Second Sunday of Lent February 21, 2016
Join us for our Parish Lenten Mission! St. Thomas the Apostle, March 1st & 2nd (Tuesday and Wednesday) St. John the Baptist,
March 3rd & 4th (Thursday and Friday)
7:00 PM to 8:15 PM each evening
San Juan Bautista
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
Two Parishes One Mission •
To reach out to everyone with the joyful gospel of God’s saving love.
To form one another as disciples who encounter Jesus Christ deeply through word, sacrament and service.
To live as a Spirit filled, multicultural community of mercy, justice and compassion within the Catholic Church.
Parish Staff Very Rev. John E. MacInnis, V.F. , Pastor Rev. Steven Clemence, Parochial Vicar Padre Paúl G.M. McManus, Parochial Vicar, Hispanic Ministry Deacon Leo Martin Deacon Chuck Hall Deacon Simon Valentin Deacon Brian O’Shaughnessy, Seminarian Intern St. John the Baptist Mary Goyette Karen Hinton Dawn Alves Tracy Palen Kathleen Wilkinson Cynthia Arsenault Holly Zagaria Stacey Vasquez Aida Vargas Lucy Cortez
St. Thomas the Apostle
Business Manager Director of Religious Ed 1-5 Coordinator of Youth Ministry Parish Secretary Parish Secretary Music Ministry Music Ministry Music Ministry (Spanish) Spanish Religious Ed Spanish Religious Ed
Dawn Alves Br. David Wiggin, CFX Regina Matthews Michael Beaulieu Renildo Paiva Lisa Ann Trainor Sheila Lynch Tracy Palen
Pastoral Associate Coordinator of Youth Ministry Parish Accountant Music Ministry Music Ministry Music Ministry (Brazilian) Coordinator of Religious Ed Administrative Assistant Administrative Assistant
Parish Office: 978-531-0002 Parish Fax: 978-531-5199 Website:
Parish Office: 978-531-0224 Parish Fax: 978-531-6517 Website:
Maureen Kelleher Principal, St. John’s School St. John’s School: 978-531-0444
Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:00am-12:00pm
Kalley Moore Brooksby Village Pastoral Assoc. Brooksby Catholic Ministry: 978-536-7947 Parish Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30am-3:30pm
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
A Special Invitation to Pray and Grow as a Family of Faith Have you made up your mind yet about what you’re going to do this Lent? Are you giving up the usual treats? Is that it? How about giving yourself and your family a treat for Lent? After all Lent isn’t just about emptying ourselves. God wants to fill us with his love and mercy! On the cover of last Sunday’s bulletin you saw an announcement of our annual parish mission. Those of you who participated in any or all of the last three missions came away enriched by the talks but hopefully also rewarded with a sense of how we can become better Catholics and stronger parishes when we pray and grow together in our faith. Our two parish councils recently came together over supper and an evening focused on personal evangelization. The presenters, Tom Lyman and Amber Eziani, helped us all to realize that evangelizing, or passing on the faith to others, must be done by building relationships on personal experiences of faith. Pope Benedict, one of the intellectual giants of our church, made it clear over and over again in his writings: Jesus Christ is not an idea, a concept to be memorized. Jesus Christ is a person whom we encounter. And we only come to encounter him with and though our encounters with others who personally witness to the difference he makes in their life. Today I want to ask you to write in big letters on your calendar on March 1, 2, 3 and 4 these two words: PARISH MISSION. What I really want, obviously, is for you to come and listen to Jaymie Stuart Wolfe. Jaymie is a wife, mother and very talented writer, editor of Pauline Books, and musician whose name who may have seen in the column she writes for the Pilot, our archdiocesan newspaper. I met Jaymie many years ago when she was a student at Harvard feeling a call to enter the Catholic Church. In a small way…probably just because I was the priest that was there at the time!…God used me to help her take a step that changed her life. We cradle Catholics, who probably never had to take such a leap of faith, can benefit from others like Jaymie whose journey of faith has been quite unlike ours. Jaymie is taking up the theme of the Holy Year that Pope Francis began last December 8. Our mission will begin every evening at 7:00 PM. On Tuesday, March 1 we will begin our mission at Saint Thomas’ church with the topic of “Called to Mercy.” Wednesdays in Lent are the days on which Cardinal Sean has asked every Catholic church in the archdiocese to open their doors for the sacrament of reconciliation. And so on Wednesday evening, March 2, our second mission evening will focus on God’s forgiveness, “the Heart of Mercy, and there will be time for the wonderful sacrament of reconciliation. On Thursday evening we will move to Saint John’s church with the topic of “Mercy at Work” as we look at the corporal works of mercy. Our mission will conclude with Jaymie’s final reflection on mercy in the context of Mass at Saint John’s. So come join us at both of our churches: at Saint Thomas’ on March 1 and 2, and then at Saint John’s on March 3 and 4. After our first and last evening you are invited to refreshments and another opportunity to meet and mingle with people who may already be friend or neighbors or co-workers, or just friends you haven’t met yet!
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
Una Invitación Especial para Rezar y Crecer como una Familia de Fe ¿Has tomado una decisión sobre lo que vas a hacer esta Cuaresma? ¿Renunciar a las golosinas habituales? ¿Eso es todo? ¿Qué tal darte a tí mismo y a tu familia un regalo para la Cuaresma? Después de todo Cuaresma no se trata sólo de vaciarnos. ¡Dios quiere que nos llenemos de su amor y misericordia! En la portada del boletín del domingo pasado usted vio un anuncio de la parroquia sobre nuestra misión anual. Aquellos de ustedes que participaron en alguna o todas de las tres últimas misiones salieron enriquecidos por las conversaciones, pero esperamos que también recompensados con un sentido de cómo podemos llegar a ser mejores católicos y parroquias más fuertes cuando oramos juntos y crecemos en nuestra fe. Nuestros dos consejos parroquiales se reunieron recientemente durante una cena y una noche centrada en la evangelización personal. Los presentadores, Tom Lyman y Amber Eziani, nos ayudaron a todos a darnos cuenta de que evangelizar, o la transmisión de fe a los demás, debe hacerse mediante la construcción de relaciones en las experiencias personales de fe. El Papa Benedicto, uno de los gigantes intelectuales de nuestra iglesia, dejó en claro una y otra vez en sus escritos: Jesucristo no es una idea, un concepto para ser memorizado. Jesucristo es una persona a la que encontramos. Y sólo venimos a encontrarnos con él y aun con nuestros encuentros con otros quienes personalmente atestiguan la diferencia que hace en sus vidas. Hoy quiero pedirle que escriba en letras grandes en su calendario de marzo el 1, 2, 3 y 4 estas dos palabras: MISION DE LA PARROQUIA. Lo que realmente quiero, obviamente, es que venga a escuchar a Jaymie Stuart Wolfe. Jaymie es esposa, madre y escritora de gran talento, editora de libros de Paulinos, y músico cuyo nombre puede haber visto en la columna que escribe para el Piloto, nuestro periódico arquidiocesano. Me encontré con Jaymie hace muchos años, cuando era estudiante en Harvard sintiendo una llamada a entrar en la Iglesia Católica. En alguna manera... ¡probablemente sólo porque yo era el sacerdote que estaba allí en el momento! ... Dios me utiliza para ayudarla a dar un paso que cambió su vida. Nosotros los católicos de nacimiento, que probablemente nunca ha tenido que dar un salto de fe, pueden beneficiarse de otros como Jaymie cuyo camino de fe ha sido muy diferente al nuestro. Jaymie está tomando el tema del Año Santo que el Papa Francisco inició el pasado 8 de diciembre. Nuestra misión comenzará cada noche a las 7:00 PM. El martes 1 de marzo comenzaremos nuestra misión en la iglesia de Santo Tomás con el tema "Llamado a la Misericordia." Los Miércoles de Cuaresma son los días en el que el Cardenal Sean ha pedido a cada iglesia Católica en la archidiócesis de abrir sus puertas para el sacramento de la reconciliación. Y así la noche del miércoles, 2 de marzo, nuestra segunda noche de misión se centrará en el perdón de Dios, "el corazón de la Misericordia, y habrá tiempo para el admirable sacramento de la reconciliación. El jueves por la tarde nos trasladaremos a la iglesia de San Juan Bautista con el tema de la "Misericordia en el Trabajo", como nos fijamos en las obras de misericordia corporales. Nuestra misión concluirá con la reflexión final de Jaymie de la misericordia en el contexto de la misa en San Juan Bautista. Así que ven y únete a nosotros en nuestras dos iglesias: en Santo Tomás, el 1 y 2 de marzo, y luego en San Juan Bautista el 3 y 4 de marzo. Después de nuestra primera y última noche se le invita a refrescos y a una nueva oportunidad para conocer y mezclarse con personas que ya puede que sean amigos o vecinos o compañeros de trabajo o ¡un amigo que no ha conocido todavía!
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
Um convite especial para orar e crescer como uma família de Fé Você já decidiu o que você vai fazer esta Quaresma? Você está desistindo de comer as guloseimas habituais? Só isso? Que tal dar a si mesmo e sua família um deleite para a Quaresma? Afinal Quaresma não é apenas sobre o esvaziamento de nós mesmos. Deus quer nos encher com seu amor e misericórdia! Na capa do boletim do domingo passado você viu um anúncio da missão anual de nossa paróquia. Aqueles de vocês que participaram de uma ou todas as três últimas missões foram enriquecidos pelas palestras, mas espero que também foram recompensados com um sentido de como podemos nos tornar melhores católicos e paróquias mais fortes quando oramos e crescemos juntos em nossa fé. Nossas duas juntas de freguesia recentemente se reuniram durante o jantar e uma noite voltada para evangelização pessoal. Os apresentadores, Tom Lyman e Amber Eziani, ajudou a todos nós a perceber que evangelizar, ou transmitir a fé aos outros, deve ser feito através da construção de relacionamentos em experiências pessoais de fé. Papa Benedict, um dos gigantes intelectuais da nossa igreja, deixou claro repetidas vezes em suas obras escritas: Jesus Cristo não é uma idéia, um conceito a ser memorizado. Jesus Cristo é uma pessoa a quem encontramos. E nós só vêm para encontrá-lo com os nossos encontros com outros que, pessoalmente, testemunham a diferença que ele faz em sua vida. Hoje eu quero pedir-lhe para escrever em letras grandes no seu calendário em 1, 2, 3 e 4 de Março, estas duas palavras: missão paroquial. O que eu realmente quero, obviamente, é para você vir e ouvir Jaymie Stuart Wolfe. Jaymie é uma esposa, mãe e escritora muito talentosa, editor de Pauline Books, e música, cujo nome que pode ter visto na coluna, ela escreve para o piloto, o nosso jornal arquidiocesano. Eu conheci Jaymie muitos anos atrás, quando ela era um estudante em Harvard sentindo uma chamada para entrar na Igreja Católica. De uma maneira pequenha ... provavelmente só porque eu era o sacerdote que estava lá no momento! ... Deus me usou para ajudá-la a dar um passo que mudou sua vida. Aqueles de nós que eram católicos desde a infância, que provavelmente nunca tinham que tomar tal salto de fé, podem se beneficiar de outros como Jaymie cuja jornada de fé tem sido bastante diferente da nossa. Jaymie está ocupando o tema do Ano Santo que o Papa Francis começou no dia 8 do Dezembro passado. Nossa missão começará todas as noites às 19:00. Na terça-feira dia 1 de Março vamos começar a nossa missão na Igreja de St. Thomas, com o tema "Chamados a Misericórdia." Quartas-feiras da Quaresma são os dias em que o cardeal Sean solicitou que cada igreja Católica na Arquidiocese abra suas portas para o sacramento da reconciliação. E assim na quarta-feira, dia 2 de Março, a nossa segunda missão aquela noite incidirá sobre o perdão de Deus, "o coração da Misericórdia”, e haverá tempo para o admirável sacramento da reconciliação. Na quinta-feira à noite, vamos passar para a igreja de Saint John, com o tema "Misericórdia em ação" quando olhamos para as obras de misericórdia corporais. Nossa missão terminará com reflexão final de Jaymie da misericórdia no contexto da missa em Saint John. Então venha se juntar a nós em ambas as nossas igrejas: em Saint Thomas nos dias 1 e 2 de março, e depois em St. John nos dias 3 e 4 de Março. Após a nossa primeira e última noite você é convidado para bebidas e outra oportunidade de conhecer e conviver com pessoas que já podem ser amigos ou vizinhos ou colegas de trabalho, ou apenas amigos que ainda não conhecem!
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
St. John the Baptist THIS WEEK AT SAINT JOHN’S
FEBRUARY 23, 2016 Virgillio Ferreira
FEBRUARY 24, 2016 Souls in Purgatory
FEBRUARY 25, 2016 Personal Intention
For details please call 978-531-0002 or visit our website at Sun.
Feb 21
10:00am 2nd Grade Mass 11:00am Coffee Hour 12:30pm Spanish Coffee Hour
Feb 22
5:00pm Rosary & Adoration 6:00pm Wolf Den Mtg 7:00pm Boy Scout Troop
Feb 23
6:00pm Novena to the Holy Face of Jesus 6:30pm Pack 119 Bear Den Mtg 7:00pm Youth Group 7:00pm Bout Scout Troop Medal Mtg
Feb 24
6:00pm Boy Scout Troop 119
~Memorial Gifts for the Eucharist~ This weekend the gifts of the Bread and Wine are donated in memory of Christine Snow from her loving family. If you wish to offer a memorial gift of Bread and Wine or Sacramental Candles, please call the parish secretary at 978-531-0002. .~
Thurs. Feb 25
Rest in Peace ~
Please remember in your prayers the repose of the soul of Vito Bruno whose funeral Mass was celebrated in our parish. May he and all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen.
Feb 26
Feb 27
6:30pm G.O.D. Group 12:00pm Community Soup Lunch 7:00pm Spanish Mass 7:30pm Spanish Women’s Group 7:30am Men’s Faith Sharing Grp 5:15pm Reg. Mtg for Priests & Deacons
6:00pm Spanish Prayer Group Sun.
Feb 28
8:45am Religious Ed Gr 1-5 9:00am Food Pantry 11:00am Coffee Hour 12:30pm Spanish Coffee Hour
Every Sunday evening during Lent at Saint John’s, you are invited to join us for sung Evening Prayer. Sr. Kathy and Sr. Christine lead us in a prayerful time of reflection with psalms and canticles. Join us at 7:00 PM every Sunday of Lent.
February 7, 2016 Utilities
$8,043.00 $4,476.00
February 8, 2015 Utilities
$4,728.00 $6,105.00
Grand Annual to date: Please join us for coffee in the Lower Church Hall on Sundays. (After the 10 AM Mass ONLY)
Almost $73,000 from 272 families.
We are slowly reaching our budgeted goal of $80,000. Please help us to reach this important goal. The gifts stay in the Parish and help pay bills, repairs, heat etc. Thank you.
We would like to thank Central Bakery in Peabody for donating all the pastries for our coffee hour every week. Please be sure to visit their bakery at 48 Walnut Street in Peabody.
God loves a cheerful giver.” 6
(2 Corinthians 9:7)
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish
Saturday 4:00PM Sunday 10:00AM Sunday 10:00AM
Feb 20 Joshua Ian MacGregor + Joseph & Lena DiPalma +
Second Sunday of Lent
Feb 21 Mary LeBlanc + Nicholas P. Furnari + Feb 28 Richard Comeau +
Feb Feb Feb
22 23 24
Feb Feb
25 26
8:30AM Mass-Chapel 6:15PM Girl Scout Troop 361–School 6:30PM Girl Scout Troop 233–School 7:00PM Bible Study—S.L.C. 6:30PM Living Faith—SLC 8:30AM Mass-Chapel WEEKLY GIVING
Liturgy Memorials
This weekend, February 21, 2015
The Altar wine & hosts have been donated for the month of February for the honor and glory of God in memory of Fr. Louis Bourgeois by Norma Johnson, the Sanctuary Lamp in memory of Richard L. Comeau from Mary Comeau & family.
The First collection will be for the parish. The Second Collection is for the Church in Africa, Central & Eastern Europe
St. Thomas Thrift Shop Good NEWS! Congratulations to the dedicated workers of St. Thomas Thrift shop; their efforts have brought in over $100,000.00 to the faith community since it began! Thank you also to the many donors who offer their gently used treasures to benefit our faith community! Well done, this is a beautiful way of showing how everyone wins when we work together!
February 7th Offertory Fr. Dan Spiritual Life Center
$3,652.00 $ 836.00
February 14th Offertory Snow Removal
$2,469.00 $ 751.00
Next weekend the First collection is for the parish. The Second Collection is for Fuel & Utilities Thank you for your generous sacrifice.
Lets keep up the great work by supporting this effort by volunteering or continuing on with your donations.
St. Thomas Children’s Closet
We always need Jewelry, pots, pans, kitchen wares, small appliances, toys, old tools, rugs, men’s toiletries, just about anything you don’t need. As usual you can drop things off on Saturdays between 9am to 1pm or call Bob & Sylvia at 978-977-9672 to arrange a time. Please remember we cannot accept T.V.’s, microwaves, etc.
We are looking for boys and girls winter clothing sizes 2 –16. The Closet is open Saturday’s from 1PM-4PM. Call the parish office with any questions 978-531-0224.
Please save the following dates: Saturday, March 12th, St. Patrick’s Day at the K of C in Salem and yes the Singing Trooper will be the Entertainment.
Please remember the deceased of our Parish and those who were buried from St. Thomas Parish during the past weeks. May their souls and the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen
Saturday, April 9th, Murder Mystery Night at St. Thomas School Hall Saturday, May 14th is the Yard Sale. 7
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
Parroquia de San Juan Bautista: BIENVENIDOS A NUESTRA COMUNIDAD HISPANA Y que todos: nos comprometamos, cada día, a ser más FAMILIA en JESÚS, Vivo y Resucitado. Para solicitar los Servicios Pastorales, en la Comunidad, por favor hablar, Con Padre Paúl G. M. McManus: de Viernes a Sábado, en Peabody Tel: 978-826-7522 o por correo electronico a
[email protected]
Consejería en español Judy Keith, una psicóloga que habla español, está aquí los martes por la tarde como voluntaria para hablar con cualquier persona o pareja que quiere consejería en español.
Este Cuaresma, del de Febrero al 20 de Marzo, se invita a todos los Cristianos de nuestra comunidad a tomar parte del esfuerzo provida Nacional más grande en la historia: 40 DIAS POR LA VIDA. Además de los 40 días de ayuno y oración por el fin del aborto en America, por favor considera participar en la vigilia de oraciónafuera de North Shore Women’s Health Center, 480 Lynnfield St, Lynn, MA (al lado de Union Hospital) por una o mas horas durante los 40 días y corre la voz a otras personas sobre este importante esfuerzo por salvar vidas. Para más información, o para ayudar como voluntario(a), por favor visita a la página en internet: o contacta al Padre Paúl McManus:
[email protected] o la coordinadora Cori Connor-Morse:
[email protected]. ¡Todos son bienvenidos!
Puede hablar de la depresión, la ansiedad, la muerte de alguien querido, la comunicación en pareja o de cualquier tema con el cual quiera ayuda. Para sacar una cita, por favor llámeme en 978-826-7541 y déjeme un mensaje y le devolveré la llamada lo más pronto que sea posible. Ministerio de Mujeres "Bajo la Luz de Dios". Grupo de apoyo para las mujeres de nuestra Parroquia. Mujer este grupo es para ti, tu no estas sola. ven y pon todas tu inquietudes, preocupaciones y necesidades bajo la luz de Dios. Todos los Viernes comenzando a las 7pm con la Misa y luego nos movemos al sotano de la rectoria. Para informacion ver a Margarita Merced, 857243-3150 Bautismos Tercer sabado del mes a las 4:00 p.m. Conferencia para padres y padrinos: Segundo sábado del mes en el Centro parroquial a las 12 p.m. Se puede conseguir el formulario en la oficina de la parroquia o después de la Misa vea a Diácono Simón Valentin.
La Santa Misa Los domingos a las 11:30 a.m. Los viernes a las 7 p.m. Confesiones Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m. Jueves – Sábado por cita en la casa parroquial Llame al Padre Paúl 978-826-7541
Grupo de Oración Los sábado a las 7 p.m. Matrimonios Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl a los menos seis meses antes de la fecha escogida.
Adoración de Santísimo Sacramento Los viernes de las 6 hasta las 7 p.m.
Quinceañeras – Visitas Pastorales – Otros Servicios Por favor, hable con el Padre Paúl, o Diácono Simón Valentín
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
Religious Education News, Grades 1-5.
Youth Ministry, EDGE and Confirmation Updates!
Friday Lenten Soup Suppers for Families Please join us on the Fridays in Lent as we gather to reflect on the three practices in Lent: Pray, Fasting and Almsgiving.
NEXT EDGE Gathering; Sunday, February, 21st, A Faithful Queen Esther, Sackcloth and Ashes.
When: Friday, Friday, March 4th and Friday, March 11. 6-8pm
NEXT Confirmation YM Gr. 9 Gathering: Sunday February 29th, Relationships with God through the Word, and one another.
What: We will start the night with a craft, watch a movie while we eat, go to the upper church to pray and finish with homemade desserts.
Service Opportunities: Are you looking to boost your son/daughters faith formation experience and knowledge of parish life? Service to ones parish is a perfect way to do just that; Upcoming Service Opportunities: • Every Saturday at the Children's Closet at St. Thomas, 1-3PM sorting, folding, and tagging children's clothing, lead contact, Mrs. Lauren Rennicks • Thursday, February 25th help serve with the Youth Ministry Program at the Haven for Hunger, 4:30-6:30, lead contact, Fr. Steven or Stephanie Dallier • Friday, March 4th, Haven for Hunger, 4:306:30PM with the St. Thomas Haven for Hunger Committee, lead contact, Linda Cavallier Set up of worship spaces for Easter Services, St. John's or St. Thomas, lead contact, Maryellen Hamel Contact either St. Thomas Office, (978-531-0224) or e -mail
[email protected] to be connected to these wonderful servants of the Lord!
Where: the lower church hall Our themes for each night will be Fasting (Stations of the Cross), Almsgiving (The Rosary) and Prayer (The Divine Mercy Chaplet) A letter was sent to all school families and religious education families from Fr John. Please see your letter for details. If you have any questions call or email Karen
[email protected] or (978)5321586 OR Tina
[email protected] Steubenville East: This summer, July 15-17 a Youth Conference will be offered by Franciscan University of Steubenville Youth Ministries. This conference/invitation for your son/ daughter comes as a recommendation from Fr. John, and many adult leaders from our parishes who want the best opportunities for our youth. Usually this conference is hours away, but now is just minutes as it will be held at the Tsongas Center at UMass Lowell. This Conference for Teens is dynamic, alive and full of hope just like your son/daughter. At this event your son/daughter will have an opportunity to not only renew their faith but they will also learn what it takes to be achieve and become someone great, the best version of who they were created to be! Teens will come to experience a relationship with Christ that can radically transform everything in their life. The goal at this Youth Conference is for your teen to open his/her heart to Jesus Christ who we know desires their life to be fulfilling, exciting and joyful.
Youth Group St. John's and St. Thomas have a youth group. The group meets from 7 PM to 9 PM on Tuesdays in the lower church at St. John's. Teens currently in high school or college are invited to share their faith and discover a community of peers through dinner, prayer, and social and spiritual activities. For parents seeking more information, or those willing to be added to a list of adult resources for the group, please email
[email protected].
If you would like to reserve a ticket, please e-mail or contact Dawn Alves ASAP by calling (978)531-0224 or send an e-mail to
[email protected]. To learn more about this youth event go to www.Steubenville
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
Opening Doors of Mercy for our Homeless Neighbors. “Whatever you did for the least of my brothers, you did for me.” (Mt. 25:40 )
From February 10 to March 20, you’re invited to join other Christians for 40 Days for Life – 40 days of prayer and fasting for an end to abortion. You’re also invited to stand and peacefully pray during a 40-day vigil in the public right-of-way outside North Shore Women’s Center, 480 Lynnfield St., Lynn (at Union Hospital) and also to help spread the word about this important community outreach. If you’d like more information – and especially if you’d like to volunteer to help, please contact: Cori Connor-Morse at
[email protected] or (781) 334-0029, Father Paul McManus at
[email protected], or visit the website Your help is needed in saving precious lives!!
Our Friday soup lunches for the homeless are going very well! We are now looking for volunteers (two per week) to prepare a pot of soup for any Friday during the months of February and March. The soup can be dropped off to the lower church hall anytime on Thursday or on Friday morning. Please contact Pat Adam at (978) 335-2080 if you are able to help with this need. Thank you!
2nd Sunday of Lent St. Thomas the Apostle Parish
The St. Vincent de Paul Society of our Archdiocese will award tuition assistance to certain families. Parents of a financial needy family who have children who attend a parochial school in grades 1 through 8, who are residents of our Parish, and in good standing, may apply by completing an application to the Archdiocese Parochial Trust Fund. Parents may obtain an application form and more information by calling Michael Tierney at 978-7450164. Please leave your name, request, and phone number and we will contact you. Applications are only available from the St. Vincent de Paul Society of our Parish for our Parish children.
Sports have a built in attraction. No matter how many times you play a game, each time you play it is different. Previous play does not dictate how well you will play today. Each game is unique, offering its own challenges, victories and defeats. In a team sport, or by yourself, it’s all about how well you play that game. Lent presents its own unique challenges. No matter how often you’ve been through this before, there is always something you can do differently, or something you can improve upon. There is no one perfect way to achieve holiness or grow in faith. We can only do our best and trust that God will do the rest. Don’t lose hope. If you catch yourself failing, start again. If you are struggling, ask for help. If you need encouragement, talk to others. Turn to those you love and work together to overcome the obstacles and difficulties that hold you back. Lent is not just a solo activity. We make the journey together. Success is not about finishing the 40 days, but how well you worked each day. Use Lent to defeat evil and see the victory of Easter Day.
Deadline is March 1, 2016. The Light is On For You On the Wednesdays of Lent from 6:30-8:00 pm, Saint John the Baptist and Saint Thomas the Apostle Parishes and all the parishes and chapels of the Archdiocese of Boston will be open for individual confession.
~James Gaffney, © 2009 Karides Lic. to St. George Publishing
[email protected]
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
WANTED: Library Coordinator! Our Parish Center lending library is in need of a new library coordinator! Pat Adam and her son Chris established this library in the summer of 2006, and, with early on help from Lorraine and John Adams, most of the books and videos are stocked and categorized well on the shelves. We thank all parishioners who have donated inspirational and spiritual treasures for borrowing by others in the parish and school communities. Pat had maintained the library for a good number of years and decided to step down from this role in December of 2014. We thank her for the time and effort she has consistently given to our library as many people have found our resources to be valuable assets to their prayer life. After Pat left, an interim library coordinator indexed and catalogued all of the books in the library intended to be loaned to our parishioners, including many recent donations. And additional bookshelves were added in the conference/meeting room in the Parish Center to accommodate the new donations. Now all of the book collection of the Saint John's Lending Library are shelved according to appropriate designations (Prayer and Devotion, Inspiration and Spiritual, Theology, Bible, and Children's Books) and in alphabetical order according to the Titles of the Book. A number of indexes are also available at the library as well as on line on our web site ( Because of other commitments, the current interim library coordinator is unable to continue in that role. The coordinator duties and responsibilities are minimal, as for the most part the library runs itself. As donations are received, the coordinator would categorize each book or video for the appropriate shelf space. It's that simple! In addition, the coordinator would visit the library on a regular basis (at your convenience) to return resources to the shelves once borrowed. This is a wonderful opportunity for a volunteer who does not have great amounts of time to be involved with complex parish activities, but has limited time in which to help. If you are interested in finding out more about the parish library coordinator position, please contact the current interim coordinator by email at
[email protected] or call the Parish Center at (978) 531-0002. Thank you for your consideration.
Missing Book and DVD/CD/VHS Titles We ask that all of those parishioners and/or staff who have taken advantage of our library lending program in the past to please visit our web site at to determine whether they have forgotten to make a return of a book or other media (CD’s, DVD’s , VHS tapes). Our library cards currently indicate that some 138 books or other media which were borrowed have not been returned, and those missing titles have not been included in our inventory. If you have one or more of these missing titles, please return that media to our Parish Center library in place them in the green box marked “RETURNS”. Once they have been returned, we will be able to add the titles to our inventory. Once again, thank you for your consideration. 11
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
Going to Confession is Simple! 1. When you enter the confessional room:
A. To speak to the priest face to face, enter and be seated facing the priest. B. To speak anonymously, enter and kneel behind the screen. C. At Saint Thomas there is also a chair behind the screen. 2. Let’s begin:
Priest: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Penitent: “Amen” Priest: Listen to the words of Jesus who calls us to a change of heart: “The kingdom of God is at hand. Repent and believe in the Good News!” Penitent: “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. These are my sins.” Priest: After hearing your sins he will give a penance-a prayer or action to be done as a sign of repentance. And then he asks to hear an Act of Contrition: Penitent: “My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend with your help to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In His name, my God, have mercy.” 3. Absolution
Priest: “ God, the Father of Mercies, through the death and resurrection of His Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. “ Penitent: “His Mercy endures forever!” Priest: “The Lord has freed you from your sins. Go in Peace!
Second Sunday of Lent
February 21, 2016
2016 Catholic Appeal
Scripture for the week of February 21, 2016 Next weekend, the Catholic Appeal will be announced in all parishes throughout the Archdiocese. Please be sure to take home next week’s bulletin, which includes an insert with some helpful information about how the Catholic Appeal directly benefits our parish.
21 SUN Gn 15:5-12, 17-18/Phil 3:17-4:1 or 3:204:1/Lk 9:28b-36 22 Mon 1 Pt 5:1-4/Mt 16:13-19 23 Tue Is 1:10, 16-20/Mt 23:1-12 24 Wed Jer 18:18-20/Mt 20:17-28 25 Thu Jer 17:5-10/Lk 16:19-31 26 Fri Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a, 17b-28a/Mt 21:3343,45-46 27 Sat Mi 7:14-15, 18-20/Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 28 SUN Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15/1 Cor 10:1-6,10-12/Lk 13:1-9
"Save the dates for our Lenten Mission"
God Commands us in Luke 9:13, "You feed them." How? how could they possibly feed 5000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish? Today in my morning prayer I read how it is possible, God's grace in us is sufficient and His power is made perfect in our weakness!" Join us for the Lenten Mission offered by our parishes March 1-4th with our guest speaker, Mrs. Jaymie Stuart Wolfe. She will speak on behalf of God's mercy so that we can know His presence and power within! She is a Lay catholic convert and evangelist sharing her faith in Jesus Christ through both word and song. She will draw from the riches of Scripture and Tradition to echo God's call to holiness. Don't miss the event! Come, 7PM each evening starting at St. Thomas Monday and Tuesday, ending at St. John's Thursday and Friday!!
Weekend Masses February Saturday 4PM
Weekday Masses
St. John the Baptist (Confessions at 3:15PM)
Monday, Friday * 8:30AM St. Thomas the Apostle
St. Thomas the Apostle (Confessions at 3:15PM) Sunday 8AM
St. John the Baptist
St. John the Baptist
St. Thomas the Apostle
(Spanish) St. John the Baptist
St. John the Baptist
(Brazilian) St. Thomas the Apostle
Tues, Wed, Thurs, First Fri, First Sat. 6:45AM St. John the Baptist Other Fri & Sat ** 6:45AM St. John the Baptist * Moved in case of Funerals ** Moved in case of Funerals
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