Unfolding our Love for Poems_EBook Flipbook PDF

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Story Transcript

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Throughout this journey, making this eBook personally was challenging and I am still in awe of seeing the fruit of the collaborative work that has finished and successfully ended. And of course, I would not be able to finish this without the people that had contributed their valuable time, knowledge, and encouragement to this eBook. And I would like to acknowledge my extraordinary debt of gratitude. Firstly, to my contributors, they have devoted their time and passion to this eBook and they are undoubtedly caliber writers, talented students, and lovely friends. And personally having to encounter such talent, opened my eyes to so many colors of emotions, characters, and liveliness in writing. Next, I would like to thank my Supervisor Miss Juritah Binti Misman for providing guidance and advice throughout the making of this eBook and overall this project. I would not be able to finish this eBook without her amazing mind, professional guidance, and her passion in teaching. More importantly, I would like to thank my family and friends for your support and encouragement towards this eBook. Not only have you encouraged me to be a better writer, but also to be a new version of myself, which I can say I am grateful and happy to even be alive today. Loving and cherishing every bit of happiness there is and soon to come. AKNOWLEDGEMENTS


Alone in this quiet, gentle space, I was reborn by the crust of another planet, Opening my eyes to a world of emptiness, Astonishing as some would say of my existence.. Seeing the others in the far distance, Seems like I could just grab them, And surround them all around, But it is impossible, as I am just a star. Despaired of not being able to love, Funny thinking it would be possible to do such a thing, It seems as if being alone was bound to my existence, But I can never be upset, as I am just a star. But I believe I was created to serve a purpose, Now am able to accept the way I am, Listening to all of your praises, Grateful I am to be admired, And still when I’m all alone, Here in my own space. Oh, how it shivers my core just by thinking about it, Dreaming of another life beyond. What inspires the writer to write this poem? What inspires the writer is based on a dream she had, she said she was awakened in a body of a star, and felt every strength running through her vines, every atom of light colliding in it's own presence. But, than she realized how lonely she was in this life, where she only felt numb, cold, and afraid to search and ask for other's company. THE POEM :


I'm surprised that I am able to see autumn In those soft brown eyes they're like warm sweaters and blanket funny how I didn’t even notice you stole my heart. since the first time we met I allow myself to jump free falling continuing to love you so hard with the fact that this love won’t ever be returned because it was never meant to be. but as long as the sparks stay dim I never need to worry about the ending I will keep loving you like a slow burning candle with no expectations loving endlessly and saving this feeling fermenting it to wine. What inspires the writer to write this poem? What inspires the writer to write this poem is that he realized that one sided love requires a great deal of patience and maturity to be able to love someone and not expect anything from them. In fact one could argue that unrequited love is greater than any other kind of love. The writer mentioned that Taylor swift songs he listened to are somewhat cheesy but they make you feel infinitely better afterwards. And he thinks that unrequited love is just as valid as any other kind. It is just as crushing and just as thrilling. No matter what happens in this situation, the writer wants you to remember that what you are doing is selfless and beautiful and kind. You are loving someone purely because you love them, not because you think you will ever have your affections reciprocated. You are admiring something for its beauty, without needing to own it. Feel good about being the kind of person who loves selflessly. I think someday you will find someone who loves you in that exact same way. love never dies. It just gets buried. THE POEM :


I was a Princess, Living behind the fortress, King's and Queen's beloved daughter, Always a bundle of joy, Everywhere I went, everyone smiled at me! Smiles that reaches the eyes, Full of sincerity, Overjoyed, confident I was, It's coronation day, "Walk straight and smile," said the Priest, I did, But no crow's feet can be seen, As it was all artificial, Glimpses of the past, of a parent's smile, At the age of 16, I took a deep breath, As I, am now the Monarch, I am the Queen. What inspires the writer to write this poem? The Monarch is basically about how a child's innocence is lost when they grow up, having to take on the responsibility as they grow. The reason the writer wrote this poem is because so many people had to grow up faster than usual and be the mature one for the family. Not being able to enjoy their youth. Especially to those who lost their parents at a young age. THE POEM :


I stood with titans around, They whom deserve respect, They whom already work in dawn, I stood with titans with goals unfound, A clear endeavor was given, Even with mountainous effort poured, Results resulted titans with madness-driven, Even Atlas did not scored, Flawless giants who were easily felled, Went through many arduous tasks together, Made moments which I can't even sell, Reminder that these "gods" are fragile as a feather, To call them perfect would be inaccurate, Yet their weaknesses is what makes them immaculate. What inspires the writer to write this poem? The writer says that probably people around him is the inspiration, since he thinks he is always surrounded with people with strong assets. Either they are smart, beautiful, talented, with many type of skill sets and even with a kind self conscious that always out to do the right thing. He thinks that in a way he guess those strengths, really just radiates the "titan" aspects of them. Though, while they do have their ups, they are also afraid of failure or can never accept failure to the point it would completely shatter their well being. And they are also transparent in a way even though they try their hardest to hide their real character or intentions. So that part sums up the adjective "glass" for the name. The tone the writer is going for is a jealous persona who envies those around them, and instead of feeling some sort of hatred. The persona feels like those who are "Glass Titans" deserve respect and praise because those people worked hard for it. And that is why this theme based around other people is probably because he enjoys watching other people. He thinks his life is more of a "Merlin" than a "King Arthur". THE POEM :


You were there; you were always there Unseen, unheard, unreachable I don’t even know you And I bet you don’t know me I could barely remember the times we spent together Slipping through my fingers as I get older Twenty years together yet still a stranger Strangely enough I still yearn for your attention The younger me wondered if this was normal? There were no hugs and no silly jokes No piggybacks nor the feeling of being loved Only the silent awkwardness of being around you You were there yet at the same time; you weren’t We share the same blood but we have no connection Was it my fault? Was it yours? Or were we both in the wrong? Tell me are you a stranger or my Father? What inspires the writer to write this poem? The writer says that this poem is a bittersweet realization and recollection of her childhood. The poem “Dear Stranger” is basically her innermost thoughts and feelings about her father. He was very quiet throughout her childhood and she does not have a lot of moments with him. He never abused her or anything but he did not seem like a father to her. Growing up, she used to envy her friends’ relationships with their fathers. They looked so natural and loving. On the other hand, she always feel awkward with my father. The poem is not made with the intention of resenting her father but rather to simply express her feelings. Now that she is an adult, they do not interact much but she does not feel as awkward as she did during her early teens. Even though she cannot feel the fatherly love that others have, she cannot help but wonder if her father also feels awkward with her and the rest of her siblings. Deep down, she hope that one day this invisible wall between them breaks down and they can interact and have casual conversations every now and then. No matter how she feel that he is a stranger, in the end, we share the same flesh and blood. THE POEM :


Teared once, twice Ready to heal I picked myself up, and almost With the purest intention, he came Wanting to help mend this shattered life I doubted but I let him in, eventually I let him linger, touch the deepest part of my soul Trusted him not to yank me away from this pure euphoria But he did Loving to distant, warm to cold I feel the lost and I mourn But he didn't He was a lifetime walk to me But I was just a new experience to him A stop before he continue his journey To his desired life Without me What inspires the writer to write this poem? ,What inspired her to write this poem is based on her own life. She wrote the poem My Worth because, up until "he" came along, she was having a hard time figuring out who would genuinely stick with her over the long haul. However, as it was stated near the end, she was unable to keep him, which caused her to doubt her own value. THE POEM :


Many sets of bright headlights Accompanied with evening tears The soothing melody of water tapping metal Causing my eyes to slowly taper A loud bang accompanied with metal crunches My narrowed eyes are now wide open Witnessing the world is spinning At a high rate of velocity The world has ended upside down I try to cry for help but no words are being projected The feeling of regret starting to overpower me Turning into red bloody tears I opened my eyes before I start to lose consciousness Two figures are by my side and a pair of doors banged beneath my feet I lay my head down in acquiescence Allowing destiny to ascertain my future What inspires the writer to write this poem? Regret was written based on his experience driving a car everyday. Sometimes the roads could be dangerous or even the weather could be dangerous. He will always have a thought of what will happen if he was destined to have an accident. He would imagine the scenarios in his head and repeat the scenarios 2 or 3 times for some reason. It's because a part of him wants to experience involving in a major car accident. He said "It sounds weird but it is the truth". That is why he wrote Regret. THE POEM :


A regular girl I was Or so I believed I realised what I was Was actually a misfit I grew up different than my peers Having only myself to lean No family, no friends No one to trust, no one to turn They came to me dazzling my eyes Shone bright like a ray of light Clearing the darkness inside In them I saw a gleam of hope It was a gruelling journey A journey I wish to never return So with strong conviction, I tried And thus, a misfit I no longer am What inspires the writer to write this poem? She was inspired to write this poem from a song, somewhat she felt the lyrics conveys a message greater than just understanding it. She feels songs as such, has a huge impact in other people's life. THE POEM :


"How can someone be so similar, but yet so different?" A thought I pondered when I'm thinking of her. Our philosophies can be aligned, it can be off-tangent. I believe that's what makes us great lovers. One thing I love about her are her giggles. Absolutely, contagiously fueled with dopamine. It is unfathomable to me, but it gives me the tingles. So addicting, I don't need a hit of nicotine. She brings balance into my life. She's like a catalyst, she brings out the better of me She makes me feel so alive. That's why I write about her, so I can remember her, vividly What inspires the writer to write this poem? The poem is inspired by a very special person in the writer's life, who makes him feel so loved and appreciated. "M.C" is a way for him to reflect and express how grateful he is to be able to have this amazing person alongside him through thick and thin. THE POEM :


As if in a trance, as if in a dream, Even in darkness you are the star that gleam; Lucky I was, to see you bask in your deserving glory, Blessed I was, to have grace your mesmerizing beauty; Day by day, the memories stay etched, The beauty that is you felt so far-fetched. My darling star, should you know that you are beautiful, Should you know that whatever comes my love is eternal; And my darling star, may you remember this always, That darling even as the seas swallow the earth whole, I will stay rooted and never fold. What inspires the writer to write this poem? This poem was inspired by someone who the writer admired. She wanted to portray her love and admiration towards them so that it is why she wrote the poem. THE POEM:

TThhaannkkYYoouu ffoorr RReeaaddiinngg ::))

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