Spanish I -er and ir Verbs Unit

Spanish I -er and –ir Verbs Unit ER/IR Verbs Lesson Plan *Prior knowledge: Students should be familiar with the verbs “leer” and “escribir” before d

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Spanish I -er and –ir Verbs Unit

ER/IR Verbs Lesson Plan *Prior knowledge: Students should be familiar with the verbs “leer” and “escribir” before doing the inductive text. *This packet is intended to be printed off as overhead projector transparencies, or, used with an LCD projector or SMART Board. The activities can also be printed as worksheets. Quiz included. *This is a step-by-step guide to using the inductive teaching method for grammar, also known as PACE-Presentation. Attention. Co-Construct an explanation. Extension activity. *Please feel free to modify the activities and lesson to emphasize any vocabulary you are working on in your class! 

Step 1: Inductive Text and Notes 1. Start with an “advance organizer” by asking students what types of things they normally read at home – books, magazines, Facebook updates, etc. Have them answer in Spanish if they know. 2. Introduce the “inductive text” by saying: “Today, we are going to see what Selena and Robert are talking about with their reading and writing habits. Please read along with the conversation on the screen while I read it aloud.” 3. Read the conversation in a normal speed in Spanish. 4. Ask students, “Ok, what is one thing you understood?” Take volunteers until all words that students should know are done. Someone will eventually say the verbs “read” and “write.” 5. Ask students, “Well, how did you know that meant ‘I read’‛ if we have never seen the word ‘leo’‛ before??” Have the student explain.

***This demonstrates to other students the critical thinking process of how to figure out unknown forms.*** 6. Then, ask students to help you figure out the rules for the verbs “leer” and “escribir” and write down what they come up with. (Example: Yo form = leo/escribo, so that must mean “I read/I write”.) 7. Finally, put up the notes and verb lists after students have figured out the forms from the inductive text.

Step 2: Receptive Activity 1. Receptive activities are easy and expose the students to the grammar used correctly. They are a crucial step in the language input process and help the lower-level students to understand the grammar forms. 2. The activity provided can be printed as a worksheet, or, better yet, put on the overhead projector or LCD projector for students to answer on their own paper. 3. Go over the answers as a class, asking students to read the entire answer and go over old vocabulary.

Step 3: Productive Mechanical Activities 1. Productive mechanical activities are also easy and require the student to use grammar used correctly, although not yet in complete sentences. 2. The activities provided can be printed as worksheets, or, put on the overhead projector or LCD projector for students to answer on their own paper. 3. Go over the answers as a class, asking students to read the entire answer and go over old vocabulary.

Step 4: Quiz! 1. A good homework assignment before this quiz is for students to make flash cards of the 20 new verbs. 2. The quiz requires students to CHOOSE the correct verb, and also CONJUGATE in the correct form. 3. Why do both? I tell students it would be silly to learn how to add if you only knew numbers one through five. So why learn to conjugate if you don’‛t know any verbs? Knowing the verb meaning is half the battle! 4. I grade the quiz out of 20 points. One point for the correct verb choice, one point for the correct conjugation.

ER/IR Inductive

Selena and Roberto have very different habits and likes. Read what each person does each week. Selena: Me gusta mucho leer. Yo leo libros todos los días. ¿Y tú? ¿Lees libros mucho? Roberto: No, no leo libros. Yo escribo blogs en el Internet. Selena: ¿Escribes blogs? Roberto: Sí, y mis amigos leen mis blogs y ellos escriben blogs también. Selena: Ahhh. Ustedes leen blogs y escriben blogs. ¿Pero por qué no leen Uds. libros? Roberto: No leemos libros porque son aburridos. Mis amigos y yo leemos y escribimos en el internet. Selena: Bueno – ¡leer en el internet es mejor que no leer nada!

ER/IR Conjugation Notes


Nosotros/as – emos

Tú – es

(Vosotros/as – éis)

Él/ella/Ud. – e

Ellos/ellas/Uds. - en IR VERBS

Yo – o

Nosotros/as – imos

Tú – es

(Vosotros/as – ís)

Él/ella/Ud. – e

Ellos/ellas/Uds. - en

*Follow the same steps as with –ar verb conjugations!! 1. When talking  about  YOURSELF,  verb  ends  in  “o” 2. Talking  TO  SOMEONE,  verb  ends  in  “es” 3. Talking ABOUT SOMEONE or TO SOMEONE FORMALLY, verb  ends  in  “e” 4. Talking about YOURSELF AND ANOTHER PERSON/GROUP, verb  ends  in  “emos”  OR  “imos” 5. Talking TO A GROUP (in Spain), verb ends  in  “éis”  or  “ís” 6. Talking  ABOUT  A  GROUP  or  TO  A  GROUP,  verb  ends  in  “en”

ER Verb List


1. ______________________

2. ______________________

3. _______________________

4. ______________________


5. ______________________

6. ______________________

7. ______________________

8. ______________________

9. ______________________

10. _____________________

IR Verb List

-ir verbs

1. ______________________

3. ______________________

2. ______________________

4. ______________________

5. ______________________

6. ______________________

7. ______________________

8. ______________________


9. ______________________

Asistir (a) 10. _____________________

ER/IR Verbs Receptive

Roberto’s  family  always  stays  busy  on  the  weekends.  What  are  they  doing?

1. Yo nunca interrumpo / interrumpe la maestra en la clase. 2. Nosotros recibimos / reciben mucha tarea cada día. 3. Tú bebe / bebes agua después del entrenamiento. 4. Emilia parte / partes para la universidad en el otoño. 5. Ellos venden / vendéis muchos útiles escolares. 6. Mateo y yo siempre compartimos / compartemos el helado. 7. Vosotras comprendes / comprendéis todo en la clase de cálculo. 8. Ellos escribin / escriben todos los días en la clase de inglés. 9. Tú vive / vives en una casa bonita. 10. ¡Victoria sube / suben las montañas porque es muy divertido!

ER/IR Verbs Productive Mechanical #1

Raúl and Sofía want to go out with their friends, but everyone is busy! What is everyone doing?

1. Miguel y yo _____________ (beber / abrir) los libros de texto para hacer la tarea. 2. Yo _____________ (interrumpir / leer) las revistas de “Time”  y  “People”.   3. Ellos _____________ (vivir / correr) en el parque. 4. Tú _____________ (asistir / recibir) al entrenamiento. 5. Catalina _____________ (aprender / subir) mucho en la clase de ciencias. 6. Yo siempre ____________ (responder / sufrir) a mis correos electrónicos. 7. Vosotros _______________ (comer / vender) la comida en la cafetería. 8. Tú _____________ (subir / atender) a tus amigos. 9. Julieta _____________ (sufrir / interrumpir) con mucha tarea cada día. 10. Ellos _____________ (abrir / creer) que la clase es fácil.

ER/IR Verbs Productive Mechanical #2

¿Y tú? En tu tiempo libre… The school newspaper just came out and the editors realized that they need more student input. Here is a survey about what students do in their free time. Directions: Answer in complete sentences, using the correct form of the –er or –ir verb.

Por ejemplo: ¿Recibes mucha tarea? Sí, yo recibo mucha tarea. OR No, yo no recibo mucha tarea. 1. ¿Bebes los refrescos?_______________________________________________ 2. ¿Escribes en Facebook mucho? _______________________________________ 3. ¿Vendes ropa en tu trabajo?__________________________________________ 4. ¿Aprendes mucho en la escuela?_____________________________________ 5. ¿Recibes correo electrónico mucho?___________________________________ 6. ¿Asistes a una iglesia los domingos ?___________________________________ 7. ¿Abres los libros de texto en tu casa?___________________________________ 8. ¿Vives en una casa grande?__________________________________ 9. ¿Comprendes en la clase de matemáticas?____________________________ 10. ¿Compartes una computadora con la familia?___________________________

ER/IR Verbs Quiz

PRUEBA – Verbos er/ir Emilia and Raul are friends talking about what they do every day. Fill in the blank with the CORRECT FORM of the CORRECT VERB!


Tú _________________ (comprender / compartir) los M&Ms con tus amigos.


Victoria y yo _________________ (abrir / aprender) mucho en la clase de español.


Roberto _________________ (beber / vivir) agua después del entrenamiento.


Los estudiantes malos _________________ (interrumpir / comer) la maestra en la clase.


Vosotros no _________________ (comer / atender) la comida en la cafetería porque es pésima.


Yo _________________ (partir / vender) libros en mi trabajo en Barnes & Noble.


Ustedes _________________ (leer / correr) las revistas mucho en el verano.


Belinda y yo _________________ (escribir / subir) cada día en la clase de inglés.


Sra. Ramírez, usted _________________ (vivir / recibir) muchos correos electrónicos.

10. Manuel y Tomás _________________ (vender / asistir) a la clase de matemáticas.

ER/IR Answer Keys

ER VERBS 1. comer – to eat 2. beber – to drink 3. comprender – to understand 4. correr – to run 5. leer – to read 6. vender – to sell 7. creer – to believe 8. responder – to respond/answer 9. aprender – to learn 10. *atender (a) – to help/assist Stem-changer alert! IR VERBS 1. recibir – to receive 2. escribir – to write 3. vivir – to live 4. abrir – to open 5. partir – to leave/depart 6. subir – to go up/climb 7. sufrir – to suffer 8. compartir – to share 9. interrumpir – to interrupt 10. *asistir (a) – to attend False Friend! Atender/Asistir ER/IR RECEPTIVE 1. interrumpo 2. recibimos 3. bebes 4. parte 5. venden 6. compartimos 7. comprendéis 8. escriben 9. vives 10. sube

ER/IR PRODUCTIVE MECHANICAL #1 1. abrimos 2. leo 3. corren 4. asistes 5. aprende 6. respondo 7. coméis 8. atiendes 9. sufre 10. creen ER/IR PRODUCTIVE MECHANICAL #2 1. Sí, yo bebo… No, yo no bebo… 2. Sí, yo escribo… No, yo no escribo… 3. Sí, yo vendo… No, yo no vendo… 4. Sí, yo aprendo… No, yo no aprendo… 5. Sí, yo recibo… No, yo no recibo… 6. Sí, yo asisto… No, yo no asisto… 7. Sí, yo abro… No, yo no abro… 8. Sí, yo vivo… No, yo no vivo… 9. Sí, yo comprendo… No, yo no comprendo… 10. Sí, yo comparto… No, yo no comparto… ER/IR QUIZ 1. compartes 2. aprendemos 3. bebe 4. interrumpen 5. coméis 6. vendo 7. leen 8. escribimos 9. recibe 10. asisten

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