Saint Clement Catholic Church

Saint Clement Catholic Church 1104 N. Alexander Street, Plant City, FL 33563 Phone (813) 752-8251 ● Fax (813) 759-2721 Website: Em

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Story Transcript

Saint Clement Catholic Church 1104 N. Alexander Street, Plant City, FL 33563 Phone (813) 752-8251 ● Fax (813) 759-2721 Website: Email: [email protected] OFFICE HOURS / HORARIOS DE OFICINA: Mon-Thu 8:00am-4:30pm ● Fri 8:00am-2:00pm

O‘ãʐ›Ù / O‘ãçÙ› 26, 2014 T«› 7 Sƒ‘كÛÄãÝ BAPTISMS/BAUTIZOS: For infant bap sms in English call Erin ext. 301 prior to making arrangements. Adult bap sms call Judy Zink at 659-0956. Para bauƟzos de infantes/adultos en Español favor de llamar a Cathy ext. 306.

FIRST COMMUNION/PRIMERA COMUNION: For children and teens please call Cathy Rosales ext. 306. For Adults call Judy Zink 659-0956. Para niños, jóvenes, y adultos favor de llamar a Cathy Rosales ext. 306.

CONFIRMATION/CONFIRMACION: Teens contact Myriam Reyna ext. 323 and Adults contact Judy Zink at 6590956. Jóvenes llamen a Myriam Reyna, ext. 323 y Adultos llamen a Cathy ext. 306

MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO: Contact parish office prior to making arrangements by at least 6 months. Contacte a Cathy ext. 306 por lo menos 6 meses antes de hacer arreglos. HOLY ORDERS/ORDENES SACERDOTALES: Contact/Llame a Fr. Carl Melchior 727-345-3452 or email at spvoca [email protected]. RECONCILIATION/CONFESIONES: Saturdays/Sábados 2:30-3:30pm or by appointment/ o con cita. ANOINTING OF THE SICK/UNCION DE LOS ENFERMOS: Contact the parish office prior to surgery, advanced in age, or seriously ill. Contacte a la oficina antes de una cirugía, avanzada edad o grave de salud.

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Trigésimo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario M®ÝÝ®ÊÄ Sãƒã›Ã›Äã The Community of St. Clement Catholic Church joyfully declares and embraces the following values: Eucharist centered life, stewardship, community and forma on, worshiping God in spirit and truth and serving our sisters and brothers, par cularly the poor and needy, by generous acts of charity.

Nç›Ýãك M®Ý®ÌÄ La comunidad de la Iglesia Católica de San Clemente alegremente declara y adopta los siguientes valores: vida centrada en la Eucarisơa mayordomía, comunidad y formación, alabando a Dios en espíritu y verdad y sirviendo a nuestros hermanas y hermanos, parƟcularmente a los pobre y necesitados, a través de actos de caridad.

W››»—ƒù MƒÝÝ›Ý Misas entre semana: 8:00am (Mon.- Fri./lunes-viernes) 6:30pm-Todos los Miércoles-Español

W››»½ù EøÖÊÝ®ã®ÊÄ ›ò›Ùù W›—ěݗƒù Exposición todos los miércoles 8:30am-8:00pm

W››»›Ä— MƒÝÝ S‘«›—ç½› Misas del Fin de Semana: Saturday 4:00pm Vigil - English Sunday 7:00am & 10:30am-English 8:30am y 6:00pm - Español

TٮĮãù C›Äã›Ù›— ƒÄ— D®Ý‘®Ö½›Ý«®Ö DÙ®ò›Ä Hʽù SÖ®Ù®ã Öكù›Ù Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on us. Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on us. Melt us, Mold us, Fill us, Use us. Spirit of the living God, Fall afresh on us. Amen.

C›Äãك—Ê ›Ä ½ƒ SƒÄã°Ý®Ãƒ TٮĮ—ƒ— ù CÊė瑮—Ê ÖÊÙ ›½ D®Ý‘®Ö罃—Ê

Oك‘®ÌÄ ƒ½ EÝÖ°Ù®ãç SƒÄãÊ Espíritu Santo de Dios, Ven sobre nosotros. Espíritu Santo de Dios, Ven sobre nosotros. Derrítenos, moldéanos, llénanos, Úsanos. Espíritu Santo de Dios, Ven sobre nosotros. Amen.

PASTOR’S COLUMN Dear Parish Family of Saint Clement, The Lord be with you! While I am vaca oning, I thought you might like to see the various places you have been visi ng: While visi ng other parishes, please greet their priest on my behalf and bring home a bulle n. THANKS! I made a special pilgrimage today, 10/17/14, to the ORIGINAL Church of Saint Clement in Rome. I lit these candles in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel for: (L-R) Our Parish Family of Saint Clement, Our Pastoral Staff, Our Deacons, Priests & Seminarian, Deceased Parishioners and for us to be Trinity Centered & Discipleship Driven. See you soon!

Marana tha, Fr. Mike Shepherd Leader Ps. Because November 1st is on a Saturday it is not a Holy Day of Obliga on this year.

City, State/Country


Lawrenceville, GA Independence, WI Colorado Springs, CO Bedford, IN Oberammergau, Germany Leesburg, FL Cocoa Beach, FL Springfield, MA Osprey, FL Rome, NY Holmes Beach, FL Fort Pierce, FL Sanibel Island, FL Callicoon, NY Notre Dame, IN Seminole, FL Naples, FL Rutland, MA Pompton, NJ Indialan c, FL Arden, NC Bedford, PA Temecula, CA Warrensburg, NY Gainesville, FL Ocala, FL Lakeland, FL Greenwood, SC Estes, CO New Smyrna Beach, FL Murrieta, CA Stroudsburg, PA Marion, MA Bellevue, OH Fremont, OH

St. Marguerite d’Youville Ss. Peter & Paul St. Mary’s Cathedral St. Vincent De Paul St. Peter und Paul St. Paul Our Savior’s Catholic Church Blessed Sacrament & All Souls Parish Our Lady of Mount Carmel St. John the Bap st St. Bernard St. Mark the Evangelist St. Isabel Holy Cross Church Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus St. Jus n Martyr St. Finbarr Parish St. Patrick’s parish St. Mary’s Holy Name of Jesus St. Barnabas St. Thomas the Apostle St. Catherine of Alexandria St. Cecilia Holy Faith Catholic Church Blessed Trinity St. Joseph’s Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of the Mountains Sacred Heart Catholic Church St. Martha St. Ma hew’s St. Rita of Cascia Immaculate Concep on Sacred Heart

We support our Youth Our Autumn Gala at St. Clement was a great success. If you were not able to a end but would like to support our youth, please fill out the a ached form and return to the parish office or place in the collec on basket. Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ Phone number ________________________________ Donation amount: ____________________ On behalf of our youth Thank You!

Make check payable to: St. Clement Church (memo line - Youth Ministry)

THANK YOU On behalf of my Family and myself I wish to say THANK YOU for all your prayers and support at the passing of my mother, Eugenia Putvin. Your cards and expressions of sympathy and prayer provided comfort and strength . Thank you and God Bless. Janice Putvin

Pray For ...



†Louis Fulmer by Fulmer Family

Tues., October 28


†Eugenia Putvin by Cathy Rosales

Wed., October 29


Voca ons


Ana Lilia Cruz por Blanca Gu errez

Thu., October 30


†Valerie Moore by Joseph/Margaret Wright

Fri., October 31


†Susan T. Pfeiffer by Susan DeFrancesco

Sat., November 1


†Virginia Feraldi by Marjorie Gill Fr. Jim

Sun., November 2


All Souls card remembrance Fr. Dayan


†Gilberto Resendez por esposa y familia Padre Rafael (Misa en Español)


Members of the Parish Fr. Dayan


All Souls card remembrance Fr. Dayan


All Souls card remembrance Padre Rafael (Misa en Español) Goal

STEWARDSHIP REPORT FOR OCTOBER 19, 2014 Total offertory (Loose & Envelopes)


686 39

My Brother’s Keeper/El Guardián de mi Hermano Special Collec on(s)/: Colectas Especiales



Children’s Offertory / Ofrenda de los niños


All Souls Debt Reduc on Confirma on Youth Bldg. Fund World Mission Sunday Renova on

20 26 275 66 786 421



Other Income


Weekly Expenses for October 17


Bingo for October 15


Your Help is Greatly Appreciated!

Pray the Rosary daily, for Voca ons to the Priesthood, Military personnel and for the Sick of our Parish, especially for:

2014 Annual Pastoral Appeal Raised


Faith, Lori Stubbs Dennis Russell Jackie Ha le Albert & Michael Gomez Margie Gill Carol Boucher Helen Pierce Ann Francis Stanford Jack Jones Fred Haarrman Mauro Seceñas Ramirez Shirley Romedy Dan & Maggie Ward James Gilmar n King, Maria Goike Carol Wright Jeff Jonns Henry Wolf Carol Leneau Flo Zucarelli Ken Goldbach Wilbur Jordan Tam Duong Lorraine LeGrand Maria Espinoza & Family Milagros Osorio, Jorge Gomez Gavin Duke, Juanita Lara Ramiro Guerrero Tom Gibbons Douglas Cowan Repose of the Soul Eugenia Putvin & Gary Vaughn

Total Pledged: $129,292.20 # of Pledges: 421

Please pray for the safe return of all the brave men and women serving our country, especially the parishioners of St. Clement, for those who have died for their country in me of war. If you would like to add a name to the Prayer list, please call the parish office at 752-8251 or email to: [email protected]

Page 3


Founders Day Picnic

8:30am-6:20pm Come and spend some quiet me with Jesus.

Sunday, November 9th at 12:00noon

CATHOLICS COME HOME MINISTRY When: 3rd Monday of the month Where: St. IgnaƟus Portable Time: 7:00-8:00PM Contact: Judy Zink 813-716-7674

Join us for a day of food, fun and fellowship!


There’ll be music, games for young and old, a Cake Walk, and much more. The Church will provide the hamburgers and hotdogs, but we kindly ask parishioners to bring the item next to the letter of their last name if possible.

Formed under the direc ves of the St. Padre Pio Founda on

First Saturday of the month in the Chapel from 2:00pm-2:30pm. Join us for prayers to St. Padre Pio for his intercession, your needs, and to pray for Fr. Jonathan Emery and all Seminarians. Call Lorraine Renaud at 813.707.1004 for more info.

Last name A-F G-L M-R S-Z



Knights of Columbus BREAKFAST Sunday, November 2nd

P½›ƒÝ› ¹Ê®Ä çÝ ›ò›Ùù 󛛻 ®Ä 㫛 C«ƒÖ›½ ÊÄ Tç›Ý—ƒù Ä®¦«ãÝ ƒã 6:30Öà ãÊ Öكù 㫛 RÊ݃Ùù Ê¥ 㫛 UĐÊÙÄ. If you have any ques ons contact: Michaelyn at (813) 752-9312

Item Water, soda, diet drinks Macaroni salad, coleslaw, potato salad Desserts, cookies pies Fruits, watermelon cut up, and snacks

MENU: Scramble eggs, Grits, Bacon Sausage, Potatoes, Pancakes

Orange juice



$6.00 per person The Cursillistas will be serving a MEXICAN STYLE breakfast: • Home

fries with Mexican sausage • Refried beans • Chilaquiles (corn tortilla chips smothered w/ red chili sauce and sprinkled w/ mozzarella cheese Page 4

Is Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos)

the same as All Souls Day? For three days every year Mexicans and Mexican Americans gather for Día de los Muertos. In cemeteries and homes people come together to remember their deceased loved ones. The last of those days, November 2, falls on the tradi onal Commemora on of All the Faithful Departed—All Souls Day. Are the two celebra ons the same? Both observances remember the dead. Their ways of remembering, though, go in somewhat different direc ons. All Souls Day remembers and prays for “all the faithful departed”; Día de los Muertos welcomes the return of the departed for a yearly family visit. All Souls Day and Día de los Muertos come from different places as well. The la er has roots in Mexico’s pre-Spanish civiliza on and its beliefs and prac ces rela ng to death, while the former has a firmly European heritage. All Souls Day has a long history. As early as the ninth century it was a custom for monasteries to set aside a day to pray for their dead, and an abbot of the Benedic ne monastery of Cluny was the first to establish November 2 as the day for commemora on of the departed. With the carnage of World War I in mind, Pope Benedict XV extended All Souls Day to the whole Catholic Church in 1915. On All Souls people of faith remember those believers who have gone before them and ask God to welcome them as they enter their final journey to be with God forever. While Día de los Muertos also remembers the dead, it celebrates their living memory as well. Gatherings at gravesides become family reunion picnics—with the dead invited. Food, drink, music, flowers, and fireworks are part of the celebra on. It is a kind of party during which the dead are remembered and rejoiced over. In the home, altars decorated with flowers, photos of the deceased, and a variety of food offerings for the dead extend hospitality to the deceased and recall their presence. Many of these foods are sweet, such as candy skulls and coffins and the sugar rolls called pan de muerto. The celebra on is also a me for toy skeletons, papel picado— ssue paper cutouts of skulls and bones—and other ornaments. In the candy and toys, par cipants find sweetness and play in the bi erness and somberness of death. Catholicism embraces all these dimensions of remembering the dead. Whether in prayer for all the faithful departed on All Souls or in the customs of Día de los Muertos, the past enters into the present. Families and the larger family of faith gather around altars and places where the deceased rest to affirm life in the midst of death and joy in sorrow. A memory celebrated becomes a living hope for eternal life. This article appeared in the November 2010 issue of U.S. Catholic (Vol. 75, No. 11, page 46).

Social Services... MY BROTHER’S KEEPER FOOD PANTRY Is open every Friday (closed the First Friday) from 9am-12 noon. If you are in need of assistance, please bring iden fica on for each member of the house and a current u lity bill.


2 Sunday of the month My Brother’s Keeper Food Pantry serves the community of Plant City. Dona ons of Beans (dry/canned) rice, pasta, oil, jam/jelly, peanut buƩer, tomato sauce, etc. are some of the items most in need of. If you are able to help, please bring your dona ons to Mass on the 2nd weekend of the month. Cash or check dona ons are also accepted.

GOLDEN DOOR THRIFT STORE Is open on Mon., Wed., Fri. from 9am-12pm. We have clothes for the whole family and household items at reasonable prices. We also accept dona ons on the same days. Stop by and visit us!

SAN CLEMENTE VILLAS San Clemente Villas is a nondenomina onal rental community designed to provide housing for very low- income elderly. If you are interested or would like more informa on, please call management at (813) 752-2417.

A.A. CLASSES Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other to solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. When: Sundays at 6pm Where: classroom 11 of the Ed. Ctr. Page 5


Calling all 4TH GRADERS and above Have you ever wondered what it’s like up on the altar during Mass? Ever wanted a closer look at what it’s all about? Well, the altar servers would like to invite you to join our ministry. We are seeking boys and girls from our parish that have received First Holy Communion that would like to become more involved by serving at Mass. We’ll provide the training, all you have to do is show up with enthusiasm and a heart that is ready to participate in Mass in a new way. If you are interested in learning more about this awesome ministry that’s comprised of kid’s like you, please contact Deacon Neil Legner at (312) 622-3977

Training sessions start soon, so contact us today!

h Yout y tr Minisde Jóvenes)

terio (Minis

FRIDAY NIGHT YOUTH GROUP High School youth are invited to join us every Friday from 7-8:30pm in Youth Center—Bring a friend! Invitamos a todos los jóvenes de High School a reunirse con nosotros de 7-8:30pm en el Centro de Jóvenes.

Oct. 31st - All Saints Dance If you have questions, please contact Myriam Reyna (813) 752-8251, ext. 323 or email - [email protected]

During the month of November, angel tags with the names of children from the parish, will be available for parishioners to take. More informa on will follow in the upcoming bulle ns.


CLASSES Every Wednesday at 6:30pm Clases: Todos los miércoles a las 6:30pm CONFIRMATION A sacrament in which the

Holy Spirit is perfected in those already baptized in

order to make them strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of


Page 6

Once again, our parish will have an Angel Tree to help parish families in need of assistance during this Christmas Season. If you are a family who is in need of assistance this Christmas, please stop by the parish office Monday, November 3 thru Friday, November 14 to fill out a registra on form. Assistance will be given to families that are registered in the parish only.

ATTENTION / ATENCION All middle school youth Jóvenes de Middle School:

Join us every Wednesday from 6:30pm-7:45pm in Cronin Hall - kitchen side Invitamos a todos los jóvenes de Middle School a reunirse con nosotros todos los miércoles de 6:30-7:45pm el salón social-parte de la cocina.


City, State/Country

Querida familia parroquia de San Clemente,

Lawrenceville, GA Independence, WI ¡El señor este con ustedes! Colorado Springs, CO Bedford, IN Oberammergau, Germany Mientras estoy de vacaciones, pensé que les Leesburg, FL gustaría ver los diferentes lugares que usteCocoa Beach, FL des han visitado Springfield, MA Osprey, FL Cuando visiten a otra Iglesia, favor de salud Rome, NY al sacerdote de mi parte y tráiganse una boHolmes Beach, FL le n a casa. ¡GRACIAS! Fort Pierce, FL Sanibel Island, FL Hice un peregrinaje especial hoy 10/17/14 a la Iglesia ORIGINAL de San Clemente en Roma. Callicoon, NY Notre Dame, IN Encendí velas en la capilla del San simo por: Seminole, FL (I-D) nuestra familia parroquial de San CleNaples, FL mente, nuestro Personal Pastoral, nuestros Rutland, MA Diáconos, Sacerdotes y Seminaristas, feligreses fallecidos y por nosotros para que seamos Pompton, NJ Centrados en la San sima Trinidad y conduci- Indialan c, FL Arden, NC dos por el discipulado. ¡Los veré pronto! Bedford, PA Temecula, CA Warrensburg, NY Gainesville, FL Ocala, FL Lakeland, FL Greenwood, SC Estes, CO Marana tha, New Smyrna Beach, FL Murrieta, CA Padre Mike, Stroudsburg, PA Líder Parroquial Marion, MA Bellevue, OH Ps. Ya que Noviembre 1 es un Sábado, no es Fremont, OH un día de obligación este año.

Parish St. Marguerite d’Youville Ss. Peter & Paul St. Mary’s Cathedral St. Vincent De Paul St. Peter und Paul St. Paul Our Savior’s Catholic Church Blessed Sacrament & All Souls Parish Our Lady of Mount Carmel St. John the Bap st St. Bernard St. Mark the Evangelist St. Isabel Holy Cross Church Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus St. Jus n Martyr St. Finbarr Parish St. Patrick’s parish St. Mary’s Holy Name of Jesus St. Barnabas St. Thomas the Apostle St. Catherine of Alexandria St. Cecilia Holy Faith Catholic Church Blessed Trinity St. Joseph’s Our Lady of Lourdes Our Lady of the Mountains Sacred Heart Catholic Church St. Martha St. Ma hew’s St. Rita of Cascia Immaculate Concep on Sacred Heart

¡LLAMADOS A SERVIR! Llamamos a todos los niños(a) de cuarto grado en adelante: ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado como a de ser servir durante la Misa? Los monaguillos te invitan a que te unas su ministerio. Estamos buscando a niños y niñas de la parroquia que han recibido su primera comunión que estén interesados en servir en una Misa del domingo. Nosotros proveeremos el entrenamiento, lo único que tienes que hacer es presentarte con entusiasmo y un corazón listo para participar en la Misa. Si estas interesado en aprender mas sobre este ministerio, favor de llamar a Blanca Caudillo al (813) 967-6497.

¡Los entrenamientos comienzan pronto, así que llámanos!


Servicios Sociales…

Día del Fundador Picnic Domingo, 9 de Noviembre a las 12:00 del mediodía

SERVICIOS SOCIALES PARA EL MIGRANTE Todos los martes de 5:30-7:30pm en el salón social. Ayudamos con aplicaciones para las estampillas, Medicaid

SERVICIOS DE INMIGRACIÓN El tercer miércoles del mes de 2-5pm en los salones 11/12 del Centro Educa vo. Para más información llame a Jose Fernandez al (813) 631-4397.

FE EN FLORIDA Ayuda gratuito para el proceso de renovación de Acción Diferida todos los martes a las 5:30pm en el salón social. Para mas información llame a Jacky al (813) 523-1707.

Únase a nosotros para una día de diversión y compañerismo

Tendremos música, juegos para jóvenes y viejos, y mucho mas. La Iglesia proveerá las hamburguesas y hotdogs, pero le pedimos amablemente a todo feligrés que traiga el articulo a lado de la letra de su apellido si es posible. • • • •


Agua, soda, sodas de dieta Ensalada de macaron y papa, coleslaw Postres, galletas Fruta, sandia en pedazos, botanas


EL GUARDIAN DE MI HERMANO Ayuda con comida y ropa los viernes de 9am-12pm, (cerrado el primer viernes del mes). Favor de traer iden ficación de cada miembro del hogar.

ALCOLICOS ANÓNIMOS Es un grupo de hombres/mujeres que comparten sus experiencias para resolver su problema común con el alcohol los domingos de 4-6pm y los martes y sábados de 7:30pm-9pm salones 9 y 10 del centro educa vo

CONSULADO MEXICANO Ofrece servicios en Tampa quincenalmente de 10am - 2pm. Haga cita para tramites de pasaporte y/o matricula consular a través de MEXITEL: 1-877-639-4835 Consulado en Orlando: (407) 422-0514 2550 Technology Dr., Orlando, FL

Page Page 88

ASISTENCIA PARA LA NAVIDAD Una vez mas, nuestra parroquia estará ayudando a familias necesitadas de la parroquia con ayuda durante esta temporada de Navidad. Si usted necesita ayuda durante esta Navidad, favor de pasar por la oficina para llenar una registración comenzando el lunes, 3 de noviembre al Viernes, 14 de noviembre. Asistencia será dada a las familias registradas en la parroquia solamente. Durante el mes de Noviembre, tendremos e quetas de Ángeles con los nombres de los niños de la parroquia para que los feligreses que deseen ayudar. Mas información estará disponibles en los siguientes bole nes.

GRACIAS De parte de la Familia Putvin, les doy las gracias por todas sus oraciones y apoyo durante el fallecimiento de mi madre, Eugenia Putvin. Sus tarjetas y expresiones de simpa a y oraciones nos han dado apoyo y Fortaleza. Gracias. Janice Putvin

Es mados feligreses:


Al acercarse en EE.UU el día de “Halloween” (en voz castellana: Jalowín), son muchísimas las familias de católicos prac cantes que se preguntan si es apropiado o no que sus niños celebren esa tradición con sus amigos. Veamos, todo comenzó cuando la Iglesia empezó a celebrar la Vigilia de la Solemnidad de Todos los Santos, que en inglés es: All Hallows Eve. Al establecerse esta Solemnidad el día 1ro de Noviembre en el siglo IX, permi ó a los católicos bau zar una an gua tradición pagana. Recordemos que los pueblos celtas celebraban la llegada del nuevo año el mismo día. Ellos creían que los espíritus de los muertos, tanto buenos como malos, rondaban la erra la noche antes. Pensaron que la mejor manera de protegerse y espantar aquellos espíritus era disfrazarse y encender fogatas para ahuyentarlos. También llevaban puestas máscaras para confundirlos y alejarlos. Cuando la Roma de los Césares conquistó aquellos pueblos, le agregó a la tradición celta la costumbre del: “Truco o Regalo,” el famoso trick-or-treat que tanto agrada a los niños. No hay que olvidar que los romanos celebraban en esa misma fecha el Fes val de la Nueva Cosecha, o sea, un obsequio de los dioses. Cris anizar aquellas an guas costumbres permi ó a los creyentes honrar a los difuntos desde la perspec va de la Fe. Nuestros niños pueden disfrazarse con atuendos que recuerden a los ángeles, a los santos y már res de nuestra Fe cris ana. Es también una oportunidad para evangelizar. Preservemos el ambiente fes vo con la esperanza en la vida eterna. Recapitulemos, el 1ro de noviembre pedimos por la intercesión de Todos los Santos, quienes murieron en amistad con Dios y están ahora en el Cielo. Y el 2 de noviembre celebramos la Conmemoración de Todos los Fieles Difuntos, donde rezamos por las almas que necesitan de nuestras plegarias para alcanzar la gloria del Cielo. En este enlace pueden hallar más información: h p:// Paz y Bendiciones, P. Dayan Machado

Registraciones para los bau zos se aceptan SOLAMENTE LUNES Y MIÉRCOLES DE 8AM-3PM EN LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL Documentos a la hora de registración: •

Acta de Nacimiento del niño

• Acta de Matrimonio de la Iglesia de los Padrinos o si padrinos son solteros, necesitan traer los cerƟficados de Comunión y Confirmación y firmar un documento. • Padres y Padrinos deben estar asisƟendo a Misa Si no son de esta parroquia deben traer una carta de permiso de su parroquia donde se les da permiso bauƟzar aquí.

**Personas casadas solo por lo civil o viviendo en unión libre NO CUALIFICAN para ser padrinos. CLASES DE BAUTIZO A LAS 7PM EN EL SALON SOCIAL


Noviembre 7

Noviembre 15

Noviembre 21

Noviembre 29

Diciembre 5

Diciembre 13

Diciembre 19

Diciembre 27

Enero 9

Enero 17

Enero 23

Enero 31

Febrero 6

Febrero 14


Abril 25

Mayo 1

Mayo 9

Mayo 15

Mayo 23

Mayo 29

Junio 6

Junio 12

Junio 20

Nosotros apoyamos a nuestro Jóvenes

Nuestra Gala fue todo un éxito. Si usted no pudo asis r, pero quiere apoyar a nuestros jóvenes, favor de llenar esta forma y entregarla a la oficina parroquial o en la canasta de la colecta. Nombre _________________________________ Dirección _______________________________ # de teléfono _______________________ Cantidad de donación _______________________ ¡De parte de nuestros jóvenes - Gracias!

Parish Staff ...

St. Clement Ministry Directory D

Yzael de la Cruz, Migrant Ministry [email protected] - ext. 308 Janet Maze , Parish Nurse [email protected] - ext. 311


Hospital/Homebound/Nursing Home

Piedad Mendoza , Music Director [email protected] - ext. 315

Bill Muench...................... 752-8251 Parish Nurse Janet Maze, RN ............. 752-8251 Respite Care Mary Kay Fullenkamp.. 707-6449

Bill Muench, Pastoral Care Coordinator [email protected] - ext. 304


Janice Putvin, Migrant Ministry Coor. [email protected] - ext. 305 Myriam Reyna, Youth Group Coor. [email protected] - ext. 323 Candice Tripi-ScoƩ, ECC Director (813) 754-1237 Carol Rodriguez Volunteer Coordinator/Hall rental [email protected] Ray Rosado, Maintenance Crystal Hine, Maintenance Cathy Rosales, Faith FormaƟon Coor. [email protected] - ext. 306 Gary Runkles, Business Manager [email protected] - ext. 318 Judy Smith, Housekeeper Erin Stone, Parish Secretary [email protected] - ext. 301 Fr. Mike O’Brien, Shepherd Leader [email protected] Fr. Dayan Machado, Parochial Vicar [email protected] Deacons: Deacon Neil Legner Deacon Manuel SanƟago Seminarian: Jackson Reeves [email protected] Page 10

Altar Linen Care Fran Aton ........................ 759-0848 Altar Servers Deacon Neil Legner ...... 412-2250 Edel Stephens-Eng. ....... 754-8528 Blanca Caudillo-Sp. ...... 967-6497 Choirs Piedad Mendoza .......... 335-1908 Extraordinary Ministers of Comm. Bill Parolini ...................... 986-2059 Greeters Claire Schoonover ....... 759-8740 Readers Nicole Villa ..................... 763-3840 Teresa Hernandez-Sp .. 856-8327 Sacristans ......................... 752-8251 Ushers

SPIRITUAL LIFE/ VIDA ESPIRITUAL Apostles of the Blessed Sacrament Sandra Flake ................. 752-7652 Cursillistas Josefina Patiño .............. 478-0558 Heart of Jesus Prayer Group Bill Muench...................... 752-8251 Juan XXIII Juan Rosales ................... 333-8786 Marian Movement of Priests Prayer Chain Jean [email protected] Grupo de Oración “Cristo Vive” Angeles Vera ................. 719-3980 Rosary of the Unborn Michaelyn Mocinski ....... 752-9312 St. Elizabeth Prayer Group Lorraine Renaud ............ 707-1004 St. Michael Bible Study Bill Muench...................... 752-8251 St. Padre Pio Prayer Group Lorain Renaud ................ 707-1004 St. Patrick Bible Study Ceil Herrmann ................ (20 member small community)

M FORMATION/FORMACION Adult Formation Ministry/ RCIA Judy Zink ........................ 659-0956 RICA en Español Cathy Rosales ................ 752-8251 Coming Home Ministry Judy Zink ........................ 659-0956

PARISH LIFE/ VIDA PARROQUIAL Auction & Gala Carol Rodriguez….……727-5214 Mary Ann Fontaine…….717-3294 Bingo Joan Labinski ................. 759-8606 Dialogo Matrimonial (Spanish) Miguel/Ines Crispin ...... 359-3366 Elix y Lucy Castro ......... 468-0144 Finance Council…… ..... Mary Fisher email: [email protected] Golf Classic Carol Rodriguez............ 727-5214 Gardening Mary Ann Fontaine ...... 717-3294 Grupo de Jóvenes Mario y Miriam Reyna. 752-8251 Knights of Columbus Steve Barta .................... 763-8019 Migrant Ministry Janice Putvin .................. 752-8251 Multicultural Ministry Carmen Sierra ............... 458-1181 My Brother’s Keeper (Food Pantry) Dc. Manuel Santiago .... 752-8251 Our Lady of Guadalupe Committee Jose Fernandez ............. 752-8251 Religious Article Store Judy Zaring .................... 754-3777 Respect Life Mary Ann/Pat Powers-248.224.5686

Sew & Sew’s Marsha Szymanski ........ 754-1089 Scholarship Committee Mary Ann Fontaine ....... 717-3294 Carol Rodriguez............ 727-5214 St. Clement Catholic Women Carolyn Justin ................ 447-1544 Strawberry Shortcake Project Paul Hetrick .................... 757-6398 Kevin McFaul ................. 431-3216 Quinceañera Preparation (Spanish) Teresa Cienfuegos…863-370-7014 Welcome Carol Rodriguez............ 727-5214

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