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Laporan portofolio ini disusun untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan penilaian ujian sekolah tahun 2023



Puji dan Syukur saya ucapkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, pencipta alam semesta ini. Karena masih memberikan saya kesehatan, kemampuan dan kepintaran. Sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan Tugas Portofolio Bahasa Inggris ini dengan baik. Saya juga tak lupa untuk berterimakasih kepada orangtua, sahabat, dan kakak-kakak kelas yang telah membantu dan mendukung saya, sehingga saya dapat menyelesaikan tugas ini. Adapun maksud dan tujuan saya untuk membuat Laporan Portofolio ini adalah untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang diberikan dalam melengkapi syarat kelulusan tahun pelajaran 2022/2023 Saya menyadari bahwa dalam portofolio ini belum sempurna, maka dari itu saya sebagai Penyusun menerima kritik dan saran guna tercapainya penyempurnaan portofolio ini. Dengan ini saya persembahkan sebuah portofolio dengan penuh rasa terima kasih dan semoga Allah SWT memberkahi portofolio ini sehingga bisa bermanfaat kedepannya.

Luna Azura Isaac Rhauf

Kamis, 30 Maret 2023



COVER ............................................................................................................................. KATA PENGANTAR ...................................................................................................... DAFTAR ISI ..................................................................................................................... MATERI............................................................................................................................. A. Pengertian .............................................................................................................. B. Rumus .................................................................................................................... C. Contoh ................................................................................................................... D. Soal Latihan ........................................................................................................... PENUTUP .........................................................................................................................


1 2 3 4 4 4 5 6 7

PASSIVE VOICE A. Pengertian Passive voice adalah kalimat yang subjeknya dikenai suatu perbuatan atau aktivitas. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, passive voice atau kalimat pasif biasanya diawali oleh awalan imbuhan ter- atau di-. Passive voice merupakan kebalikan dari active voice yang merupakan kalimat dengan subjeknya melakukan kegiatan atau aktivitas. Beberapa aturan untuk membentuk kalimat aktif ke pasif:  Subjek dalam kalimat aktif dijadikan objek dalam kalimat pasif  Objek dalam kalimat aktif dijadikan subjek dalam kalimat pasif  Menggunakan TO BE (is,am,are,was,were,being, been)  Menggunakan kata kerja 3

B. RUMUS 1. PRESENT TENSE S + TO BE (is,am,are) + Verb 3 + By + Object di 2. PAST TENSE S + To be (was, were) + Verb 3 + By + O di 3. SIMPLE FUTURE TENSE S + to be (is,am,are) + going to + be + verb 3 + By + O 4. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE S + TO BE (IS,AM,ARE) BEING + VERB 3 + BY +OBJECT + ADVERB sedang di 5. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE S + HAS/HAVE + BEEN+ VERB 3 + BY +OBJECT + ADV telah di 6. MODALITY S + SHOULD/CAN/MUST + BE+ VERB 3 + BY +OBJ + ADV seharusnya/bisa/harus di


C. Contoh 1. Present Tense Contoh: Aktif : She eats bread everyday Passive : Bread is eaten by her everyday Aktif : He makes ten kites on Sundays. Passive : Ten kites are made by him on Sundays 2. Past Tense Contoh: Aktif : He wrote two letters yesterday Pasif : Two letters were written by him yesterday Aktif : They bought toys last week Pasif : Toys were bought by them last week

3. Simple Future Tense Contoh: Aktif : She will write a letter Pasif : A letter will be written by her Aktif : he is going to sell his house Pasif : His house is going to be sold by him

4. Present Continuous Tense Contoh: Aktif : He is driving his car now

Passive : his car is being driven by him now Aktif : They are doing their jobs now Passive : Their jobs are being done by them now

5. Present Perfect Tense Contoh: Aktif : They have finished the competition

Passive : The competition has been finished by them Aktif : Edward has submitted his task

Passive : His task has been submitted by Edward


6. Modality Contoh: Aktif : Benny can do the test easily

Passive : The test can be done by Sinta easily Aktif : Peter must pay the loan punctually Passive: The loan must be paid by Peter punctually

D. Soal Latihan Change these sentences from active to passive 1. The court will try the case next week : The case will be tried by the court next week 2. His landlord asked him to move : He was asked by his landlord to move 3. The fire has burnt the house for 3 hours : The house has been burnt by he fire for 3 hours 4. The repairman is repairing the refrigerator now : the refigator is being epoired by the repaiman 5. The teacher punished his students for not doing homework : the student were punished by the teacher for not doing homework 6. I am delivering the package to my friends The package being delivered by me to my friend 7. The ministers attended the meeting yesterday : the meeting was attended by the ministers yesterday 8. They are going to do their homework : their homework are going to be done by them 9. We water the plants in the green house every Tuesday : the plants are watered by us in the greem house every day 10. Mr. Deni teaches computer every Saturday : computer is tought by Mr. Deni every Saturday



Demikianlah portofolio ini dibuat sedemikian rupa. Agar dapat dipergunakan dengan baik. Dalam pembuatan Portofolio ini, jika ada kesalahan saya sebagai penulis juga meminta maaf dan menerima segala kritik dan saran yang membangun, untuk perbaikan Portofolio ini. Atas perhatiannya saya ucapkan banyak terima kasih.


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