MARRAKESH COUNTRY CLUB MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OPEN SESSION MINUTES November 22, 2022 Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 852 6925 6328 | Passcode: 742674 Those present: Jim O’Donnell, President Eula Robertson, Vice President Alice Rosenblatt, Secretary Tom Iino, Treasurer Jon Gordon, Director
Rosemary Galmiche, Director Burt Johnson, Director Pamela Nast, Director Lorri Pehoushek, Director Byron Francis, Director
Also present: Todd Kelly, General Manager Genevieve Stone, Executive Assistant 1. CALL TO ORDER Pres. Jim O’Donnell called to order the Marrakesh Country Club Executive Session to order at 2:30pm. 2. MINUTES Approval of 10.27.22 MCC Open Session Minutes will be deferred until 12.20.22 Board Meeting due to required corrections. 3. TREASURER REPORT Treasurer Tom Iino reported the following: - Year to Date Financials as of October 31: This will be presented in the December meeting along with the October and November financials. These financials are currently going through the audit. Audit is required on an annual basis. - MOTION: A motion was made by Lorri Pehoushek and seconded by Burton Johnson to approve the MCC Aging Report as presented. A vote was taken by show of hands and none opposed, motion carried.
4. OPEN FORUM There were two speakers during the MCC Open Session open forum: • David van der Griff requested that the food truck be moved from Area 3. • Tim Corbett read a statement discussing many issues including non-resident members and assessments. 1|Page
5. PRESIDENT REPORT President Jim O’Donnell discussed the Clubhouse update including work by the general contractor, architect, and work done in the kitchen. He reported that furniture will be moved into the Clubhouse in January 2023 at which point we will be working to gain the certificate of occupancy. 6. General Manager Report General Manager Todd Kelly reported on the following: - Former Membership and Communications Director Brad Goldberg left his position two weeks prior, we are currently interviewing for the position - The Food Drive will go through December 15th - MCC staff - Work accomplished by Director of Grounds Juan Martinez and improved water usage - Food and Beverage Dept. gained 9 rehires 7. NEW BUSINESS • Nominating Committee Discussion by Eula Robertson - MCC defers to MCA in relation to the election process - The Nominating Committee will be voted on in December and there will be a call for Board member candidates in January - Continued discussion about Nominating Committee • Inspector of Elections discussion by Todd Kelly. Mr. Kelly discussed the following items: - Election Timeline calculator - Inspector of Elections is currently NLB Elections and Consulting - In 2023 Election, we will be transitioning from 10 to 9 directors • Explanation of election with or without acclamation by Eula Robertson 8. COMMITTEES • Executive Committee reported on by Jim O’Donnell - This committee identifies agenda items for the Board meetings in order to make the Board more effective • Finance Committee Chair Lorri Pehoushek reported on the following: - The committee met on November 18th due to the audit - Reviewed aging report - Capital spending for MCC • Golf Committee Staff Liaison John Birchard reported on the tentative dates for the M3 event • Greens Committee reported the following: - Juan Martinez is the new Director of Grounds - Water usage is down - Irrigating at night • House Committee Staff Liaison Rodrigo Gutierrez reported: - The committee met a few days before - The committee discussed the dress code for the clubhouse and will be working with the Membership Committee on this - The food truck will be moving to a new location
Marketing and Branding Committee Chair Jon Gordon reported on the following: - Website improvements - Just completed all new photography - Branding book - Member communications Membership Committee Chair Rosemary Galmiche reported that the MCC Rules and Regulations edits are coming along smoothly, and she will be collaborating with the House Committee on the dress code edits.
With no other business to discuss, President Jim O’Donnell adjourned the Marrakesh Country Club (MCC) Open Session adjourned at 3:20pm. The next Marrakesh Country Club Open Session of the Board of Directors is scheduled for December 20, 2022. Respectfully Submitted,
Alice Rosenblatt, Secretary MCC/MCA Board of Directors