Timmy in village with dark night Flipbook PDF

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Story Transcript

Once upon a time, in a little village, there was a young boy named Timmy. Timmy loved nothing more than going on adventures in the forest behind his house. But there was one thing that always scared him: the dark. Timmy was so afraid of the dark, that he would never go into the forest at night. But one night, as he was lying in bed, he heard a strange noise coming from the forest. It sounded like an animal in distress. Timmy knew he had to investigate, but he was too scared to go alone. Just as he was about to give up, he remembered something his mother had told him: "The dark is just a lack of light. And light can always be found." With this in mind, Timmy grabbed a flashlight and set out into the forest. As he walked deeper into the forest, the noise got louder and louder. And then, he saw it: a little rabbit caught in a trap. Timmy quickly freed the rabbit and it hopped away into the night, thanking Timmy with a little nod. Timmy realized that he wasn't scared anymore. And as he walked back home, the stars and the moon were his light, guiding him safely back to his bed. From that day on, Timmy never feared the dark again, and he went on many more adventures in the forest, day and night. The end.

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