SUMMER 2015 SPANISH 706: Intensive Grammar Review: First Year Spanish / Reg.#: 257522 SAT: 10:00 am-1:00 pm. / July 11th – August 29th (8 mtgs.) Building: Extension Linbrook Center (Westwood): Room No. 212 Instructor: Emilia Chuquin, PhD.
Course Description: Spanish 706 Intensive Review Grammar class is designed to present a fastpaced comprehensive review of the grammar from the prior levels covered through UCLA’s Elementary Spanish XL 1, XL 2 and XL 3. The course features a new thematic approach that exposes students to current topics using the Communicative Method in an interactive way. This course will encourage students to build on their current Spanish language skills by reviewing grammar points and helping master problem areas while developing their cultural knowledge and critical thinking, all in Spanish. Thus, the course would reinforce at a basic level the role the language structure plays in reading, writing, listening and comprehension, in fact all four language skills have grammatical structure. Therefore, the Avanzando: gramática española y lectura textbook for this course presents three main components in each chapter: gramática, lectura and escritura. Thus, the student will have reading and writing sections that will generate analysis and discussions of the information presented (Nevertheless, this course does not focus on conversation). The ‘reading’ material will cover grammar activities to practice specific structures. Section of ‘escritura’ will guide the student through the writing process and focus on review of a particular grammar structure previously exemplified and studied. In addition to the textbook, Cuaderno de Actividades has exercises to reinforce the grammatical structures presented in the text. This course will be conducted entirely in Spanish. Goals & Learning Objectives: 1. To review grammar and how Spanish language sentences work together to create coherent meaning and full text with an appropriate grammatical structure. 2. To understand the role the grammatical structure plays in all four-language skills: speaking, listening, writing and reading texts (Nevertheless, this class won’t focus on conversation). 3. To use grammatical terminology correctly and understand its function by reexamining clear communication given in an appropriate relationship between sentence structures in Spanish texts. 4. To acquire ability to write descriptive and narrative texts—compositions—of a few paragraphs in length in familiar topics by integrating grammar and evaluating Spanish language structure in a proper way.
5. At the end of this course, students in a group will be able to teach a grammatical subject in class, and apply his knowledge on one of the following reviewed areas: present, past (preterit & imperfect), future and conditional of indicative and present subjunctive, compound tenses of both indicative and subjunctive. REQUIRED TEXTS: Avanzando: Gramática española y lectura by Carmen Salazar, et al, 7th. Edition 2013 Avanzando: Cuaderno de actividades (ISBN: 978-1-118-47254-5) by Carmen Salazar, et al., 7th. Edition 2013 *Optional: 501 Spanish Verbs (fully conjugated in all tenses) by Christopher Kendris Attendance and Active Participation: It’s strongly recommended that you to attend all scheduled classes to develop and master your language skills. You are expected to arrive on time and NOT to leave from class before the session ends, you will have an absence for that day. In intense grammar review language class where classroom work is essential component of this face-to-face course, excessive absenteeism will leave you empty gaps in your learning endeavor. These can’t be made up! In case of family/medical emergency, please contact Jenny Polutan or your instructor. Class participation is crucial in order to learn or to review the subject of grammar. In other words, class participation means completing assignments/preparing the assigned pages as the section of ‘Práctica’ activities in the textbook. Homework: Student will work in Cuaderno de actividades to reinforce the grammatical presented in the text (sections translation, vocabulary & accentuation are optional). For this activity you will have the answer key in the same Cuaderno de actividades in section RESPUESTAS (see pp. 175-233.) It will help you to reevaluate your grammar learning and give you a chance to look at the problem areas. Cuaderno de Actividades you will correct yourself and highlight the errors with RED ink. Also, it’s equally important and strongly recommended you read materials before coming to class and participating in class activity discussions by asking and answering questions and participating in pair activities. To reinforce and apply your grammar knowledge, there will be a short composition (about 75-100 words-two or three substantial paragraphs/typed doubled-spaced/12 font) for each week. Note description of some assignments will be assigned in class. Note, online resources for students will be available at The instructor will not accept any late assignment or sent by e-mail. You must come well prepared to actively engage in a variety of activities in class and always use Spanish, make positive contribution to class and have positive attitude toward your classmates and instructor. Cell phones and other electronics devices should be turned off. (See Student Conduct Notices.) Quizzes: There won’t be quizzes in a traditional sense, because Spanish 706 intensive grammar review class is not for credit, instead there will be several pop-quizzes to ensure that you are mastering the material step by step (It will be given with or no previous notice). The pop-quizzes will be in a fill-in the blank format and include grammar, reading, oral comprehension and short compositions. Final Group Project: You will teach one grammatical subject by your group’s choice from Chapters 9 & 10 or in your own selection of previous chapters (since the best technique to learn
any subject is teaching!). It will be scheduled in groups of 3-4 or depending on class size. It will be based in preparation, fluency, vocabulary, grammar structure and comprehension. For this segment, more directions will be given in class. This final activity is scheduled for the last meeting of this class (August 29.) *Grading Breakdown is shown here to see how you are doing in this class based in pop-quizzes:
100-97 = A+ 96-93 = A 92-90 = A89-87 = B+
86-83 = B 82-80 = B79-77 = C+ 76-73 = C
72-70 = C69-67 = D+ 66-60 = D 59-0 = F
* P/NP grading (undergraduates), P = C (73) or better. *S/U grading (graduate students), S = B (83) or better. ADMINISTRATIVE NOTES UCLA Extension Contact: Jenny Polutan:
[email protected]. You may contact Jenny Polutan directly with questions on administrative tools, transfer credits, grading basis, etc. Instructor: You may contact your instructor via email or through the Blackboard Discussion Forum for questions on course topics and materials. Student Records: Students can access and update student records online by visiting: and clicking on MyExtension on the left navigation bar, selecting Student's Course Essentials, and following the directions to log in. Student's Course Essentials lets you view your grades, request an official transcript, change credit status on a current course, obtain enrollment verification, update your personal information, and much more. Blackboard is an online tool where you can access handouts, study guides and class discussion forums. Student Conduct:1 Students are to read and abide by University Policies on Student Conduct and Academic Integrity., Accommodations: If you need accommodations for a disability, contact the UCLA Extension Disabled Student Services directly at: (310) 825-7851 or via e-mail
[email protected]. Their office will contact your instructor.
If you have any concerns about this course, you should always talk with your instructor first.
SUMMER 2015 SPANISH 706: Intensive Grammar Review: First Year Spanish / Reg.#: 257522 SAT: 10:00 am-1:00 pm. / July 11th – August 29th (8 mtgs.) Building: Extension Linbrook Center (Westwood): Room No. 212 Instructor: Emilia Chuquin, PhD. *The instructor has the right to make any necessary changes to accommodate the material to the progress of the class .
It is estimated student will spend approximately 4-5 hours outside class each week completing class assignments and Cuaderno de Actividades*. WEEK/DATE
Semana 1 Julio 11
Introducción a la clase & Plan de clase (Syllabus) CHAPTER 1: El sentido del humor: Objetivos gramaticales: pp. 28-34 Verbo: persona, número, modo y tiempo; Presente de indicativo: Formas: 1) Verbos regulares; 2) Verbos con cambios ortográficos; 3) Verbos con cambios en la raíz; 4) Verbos irregulares que tienen irregularidad propia Interrogativos p. 49: Invariables, variables, expresiones idiomáticas; Exclamativos p. 49-50 CAPÍTULO 2: Los avances en la igualdad Objetivos gramaticales: pp. 60-86 El pasado e imperfecto: Pretérito: Formas: 1) Verbos regulares; 2) Verbos con cambios ortográficos; 3) Verbos con cambios en la raíz; 4) Verbos irregulares Imperfecto de indicativo: Formas: 1) Verbos regulares, 2) Verbos irregulares: ser, ir, ver Diferencia entre el pretérito vs. el imperfecto de indicativo pp. 70-72; El artículo definido e indefinido pp. 74-80.
1-6 Mi auto híbrido p. 32 1-8 Don Quijote pp. 34- 35
CAPÍTULO 3:Adelantos tecnológicos Objetivos gramaticales pp. 92-114 : Futuro y condicional: Formas y usos: 1) Verbos regulares; 2) Verbos irregulares (salir, venir, poner, tener, poder, valer, haber, saber, caber, hacer, decir, querer); 3) Usos de futuro; 4) Usos del condicional (imperfecto de subjuntivo con el condicional p.97); Verbos que traducen TO BE: ser, estar, tener, haber y hacer. 1) SER se usa…; ESTAR se usa… El gerundio y el participio presente: Formas: 1) Verbos regulares, 2) Verbos con cambios ortográficos, 3) Verbos con cambios en la raíz; Usos del GERUNDIO pp. 106107: 1) El gerundio usado con adverbio, 2) A diferencia del inglés, NO se usa el gerundio-Ver es cree ‘Seeing is believing’; Tiempos progresivos CAPÍTULO 4: El arte y el compromiso social
3-20 La música latinoamericana p.104
Semana 2 Julio 18
Semana 3 Julio 25
Semana 4
TAREA: CA* / COMPOSITION CA: Capítulo 1: pp. 15-26 Tema 1 o Tema 2 p. 54
2-7 Una película p. 64
CA: Capítulo 2: pp. 30-46
2-16 Gabriela Brimmer pp. 73-74
Opcional: Tema 1 p. 85: Carta al obispo...
2-19 Mi amiga Cristina p. 78
Tema 2 p. 86: ¿Cómo era la vida para las mujeres en las décadas de 1960 y 1970 en materia de igualdad… CA: Capítulo 3: pp. 50-63 Tema 1 o Tema 2 p. 114
3-30 Mi viaje al Perú p. 112 4-6 Literatura con
CA: Capítulo 4: pp.
Agosto 1
Semana 5 Agosto 8
Semana 6 Agosto 15
Semana 7 Agosto 22
Semana 8 Agosto 29
Objetivos gramaticales pp. 121-141 : El participio pasado; Usos del participio pasado; Tiempos perfectos del modo indicativo: 1) Presente perfecto, 2) Pluscuamperfecto (haber + participio pasado); 3) Pretérito anterior; Futuro perfecto; 4) Condicional perfecto; Construcciones pasivas: la voz pasiva (ser + participio pasado); pasiva se; HACE + tiempo + que; GUSTAR y otros verbos similares CAPÍTULO 5: La naturaleza amenazada Objetivos gramaticales pp. 148-173 : Repaso breve de preposiciones: Preposiciones propias, frases preposicionales, preposición a (a personal), etc.; Usos de POR y PARA; Verbos que se usan con o sin la preposición seguida de un infinitivo Conjunciones: sino, sino que, etc.; Conjunciones subordinadas: mientras que, así que, aunque, etc. CAPÍTULO 6: Flujos sociales Objetivos gramaticales: pp. 180-198: Palabras indefinidas: Afirmativas y negativas; alguien/nadie, también/tampoco, etc. Modo Indicativo y Subjuntivo: 1) Formas regulares, 2) Verbos con cambios ortográficos, 3) Otros verbos: -car, -gar, zar (c qu, g gu y la z c); 4) Verbos con cambios en la raíz: Los verbos que terminan en –ar y –er que cambian la e ie y la o ue; Usos del subjuntivo: Verbos que expresan voluntad, emoción o duda; Frases y expresiones impersonales que requieren el subjuntivo; Subjuntivo con antecedentes indefinidos o inexistentes CAPÍTULO 7: El voluntariado y la solidaridad Objetivos gramaticales: pp. 204-230: Conjunciones adverbiales que requieren el subjuntivo: antes (de) que, a fin de que, a menos que, para que, , sin que, etc.; Otros casos que requieren el subjuntivo; Imperfecto de subjuntivo: Una con -ra y otra con – se; Presente perfecto de subjuntivo: haya, hayas… + participio pasado; Pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo: hubiera, hubieras… + participio pasado; Cláusulas con si (if); Modo imperativo y los pronombres CAPÍTULO 8: Las creencias Objetivos gramaticales: pp. 236-250: Pronombres objetos directo e indirectos; El se reflexivo; El se accidental; el se pasivo y el se impersonal.
conciencia social p. 123 4-13 La novela p. 129
Desde 5-6 Práctica hasta (until) 5-12 pp. 153-155 5-23 La fiesta p. 167, 5-24 Una reunión importante
68-78 Tema 1 o Tema 2 p. 141
CA: Capítulo 5: pp. 84-94 Tema 1 o Tema 2 p. 173
Práctica 6-6 y 6-7 p. 183
CA: Capítulo 6: pp. 99-108
Práctica 6-11, 6-12, 6-13
TAREA: 6-14 Ni de aquí ni de allá p. 191-192 Tema 1 o Tema 2 p. 198
6-18 ¿Indicativo o subjuntivo? p. 195 (hacer en casa) 7-7 Colaborando con hábitat para la humanidad p. 205 7-10 Práctica p. 208 7-15 La fama y la solidaridad p. 212213 7-18 Práctica p. 216 8-14 El Día de los Muertos p. 246
PROYECTO EN GRUPO: Teaching grammar: Chapters 9 & 10—or your own selection from the previous chapters (select only one grammar topic for each group—‘Teach it & learn it!’) Course Syllabus Subject to Update by the Instructor.
CA: Capítulo 7: pp. 112-126 Tema 1 o Tema 2 p. 230
CA. Capítulo 8: pp. 130-142