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Story Transcript

Mark's The Cat Diary

My name is Mark . I am an orange coloured cat

My owner's name is Huda. She is the one who picked me up three years ago at the market. I still remember when I opened my eyes, I was dirty and my fur smelled bad. I kept on meowing for someone to take me home. No one even look at me until one day, Huda came and took me back to her home. She was my savior.

Now, I've been living with her for three years. It was a bit hard at first as I am not familiar with this kind treatment. But now, it became a routine. Everyday at 6.30 a.m. I would wake up from my comfy bed and go to her room. I jumped onto her bed and snuggled up right beside my lovely owner while attempting to wake her up.

She then would wake up and give me my breakfast consisted . While I eat, She would get ready for her classes.

After I'm done eating, I would go to my "playcorner" that Huda set up for me. Isn't she the kindest person ever?

I would go play with my rainbow ball or scratch my sharp , pointy nails on the scrather board.

I usually would sleep after playing all the way until snack time. Huda's mom would check up on me once a day, she would give me snacks like kibbles or creamy treats. My favorite is the creamy type of treats.

I would wait for Huda to come back home at night. When she gets home, I quickly settled myself in front of my eating bowl since she would give me my dinner first. I also eat canned tuna during dinner, but sometimes she would give me a handful of boiled chicken. Huda will play with me until she gets tired, sometimes we would play catch with the pet mouse, sometimes she would give me new toys to try.

After a few hours of playing, she would go to her room and completed her works. I would stay up to accompany her until I fell asleep. Eventually, she would bring me back to my comfy bed and that is the end of my day.

I love my owner so much and I am very thankful for her!

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