Newsletter March (Class I & II) Flipbook PDF

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Date Printed: 04/23/2009 JTS Box Number: IFES 69 Tab Number: 92 Document Title: Guia Informativa Document Date: 2001 Document Country: . Per

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Date Printed: 04/21/2009 JTS Box Number: 1FES 66 Tab Number: 79 Document Title: Formacion Civica y Etica Document Date: 1999 Document Country

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GMOS-09 GM amplified OnStar Class II Data Bus Interface
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR PART INSTGMOS-09 GMOS-09 GM amplified OnStar Class II Data Bus Interface 2000-2004 APPLICATIONS See inside front cover

March 2016
Marzo / March 2016 EXCELENTE Marzo / March 2016 Cover marzo.indd 1 18/02/2016 12:14 No.130294 Patek Philippe.indd 2 17/02/2016 09:26 No.13029

Story Transcript




"Beauty may leave the moon, Himalaya may become bereft of snow, the ocean may transgress its shores but I will never violate the promise given by my father.” The little tiny tots of ITL Public School, Primary Wing, Grade I & II presented-The Epic Journey of Lord Rama on 18 March 2023 in the school auditorium with a profusion of colours, rhyme and rhythm. The young ITLeens showcased the epic Ramayan mesmerising everyone and creating an aura of brilliance, transporting the audience to the era of Lord Rama. The poise and dignity of every tiny actor, confidence, mellifluous songs, background music, detailed props and splendid costumes brought a riot of colours and grace on the stage. The presentation beautifully summed up the message of “VICTORY OF GOOD OVER EVIL” and instilling values such as love respect towards parents and family, keeping up promises, protecting the weak and many more. It was a visual treat for the senses to watch the spectacular saga unfold itself on the stage.

International Women's Day is an occasion to celebrate the progress made towards achieving gender equality and women's empowerment but also to critically reflect on those accomplishments and strive for a greater momentum towards gender equality worldwide. It is a day to recognize the extraordinary acts of women and to stand together, as a united force, to advance gender equality around the world. Our little ITLeens paid respect to the women by putting up their thoughts through a poster making activity. The day was culminated with great knowledge and enthusiasm.

Holi is celebrated as the victory of good over evil. It marks the rest and renewal of ruptured relationships by ending all conflicts and ridding oneself of ill feelings accumulated from the past. To commemorate the day and to apprise students with the significance of the festival a poster making activity was held which was thoroughly enjoyed by the students where they were able to put up their meaning of Holi with their creativity.

Software Development

Coding is a fun and creative platform for learning basic computer science! Using a blended learning model, Children of Cass I & II learnt to explore space with a mix of online activities and “unplugged” classroom activities. With the help of coding they made an astronaut on his/ her space endeavour. It helps nurture creativity, problem solving, collaboration, and logic through interactive game-like activity.

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