Personal Details Age: 35 D.N.I.:

María Soledad Ramírez Esteban Echeverría 2004 3B (1428) Buenos Aires City - Argentina Phone +54 11 4783 6807 Mobile +54 9 11 6182 3074 ramirez.marias

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María Soledad Ramírez Esteban Echeverría 2004 3B (1428) Buenos Aires City - Argentina Phone +54 11 4783 6807 Mobile +54 9 11 6182 3074

[email protected] Personal Details Age: 35 Date of Birth: 19/12/78

D.N.I.: 26.687.272 Marital Status: Married

Education Current Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Science, CSU Fullerton (October 2014) - Member of the CONICET career. Associate Researcher (April 2010-continue) Post-doctoral fellow: CONICET Fellowship (April 2008- March 2010). Project Title: “Analysis and characterization of the recombination mechanisms involved in class 2 integron rearrangements found in Acinetobacter baumannii. Director: Dr. Daniela Centrón, Co-director: Dr. Marcelo Tolmasky. Maximum Degree: Ph.D, Pharmacy and Biochemistry Faculty (FFyB) (2008). University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Thesis Title: “Molecular Characterization of class 2 integrons in clinical and environmental isolates”. Thesis director: Dr. Daniela Centrón. University Studies: Biochemistry (1998-2003). Pharmacy and Biochemistry Faculty. University of Buenos Aires (UBA). • • • • • • • • •

Teaching Experience Director of the I Course Actualization in pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance of non-fermenter gram-negative bacilli (June- July 2011 and 2013). Co-director of the Courses Actualization in Integrons (October 2009 and 2013). Teaching assistant in the department of Microbiology, Medicine degree program. School of medicine, UBA (2009continue). Adjunt Professor, Biotechnology, School of Medicine, Universidad del Salvador (USAL). (2009) Visiting Adjunt Professor in the Department of Biological Science, University of Fullerton, CA, USA (April 1st-June 7th, 2008). Invited Teacher to the theoretical-practical course “Bioinformática en el estudio de la resistencia bacteriana a los antibióticos”, summer school 2008 (January 4-10), Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Teaching assistant in the Obstetrics Bachelor degree program. Course of Microbiology. School of Medicine, UBA. (2007-continue). Teacher Assistant of the postgraduate theoretical-practical course “Maestría Molecular Médica” CONEAU A. Organized by “Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales”, UBA, 70 hours, with final examination (2003-continue). Invited Teacher to the theoretical-practical course “Clinical Microbiology Specialization” organized by “Universidad Católica Argentina”, UCA. 48hs with final examination. Title: “Integrones: definición, clasificación, importancia del estudio, cassettes génicos, etc. Cartografía por PCR” (2005-2010)

Fellowships 2012 IANAS (InterAmerican Network of Academies of Sciences) Fellowship Award. Short Visit Program. 2011 Fulbright-CONICET Research Fellowship 2011-2012 2008 National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) Post-doctorate fellowship (April 2008March 2010) 2007 “SM Student Travel Grant Award” to attend the scientific meeting ASM General Meeting 107th, Toronto, 2007. 2006 National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) fellowship (April 2006- March 2008 Resolution number 607) 2006 “ASM International Workshop Scholarship Program” to attend the pre-meeting workshop of the “ASM General Meeting 2006, May 21-25” 2006 “IUMS Travel Fellowship" to attend the scientific meeting "ASM General Meeting 2006, May21-25". 2006 Fellowship to attend the “Global Dialogues on Emerging Science and Technology (GDEST) Conference on Bioinformatics” en el National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC), Petropolis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2006 “IUMS-UNESCO-SGM Fellowship” to perform a research Project at Dr Marcelo Tolmasky laboratory, Fullerton, CA, USA. 2004 National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) fellowship (April 2004- March 2006) 2003 National Agency of Scientific and Technology Promotion (ANPCyT). PICT fellowship (May 2003- March 2004).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Publications A Class 2 Integron with a Novel Cassette Array in a Burkholderia cenocepacia Isolate. Ramírez M.S., Jordá Vargas L., Cagnoni V., Tokumoto M.B., Centrón D. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005. 49:4418-4420. A Novel Rearrangement of a Class 2 Integron in two non-epidemiologically related isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii. Ramírez M.S., Quiroga C., Centrón D. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2005. 49:5179-5181. Molecular characterization of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isolates reveals the spreading of a new clone in Buenos Aires City. Jeric P.E., Matteo M., Ramírez M.S., Couto E., Tokumoto M., Centron D. Medicina (B Aires). 2006. 66:36-9. Prospective Study of Community Acquired Methicillin Resistance Staphylococcus aureus (CA-MRSA) from skin and soft tissue infection diseases. Tokumoto M.B., Ramírez M.S., Jordá Vargas L., Ybarra V., Torreno M., Rodríguez M., Centrón D. Int J Antimicrob Agents, 2007. 30:469-741. Influencia de la concentración inhibitoria mínima de penicilina en la acción sinérgica de su combinación con gentamicina frente a estreptococos del grupo viridans. Vigliarolo L., Ramírez M.S., Centrón D., Lopardo H. RAM. 2007. 39:107-112. Functional characterization of Tn1331 gene cassettes. Ramirez M.S., Parenteau T.R, Centron D., Tolmasky M.E. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2008. 62:669-673. Polyclonal spread of blaOXA-23 and blaOXA-58 in Acinetobacter baumannii isolate from Argentina. Merkier K., Catalano M., Ramírez M.S., Quiroga C., Orman B., Ratier L., Barbolla R., Famiglietti A., Vay C., Di Martino A., Centrón C. Journal Infect Developing Countries. 2008. 2: 235-240. Recovery of a functional class 2 integron from a multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli strain mediating a urinary tract infection. Márquez C., Labbate M., Ingol A.J., Roy Chowdhury P., Ramirez M.S., Centrón D., Borthagaray G., Stokes H.W. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2008. 52:4153-4. Bacteremia due to Dysgonomonas spp.: A report of two cases. Almuzara M.N, Cittadini R., Ladelfa P.J., Olivieri L., Ramirez M.S, Zamponi C., Famiglietti A., Vay C.A. Clinical Microbiology Newsletter. 2009. 31:99-102. First case of human infection due to Pseudomonas fulva, an environmental bacteria isolated from cerebrospinal fluid. Almuzara M.N., Vazquez M., Tanaka N., Turco M., Ramirez M.S., Lopez E.L., Pasteran F., Rapoport M., Procopio A., Vay C.A. J. Clinical Microbiology. 2010. 48:660-664. Novel insights about class 2 integrons from experimental and genomic epidemiology. Ramírez M.S, Piñeiro S., Integron Argentinian Collaborative Group, Centrón D. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 54:139213-08). A naturally competent Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolate as a convenient model for genetic studies. Ramirez M.S., Don M., Merkier A.K., Bistué A.J., Zorreguieta A., Centrón D., Tolmasky M.E.. J Clin Microbiol. 2010. 48: 1488-1490. Tn7::In2-8 dispersion in multidrug resistance isolates of Acinetobacter baumannii from Chile. Ramírez M.S., Bello H., González Rocha G., Márquez C., Centrón D. RAM. 2010. 42:138-140. Reservoir of antimicrobial resistance determinants associated to horizontal gene transfer in clinical isolates of the genus Shewanella. Ramírez M.S., Merkier A.K., Almuzara M., Vay C., Centrón D. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2010. 54:4516-4517. Aminoglycoside modifying enzymes. Ramirez M.S., Tolmasky M.E. Drug Resistance Updates 2010. 13:151-171. Increasing frequency of class 1 and 2 integrons in multidrug resistant clones of Acinetobacter baumannii reveals the need for continuous molecular surveillance. Ramírez M.S., Stietz M.S., Vilacoba E., Jeric E.P., Limansky A.S., Catalano C., Centrón D. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2011. 37:175-177 Genomic Analysis of Acinetobacter baumannii A118 by Comparison of Optical Maps: Identification of Structures Related to its Susceptibility Phenotype. Ramirez M.S., Adams M.D., Bonomo R.A., Centrón D., and Tolmasky M.E. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2011. 55:1520-1526. First Case of Fulminant Sepsis due to Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica. Almuzara M.N., Palombarani S., Tuduri A., Figueroa S., Gianecini A., Sabater L., Ramírez M.S., Vay C.A. J Clin Microbiol. 2011. 49:2333-2335. Acinetobacter baumannii is able to gain and maintain a plasmid harbouring In35 found in Enterobacteriaceae isolates from Argentina. Ramírez M.S., Merkier A.K., Quiroga M.P., Centrón D. Current Microbiology. 2012. 64: 211-213. Class 2 integrons dissemination among multidrug resistance (MDR) clones of Acinetobacter baumannii. Ramírez M.S., Morales A., Vilacoba E., Marquez C., Bello H., Argentinian Integron Study Group, Centrón D. Current Microbiology. 2012. 64: 290-293. Recurrent Urinary Infection with Bifidobacterium scardovii. Barberis C., Cittadini R., Almuzara M., Feinsilberg A., Famiglietti A., Ramírez M.S., Vay C. J. Clinical Microbiol. 2012. 50:1086-1088. Multidrug resistant (MDR) Klebsiella pneumoniae clinical isolates: a zone of high heterogeneity (HHZ) as a tool for epidemiological studies. Ramírez, M.S., Xie G., Marshall S., Hujer K., Chain P., Bonomo R.A., Tolmasky M.E. Clin Microbiol Infect. 2012. 18: E254-E258. Class 1 integrons in environments with different degrees of urbanization. Nardelli M., Scalzo P.M., Ramírez M.S., Quiroga M.P., Cassini M.H., Centrón D. PLoS One. 2012. 7: e39223. Transposons and integrons in colistin resistant clones with epidemic or sporadic behavior. Arduino S., Quiroga M.P., Ramírez M.S., Merkier A.K., Errecalde L., Di Martino A., Smayevsky J., Kaufman S., Centrón D. J Med Microbiol. 2012. 61:1417-20.

25. First Report of an Extensive Drug-Resistant VIM-2 Metallo-β-Lactamase-Producing Brevundimonas diminuta Clinical Isolate. Almuzara M., Barberis C., Rodriguez C., Famiglietti A., Ramírez M. S., Vay C.. J. Clin Microbiol. 2012. 50:2830-2832. 26. Achromobacter xylosoxidans: An Emerging Pathogen Carrying Different Elements Involved In Horizontal Genetic Transfer. Traglia G.M., Almuzara M., Merkier A.K., Adams C., Galanternik L., Vay C., Centrón D., Ramírez M.S. Current Microbiol. 2012. 65:673-678. 27. Internalization of locked nucleic acids/DNA hybrid oligomers into Escherichia coli. Traglia G.M., Davies Sala C., Fuxman Bass J.I., Soler-Bistué A.J.C., Zorreguieta A., Ramírez M.S., Tolmasky M.E. Biores Open Access. 2012. 1: 260-263. 28. First Isolation of Kerstersia gyorium from a Patient with Cholesteatomatous Chronic Otitis Media. Almuzara M., Barberis C., Traglia G., Martinez Ordoñez A., Famiglietti A., Ramirez M.S., Vay C. J. Clinical Microbiol. 2012. 50: 3809-3811. 29. Emergence and spread of tet(B)::ISCR2 plasmid-borne in minocycline resistance Acinetobacter baumannii isolates. Vilacoba E., Almuzara M., Gulone. L, Traglia G., Figueroa S.A., Sly G., Fernández A., Centrón D., Ramírez M.S. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2013. 57: 651-654 30. Acinetobacter baumannii extensively drug resistant lineages in Buenos Aires hospitals differ from the international clones I-III, and emerge from their susceptible ancestors. Stietz M.S., Ramírez M.S., Vilacoba E., Merkier A.K., Limansky A.S., Centrón D., Catalano M. Infect Genet Evol. 2013. 14C: 294-301. 31. Spreading of AbaR-type genomic islands in multidrug resistance Acinetobacter baumannii strains belonging to other than the prevalent clonal complexes. Ramírez M.S., Vilacoba E., Stietz M.S., Merkier A.K., Limansky A.S., Márquez C., Catalano M., Bello H., Centrón. Current Microbiology. 2013: 67: 9-14. 32. OXA-258 from Achromobacter ruhlandii: a Species Specific Marker. Papalia M., Almuzara M., Cejas D., Traglia G., Ramirez M.S., Galanternik L., Vay C., Gutkind G., Radice M. J. Clinical Microbiol. 2013. 51: 1602-1605. 33. Genome Sequences of two Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from different geographical regions: Argentina (JHCK1) and the United States (VA360). Xie G., Ramirez M.S, Marshall S., Hujer K., Chien-Chi Lo, Johnson S., Po-E Li, Davenport K., Endimiani A., Bonomo R., Tolmasky M., Chain P. 2013. 2013. Genome Announcements, 1(2). doi:pii: e00168-13. 10.1128/genomeA.00168-13. 34. Intra-abdominal Infections Due to Comamonas kerstersii. Almuzara M., Cittadini R., Vera Ocampo C., Bakai R., Traglia G., Ramirez M.S., Del Castillo M., Vay C. 2013. J. Clinical Microbiol. 2013. 51: 1998-2000. 35. Rise and dissemination of aminoglycoside resistance: the aac(6')-Ib paradigm. Ramírez M.S., Nikolaidis N., Tolmasky M.E. Frontiers in Antimicrobials, Resistance and Chemotherapy. 2013. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2013.00121: 1-13 36. Distribution of allelic variants of the chromosomal gene blaOXA-114-like in Achromobacter xylosoxidans clinical isolates. 2013. Traglia G., Almuzara M., Merkier A.K., Papalia M., Radice M., Vay C., Centrón D., Ramírez M.S. Current Microbiol. 2013. 67:596-600. 37. Actinobaculum schaalii causing urinary tract infections: report of four cases from Argentina. Barberis C., Cittadini R., del Castillo M., Acevedo P., García Roig C., Ramírez M.S., Pérez S. Almuzara M., Vay C. J. Infection in Developing Countries. 2013. 8:240-244. 38. A cointegrate-like plasmid that facilitates dissemination by conjugation of the extended spectrum β-lactamase CTXM-17. Lin D., Ramírez M.S., Tran T., Tolmasky M.E. Antimicrob Agents and Chemother. 2013. 57: 5191-5192 39. Bacteremia caused by an Acinetobacter junii strain harboring class 1 integron and diverse DNA mobile elements. 2013. Traglia G.M., Almuzara M., Vilacoba E., Tuduri A., Neumann G., Pallone E., Centrón D., Ramírez M.S. J Infect Dev Ctries 2014. 8: 666-669. 40. Outbreak of extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii indigo-pigmented strains. Vilacoba, E., Almuzara M., Gulone L., Rodriguez R, Pallone E., Bakai R., Centrón D, Ramírez M.S. J. Clinical Microbiol. 2013. 51: 37263730. 41. Streptococcus lutetiensis Bacteremia. First Clindamycin Resistant Isolate Carrying lnuB Gene. Almuzara M., Bonofiglio L., Cittadini R., Vera Ocampo C., Montilla A., Del Castillo M., Ramirez M.S., Mollerach M., Vay C.. J. Clinical Microbiol. 2013. 51: 4259-4261. 42. Presence of OXA-type enzymes in Achromobacter insuavis and A. dolens. Traglia G.M., Papalia M., Almuzara M., Gutkind G., Centrón D., Vay C., Radice, Ramírez M.S. Accepted to be published in Current Microbiol 2014. 43. Inhibition of Aminoglycoside 6'-N-Acetyltransferase Type Ib by Zinc: Reversal of Amikacin Resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii and Escherichia coli by a Zinc Ionophore. Lin D., Tran T., Alam J., Herron S, Ramírez MS, Tolmasky M.E. Accepted to be published in Antimicrob Agents and Chemother 2014. 44. Comparison of the Bruker MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry system and conventional phenotypic methods for identification of Gram-positive rods. Accepted to be published in PLOS ONE May 2014. 45. Genome Sequences of Two Carbapenemase-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 Isolates. Ramírez M.S., Xie G., Johnson S., Davenport K., van Duin D., Perez F., Bonomo R., Chain P., and Tolmasky M.E. Accepted to be published in Genome Announcements June 2014.

Patents PROVISIONAL PATENT: M. E. Tolmasky, T. Tran, and M. S. Ramirez. Color and stability enhancing of the Red fluorescent protein DsRed-Monomer encoded by the prokaryotic expression plasmid vector pDsRed-Monomer. Provisional Patent Application. 2009.

Presentations: Congress Reports 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.



Nocardia spp.: Identificación, sensibilidad antibiótica y correlación difusión-dilución. Musto L, Guzman G, Barberis C, Famiglietti A, Ramirez MS, Vay C, Almuzara MN. Congreso Argentino de Microbiología 2013. September 23-26 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Citrometría de masa (MALDI-TOF), identificación molecular y fenotípica convencional: Comparación de métodos para la identificación de bacilos Gram positivos de impacto clínico. Barberis C, Almuzara M, JoinLambert O, Ramirez MS, Famiglietti A, Vay C. Congreso Argentino de Microbiología 2013. September 23-26 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Evaluación de la espectrometría de masa aplicada -MALDI-TOF- en la identificación de bacilos Gram-negativos no fermentadores. Almuzara MN, Barberis C, Rodriguez CH, Regalí N, Traglia G, Ramirez MS, Famiglietti A, Vay CA. Congreso Argentino de Microbiología 2013. September 23-26 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Validación de un esquema práctico de identificación fenotípica de bacilos Gram positivos aerobios incluyendo Actinomyces. Barberis C, Almuzara M, Join-Lambert O, Famiglietti A , Ramirez MS, Vay CA. Congreso Argentino de Microbiología 2013. September 23-26 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Brote por Acinetobacter baumannii productor de pigmento índigo en un hospital de agudos de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Molinari C, Vilacoba E, Bakai R., Gulone L, Tuduri A, Sly G, Rodriguez R, Pallone E, Ramirez MS, Almuzara M. Congreso Argentino de Microbiología 2013. September 23-26 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina. El análisis de polimorfismos de simple nucleótido (SNPs) de la cepa A118 muestra una distribución homogénea de recombinación a lo largo del todo genoma. Traglia GM, Centrón D, Tolmasky ME, Ramírez MS. Congreso Argentino de Microbiología 2013. September 23-26 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Estudio de los mecanismos moleculares de resistencia a tigeciclina en aislamientos clínicos de Acinetobacter baumannii. Montaña S, Vilacoba E, Traglia G, Almuzara M, Penini M, Fernández A, Sucari A, Centrón D, Ramírez MS. Congreso Argentino de Microbiología 2013. September 23-26 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Dispersión de la plataforma genética tet(B)::ISCR2 en aislamientos de Acinetobacter baumannii resistentes a tetraciclinas. Vilacoba E, Almuzara M, Gulone L, Fiorilli G, Fernández A, Rodríguez H, Centrón D, Ramírez MS. Congreso Argentino de Microbiología 2013. September 23-26 2013, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Phenotypic Conversion of Amikacin Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii to Susceptible by Zinc. Lin D., Tran T., Herron S., Ramírez M.S., Tolmasky M.E. 53rd ICAAC 2013. September 10-13 2013 Denver, Colorado, USA. Presence of OXA-type enzymes in Achromobacter species different from xylosoxidans Traglia G.M., Papalia M., Almuzara M., Centron D., Gutkind G., Vay C., Radice M. Ramírez M.S. 53rd ICAAC 2013. September 10-13 2013 Denver, Colorado, USA. A118 Single-Strand Polymorphism analysis shows high levels of genome-wide recombination. Traglia G., Tolmasky M.E., Ramírez M.S. 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter, 19-21 June 2013, Colonia, Alemania. Outbreak of extensively drug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii indigo-pigmented strains. Vilacoba, E., Almuzara M., Gulone L., Rodriguez R, Pallone E., Bakai R., Centrón D, Ramírez M.S. 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter 19-21 June 2013, Colonia, Alemania. Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates motility and biofilm formation. Stietz M.S, Ramírez M.S., Centrón D., Catalano C.. 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter 19-21 June 2013, Colonia, Alemania. Bacteriemia asociada a cateter por Acinetobacter junii en un paciente transplantado. caracterización molecular de la resistencia antibiotica. Traglia G.M., Almuzara M., Vilacoba E., Tuduri A., Neumann G., Pallone E., Centrón D., Ramírez M.S. XIII Congreso Argentino de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología – SADI 2013. June 2013, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Evaluación de la espectrometría de masa aplicada mediante MALDI-TOF para la identificación de Bacilos Gram positivos. Barberis C., Almuzara M., Join-Lambert O., Cittadini R., Palombarani S., Ramírez M.S., Buena Merelles S., Famiglietti S, Vay C. XIII Congreso Argentino de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología – SADI 2013. June 2013, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Evaluación de la espectrometría de masa aplicada -MALDI-TOF- en la identificación de bacilos Gram-negativos no fermentadores. Almuzara M., Barberis C., Rodriguez C.H., Regalí N., Ramírez M.S., Traglia G., Famiglietti A., Vay C.A. XIII Congreso Argentino de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología – SADI 2013. June 2013, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

17. Analysis of virulence and virulence factors in Acinetobacter baumannii A118. Tolmasky M., Ramirez M.S., Penwell W., Nikolaidis N., Adams C., Arivett B., Munson R., Jr, Bonomo R., Actis L. 2013 ASM Biodefense and Emerging Diseases Research Meeting. February 25-27, 2013, Washington, USA. 18. Dispersion y emergencia del gen tet(B), asociado al elemento móvil ISCR2, en aislamientos de Acinetobacter baumannii minociclina resistentes. Vilacoba E., Almuzara M., Gulone. L, Traglia G., Figueroa S.A., Sly G., Fernández A., Centrón D., Ramírez M.S. XVI Congreso Chileno de Tecnología Medica, Viña del Mar, November 16 y 17, 2012. 19. Description of novel allelic variants of the chromosomal gene blaOXA-114-like in Achromobacter xylosoxidans clinical isolates. Traglia G., Almuzara M., Merkier A.K., Papalia M., Radice M., Vay C., Centrón D., Ramírez M.S. ICAAC 2012, San Francisco USA. 20. A New OXA Variant from Achromobacter sp: a Species Specific Marker. Papalia M., Almuzara M., Traglia G., Ramírez M.S., Belmonte A., Famiglietti A., Vay C., Gutkind G., Radice M. ICAAC 2012, San Francisco USA. 21. Evidencia de una zona de alta heterogeneidad en genomas de aislamientos clínicos de Klebsiella pneumoniae. Una herramienta para estudios epidemiológicos?. Ramírez M.S., Xie G., Marshall S.H., Hujer K.M., Chain P.S.G., Bonomo R.A., Tolmasky M.E. VII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Bacteriología, Micología y Parasitología Clínicas – SADEBAC. June 26-20 2012. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 22. Aplicación de métodos fenotípicos y genotípicos en la identificación de Achromobacter spp.: utilización de una nueva variante de enzima de tipo OXA como marcador de especie. Papalia M., Almuzara M., Traglia G., Ramírez M.S., Belmonte A., Famiglietti A., Vay C., Gutkind G., Radice M. VII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Bacteriología, Micología y Parasitología Clínicas – SADEBAC. June 26-20 2012. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 23. Rol diferencial de los integrones de clase 2 como marcador de resistencia antibiótica entre bacilos gram negativos. Rodriguez C., Cassini M.H., De Paulis A., Delgado G., Castro G.A., Matteo M., Armitano R., Predari S., Merino L.A., Catalano M., Ramírez M.S., Centrón D. VII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Bacteriología, Micología y Parasitología Clínicas – June 26-20 2012. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 24. Dispersión de los determinantes de resistencia a tetraciclinas en aislamientos clínicos de Acinetobacter baumannii. Vilacoba E., Almuzara M., Figueroa S.A., Sly G., Potolicchio A., Tolmasky M.E., Centrón D., Ramírez M.S. VII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Bacteriología, Micología y Parasitología Clínicas – SADEBAC. June 26-20 2012. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 25. Bordetella spp. (excluida Bordetella pertussis) y bacilos gram-negativos no fermentadores relacionados, en infecciones humanas. Almuzara M.N., Barberis C.M., Traglia G., Martinez Ordoñez A., Arena M., Procopio A., Orlando N., Vilches V., Famiglietti A.M.R., Sly G., Figueroa S., Ramírez M.S., Vay C.A. VII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Bacteriología, Micología y Parasitología Clínicas SADEBAC – June 26-20 2012. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 26. Identificacion bioquimica y molecular de aislamientos de Nocardia spp. Jordá Vargas L., Tutzer S., Traglia G., Isola M.M., Bonneau B., Ramírez M.S., Kaufman S.I. VII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Bacteriología, Micología y Parasitología Clínicas – SADEBAC June 26-20 2012. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 27. Aislamiento de Nocardia puris en un paciente adulto fibroquístico. Jordá Vargas L., Gallego M.J., Tutzer S., Traglia G., Isola M.M., Otheguy S.M., Ramírez M.S., Kaufman S.I. VII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Bacteriología, Micología y Parasitología Clínicas – SADEBAC. June 26-20 2012. City of Buenos Aires, Argentina. 28. Achromobacter xylosoxidans: An Emerging Pathogen Carrying Different Elements Involved In Horizontal Genetic. Traglia G., Adams C., Almuzara M., Vay C., Centrón D., Ramírez M.S. 10th Annual ASM Biodefense and Emerging Diseases Research Meeting, February 26-29, 2012 Washington, DC, USA. 29. Distribution of resistance determinants and mobile elements involved in horizontal genetic transfer in clinical isolates of Achromobacter spp. Adams C., Traglia G.M., Almuzara M., Merkier A.K., Galanternik L., Vay C., Centrón D., Ramírez M.S.. Twenty-Fourth Annual CSU Biotechnology Symposium. January 5-7, 2012. January. Santa Clara, California. 30. AbaR-type resistance islands in multidrug resistance Acinetobacter baumannii (MDRAb) isolates. Ramírez M.S., Vilacoba E., Stietz M.S., Limansky A.S., Márquez C., Cerquetti C., Catalano M., Centrón D. SAIB 2011 47th Annual Meeting. Sociedad Argentina de Investigaciones Bioquímcas y Biología Molecular. October 30November 2, 2011. Potrero de Los Funes, San Luis, Argentina. Oral communication. 31. Multilocus Sequencing Typing (MLST) scheme of Acinetobacter baumannii isolates recovered in the last 3 decades. Stietz M.S., Ramírez M.S., Cerquetti C., Jeric P., Centrón D., Catalano M. SAIB 2011 47th Annual Meeting. Sociedad Argentina de Investigaciones Bioquímcas y Biología Molecular. October 30-November 2, 2011. Potrero de Los Funes, San Luis, Argentina. Oral communication. 32. Mecanismos asociados a la Transferencia Horizontal de Genes (THG) en Achromobacter spp. Traglia G.M., Almuzara M., Merkier A.K., Adams C., Galanternik L., Vay C., Centrón D., Ramírez M.S. Jornadas Argentinas de Microbiología. XIV JAM – III MINEA. September, 2011. Resistencia, Chaco, Argentina. 33. Genomic Analysis of multidrug resistant (MDR) Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kpn) clinical isolates by Optical Maps Comparison. Ramírez M.S., Marshall S.H., Hujer K.M., Adams M., Bonomo R.A., Tolmasky M.E. 51st ICAAC- September 2011, Chicago, USA.

34. Identification of potential virulence factors in Acinetobacter baumannii A118. Ramirez M.S., Pennwell W., Gaddy J., Nikolaidis N., Munson R.S, Adams M., Bonomo R., Actis L. A., Tolmasky M. E.. ASM 2011 General Meeting, May 21- 24, 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 35. Class 2 integrons dissemination among multidrug resistance (MDR) clones of Acinetobacter baumannii (Ab) circulating in the South Cone. Ramírez M.S., Morales A., Vilacoba E., Nardelli M., Marquez C., Argentinian Integron Study Group†, Centrón D. ASM 2011 General Meeting, May 21- 24, 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 36. Identification of potential virulence factors in Acinetobacter baumannii A118 by optical maps genomic analysis. Ramírez M.S., Pennwell W., Gaddy J., Nikolaidis N., Munson R.S, Adams M., Bonomo R., Actis L. A., Tolmasky M. E.. San Diego Microbiology Group Day-Long Meeting. May 14, 2011, San Diego, CA, USA. 37. The presence of the attC locus downstream of aac(6ʼ)-Ib in Tn1331 enhances the abundance of monocistronic mRNA. IShukla I.D., Ramírez M.S., Parenteau T.R., Tolmasky M.E.. San Diego Microbiology Group DayLong Meeting. May 14, 2011, San Diego, CA, USA. 38. Acinetobacter baumannii (Ab) circulating in Argentina and Uruguay. Morales A., Ramírez M.S., Vilacoba E., Nardelli M., Marquez C., Argentinian Study Group, Centrón D. San Diego Microbiology Group Day- Long Meeting. May 14, 2011, San Diego, CA, USA. 39. Estudio de la variabilidad del gen intI1 y el sitio attI1 presentes en aislamientos clínicos y la dispersión de este último en los genomas bacterianos. Quiroga M.P., Nardelli N., Ramírez M.S., Centrón D. XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 17-20, 2010, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 40. Infecciones por Leifsonia acquatica. Barberis C., Almuzara M., Fernández A., Orellana N., Biondi E., Tokumoto M., Puddu M., Ramírez M. S., Famiglietti A., del Castillo M., Vay C. XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 17-20, 2010, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 41. Emergencia de bacilos gram-positivos fastidiosos en la infección urinaria. Cittadini R., Barberis C., Mazzei J., Almuzara M., Ramírez M.S., Feinsilberg A., Vay C. XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 17-20, 2010, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 42. Presencia de Staphylococccus meticilino resistentes en cerdos criados en forma intensiva. Giacoboni, G., Vigo G., Moldes S., Cappuccio J., Perfumo, C., Ramírez M.S., Centrón D. XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 17-20, 2010, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 43. Sepsis fulminante por Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica. Almuzara M., Palombarani S., Tuduri A. , Figueroa S., Gianecini A., Sabater L., Ramírez M.S., Vay C. XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 17-20, 2010, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 44. Dispersión de integrones de clase 1 y clase 2 en clones multiresistentes de Acinetobacter baumannii (Ab). Ramírez M.S., Stietz M.S., Villacoba E., Jeric P., Limansky A., Catalano M., Centrón D. XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 17-20, 2010, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 45. Análisis por mapeo óptico de las regiones relevantes al fenotipo de susceptibilidad a antibióticos en Acinetobacter baumannii A118. Ramírez M.S., Centrón D., Tolmasky M.E. XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 17-20, 2010, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 46. El plásmido pDCMSR1, ampliamente distribuido en los aislamientos de enterobacterias de Argentina, puede ser adquirido y replicar establemente en Acinetobacter baumannii (Ab). Ramírez M.S., Merkier A.K., Quiroga M.P., Centrón D. XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 17-20, 2010, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 47. IntI1 provista en trans posee la capacidad de escindir todos los cassettes, incluyendo a los cassettes inusuales attCcatB2ΔattI2 y ORFX-ybfA-ybfB-ybgA, encontrados en el integrón de clase 2 In2-8. Ramírez M.S., Quiroga M.P., Centrón D. XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 17-20, 2010, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 48. Emergencia de blaOXA-48 en aislamientos de Shewanella putrefaciens, en un hospital de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Merkier A.K., Ramírez M.S., Almuzara M., Vay C., Centrón D. XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 17-20, 2010, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 49. Evidencia de la localización plasmídica de los genes codificantes para carbepenemasas y su transferencia en aislamientos de Acinetobacter baumannii. Ramírez M.S., Merkier A.K., Centrón D. XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 17-20, 2010, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. 50. Genomic Analysis of Acinetobacter baumannii A118 by Comparison of Optical Maps: Identification of Structures Responsible for its Susceptibility Phenotype. Ramírez M.S., Centrón D., Tolmasky M.E. September, 2010. 50th ICAAC, Boston, USA. Slide session. 51. Dispersion and functional characterization of the uncommon arrangement of class 2 integron, In2-8, in Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates. 8th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter. September 1-3, 2010, Rome, Italy. 52. Dissemination of class 1 and 2 integrons in multidrug-resistance clones of Acinetobacter baumannii (Ab). 8th International Symposium on the Biology of Acinetobacter. September 1-3, 2010, Rome, Italy. 53. Characterization of Acinetobacter baumanii A118: comparative genomics using optical maps. Ramírez M.S., Centrón D. Tolmasky M.E. San Diego Microbiology Group, Day-long Meeting, May 22 2010, San diego, CA, USA. Poster. 54. Sequence analysis of class 1 integron’s integrase gene and the associated attI1 recombination site. Quiroga M.P., Nardelli M., Ramírez M.S., Centrón D. ISCB Latin-America. March 2010 13-16, Montevideo, Uruguay.

55. Novel insights about class 2 integrons from experimental and genomic epidemiology. Ramirez M.S., Piñeiro S., Argentinian Integron Study Group, Centrón D. VI Congreso Argentino de Microbiología General, SAMIGE. Octubre 2009, Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina. Oral communication 56. Acinetobacter baumannii A118, a clinical isolate suitable as model for genetic studies. Ramírez M.S., Don M., Merkier A.K., Centrón D., Tolmasky M.E.. VI Congreso Argentino de Microbiología General, SAMIGE. Octubre 2009, Villa Carlos Paz, Cordoba, Argentina. 57. Ecological dynamic between the anthropogenic disturbance and the genetic platform of class 1 integrons. Centrón D., Scalzo P., Nardelli M., Quiroga M.P., Ramírez M.S., Cassini M.H.. 10th International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL) Brisbane, Australia, 16-21 August 2009. 58. Clonal Spread of Colistin-Resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae During Extensive Use of Colistin for Multiresistant Bacteria Treatment. Arduino S., Quiroga M.P., Relloso S., Garcia D., Ramírez M.S., Incola F., Centrón D., Smayevsky J. 47th Annual Meeting of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), Philadelphia, USA. 2009. 59. A naturally competent Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolate as a convenient model for genetic studies. Ramírez M.S., Don M., Merkier A.K., Centrón D., Tolmasky M.E.. ASM 109th General Meeting, Philadelphia, USA. 2009.. 60. Primera descripción de Pseudomonas fulva en infección humana. Almuzara M., Vazquez M., Tanaka N., Turco M., Ramírez M.S., López E.L., Pasterán F., Procopio A., Vay C. SADI, Mar del Plata, Argentina. 2009. 61. Recombination of the cassettes and pseudocassettes embedded in the class 2 integron In2-8. Ramírez M.S., Quiroga M.P., Quiroga C, Centrón D. XLIV Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Bioquímica y Biología Molecular (SAIB), Cordoba, 2008. 62. High widespread of Class 2 integron among A. baumannii (Ab) clinical isolates from Argentina and Chile. Ramírez M.S., Bello H., Merkier A.K., Gonzalez G., Centrón D. III Seminario de Resistencia bacteriana/II Seminario de Resistencia Microbiana. Bahia, Salvado-CA. 2008. 63. A qPCR-Based Method to Quantify Gene Cassette Recombination. Ramírez, M.S., Parenteau T.R., Centrón D, Tolmasky M.E. 48th Annual ICAAC/IDSA 46th Annual Meeting. Washington, USA. 2008. 64. Particular dispersion of class 2 integron among multiresistant Acinetobacter baumannii clinical isolates. Ramírez M.S., Bello H., González G., Centrón D. San Diego Microbiology Group, Day-long Meeting, May 24 2008, San diego, CA, USA. 65. Functional Characterization of Tn1331 Gene Cassettes. Ramírez, M.S., Parenteau T.R., Centrón D, Tolmasky M.E. San Diego Microbiology Group, Day-long Meeting, May 24 Mayo, San diego, CA, USA. 66. Class 2 Integrons are not always embedded in Tn7 Transposons. Ramírez M.S., Scalzo P., Centron D. American Society of Microbiology 107th General Meeting. Toronto, Canada. 2007. 67. Analysis of Integrase Mediated Excision of Resistance Genes in pJHCMW1. Ramírez M.S., Parenteau T.R., Centron D., Tolmasky M.E. 47th ICAAC. 2007. 68. Análisis de la Inserción Preferencial de los Integrones de Clase 2 en el Cromosoma Bacteriano. Ramírez M.S., Centrón D. XI Congreso Argentino de Microbiología, AAM. Cordoba 2007, Argentina. 2007. 69. Class 2 integrons and Tn7-like elements are not always linked”. Ramírez M.S, Scalzo P., and Centrón D. San Diego Microbilogy Group annual meeting (SDMG), May 2007. 70. Dispersión Policlonal de blaOXA-23 y blaOXA-58 en aislamientos carbapenem resistentes de Acinetobacter baumannii en 3 hospitales de la Argentina. Merkier A.K., Catalano M., Ramírez M.S., Quiroga C., Orman B., Ratier L., Famiglietti A., Vay C., Di Martino A., Kaufman S., Centrón D. XI Congreso Argentino de Microbiología, AAM. Cordoba 2007, Argentina. Oral communication. 71. Infección Recurrente del Tracto Urinario por Bordetella Hinzii. Tuduri A., Palombarani S., Figueroa S., Sly G., Daich E., Ramírez M.S., Centrón, D., Almuzara, M. XI Congreso Argentino de Microbiología, AAM. Cordoba 2007, Argentina. 72. Dispersión del Intrón del Grupo II Bacteriano de Clase C S.Ma.I2 en Bacterias Procedentes de Diversos Ambientes. Quiroga C., Ramírez M.S., Olivera N., Centron D. IV Congreso de Microbiología General. SAMIGE 2007. 73. Dispersion of class 1 integrase-like genes from environmental samples and its role as reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance cassettes. Ramírez M.S., N. Olivera, J. De Grosii, Centrón D. American Society of Microbiology 106th General Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2006. 74. Dispersion of Class 2 integron among multiresistant Enterobacteriaceae. Ramírez M.S., Orman B., Jordá Vargas L., Centrón D.. American Society of Microbiology 106th General Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2006. 75. Emergence of Carbapenemase-Producing Acinetobacter baumanni and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Argentina. Merkier A.K., Vargas L. J., Ramírez M.S., Kovensky J., Famiglietti A., Vay C., Di Martino A., Kaufman S., Centrón D.. American Society of Microbiology 106th General Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2006. 76. Estudio prospectivo de la presencia de Staphylococcus aureus Meticilino-Resistente Adquirido en la Comunidad (SAMR-C) en Infecciones de Piel y Partes Blandas durante un período de 4 meses. Tokumoto M.B., Ramírez M.S., Jordá Vargas L., Ybarra V., Torreno M., Rodríguez M., Centrón D. VI Congreso Argentino de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectologia, 2006. Mar del Plata, Argentina. Oral communication. 77. Infecciones por Staphylococccus aureus resistentes a la meticilina (SAMR) productores de leucocidina de PantonValentine (PVL). Ramírez M.S., del Castillo M., Stecher D., Jorda Vargas L., Bertona E., Centrón D., Vay C. VI Congreso Argentino de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología, 2006. Mar del Plata, Argentina.

78. Detección rápida de Enterococos Vancomicina Resistentes (EVR) a partir de hisopados rectales y materia fecal en pacientes hospitalizados. Alegre Guasti M., Medina L., Quiroga C., Ramírez M,S., Perazzi B., Vay C., Famiglietti A., Lopardo H., Centrón D. VI Congreso Argentino de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectologia, 2006. Mar del Plata, Argentina. 79. Aporte de los integrones de clase 1 a la resistencia de los antibióticos ß-lactamicos en aislamientos clinicos de diferentes centros hospitalarios. Merkier A.K., Quiroga M.P., Kovensky J., Di Martino A., Tokumoto M., Ramírez M.S., Jorda Vargas L., Centron D. VI Congreso Argentino de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectología, 2006. Mar del Plata, Argentina. 80. Caracterización y análisis funcional del integron de clase 2 Tn7::In2-8 descripto en 3 aislamientos de Acinetobacter baumannii. Ramírez M.S., Centrón D. VI Reunión del Grupo de Microbiología Molecular de La Sociedad Española de Microbiología. Septiembre 2006. Lleida, España. Oral communication. 81. Endocarditis infecciosa por Burkholderia stabilis: caracterización molecular del aislamiento. Fernández A.L., Ramírez M.S., Cagnoni V.E., Andres P.O., Jordá Vargas L., Garello M.J., Centrón D., Tokumoto M.B.. V Congreso Argentino de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectologia, 2005. Mar del Plata, Argentina. 82. Aislamiento hospitalario de Staphylococcus aureus meticilino resistente probablemente adquirido en la comunidad. Tokumoto M.B., Ramírez M.S., Jordá Vargas L., Ybarra V., Torreno M., Rodríguez M., Centrón D. V Congreso Argentino de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectologia, 2005. Mar del Plata, Argentina. 83. Dispersion of Class 2 Integrons among Non-Fermenting-Gram-Negative-Bacilli (NFGNB). Ramírez M.S., Quiroga C., Piñeiro S., Centrón D. American Society of Microbiology 105th General Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 2005. 84. Caracterización de un nuevo rearreglo de integrones de clase 2 en Acinetobacter baumannii” (Oral communication) Ramírez M.S., Quiroga C., Merkier A., Piñeiro S., Centrón D..XVII Congreso Latinoamericano y X Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 2004. Oral communication. 85. Dispersión de blaoxa-23 en aislamientos de Acinetobacter baumannii resistentes a carbapenemes. Merkier A.K., Catalano M., Ramírez M.S., Orman B. E., Ratier L., Barbolla R., Famiglietti A., Vay C., Di Martino A., Centrón D. Congreso Latinoamericano y X Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 2004. 86. Análisis de la dispersión de integrones en aislamientos multiresistentes en bacterias gram-positivas y gramnegativas. Quiroga C., Ramírez M.S., Jeric P., Orman B., Merkier A.K., Ruvinski R., Iglesias M., Centrón D. Congreso Latinoamericano y X Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. October 2004. 87. Dispersión y caracterización de Integrones de Clase 2 en aislamientos de Acinetobacter spp. Ramírez M.S., Catalano M., Merkier A.K., Barbolla R., Piñeiro S., Centrón D. Departamento de Microbiología, Parasitología e Inmunología, UBA. Reunión Científica Microbiología Clínica-2003. Buenos Aires. 88. Dispersión de integrones de clase 1, de clase 2 y del transposón Tn3 en aislamientos de Acinetobacter baumannii en 3 centros asistenciales de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires”. Merkier A,K., Ramirez M.S., Catalano M., Barbolla R., Centron D. Departamento de Microbiología, Parasitología e Inmunología, UBA. Reunión Científica Microbiología Clínica-2003. Buenos Aires. 89. Endocarditis infecciosa de válvula protésica por Propionibacterium acnes (Pa). Fernández A., Tokumoto M., Soloaga R., Vargas M., Ramirez M.S., Squasssi V., Nagel C. ICYCC. Fund Favaloro. Reunión Científica Microbiología Clínica-2003. Buenos Aires. 90. Criptocococis en pacientes con trasplante de órgano sólido. Fernández A.L., Antonacci R.P., Andres P.O., Cagnoni V.E., Ramirez M.S., Squasssi V., Nagel C.B., Tokumoto M. ICYCC. Fundacion Favaloro. IX Jornadas Argentinas de Microbiología 2002. Córdoba.

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Dissertations Dissertation: Host-Pathogen Focus Group seminar: Acinetobacter baumannii: a pand-drug resistance nosocomial pathogen. CSULA, USA (January 27 2012) Dissertation in the I Course Actualization in pathogenesis and antibiotic resistance of non-fermenter gram-negative bacilli (June- July 2011). Dissertation in the workshop “I Taller interdisciplinario de Acinetobacter baumannii, Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica, actividad Pre-congreso XII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. (October 16 2010) Dissertation in the workshop XIII JORNADAS DE RESIDENTES BIOQUIMICOS DE LA PROVINCIA DE BUENOS AIRES. In the skill: Application of the Molecular Biology in the antibiotic resistance, epidemiology and bacterial identification. Hospital San Roque de Gonnet, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 14-15 noviembre, 2008. Dissertation in the workshop “LA PROBLEMATICA DE LA MULTIRESISTENCIA. In the skill: Acinetobacter baumannii infections: “Infecciones por Acinetobacter baumannii, un microorganismo inmòvil que viaja por el hospital”. CEMIC, Buenos Aires Argentina. (September 2007). Dissertation in the symposium “Caracterización molecular de nuevos mecanismo de resistencias a los antimicrobianos” in the skill “Rol de los integrones en la resistencia antibiótica en Bacilos gram negativos no Fermentadores de la glucosa”. XVII Congreso Latinoamericano y X Congreso Argentino de Microbiología. (October 2004).

Awards 2013 Young Scientist Travel Grant (sponsored by FEMS and ESCMID) to attend to the congress Acinetobacter 2013 in Cologne. 2012 ICAAC Young Investigator Award for 2012- American Society for Microbiology (ASM) 2011 The ICAAC Infectious Diseases Fellows Grant Program. 51st ICAAC, Chicago, Illinois (IL), September 17-20. 2010 Young Scientist Travel Grant (sponsored by FEMS and ESCMID) to attend Acinetobacter 2010 in Rome. 2007 Scientific award to the poster “Class 2 integrons and Tn7-like elements are not always linked”. Ramírez M.S, Scalzo P., and Centrón D. San Diego Microbilogy Group annual meeting (SDMG), May 2007. 2006 Scientific award to the poster: “Aporte de los integrones de clase 1 a la resistencia de los antibióticos ß-lactamicos en aislamientos clinicos de diferentes centros hospitalarios”. Merkier A. K., Quiroga M., Kovensky J., Di Martino A., Tokumoto M. B., Ramírez M. S., Jorda Vargas L., Centron D. VI Congreso Argentino de la Sociedad Argentina de Infectologia, 2006. Mar del Plata, Argentina. Experience in research training 2013 Foreign mentor for an NIH-funded international training program. Stephanie Guardado. 2012 Foreign mentor for an NIH-funded international training program. Katherina Chua and Nathan Whye. 2012 Doctoral Thesis Advisor, German Traglia 2011 Foreign mentor for an NIH-funded international training program. Christina Adams. 2011 MSc Thesis Advisor. German Matias Traglia. Thesis: Mecanismos de Transferencia Horizontal de genes (THG) en Achromobacter spp.” 2010- continue Ph.D Thesis Co-advisor. Elisabet Villacoba. Thesis: “Transposones, plásmidos e islas genómicas que movilizan integrones de clase 1” 2010 Foreign mentor for an NIH-funded international training program. Amanda Morales. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

GenBank submissions DQ275532 Raoultella terrigena class 2 integron IntI2 (intI2) pseudogene, partial sequence, and dihydrofolate reductase type I (dfrA1), streptothricin acetyltransferase (sat2), streptomycin 3''-adenyltransferase (aadA1), … DQ268533 Enterobacter cloacae class 2 integron IntI2 (intI2) pseudogene, partial sequence, and dihydrofolate reductase type I (dfrA1), streptothricin acetyltransferase (sat2), streptomycin 3''-adenyltransferase (aadA1), … DQ176450 Acinetobacter baumannii isolate AB28 transposon Tn7 tyrosine recombinase (intI2) pseudogene, complete sequence, and streptothricin acetyltransferase (sat2), aminoglycoside adenyltransferase (aadB), chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (catB2), dihydrofolate reductase type I (dfrA1),… DQ082896 Burkholderia cenocepacia class 2 integron inactive tyrosine recombinase (intI2) pseudogene, complete sequence, and streptothricin acetyltransferase (sat) gene, complete cds. DQ176869 Pseudomonas aeruginosa transposon Tn7, partial sequence. DQ176451 Acinetobacter baumannii isolate AB300 transposon Tn7 IntI2 (intI2) pseudogene, complete sequence, and DfrA1 (dfrA1), Sat2 (sat2), AadA1 (aadA1), YbeA (ybeA), YbfA (ybfA), YbfB (ybfB),…. DQ987830 Acinetobacter baumannii strain 311 insertion sequence ISAba3 transposase (tnpA) gene, complete cds. EF051061 Acinetobacter baumannii insertion sequence ISAba1 transposase gene, partial cds; and beta-lactamase OXA-66 (bla-oxa66) gene, complete. EF042190 Enterobacter cloacae transposon Tn7::In2-10, complete sequence. EU780012 Escherichia coli strain 8157 class II integron, partial sequence, IntI2 (intI2), dihydrofolate reductase (dfrA14), and putative lipoprotein signal peptidase (lsp) genes, complete cds, and putative outer membrane lipoprotein (lip) pseudogene, complete sequence FJ785527 Acinetobacter baumannii strain A102 class 2 integron In2-3 tyrosine recombinase (intI2) pseudogene, partial sequence, dihydrofolate reductase type I (dfrA1) gene, complete cds, and streptothricin acetyltransferase (sat2) gene, partial cds. FJ785526 Acinetobacter baumannii strain A16 class 2 integron In2-2 tyrosine recombinase (intI2) pseudogene, partial sequence, and dihydrofolate reductase type I (dfrA1) gene, partial cds FJ785525 Acinetobacter baumannii strain A101 class 2 integron In2-5 tyrosine recombinase (intI2) pseudogene, partial sequence, dihydrofolate reductase type I (dfrA1), streptothricin acetyltransferase (sat2), aminoglycoside-2-Oadenyltransferase (aadB), chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (catB2), dihydrofolate reductase type I (dfrA1), betalactamase CARB-4 (blaCARB-4), and streptomycin 3''-adenyltransferase (aadA1) genes, complete cds, and hypothetical protein (ybeA) gene, partial cds FJ785524 Acinetobacter baumannii strain A112 class 2 integron In2-6 tyrosine recombinase (intI2) pseudogene, partial sequence, streptothricin acetyltransferase (sat2) gene, complete cds, and streptomycin 3''-adenyltransferase (aadA1) gene, partial cds FJ792804 Acinetobacter baumannii strain A32 class 2 integron In2-4 tyrosine recombinase (intI2) pseudogene, partial sequence, dihydrofolate reductase type I (dfrA1) and streptothricin acetyltransferase (sat2) genes, complete cds, and streptomycin 3''-adenyltransferase (aadA1) gene, partial cds. GU244412 Pseudomonas fulva strain 132 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. HM755942 Shewanella putrefaciens strain Sp95 beta-lactamase OXA-48 gene, partial cds. JF692205 Wohlfahrtiimonas chitiniclastica 16s ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence.

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JN180852 Bifidobacterium scardovii 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. JN987180 Escherichia coli strain E06 class 2 integron integrase gene, partial cds. AEOW00000000 Acinetobacter baumannii A118 whole genome sequencing project. JX306685 Achromobacter xylosoxidans class D beta-lactamase OXA114k (blaOXA114) gene, blaOXA114-k allele, partial cds JX306687 Achromobacter xylosoxidans class D beta-lactamase OXA114j (blaOXA114) gene, blaOXA114-j allele, partial cds JX306689 Achromobacter xylosoxidans class D beta-lactamase OXA114m (blaOXA114) gene, blaOXA114-m allele, partial cds JX306684 Achromobacter xylosoxidans class D beta-lactamase OXA114i (blaOXA114) gene, blaOXA114-i allele, partial cds JX306686 Achromobacter xylosoxidans class D beta-lactamase OXA114h (blaOXA114) gene, blaOXA114-h allele, partial cds JX306688 Achromobacter xylosoxidans class D beta-lactamase OXA114l (blaOXA114) gene, blaOXA114-l allele, partial cds JX316030 Kerstersia gyiorum strain 143 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence JX316029 Kerstersia gyiorum strain 143 DNA gyrase beta subunit (gyrB) gene, partial cds JX566450 Acinetobacter baumannii strain Ab13205 sulfonamide-insensitive dihydropteroate synthase (sul2) gene, partial cds; tetracycline efflux protein (tetB) and Tet(R) (tet(R)) genes, complete cds; and mobilization protein (ISCR2) gene, partial cds KF410895 Acinetobacter baumannii Ab33943 indigo-pigmented strain, 16S ribosomal RNA gene, partial cds KF410896 Acinetobacter baumannii Ab33943 indigo-pigmented strain, rpoB RNA gene, partial cds Grants Fundación AJ Roemmers. Period: 2005-2006. Title project: “Estudio Molecular de Staphylococcus aureus Meticilino-Resistente Adquirido en la Comunidad (SAMR-CA) en Infecciones de Piel y Partes Blandas”. Chief investigator: M.B Tokumoto. Associated investigators: Maria Soledad Ramírez y Smayevsky J. Grant from the University of Buenos Aires, UBACyT 2004-2007. Code M017. Title project: Caracterización molecular de las infecciones intrahospitalarias debidas a bacilos no ermentadores de la glucose. Grant receives as an integrant. Director: Daniela Centrón. Grant from the University of Buenos Aires, UBACyT 2008-2010. Code M008. Title project: Biología Molecular aplicada a la prevención de las infecciones de los pacientes con fibrosis quística. Grant receives as an integrant. Director: Daniela Centrón. Grant PICT 2007 from the National Agency of Scientific and Technology Promotion (ANPCyT) 2008-2011. Code 0690. Title project: Del reservorio ambiental a la plataforma genética de los integrones asociados a la multirresistencia antibiótica. Grant receives as an integrant. Director: Daniela Centrón. Grant PICT 2007 from the National Agency of Scientific and Technology Promotion (ANPCyT) 2008-2011. Code 01617. Title project: Estudio e identificación de los diferentes linajes endémicos de Acinetobacter baumannii multirresistentes en nuestro país dirigido a la elaboración de programas de control. Grant receives as an integrant. Directors: Daniela Centrón y Mariana Catalano. Grant PICT 2008 from the National Agency of Scientific and Technology Promotion (ANPCyT). Código 0354. Transferencia Horizontal de genes de resistencia antibiótica en Acinetobacter baumannii. Director: María Soledad Ramírez. Grant PIP 2011/2013 CONICET. Code 11420100100152. Contribución de los mecanismos de trasnferencia horizontal de genes en el desarrollo de la Resistencia antibiótica en Acinetobacter baumannii. Director: María Soledad Ramírez. Grant UBACyT 2011-2012. Code 20020100300013. Director: María Soledad Ramírez. Grant PICT 2011 from the National Agency of Scientific and Technology Promotion (2012-2015). Code 0034. Genómica comparativa de los mecanismos involucrados en el desarrollo hacia la cronicidad y la pandroga resistencia de las infecciones de P. aeruginosa. Director: Daniela Centrón. Granr PICT 2012 from the National Agency of Scientific and Technology Promotion. Code 00120

Other Skills and Antecedents Computation: Macinstoch, Windows, Text processor (Word), lists of calculation, layout of graphs (Excel), handling of PowerPoint, Corel draw, Corel photo paint and photo shop and Internet. Sequence Analysis of DNA obtained from data bases (Internet); Artemis, MEGA, CLUSTALW and BLAST. Research Experience as Undergraduate student: First experience in scientific research was at the Laboratory of Microbiology in the “Instituto de Cardiología y Cirugía Cardiovascular (ICYCC) Fundación Favaloro” in 2001, as an internship student. The research related to clinical specimens, where we analyzed and made the correct interpretation of the cultures obtained in each case under the supervision of Dr. Marta B. Tokumoto.

Research Experience as Graduate Student: Fellow of the National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET). Supervisor: Dr Daniela Centrón. My PhD research project involved the characterization of novel rearrangements of class 2 integrons and its dispersion among clinical and environmental isolates. During this period I have acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the following subjects in molecular biology. Some of the techniques performed until today were total DNA extraction, plasmid extraction, PCR Reactions, hybridization techniques, cloning strategies, Inverse PCR, RT-PCR, RNA extraction, etc. Participation In Scientific Societies: • • • • • • • • •

Member of the Directive board of the IMPaM (UBA-CONICET) (2013-today) Member of the Directive committee of the Argentine Microbiology Association AAM (2007-today) Member of the Directive committee of SADEBAC-Argentine Microbiology Association (AAM) (2005-2007). Member of the Directive committee of SPACyD. Argentine Microbiology Association (AAM) (2006- 2010). Member of the Argentine Microbiology Association, AAM since 2003. Member of the American Society of Microbiology, ASM since 2004. Member of the SAMIGE (Argentine Society of General Microbiology) since 2007. Member of the SAIB (Sociedad Argentina de Investigación en Bioquímica y Biología Molecular) since 2008. Member of the Directive committe of the Argentine Microbiology Association (AAM) (2009-continue)

Participation in the Organization of Congresses/Courses. • •

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Member of the Diffusion committee of the del XIII Congreso Argentino de Microbiología (CAM 2013), II Congreso de Microbiología Agrícola y Ambiental (DIMAyA), September 2013. Coordinator of the workshop title “II taller interdisciplinario de Acinetobacter baumannii” . VII Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Bacteriología, Micología y Parasitología Clínicas – SADEBAC. June 25, 2012- C.A.B.A, Argentina. Coordinator of the workshop title “II Taller interdisciplinario sobre Biofilm” Fundación Instituto Leloir, XII CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE MICROBIOLOGÍA, October 15 2010. Coordinator of the workshop title “I Taller interdisciplinario de Acinetobacter baumannii” Facultad de Farmacia y Bioquímica. XII CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE MICROBIOLOGÍA, October 16 2010. Member of the Technical committee of the XII CONGRESO ARGENTINO DE MICROBIOLOGÍA Congress, 2010. Participation in the Organization of the workshop title “Taller integrativo sobre Biofilms”, 28th March, 2008, Instituto Leloir- AAM. Secretary of the courses organized by SPACYD/AAM “Reuniones con Expertos” (Modulo 2006-2007). Member of the Technical committee of the “Congreso de SADEBAC-2006”, AAM. Assistant of the Congress secretary of the “XVII Congreso Latinoamericano de Microbiología”, 18-21 October 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Member of the organization committee of the Microbiological Clinical Meeting- SADEBAC 2003. Assistant in the IV Symposium of Vegetal Biotechnology REDBIO/FAO. 2002 Assistant in the organization of the meeting “Reunión Científica de Microbiología Clínica-2003”-SADEBAC-AAM, Argentina. IV Simposio de Biotecnología Vegetal REDBIO/FAO. 2002.

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