Leire Gartzia Avenida de las Universidades, 24 48001, Bilbao, Bizkaia (Spain)
[email protected]
University Degrees B.S. -‐Degree in Psychology, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain. 2001-‐2006. B.A. -‐Degree in Social and Cultural Antropology, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain. 2008-‐2011. M.A. -‐Master of Research in Psychology: Individual, Group and Organization; University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain. 2006-‐2007. -‐Master of Gender Studies and Gender Equality; University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain. 2007-‐2009. M.S. -‐Master of Human Resources Management, Universidad Oberta de Cataluña (UOC), Spain. 2005-‐ 2007. Ph. D.(Social and Organizational Psychology); European Ph. D., University of the Basque Country (Spain), Rotterdam School of Management (The Netherlands) and University of Exeter (United Kingdom). 2006-‐2010.
Research Interests • • • •
Leadership Crisis management Emotional Intelligence and emotions at work Identities
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Stereotypes Sex differences in leadership Gender roles Work-‐life balance Gender issues in management
Academic Positions and Related Professional Experience Assistant Professor of Leadership and Team development, Department of Human Resources, Deusto Business School, University of Deusto, Spain. 2012-‐present. Lecturer on Gender Equality at Work in the Master's Programme in Gender Studies at the Univeristy of the Basque Country, Spain. 2012-‐present. Lecturer on Leadership in the Joint Program REGHEALTH: European Master in Sustainable Regional Health Systems. 2012-‐present. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology, Northwestern University, Illinois, USA, 2011-‐2012. Research fellow, Department of Social Psychology and Methodologies of Social Sciences, University of the Basque Country, Spain. 2011
Assistant Professor of Sexual Education at School and Psychology of Education, Department of Developmental and Educational Psychology, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Spain. 2010-‐2011. Research fellow, Department of Basic Psychological processes and their development, University of the Basque Country, Spain. 2010. Visiting Scholar, Hanken School of Economics, Hanken University, Finland. August 2010. Visiting Scholar, Department of Psychology, University of Exeter, England, April-‐May 2010. Visiting Scholar, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam. December 2009-‐ March 2010. Gender equality Trainer in City Councils, Murgibe Consultora para la Igualdad, May 2009. Gender equality Trainer in Industrial and Service Providing Organizations with employees and managers. 2008-‐2009. Gender equality Trainer in the University of the Basque Country Law School, January-‐June 2009. Research assistant, Education and Training Department, East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom, 2006. Fellow at the Employment and Knowledge Department, Regional Government of Bizkaia (Diputación Foral de Bizkaia). 2006. Fellow at the Human Resources Department, IKEA Barakaldo, 2005. Polling practitioner for public opinion studies, Colomber S.A. 2002-‐2005.
Publications She has articles published or forthcoming in the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Sex Roles, Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, Gender in Management and top Spanish Psychology ISI journals such as Anales de Psicología or Revista de Psicología Social, as well as in the Oxford Handbook of Gender in Organizations. Her research has also been featured in local publications like Boletín de Estudios Económicos or Euskonews and in newspapers like Diario Vasco and Hirian. She has also been a contributor to the University of Chicago radio station and the Basque Cadena ser radio station. Her publications are: Book Chapters and Conference Volumes Eagly, A. H., Gartzia, L., & Carli, L. (2013). The Female Leadership Advantage Revisited. In R. Burke R. Simpson and S. Kumra, Handbook of Gender in Organizations. Oxford University Press. Gartzia, L., Pizarro, M., Aritzeta, A. y Balluerka, N. (2011). Mujeres, hombres y desarrollo emocional: Propuestas para el cambio. En C. Díaz et al. (Eds.), Publicaciones Caleidoscopio de Género. Universidad del País Vasco. Pizarro, M., Gartzia, L., Odriozola, X., Otxotorena, M., y Aritzeta, A. (2011). La igualdad de género en el ámbito universitario: Resultados de un programa de sensibilización-‐formación con jóvenes en la UPV/EHU. En C. Díaz et al. (Eds.), Publicaciones Caleidoscopio de Género. Universidad del País Vasco. Pizarro, M., Portilla, E., Aritzeta, A. y Gartzia, L. (2011). Opiniones y creencias de jóvenes (16-‐18 años) en relación a la violencia contra las mujeres. En C. Díaz et al. (Eds.), Publicaciones Caleidoscopio de Género. Universidad del País Vasco. Gartzia, L. (2011). Socioemotional dimensions and organizational performance: opposite boundaries of a continuum?. En Fernández-‐Berrocal y cols (Ed.). Libro de Actas del Congreso de Inteligencia Emocional (pp. 253-‐258).
Gartzia, L., Balluerka, N. & Aritzeta, A. (2011). Gender and emotional intelligence: new perspectives. En Fernández-‐Berrocal y cols (Ed.). Libro de Actas del Congreso de Inteligencia Emocional (pp.133-‐ 138). Aritzeta, A., Gartzia, L., Torres, M., & Garmendia, I. (2010). Programas de intervención de adquisición y desarrollo de competencias socioemocionales para el fomento de sistemas de gestión innovadores. En Fernández-‐Berrocal y cols (Ed.). Libro de Actas del Congreso de Inteligencia Emocional, 323-‐327. Gartzia, L. (2010). El sistema género-‐emociones en el siglo XXI: ¿hacia dónde vamos? En J. Tous (ed), Libro de Actas del Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social. Tarragona. Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A., and Balluerka, N. (2010). Working with masculinities as a way of promoting gender equality: An audiovisual resource to deconstruct the “Think manager-‐think male” stereotype.” En J. Tous (ed), Libro de Actas del Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social. Tarragona. Aritzeta, A. y Gartzia, L. (2009). Cultura Organizacional e Inteligencia Emocional. En Fernández-‐Berrocal y cols. (Eds.). Avances en el estudio de la Inteligencia Emocional (pp. 166-‐172). Santander: Fundación Marcelino Botín. Aritzeta, A. y Gartzia, L. (2009). Impacto de programas de formación en competencias emocionales en contextos educativos. En P. Fernández-‐Berrocal y cols. (Eds.), Avances en el estudio de la Inteligencia Emocional (pp. 400-‐406). Santander: Fundación Marcelino Botín. Gartzia, L., y Aritzeta, A. (2009). Equipos de trabajo, competencia emocional y sistema de género: Una aproximación teórica. En P. Fernández-‐Berrocal y cols. (Eds.). Avances en el estudio de la Inteligencia Emocional (pp. 179-‐183). Santander: Fundación Marcelino Botín. Aritzeta, A. y Gartzia, L. (2009). Inteligencia Emocional y Burnout en Profesionales de la Intervención Social y Comunitaria. En P. Fernández-‐Berrocal y cols. (Eds.) Avances en el estudio de la Inteligencia Emocional (pp. 173-‐178). Santander: Fundación Marcelino Botín. Vázquez-‐Morejón, R., Aritzeta, A., Munduate, L., Medina, F. y Gartzia, L. (2007) En X Congreso Nacional de Psicologia Social. (pp. 1574-‐1574). Cádiz. Asociación de Profesionales de Psicologia Social. Books Jiménez, B.M., Martín, B., Pérez, I., Riaño, J., Gartzia, L., Gómez, O., y López, R. (2011). La emoción de la transformación. Innobasque Agencia Vasca de la Innovación: Bilbao. Jiménez, B.M., Martín, B., Pérez, I., Riaño, J., Gartzia, L., Gómez, O., y López, R. (2011). Eraldaketaren Emozioa. Innobasque Agencia Vasca de la Innovación: Bilbao. Gartzia, L. (2011). Empresas del siglo XXI: De pensar en “Masculino” a Pensar en “Andrógino. Una propuesta innovadora sobre el valor del género en el funcionamiento organizacional”. Disponible en http://www.emozioak.net/index.php/en/component/k2/itemlist/tag/Androginia.html Gartzia, L. (2011). XXI. Mendeko Erakundeak: “Masculino”-‐z pentsatzetik “Andrógino”-‐z pentsatzera. Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa: Donostia-‐San Sebastián. Disponible en http://www.emozioak.net/index.php/en/component/k2/itemlist/tag/Androginia.html Gartzia, L. (2010). From “Think Male” to “Think Androgynous”. Implications for gender equality and organizational functioning in XXI Century Organizations. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of the Basque Country, Spain. Aritzeta, A., Gartzia, L., y Ramos, E. (2008). Emociones y Trabajo. La inteligencia emocional en contextos organizacionales. Erein Aritzeta, A., Gartzia, L., y Ramos, E. (2008). Emozioak eta lana: Adimen emozionala erakundeetan. Erein Gartzia, L. (in press). Androginia emocional. ¿Es posible el desarrollo emocional en las organizaciones sin la incorporación de una perspectiva de género?. Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa, Donostia-‐San Sebastián. Gartzia, L. (in press). Androginia emozionala. ¿Posiblea da emozioen kudeaketa sustatzea erakundeetan genero ikuspegia hartu gabe?. Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa: Donostia-‐San Sebastián.
Published Papers Gartzia, L., Ryan, M., Balluerka, N. & Aritzeta, A. (2012). Think crisis – Think female: further evidence. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 21 (4), 603-‐628. Gartzia, L., & van Engen, M. (2012). Are (male) leaders “feminine” enough? Gender traits of identity as mediators of sex differences in leadership styles. Gender in Management, 27(5), 295-‐314. Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A., Balluerka, N., & Barberá, E. (2012). Inteligencia emocional y género: más allá de las diferencias sexuales. Anales de Psicología, 28, 567-‐575. Gartzia, L. (2011). The Gendered nature of (male) leadership: Expressive identity salience and cooperation. Best paper proceedings of the Academy of Management 2011. http://program.aomonline.org/2011/reportsaspnet/Proceedings.aspx Gartzia, L. (2011). Empresas andróginas: un nuevo reto de gestión. Euskonews, 573. http://www.euskonews.com/0573zbk/gaia57301es.html Gartzia, L. (2011). Nuevos modelos de gestión: de pensar en masculino a pensar en andrógino. Boletín de Estudios Económicos, 203, 299-‐314. Gartzia, L., & López-‐Zafra, E. (forthcoming). Social roles of men and women in Spain: Emerging issues and implications for international research. Sex Roles. Gartzia, L. (forthcoming); The malleability of gender: effects of brief exposure to counter-‐stereotypical images as regards affective and sexual issues. Revista de Psicología Social. Del Castillo. E., Arizkuren, A., Gartzia, L., Baniandrés, J., Martínez, A., (forthcoming). “ The influence of the Managers´profile and the kind of organization in the process to decide about CSR.” Journal of Marine Research (JMR). Manuscripts Under Review and In Preparation Arizkuren, A., Del Castillo. E., Gartzia, L. (under review). Stakeholders claims and prioritization of corporate social Responsibility. Gartzia, L. & van Knippenberg, D. (under review). The gendered nature of (male) leadership: expressive identity activation and cooperation. Gartzia, L., Balluerka, N., Aritzeta, A., & Fernández-‐Berrocal, P. (under review). Emotional Intelligence as a key variable for organizations: What lies behind sex differences?. Aritzeta, A., Balluerka, N., Haranburu, M., Alonso-‐Arbiol, I., Gorostiaga, A., & Gartzia, L. (under review). Group Emotional Intelligence: Development of a New Measure and its Associations with Gender and School Performance. Fetterolf, J., Gartzia, L., & Eagly, A. H. (In preparation). Do Spanish Young People Expect Gender Equality in Their Lives? Evidence from a Possible Selves Experiment. López-‐Zafra, E.. & Gartzia, L. (in preparation). Emotional Intelligence stereotypically feminine, masculine, or both? A theoretical and empirical approach. Gartzia, L. & Fengging, Z. Z. (in preparation). Sex Differences in Emotional Intelligence: An Integrative Meta-‐Analysis.
Academic Honors and Scholarships • • •
Honorable Mention for Best Paper in the Academy of Management, USA, 2011. 2nd Place Winner of 2011 Distinguished Dorothy Harlow Scientific Contribution Award in Gender Studies from the Academy of Management, USA, 2011. Winner of Scholarship Award for the Study of Gender in Crisis Management Situations, Emakunde-‐ Instituto Vasco de la Mujer, 2012-‐2013.
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Winner of Basque Government Scholarship Award for Postdoctoral Training for the Study of Gender Issues in Organizations and Leadership, 2010-‐2012. Cum Laude Honorable Mention for a European Dissertation, University of the Basque Country, Spain, 2010. Winner of Swiss Center for Affective Sciences (SCAS) Scholarship Award for Training in the International Summer School in Affective Sciences (ISSAS 2010), Switzerland, 2010. Winner of Basque Government Scholarship Award for Predoctoral Training for the Study of Gender in Organizations, 2006-‐2010. Winner of three Basque Government Scholarship Awards to visit a European University as a research fellow, 2010. Winner of Emakunde-‐Instituto Vasco de la Mujer Scholarship Award for theoretical training in the Master of Gender Studies and Gender Equality of the University of the Basque Country, Spain. 2007-‐ 2008. Winner of Emakunde-‐Instituto Vasco de la Mujer Scholarship Award for practical training in the Master of Gender Studies and Gender Equality of the University of the Basque Country, Spain. 2008-‐ 2009. Winner of University of the Basque Country Scholarship Award for participation in a Gender Studies course at University of the Basque Country Summer School, Spain, 2008. Winner of University of the Basque Country Scholarship Research Award for undergraduate students in the final year (“Beca de colaboración”) for collaboration in a research project about Gender and Organizations, Spain, 2005-‐2006. Winner of the “Leonardo Da Vinci” Scholarship Award for professional training in Europe, Fondo Social Europeo, BBK and Gazte Lanbidean, Spain, 2006. Winner during four years of University of the Basque Country Scholarship Award for undergraduate studies, 2001-‐2005. Winner during four years of University of the Basque Country Scholarship Award for accommodation/travel costs during undergraduate studies, 2001-‐2005. Winner of 11 Distinguished Disctintions for undergraduate students (“Matrículas de Honor”) in the Degree in Psychology, University of the Basque Country, 2001-‐2005.
Editorial and Reviewing activities •
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Guest Editor, Sex Roles: A journal of Research, Special Issue about Sex Roles in Spain, titled “Social roles of men and women in Spain: Emerging issues and implications for international research”, 2011-‐2012. Reviewer for Gender & Society. Reviewer for Cross-‐Cultural Management: An International Journal Reviewer for the Spanish Journal of Social Psychology (Revista de Psicología Social). Reviewer for the Mexican Journal Revista Científica de Investigación Nova Scientia. Reviewer for the Basque journal Uztaro. Reviewer of Conference Program Proposals for 2012 Emonet Conference about Emotions in Organizations. Reviewer of Conference Program Proposals for 2012 EURAM (European Academy of Management). Co-‐Chair of Emotions in the Workplace: Affect and Performance, 14th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Spain, 2009.
Conference presentations Gartzia, L., & van Engen, M. (2012). Are (male) leaders “feminine” enough? The role of expressive identity in transformational, transactional and emotionally intelligent leadership. Paper presented at the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Rotterdam, Holland. Gartzia, L. (2012). Are Communal Leaders perceived as less Effective? Task and People orientation as opposite sides of a continuum. Paper presented at the European Academy of Management (EURAM), Rotterdam, Spain. Gartzia, L. (2012). Diferencias sexuales en material afectivo-‐sexual: efectos de la exposición breve a imágenes contra-‐estereotípicas. Poster presented at the Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social, Madrid, Spain. Gartzia, L. (2012). Es la Inteligencia Emocional Femnina, Masculina o Ambas? Un análisis desde la perspectiva de los estereotipos de género. Poster presented at the Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social, Madrid, Spain. Gartzia, L. (2012). Diferencias sexuales en Inteligencia Emocional: la identidad como factor explicativo. Poster presented at the Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social, Madrid, Spain. Gartzia, L. (2012). Rasgos de personalidad desde un enfoque de género: Análisis de su evolución y consecuencias psicológicas. Paper presented at the VIII Congreso Vasco de Sociología, Bilbao (Spain). Apraiz, A., Baniandrés, J., Eizaguirre, A., Garcia Feijoo, M., Gartzia, L., Iribar, F., Larrinaga, M.A., (2011). Una reflexión sobre cómo trabajar la perspectiva de género en el Grado en Administración y Dirección de Empresas de La Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad de Deusto. Paper presented at the III Foro Internacional sobre Innovación Universitaria. Avances en la innovación universitaria: tejiendo el compromiso de las universidades, Bilbao (Spain) Gartzia, L. (2012). Gendered traits of personality in Western Societies. Paper presented at the International conference on interdisciplinary social sciences, Barcelona, Spain. Gartzia, L. (2011). Are men “feminine” enough?: An updated look at gendered traits of personality and their effect on individual and organizational processes. Invited talk at the Brown-‐Bag talks of the Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. Gartzia, L. (2011). Emotional intelligence development in the workplace: A gender perspective. Paper presented at the Joint Conference of the 18th Annual International Conference on Advances in Management & 4th Annual International Conference on Social Intelligence, Cancún, México. Gartzia, L. (2011). Gender in Organizations: A New Perspective. Instrumental Male Referents and their Effect on Acceptance of Interpersonal Orientation. Paper presented at the 119th Annual Convention of The American Psychological Association, Washington, (USA). Gartzia, L. (2011). The Gendered Nature of (Male) Leadership: Expressive Identity Salience and Cooperation. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas (USA). Gartzia, L. (2011). Inteligencia emocional en las organizaciones: ¿Es posible su desarrollo sin la incorporación de una perspectiva de género?. Paper presented at the I Congreso de Inteligencia Congreso de Inteligencia Emocional en las Organizaciones, Lleida (Spain). Gartzia, L. (2011). Diferencias sexuales en Inteligencia Emocional. Alternativas para el cambio. Poster presented at the I Congreso de Inteligencia Emocional en las Organizaciones, Lleida (Spain). Pizarro, M., Gartzia, L., Otxotorena, M., Odriozola, X., Aritzeta, A. (2011). La Igualdad de Género en el Ámbito Universitario: Resultados de un Programa de Sensibilización-‐Formación con Jóvenes en la UPV/EHU. Poster presented at the Caleidoscopio de Género 2011, San Sebastián (Spain) Pizarro, M., Portilla, E., Aritzeta, A., Gartzia, L. (2011). Opiniones y creencias de jóvenes en relación a la violencia contra las mujeres. Poster presented at the Caleidoscopio de Género 2011, San Sebastián (Spain)
Gartzia, L., Pizarro, M., Aritzeta, A., Balluerka, N. (2011). Mujeres, Hombres Y Desarrollo Emocional: Propuestas Para El Cambio. Poster presented at the Caleidoscopio de Género 2011, San Sebastián (Spain) Gartzia, L. (2010). Male leadership role models: Implications for intergroup cooperation and interpersonal orientation. Invited talk at the SEORG talks of the University of Exeter, England. Gartzia, L. (2010). Male leadership role models: Implications for intergroup cooperation and interpersonal orientation. Invited talk at Hanken School of Economics, University of Hanken, Helsinki, Finland. Gartzia, L. & Aritzeta, A. (2010). Gender Identity and Emotional intelligence: A step forward towards new organisational models. Poster presented at the Emonet VII International Conference on Emotions and Worklife, Montreal, Canadá. Aritzeta, A., Balluerka, N., Alonso-‐Arbiol, I., Gorostiaga, A., Aramburu, M. & Gartzia, L. (2010). The Group Trait Meta-‐Mood Scale: A new measure of group emotional intelligence. Poster presented at the IV European Congress of Methodology, Berlin (Germany) Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A., Torres, M. & Garmendia, I. (2010). MSCEIT y diferencias sexuales: el papel moderador de la identidad de género. In P. Fernández Berrocal, Inteligencia Emocional desde el modelo de habilidad de Mayer y Salovey. Invited Symposium conducted at the Congreso Iberoaméricano de Psicología, Oviedo (Spain). Gartzia, L., van Knippenberg, D., Tröster, C., Aritzeta, A., & Balluerka, N. (2010). El eslabón perdido en la psicología del trabajo y las organizaciones: el efecto de los modelos de masculinidad. Paper presented at the Congreso Iberoaméricano de Psicología, Oviedo (Spain). Aritzeta, A., Gartzia, L., Torres, M. & Garmendia, I. (2010). Emotional Intelligence and Conflict Managing Styles in managers and workers. Poster presented at the Third European Conference on Emotion, Llile (France). Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A. & Balluerka, N. (2010). Men, women, and the social construction of emotional competences: The role of gender identity. Paper presented at the Third European Conference on Emotion, Llile (France). Gartzia, L., Balluerka, N. & Aritzeta, A. (2010). Transgendering” emotions: the case of Emotional Intelligence. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference of Gender Work and Organization, Keele, England. Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A., & Balluerka, N. (2010). Breaking assumptions about successful management: Analysis of the consequences of the Think-‐Manager-‐Think-‐Male reference for organizational performance in the face of the financial crisis. Paper presented at the 6th Biennial International Interdisciplinary Conference of Gender Work and Organization, Keele, United Kingdom Gartzia, L. (2010). Challenging backlash: evidence that male leaders should become counterstereotypical as a way of promoting gender equality. In L. Rudman, New directions in research on backlash and other consequences of challenging gender stereotypes. Symposium conducted at the Conference of Motivation, Self-‐ Regulation and Gender: Perspectives and Applications. Gdansk (Poland). Gartzia, L.,Balluerka, N., & Aritzeta, A. (2010). Sex differences in emotional regulation: the role of gender-‐ linked identity traits. Paper presented at the Conference of Motivation, Self-‐ Regulation and Gender: Perspectives and Applications, Gdansk (Poland). Gartzia, L. (2010). Sociología de género y salud: el caso de la inteligencia emocional. Paper presented at the VIII Congreso Vasco de Sociología, Bilbao (Spain). Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A., & Balluerka, N. (2009). Emotional intelligence and gender. ¿What´s behind sex differences? Paper presented at the Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Emocional, Santander (Spain). Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A., & Balluerka, N. (2009). Liderazgo, dimensiones socioemocionales y percepción de competencia. Análisis de una brecha oculta desde la perspectiva de género. Poster presented at the II Congreso Internacional de Inteligencia Emocional, Santander (Spain). Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A., & Balluerka, N. (2009). Emerging models of masculinity within organizational settings. Remaining barriers and future challenges. Poster presented at the European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A., & Balluerka, N. (2009). Masculine leadership styles and perception of competence. Poster presented at the European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP). Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Gartzia, L. (2009). References of Masculinity within the XXI Century Business Organizations: analysis of its relation with key competences for success. Paper presented at the European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A., & Balluerka, N. (2009). Androginia Emocional: desarrollo de un constructo para la comprensión de la relación entre el género y las emociones. Poster presented at the XI Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social, Tarragona (Spain). Gartzia, L. & Aritzeta, A. (2009). The relation between Emotional intelligence and gender identity in organizational contexts. Poster presented at the VI Symposio de la Asociación de Motivación y Emoción, Tenerife (Spain). Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A. y Pizarro, M. (2008). Valor de las competencias estereotípicamente femeninas en el mundo empresarial: El caso de la inteligencia emocional. Poster presented at the International Congress “Women´s Worlds 2008”, Madrid, Spain. Aritzeta, A., Pizarro, M., Gartzia, L., Campos, V., Marcos, V., González, S., Txarro, N., López, R., y Gómez, L. (2007). Programa de evaluación de educación emocional de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa en los ámbitos educativo, familiar, organizacional y socio-‐comunitario. Poster presented at the V Simposio de la Asociación de motivación y emoción, Donostia-‐San Sebastian (Spain) Aritzeta, A., Ramos, E., Marcos, V., Gartzia, L., Pizarro, M., Gonzalez, S., Manterola, E., Gómez, L., López, R. (2007). Aplicación en el aula de los conocimientos adquiridos en un Programa de Educación Socio-‐ Emocional dirigido a profesorado de Educación Infantil, Primaria y Secundaria de Gipuzkoa (País Vasco). Poster presented at the I International congress on emotional intelligence, Málaga (Spain) A. Aritzeta; L. Gartzia; M. Pizarro; V. Marcos; S. Gonzalez; E. Ramos; E. Manterola; L. Gómez y R. López. (2007). Impacto de la formación en competencias emocionales sobre la Satisfacción laboral, Clima laboral, Estrés laboral y Burn-‐out: Un análisis multinivel en colegios de primaria y secundaria. Paper presented at the I International congress on emotional intelligence, Málaga (Spain) Gartzia, L., Aritzeta, A., López, R., Marcos, V., Pizarro, M., González, S., Ramos, E., Gómez, L. y Manterola, E. (2007). Equipos de trabajo, competencia emocional y sistema de género: Una investigación cualitativa con empresas vascas. Poster presented at the I International congress on emotional intelligence, Málaga (Spain) Aritzeta, A., Gomez, L., Marcos, V., Pizarro, M., Gartzia, L., Ramos, E., Gonzalez, S., Manterola, E. (2007). Necesidades socio-‐emocionales en contextos socio-‐comunitarios. Paper presented at the I International congress on emotional intelligence, Málaga (Spain) Gartzia, L.; Aritzeta, A.; Pizarro, M.; Marcos, V; López, R.; Gómez, L.; González, S.; Ramos, E., Manterola, E. (2007). Identidad de género e inteligencia emocional: un mapa actualizado de su influencia en algunas empresas vascas. Poster presented at the X Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social, Cádiz (Spain) Vazquez-‐Morejon, R., Aritzeta, A., Munduate, L., Medina, F., Gartzia, L. (2007). Género y efectividad de los equipos de trabajo. In M. Sánchez de Miguel y A. Aritzeta, “Psicología Social del Género: Nuevas Perspectivas en el Ámbito Laboral”. Symposium conducted at the X Congreso Nacional de Psicología Social, Cádiz, Spain.
Other information Dissertation adviser of a thesis entitled “Analysis of the Relationship between emotional labor, emotional competencies and organizational performance”. PhD: Maitane Elorriaga. Center: Deusto Business School, University of Deusto. Doctoral Program: Business competitiveness and economic development. Expected defense date: 2015. Dissertation adviser of a thesis entitled “Interrelation between the level of social integration and performance of work teams in organizations of the Basque SMEs”. PhD: Amillano Alejandro Solano.
Center: Deusto Business School, University of Deusto. Doctoral Program: Business competitiveness and economic development. Defense Expected date: 2015. Official certification for the use and administration of the "Mayer-‐Salovey-‐Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). MHS Organizational Effectiveness Group. 2008 The following universities and researchers in Europe have written positive reports of recommendation of Dr. Gartzia´s European dissertation for its scientific contributions in the field of work and management: Tilburg University, Tilburg (Netherlands); Evaluation: Smaranda Boros, Department of Organizational Studies. Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki (Finland); Reviewer: Jeff Hearn, Management and Organization. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven (Belgium); Evaluation: Batja Mesquita, Center for Social and Cultural Psychology. University of Bern, Bern (Switzerland); Evaluation: Sabine Sczesny, Department of Social Psychology. Participation in a training seminar of 30 hours on leadership and gender taught by Dr. Alice H. Eagly. Northwestern University, Illinois (USA), 2012. Participation in a training seminar of 30 hours on meta-‐analysis conducted by Dr. Larry Hedges. Northwestern University, Illinois (USA), 2011. Participation in the Meeting "International Conference on Emotional Intelligence" held in Chicago from 30 June to 1 July 2008. Certificate of business practices. Canterbury Christ Church University (UK). 40 hours. 2006 Certificate of Entreprenari Program aimed at "Creating and managing innovative companies." Bic Berrilan. 50HS. 2005 Certificate of “Socio Intervention with groups at risk of social exclusion”. Asociación Profesional de Orientadoras/es Sociolaborales. 30 hrs. 2006 Certificate of “Training of trainers for Employment Guidance”. Asociación Profesional de Orientadoras/es Sociolaborales. 10 hrs. 2006 Participation in the Congress "Equality Innovation -‐ Innovation for Equality". Organizers: SARE Emakunde. Assistance. Donostia. 2008 Participation in the XIII Congress of Psychology of work and organizations "European Assosiation of Work and Organizational Psychology" (EAWOP 2007), Stockholm (Sweden). 2007 Participation in the International Conference "How to innovate with people in management: From theory to practice emotional intelligence in the enterprise." Parque Tecnológico de San Sebastián. 2007 Participation in the Meeting "The road to the emotionally intelligent organizatio ". Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. December 2007 Participation in the Congress "Masculinity and Everyday Life." Organizers: SARE Emakunde. Assistance. Donostia, November 2007. Participation in the meeting "Participation in the Company. Transforming relationship models in organizations." Organizer: Institute of Cooperative Law and Social Economy of the UPV / EHU (GEZKI). Donostia-‐San Sebastián, 2007. Member of the Academy of Management (AMJ) and divisions "Gender and Diversity" and “Organziational Behavior". Member of the Emotional Intelligence Consortium Innobasque (Spain). Member of ON: GIZ Association for gender equality (Spain).