ST. JOSEPH PARISH / PARROQUIA SAN JOSE 371 East Main Street Middletown, Delaware Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 31, 2016  Saint Joseph Church

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Story Transcript

ST. JOSEPH PARISH / PARROQUIA SAN JOSE 371 East Main Street Middletown, Delaware Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 31, 2016  Saint Joseph Church


PARISH MISSION STATEMENT We, the faithful of St. Joseph Parish, willingly accept our baptismal call to gather and worship as a community, to proclaim the Word of God, and to serve in the image of Jesus Christ. MISIÓN DE LA PARROQUIA Nosotros, los fieles de la Parroquia de San José, aceptamos de buena voluntad nuestro llamado bautismal a reunirnos y adorar como comunidad, a proclamar la Palabra de Dios, y a servir en la imagen de Jesucristo. OUR CHURCHES & SACRAMENT SCHEDULE St. Joseph Church: East Main Street, Middletown, DE Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00 PM Sunday Masses: 8:30, 10:30 AM Misa Dominical: 1:00 PM (Español) Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 AM Reconciliation: Saturday at 4:00 PM

St. Rose of Lima Mission: Lock St, Chesapeake City, MD Sunday Masses: 8:00, 9:30 AM Tuesday Mass: 8:30 AM Reconciliation: Sunday at 9:00 AM St. Francis Xavier Shrine: Church Road, Warwick, MD As announced

COUNCIL EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Finance Council: John Sanders (410-275-1428) Pastoral Council: Dave Marchlik (302-378-2138)

Saint Rose of Lima Church

PASTORAL OFFICE STAFF Very Rev. David F. Kelley, VC., Pastor Rev. Timothy Brady,, Associate Pastor Tim Enright, Deacon Bob Altmiller, Facilities Manager Vidette Benn, Parish Secretary Lauren Cataldi, Organist Jackie Delaporte, Special Assistant, Sacristan Diana Gotthold, Formation Office Rosemary Hadland, Coordinator of Music Ministry Odile Jacob, Organist Mary Kirk, Director of Religious Education Richard McAloon, Business Manager Antonia “Tonie” Vandenberg, Ministerio Hispano Mark Winterbottom, Confirmation Coordinator

GENERAL INFORMATION E-mail: [email protected] Website: Pastoral Center / Centro Pastoral: 371 E. Main Street Middletown, DE 19709 (entrance on Cleaver Farm Road) 302-378-5800, 302-378-5808 (FAX) (toll-free from Maryland: 888-433-1874) Ministerio Hispano: 302-378-5805, Ext. 104 Office Hours / Horario de la Oficina: Monday – Thursday: 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Christ the Teacher Regional Catholic School 2451 Frazer Road Newark, DE 19702 302-838-8850 Sr. LaVerne King, RSM – Principal

A THANK YOU FROM THE PASTOR It was wonderful to watch this year’s Carnival unfold. From the initial set-up to the final take-down of tents and equipment, it was heartening to see the generosity and talents of so many volunteers at work. Due to the efforts of so many of you, St. Joseph’s Carnival was again a success this year! I take this opportunity to thank all those who volunteered in ways great and small to make this event an opportunity for St. Joseph’s Parish to strengthen the bonds of community and fellowship not just among our parishioners but also with our Middletown neighbors. The income gained is certainly important to the financial well-being of our parish, but of greater value is the opportunity to let our faith and common purpose shine for all to see. I offer special thanks to the Carnival Co-Chairs, Dominic Marra and Jake Vukich, for the many hours of their time that they give to this project each year, and to their families who support them in this endeavor. I also offer my appreciation to the Carnival Committee members Gene Bloemker, Mary Lou Boyell, Dave Burns, Kevin Corcoran, Mimi Corcoran, Phil Czerniak, Jill Dietrich, Marla Dill-Palmer, Shelly Di Pietrapaul, Terry Fresconi, Jeannie Gerrick, Joan Huhn, Terry Kovalevich, Andrew McMullen, Mark Newsome, Amber Picard, Maria Picard, Stephanie Szcerba, Mary Vawter, Janice Vukich, Mary Kay Waltemire, and Mark Winterbottom. Finally, I am grateful to all those who simply came to St. Joseph’s for an evening of food, fun and fellowship. Your continued support is a great blessing to our parish community. We look forward to your joining us again next year and to serving you throughout the coming year! God bless you, Father David

UN AGRADECIMIENTO DEL PÁRROCO Fue maravilloso ver este año el Carnaval desplegar. A partir de la configuración inicial hasta lo último, de desmontar las carpas y equipo, admiro la generosidad y el talento de tantos voluntarios por su dedicación y su trabajo. Debido a los esfuerzos de muchos de ustedes, El Carnaval de San José fue de nuevo un gran éxito, este año! Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para agradecer a todos los que se ofrecieron en formas grandes y pequeños para hacer de este evento una oportunidad para que la parroquia de San José, pueda fortalecer los lazos de la comunidad no sólo entre nuestros feligreses, sino también con nuestros vecinos de Middletown. El ingreso ganado es sin duda importante para el bienestar financiero de nuestra parroquia, pero de mayor valor es la oportunidad para que nuestra fe y unida sea algo propósito que todos puedan ver. Ofrezco un agradecimiento especial a los Copresidentes Del Carnival, Dominic Marra y Jake Vukich, por las muchas horas de su tiempo que dan a este proyecto cada año, y para sus familias que los apoyan en esta tarea. También ofrezco mi agradecimiento a los miembros del Comité de Carnaval, Gene Bloemker, Mary Lou Boyell, Dave Burns, Kevin Corcoran, Mimi Corcoran, Phil Czerniak, Jill Dietrich, Marla Dill-Palmer, Shelly Di Pietrapaul, Terry Fresconi, Jeannie Gerrick, Joan Huhn, Terry Kovalevich, Andrew McMullen, Mark Newsome, Amber Picard, María Picard, Stephanie Szcerba, María Vawter, Janice Vukich, Mary Kay Waltemire, y Mark Winterbottom. Finalmente, agradezco a todos aquellos que simplemente llegó a San José para una noche de comida, diversión y compañerismo. Su apoyo continuado es una gran bendición para nuestra comunidad parroquial. Esperamos acompañarnos nuevamente el año que viene y poder servirle en el año que viene tambien ! Que Dios los bendiga, Padre David

Liturgy Notes Presider’s Intentions This week, our presiders will offer Masses for these intentions: Monday, August 1 St. Alphonsus Liguori 8:30 AM(SJ) Fr. Brady’s Intentions Tuesday, August 2

St. Eusebius of Vercelli St. Peter Julian Eynard Jesse & Ann Kay

8:30 AM (SR) 11:00 AM (BM) THE CATHEDRAL OF ST. PETER The Cathedral of Saint Peter is celebrating its 200th anniversary this year. This beautiful and historic church is in need of our help. The weekend of August 20 & 21, a special collection for the maintenance and preservation of the Cathedral of Saint Peter will be taken up in all parishes in our diocese. Please be as generous as you can. For more information, including a letter from Bishop Malooly, a message from the Cathedral’s Administrator and a video tour of the Cathedral, go to ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT AND BENEDICTION Please join us this Friday, August 5 for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament beginning at the close of the 8:30 AM daily Mass, and concluding with Benediction at 12:00 noon. We encourage you to consider taking this opportunity to spend some quiet time with the Lord. As we need to ensure that at least one person is present with the Blessed Sacrament at all times from 8:30 AM through noon, we invite you to sign-up for a specific time block. Sign-up sheets are available in the church gathering space on the tables beneath the bulletin boards. ADORACIÓN AL SANTÍSIMO SACRAMENTO Y BENDICIÓN Este viernes el 5 de agosto tendremos adoración del Santísimo Sacramento al final de la misa de la 8:30 am y concluyendo con la Bendición a las 12:00 de la tarde. Le animamos a que considere tomar esta oportunidad para pasar un rato tranquilo con el Señor. Como tenemos que asegurarnos de que al menos una persona está presente con el Santísimo Sacramento en todo momento desde las 8:30 am hasta el mediodía, le invitamos a inscribirse para un bloque de tiempo específico. Hojas Suscríbete están disponibles en el espacio de reunión de la iglesia en las mesas debajo de los tablones de anuncios.

Wednesday, August 3 8:30 AM (SJ) Margaret Wicks Thursday, August 4 8:30 AM (SJ)

St. John Vianney Marge Wicks

Friday, August 5 8:30 AM (SJ)

Purvis Isler

Saturday, August 6 5:00 PM (SJ) Axl Charowsky Sunday, August 7   8:30 AM (SJ) 10:30 AM (SJ) 1:00 PM (SJ) 8:00 AM (SR)       9:30 AM (SR)

19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Ray Parosky Fron Family Charles T. Lane Matthew Griffith

MASS AT BROADMEADOW NURSING HOME There will be a Mass at Broadmeadow Nursing Home on Tuesday, August 2 at 11:00 a.m. Parishioners are invited. Any questions call Claudette Latsko, 302-376 -5779.

OLD BOHEMIA COLUMBIETTES #6543 All Sister Columbiettes, please join us for the August 5th First Friday 8:30 Mass and Holy Hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Following the service, we invite all who have the time to join us for breakfast. Site for this destination will be determined after the service.

The Word in Our Lives: Readings for August 7, 2016 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time First Reading: Wisdom 18:6-9 The night of the passover was known beforehand to our fathers, that, with sure knowledge of the oaths in which they put their faith, they might have courage. Your people awaited the salvation of the just and the destruction of their foes. For when you punished our adversaries, in this you glorified us whom you had summoned. For in secret the holy children of the good were offering sacrifice and putting into effect with one accord the divine institution.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 33:1, 12, 18-19, 20-22 Second Reading: Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19 Brothers and sisters: Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen. Because of it the ancients were well attested. By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance; he went out, not knowing where he was to go. By faith he sojourned in the promised land as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, heirs of the same promise; for he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and maker is God. By faith he received power to generate, even though he was past the normal age —and Sarah herself was sterile— for he thought that the one who had made the promise was trustworthy. So it was that there came forth from one man, himself as good as dead, descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as countless as the sands on the seashore. All these died in faith. They did not receive what had been promised but saw it and greeted it from afar and acknowledged themselves to be strangers and aliens on earth, for those who speak thus show that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of the land from which they had come, they would have had opportunity to return. But now they desire a better homeland, a heavenly one. Therefore, God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. By faith Abraham, when put to the test, offered up Isaac, and he who had received the promises was ready to offer his only son, of whom it was said, “Through Isaac descendants shall bear your name.” He reasoned that God was able to raise even from the dead, and he received Isaac back as a symbol.

Gospel: Luke 12:32-48 Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not be afraid any longer, little flock, for your Father is pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your belongings and give alms. Provide money bags for yourselves that do not wear out, an inexhaustible treasure in heaven that no thief can reach nor moth destroy. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be. “Gird your loins and light your lamps and be like servants who await their master’s return from a wedding, ready to open immediately when he comes and knocks. Blessed are those servants whom the master finds vigilant on his arrival. Amen, I say to you, he will gird himself, have them recline at table, and proceed to wait on them. And should he come in the second or third watch and find them prepared in this way, blessed are those servants. Be sure of this: if the master of the house had known the hour when the thief was coming, he would not have let his house be broken into. You also must be prepared, for at an hour you do not expect, the Son of Man will come.” Then Peter said, “Lord, is this parable meant for us or for everyone?” And the Lord replied, “Who, then, is the faithful and prudent steward whom the master will put in charge of his servants to distribute the food allowance at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master on arrival finds doing so. Truly, I say to you, the master will put the servant in charge of all his property. But if that servant says to himself, ‘My master is delayed in coming,’ and begins to beat the menservants and the maidservants, to eat and drink and get drunk, then that servant’s master will come on an unexpected day and at an unknown hour and will punish the servant severely and assign him a place with the unfaithful. That servant who knew his master’s will but did not make preparations nor act in accord with his will shall be beaten severely; and the servant who was ignorant of his master’s will but acted in a way deserving of a severe beating shall be beaten only lightly. Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.”

La Palabra en Nuestra Vidas: 7 De Agosto De 2016 XIX Domingo Ordinario Primera Lectura: Sabiduría 18, 6-9 La noche de la liberación pascual fue anunciada con anterioridad a nuestros padres, para que se confortaran al reconocer la firmeza de las promesas en que habían creído. Tu pueblo esperaba a la vez la salvación de los justos y el exterminio de sus enemigos. En efecto, con aquello mismo con que castigaste a nuestros adversarios nos cubriste de gloria a tus elegidos. Por eso, los piadosos hijos de un pueblo justo celebraron la Pascua en sus casas, y de común acuerdo se impusieron esta ley sagrada, de que todos los santos participaran por igual de los bienes y de los peligros. Y ya desde entonces cantaron los himnos de nuestros padres.

Segunda Lectura: Hebreos 11, 1-2. 8-19 Hermanos: La fe es la forma de poseer, ya desde ahora, lo que se espera y de conocer las realidades que no se ven. Por ella fueron alabados nuestros mayores. Por su fe, Abraham, obediente al llamado de Dios, y sin saber a dónde iba, partió hacia la tierra que habría de recibir como herencia. Por la fe, vivió como extranjero en la tierra prometida, en tiendas de campaña, como Isaac y Jacob, coherederos de la misma promesa después de él. Porque ellos esperaban la ciudad de sólidos cimientos, cuyo arquitecto y constructor es Dios. Por su fe, Sara, aun siendo estéril y a pesar de su avanzada edad, pudo concebir un hijo, porque creyó que Dios habría de ser fiel a la promesa; y así, de un solo hombre, ya anciano, nació una descendencia numerosa como las estrellas del cielo e incontable como las arenas del mar. Todos ellos murieron firmes en la fe. No alcanzaron los bienes prometidos, pero los vieron y los saludaron con gozo desde lejos. Ellos reconocieron que eran extraños y peregrinos en la tierra. Quienes hablan así, dan a entender claramente que van en busca de una patria; pues si hubieran añorado la patria de donde habían salido, habrían estado a tiempo de volver a ella todavía. Pero ellos ansiaban una patria mejor: la del cielo. Por eso Dios no se avergüenza de ser llamado su Dios, pues les tenía preparada una ciudad. Por su fe, Abraham, cuando Dios le puso una prueba, se dispuso a sacrificar a Isaac, su hijo único, garantía de la promesa, porque Dios le había dicho: De Isaac nacerá la descendencia que ha de llevar tu nombre. Abraham pensaba, en efecto, que Dios tiene poder hasta para resucitar a los muertos; por eso le fue devuelto Isaac, que se convirtió así en un símbolo profético.

Evangelio: Lucas 12, 32-48 En aquel tiempo, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: "No temas, rebañito mío, porque tu Padre ha tenido a bien darte el Reino. Vendan sus bienes y den limosnas. Consíganse unas bolsas que no se destruyan y acumulen en el cielo un tesoro que no se acaba, allá donde no llega el ladrón, ni carcome la polilla. Porque donde está su tesoro, ahí estará su corazón. Estén listos, con la túnica puesta y las lámparas encendidas. Sean semejantes a los criados que están esperando a que su señor regrese de la boda, para abrirle en cuanto llegue y toque. Dichosos aquellos a quienes su señor, al llegar, encuentre en vela. Yo les aseguro que se recogerá la túnica, los hará sentar a la mesa y él mismo les servirá. Y si llega a medianoche o a la madrugada y los encuentra en vela, dichosos ellos. Fíjense en esto: Si un padre de familia supiera a qué hora va a venir el ladrón, estaría vigilando y no dejaría que se le metiera por un boquete en su casa. Pues también ustedes estén preparados, porque a la hora en que menos lo piensen vendrá el Hijo del hombre". Entonces Pedro le preguntó a Jesús: "¿Dices esta parábola sólo por nosotros o por todos?" El Señor le respondió: "Supongan que un administrador, puesto por su amo al frente de la servidumbre, con el encargo de repartirles a su tiempo los alimentos, se porta con fidelidad y prudencia. Dichoso este siervo, si el amo, a su llegada, lo encuentra cumpliendo con su deber. Yo les aseguro que lo pondrá al frente de todo lo que tiene. Pero si este siervo piensa: 'Mi amo tardará en llegar' y empieza a maltratar a los criados y a las criadas, a comer, a beber y a embriagarse, el día menos pensado y a la hora más inesperada, llegará su amo y lo castigará severamente y le hará correr la misma suerte que a los hombres desleales. El servidor que, conociendo la voluntad de su amo, no haya preparado ni hecho lo que debía, recibirá muchos azotes; pero el que, sin conocerla, haya hecho algo digno de castigo, recibirá pocos. Al que mucho se le da, se le exigirá mucho, y al que mucho se le confía, se le exigirá mucho más".

Stewardship Many thanks again to all who put so much effort forth to support the Annual Carnival. I am personally still running on the excitement of the event! The carnival committee will put forth more details as available; however suffice to say the preliminary outcome suggests that this year was another success! For perspective, this event has continued to outperform expectations for the past several years. From a finance council and parish planning standpoint, the view taken is that if we could simply come close to a repeat performance of past years, we’d consider that an accomplishment given how stellar those results have been. Plus, we’ve had a year or two with perfect weather so it’s realistic to think that at some point that could change (and we almost did last Saturday but were fortunate to have the storms quickly blow over!) Despite the heat, we achieved another great year thanks to all involved as well as those who patronized the event, and a special thanks to the carnival committee and volunteers for their leadership and dedication. The offertory collection for the last week’s collection was $13,824 toward our weekly offertory goal of $16,300. This brings our year-to-date total to $58,781 received toward our year-to-date goal of $65,200. Thank you for accepting the responsibility of faithful stewardship.

John Sanders, President, Finance Council

PAT’S PIZZA Pat’s Pizza Family Restaurant, located at 311 N. Broad Street in Middletown, will donate a portion of all receipts we return to them. Please place your saved receipts in the collection basket or drop them off at the parish office. We are blessed that our local businesses continue to support our parish. Please thank them for their generosity when you visit Pat’s. REDNER’S RECEIPTS The CCEA does collect Redner’s receipts. Receipts can be put in the collection basket or dropped off at the office. Thank you for your generosity, it is appreciated.

Camp Chiropractic for advertising in our parish bulletin. Please be sure to visit our parish website and check out sponsors of our golf outing and those businesses who advertise in our bulletin. Your support of these sponsors is one way to say thank you for their generosity.

Esquina de Administración Muchas gracias de nuevo a todos por su esfuerzo por apoyar el Carnaval anual. Yo personalmente todavía estoy corriendo en la emoción del evento! El comité de carnaval pondrá adelante más detalles como sean disponibles; Sin embargo basta con decir que el resultado preliminar sugiere que este año fue otro año de éxito! Para ponerlo en perspectiva, este evento ha continuado superar las expectativas de los últimos años. Desde el punto de vista consejo de finanzas y planificación parroquial, la postura adoptada es que si podíamos simplemente acercarse a una repetición de los últimos años, nos cuentan que logramos teniendo lo estelar que estos resultados han sido. Además, hemos tenido un año o dos, con un clima perfecto por lo que es realista pensar que en algún momento eso podría cambiar (y casi nos hizo el pasado sábado, pero la suerte de tener las tormentas rápidamente pasara!) A pesar del calor, hemos logrado otro gran año gracias a todos los involucrados, así como aquellos que patrocinaron el evento, y un agradecimiento especial a la comisión de carnaval y los voluntarios por su liderazgo y dedicación.

John Sanders, President, Finance Council

DEBT REDUCTION COLLECTION Next week is our monthly collection for debt reduction. The parish staff recognizes that we live in uncertain economic times and we must all be careful with our budgets. The staff also acknowledges the sacrifices you make and knows that your continued financial support is an act of faith. The staff thanks you for continually making our parish a priority in your giving. Team 1 will clean on Thursday, August 4, 2016 Joanne Russell, Captain Joanne Reid Ellen Walsh Susan Morrotti Jim Bosco Kathy Van Horn Shirley Stafford Peggy Calvani Anthony Davies Audrey Taylor Helen Moffatt For more information or to volunteer, please call Loretta Williams, 302-378-8635.

Parish Life


WELCOME The people of St. Joseph Parish welcome into our family Sara Valentina Ortiz and Ian Alejandro Negrete who will be baptized this weekend. Congratulations to you, your parents & godparents. God bless you as you begin your faith journey.


We pray that you will become closer to God through your participation in our Faith Community. We look forward to getting to know you. Welcome!



PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE ILL We remember in prayer all those who are ill, especially Terrie Dunn, Veronica “Ronny” Tokash, Claudette Latsko, Shelly DiPietrapaul, Margaret Walters, Charlie Watson, Phyllis Ciranni, Catherine Slater, Peggy Robinson, Lucy Vega, Mary Ann Maycen, Robert Knox, Kathleen Lichman, Rae Svecz, Joseph Nelson, Ann Thompson, Betty Schroeder, David Hausheer, Deborah Eades, Joan Huhn, Keegan Miller, Brandon Austin, Madeleine Toner, Bill Robins, Lea Castelli, Cindy Adams and Ellen Roberts.

CAR RAFFLE-50/50 Fran & Carol Berster

We also remember in prayer their caregivers and all others in need of our prayers.

$200.00 Bob O’Neill

MAY THE ANGELS LEAD THEM INTO PARADISE Please remember in your prayers our deceased parishioners, loved ones, and benefactors. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

FOR THE SAKE OF GOD’S CHILDREN – FSGC Article 9 How long does it take to have a check done? If the person has lived in Delaware or Maryland for the last seven years, the background check can be completed in less than two weeks. If the person has lived in several states over the last several years, the process may take a little longer. It is up to the parish or institution to provide training and complete the local process. ROSARY AT BROADMEADOW The Rosary is prayed each Wednesday at 11:00 AM at Broadmeadow Nursing Home. Any parishioner is welcome to attend and participate. We are also in need of people to lead the rosary. If you are able to help please call Helen Gaden at 302-376-0711.

$2,500.00 Kim Jones $500.00 Lizzie Kelly $400.00 Vincent Morrotti

VOCATIONS REFLECTION In today’s gospel, Jesus speaks of those “who store up treasure for themselves,” contrasting them with those who are “rich in what matters to God.” That’s another way of speaking about those who are only concerned with what they want and those who are concerned with finding out and accomplishing what God wants. Where do you fall along that scale? If you haven’t already made a lifetime commitment, what are you doing to find out what God wants you to do with your life? Maybe He’s calling you to serve as a priest or a deacon, or as a religious brother or sister. Want to explore that possibility? Call or write Father Norm Carroll, Diocesan Director of Priestly and Religious Vocations (302-573-3113, [email protected]). Find us online at! BEREAVEMENT FACILITATORS NEEDED We are in need of more facilitators to join our Seasons of Hope team to facilitate our weekly sessions beginning September, 2016. No Experience is necessary. If you have a compassionate heart, willing to listen and can make the commitment, we want to hear from you. Bereavement is a rewarding ministry and a great act of mercy towards those who are mourning. For information, please contact Father Timothy Brady or Dee Headley at 302-378-5800.

This Week in Our Parish Monday, August 1 8:30 AM—Mass at St. Joseph Church 8:30 AM—Prep Session 4 5:30 PM—Boy Scouts of America Recruitment in Parish Hall 7:00 PM—Friends of Bill W in Rms. 5 & 7 Tuesday, August 2 8:30 AM—Mass at St. Rose Church 8:30 AM—Prep Session 4 11:00 AM—Mass at Broadmeadow Nursing Home 4:00 PM—Middletown Police Department in Church Parking Lot Wednesday, August 3 8:30 AM—Mass at St. Joseph Church 8:30 AM—Prep Session 4 4:00 PM—Middletown Police Department in Church Parking Lot 6:00 PM—Cantor Rehearsal in St. Joseph Church 6:30 PM—Contemporary Ensemble Rehearsal in St. Joseph Church 7:00 PM—Parish Choir Rehearsal in St. Joseph Church 7:00 PM—Charismatic Prayer Meeting in Rm. 2 7:00 PM—Knights of Columbus Council Meeting in Parish Hall

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION REGISTRATION Religious Education registration forms and schedules are available on the parish website. Registrations and your preferred method of payment are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until August 31, 2016. A copy of the Diocesan “Form A” must be filled out annually and submitted for each student at the time of registration. Also, please note that this year we have seven different sessions- four sessions that follow a three hour time frame, two sessions that follow a two and a half hour time frame, and one session that follows a ninety minute time frame. Confirmation of session selection will be communicated via e-mail. We also offer a Special Needs Religious Education program. Please contact the Religious Education office at 302.378.5800, ext. 107 for further information. If your child has completed grade level one and is enrolling in grade level two you must complete a separate form to register for the sacramental preparation of Reconciliation and Eucharist. This is a separate process from Religious Education class registration and has a separate schedule and fee. St. Joseph Parish has one of the largest Religious Education programs in our diocese.

Thursday, August 4 8:30 AM—Mass at St. Joseph Church 8:30 AM—Prep Session 4 6:30 PM-Wedding Rehearsal in St. Rose Church 8:00 PM—Friends of Bill W in Rms. 5 & 7 Friday, August 5 8:30 AM—Mass at St. Joseph Church 8:30 AM—Prep Session 4 9:00 AM—Adoration & Benediction in St. Joseph Church Saturday, August 6 10:30 AM —Baptism Prep in Rms 5 & 7 1:00 PM—Wedding in St. Rose Church 4:00 PM—Confessions in St. Joseph Church 5:00 PM—Mass at St. Joseph Church Sunday, August 7 1:00 PM—Misa en Español in St. Joseph Church

We are blessed with many, many catechists who are willing to share their faith with our children. As our program grows, we are always in need of volunteers and gratefully welcome any parent that is willing to share their time and talent. Please contact Mary Kirk in the Religious Education office, 302.378.5800, ext. 107 or via email at [email protected] if you are interested in learning more about this ministry. In the Gospel this week Jesus reminds us that possessions are not what matter. We must not be greedy or worry about material wealth. Rather we must be rich in what matters to God. Bring It Home this week by reminding the family to be happy with what they have. Challenge each family member to make it through the week without beginning a sentence with "I want", "I need", or I wish I had".

Social Concerns

Christian Formation 

MINISTRY TO THOSE IN NEED Through your generosity, we received $212.85 from the Poor Box at St. Joseph last weekend. We received $27.00 from the Poor Box at St. Rose of Lima last weekend.

BIBLE STUDY & PRAYER GROUP Dennis and Jan Faust host a Bible Study and Prayer group on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month in their home. Please call 302-584-8703 for directions. All are welcome!

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY 302-463-6255 DEDICATED TO THE SERVICE OF THOSE IN NEED IN THE MOT AREA CANNED GOODS COLLECTION Next week is our monthly canned goods collection to replenish the shelves at the food pantry. Canned goods may be brought to either St. Joseph or St. Rose church. Your donations are taken to the Chesapeake City Ecumenical Association for distribution. 

ELKTON COMMUNITY KITCHEN Our next date to serve at the Elkton Community Kitchen is Friday, August 12. We are planning a menu of sandwiches (ham, chicken, tuna and egg salad); vegetable cups of carrots, celery and tomatoes; fruit and dessert. We are in need of volunteers for the month of August. Please let Wilma Fitzner know if you are able to give about three hours on August 12 or are able to donate for the menu. You may respond to 410 275-1156 or [email protected]. We thank all our volunteers for your support of this ministry which is feeding so many. PARENTING POINTERS "One's life does not consist of possessions." (Luke 12:15) How many "toys" does your family have? For adults it may be electronics, for kids it may be stuffed animals, dolls, or cars. Challenge the family to reduce by 10% or even just one item. MARRIAGE MOMENTS "Live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another through love..." (Ephesians 4:1-2) Enough said. Make this true today.

RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) program is designed to help Inquirers on their faith journey. If you or someone you know has expressed an interest in joining the Catholic Church, please contact Deacon Tim Enright, 302-378-5800, ext. 119, or [email protected]. ADULT FAITH FORMATION The AFF Committee needs your help and your input to accomplish our Mission. Join the people of God here at St. Joseph Church and St. Rose Church in bringing the gift that is Jesus Christ to the Adult Faith Community here in themes that are practical and relevant to all of us. As adults, most of us have no formal faith formation after high school and adult faith formation is at least as important as learning about our profession/job or our role as a parent, or a spouse. If you are interested in joining us or learning more about what we do and who we are please contact: Fr. Kelley or Mary Kirk at 302-378-5800 or John Ruane at 302378-2217. WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY Wednesday morning Bible study will be suspended until August 10th due to PREP classes in the Parish complex. On August 10th, please join us at 9:30 AM in the parish center when we break open the Scriptures for the coming Sunday. We encourage people to share how the readings touch their lives or to sit quietly and listen as others reflect on them. The conversation is easy and informative. Come when and as often as you’d like. If you have questions please call 302-378-5800.  

CHARISMATIC PRAYER MEETINGS Come and see what a Charismatic prayer meeting is all about. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, at 7:00PM, in the parish complex. There is usually a brief teaching on one of the charismatic gifts or aspect of faith, followed by singing and praising the Lord. If you have any questions, call Linda Wills @ 302-4491498 or Cookie Ruane @ 302-378-2217.

“COME AND SEE” John 1: 35-39 The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults team (RCIA), here at St. Joseph Parish cordially invites you to attend our “get acquainted” meeting with the Catholic Faith. This is an informal gathering and is a great way for those who have been considering becoming Catholic to get information. Is the Catholic Faith for you? Has a family member or friend continually asked you about our faith?

“COME AND SEE” Date: Sept. 6, 2016 7:00pm at the Parish Center Refreshments will be provided Bring a friend ~ All are welcome R.S.V.Ps Are Welcomed (302)378-5800 Fr. Tim Brady [email protected] or Deacon Tim Enright [email protected]

Around the Diocese JESUS HOUSE Day of Reflection, Storytelling: Women of the Bible and the Women of Paul’s Ministry, on August 9, 9:30am – 3:30pm, at the Jesus House Prayer and Renewal Center, 2501 Milltown Rd, Wilmington, DE 19808, 302-995-6858. Please join us as the Women of the Bible come to life. Cost is $40 which includes lunch. . Please visit our website ( or call our office for more information or to register. On Monday, September 12th, Jesus House Prayer and Renewal Center will have its 14th Annual Golf Outing at Chisel Creek Golf Club. All golfers are encouraged to participate! The cost for the golf fee and cart, a delicious lunch and dinner, drinks, beer, snacks and prizes is $135. (After August 30th, the cost is $150.) Go to to sign up or send your check, made out to Jesus House, to: Jesus House, 2501 Milltown Road, Wilmington, DE 19808. Individual and Company Hole Sponsorships are also available. For more information, call Joe Burgos 610-766-1529.

CYM FALL SPORTS Catholic Youth Ministry is currently holding registration for the 2016 fall sport season for individuals entering 4th-8th grade in September 2016. CYM fall sports includes Cheerleading, Cross Country, Football, Soccer and Volleyball. For additional information, please go to http:// INTERNATIONAL FOOD FESTIVAL St. John/Holy Angels’ Parish will host their 6th annual International Food Festival in Fremont Hall at Holy Angels, 82 Possum Park Road, Newark, DE 19711, Sunday, August 28, from 11am to 4pm. Entry tickets are $10 and entitle you to 10 tickets valued at $1.00 each. A wide variety of cultural tasting opportunities from various countries will be available to purchase using these tickets. Additional tickets will be available to purchase at the event. Check out our website and Facebook page for more information. Or, for more information contact [email protected] or (302) 731-2219.

SAVE THE DATE Holy Spirit Parish and the Shrine of Our Lady Queen of Peace will host the Catholic Diocese of Wilmington's Annual Marian Pilgrimage on Saturday October 1 from 9AM to 5PM. Scheduled guest speaker: Dr. Anthony Esolen, Professor of English at Providence College, contributor to Magnificat magazine, author of Defending Marriage, and translator of Dante's Divine Comedy. Families and children welcome. Details to Follow. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER In the second reading St Paul tells reminds us that our life is now “in Christ”. He encourages us to “put on the new self” and to “seek and think of what is above” because we are no longer of this world. Do we have a Christ Centered Marriage? Sign up today to attend the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend scheduled for November 4-6 in Rehoboth Beach, DE. For more information, visit our website at or to register for the weekend, please call Tony & Linda Massino @ 302220-9833.

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