ENGLISH TO SPANISH VERBS Spanish Tense English Examples Present do, make, eat, sit, do you sit, can (poder), have to (tener que), is, am, are, jump

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Story Transcript


English Examples


do, make, eat, sit, do you sit, can (poder), have to (tener que), is, am, are, jumps, runs, sleeps, goes, hear, says, builds, know, close, begins, have, asks, looks for, watches, likes, loves, prefers, wants

Present Progressive

am eating, are sleeping, is running, he's going, we're sleeping, is showering, am going, are reading, is lying, am bringing, are serving, is asking, are hearing, are watching, is learning, am writing, I'm swimming

Simple Future

is going to go, am going to attend, are going to leave, am going to eat, is going to brush, are going to tell

Simple Past

have just eaten, has just washed, have just seen, has just done, have just driven, has just prepared, have just bought, has just talked


built, done, made, danced, went, sang, slept, jumped, walked, met, gave, saw, brought, ran, took, asked, died, served, got dressed, got sick, had fun, asked for, competed, did you cook, did he dance


was asking, used to go, would go, used to dance, ate a lot, was walking, was, were, had, wanted, needed, liked, loved, was snowing, were running, used to be, would sing all the time


will tell, will go, will do, we'll go, they'll have, I'll look, will leave, will know, will have, will put, will threaten, will fix, will make, will destroy, will you go, will you have, will she learn


would tell, would go, would do, we'd go, we'd look, they'd sing, would want, would know, would leave, would have, would say

Present Perfect

have eaten, has ridden, have traveled, have seen, has done, have opened, has put, have returned, has written, she's left, he's died, I've sung, we've gone, have you gone, has she made


do it! eat fruit! come home! dance! go! leave at 7! sleep on Sundays, play more, tell the truth, buy it, wake up, don't wake up, don't look, don't buy

Present Subjunctive

I want that, I hope that, it is possible that, it's good that, it's important that, she hopes that, we want that, unless, provided that, doubt that, as soon as, it's likely that, it's fantastic that, it's better that, it's impossible that, it's necessary that



Interrupting action Specific time or duration of time One time action Chain of events Actions in the past

Ing (was/were + ing) Time (telling what time it was) Weather Age Simultaneous Actions (meanwhile) Background Descriptions (scene setting, ongoing action in the past) Used to (habitual actions) Mental Activities (likes, dislikes, preferences, opinions emotions) Physical States (descriptions, characteristics)

Key Words: ayer (yesterday) anteayer (the day before yesterday) anoche (last night) desde el primer momento (from the first moment) durante dos siglos (for two centuries) el otro día (the other day) en ese momento (at that moment) entonces (then) esta mañana (this morning) esta tarde (this afternoon) la semana pasada (last week) el mes pasado (last month) el año pasado (last year) hace dos días, años (two days, years ago) ayer por la mañana (yesterday morning) ayer por la tarde (yesterday afternoon)

Key Words: a menudo (often) a veces (sometimes) cada día (every day) cada semana (every week) cada mes (every month) cada año (every year) con frecuencia (frequently) cuando era joven (when I was young) de vez en cuando (from time to time) en aquella época (at that time) frecuentemente (frequently) generalmente (usually) muchas veces (many times) mucho (a lot) nunca (never) por un rato (for awhile) siempre (always) tantas veces (so many times) todas las semanas (every week) todos los días (every day) todo el tiempo (all the time) varias veces (several times)

-ar -e -es -e -emos -en

-er -a -as -a -amos -an

-ir -a -as -a -amos -an

To form present subjunctive: 1. yo form present tense 2. drop the o 3. add the end Irregular yo forms transfer: teng (tener), hag (hacer), conozc (conocer), salg (salir), sig (seguir) etc Stem changers: stem change in the shoe (not nosotros) -ger (escoger), -gir (eligir) g to j before o or a -car, -gar, -zar c – qu (busque, busques, toquemos) g – gu (llegue, jueguen, juguemos) z – c (cruce, almuerces) Straight Up irregulars: dar – dé, des, dé, demos, den ir – vaya, vayas, vaya, vayamos, vayan saber – sepa, sepas, sepa, sepamos, sepan haber – haya, hayas, haya, hayamos, hayan estar – esté, estés, esté, estemos, estén ser – sea, seas, sea, seamos, sean REMEMBER WITH SUBJUNCTIVE, you need: 2 different clauses, 2 different subjects, Separated by QUE (that) Es probable que seamos simpáticos. It's probable that we are nice. Mi madre quiere que limpie mi cuarto. My mom wants me to clean my room. Prohiben que los niños usen los teléfonos. They prohibit that kids use telephones. Espero que vayamos al Caribe. I hope that we go to the Caribbean.

Present Subjunctive Special Considerations:

might do, may do, want that, recommend that -objectivity, subjectivity, doubt, denial, emotion/feeling -recommendations, desires for others

3 WAYS TO REMEMBER WHEN TO USE SUBJ.: WORDE WEIRDO WEDDING Wish, Want Wishes Wish/Want Orders Emotion Emotion Request Impersonal Doubt Doubt Expressions Denial Emotion Recommendations Impersonal Doubt/Denial Expressions Ojala Negation God (Ojalá) Expressions that use subjunctive:

Expressions that never use subjunctive:

dudar que ... to doubt that ...

creer que ... to believe that ...

es imposible que ... it's impossible that ...

no dudar que ... to not doubt that ...

es improbable que ... it's unlikely that ...

es cierto que ... it is certain that ...

es incierto que ... it's uncertain that ...

es claro que ... it is clear that ...

es necesario que ... it's necessary that ...

es evidente que ... it is certain that ...

esperar que ... to wish that ...

es obvio que ... it is obvious that ...

es probable que ... it's probable that ...

estar seguro que ... to be sure that ...

insistir en que ... to insist that ...

es verdad que ... it is true that ...

mandar que ... to order that ...

no cabe duda que ... there's no doubt that ...

más vale que ... it's better that ...

no es dudoso que ... it is not doubtful that ...

no es cierto que ... it's not certain that ...

no hay duda que ... there is no doubt that ...

ojalá que ... if only he would ... preferir que ... to prefer that ... prohibir que ... to prohibit that ... querer que ... to want that ... recomendar que ... to recommend that ... sugerir que ... to suggest that ...

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