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Mrs. Rodriguez's Schedule
Mrs. Rodriguez's Schedule Period Monday Tuesday Wednesday 8-8:45 Spanish 8:50-9:35 Spanish I 9:40-10:25 Spanish III 11th 10:30-11:15 Spanish III 1

Story Transcript


MRS. “I should know enough about loss to realize that you never really stop missing someone-you just learn to live around the huge gaping hole of their absence.” - Alyson Noel





1. Opening prayer

Mr. Adu Sarpong

2. Praises and worship

Triumphant choir

3. Filing pass the body with song ministra on 4. Closing the coffin 5. Tribute by: a. Family b. Widower c. Children d. Church 6. Song ministra on

Triumphant choir

7. Bible reading

Pastor Collins Wiafe

8. Sermon

Rev Evans Okumah Sakyi

9. Offering 10. Prayer for the family, Widower, Children. 11. Vote of thanks from the family. 12. Li of the coffin


Biography OF THE LATE



rs Juliana Ndanu Quarshie was born on the 12th of April, 1974 to the late Ndanu Torwogbe-Aggiddi and Afina Ndanu all of blessed memory. She happened to be the last but one child of her father among eleven (11) children from three wives. Juliana started her primary school at Apenkwa Shiayennoh school. She was a very brilliant girl. Her love for school was so profound that even if she was sick, she will s ll want to go to school but because of financial difficul es, she was not able to complete her schooling, Though she could not finish her educa on, she remained very smart. She then agreed to become a hairdresser which she trained in for three years. She prac ced that trade for many years. She finally se led down with her husband Adolf Quarshie with whom she had her three children. For the past two years, she had struggled with her health and the past one year has been very challenging for her. A er two occasions when she was admi ed at the Korle-Bu hospital, we saw much improvement in her health. But all of a sudden, her condi on just deteriorated which ended up in death in the morning hours of Sunday 26th February, 2023 at the Amasaman hospital. She will be forever missed by the family and her friends. May her soul rest in peace HEDE NYUIE


Tribute by Husband


ulie as I always call you and the response was Daa. That response that echoes in my hear is gone. The difficul es that we went through before we got married and the pains you went through before you got this children of yours. By 4:00am this woman will wake up to make sure that her children are awake for school. She always loved her children no ma er what. She always make sure her children’s demands were met by me. I know my children will miss their mother a lot. My wife is a woman among women. Even though as humans we all have our flaws same as in every marriage but ours was only based on only one grounds and I’m happy we were able to get over it. But a er all those difficul es, pains and support for your children, you couldn’t stay long to enjoy the fruit of your labour but I am sure your children will always be grateful for everything you have done for them and they are going to make you proud wherever you are. Julie I cherish you, I s ll love you, I respect you even in your dead. May your soul rest in Perfect Peace.


Tribute By Children Dearest Mum, e cannot begin to express the depth of love and inspira on we have for you. You were not just a mother but a mentor, confidant and a friend. Your unwavering dedica on to our educa on is a true testament to your love and commitment as a parent. Your selflessness in waking us up at dawn every day, rain or shine to ensure we never missed a day or lack anything at school is truly admirable. As I reflect on my past, I am overcome with emo ons when I think of all the mes you stood by us, even when the world was against us. You were there for us during B.E.C.E exams, when the lights went out and the mosquitoes swarmed around us. Despite the challenges, you never wavered in your support for us. You woke us up early every morning, prayed for us and walked us to the examina on centers just to be sure we got there on me before returning home and when we gained admission to secondary school, I s ll remember the tears you shed when Richard had to leave your side. I was comforted by the fact you loved me so much that my absence brought you to tears. It is a testament to the depth of our bond and the love that we share. How we missed your voice and your gentle plea. You were our advocate and spokesperson any me it comes to making a request from dad and you always stood up for us even when were wrong yet you never failed to correct us. You were always there for us no ma er what, with your unwavering support and unending love.



We will always cherish the moments we shared together, the lengthy talks, the laughter-filled moments and the quiet mes when we simply sat together, lost in our own thoughts. You had a way of making feel be er by easing our worries and calming our fears. You thought us so much about life and the importance of hard work, perseverance and kindness. You showed us what it meant to be selfless and to put other before ourselves. You gave us the strength to face life's challenges with courage and for that, we will forever be grateful. As we say goodbye to you now, we take comfort in knowing that you will always be with us, in our hearts and in our memories. We honor your memory today; thank you for everything. You were the best mum anyone could ever have. WE LOVE YOU MUM. REST IN PEACE.







Tribute By Church TRIUMPHANT CHRISTIAN CENTER, POKUASE - ACCRA "For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first" 1 Thessalonians 4:16


ur mother and sister, Mrs. Juliana Quarshie was a beloved member of the church and a friend to many. She joined the family of Triumphant Christian Center in the year 2020 and she joined the Women's Fellowship immediately. Throughout the years her dedication and commitment to the things of God has been undeniable through her participation in church programs and activities. She was a warm hearted person and as such, she was loved by all. We were aware of her illness and we remembered her in prayers every time. On the 26th of February 2023, the sad news of her demise reached us and we were greatly saddened. Death is a journey that we all must make one day and for us believers in Christ, we know it as a transition from this world to a better one. Mrs. Juliana Quarshie, we love you but our heavenly Father loves you more so all we will say is that rest well. God should keep your soul until we meet again before the throne of grace. Rest In Peace.


Acknowledgement Words cannot express how thankful we are for your expression of sympathy, support, encouragement, prayers and iendship during our time of mourning. God richly bless you all.

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