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Texto del Examen (Test Book)
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Asclepio. Revista de Historia de la Medicina y de la Ciencia 67 (2), julio-diciembre 2015, p118 ISSN-L:0210-4466 http://asclepio.revistas.csic.es RES

Story Transcript

The Mermaid Princess Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful mermaid princess named Isla. She had long, flowing hair the color of the ocean and a tail that sparkled like the sun on the water's surface. She lived in a magnificent coral castle beneath the sea and spent her days swimming in the sparkling ocean waters. Isla was a curious mermaid, and she spent her days exploring the depths of the sea and discovering new and exciting creatures. She loved learning, and she was always eager to find out more. One day, Isla decided to swim up to the surface of the sea. As she broke through the surface, she was amazed by the beauty of the sky and the land above. She had never seen anything like it before and it filled her with a sense of wonder. Isla swam closer to the shore and soon found herself in a small fishing village. The people there were kind and friendly and welcomed Isla into their community. She soon discovered that they had many tales of mermaids, and they enjoyed hearing her stories of the sea. One day, while swimming near the surface of the sea, Aria came across a group of sailors whose ship had been caught in a terrible storm. She could see that they were stranded and in desperate need of help, so she used her powers to calm the waves and guide the ship to safety. The sailors were overjoyed and grateful, and they vowed to tell the world of the kind and powerful mermaid who had saved them. Word of Aria's deeds spread quickly, and soon, sailors and fishermen from all over the world began to speak of her with reverence. Aria became known as the "Mermaid of Mercy," and people came from far and wide to ask for her help in times of need. Isla stayed in the village for some time, learning about the culture and making new friends. She enjoyed her time there, and soon she came to realize that the sea was her true home. She returned to the depths of the ocean, but she never forgot the magical moments of the world above her.

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