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ROCIO MARTINEZ. ILLUSTRATION Página 1 de 7 < Back to Rocío Martínez's site Madrid, 1966. Graduate in Fine Arts ( San Fernando, Madrid ), and specia

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Madrid, 1966. Graduate in Fine Arts ( San Fernando, Madrid ), and specialized in engraving. She is professionally working as an illustrator for children’s and YA books since 1990, collaborating for different international pubublishing houses.

Prizes and Awards • Illustration Award for the poster Cartel de la Semana del Libro Infantil y Juvenil, OEPLI-Ministerio de Cultura (1995). • Award from the Spanish Ministry of Culture to the best Published Book in 1995: Método globalizado 1º curso de primaria Tan Tan Mamut. Proyecto Boreal. Láminas murales motivadoras y material didáctico. Editorial Luis Vives. Zaragoza. • 1999 Premio Lazarillo Special Award: “Miguel y las palampalatas” (Miguel and the palampalatas). • 2001 Premio Lazarillo Special Award: “ La gallina Catalina” (Hen Catalina). • 2006 Album illustrated Award A la Orilla del viento (To the Border of the Wind) from the publishing company Economic Culture Fund of Mexico, tenth year, to the tale “De como nació la memoria del bosque” (“How the memory of the woods was born”). • First prize in the V INTERNATIONAL ILLUSTRATED ALBUM CONTEST OF THE GRAN CANARIA INTER-ISLAND COUNCIL LIBRARY. • The best ones of 2010 Award, Book Bank of Venezuela, “Los tres imprescindibles de la Biblioteca” Selection (“The three essential ones in the Library” Selection), for the book “La historia del Rainbow warrior” (“The story of the Rainbow Warrior”).

Seminars and Workshops Taught • Since 1993, "Talleres sobre ilustración" ("Workshops on Illustration") for children and young adults in schools and libraries, organized by city halls and publishing houses.. • In 1996 , "Aspecto profesional de la ilustración" ("Professional Aspects of Illustration") to students under that branch at Escuela de Artes y Oficios Artísticos in Toledo. • In 1997, lecture "La ilustración como profesión" ("Illustration as a proffesion"), Fine Arts School at Granada University. • March 1st, 2006. "Cómo leer una ilustración". ("How to Read an Illustration") Seminar on Children’s and YA Literature for teachers. C.P. Hermanos García Noblejas. Villaviciosa de Odón (Madrid). • March 27th, 2006. "Cómo transformo una intención en una ilustración".( "How to Transform an Intention into an Illustration") VII Jornadas de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil. C. Cultural “Pablo Iglesias” Alcobendas (Madrid). • In 2006, the Centro Andaluz de las Letras join the celebration of the International Day of Books for Children and Young Adults. Joint meeting with Authors and Illustrators on the topic: "Libro, afecto e intelecto" ("Book, Affection and Intellect"), meant for children. April 3rd, Granada. Meeting with José Cañas, author of "La princesa que no sabía estornudar". • Participation in the II Day of Children´s and Juvenile Illustrated Books, Alicante January 18, 19 and 20, 2007. Round Table “Donde comienzan las historias y terminan las palabras” (“Where stories begin and words end”). • Illustrated tales workshop. V Provincial Days of Reading Encouragement. Almansa´s Teachers Centre. 11th and 12th April, 2008. Almansa (Albacete). • I Days of Children´s Illustration. Creative workshops. Illustration workshop “More than 1080 illustrations: homemade good, good recipes”. 11th, 12th and 13th February 2009. Faculty of Fine Arts, Granada University.



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• Workshop “The illustrated tale: means to the achievement of artistic and linguistic competences”. 30th March, 1st, 15th, 20th, 22nd, 27th and 29th May 2009. Guadalajara´s teacher centre. • This year the meeting with the authors from Fuenlabrada´s Book Fair will take place between 23rd and 31st May 2009. Rocío Martínez will participate 25th May. • Meetings with the Authors participating in Fuenlabrada´s bookfair, 23rd and 31st May. • Beijing International Book Fair. Honorary guest: Spain. General promotion of Spanish books, Readings and Arts. Culture department. From 3rd to 7th September 2009. Conferences within the framework of the fair: “Mediterranean cooking in the paintbrushes: tasty, homemade and international” and “The children’s book in Spain: text and image.” • Book Fair, Reading and the cultural industries of Castilla-La Mancha (FLLIC). Cuenca 26th April-2nd May 2010. Meetings with primary education students 27th April. • The Europe that educates. Workshop: Think , think ,draw, think and draw. Cultural program of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union. Ministry of Culture. Book, Files and Library Department Juan del Enzina high-school. 14th May 2010 • CTIF South Madrid. Workshop for teachers. Quick course on how to cook an illustrated book. CEIP Severo Ochoa, Móstoles, (Madrid) March/April 2010. • EEI Las Azaleas, Introductory course to the plastic expression through ILLUSTRATED TALES. July 2010 • Meetings with the authors of Fuenlabrada’s Book Fair, 28th May 2010.

Exhibitions • Collective domestic and international exhibitions organizad by the Asociación Profesional de Ilustradores de Madrid, among them, "Pintando Poesía. Premio Adonais" (1994) and "Pintando adrede a Gerardo Diego" (1996). • Shortlisted for XV Bienal de Ilustración de Bratislava (Czech Republic, 1996 ). • Shortlisted twice to exhibit her Works at Bologna’s Fiera del Libro per Ragazzi (Italy, 1997 and 2001). This exhibition travelled to Japan and Taiwan, taken by Itabashi Art Museum (1997/98 ) and (2001/02). • Exhibition Diez años de Peonza 1987-1997. Organized by the Peonza magazine editors. Santander. • Shortlisted for the illustration exhitibion for the Semana del Libro Infantil y Juvenil (Week of the Children’s and YA Books), organizad by Bibliotecas Populares de la Comunidad de Madrid (1997/98). • Exhibition “Le imagini della fantasia”.16ª Mostra Internazionale d’illustrazione per l’infanzia. Palazzo Municipale di Sarmede. 1998. Treviso, Siena and Bologna in 1999. • Exhibition “Caperucita Ilustrada” Organized by APIM, Asociación de Amigos del Libro Infantil y Juvenil y OEPLI. Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid. October, 1998 - 2004. • Exhibition “Historia crítica de la ilustración ibérica”. 2º Congreso de Literatura Infantil y juvenil. Organizad by the Asociación de Amigos del Libro Infantil y Juvenil y OEPLI. Cáceres,1998. • Exhibition of 81 ilustradores españoles en la Biblioteca Internacional de Munich, Wehrgang Galerie. Travelling exhibition in collaboration with the Bayern Liest, in several Bavarian towns. March-September 1999. • Exhibition “Le imagini della fantasia”.17ª Mostra Internazionale d’illustrazione per l’infanzia. Palazzo Municipale di Sarmede. 1999, Treviso, January-February 2000, and along 2000 in other European cities • Exhibition “El ratoncito Pérez” Organized by the Asociación de Amigos del Libro Infantil y Juvenil and OEPLI , 2000. • Exhibition A todo color, organizad by Centro del Libro y la Lectura and Ministerio de Cultura, 2000. • Virtual exhibition ¿Qué pintan los cuentos? Organized by Instituto Cervantes, for their website, Centro Virtual Cervantes,,2003.



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• Exhibition: "Contemporary Spanish Illustration" organized by the cultural association "Teatrio" and by the Bolzano City Council. 2005-2006 travelling around: Rome: January 29 - February 28, 2005, Cervantes Institute. Bolzano: February 5 - March 29, 2005, Civica Gallery. Napoli: April 20 - May 20, 2005, Casina Pompeiana. Cagliari: June 17 - July 31, 2005, EXMA, Centro d´Arte e Cultura. Venezia: January 13 - february 19, 2006, Mondatori Gallery. . • “ILUSTRÍSIMOS”. Organized by the Ministry of Culture in conjunction with FADIP for Fiera del Libro per Ragazzi at Bologna (Italy, 2005), where Spain was the guest of honor. • DIAGONAL Bookstore individual exhibition. January-February 2006 .Segovia. • Rayuela bookshop. Individual exhibition. June-July 2006. Málaga. • Rayuela Bookshop from Valladolid. October, November and December. Belonging to the Kiriko group, this bookshop presents to the public of Valladolid original illustrations by Rocío Martínez, during October, November and December, as Diagonal Bookshop from Segovia and Rayuela bookshop from Málaga did before. • “ILLUSTRATED BOOKS” EXHIBITION. CITY´S CULTURAL AND HERITAGE DEPARTMENT. LEÓN CITY COUNCIL. Illustrated books exhibition and illustration of Spanish and Portuguese artists. León city council´s Historic Building, Exhibitions Room, located in Plaza de San Marcelo. Dates: from 1st to 31st May 2009. It will coincide with LEÓN´S BOOK FAIR from 2nd to 10th May. • “ILUSTRÍSISIMOS”. Exhibition organised by the Culture Department in collaboration with FADIP: ◦ Institute Cervantes in Beijing (June-September 2009). Beijing International Book Fair. Honorary guest: Spain. ◦ Göteborg’s international bookfair (September 2009). Honorary guest: Spain. ◦ Institute Cervantes in Shanghai (October-November 2009). • RAYUELA bookshop in Málaga; Solo exhibition. April-June 2009. Málaga. • Rayuela bookshop in Valladolid; Solo exhibition. July/October 2009. Valladolid. • DIAGONAL bookshop; Solo exhibition. January-February 2010. Segovia. • Exhibtion “100 de Hoy” (“100 of Today”). Organized by the Spanish children´s and Juvenile books Organization in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture. 32th International Congress of IBBY Santiago de Compostela, 8th to 12th September 2010

Catalogs • XV Bienal de Ilustración de Bratislava • ANUAL´97. Fiera del Libro per Ragazzi, Bologna (Italy, 1997). • Catálogo de Ilustradores. APIM (Asociación Profesional de Ilustradores de Madrid), Asociación de Amigos del Libro Infantil y Juvenil and OEPLI (1997). • “Le imagini della fantasia”. 16ª y 17º Mostra Internazionale d’illustrazione per l’infanzia. Comune di Sármede 1998 y 1999, respectively. • A todo color Published by Centro del Libro y la Lectura and the Ministry of Culture (2000). • ANUAL´01. Fiera del Libro per Ragazzi , Bologna (Italy, 2001). • “Ilustración española contemporánea” Published by Asociación Cultural Teatrio and the Bolanzo City Hall. (2004) • “ILUSTRÍSIMOS”. Organized by the Ministry of Culture in conjuctionn with FADIP, with Spain as the guest of honor at Fiera del Libro per Ragazzi, Bologna (Italy, 2005).

BIBLIOGRAPHY 1990-1995 Collaboration with : Ediciones ANAYA, Editorial Escuela Española, Editorial Luis Vives, Editorial Plaza Joven, Alameda, Heinemann Iberia, Everest and Ediciones SM.

1996 Editorial Luis Vives. Método globalizado 2º curso de primaria Capitán Camarón. Libro de lecturas y material didáctico. Paco Climent. Proyecto Boreal. Ediciones SM. "Flin-Flan". Carmen Vázquez Vigo. Collection Catamarán. Madrid. "Juegos de Navidad". María Menéndez y María Castillo. Madrid. "Querido Jesús". Religión 3º y 4º curso de primaria. Madrid. Ediciones Altea. "Me lo sé todo del deporte". Madrid. Editorial Everest. "O Meu primeiro Dicionario". Ana Mª y Rui Guades. León.



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Revista CLIJ (Cuadernos de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil. Nº 83. Self-portrait, author-of-the-month’s illustration, and cover. Editorial Torre de Papel. Barcelona. Revista DELIBROS. nº 94. Cover.

1997 Ediciones Susaeta." ¡Qué patas tiene el tiempo!". Gloria Fuertes. Grupo ANAYA. Cuentos completos de Charles Perrault. "Piel de Asno". Madrid. Ediciones SM. "Querido Jesús". Religión 5º curso de primaria. Madrid. Editorial Luis Vives. Método globalizado 2º curso de primaria Capitán Camarón. Libro de vacaciones. Paco Climent. Boreal. "Me llamo Drácula". Olivier Cohen. Colección Ala Delta Internacional. Revista PEONZA. nº 42-43. Diciembre 1997. Guía de Libros. Cover.

1998 Editorial EVEREST. "Mi primer libro de jardinería". Text and illustration. León. "El profesor desinflado". Fernando Almena. Collection “Montaña Encantada”. Plays. León. Ediciones SM. "El libro de Jesús". Religión 4º curso de primaria. Madrid. "La Cenicienta". Text and illustration. Madrid. "Juego con los personajes de los cuentos". Collection: Aprender Jugando. "Juego con los colores". Collection: Aprender Jugando. Poster “UN MADRID DE CUENTO” November 1998. Madrid Public Libraries. Consejería de Educación y cultura de la Comunidad de Madrid. Poster and Stationary of 2º Congreso de Literatura Infantil y juvenil. “Historia crítica de la ilustración ibérica”. Organizad by Asociación de Amigos del Libro Infantil y Juvenil, OEPLI, gálix, Consell Catalá del Llibre per a infants y joves , Galtzagorri Elkartea, Seccâo Portuguesa do IBBY and Facultad de Educación. Cáceres,1998.

1999 Ediciones Susaeta. "Versos de Gloria para jugar", Gloria Fuertes Ediciones SM. Método globalizado 1º y 2º curso de primaria Papelo. Material didáctico, Matemáticas. Madrid "Irene Pintaparedes". Chema Hernández. Collection: Cuentos de ahora. "Taller de Música". 6º. Material didáctico. Madrid. Ediciones Gaviota. "Las aventuras de Pepe", J.M. Ballesteros. Collection: Gaviota Junior.Madrid. Editorial EVEREST. "Colibrí, colibrá". Mª Dolores Pérez Lucas. Collection: Montaña Encantada. León. Edicions Xerais de Galicia. "Contos marabillosos IV". Xoán Ramiro Cuba. Collection: Cabalo Buligán. Vigo.

2000 Ediciones SM. "Miguel y las palampalatas". Text and illustration. Collection:“Cuentos de ahora”. Madrid. "Taller de Música". 6º. Material didáctico. Madrid. "La casa". Libros de imágenes. Madrid. "El colegio". Libros de imágenes. Madrid. "Tiendas de alimentación". Libros de imágenes. Madrid. Ediciones Cruilla. En "Miquel y les palampalates". Collection: “Cuentos de ahora”. Barcelona. Kalandraka editora. "Guille y los monstruos". Text and illustrations.(Galician, Basque, Catalan and Spanish).Pontevedra. Editorial EVEREST. "La princesa que no sabía estornudar". José Cañas. Collection: Montaña Encantada. Puppet theater. León. Ediciones Susaeta. "¡Viva el mundo al revés!" Gloria Fuertes. Revista Cuadernos de Pedagogía. Editorial Praxis.Nº 289, Marzo 2000. Barcelona.

2001 Ediciones SM. "La Biblia. Historias de Dios (Nuevo Testamento)". Madrid. "Las tiendas". Collection: “Libros de imágenes”. Madrid. "¿Dónde los guardaré para que no se pierdan?". Madrid. Ana G. Castellanos. Collection: “Los ilustrados del Barco de Vapor”. "La calle". Collection: “Libros de imágenes”. Madrid. "La cigüeña y el cerdito". Proyecto Inteligencia Emocional Ediciones Ekaré MATÍAS Series: "Matías y el color del cielo" and "Matías pintor famoso". "Matías dibuja el sol". Text and Illustration. Collection: “Jardín de los niños”. Venezuela.




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Revista Cuadernos de Pedagogía. Editorial Praxis. Illustrations for the CD-ROM “Literatura Infantil y juvenil” March 2002. Barcelona. Arena Verlag Gmbh. Kinderbible. Würzburg, Germany. Ediciones SM "El caballero negro". Texto Martín y Antón. Collection: “Pictogramas”. "La gallina Catalina". Text Rosa Luengo. Collection: “Cuentos de Ahora”. "¡Estás despedida!". Text Rachel Flynn. Collection: “El barco de vapor”. Editorial Luis Vives (EDELVIVES) LUCAS Series: "Lucas y el album de fotos", "Lucas y las magdalenas", "Lucas el encontrador" y "Lucas y la mudanza". Text: Rosa Luengo. Madrid. Ediciones Cruilla. "La Biblia. Historias de Dios (Nuevo Testamento)". Madrid. Grupo ANAYA. "Abuela, cuéntanos un cuento". Literary adaptation: Mª Dolores Ríus. Collection: “Sopa de cuentos” Madrid.

2003 Houghton Miffling. "Matías dibuja el sol" y "Matías pintor famoso". Text and Illustration For the Spanish curriculum: Spanish Language softcover edition Houghton Miffling. USA. Gakken. "Little rabbit Fred´s kite". Text and Illustration. World Pictures Book. Japan. Editorial Praxis. Revista Cuadernos de Pedagogía. Nº 327. Illustrations for the article “Absentismo escolar”. Barcelona.

2004 Ediciones Ekaré. MATÍAS Series: "Matías ha perdido su lápiz". Text and Illustrations. Collection: “Jardín de los niños”. Venezuela. Grupo ANAYA "¿Qué es?" y "¿Por qué?". Text: Mercedes Munárriz, original Project: Rocío Martínez. Collection: “mi primera sopa”. Editorial Bruño. “Tejemaneje y estropajo”. Text: Alfredo Gómez Cerdá. Collection: “Alta Mar”. Madrid. Ediciones SM "Matilde y las brujas". Text: Juan Farias Huanqui. Collection: “El barco de vapor”. Madrid. "La Bella y el rey Facundo" Text: Martín y Antón. Collection: “Esto es otra historia”. Madrid. Editorial EVEREST. "El espejo de los monstruos". Paco Abril. Collection: Montaña Encantada. Puppet theater. León.

2005 AGADOEAZI PUBLICATIONS. "Matías y el color del cielo". "Matías pintor famoso". Text and Illustrations. Korea. Editorial Praxis. Revista Cuadernos de Pedagogía. Nº 344. Illustrations for the article “11-M: un año después”. Barcelona. Ediciones SM: "No traigas hadas al cole". Paloma Bordons. Collection: “El barco de vapor”. Madrid

2006 Gakken. Ann Loves Kites Too. Text and Illustrations. World Pictures Book. Japan. Ediciones Ekaré MATÍAS Series: Matías retrata a Penélope. Text and Illustrations. Collection: “Jardín de los niños”. Venezuela. Bayard Jeunesse. “ Pomme d´Api” Magazine. La belle Historie “ Un tout petit gland”. France. Kalandraka editora. "El monstruo de Ricardo". Text: Julia SanMiguel. (Galician and Spanish). Pontevedra. “Matías dibuja el sol” ISBN 970-790-476-3 SEP ISBN 968-867-278-5 Colofón



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New edition in mexico by SEP/colofón. Published for the "Classroom Libraries Program 2005" of the Public Education Secretariat from Mexico (SEP). This extraordinary program of the Mexican government consists in a special iniciative which selects and donates books to classroom libraries and reading corners. The published books will be distributed in schools freely and widely throughout Mexico. Kyowon Co., ltd. "Little Rabbit Fred´s Kite". Text and Illustrations. (English and Korean). Seoul. Korea “Cuadernos de pedagogía". Convivencia en los centros escolares. Experiencias y recursos. Praxis. 2006 Barcelona.

2007 Usborne Publishing ltd. "The Fox and the Crow" and "The Fox and the Stork". Adapted by Mairi Mackinnon. “First Reading” collection. London. Edebé Publishing Company. "Siruza and you". Text: Paloma Bordons. Tucan collection. Barcelona. Macmillan Iberia Children´s and Juvenile. "Rony the Frog" (La Rana Rony). Text: Vicente Muñoz Puelles. Librosaurio collection. Madrid. Especial Publishing Services of Mexico. "Matías portraits Penelope". Text and Illustration. Ekaré Editions. “Children´s garden”collection. Venezuela. Kyowon "Fred Got New Friends" (Gakken World Pictures Book ) DVD. Dolphin Media "Fred Got New Friends" (Gakken World Pictures Book ) book and DVD (Korean, english and complicated chinese, simplified chinese).

2008 ANAYA Group. "Where?" and "When?" Text: Mercedes Muñárriz; original project: Rocío Martínez. “My first soup” collection. Madrid. Usborne publishing Ltd. "Animal Treasury". Adapted by Susana Davidson, London and Snail, Lesley Sims, London. Economic Culture Fund. "De como nació la memoria del bosque" (how the memory of the woods was born). Text and illustrations. Winner of the X Album Illustrated contest “A la orilla del viento” (“To the border of the wind”). Mexico. Kalandraka Publishing company. "The story of the Rainbow Warrior". (Galician, Spanish and Portuguese). Texts and illustrations. Pontevedra.

2009 Macmillan Iberia Children's and Juvenile. "Poti Poti". Text: Miguel Howe. Librosaurio Collection. Usborne Publishing Ltd. "Elephants" and "Snails". Adapted by Kate Davis. London. I-Daum. "Matilde y las brujas". (Korean). Text: Juan Farias Huanqui. Korea. Almadraba. Hermes general publishing company. "¡ATREVETE, BRUNO!" (Spanish), "SIGUES VALENT, BRU!" (Catalan); text: Ana Gasol- Teresa Blanch. Barcelona. Casals. "The hare and the tortoise" fable. Sheets, teaching materials. Barcelona Callis Limited Publishing company. "Gato Guille e os monstros". Text and illustration. Brasil.

2010 Marubol Publications Publishing House. Korea. "La historia del Rainbow Warrior" ("The Story of the Rainbow Warrior"). Korean. Text and illustration.

WMF Martins Fontes Publishing House. LTDA Brazil "De cómo nació la Memoria de El Bosque" ("How the Memory of the Woods was born"). Portuguese. Text and illustration. Winner of the X Illustrated Album contest “A la orilla del viento” (“To the border of the wind”). Luis Vives Publishing House (EDELVIVES)."El de-sastre perfecto" ("The perfect disaster"). Text and illustration. First prize in the V INTERNATIONAL ILLUSTRATED ALBUM CONTEST OF THE GRAN CANARIA INTERISLAND COUNCIL LIBRARY. Madrid (2010)



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I-Daum Publishing House. "Matilde y las brujas" ("Matilde and the witches"). Korea. Text: Juan Farias Huanqui. Translated to Korean. (Through the agency The Book Agency) Oxford University press. "Una historia de miedo o casi" ("A story of fear… almost"). Text: Lola Antón and Rocío Nuñez. Library and Education Magazine. Cover for museums Libraries. Magazine Nº 176, Year 22. March/April 2010 A esfera dos libros. "A Biblia". Portuguese.

Thedora Foundation. "Cuentos a la orilla del sueño" ("Tales to the border of dreams"). 26 sonrisas y una ilusión (26 smiles and a piece of hope). Different authors. PEONZA Magazine. "Peter sis". Illustrarte Section. Children´s and Juvenile Literature Magazine Nº93 June. Santander. Poster III Children´s Book Exhibition Ciudad de Orihuela. Education department of the Orihuela’s City Council and CEFIRE Alicante. April-May 2010. EEUU "Matías y el color del cielo" ("Matías and the colour of the sky"). Text and illustration school program.

Next publications • "María y la luna" ("María and the moon"). Text and illustration. "Sopa de cuentos" Collection ("Soup of tales" Collection). Madrid. • "La tortuga de Hans" ("Hans´s turtle"). Text Pere Martí i Bertran. "Sopa de libros" Collection ("Soup of books" Collection").


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