

In the report, Omnia breaks down several recent studies that have looked into the impact EMF radiation has had on wildlife across multiple locations and species. By compiling the results of EMF exposure, the report helps you to better consider how the increasing amount of 5G towers being built may present long-term environmental issues.

Within the report, you will find details of research conducted on various species around the world, such as honeybees, birds, and marine life.  For each area, the report outlines the work that was done and the detrimental impact the EMF radiation had on the studied animal’s natural processes.

By making you aware of this 5G research, Omnia is helping you to understand its potential risks. Furthermore, the report highlights the importance of creating safe technologies to improve wildlife conservation and save the planet for future generations.

To help you protect yourself from EMF radiation in your daily life, Omnia also has a range of Omnia Radiation Balancer stickers and pendants.

Visit https://www.omniaradiation balancer.com/blogs/news/5 g-emf-and-wildlife for more information.

Check it out today!

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