Martes el 1 de diciembre

Martes el 1 de diciembre Tocatimbre Translate the following on a half sheet: Do not turn in, This is your ticket out the door 1.Last year, I traveled

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Story Transcript

Martes el 1 de diciembre Tocatimbre Translate the following on a half sheet: Do not turn in, This is your ticket out the door 1.Last year, I traveled to Argentina with my brother. 2.We visited the national museum and we bought a lot of souvenirs. 3. I saw a lot of boats at the pier.


La capital


La moneda

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires


El peso argentino

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Buenos Aires

Residentes de Buenos Aires son conocidos de ((Gente del puerto)) Es conocido por su vida nocturna, influencia europeo (Italiano y Español), y el tango.

La Boca -

Un barrio artístico de Buenos Aires

Cementerio Recoleta Cementerio para las elites


La Casa Rosada - Buenos Aires La casa presidencial

Las Exportaciones Los productos de exportación son agricultores e incluyen la soya y el maíz. También, ellos exportan los animales de la granja como vacas, cerdos y pollos. También, los argentinos producen mucho vino.

Animales Típicos Animales de la selva: Jaguares, monos, cocodrilos, tortugas, mapuches , flamencos y tucanes. Los animales domésticos : Vacas y caballos (“cabalgatas”). También, hay pollos, cerdos y pájaros.

El Sistema Monetario >>El dólar americano es igual a tres pesos argentinos. country=Argentina

Los Gauchos >> Los gauchos fueron habitantes rurales que tuvieron su origen en el siglo XVIII, en la región de las pampas, al sur del país. >>Ellos son el símbolo más emblemático del país y representan el carácter nacional. >> Son los vaqueros (cowboys) de Argentina

Los Deportes El deporte más popular es el fútbol.

Otros deportes populares: >> Basquétbol >> Polo >> Tenis

El Tango >> A dance derived from African and European immigrants in Buenos Aires. >>From Africa came the relentless rhythms of the slave drums. From the pampas of Argentina came the influence of milonga -music that combined Indian rhythms with early Spanish music. >> Carlos Gardel is known as “The king of the Tango”

El Mate

>>Yerba mate es un té que toma la gente argentina. >>Pero además de ser una bebida, es un estilo de vida y es un ritual diario de la mayoría de los argentinos. >>Normalmente, la gente forma un círculo de conversar al compartir la yerba mate. Es una tradición de los campesinos que representa la cultura rica de la Argentina. >>The drink, which contains caffeine, is made by an infusion of dried leaves of yerba mate

Comidas Tipicas Asado- Barbeque - Beef,pork, ribs, sausages, lamb, & pig over an open flame Chimichurri- Argentina’s go-to condiment. A green salsa made of finely chopped parsley, oregano, onion, garlic, chilli pepper flakes, olive oil and a touch of acid.

Dulce de leche Alfajores Empanadas Matambre arrollado


Ciudades Turísticas

Bariloche- Bariloche es una ciudad al sur junto a la cordillera de los Andes. Es una ciudad importante por el turismo. Tiene hoteles lujosos, bosques, reservas naturales y centros de esquí. También, hay excursiones de bote en que la gente pasa desde Chile hasta la Argentina.

CÓRDOBA - Córdoba es una ciudad universitaria. Tiene mucha influencia colonial.El estilo de arquitectura viene de los españoles. Es la segunda ciudad más grande del país. Es una ciudad interior del país.

USHUAIA - Ushuaia pertenece a la región . Es conocida por ser la ciudad más austral(southern) del mundo. Hace frío todo el año y tiene la tierra tundra. Es una ciudad urbana con más de 45.000 habitantes y con turismo.




Las Cataratas de Iguazú

Las Cataratas del Iguazú son un fenómeno y se dividen entre el Brasil, el Paraguay, y la Argentina. Son más grandes que las de Niágara.

El Voseo Se usa para hablar a la segunda persona singular (forma tú). Se forma así: Vos hablás; Vos comés; Vos dormís

La presidenta Cristina Fernández de Kirchner es la Presidenta. Aceptó el puesto de ser presidenta en 2007.

La Guerra Sucia The Dirty War lasted between 1976 to 1983 by Argentina’s military dictatorship against suspected left-wing political opponents.

La Guerra Sucia The infamous campaign waged from 1976 to 1983 by Argentina’s military dictatorship against suspected left-wing political opponents (Communists and those in favor of Guevarism). It is estimated that around 30,000 citizens were killed; many of them were “disappeared”—seized by the authorities and never heard from again. Many were thrown off military planes into the ocean On March 29, 1976, five days after Argentine Pres. Isabel Perón was deposed, a three-man military junta filled the presidency with Lieut. Gen. Jorge Rafaél Videla. The junta closed the National Congress, imposed censorship, banned trade unions, and brought state and municipal government under military control. Meanwhile, Videla initiated a campaign against suspected dissidents. Throughout the country the regime set up hundreds of clandestine detention camps, where thousands of people were jailed and persecuted.

La Guerra Sucia >>The Argentine government abducted any citizen that was against the government.

>>“We’re going to get rid of the cancer that is in our society—i.e., the left wing. And these people that have communist ideas, and other vaguely communist-leftist ideas.” Trade unions, the press, students, and their sympathizers were all targeted.

>>The government stated that any person against the government was a terrorist.

>>Many of the victims were young people, students and other youth trying to express their dissatisfactions with the regime. >>The kidnapped people became referred to as the “disappeared.” >>The government obliterated any records that would help the families find the bodies or reclaim their grandchildren. They abducted babies born to pregnant prisoners ( Estimated around 500 babies 150 of those have discovered their true identity). >>The kidnapped babies were given to random military families. The new “parents” of these children were not allowed to tell them they had been abducted by the government. Many military families were reported to “shop” in the prisons for a baby they would like based on the pregnant mothers features.

Las Madres De La Plaza De Mayo

>>The military government’s censorships prevented any discussion of the matter. Within a terrorist state, those who spoke out put their own lives in danger. >>Yet, in the face of the disappearance of their children, in 1977 a group of mothers began to meet each Thursday in the large Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires, the site of Argentina’s government. >>There they walked in non-violent demonstrations. As they walked they chanted: “We want our children; we want them to tell us where they are.” >> These non-violent demonstrations continued every Thursday until 2006


Argentinos Más Famosos Papa Francisco

Lionel Messi

Famous soccer player

Diego Maradona Famous soccer player

Evita Perón First lady & Actress

Jorge Luis Borges

Julio Cortázar

Autores Argentinos

Magical Realism


Che Guevara

An Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author, guerrilla leader, diplomat, and military theorist. Fidel Castro’s right hand man during the overtaking of Cuba from Fulgencio Batista

Diferencias Culturales 1.

Family is # 1: Time for family is put at the top of the list for the majority of the Argentine culture. It is common to see an elderly person being guided by their grandchild, a young sibling walking hand in hand with an adolescent sibling or a teenager walking arm in arm with their mother or father.


Fútbol is a close second: Soccer is a national pastime that will often close down the country during important games.


Mate is an acceptable reason to take a break: Mate, the group-oriented tea, is a common reason for a person to stop what they’re doing, relax a little and enjoy conversation with friends and coworkers. In all professions, from the cement worker to the office executive, it is commonplace to see the gourd and thermos, the mate tools of the trade, sitting near-by, waiting to be used


The Argentines are passionate: The Argentine people are passionate about everything. Whether it is politics, their favorite football team or if it will snow soon, their opinion is a vibrant and energetic one.

Diferencias Culturales 5. The siesta is taken seriously: When it is siesta time, it is siesta time. Everything shuts down. It is a time for family, for relaxing, for doing whatever you find appropriate for the four hours of chill time. Once you become adjusted to the business hours it is a nice thing for quality of life. 6. Plastic surgery is common and acceptable: Argentina has the highest per-capita rate of plastic surgery. Some of the best plastic surgeons in the world are located in Buenos Aires and many Argentine insurance companies will cover plastic surgery. 7.

Internal Clock : It is considered afternoon (tarde) until 7 or 8 pm.

8. Would you like payments with that?: You can make payments (cuotas) on almost anything you purchase using a credit or debit card; i.e. groceries, gas, a package of gum. 9. Nice ride, is it for sale?: A car for sale is indicated by a plastic jug on top of the car, not the common “For Sale” sign that we are used to in the United States.

Diferencias Culturales 10 No checks allowed: Instead of writing checks to pay for bills you pay for them in person, usually at the grocery store (and there is no other option). 11. Bad words are good words: Everyone swears, even the cute, little old lady that is a devout Catholic. 12. Apolitically Correct: There is no such thing as being politically correct; if you are chubby your nickname is Gordo (fat), if ugly – feo, if skinny – flaco, if dark skinned – negro. People say it how it is. Don’t take anything personal.

El dialecto Argentino Argentina has a heavy Italian influence, so many Argentines speak with the sing-song rhythm that Italians use. They also pronounce their “ll” as “sh” instead of the “y” sound you are taught in school. Instead of using the “tú” form,Argentines favor the “vos” form, which doesn’t exist in most textbooks. The “tú” form is still understood, but you won’t hear many Argentines using it. You’ll have to learn this extra verb form or you’ll be completely lost in most casual situations.

Argentina WKST

Julio Cortazar

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Nació en 1914 en Bélgica Se murió en 1984 en Paris, Francia Born to Argentine parents Argentine novelist and short-story writer who combined existential questioning with experimental writing techniques Masterpiece: Rayuela 1963( Hopscotch)the reader is invited to rearrange the different parts of the novel according to a plan prescribed by the author Known as one of the founders of the Latin American Boom, Cortázar influenced an entire generation of Spanish-speaking readers and writers in the Americas and Europe. He has been called both a "modern master of the short story" and, by Carlos Fuentes, "theSimón Bolívar of the novel."

Axolotl ( Ash-low-tull)

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