Santa Rosa Religious Education Congress

Santa Rosa Religious Education Congress Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2016 Schedule Horario Saturday, August 20, 2016 Sábado, 20 de agosto de 20

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Santa Rosa Religious Education Congress Congreso de Educación Religiosa 2016



Saturday, August 20, 2016

Sábado, 20 de agosto de 2016

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

On Site Registration & Program Book Pickup

8:00 AM - 8:45 AM

Inscripciones y Recoja su libro de programa

9:00 AM

Holy Mass (gym)

9:00 AM

Santa Misa (el gimnasio)

10:10 AM - 11:20 AM

Keynote Address

10:10 AM - 11:20 AM

Sesión 1

11:30 AM - 12:40 PM

Session 1

11:30 AM - 12:40 PM

La Conferencia Magistral

12:40 PM - 1:30 PM

Lunch/Visit Exhibits

12:40 PM - 1:30 PM

Almuerzo/Vista a Exhibiciones

1:30 PM - 2:40 PM

Plenary Session

1:30 PM - 2:40 PM

Sesión 2

2:45 PM - 3:55 PM

Session 2

2:45 PM - 3:55 PM

Conferencia de clausura

Held at Cardinal Newman High School 50 Ursuline Rd., Santa Rosa

Diocese of Santa Rosa Department of Religious Education P. O. Box 1297, Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Office: (707) 566-3366 Fax: (707) 542-9702 August 20, 2016

Dear Congress Participants, We warmly welcome you to the annual Santa Rosa Religious Education Congress! The theme of this year’s Congress is “Jesus is the Face of the Father’s Mercy”. These are the opening words of the Holy Father’s Bull of Indiction of Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. In it, Pope Francis wrote, “For this reason, I have proclaimed an Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy as a special time for the Church, a time when the witness of believers might grow stronger and more effective” (Misericordiae Vultus, no. 3). To strengthen the witness of believers, this year’s speakers will focus us on forming our hearts and consciences according to the mind of Christ and His Church. We welcome Jesse Romero and Dr. Peter Kreeft to our diocese, along with many other workshop presenters. May you be enriched with their insights. To close, we call to mind the prayer of St. John Paul the Great from his encyclical on the Christian moral life, “O Mary, the Mother of Mercy, watch over all people, that the Cross of Christ may not be emptied of its power, that man may not stray from the path of the good or become blind to sin, but may put his hope ever more fully in God who is ‘rich in mercy’” (V eritatis Splendor no. 120).

The Most Rev. Robert F. Vasa Bishop of Santa Rosa

Deacon Dennis Purificacion Director of Religious Education


Diócesis de Santa Rosa Departamento de religión educación P. O. Box 1297, Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Oficina (707) 566-3366 Fax: (707) 542-9702

Santa Rosa, 20 de Agosto, 2016 Queridos Participantes al Congreso: Los invitamos cariñosamente al Congreso anual de Educación Religiosa de la Diócesis de Santa Rosa. El tema del Congreso de este año es: “Jesus es la cara de la Misericordia de Dios”. Estas son las palabras de apertura de La Bula de Introducción para el Jubileo Extraordinario del Año de la Misericordia. En ella el Papa Francisco escribió, “Por esta razón Y o he proclamado un Jubileo Extraordinario de la Misericordia” como un tiempo especial para la Iglesia, una época en la cual los testimonios de los creyentes puedan crecer más fuertes y más efectivos (Misericordiae Vultus, no. 3). Para afianzarnos en la fe, los conferencistas de este año nos van a enfocar en formar nuestros corazones y nuestras conciencias de acuerdo a la mente de Cristo y de su Iglesia. Les damos la bienvenida a Jesse Romero y al Dr. Peter Kreeft a nuestra Diócesis, lo mismo que a muchos otros expositores. Les deseamos que se enriquezcan con sus enseñanzas. Para terminar les enfatizamos la oración de San Juán Pablo el Grande, sacada de la Encíclica sobre Vida Moral Cristiana que dice así: “Oh María, Madre de Misericordia, vela sobre todo el mundo para que a la Cruz de Cristo no se le acabe su fuerza, que los hombres no se alejen del camino del bién ni se hagan ciegos al pecado, sino que pongan su esperanza siempre con más fuerza en Dios que es rico en Misericordia”. (Veritatis Splendor no. 120)

Excmo. Rvdo. Sr. Obispo Robert F. Vasa Diócesis de Santa Rosa

Diacono Dennis Purificacion Director Departamento de religión educación

Publication’s Title & Number:


Issue Date:

June 2016

Statement of Frequency:

Published Yearly

Authorization Organization:

Roman Catholic Bishop of Santa Rosa

Name & Address:

985 Airway Ct., Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Issue Number:

Issue No. 14


Keynote Address

10:10 AM - 11:20 AM


“Jesus is the Merciful Face of the Father: Forming Hearts & Consciences” There is much confusion today about a proper understanding of conscience. In this talk, Bishop Vasa will address the nature of conscience according to the mind of the Church and how conscience is correctly formed, especially during the Jubilee Year of Mercy.

Most Rev. Bishop Robert F. Vasa, DD

Bishop Vasa is the Sixth Bishop of Santa Rosa and is a native of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska. Priestly Ordination:  Place: Lincoln, Neb.  Consecrated by: Bishop Glennon Patrick Flavin Episcopal Appointments:  Appointed ordinary of the Diocese of Baker, Oregon, November 19, 1999  Appointed coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, California, January 24, 2011  Date installed, March 6, 2011  Succeeded as bishop of Santa Rosa, June 30, 2011


Session 1

11:30 AM - 12:40 PM 1 - 13

1 - 11

“The Courageous Parish”

“Foundations of the Inspired Life”

Sponsored by Youth & Young Adult Ministry

We all want to live an inspirational life but often find ourselves lacking on both ends of the spectrum. What is the big picture and how can I widen my spiritual vision to comprehend it? What are the simple next steps to take in living it? This reflection is for everyone, both beginner and advanced, as a help to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Mic 6:8 RSV). We will draw from Scripture, and the rich tradition of our faith.

Every Catholic parish in the world wants to grow and multiply, but few seem able to achieve it. Why? How can two parishes, in the same region with similar populations, produce such different levels of engagement? Both have the same ancestry, same sacraments, same love from God. The difference is behavioral. Tap into a few of the essential behaviors all parish ministries and evangelization teams need to adopt in order to grow. It’s not an accident, it’s courageous!

Fr. John Boettcher

Fr. John has care of the Office of Spirituality for the Diocese of Santa Rosa. Fr. John has been teaching Scripture and theology for over 10 years at all levels, from pre-K to graduate school. He passionately reads and applies the Bible to everything he does. He finds great inspiration in the example and writings of the saints, in particular St. Francis, St. Catherine of Siena and other mystics.

1 - 12

“Managing Mercy: The Gospel of Mercy in the Year of Mercy”

Jesus said, "Be merciful, as your heavenly Father is merciful". But what is mercy? Looking the other way when someone does evil? Does mercy cancel out the need for justice? This workshop explores the subject of mercy and why it is at the core of the Gospel.

Mark Brumley, MA

Mark Brumley is President of Ignatius Press. He is author of several works, including The Seven Deadly Sins of Apologetics. Formerly the director of the Office for Social Ministries and the Office for Communications in the Diocese of San Diego, he writes and speaks on a variety of theological and pastoral topics. He is a parishioner at St Apollinaris Church in Napa, and he holds a Master's degree in theology from the University of Dallas. He serves on a number of boards, including the Napa Institute, the Augustine Institute, and the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in Berkeley. In 2005, he received the Pro Ecclesia Award from the Vatican.

Please provide us with three choices for each Session. We will make every effort to schedule you with your 1st choice.

Mr. Rich Curran

Richard Curran is the founder and executive director of the Parish Success Group, a Catholic non-profit organization that provides professional skill and organizational development training and coaching to ministry leaders. He is a national Catholic speaker and ministry coach who addresses over 50,000 youth and adults each year. Rich receives invitations from dioceses, parishes and schools across the United States to inspire, teach and train their members. He is a regular presenter at national, regional and diocesan Catholic conferences, school assemblies, parish missions and staff leadership days.

1 - 14

“Merciful Quotes to Live By, According to His Holiness Pope Francis”

Praying and reflecting on selected quotes of Pope Francis, participants will be motivated and encouraged to LIVE by these “merciful quotes” wherever they minister. Practical examples will be given on how to integrate prayer and action.

Sr. Mary Rose Mank, MSSR

Sr. Mary Rose, a Marian Sister of Santa Rosa, was born in Maryland and grew up with her five siblings on the East Coast. Blessed by a strong Catholic family life provided by her parents, she entered religious life after 1-1/2 years of college, earned a Master’s degree from the University of Dayton in Educational Leadership. Sister ministers in the field of Education and Faith Formation, often giving sacramental and other retreats. Currently, she serves in the Department of Catholic Schools as an associate with the Superintendent for the Diocese of Santa Rosa. Her greatest joy is being a spouse of Jesus Christ, and sharing and leading others to His Merciful Love. 5

Session 1 1 - 15

11:30 AM - 12:40 PM

“The Spirituality of Mercy”

To be “Merciful like the Father” is a lifelong mission that needs the inspiration and sustenance of a robust spirituality. In this workshop, we contemplate Jesus Christ as the “Face of God’s Mercy” (theme of the Extraordinary Jubilee). We explore the spiritual meaning of God’s “face” in Sacred Scripture, reflect on the nature of divine mercy, and highlight the defining features of God’s mercy fully revealed in Jesus. We conclude with practical suggestions for experiencing and imitating God’s mercy.

1 - 17

Faith is a gift but also an act– the act that precedes our merciful acts towards our neighbor’s trust! The words “Jesus I Trust in You” read like ticker tape at the bottom of every divine mercy image. Why? Join Dr. Hollcraft as he explores trust, the great act of faith and virtue of mercy that has us leaping into unchartered territory. Don’t miss this opportunity to engage what rests at the heart of this jubilee year, trust!

Joseph Hollcraft, Ph.D.

Dr. Margaret Turek, S.Th.D.

Dr. Margaret Turek is the Director of Faith Formation and Evangelization for the Diocese of Oakland. She is also the new Director of the Diocesan School for Pastoral Ministry. Margaret spent 14 years as a professor of theology and spirituality at St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park. She earned her B.A. at the University of San Francisco, her M.A. at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, and her doctorate at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, where she wrote her thesis under the direction of Christoph Cardinal Schonborn, the primary editor of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Before starting her graduate studies, Margaret received spiritual formation as a Carmelite for six years.

1 - 16

St. John Paul II’s Encyclical Veritatis Splendor”

John Galten will offer an overview of St. John Paul II’s encyclical letter The Splendor of the Truth, a clarification of the Church’s teaching on the moral life. It deals with modern errors and brings very important tools for teaching morality to the current culture. It is a very important Church document and a most inspiring one as well. All are welcome.

“Unchartered Territory”

Over the past thirteen years, Dr. Joseph Hollcraft has taught at the Middle School, High School and University level. Founder of Seeds of Truth Ministries, Joseph is an Adjunct Professor to the Avila Institute and host to the Seeds of Truth Radio program. Seeds of Truth airs daily to the north state of California and can be found as an ITunes Podcast where it reaches thousands of listeners in over 40 countries. Dr. Hollcraft is the author to “A Heart for Evangelizing”, published with Emmaus Road in May 2016. In this work, Joseph reflects into the principles of spiritual and pastoral theology and its impact upon evangelization and catechesis. Joseph has also been published with The Catechetical Review, and the Homiletic and Pastoral Review. In addition to these publications, his reflections have been featured with spiritual and Joseph earned his B.A. and M.A. from Franciscan University of Steubenville, and received his PhD from Graduate Theological Foundation with studies being completed at Oxford University. Most importantly, Joseph is a devoted husband and father. He lives in Chico, Ca with his beautiful wife Jackie, and their four children: Kolbe, Avila, Isaac, and Siena.

John Galten

Holy Mass John Galten is a husband, father, grandfather & Catholic educator who has taught for 46 years from 6th grade to adults. He also gives retreats & conferences on the thought of St. John Paul II. He is supposed to be retired but, alas, he cannot lay the hammer down.

9:00 AM

As Santa Rosa Congress opens, we gather to pray, to celebrate and have our hearts filled with the Holy Spirit. This day we ask that the love of Jesus affects us and place our lives and ministry at the service of God’s people.


Plenary Session

1:30 PM - 2:40 PM (Gymnasium)

“Two Kinds of Mercy: With or Without Truth"? There are two kinds of mercy in Christianity: (1) mercy with truth and (2) mercy without truth. During this Jubilee Year of Mercy, we are called to practice mercy with truth. Mercy without truth is a type of false compassion.

This talk will help us understand and live mercy with truth during and after the Jubilee Year of Mercy as called by Pope Francis.

Peter Kreeft, Ph.D. Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at Boston College. He loves his five grandchildren, four children, one wife, one cat, and one God. His 75 books include: Handbook of Christian Apologetics Christianity for Modern Pagans Fundamentals of the Faith

Reconciliation You will have the opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation during lunch. Confessions are in Room 20, across from Fountain.

Sacred Space In addition to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, this year there will be the availability of a Sacred Space. Here you can pray the rosary. There are two locations on campus. 

The Statue of Jesus, located in front of Room 12

The Statue of Our Lady of Lourdes, located in front of Room 14


Session 2 2 - 21

2:45 PM - 3:55 PM

“Enkindling of Love: A Vision for the Spiritual Life both Practical and Mystical”

2 - 23 “Changing the Wine Skins: Examine our Paradigm to Achieve 21st Century Discipleship”

We often patch together our spiritual life from bits and pieces here and there. What we need is a simple but profound guide to help us know how to make progress, and realize when we are getting there or, where we are stuck. St. Bonaventure wrote this brief but rich guide for those who are eager to grow quickly in the love of God. The subtitle is “The Triple Way” because he makes it very simple and easy to remember by grouping everything in threes, beginning with Meditation, Prayer, and Contemplation as means to Purgation, Illumination, and Perfection. Which St. Bonaventure says will lead to “ecstasy.”

The days of "youth group" are dead. To achieve discipleship in young Catholics we need to shift how we approach ministry, leadership, organization, and investment in our youth. Today's young Catholic's demand and expect quality, professionalism from staff and volunteers, tech integration, and straightforward, clear teaching that challenges heart, head, and hands. We must equip our teams with the necessary skills to go out and work in today's vineyard. Mr. Rich Curran

Fr. John Boettcher

2 –22

“The "Tough" Mercy and the Family”

Pope Francis has stressed the importance of mercy, especially in family life. On the one hand, he calls for reaching out to those in irregular situations. On the other, he warns against the dangers of ideologies distorting family. This workshop examines the nature of marriage and family, according to the Catholic understanding, and it discusses how mercy, sometimes taking the form of "tough love", is essential to family life. Mark Brumley, MA

2 - 24 “We are Called and Chosen to be His ‘Face’ ” As we live, so others will learn the Father’s Mercy. We are called to be a priestly people by the very fact of our Baptism. Through Baptism, a Christian has the power to fulfill his duty to be like Christ: preaching the gospel to the world as a prophet, serving the needy in the world as king, and offering prayer and sacrifice for the world as priest. This priesthood is called the “common priesthood of the baptized.” This session is an opportunity for spiritual refreshment, encouragement, and an invitation to BE the ‘face’ of Christ in one’s daily life. Sr. Mary Rose Mank, MSSR

Congress Exhibitors: There will be a few Exhibitors showcasing Books and Gifts. Please take time during the day and stop by and visit.


Session 2 2 - 25

2:45 PM - 3:55 PM

“Film and Faith: Finding God at the Movies”

Do you like the movies? While God and Faith are almost never mentioned in film, compelling spiritual insights can often be found in the stories they tell. In this workshop, we will look at clips from movies which show why a spiritual awakening is essential for human happiness. Helping others to come to this realization to find God “in the dark” — is at the heart of our calling to be missionary disciples. Dr. Margaret Turek, S.Th.D.

2 –26

“Up from ‘The Religion of the Day’ to the Gospel of Christ Jesus: Arming Collegians for Faithfulness.”

2 - 27

“Memoirs of World Youth Day During the Jubilee Year of Mercy: An Experience of God’s Merciful Love in Action”

Ever wonder what it would be like to attend a World Youth Day celebration and worship our Lord with so many Catholics from around the world? This presentation will give insight into what the experience is really like, what the World Youth Day culture has to offer as an experience of the Universal Church, and what spiritual benefits may be gained from attending such an event. Also, some helpful hints on how to get the most out of the experience will be provided. This presentation is aimed at inspiring everyone, especially youth leaders to consider this experience for their own spiritual growth and their children.

Sr. Maria Faustina, MSSR

Sponsored by Youth & Young Adult Ministry

“Religion of the day” is Cardinal Newman’s phrase for what we have lately learned to call “moralistic therapeutic deism” (MTD). In late antiquity, the “religion of the day” supplied the rationale for persecuting Christians as atheists. Today, on most college and university campuses, an intellectualized MTD supplies rationales for condemning Catholic-Christian orthodoxy as the subversion of the law of love; tomorrow it will be invoked to preclude objection as Catholic-Christian teaching on sex and marriage is morally equated with racist indoctrination and its public expression is, on the model of racial discrimination, legally disallowed. How can we help prepare Catholic college students to retain the Faith and to live it out publicly, under the paired assault of doctrinaire pseudo-religion and sociallegal intimidation?

Sister was born & raised in Cleveland, Ohio. After converting to the Catholic Faith at the age of 19, she received her BA in elementary education from Notre Dame College of Ohio & her MA in Education Administration from Ohio State University. Sister has ministered in the field of education for the past 20 yrs. She has taught and administered sacramental preparation programs as well as given retreat talks to various groups throughout the diocese. Sister currently ministers at St. Eugene's Cathedral Parish as the director of the Parish School of Religion and at St. Eugene's Cathedral School as the religion coordinator and the 6th, 7th and 8th grade religion teacher. Her passion is to spread the merciful love of God through encouraging devotion to His Holy Mother, Our Mother of Mercy.

Steve Cortright, MA

Professor Cortright was educated at Saint Mary’s College of California and the University of Notre Dame. Since 1980, he has held a joint appointment as Professor of Philosophy and Tutor, Integral Curriculum of Liberal Arts (Saint Mary’s “Great Books” program), at his alma mater. Professor Cortright exercises a mandatum docendi in Catholic theology, granted by His Excellency, Most Rev. Alan Vigneron, as Bishop of Oakland. He has served as a parish catechist for thirty years. He and his wife of thirty-nine years, Belinda, are the parents of seven children. 9

Talleres En Español Sesión 1 1 - 51

10:10 AM - 11:20 AM

“La Moral de la Iglesia”

Este taller está enfocado en la dignidad de la persona humana y su responsabilidad hacia los actos buenos y malos. La enseñanza moral de la Iglesia en este aspecto, basado en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica.

1– 53

“El año jubilar de la Misericordia”

En el año jubilar de la Misericordia y a la luz de la Exhortación apostólica post-sinodal del Santo Padre Francisco “Amoris laetitia, una reflexión de como Dios tiende sus brazos misericordiosos en auxilio de las familias, para librarlas de las miserias que hoy afectan a la vida familiar.

Osvaldo Guzmán Padre Juan Carlos Chiarinoti

Es maestro de Catequesis e Instructor del Instituto Maris Stella. Su trabajo principal es Misionero Servidor de la Palabra. Reside en Santa Rosa, CA. Está casado con Silvia Orozco y tienen tres hijos. Alonso, Bianca y Christian. Osvaldo es una persona dedicada al servicio de Evangelización de la Comunidad en Español. Trabaja la mayoría de su tiempo en el Instituto Maris Stella, pero también toma el resto de su tiempo para evangelizar afuera, visitando grupos y familias.

1 - 52

"Jesus es el rostro Misericordioso del Padre: Formando Corazones y Conciencias"

Vivimos en un mundo lleno de personas que constantemente buscan a Dios, o como reza el salmo: "Mi alma tiene sed de Dios, del Dios vivo..." Y este Dios vivo y verdadero es el que Jesus ha venido a mostrarnos con sus palabras y acciones. Jesus hace presente, cercano y palpable el amor infinito del Padre por sus hijos e hijas; cuando vemos a Jesus "podemos ver al Padre", y nosotros somos ahora los llamados y enviados a ser el rostro de Dios para los demás en el mundo, por eso la pregunta es: Cuando la gente nos ve a nosotros ve a Cristo en nosotros?

Fr. Oscar Diaz

El padre Oscar Diaz fue ordenado en su ciudad natal, Arandas, Jalisco, hace 22 años y ha servido en varias parroquias de nuestra Diócesis. Actualmente es el Director del Ministerio Hispano en la Diócesis de Santa Rosa y es el Pastor de la Iglesia de St. Mary of the Angels en Ukiah. El Padre Oscar da gracias a Dios por haberle llamado a su servicio y ora cada día para que Dios Padre bueno le conceda la perseverancia en el servicio de su pueblo; amándole, sirviéndole y conociéndole mas a El, que es el buen Pastor y el dador de toda gracia buena.

Nació en Santa Fe, Argentina. En 1986 fue ordenado sacerdote y Ejerció el ministerio sacerdotal en Argentina, durante 15 años. Del 2001 al 2004 hice estudios en la Pontificia Universidad Salesiana, para una Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación, especialidad Pedagogía para la escuela y formación profesional. Del 2005 al 2006 hizo estudios de postgrado en Economía y Gestión Educativa en la Universidad del Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina. En el 2007 ingresó a los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, y por 9 años desempeñó tareas pastorales, en distintas parroquias, hasta la actualidad, cuando funciona como pastor asociado en la Parroquia de Santa Rosa de Lima, de la ciudad de Santa Rosa.

Santa Misa

9:00 AM

Al iniciar el congreso de Santa Rosa, nos reunimos para orar, celebrar y tener nuestros corazones lleno del Espíritu Santo. Este día pedimos el afecto amor de Jesús y ponernos nuestro Ministerio al servicio de Pueblo de Dios.

Por favor, nos proporcionan dos opciones, para cada Sesión. Haremos todo lo posible para programar su primera opción.


Talleres En Español La Conferencia Principal

11:30 AM - 12:40 PM (el gimnasio)

“25 Razones y beneficios porque debo ir a la iglesia y que hace la oración al cerebro” Les voy dar, 25 razones científicos médicos que demuestran los beneficios, físicos, mentales y emocionales que uno recibe si asistir a la Iglesia semanalmente. Además, verán que la oración activa las partes buenas del cerebro; le trae serenidad y paz bienestar”.

Jesse Romero, M.A. Jesse es un Evangelizador de tiempo completo, católico, bilingüe, conocido a nivel nacional por su predicación dinámica y positiva, centrada en Cristo. Su apostolado se guía en “Evangelización Candente.” Jesse vive en Arizona y es un Alguacil retirado de Los Ángeles. Casado desde 1983. Su esposa es Anita y tienen tres hijos. Jesse tiene un B.A. de Mount St. Mary ’s University en Los Ángeles y un M.A. en Teología Católica de St Francis University en Ohio. Como autor, él ha recibido premios tales como: “Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Award,” “The fullness of Truth, Defender of Faith Award” y “Sports Faith International Award”.

Jesse ha trabajado en EWTN radio por 10 años, como conductor del programa “La Verdad te Hará Libre”, también en Phoenix “En Familia Radio” y conduce un programa en Immaculate Heart Radio llamado “Jesse and Terry Show”. El habla de temas tales como: Evangelización Católica, Apologética, Familia y Matrimonio, Espiritualidad Masculina, Bienestar Espiritual, Disturbios Culturales, La Castidad en la Juventud, etc. Jesse ha estado predicando por mas de 15 años. También ha defendido la Santa Madre Iglesia en varios debates oficiales con diferentes Pastores Protestantes al igual que en la Televisión en Español frente a Humanistas Laicos. Su lema es: “Amar a Dios, Salvar las Almas y Destruir el Error”!!

Expositores del Congreso: Habrá una sección de exhibición de libros y regalos. Por favor tome tiempo durante el día para visitarlos. 11

Talleres En Español Sesión 2 2 - 61

“Formación de la Conciencia”

Este taller nos lleva a examinar nuestra conciencia y a ejercitar nuestra capacidad de pensar, juzgar y actuar con rectitud y acierto. Para formar una conciencia recta, según nos enseña el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica.

Osvaldo Guzman

1:30 PM - 2:40 PM 2 - 62

“La Doctrina de la Iglesia es un acto de misericordia”

Hoy existe un desdén por la palabra ortodoxia. En último análisis todo depende en ser pragmático o como hoy se conoce en la Iglesia “ser pastoral”. Pero en primer lugar ortodoxia no significa para nada “correcta doctrina”, mas bien es la manera correcta de dar culto a Dios. Cuando rezamos el Credo en Misa, estamos diciendo “me entrego totalmente”. Creer tiene que ver con el movimiento de la existencia. Si a un hombre se le deja ver que no hace la voluntad de Dios, eso se considera cruel, rudo, brusco. Se piensa que lo correcto es no lo que es, sino lo que a ese hombre le gustaría escuchar. La voluntad sin el conocimiento es ciega así como la acción. La orto praxis sin el conocimiento es ciega y conduce al abismo. Conocimiento y acción deben ir juntas de la misma manera que la fe y la vida van juntas. La misericordia en ese sentido consiste en la doctrina de la Iglesia que no es otra cosa que la palabra de Dios, la revelación de Dios al hombre.

Padre Juan Carlos Gavancho, STL

El Padre Juan Carlos Gavancho STL, es sacerdote de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago y está trabajando ahora en la Diócesis de Santa Rosa asignado como Administrador de la Parroquia Santo Tomas de Aquino en Napa. Nació en Lima-Perú en 1975. En 1993 ingresó al Seminario Conciliar Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo de la Arquidiócesis de Lima, Perú, donde cursó sus estudios filosóficos, teológicos y también de música en el Conservatorio Nacional de Lima donde estudió canto y piano. En el año 2002 recibió una Licenciatura en Teología Pastoral sobre el Arte y la Liturgia de la Facultad de Teología Pontificia y Civil de Lima y en el año 2007, fue ordenado sacerdote y obtuvo un Máster en Divinitis así como su segunda Licenciatura y especialización en Cristología de la Universidad Saint Mary of the Lake at Mundelein Seminary .

Lugar sagrado


Además el Sacramento de la reconciliación. Este ano habrá la disponibilidad de un espacio sagrado.

Tendrán la oportunidad de recibir el sacramento de reconciliación en español. Las confesiones serán la sala #21. Frente a la fuente de agua.


Talleres En Español Palabras de Clausura : La Conferencia Principal 2:45 PM - 3:55 PM (el gimnasio)

“Por que El Señor no contesta mis oraciones?” Yo te mostrare 25 razones de la Santa Biblia por que Dios no contesta la oración. Si conformamos nuestra voluntad a la de Dios y vivimos en un estado de gracia nuestra oración será escuchada. Jesse Romero, MA



Registration Form: 1. Enclosed correct amount in check/money order. 2. Make checks payable to: Department of Religious Education. 3. Registration is available on-site at 8:00AM - 9:00AM. 4. Do not mail registrations after August 12, 2016

La Forma de Inscripción: 1. Envié la cantidad correcta de dinero (US). 2. Haga su cheque pagadero a: Department of Religious Education. 3. Inscripciones estarán disponibles 8:00AM - 9:00AM. 4. No envié su registración después del 12 de Agosto de 2016.

Remember: 1. Registration fee:$20.00. Postmarked after Aug. 16, 2016 and at the day of event is $30.00. 2. Registrations received after Aug. 16th are at risk of not being processed. 3. Refunds must be requested in writing. No refunds on the day of the event. 4. Tickets will be mailed until 8/12/16. Read all materials that are sent with tickets. 5. All registrations received after 8/12/16 will be held at the Will Call table, located in the front of the gym. 6. Replacement tickets cost: $10.00. 7. You must present a printed ticket at workshops. Photographed tickets or photocopies are not acceptable.

Recuerde: 1. La cuota es $20.00 (US). Después del 16 de Agosto 2016 y el día del evento será $30.00. 2. Las inscripciones recibidas después del 16 de Agosto corren el riesgo de no ser procesados. 3. Para pedir reembolso es necesario hacerlo por escrito. No habrá devolución el día del evento. 4. Enviaremos Los Boletos por correo a las registraciones recebadas antes del 12 de Agosto. Lea todo el material que se le envía con los boletos. 5. Después de esta fecha Los boletos se entregarán en el congreso. 6. El costo para reemplazar boletos es de $10.00. 7. Deberá enseñar un boleto para entrar a los talleres. Boletos fotografiados y/o fotocopiados no son aceptables.

Program Book Pick-up: Already registered and have your tickets? Pick up your Congress Program Book & badge at the Program Table, located in front of the gym.

Recoja su libro del programa: Esta registrado y tiene sus boletos? Recoja su libro y acreditaciones en la mesa de programas. Situada en frente del gimnasio.

Are your tickets at will call? Will Call tickets & your program will be held at the will call table between 8:00am - 9:00am. The will call table is located in front of the gym.

Se ha registrado temprano, pero no tienes sus boletos? Recoja su boletos y el libro en la mesa de registro (WILL CALL) entre 8:00AM - 9:00AM. Situada en frente del gimnasio.


General Information

Información general

Location: SR Congress is held at Cardinal Newman High School Campus, located in Santa Rosa. The gym is one of the main locations of congress events. Including opening liturgy and the keynote. The gym is located at 4300 Old Redwood Hwy. Enter at Sr. Marlene Dr.

Lugar : El Congreso de Educación Religiosa tendrá lugar en las instalaciones del Colegio Cardenal Newman en Santa Rosa. Liturgia se celebrara en el gimnasio. El orador principal estará en el gimnasio. Costo: El costo de inscripción cubre la admisión a todos los eventos: exposiciones, liturgias y las conferencias (debe de presentar sus boletos de inscripción para entrar a los talleres). $20 - antes del 16 de agosto de 2016 fecha límite. $30 - después de 16 de agosto de 2016

Cost: The registration fee for Congress covers admission to all workshops (tickets are required), liturgies and exhibits. Fees for the Congress is $20 - by August 16, 2016 deadline. $30 - after August 16, 2016 Reminder: Congress is an adult only religious education event. All workshops are directed to these age groups. We are unable to offer childcare this year. If you must bring your child(ren), they must be registered and they must accompany you. We ask that they be your sole responsibility so they do not disturb the other delegates. Congress Speakers: Workshops are designated by two numbers separated by a dash. The first number indicates the session; the number after the dash is the workshop number. Workshop numbers –11 to –27 are in English; Workshop number – 51 to – 63 are in Spanish. At Congress, be sure to pick up your SRCongress Program Book:  Which includes Daily Schedule and workshops  Campus map  Exhibitor listings  Name Badge  Congress souvenir (Holy card) Exhibit Information: There will be Exhibitors showcasing Books & Gifts. Facility: Classrooms are air conditioned. Coffee & doughnuts will be provided throughout the day. Bottle water will be available.

Un recordatorio: El Congreso es un evento de educación religiosa para adultos solamente. No podemos ofrecer cuidado de niños este año. Si usted debe traer a su niño(s), ellos deben ser registrados y deben estar acompañados de un adulto. Le pedimos hacerse responsable de ellos para evitar distracciones a otros delegados. Guía para las conferencias: Las conferencias están designadas con dos números separados Con una rayita. El primer número indica la sesión. El numero después de la rayita indica el número de taller. Talleres del 11 - 27 son en ingles. Talleres del 51 – 63 son en español. En el congreso, por favor pida el libro del programa:  que incluye los talleres para el día  Mapa del colegio  Lista de los exhibidores  Gafete  Recuerdo del Congreso (estampa religiosa) Información sobre exposición: Habrá una sección de exhibición de libros y regalos. La facilidad: Las clases tienen aire acondicionado. Café y pan dulce se ofrecen durante todo el día. Agua de botella estará disponible.


El Menú

If interested, place your order on the registration form

Si esta interesado, hacer su pedido en el formulario de inscripción.

Fresh Roast Turkey Sandwich with Jack Cheese, Tomato, & Un sándwich de pavo asado con queso, tomate y lechuga en un Lettuce on Ciabatta Bun. Bag of Sun Chips, Fresh Baked Cookie pan Ciabatta. Un bolsa de Sun Chips, galletas horneadas y botella & Bottle Water. de agua. Grilled Chicken Caesar Wrap, Bag of Sun Chips, Fresh Baked Cookie & Bottle Water.

Una envoltura de Cesar de Pollo a la parrilla. Un bolsa de Sun Chips, galletas horneadas y botella de agua.

Sun dried tomato pesto spread with three kinds of cheese, Un delicioso sándwich con salsa de pesto con tres quesos diferenFresh Tomatoes & Lettuce on a Dutch Crunch Roll. Bag of Sun tes, Tomates frescos y lechuga en un pan tostado holandés. Una Chips, Fresh Baked Cookie & Bottle Water. bolsa de Sun Chips, galletas horneadas y botella de agua. 14

Post Mark before 8/12/16

Diocese of Santa Rosa

Post Mark after 8/16/16

Tickets will be mailed

Congress Registration Form

The Day of the event

After this date tickets will be held at Will Call

Forma de Inscripción para el Congreso

at the door

Please Print/Por favor usar letra de molde.

Registration Fee $30.00

Registration Fee $20.00 Recibido por correo antes del 8/12/16 Los boletos serán enviados después de que las entradas se mantendrán en el registro.

Registrations received after Aug. 16th are at risk of not being processed.

Recibido por correo después de 8/16/16

Las inscripciones recibidas después de 16 de agosto corren el riesgo de no ser procesados.

y el día del evento Cuota de Inscripción $30.00

Cuota de Inscripción $20.00

First Name/ Primer Nombre

Last Name/ Apellido

Address/ Domicilio

City/State/Zip Code Estado/Zona Postal

Phone/Cell Teléfono/Cell


Parish/Parroquia Registration Fee Session 1

Session 2

Sesión 1

Sesión 2

Cuota de Inscripción $20.00

First choice

After 8/16 & At the door

1ra opción

Después de 8/16 y el día del evento

Second choice


2da opción Third Choice

Lunch/Almuerzo $7.00

3ra opción


Lunch Order/Almuerzo: $7.00 (Check choice/marque su preferencia) Lunch Orders must be pre-ordered & prepaid. If you wish to purchase a lunch please check your choice below and add $7.00 to your fee check. A lunch ticket will be returned with your Workshop tickets and you may pick it at the School Café. (Meal description page 14) Cada persona puede traer su almuerzo. Se veneran almuerzo, debe ser ordenados y pagados con anticipación. Si desea comprar un almuerzo por favor marque su preferencia y añada la cantidad de $7.00 a su cheque de la cuota de inscripción. Recibirá un boleto para almuerzo junto con sus boletos para los talleres. El almuerzo lo podrá recoger en la café de la escuela. (Descripción de comida - pagina 14)

Confirmation of registration will be sent through email. Tickets will be mailed until 8/12/16, after that tickets will be kept at the will call Table. La confirmación de la inscripción se enviara por correo electrónico. Los boletos serán enviados hasta el 8/12/16, después de esta fecha los boletos estarán en congreso.

Mail this form with Check or Money to: Envié esta forma de Nuevo con su Cheque o giro postal a: Dept. of Religious Education

Turkey sandwich/sándwich de pavo asado Chicken Wrap/ envoltura de tortilla de pollo Vegetarian Sandwich/vegetariano sándwich

P.O. Box 1297, Santa Rosa, CA 95402 Attention/atención: Carmen Perez Aanenson (707) 566-3366

Fax (707) 542-9702

[email protected]


Santa Rosa Religious Education Congress Congreso de Educación Religiosa


Roman Catholic Bishop of Santa Rosa 985 Airway Ct. Santa Rosa, CA 95403

Non-profit Organization U.S. Postage

PAID Permit #542 Santa Rosa, CA


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