Parroquia en Favor de la Vida

St. Gerard Majella Roman Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Romana A Pro-Life Parish / Parroquia en Favor de la Vida 4439 INGLEWOOD BOULEVARD  LOS ANG

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St. Gerard Majella Roman Catholic Church / Iglesia Católica Romana A Pro-Life Parish / Parroquia en Favor de la Vida 4439 INGLEWOOD BOULEVARD  LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90066‐6299  Rectory: (310)390-5034 * Fax: (310)397-0964 Website: * E-mail: [email protected]


Holy Mass

Pastor Father Martin Slaughter


Priest in Residence Father Gerardo Padilla.



7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 1:30pm Monday — Saturday

Student Priest in Residence Father Charles Vijay Kumar Business Manager Frances Gomez Parish Secretary Olga Limon


St. Gerard’s Outreach Ministry The elderly, the homebound, the sick, and convalescent homes. 310-390-5034

Food Bank (310) 390-5034

Catechism Center (310) 391-9637

Parish Office Hours Monday thru Friday 9:00am - 12:30pm 3:00pm - 6:30pm  

Pregnant? Considering an Abortion? There are other alternatives. Call the women at : WESTSIDE PREGNANCY CLINIC (310) 268-8400 for 24 HOUR HELP

English English English Español English Español


Holy Days

Parish Music Director Allan Sims Padre Pio Prayer Group Every 3rd Tuesday of the month 6:30pm - 8:00pm Contact: Faby Gomez [email protected]

Sunday Vigil

Will be announced in the bulletin. Será anunciado en el boletín.

Shrine of St. Gerard Majella  Patron of Mothers   Difficult Pregnancies  and Childless Couples  Adoration of The Blessed Sacrament Adoración al Santísimo Sacramento 1st. Friday/1° Viernes 9:00am—6:30pm 9:00pm—7:00am 1st.Saturday/1° Sábado 7:00pm—7:00am Need Help? Unplanned Pregnancy? Necesita ayuda? Embarazo no-planeado? LAPS Los Angeles Pregnancy Services 1-800-395-4357 24hr. Hotline 213-382-5433 Se habla1Español

Confessions Saturdays 3:00pm - 4:00pm Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena Wed. after the 8:00a.m. Mass

Baptisms / Bautismos Call the Parish Office Llamar a la Oficina Español 10:00am Segundo Sábado

English 10:00am Third Saturday Marriage-Matrimonio Quinceañeras Call the Parish Office . Llame a la Oficina. SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN COMMITTEE Amy Gomez (310-390-5034)

July 5, 2015

JUNE 26, 27, & 28

CONGRATULATIONS! TO ALL OUR RAFFLE WINNERS 1st Prize Winner - Victor Estrada $1000 2nd Prize Winner - Javier Hurtado $500 3rd Prize Winner - Estrellita Censon $250 Winners of the Gift prizes Prize # 1 Prize # 2 Prize # 3 Prize # 4

Elvia Cruz Lourdes Heredia Marta Navas Jesus Flores

$100 script to Northgate Mkt. $ 25 Gift Card to Copenhagen Bakery $ 25 Gift Card to Home Depot A Gift basket of coffees, mugs, cookies etc.


Thank you also to all the businesses who donated money, certificates and or their services for the success of our festival. (their names are on the inside back cover of this bulletin) God bless you all,

Fr. Martin Slaughter Pastor


The Second collection is for the poor of our parish. Thank you for your generosity.

La segunda colecta es para los pobres de nuestra Parroquia. Gracias por su generosidad.


UNIDOS EN MISSION Ayúdenos a llegar a nuestra meta Parroquial.

Help us reach our parish goal. We are almost there!

Our Goal 2015 $36,900

Nuestra Meta 2015 $36,900 3

St. Gerard Majella’s Purgatorial Society / Sociedad del Purgatorio de San Gerardo de Majella

9:00 a.m. Mass

Apolinar albino Ambrosio Albino Frank Alessandri Familia Alvarado Bill Aranda Lise Artinian Penny Avanceña Tiburcio Bala Family Jennedel Balmori Anna Bat Gerard & Kelly Birch Jim Blinco Nick Bowden Franklin Boza Eulalia Bueno Mae Canfield Theodore H. E. Chen Wen-Hui C. Chen Maria Chi Lee Chongwook Concordia Bayba Cristobal Lourdes Ocampo Cruz Graciano Roxas Cruz Ray Ocampo Cruz Rogelio Ocampo Cruz Nora Ocampo Cruz Conti & Pace Family Rodolfo y Andres de Jesus De Los Santos Family Paz Empleo Ervin & Slaughter Family Rufino & Emiliana Espinoza Cesar Fegarido Aurora Fegarido Mamerto & Salud Francia Mamerto Francia Jr. Filisberto & Manuel Francia Forgotten Souls Elizabeth Fuentes José María Gallegos Eugenia Gallegos Fernando Gapasin Sr. Tomas & Herminia Gonzalez Yvonne Gross Donald Gross Guigaty Family Pat Guzman Frida Hoang Joseph Huang Vilma Hornada Valery Iber Dale Jenson Rodolfo & Andres de Jesus Esperanza Bala Jones Khoury Family

Hou-Hsi Ku Hwei-Feng Ku Jim Kurtz Christopher Kurtz Teresa Lam Philip Lazo Manuel de Leon Aurelia Gallegos Licari Roland Lorenzo Basilio & Cecilia Manalo Maher & Mark Mantura Ram Maramba Rosa Mazas Katerine Minh Cynthia Miranda Alicia Mora Maria Vv Thi Nghia Mary Nguyen Anna Nhu Perfecto Nepomuceno Raul Manuel Ortiz Apolinar + Juana Oseguera Pace Family Niceno Penaloza David Plaisted Lawrence M. Plaza Norma Ramillano Gilbert Ramirez James B. Reuter S. J. Romualdo Revilla Gregorio Reyna Harry Guy Ricard Sr. Terry Rice Rofael Family Leticia Serquina Rudio Rufino-Espinoza family Mary-Alexis Salinas Art & Joyce Samaniego Ed Schultz Alvin Sott Souls most in need Emerita Sevilla Jin-Tai Shen Jin-Yao Shen Jenny Y. Shen Yen-Sen Shen Margaret Slaughter James Snaza Tahan Family Rofael Tahan Teodoro Taluban Dionisia & Leonardo Torres Sr. Jessie Valencia Rosalie Valencia 4 Rudy Valencia

Michael Xuan Lim Chiu Yan Stephen Yu Louise Yu

10:30 a.m. Mass

Francisco Aguilar Apolinar & Ambrosio Albino Celina & Juan Arceo Evelia Arceo Rafael Arévalo Miguel y Felix Arriaga Mercedes Avarello Teresita & Lupe Alvarez Sterne Bonnefil Eliza Cardenas Jose Luis & Salvador Castaneda Familia Cerecer Elvira Cruz Rita Deganutti Hipolito & Maria Delgado Jesus Delgado Inez Escalante Jose Manuel Gomez Susana Gomez Florentina Gonzalez Jose & Paula Hernandez Ernesto Ibarra Ana María Jimenez Francisco Lara Juana Lopez Rolando Lorenzo Jesus Lujano Guadalupe Martinez Familia Martinez Garcia José M. Márquez Cleotilde Medina Jovita Moreno Juan Escalante Muñoz Maria Muñoz Luis Felipe Oconitrillo Guadalupe Ponce Tomas Quevedo Gilbert Ramirez Guadalupe Rodriguez Magdalena Rosales Carlos Saldaña Elvira Salldaña Celso Santiago Daniel I. Sherrill Arturo Stout & Familia Arturo Trejo Ruth Viquez Vasquez Maria Velazco

Triduo De La Preciosa Sangre Rosario: 8 de Julio, 2015@ 5:00pm 9 de Julio, 2015 @ 5:00pm 10 de Julio, 2015 @ 5:00pm Santa Misa 11 de Julio, 2015 @ 7:00pm Fr. Abraham Garcia



Saturday, July 4th 5:30p.m. Daisy Chun + Sunday, July 5th 7:30a.m. Rafaela Tostado (Health) 9:00a.m. Purgatorial Society + 10:30a.m Sociedad del Purgatorio + 12:00p.m. Emilia Carreon + 1:30p.m. Los Fieles de San Gerardo Monday, July 6th 8:00a.m. Rosie Monteirob+

INTENCIONES DE MISA DIARIA Tuesday, July 7th 8:00a.m Anne Shaughnessy + Wednesday, July 8th 8:00a.m. Jimena del Rosario Navas( B-day) Thursday, July 9th 8:00a.m. Rosie Monteiro + Friday, July 10th 8:00a.m. Maria & Marta Lopea (Blessings) Saturday, July 11th 8:00a.m. Francisco Lara +

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Every First Friday and First Saturday in the church: On 1st Friday from 8:30a.m. to 6:30p.m. and 9:00p.m. to 7:30 a.m. English On 1st Saturday from 7:00p.m. to 7:00a.m. Spanish

Adoración al Santísimo Cada Viernes Primero 8:30a.m.—6:30p.m. Cada Sábado primero 7:00p.m.-7:30a.m. Español 5

The following businesses have helped support our Annual Festival by their participation and donations. We can best show our appreciation by thanking them personally and patronizing their business.

 Men’s Bible Study 

Did you Know ? By teaching “total body safety” we further efforts to stop abuse.

 Thursdays, @ 7:00p.m.  In the Catechism Center   

Parents and caregivers should stress that a child’s entire body is private and be watchful of adults who might be Men along the way…             “grooming” a child by                                                                                                                               constantly tickling, kissing, or Join us for a Men’s Bible Study                                                                            Through the Gospel of John    hugging them. A child will often                                                                           Led by Robert Brown           tell a parent he or she does not    For more informa on:    call the parish office     @ 310‐390‐5034  want to hug or kiss someone – and parents should listen and ¿SABÍA USTED? Cuando enseñamos “seguridad respect their wishes. By teachcorporal total”, ayudamos a disminuir los abusos ing “total body Los padres y otros adultos responsables de los niños deben enseñarles safety” to adults, children, and que sus cuerpos son privados. Deben también, young people, we are estar en alerta con los adultos que puedan estar “preparando” a un nifurthering our efforts to stop ño, haciéndole cosquillas constantemente, besándolo o abrazándolo. abuse and to make the world a Normalmente los niños les dicen a sus padres si no quieren abrazar o safer place for all of God’s darle un beso a alguien, y los padres deben escuchar y respetar los deseos de sus hijos. children. For a copy of the Al enseñar “seguridad corporal total” los adultos, jóvenes y niños, esta- VIRTUS® article, “Beyond the mos avanzando en nuestros esfuerzos por detener el abuso sexual inmyth of the bathing suit,” fantil, haciendo del mundo un lugar más seguro para todos los hijos de email: Dios. Para obtener una copia del artículo de VIRTUS®, “Más allá del mito del traje de baño” (beyond the myth of the bathing suit), escriba a [email protected] jvienna


Mar Vista Ranch Market 12420 Venice Blvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 90066 310-398-8325 Fresh Produce delivered daily Fresh Meat Dept. Groceries



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