St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 2 Scope and Sequence. Course: Spanish 2 Course Code: Quarter: 1

St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 2 Scope and Sequence Course: Spanish 2 Course Code: 0708350 Quarter: 1 Topic of Study: Cuerpo sano, Mente sana Str

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St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 2 Scope and Sequence Course: Spanish 2

Course Code: 0708350

Quarter: 1

Topic of Study: Cuerpo sano, Mente sana Strand(s): Culture, Comparisons, Interpersonal Communication, Presentational Writing Standard(s):  The student will be able to use the target language to gain knowledge and demonstrate understanding of the relationship among practices, products, and perspectives of cultures other than his/her own.  The student will be able to develop insight into the nature of the target language and culture by comparing his/her own language and cultures to others.  The student will be able to engage in conversations and exchange information, concepts, and ideas orally and in writing with a variety of speakers or readers on a variety of topics in a culturally appropriate context in the target language.  The student will be able to present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of readers on a variety of topics in a culturally appropriate context in the target language. Learning Goal: Students will be able to demonstrate proficiency in expressing and communicating basic ideas in the target language

NGSSS Communication WL.C.1.2.2 Use target-language vocabulary or concepts to reinforce knowledge of a related topic studied in another class WL.A.1.2.1 Express likes or dislikes regarding various objects, people, and events WL.A.1.3.1 Exchange information about topics of common interest and about the target culture WL.A.2.2.3 Organize information in spoken or written form Communication WL.A.2.2.5 Comprehend and respond to oral messages based on familiar themes and vocabluary Communication WL.A.3.2.1 Describe important people and objects present in his or her everyday environment Comparisons WL.D.2.3.1 Understand cultural traditions and celebrations that exist in the target culture and in the native culture Experiences FL.E.1.4.1 Understand that knowing more than one language allows people to function

OUTLINE OF CONTENT -Ser and estar -Nouns, adjectives, and gustar -Present tense of regular and stem changing verbs -Negative informal commands -Present progressive -Ir a with infinitives -Numbers to 1 million and costar -Demonstrative adjectives and comparisons -Quedar -Preterite of –ar, -er, -ir verbs -Reflexive pronouns -Preterite of verbs with reflexive pronouns -Preterite all regular verbs

TARGETS Students will be able to: -Ask about people, routines, and activities -Express likes and dislikes -Offer help and talk about chores -Talk about what people do for a living -Talk about plans and places -Introduce people and respond to introductions -Describe a house -Say what needs to be done and complain

St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 2 Scope and Sequence Vocabulary 1A Talking about your daily routine acabar de acostarse (ue) afeitarse antes de bañarse la boca el brazo la cara el cepillo de dientes despertarse (ie) los dientes encontrar (ue) entrenarse la espalda estar listo(a) estirarse los hombros el jabón lavarse levantar pesas levantarse el maquillaje maquillarse la nariz la navaja la pantorrilla la pasta de dientes el pecho peinarse el peine la pierna el piyama ponerse prepararse ¿Qué te falta hacer? quitarse la secadora de pelo secarse la toalla vestirse (i)

to just (have done something) to go to bed to shave before to bathe mouth arm face toothbrush to wake up teeth to find to work out back to be ready to stretch shoulders soap to wash to lift weights to get up makeup to put on makeup nose razor calf toothpaste chest to comb your hair comb leg pajamas to put on to get ready What do you still have to do? to take off hair dryer to dry towel to get dressed

Talking about staying fit and healthy mantenerse (ie) ¿Qué haces para relajarte? bajar de peso buscar un pasatiempo

en forma to stay in shape What do you do to relax? to lose weight to find a hobby

St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 2 Scope and Sequence la cabeza caminar el cuello los dedos dejar de fumar doler (ue) enojarse Es que... estar aburrido(a) estar cansado(a) estar contento estar enfermo estar enojado(a) estar nervioso(a) estar triste el estómago la garganta hacer yoga las manos Me duele(n)... el oído los pies ¿Qué te pasa? ¿Qué tiene...? seguir (i) una dieta sana sentirse (ie) subir de peso ¿Te duele algo? Te veo mal. tener catarro demasiado(a) dormir lo suficiente ni No debes... Para cuidarte la salud, Para cuidarte mejor, tanta grasa tanto dulce tanto(a)

head to walk neck fingers to stop smoking to hurt to get angry It’s because/just that. . . to be bored to be tired to be happy to be sick to be angry to be nervous to be sad stomach throat to do yoga hands My . . . hurt(s) ear feet What’s wrong with you? What’s the matter with . . . ? to eat a balanced diet to feel to gain weight Does something hurt? You don’t look well. to have a cold too much to get enough sleep neither You shouldn’t . . . To take care of your health, To take better care of yourself, so much fat so many sweets so much Vocabulary 2

Asking for and giving opinions a la (última) moda además barato(a) caro(a) costar (ue) ¡Es un robo!

in (the latest) style besides inexpensive expensive to cost It's a rip-off!

St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 2 Scope and Sequence ese(a) este(a) feo(a) la ganga pasado(a) de moda pequeño(a) quedar bien/mal tener razón

that this ugly bargain out of style small to fit well/badly to be right

Asking for and offering help in a store el abrigo la blusa la bolsa las botas los calcetines la camisa la camiseta cerrar (ie) la chaqueta el/la cliente de algodón/lana/seda el/la dependiente devolver (ue) ¿En qué le puedo servir? Nada más estoy mirando. la falda llevar Me gustaría... el número los pantalones (cortos/vaqueros) un par de... para hombres/mujeres/niños el saco jacket, las sandalias el sombrero el suéter la talla la tienda de ropa el traje de baño usar el vestido los zapatos (de tenis)

(over)coat blouse purse /bag boots socks shirt T-shirt to close jacket client, customer (made of) cotton/wool/silk salesclerk to return something How can I help you? I’m just looking. skirt to wear I would like . . . (shoe) size pants (shorts/jeans) a pair of . . . for men/women/children sports coat sandals hat sweater (clothing) size clothing store swimsuit to use, to wear dress (tennis) shoes

Saying where you went and what you did ahorrar el almacén el anillo anoche

to save money department store ring last night

St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 2 Scope and Sequence anteayer los aretes los audífonos ayer comprar el dinero el disco compacto el DVD (en blanco) gastar la heladería la joyería la juguetería los juguetes la librería mirar las vitrinas pagar (una fortuna) la plaza de comida la pulsera la revista de tiras cómicas la tarjeta (de cumpleaños) la tienda de... . . . tomar un batido vender (de todo) la zapatería

day before yesterday earrings headphones yesterday to buy money CD (blank) DVD to spend ice cream shop jewelry store toy store toys bookstore to window shop to pay (a fortune) food court in a mall bracelet comic book greeting card (birthday card) store to have a milkshake to sell (everything) shoe store Vocabulario 3

Describing people, routines, and activities activo(a) alto(a) atlético(a) bajo(a) bonito(a) ¿Cómo eres (tú)? ¿Cómo son...? Estoy en una silla de ruedas. extrovertido(a) los fines de semana jugar al tenis (al ajedrez) Me levanto, me baño... Mi... se llama... montar en bicicleta las novelas de misterio moreno(a) ¿Qué hacen tus amigos los fines de semana? ¿Qué haces todas las mañanas? rubio(a) serio(a) simpático(a)

active tall athletic short pretty What are you like? What are . . . like? I use a wheelchair. outgoing on weekends to play tennis (chess) I get up, I take a bath . . . My . . . ´s name is . . . to ride a bike mystery novels dark-haired; dark-skinned What do your friends do on weekends? What do you do every morning? blond serious friendly

St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 2 Scope and Sequence Soy... Tengo pelo castaño y ojos de color café. todos los días Ven televisión, traen películas...

I’m . . . I have brown hair and brown eyes. every day They watch television, bring movies . . .

Expressing likes and dislikes A mí (no) me gusta(n)... Le encanta(n)... Le gusta(n) mucho... Le gusta ver la televisión. A ellos les gusta(n)... Prefiere pasar el rato solo(a). Prefiero... ¿Qué te gusta hacer...? ¿Te gustan más... o...? Y a tus amigos, ¿qué les gusta hacer?

I (don’t) like . . . He/she/you love(s) . . . He/she/you like(s) . . . very much. He/she/you like(s) to watch television. They like . . . He/she/you prefer(s) to spend time alone. I prefer... What do you like to do . . . Do you like . . . or . . . more? And your friends,what do they like to do?

Offering help and talking about chores ¿Algo más? arreglar la sala cortar el césped Debes lavar los platos. decorar el patio limpiar el baño No te olvides de cortar el césped. Pasa la aspiradora en la sala. poner poner la mesa preparar la cena ¿Puedo ayudarte? ¿Qué hay que hacer en la cocina? ¿Qué más tengo que hacer? sacar la basura Tenemos que poner el postre los refrescos en el refrigerador. Vamos a limpiar...

Anything else? to clean up the living room to mow the lawn You should wash the dishes. to decorate the patio to clean the bathroom Don’t forget to cut the grass. Vacuum the living room. to put to set the table to make dinner Can I help you? What needs to be done in the kitchen? What else do I have to do? to take out the trash We have to put the dessert We have to put the drinks in the refrigerator. We’re going to clean...

Talking about plans and places ¿Adónde piensan ir esta noche? conocer el centro Vamos a celebrar... Está decorando... ir al zoológico ir de compras al mercado No sé. Tengo ganas de... pasear en bote ¿Prefieres... o...? Prefiero...

Where do you plan to go tonight? to get to know downtown We’re going to celebrate . . . He/she/you is (are) decorating . . to go to the zoo to go shopping at the market I don’t know. I feel like . . . to go boating Do you prefer . . or . .? I prefer...

St. Lucie Public Schools Spanish 2 Scope and Sequence ¿Qué quieres hacer esta tarde? Quiero ir a... salir ¿Tienes planes para...? Vamos a ir a... visitar un museo

What do you want to do this afternoon? I want to go to . . . to go out Do you have plans for . . . ? We’re going to . . . to visit a museum

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