SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2016 OUR BLESSED MOTHER’S FEAST DAYS IMMACULATE CONCEPTION AND OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Within a few short days in Advent, our Catholic Church blesses us with two wonderful feast days honoring Mary, the Mother of Jesus. We honor Mary by preparing our hearts to celebrate her giving birth to Jesus, her Divine Son, at Christmas. The Church celebrates the Solemn Feast of the Immaculate Conception, a Holy Day of Obligation, on Thursday, December 8. Under her title as The Immaculate Conception, Mary is the Patroness of the United States of America. We ask Mary to bless our country and help us keep our country faithful to its high ideals for the good of all our people, especially the poor and the hurting. We will celebrate Holy Day Masses at 7:00 PM on Wednesday, and on Thursday, December 8 at 6:45 and 8:00 AM, 12:00 Noon and 7:00 PM. This Feast Day also marks the 51st Anniversary of the conclusion of the Second Vatican Council on December 8, 1965. Monday, December 12, the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe recalls our Blessed Mother’s first appearance in the Western Hemisphere, in today’s Mexico City, on December 9, 1531 to a layman, Juan Diego, a Native American man. The beautiful image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was painted from heaven on Juan Diego’s cloak and presented to the local Bishop who then realized that Mary had indeed visited this good person. Beginning in Mexico, devotion to Mary as Our Lady of Guadalupe has increased ever since, and today, as proclaimed by Saint John Paul II in 1999, the whole Church honors Our Lady of Guadalupe as the Patroness of North and South America. We cordially invite everyone in our parish, as well as your friends, to come here next Sunday evening December 11, to our regularly scheduled 7:00 PM Sunday Mass to honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Bishop Arthur J. Serratelli our Bishop of Paterson, will be the main Celebrant of the Mass. We are enriching our celebration with several events before and after the Mass itself. Beginning in church at 5:30 PM, we will pray a Multi-language, multi-cultural Rosary. At 6:00 PM, we will serenade Our Lady of Guadalupe with music. Then at 6:35 PM, there will be a procession of couples into church bringing chandeliers as a symbol of prayer for families. At 6:40 PM – We will witness a children’s procession reminding us that Our Lady of Guadalupe is the Patroness of Life. At 6:45 PM – we will all wave white handkerchiefs as a visible sign of our Prayer for Peace. (Remember – Please wear at least one article of white clothing to Mass. Thank you.) Just before Mass we will have a procession bringing the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe into church. Right at 7:00 PM Bishop Serratelli will celebrate the bi-lingual Mass (Spanish & English) with us. Afterwards at 8:15 PM we will go to the gym for delightful ethnic food and Mariachis music. If you can help us with any of these special activities, please call the Rectory. We will hold a Novena in Honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe from Friday, December 2nd through Saturday, December 10th after the 8:00 AM daily Mass and at 7:30 PM in our Daily Chapel on the days where there is no scheduled evening Mass. The Novena is a special opportunity to place our intentions into the hands of Jesus through the intercession of Mary our Mother. Both of these great Marian Feasts remind us that as Mary joyfully carried her child in her body, she was also beginning to become our Mother, too. Her love for us, her children, is very much like her unique love for Jesus, her first born Son. She loves all of her children. All during Advent, please pray often to Mary and Joseph in the midst of all your planning, shopping, visiting and celebrating. Ask Mary and Joseph to help prepare every one of us to celebrate Christmas as the birthday of Mary’s Son and our brother, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. God Bless, Father Herb Earlier on Sunday afternoon, December 11th is our Parish Christmas Concert at 3:30 PM. Please join us!
WORDS OF TITHING FROM THE PEWS: From the Pastor: Tithing is a concrete, very real expression of the great theological virtues rolled into one: an act of FAITH, a sign of HOPE, a response to LOVE. Words on tithing from the Pews: It is funny how income is relative – compared to many, I am rich. Compared to others, I am poor. My gift counts because I give it thoughtfully from my heart. Sunday Collections This October (4Weekends): $66,964.00 Sunday Collections Last October (4Weekends): $64,916.95 Faith Direct Parishioners: 102 Thank you for your Tithing sacrifices! MASS ATTENDANCE Mass attendance for November 26/27: 1678
With the Advent Season upon us, enrolling in Faith Direct today is a great way to ensure your gifts to Saint Peter the Apostle are received even while you are traveling for the holidays. Already using Faith Direct? Don’t forget to add your Christmas or End-of-Year contributions to your account this season. Visit and use our church code: NJ745 or call 1-866-507-8757. Thank you. 102 families are enrolled with eGiving. Our 2016 target is 125. We’re getting closer. Can you help us? Thank you for continuing to support our parish family! God Bless You, Father Herb and our Parish Finance Committee 1
SCRIPTURE READINGS DECEMBER 5-11 MONDAY Isaiah 4: 2-6 Gospel: Matthew 8: 5-11 TUESDAY Isaiah 11: 1-10 Gospel: Luke 10: 21-24 WEDNESDAY Romans 10: 9-18 Gospel: Matthew 4: 18-22 THURSDAY Isaiah 26: 1-6 Gospel: Matthew 7: 21, 24-27 FRIDAY Isaiah 29: 17-24 Gospel: Matthew 9: 27-31 SATURDAY Isaiah 30: 19-21, 23-26 Gospel: Matthew 9: 35; 10: 5a, 6-8 SUNDAY Isaiah 11: 1-10 Romans 15: 4-9 Gospel: Matthew 3: 1-12 SANCTUARY LAMPS & FLOWERS You may have the Sanctuary Candles in the Church, Chapel or Adoration Chapel burn in memory of a loved one ($10.00 donation), roses at the Tabernacle ($10.00 donation), or flowers at the altar ($50.00 Donation). Please call or stop into the rectory office.
December 4-10, 2016 Sanctuary Lamp in the Church is for Eugene Seugling Sanctuary Lamp in Mary’s Daily Chapel is for Rev. William Santeliz Sanctuary Lamps in the Adoration Chapel are for Gregory Loff, Charles Hathaway, Richard Locilento & In Thanksgiving Tabernacle Roses in the Church: Betty Birilli SAINT PETER’S GOLDEN AGE-DECEMBER 5-11AM Saint Peter’s Golden Age will meet at the Community Center on Monday, December 5, 2016 at 11:00 AM – All are welcome! YOU’VE ASKED FOR IT - YOU’VE GOT IT!!! Many of you have asked if you could register for special events on our website and pay for them with a debit or credit card on-line. We now are able to offer the opportunity for you to do this. Please visit our website, on a regular basis for information about our parish and our many programs and ministries. Some forms to look for are: CYO Registration, CCD Registration, Brick Pavers, One Time Donations and Special Events such as Beefsteaks, Dinners, etc. We cannot offer on-line sales for games of chance such as our jumbo raffle or car raffle because of state gambling regulations. WE NEED ADORERS - HOW ABOUT YOU? PLEASE COME TO BE WITH JESUS “Our communal worship at Mass must go together with our personal worship of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration.” “Let Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament speak to your heart.” St. Joh Paul II, also said that spending quiet time each day before the Blessed Sacrament was the secret to his day. Please come into the quiet of the chapel and let Jesus speak to your heart! We need Adorers for Sundays 12 Noon and 5:00 PM. If you can help fill one of these hours, please call Kim at 973-4021289.
Please visit
MASS INTENTIONS FOR-DECEMBER 5-11 MONDAY, December 5 6:45AM – People of the Parish 8:00AM – Rev. William Santeliz, Gerry Bennis, Special Intention for Judy Lang TUESDAY, December 6-St. Nicholas, Bishop 6:45AM – Gene Seugling 8:00AM – Robert V. Bisson, Ildefonsa Navea, Concordia Fernandez WEDNESDAY, December 7-St. Ambrose, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 6:45AM – Special Intention of the Priests of our Parish 8:00AM –Rev. William Santeliz 7:00PM – Wilberto Otero THURSDAY, December 8-Feast of the Immaculate Conception 6:45AM – Special Intention for the Deacons of our Parish 8:00AM – Special Intention for Msgr. Herbert K. Tillyer, and for Deacon Corwin Weber 12:00PM – Martin J. Freiman, , Rocco Morro, People of the Parish 7:00PM – Rev. William Santeliz FRIDAY, December 9-St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin 6:45AM – Deceased Priests of our Parish 8:00AM –Rev. William Santeliz SATURDAY, December 10 8:00AM – Nick Brady 5:30PM – Adele Tylenda (28th Anniv.), Richard Monahan, Connolly and O’Brien Families, Barbara Dianuzzo 7:00PM – Leopoldo Alvarez Garcia SUNDAY, December 11–3rd Sunday of Advent 7:30 AM - Edwin F. Cornell, Jr. (18th Anniv.), Fr. William Santeliz, James Brannigan 9:00 AM – Helen Clayton, Ronald Ledwith, Special Intention for Francisco Pinili 10:30 AM –Thomas Carew, Giuseppe N. D’Addario 12:00 PM – Howard Ferguson, Angela Yannuzzi, Annie Castro (4th Anniv.) 7:00 PM – Isabell & Lawrence Mulkearns, Linda Sole, Special Intention for Judy Lang. OUR ANNUAL PARISH CHRISTMAS CONCERT NEXT SUNDAY, DEC. 11 – 3:30 PM Come celebrate the beauty of the Holy Season with our choirs and instrumental ensemble. Saint Peter’s Christmas Concert – December 11th at 3:30 PM in our Church. MARTHA MINISTRY FRIDAY, DEC. 9 – TEAM 4 Lucille Cicitta, Dorothy Sanzone, Jane Johnson, Christina Smith TRADITIONAL CHRISTMAS GIVING TREES If you took a tag from our Giving Trees, they must be returned this weekend, December 3rd/4th. Only the pink and blue angels do not need to be wrapped. Please secure the tag to your gift and place it on the tables in the hallway off the Narthex. Every tag is designated for a specific individual. Thank you. WE NEED ASSISTANCE WITH CLEANING THE PURIFICATORS We need help the months of June and July to clean the purificators. If you can help, call Mary Ann at 973-335-6963. OUTREACH CORNER A woman needs a ride to church. If you can help, please call the Rectory at 973-334-2090. A woman would like to receive Holy Communion. If you are a commissioned Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and are able to visit her, please call Sr. Sylvia at the Rectory – 973-334-2090. Thank you.
THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH DECEMBER 4-10 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4TH Giving Tree – Narthex 9:00AM – Children’s Gospel Program – Church Hall 12:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 4:00PM – Diocesan Christmas Concert - Church 5:30PM – Bingo – Parish Center 7:30PM – Guadalupe Novena - Chapel MONDAY, DECEMBER 5TH 10:30AM – Troy Hills Nursing Home Service – Deacon Bob 10:30AM – Parish Staff Meeting – Rectory 11:00AM – Golden Age Club – Community Center 6:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 7:00PM – CCD Advent Reconciliation Service – Church/Hall 7:00PM – RCIA - Rectory 7:30PM – Guadalupe Novena - Chapel TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6TH 10:00AM – Peanuts Play Group – Church Hall 4:00PM – Children’s Choir – Church/Church Hall 6:00PM – CYO Basketball 7:15PM – Tuesday CCD – School 7:30PM – Guadalupe Novena – Chapel 7:30PM – Bell Choir - Church 9:00PM – CYO Coach Basketball – Parish Center WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7TH 9:00AM – Guadalupe Mass - Church 6:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 7:00PM – Immaculate Conception Vigil Mass - Church 7:00PM – Boy Scout Troop 72 – Cafeteria 7:30PM – Guadalupe Novena – Chapel 8:00PM – Bell Choir – Church THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8TH –Feast of the Immaculate Conception – Masses: 6:45AM, 8:00AM, 12:00PM & 7:00PM 6:30PM – Food Pantry Client Shopping – School 7:30PM – Guadalupe Novena - Chapel 7:30PM – Adult Choir – Church/Church Hall 7:30PM – Jr. High Fun Night – Youth Room/Parish Center 9:00PM – Men’s Basketball – Parish Center FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9TH 12:00PM – Cenaculum Christi Meeting/Lunch-St. Paul Inside the Walls 6:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 7:30PM – Guadalupe Novena - Chapel 7:30PM – Caregivers Support Group - Rectory SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10TH 8:30AM – Polish School – School 9:00AM – Associates of SSC – Church Hall 1:00PM – CYO Basketball – Parish Center 4:00PM – Confessions – Church 5:30PM – Food Pantry Collection – Narthex 5:30PM – Blessing of Expectant Parents – Church 7:30PM – Guadalupe Celebration Novena - Chapel 7:30PM – AA – Church Hall DECEMBER RETIRED FUND FOR RELIGIOUS COLLECTION
Today’s bulletin has a lovely brochure on this very special collection for retired religious Sisters, Priests and Brothers. Please read it. Thank you. You may put your collection envelope gift in the regular offertory collection along with your usual Sunday offering any weekend this month. Collection envelopes are also in the Narthex. Kindly make your check payable to our parish (write RFR on the memo line). E-givers can do all this on your account. God bless our Retired Religious and your generosity!
For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven… …a time to born Kensey Elise Thompson …a time to die …a time to heal Fr. Leo Carey, Fr. Ron Sordillo, Noah Lorencovitz, …a time to love “…and a time of peace.” Ecclesiastes 3:11 WE SEEK A GOOD USED DINING ROOM SET Are you moving or downsizing and no longer need your dining room set with a long table? So, where can you donate it? Well, we have just the place for you – our Convent. The set we have there is very worn and needs replacement. We have Caregivers, Bereavement Ministry and other meetings in the Convent dining room. Please consider donating your dining room set if the time is right for you. We will gladly pick it up for you. Please call Sara at the Rectory – 973-3342090 – if you have a set to donate. Thank you very much. AN INSIGHT TO THE SCRIPTURE READINGS: SECOND & THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT During the Second and Third Sundays of Advent the gospel of Saint Matthew introduces the person and role of John the Baptist in God’s salvation plan and the coming of God’s Incarnate Word and Son, Jesus Christ. John the Baptist is the “voice” of the Advent Season. He is described as the “strong and confident voice” proclaiming the coming of the Lord. It was John the Baptist that the Prophet Isaiah had spoken: “A voice of one crying out in the desert, Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.” John points to Jesus as the one who is coming and who will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. Yet as we read through the Gospel, John is sometimes struggling with the truth he is preaching. He sends his followers (disciples of John) to ask Jesus: “Are you the one who is to come, or are we to look for another?” One author offers this reflection: “Some kind of doubt (struggle) about Jesus has arisen in John’s mind. Perhaps John was expecting a different kind of Messiah. Maybe he was hoping for someone more aggressive, someone who would make a bigger splash. Now he wonders whether Jesus is the one or whether he should wait for someone else. Jesus does not become defensive at John’s questioning…nor does He attack the Baptist for his honesty and search for the truth…Jesus calls John to change his expectations…to see the good things God is doing.” Like John the Baptist we too struggle, doubt and often times are confused. Jesus accepts us as He accepted the Baptist. Jesus will always show us and give us all we need to “see the good things God is doing” for us, today. John never gave up…John persevered in his faith and mission. This is our call and invitation, too! COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS – DECEMBER 8th-7:30PM The Compassionate Friends, a self-help group for bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents will be meeting on Thursday, December 8, 2016 at St. Christopher’s Church, 1050 Littleton Road (Rt. 202), Parsippany at 7:30 PM in Room 101. Program: 20th Annual Candle Lighting (Please bring a picture of your child). For more information, please call Lily Capriglione at 973-568-4164. FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION – DECEMBER 10/11
Next weekend is our monthly Food Pantry Collection. We need paper products, laundry detergent, cereal (no Cheerios), jarred pasta sauce, snacks, pancake mix & syrup, coffee (no tea), juice/drinks & personal hygiene products. Thank you for your generosity.
ALL SAINTS ACADEMY CORNER ASA – An Extension of Our Parish Community Like our parish, All Saints Academy is a diverse community that celebrates the benchmarks of faith and practice traditionally found in the legacy of Catholic education. As a school in the Diocese of Paterson, All Saints Academy’s AdvancEd Accreditation and STEM Certification provide a standards-based educational framework, setting a path for continuous improvement in instruction, 21st century learning and student performance. The very important presence of faith education truly makes All Saints Academy an extension of the mission of our Catholic parish. All parish families are welcome in our school. Pope Benedict XVI said, “No child should be denied his or her right to an education in faith, which in turn nurtures the soul of a nation.” This is the time to consider All Saints Academy for your child’s faith-based education – an experience that will foster a lifetime. Contact our principal, Mrs. Judith Berg, at 973-334-4704, for more information regarding admission and scholarship opportunities at All Saints Academy. Please contact our school office at 973-334-4704 for more information. Find us on Facebook – All Saints Academy, Parsippany, is seeking a part time, interim, Music Teacher for grades K - 8 for the 2016/2017 school year. The ideal candidate will be able to teach vocal and instrumental music and play piano. Music classes are held two full days per week, Tuesdays and Fridays. The position is available as of January 1st. Candidates must have appropriate credentials. Applicants must apply through the Catholic Schools Office using the procedure and application found in the link below. Applicants should also send a letter of interest and resume to Judith Berg, Principal at
[email protected]. For further information, please call the school at 973.334.4704 SAVING A LIFE-OUR ANGEL DAMIAN MOSQUERA Damian Mosquera was born on August 15, 2016 with a serious congenital heart defect and is in need of extensive heart surgery to repair this defect. Because of the exorbitant cost of this surgery, his family is seeking the support of our community. We ask for your prayers. Any donation you can give will be greatly appreciated. Let’s give Damian the opportunity to live a normal life. Thank you for your help and support. God Bless you. Do donate, go to or call Andres Mosquera 973-896-0777. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY CHRISTMAS SOCIAL-DEC. 18 Saint Peter’s Rosary Altar Society is having their Christmas Social at the Gourmet Café on December 18th from 1-4 PM. The cost is $35/person. Please make check payable to Rosary Altar Society and put in the Sunday collection basket or drop off at the Rectory during regular business hours. The deadline for reservations is December 11. Call Liz Dennis at 973-335-4091 with any questions.
SAINT PAUL’S ABBEY CHRISTMAS TREE SALE St. Paul’s Abbey on route 206, 1 mile south of Newton, has 1000’s of Christmas trees ready for you to choose ‘n’ cut, 7 days a week until December 23. They are open from 9 AM – 4 PM. They also have a gift shop with many items that make ideal Christmas gifts including books, statues, jewelry and more. WESOTYCH SWIAT - OPLATEK Blessed wafers (Oplatek) for Christmas are available in the Rectory. A free will offering would be appreciated. THANK YOU TO OUR BLOOD DONORS On Saturday, November 26th we held our Annual Blood Drive. We surpassed the goal of the American Red Cross by donating a total of 33 pints of blood. Thank you to all of our donors – you saved a life!
ALTAR SERVERS – DECEMBER 10/11, 2016 5:30PM – Sevilla, Lim, Marinelli 7:30AM – Jutchenko 9:00AM – Anzalone, Anzalone, Regalado 10:30AM – Ellicott, Ellicott 12:00PM – Solomon, Brecher, Brecher 7:00PM – Gonzales, Keimel BINGO – December 4, 2016 – TEAM B BARBARA RYAN – CAPTAIN POWERBALL #1: $500 – POWERBALL #2: $179 MAY 2017 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF MARY’S FATIMA APPARITIONS JOURNEY TO FATIMA MAY 21-31, 2017 WITH MSGR. HERB SEE LISBON, FATIMA, PORTUGAL & SUNNY SPAIN
We make a pilgrimage to Fatima with Msgr. Herb to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the May 1917 apparitions by Our Lady of Fatima. Flying to Lisbon we go from there to Fatima for 2 days with Mass and candlelight processions with our petitions and in thanksgiving. Then we go into Spain to Seville and the sunny Costa Del Sol (and optional to the Rock of Gibraltar), Granada, Avila and Madrid where we fly home. Call or stop at the Rectory for your colorful 4 page daily travel brochure – 973-334-2090 Call the travel agency, Nuova Tours at 973-882-0021 or Toll Free – 1-844-686-8688. THIS YEAR CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR’S DAY ARE BOTH ON SUNDAY-PLEASE READ THIS ARTICLE – THANK YOU
Every few years, Christmas Day and New Year’s Day both fall on Sunday. The normal Sunday collections for December 25 and January 1 will still take place. Those of us who receive parish envelopes will have 4 envelopes one marked Sunday, December 25, and a Christmas envelope. As well as one marked Sunday January 1 and a New Year’s Day envelope. We are asking for your special help.
We ask you to please make your usual Sunday weekend offering for December 25 and your special generous offering for Christmas Day. The following weekend we ask you to please make your usual Sunday weekend offering for January 1 and also help us with your Holy Day collection for New Year’s Day. Parishioners using Faith Direct now will have both Sunday collections accounted for, but we ask you to please be sure that you have designated offering amounts for both Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Our regular Sunday collection income usually is between $16,000 and $18,000 each week and we have to rely on all 52 such weekend collections to meet the parish budget needs. A loss of one or both Sunday collection offerings is very difficult for our parish to make up. Thank you so much for your patience by reading and responding to this necessary and important announcement. And, as always, thank you for your continued generosity to our parish. 4
Hablando español en San Pedro Apóstol – 6 de diciembre de 2016 – Segundo Domingo de Adviento ***** Horario de las Misas:
Confesiones: sábado: 4:00 pm a 5:00 pm
lunes a viernes: 6:45 am y 8:00 am sábado: 5:30 pm y 7:00 pm en español domingo: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 12 m y 7:00 pm
Intenciones de las Misas: Por favor, notificar a la oficina parroquial (973-334-2090) o al sacerdote (Padre Yojaneider) con una semana de anticipación. El donativo para las intenciones es de $10.00.
Mensaje del párroco: Los días festivos de Nuestra Santísima Madre Inmaculada Concepción y Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Dentro de poco en el Adviento, nuestra Iglesia Católica nos bendice con dos grandes fiestas honrando a María, la Madre de Jesús. Honramos a María preparando nuestros corazones, para celebrar con ella el alumbramiento de Jesús, su Divino Hijo, en la Navidad. La Iglesia celebra la Fiesta Solemne de la Inmaculada Concepción, día de precepto, el jueves, 8 de diciembre. Bajo su título de Inmaculada Concepción, María es la patrona de los Estados Unidos de América. Le pedimos a María que proteja nuestro país y que nos ayude a mantenerlo fiel a sus grandes ideales, por el bienestar de toda su gente especialmente los pobres y lastimados. Celebraremos Misas a las 7:00 pm el miércoles, y el 8 de diciembre a las 6:45 am y 8:00 am, 12 mediodía y a las 7:00 pm. Este día festivo también marca el aniversario 51o de la conclusión del Concilio Vaticano Segundo, el 8 de diciembre de 1965. El lunes, 12 de diciembre, la fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe recuerda la primera aparición de la Santisíma Madre en el hemisferio occidental, el 9 de diciembre de 1531 al laico, Juan Diego, un indio nativo. La preciosa imagen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe fue pintada desde el cielo, en la humilde capa de Juan Diego y presentada al Obispo, quien luego se dio cuenta que María había visitado a este hombre. Comenzando en México, la devoción a María como Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe ha crecido desde entonces, y hoy, según proclamado por San Juan Pablo II en 1999, toda la Iglesia honra a María con el título de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe como la Patrona de Norte y Sur América. Cordialmente los invitamos, al igual que a sus amistades, a que vengan el próximo domingo, 11 de diciembre a nuestra Misa dominical de 7:00 pm para honrar a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. Nuestro Obispo de Paterson, Obispo Arthur J. Serratelli, será el celebrante principal de la Misa. Estamos enriqueciendo la celebración con varios eventos antes y después de la Misa. Comenzaremos en la iglesia a las 5:30 pm, con el rezo del Santo Rosario en múltiples idiomas. A las 6:00 pm, le ofreceremos una serenata a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe con música. Luego a las 6:35 pm, habrá una procesión de matrimonios a la iglesia, llevando lámparas en símbolo de oración por las familias. A las 6:40 pm - presenciaremos una procesión de niños recordándonos que Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe es la Patrona de la Vida. A las 6:45 pm – todos tendremos pañuelos blancos como signo visible de nuestra Oración por la paz. (Recuerde – Por favor lleve puesto por lo menos un artículo blanco en su vestimenta. Gracias.) Antes de comenzar la Misa, la imagen de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe se traerá a la iglesia en una procesión. Justo a las 7:00 pm el Obispo Serratelli oficiará la Misa bilingüe (español e inglés) para todos. Después a las 8:15 pm iremos al gimnasio para deleitar comida étnica y música de Mariachis. Si nos puede ayudar con cualquiera de estas actividades, por favor llame a la Rectoría. Tendremos una novena en honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe desde el viernes, 2 de diciembre hasta el sábado, 10 diciembre después de la Misa de 8:00 am y a las 7:30 pm en la Capilla, los días que no hay Misa programada por la noche. La novena es una oportunidad especial para colocar nuestras intenciones en las manos de Jesús a través de la intersección de María nuestra Madre. Ambas grandes fiestas Marianas nos recuerdan que mientras alegremente María cargaba a su hijo, también se estaba convirtiendo en nuestra Madre. Su amor por nosotros, sus hijos, es bien parecido al amor por Jesús, su primogénito. Ella ama a todos sus hijos. Durante todo el Adviento, por favor ore frecuentemente a María y a José, en el medio de tus preparativos, compras, visitas y celebraciones. Pídale a María y a José que nos ayuden a prepararnos para celebrar la Navidad, como el cumpleaños del Hijo de María y nuestro hermano, Jesucristo, nuestro Señor y Salvador. Dios los bendiga,
Padre Herb Nuestro Concierto de Navidad parroquial será el domingo, 11 de diciembre a las 3:30 pm. ¡Por favor vengan!
Saint Peter the Apostle Annual Christmas Concert Sunday, December 11th at 3:30 PM
The Choirs of Saint Peter the Apostle The Victoria String Quartet Vincent Carr, Organist Dr. Peter Gillis, Director A free will offering will be taken.