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Story Transcript

Torch of Truth


In this issue: HBC KIDZ




A new college club has formed and students are now creating Christian media for kids.

PROJECT 2025 Our president, Dr. Ryan Ralston shares an exciting new update in a special edition of "from the President's Desk."

We welcomed 61 potential students to our campus for our annual HFAW experience.

Students take life changing mission trips to Panama and Honduras


02 From the President's Desk

08 Life on Campus

16 HBC Kidz

05 Heritage for a Weekend

09 Missions

18 from the Student's Point of View

GOD WILL MAKE ROOM FOR US from the President's Desk In Isaiah 54: 1-2, the prophet writes, "Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child: for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord. Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;" These verses from the pen of Isaiah have been speaking to me since January. Page 2 | Torch of Truth

I believe there is a profound truth revealed by this mighty prophet in this passage of scripture. He begins the chapter by commanding the people of God to sing! There should be a triumphant shout heard among the the redeemed of God. We should never allow circumstances, troubles, or emotions to rob us of the song given to us by God. Redeemed people are a singing people. This is shown in Exodus 15 when Israel escaped the hand of Pharoah. The

bitter slavery of Egypt was followed by a glorious deliverance at the Red Sea. The children of Israel went from sighing to singing as they found freedom from their oppressors. Beloved, we have a redemptive song to sing as well. Isaiah writes insightfully that we can sing even in barrenness. Hear his words

could have easily caused them to be discouraged, hopeless, or weary. Making a tent bigger during barrenness is the exact opposite action many people would take during that period. Many people decide to quit, compromise, or make the tent smaller when they experience barrenness. But God challenged His people to move in faith

Stepping out in faith may feel uncomfortable and seem irrational. But we need to bind together united by the purpose of God’s will to accomplish His plans for our respective churches and ministries. “Sing, O barren.” How can we sing when we are experiencing barrenness? The answer is found in the previous chapter when the prophet speaks of the coming Messiah who will be a “man of sorrows, acquainted with grief.” We have a song to sing because Someone gave us one to sing. We sing because of Him, the Lord of glory, our savior and redeemer. Blessings do not make us sing and burdens should not keep us quiet. Sing your song child of God! Furthermore, Isaiah challenges the people of God to “enlarge thy tent.” This is the verse that really challenged me. God is writing to His people during a time of barrenness but challenges them to take a step of faith by “enlarging thy tent.” Why is it a step of faith? Because they were experiencing barrenness which

according to His word and to not allow circumstances to control their faith. This step of faith is what caused Noah to build an ark, Abraham to willingly offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice, and Nehemiah to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. These were actions that required faith to move. The last few years have been challenging years for many ministries. But it is no time to let go of the ropes and pull up the stakes. It is no time to lose our vision and resiliency for God’s purpose in our churches. God help us to get a fresh burden to hear God’s voice as He declares, “Enlarge thy tent.” The ropes must be lengthened, and the stakes must be strengthened if the tent is going to be enlarged. In other words, we are going to have to stretch forth to work harder. Stepping out in HeritageBible.College | Page 3

faith may feel uncomfortable and seem irrational. But we need to bind together united by the purpose of God’s will to accomplish His plans for our respective churches and ministries. ENLARGING THE TENT HBC is attempting to continue to move forward in God’s plan. We are trying to “enlarge the tent” for the glory of God. We are in the conceptual design phase for an academic building that will house all administrative offices, larger college classrooms to accommodate a growing student body, and student common areas for places to study and connect. We have tagged this “Project 2025” because our desire is to raise the money, construct the building, and move into this new space by the fall of 2025. Additionally, we received official word from the Commission on Accreditation that we are scheduled for a vote on initial accreditation in February 2024. This is awesome news and the cumulation of years of work. We are also enrolling our first students in our business program that launches this fall!

Dr. Ryan Ralston | President

Page 4 | Torch of Truth


HeritageBible.College | Page 5

HFAW: Anything but your typical college campus tour. Choosing a college is a big decision — one that students won’t make without praying, talking to the people they trust, and doing their research about the campuses they are considering. At Heritage for a Weekend, potential students can spend 2 days experiencing life as an HBC student, exploring our campus, and getting their college questions answered. WHAT HAPPENED AT HFAW 2023?

This year, we revamped our HFAW Page 6 | Torch of Truth

experience to better reflect student life on campus. Wednesday night, attendees checked in with our registrar and student body presidents and made their way to the dorms where they would be spending the next three nights. Most nights included social activities like Volleyball and skits. During the day, young people attended classes such as Intro to Leadership, Composition II, Church and School Administration, and Systematic Theology. After classes were over, it was time for choir practice. Sis Rachel Padgett organized and directed

the HFAW Mass Choir. The choir was able to sing "Salt Pillar" and "The Presence of the Lord is Here"during our two night revival with Bro. Andrew Blevins Thursday and Friday at Savannah Holy Church of God. Bro. Blevins challenged the young people to "Follow Through." He reminded them that "the devil has never had an answer to a generation that fought with commitment." The altar call was full of students and attendees drawing closer to God! During service Friday night, as the choir sang, the Spirit of God moved so strongly across the sanctuary. People prayed and worshipped for hours! Of course, one of the goals of HFAW is to represent what life would be like for young people considering attending Heritage. But ultimately, our desire is to inspire and encourage attendees to seek God's will for their lives and to diligently follow Him. We know that it only takes one encounter with Jesus to completely change a life forever. That is our hope for everyone who attends HFAW. Heritage for a Weekend was an amazing experience! God moved in such a might way in every service. I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to attend this year. I met so many new, amazing, sweet, and loving people while being in Savannah. I hope to visit Heritage again soon! - Kaitlyn Burgess HeritageBible.College | Page 7

Life on Campus

From the cafeteria to the classroom, the volleyball court to the dorms, student life is an important part of the HBC experience.

Fall Games

Christmas Party

Every fall, the Student Government Association organizes an evening of fun and games. human foosball, glow in the dark volleyball, knockerball, a bonfire, and "Holly's Famous Hot Chocolate" were the highlights of Fall Games. The green team walked away with victory and won a trip to Culver's for ice cream.

Students, administrators, faculty, and staff celebrated the end of a great year together at our annual Christmas party.

Christmas Play The sophomore class wrote and performed an original Christmas play called "A Christmas Prayer." They were able to travel a weekend in December and share their play with churches in South Carolina and Georgia.

Winter Banquet Sis. Shelby Ralston planned a nice, formal evening for all the students catered by Olive Garden. HBC Alumni, Luke and Lauren Morgan were the special speakers that night. Page 8 | Torch of Truth



The Global Church: Passion and purpose united by the power of the Gospel written by Luke Morgan - Panama Chapherone and HBC Alumni

At Heritage Bible College, mission

throughout the New Testament, the early

trips are an irreplaceable part of the

church could be commended for their

ministry. The opportunity for our

unity, but also their diversity. It seems

students to both share the gospel

every time we read a passage from the

overseas and deepen relationships with

Apostle Paul, he is writing from one

the global church is a privilege we

location about his concerns in another

sincerely appreciate. We understand that

location. Even the disputes between the

the new perspective and greater

Jews and the Gentiles reveal the diverse

awareness gained on mission trips are

nature, yet the power of unity within the

crucial for young people preparing to

kingdom of God. The beauty of the

lead our future generations. As you read

Gospel is that it has the power to unite us

Page 10 | Torch of Truth

all in purpose and in passion. The church

understanding global missions, we trust

at Ephesus, the church at Colossi, the

that our students can see the great

church in America, the church in

privilege of sharing the gospel with all

Honduras, and the church in Panama are

nations. The great responsibility of

all interconnected by the blood of Jesus

sharing the Word of God with all cultures

Christ. We ought to live in the revelation

is a significant blessing that we often

of this truth that God’s church is greater

neglect to appreciate. Since God’s Word

than any one of us and we all need each

supersedes all cultures, we have a great

other in the body of Christ whether we

challenge of relating God’s truth to

realize it or not.

culture and not permitting culture to define what is true. Nevertheless, God’s

Our mission trips convicted the

Spirit and His Word are so powerful that

students that the church is much bigger

we can rest in assurance knowing that if

than their immediate spheres of

He is lifted up, He will draw all men unto

influence. John 3:16 is explicitly clear that


whosoever believeth in Christ should not perish, but have everlasting life. There is

Jesus told His disciples, “I am the way,

no culture, no race, no ethnic group, or

the truth, and the life, no man cometh

no folk religion adherent that Jesus

unto the Father but by me.” These

Christ can not save. Whosoever is vast in

mission trips affirmed in our students

its implication and we must live within

this reality - Christ is the only way. We

that reality. Therefore, when we are

are to accept His sacrifice for sins, and

afforded the opportunity to visit other

follow His teachings, and He will give us

countries, it is a stark reminder that

life everlasting and life eternal. Both the

ethnocentric attitudes are not consistent

trip to Honduras and the trip to Panama

with God’s will for missions and

were wonderful reminders that the

discipleship. Our mission trips have

global church is in the hand of God.

instructed us that, “The ground is level at

Mission trips are life changing

the foot of the cross.” Come whosever

experiences that not only shape

will and find rest for your weary soul.

worldviews but reassure confidence in both the love and promises of God and

As God’s Word is our foundation for

His Word. HeritageBible.College | Page 11

Tonya Hertzler (Panama) This was not my first time out of the country, but this mission's trip was different because it changed my life. Seeing the people with very poor living conditions worship in an outdoor pavilion for a church building, seeing the children’s happy smile when they are picked for a game, and seeing the Roberts’ passion for the mission work are all experiences that I will remember for the rest of my life. Not just the beautiful country, but also the work of God in Panamá is why I would love to go back one day.

Ethan Joiner (Honduras) This mission trip to Honduras completely changed my perspective! To be able to work with the Sumner’s really opened my eyes to the ministry in countries other than my own. I will definitely be making missions a part of my life from now on!

Abigail McNutt (Honduras) In Honduras, we were able to visit with the Sumner family and see many opportunities of practical ministry. We were able to feed children lunch, minister to soldiers at military bases, and worship with the people in church. Throughout the trip, God really showed me how He will making Himself real to everyone who wants to know Him. I was touched by the ministry trip and I am so thankful for the work God did in my life. Page 12 | Torch of Truth

One thing that I've learned about mission trips is that it is an opportunity to change your life. DALLAS HERTZLER



HBC Kidz:

Creating Christian Content By: Rev. Aaron Asselin - HBC Professor and Creative Media Club Organizer

“The episode is finished and ready to be uploaded if you want to give it a listen.” This phrase has become something that is said weekly. It announces the completion of another episode of HBC Kid’z that was written, voiced, and produced by students of Heritage Bible College. This pronouncement is one of hard work and effort reaching completion. Jesus employed parabolic teaching as a major avenue of communicating biblical truth and revelation. The Church now bears the responsibility of communicating those same truths to both the saved and lost. Oftentimes these truths are easier to receive and understand when they are presented in the form of a story, a contemporary approach to the teachings Christ employed in parables. Accordingly, Heritage Bible College has begun Page 16 | Torch of Truth

presenting biblical truth and spiritual lessons through the form of children’s podcasts. The HBC Kidz is the product of a partnership with the Holiness Preaching Online Podcast. A member of the Holiness Preaching Online Podcast reached out to Heritage Bible College asking if there would any students that were interested in producing children’s epsiodes to be aired on the podcast every Saturday morning at 10:00 am. Prayer was made and thought was given to see if this was something that would be feasible. The answer was yes. The commitment was made on the part of HBC to produce one full season of episodes to be aired on the podcast. This took place in November, 2022. After the first few episodes aired, a member of the faculty of HBC conceived the idea to form a club for students that would be led by a faculty member. The purpose of this club would be to create biblical, spiritual, educational, and entertaining media for all ages, especially young children and teenagers. HBC students from all stages expressed interest in participating with this new avenue of ministry: the interest turned into excitement and enjoyment after the

recording of the first episode. The excitement, enjoyment, and engagement only increases with each produced episode. Accordingly, the Creative Media Club was officially proposed to the Student Life Committee on February 1, 2023, as an official club of Heritage Bible College. The majority of the episodes are fully written, voiced, and produced by the students who are participating in the Creative Media Club. The faculty advisor/overseer occasionally helps with the writing and recording of the episodes. Thus, the students are able to expand their skills, explore their passions, and engage those younger than themselves with sound Christian content that combines biblical truth with an entertaining and educational presentation. Currently, every episode can be found on the Holiness Preaching Online Podcast, which is available on most major podcasting platforms. A new episode is released every Saturday at 10:00 am, Eastern Standard Time. It is the heartful desire and prayer of Heritage Bible College that these episodes both bless and help the young people who listen to them.

HeritageBible.College | Page 17

f r o m

t h e

s t u d e n t ' s

p o i n t

o f

v i e w


the proposed spot for the new building

Project 2025 is a fundraising campaign for the new Heritage Bible College Academic Building!

This academic building will house all administrative offices, larger college classrooms to accommodate a growing student body, and student common areas for places to study and connect. We have tagged this “Project 2025” because our desire is to raise the money, construct the building, and move into this new space by the fall of 2025.

If you would like to help us reach our goal by partnering with us financially, please visit our website

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